If 14 m IVlcCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA t BRIEF TELEGRAMS i President Barrows of Oherlin college is seriously ill Formal dedication of the Carnegie library occurred at Lincoln The Rock Island railroad is making arrangements to enter Kansas City The president has signed the Indian appropriation bill and the omnibus claims bill Up to the present time there has heen twenty five cases of cholera among Americans in Manila Frank Bacon has been reappointed receiver and George E French as register of the land office at North Platte All mills in Augusta Ga havo start ed up and with the exception of the King mill every one has a full com plement of hands The navy department has agreed to transport to the homeless people of St Vincent a large quantity of build ing lumber which the Canadian gov ernment has donated Isabel Irving is no longer with Rich ard Mansfield It is said that Mans field criticized her acting MiBs Irving immediately canceled her contract and left for her home in New Jersey Engineer James Couch and Fireman J E James were killed and Conductor Grant Robson was severely injured in a freight wreck on the West Pennsyl vania railroad near Porters Curve It is said on good authority that Charles F Price has mailed from Louisville his resignation as general manager of the New California Jockey club to President Williams at San Francisco L T Ohketo a Japanese and Miss Carolyn Walber a comely white girl were united in marriage it Evanston Wyoming by Justice OFlynn The couple claim Ogden as their place of residence Generals Corbin Young and Wood have been formally invited by Em peror William to attend as his per sonal guests the German military maneuvers next fall The three gen erals will accept A bill has been introduced by Sen ator Lodge providing for the removal of the battleship Maine from the har bor of Havana and the recovery of the bodies of the American sailors who sank wtti the vessel Senator Quay introduced a bill pro viding for the promotion of Major Gen eral Brooke the senior major general of the army to the rank of lieutenant general and for the generals retire ment with that rank The Kentucky board of health de clared a quarantine ugainst the state of Indiana on account of smallpox in the southern part of the latter state The quarantine is to go into effect on Sunday June 1 at noon At the inquest held at Opal Wyom ing over the remains of Austin Park er who was shot and killed in the Austin saloon last Thursday by Nick Garcia it was decided that Garcia act ed in self defense and was exonerated Herbert H Matteson the defaulting cashier of the First National bank of Great Falls Montana who pleaded guilty in the federal court was sen tenced to ten years in the penitentiary by Judge Knowles Mattesons short age was 196000 He lost the money in speculation Of the 45600 appropriated by the Iowa legislature for the state institu tions the school for the feeble minded at Glenwood will receive 69575 the state hospital t Clarinda 51500 and the school for deaf at Council Bluffs 3100 exclusive of the appropriation to make good the loss suffered by the recent fire The steamer Camana laden with wheat sunk in the Columbia river Commander Booth Tucker of the Salvation Army announces that the commander in chief General William Booth will visit this country in Octo ber next Over 300 head of cattle were drown ed in the flood at Butte Montana Emigration statistics for 1901 show that 14000 Norwegians left Norway for the United States last 3ear and it is estimated that during 1902 30003 Norwegians will leave for America The Presbyterian general assembly will be held next year at Los Angeles President Roosevelt has informed a number of senators that he would sign the Indian appropriation bill Some of the objections bp has had to ft have been met by special legislation The president nominated Robert S McCormick of Illinois to be ambas sador to Austria Hungary The largest cargo of wheat that has ever left the Pacific coast for South Africa will be shipped from Portland early in June on the big ship Speke At Dover Del the American Pack ers association with an authorized capital of 6000000 was incorporated General Nelson A Miles and staff are expected to arrive at Fort Riley early next week to witness the test of the new guns EAGE FOR BOERS THE TERMS OF SURRENDER FI NALLY AGREED UPON SIGHED BY BOTH CONTESTANTS Curtain Finally Rung Down on Pro longed Drama of War in Trans vaal London is Unrestrained in Its Delight LONDON June 2 New York World Cablegram London burst into wild rejoicing when the signing of the terms of peace became public They were rejoicings of relief not of triumph but soon the Mafeking spirit began to assert itself and within half an hour after the announcement union jacks fluttered from street cars and house windows and noisy gangs of young men and women paraded the streets blowing penny trumpets yell ing patriotic songs and otherwise liberating their long pentup feelings But for a sudden deluge of rain which acted as a damper the orgy of Ma feking night would certainly have been repeated Even as it was when the rain cleared the streets again be came thronged with roudy demon strators and the infection of their enthusiasm spread to the clubs and restaurants where the conclusion of peace was generally toasted and man ifestations alike unrgnified and ab surd were freely indulged in When darkness fell the illuminations re maining since the celebration of the kings birthday were lit rockets were sent up and the crowds cheered them selves hoarse along the sidewalks un til a late hour Much speculation is caused as to why the announcement was made on Sunday instead of being reserved for the house of commons today and the explanation is suggested that the min istry is desirous that the rejoicings should go off at half cock because when the full terms became known they would show that there is little to crow over while the situation in Cape Colony over the agitation for the repeal of the constitution is fraught with the gravest peril The terms are expected to be announced in parlia ment today probably in the form of a message from the king who desires credit for forcing the settlement It is understood that the Boers will be permitted to keep their rifles and a limited quantity of ammunition on swearing allegiance They will be promised atonomy within a brief j period their farms are to be rebuilt and re stocked and prisoners will be j repatriated within a stated time on condition that they take the oath of allegiance It is also stated that the British government will make a grant to the Boers who prefer to start again in another country including the Brit- j ish colonies The king has issued the following message to the nation The king has received the welcome news of a cessation of hostilities in South Africa with infinite satisfaction and trusts that peace may be speed ily followed by a restoration of pros perity in his new dominions and that feelings necessarily engendered by the war will give place to the earnest co operation of all his majestys South African subjects in promoting the welfare of their common country Holidays Proclaimed PRETORIA June 2 A proclama tion which was issued in connection with the signing of the peace terms last night declared that notwithstand ing the proclamations of Mr Kruger that interest on the bonds of the Transvaal republic would be suspend ed so long as the war lasted such in terest shall begin to accrue June 1 June 26 and 27 the days of King Ed wards coronation have been pro claimed public holidays here Joy at British Embassy WASHINGTON June 2 The offi cials of the British embassy here share the jubilant feeling existing in London over the termination of the war in South Africa They view with much satisfaction the close of the long struggle Official notice of the signing of the terms of surrrender came to Mr Raikes the British charge here In a cablegram from the foreign office but it was very brief China Will Honor Goodnow FEKIN June 2 The government proposes to bestow a decoration on John Goodnow the United States con sul general at Shanghai in recogni tion of his services in maintaining peace in the provinces of China in 1900 Announced from Pulpit HALIFAX N S June 2 The news of prace in South Africa reached Hal ifax last evening and quickly spread throughout the city Great enthusi asm was nanifested The pastors of all the churches announced the news from their pulpits and at the close of the evening service prayers of thanks giving were offered the national an them was sung fire and church bells were rung and much joy was mani fest TERMS OF THE BRITISH Said to Have Been Voted Unanimous ly by Boer Representatives LONDON June 2 The Daily Mails Pretoria correspondent under date of June 1 says The acceptance of the British terms was voted unanimously by the Boer representatives The Brit- ish government absolutely rejected the proposal by the Boers that the terms of peace should be submitted for rati fication to Kruger and the Boer rep resentatives in Holland hence no no tice whatever has been or will be taken of the Boers in Holland The terms will show that the Biitish gov ernment has carried its contentions on j every minor point while minor con- cessions particularly in regard to 1 generous financial treatment will greatly appeal to the Boers in gen eral The Morning Express Brussels cor respondent under date of June 1 says Kruger was notified at 9 oclock that peace had been concluded He ex claimed My God it is impossible Nothing has yet been allowed to transpire which could be taken as re liable indication of the exact terms of the peace settlement Only one Lon don paper pretends to have any definit information on the subject this being the Express which says the terms are- 1 Surrender of arms 2 Breakers of laws of warfare to throw themselves on the kings clem ency 3 Banishment to be inoperative 4 Burghers to get back their farms 5 Some Boer leaders to be employ ed in new administration 6 British government to meet war debt 7 Boers to have adequate repre sentation and a share of local govern ment TAKES LOOK INTO CRATER Prof Arigelo Heilprin Spends Two Hours on Top of Mount Pelee FORT DE FRANCE June 2--The National Geographical society has scored a great triumph Prof Angelo Heilprin ascended to the top of the crater of Mont Pelee yesterday in company with two guides and Mr Leadbetter While on the summit sev eral violent explosions occurred but notwithstanding the thousand dangers surrounding him Prof Heilprin spent a long time taking careful ob servations Looking down the crater he found a huge cinder cone The crater opening is a vast crevasse 500 feet long and 150 feet wide While engaged in this task the lives of the members of the expedition were continually in danger and one particularly violent explosion covered Prof Heilprin from head to foot with the viscid matter He persisted how ever and found as had been suspect ed that there was three separate vents for the volcanic matter Meanwhile Mont Pelee seeming to resent the in trusion of man belched out huge vol umes of steam ashes and boiling hot mud THIS WEEK IN THE HOUSE Anti Anarchy and Pacific Cable Bills Will Be Discussed WASHINGTON June 2 During the week the house will probably act on the important bills which the rules committee decided some time ago to bring before that body at the earliest opportunity These are the anti anarchy bill the Pacific cable bill and the senate irrigation bill No time limit is to be set on the anti anarchy bill consideration of which will be entered upon tomorrow but it is not believed it will occupy more than two days A day is to be given to the bill for the government cable to the Philip pines and three days to the irrigation bill In case the general deficiency bill the last of the appropriation bills is ready by the last of the week the program above outlined may be interrupted as appropriation bills and conferences are to have the right of way Railroad Asks Bonus SARATOGA Wyo June 2 The Wyoming Central Railroad company which proposes to build a line from Walcott on the Union Pacific to Grand Encampment via Saratoga has asked the city for a bonus of 125 000 If this amount is not forthcom ing the company threatens to pass the town three miles to the east A committee has been appointed to in terview the people and ascertain what shall be done British Lose Their Money LONDON June 2 The interna tional polo match was won by the American team by two goals to one j Vote on the Philippine Bill I WASHINGTON June 2 Under the t i terms of the unanimous agreement reached last Wednesday the senate will vote at 4 oclock tomorrow on the bill providing a form of govern ment for the Philippine islands and the entire time of the senates ses sion will be devoted to fifteen minute speeches on the bill The senate will meet at 11 oclock today and tomor row for the purpose of giving addi tional time for the debate STATE PURE FOOD LAW State Commissioner Bassctt Wants it Amended LINCOLN Neb June 2 State Food Commissioner S C Bassett will make an effort to secure an amend ment to the present food law when the next legislature convenes The law gives the food commissioner control only over dairy products and vinegar The farmers are said to be well satisfied with the regulation of the sale of dairy products Hereto fore the grocers have opposed a gen eral food law but now scores of them express a desire to have such a law passed for their own protection Re tail grocers as well as wholesale gro cers have been heard from The ar gument is used that surrounding states have a pure food law but Ne braska being without such regula tions the state becomes the dumping ground for adulterated articles Much complaint is heard on account of short weight and measure One brand of baking powder which In Minnesota is sold as a substitute or impure is sold in Nebraska as genuine As a result of an inspection by the food commissioner of vinegars sold in the counties of Gage Pawnee Otoe Richardson and Nemaha a con siderable quantity of vinegar has been condemned and either destroyed or reshipped to the parties from whom it was purchased The con demned vinegar was all from Iowa Missouri and Kansas concerns BREAKS JAIL AT VALENTINE Prisoner Just Sentenced to the Pen itentiary Gets Away VALENTINE Neb June 2 The jury returned a verdict finding Har mon Cchwaberow guilty of grand lar ceny In the afternoon a sentence of five years in the penitentiary was im posed by Judge Harrington During an evening session of court the sher iff came rushing into court with the announcement that the convited man had broken jail Couriers are now scouring the country in every direc tion It is feared that Schwaberow has crossed the line and is upon the Sioux reservation in Dakota or is ing concealed in some nearby canyon He is said to be a desperate char- acter aged forty one years six feet tall weight two hundred pounds very dark complexion In 1898 he was sen tenced to a five years term in the Nebraska penitentiary for cattle steal ing but was pardoned out about two years later and has since been a mail carrier The sheriff is in hot pursuit and offers 500 reward for his capture READY FOR THEIR DEGREES Commencement Program for State University Given Out LINCOLN June 2 A reduction in railroad passenger rates from all points in Nebraska will be a new in cidental feature of the forthcoming annual commencement of the Univer sity of Nebraska It was announced at the administration office of the uni vertisy that all railroads had agreed to a rate of one fare and a third for round trip tickets to and from Lin coln The tickets will be on sale from June 5 to 11 inclusive and will expire on June 16 It is expected that upward of 210 degrees will be con ferred on commencement day Of this number approximately 130 will be given to graduates of the academic colleges and about sixty five to grad uates of the law department Be tween fifteen and twenty masters de grees will be conferred Assaulted His Divorced Wife LINCOLN Neb June 2 William F Knight formerly of Tecumseh but now a resident of Lincoln murder ously assaulted his divorced wife With a heavy pocketknight he cut two vicious slashes in her left cheek and was aiming a third blow at her heart when his arm was stayed by Night Captain Ireland of the police force who chanced to be passing on his way home Jealousy is given as the cause of the trouble Knight was arrested and placed in a solitary cell Mrs Knight will recover and it is said she is not inclined to prosecute Small Smashup on the Elkhorn FREMONT Neb June 2 In a mi nor rear end smashup at xVrlington a way car on the Elkhorn road was broken to pieces and the running gear on two stock cars rendered useless Creamery Station to Reopen STERLING Neb June 2 The Be atrice Creamery company has circu lated hand bills announcing that they will reopen the skimming station at this point today Declare the Checks Bogus NEBRASKA CITY Neb June 2 A man giving his name as Harry Carroll came to the city and succeed ed in passing a number of checks declared to be bogus One he pass--ed on Mrs G W Anderson for 7 one on Bader Bros for SoO and an other on A S Paradise for 875 His plan was to go into the stores or places of business and after making a purchase tender the check in pay ment AS TO CROP CONDITIONS Weather Generally Favorable for Growth of Vegetation LINCOLN Neb May 31 The cli mate and crop service bulletin says The past week has been warm and showery The daily mean tempera ture has averaged 6 degrees above normal in eastern counties and 2 de grees in western The rainfall has been above nor mal in the southern counties and gen erally below in northern The rain fall exceeded an inch in most of the counties south of the Platte river and was generally less than half an inch north of the Platte The past week has heen very favor able for the growth of vegetation Winter wheat has headed nicely al though the straw Is usually rather short Oats have thickened and im proved in condition especially in southern counties Corn planting has been retarded by the rain but plant ing is well advanced and a large per centage of the crop is up showing a fine stand corn cultivation has com menced The cutting of alfalfa for hay has commenced In southwestern counties with generally a good crop STILL TAXED IN ARMENIA Efforts in Washington for Relief of a Ncbraskan WASHINGTON May 31 Repre sentative Shallenberger called on the State department regarding a matter concerning Rev M S Belian of Riv erton Neb who is a naturalized citi zen of this country formerly a native of Armenia It appears that under the laws of that country the initabintants have to pay a personal tax for the right to live Mr Belian has a brother liv ing in Asia Minor and for the past ten years during which time he has resided in this country the Turkish government has been compelling his brother to pay the tax upon Mr Be lian of Nebraska Mr Shallenberger asked the secretary of state to look into the matter and it has been re ferred to our consulate at Hudjan Asia Minor Teachers Life Certificates LINCOLN Neb May 31 Exam inations for teachers professional life certificates will be held simultaneou ly in various places in Nebraska on June 10 11 and 12 Superintendent Fowler has appointed the following board of examiners Superintendent A O Thomas Kearney Superintend ent D C OConnor Norfolk and Dr George E Condra Lincoln The ex aminations will be held in Lincoln Fairbury Norfolk North Platte Holdrege Culbertson Sidney and York Tests will be made on each of the three days in this order Tues day chemistry general history and English literature Wednesday plain trigonomeSry zoology geology and physical geography Thursday intel lectual philosophy rhetoric Funeral of Editor Turner COLUMBUS Neb May 31 The funeral of M K Turner is said to have been the largest in point of at tendance ever held at this place It was conducted at the home of the deceased by Rev G A Luce assisted by Rev G A Mums The Grand Army veterans had charge of the service at the grave and a squad of Spanish American soldiers fired a sa lute to the dead Boy Killed by Lightning MERNA Neb May 31 Barney the 12-year-old son of Thomas Tea ban a farmer residing west of this town was struck and instantly kill ed by lightning The boy was on borseback driving cattle when the Electric death messenger ended his existence The horse the boy was riding and one cow w ere also killed Swallowed Carbolic Acid FREMONT Neb May 31 News reached this city of an attempt made by Conrad Hintz aged about fifty years to commit suicide by drinking half a pint of carbolic acid He was found almost dead lying in a room at the house of D Tobin a farmer living north of Arlington where he had been working His condition is precarious Farmers Elevator Company BENEDICT Neb May 31-T-A far mers elevator company was organiz ed here with D VV Baker as presi dent Ralph Shily secretary and W C Conkle treasurer A committee was appointed to solicit subscribers and the talk is that an elevator will be built in time for the coming har vest Widow Rendered Judgment SEWARD Neb May 31 In the district court Catherine Bower ob tained a judgment for 2160 against the Bankers Union of the World in a suit brought to recover under a pol icy of insurance of 20U0 on the life of William Bowers who dieu about a vear ago The case was contested on I the grounds that Mr Bowers drank to excess but the evidence did not show that he had used liquor to any great extent HOSPITAL SECRETS A Nurse Says Peruna is Tonic of Efficiency AAj AAAAAAAAAAAAiUiA4 MRS KATE TAYLOR Mrs Kate Taylor a graduated nurse of prominence gives her ex perience with Peruna In an open letter Her position in society and professional standing combine to give special prominence to her ut terances WFS v r Good Things to Eat From Iibbyn f amouHliyzienic kitciipni where purity preraiK All meats uad la LBBBYS Natural FSavor Food Products are US Government Impeded The wholecome no9 and ROodness c f eTeryRrtlde in preferred in lt preparation for jonr conrnnience in the haadr earn A sapply on jour i nntry uelTe enabUs joato have alwai at hand the ewntial to the rerj best meald The little book How to Make Good Thin to Eat tell all about them ent free Libbjs Atlas of the World mailod tree lor 10 cents pottage LIBBY AIcNEILL LIBBY CHICAGO pbWWWBg cFay gra 60 05H DO IT TOO BMjfju iik i mi Over 2000000 people are zovr buy ing gootls from us at -wholesale prices savirs 15 to -40 percent on every thing they use You can do i t too Why not ask us to send you our 1000- P32C catalogue r It tells the story Send 15 cents for it today ft The house that ts hf truth j ALL WRKJHT FOR MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY Eisa EYES AND EYELIDS Prlco 25 Cents All Druggists WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PILL CO New Vcrf SOLD ON MERIT CHANDLERS CREAM EXTRACTOR Use It two week If not as rerecc ed money refunded Immediately S materia theznHt IeaioTes otrodor 54ir3i leaving pare sweet nil IJaUescreani Tij T quicKiy saves iroaey ana labor twice -- 1 -3 crerydav Aeeats price to firttbnver jfe F H Ja each O F CEASDIZR k uu iUB W bta St iiansas City Uo hen Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Taper W N U Omaha No 231902 UUHiS WKfcSfc ALL LLSfc FAILS Best Cough Syrup Taatea Good TJse m time sola tr drnzzists AAV ILL 427 Monroe St CHICAGO As far as 1 have observed Peruna is the finest tonic any man or woman can use who is weak from the after effects of any serious illness I have seen it used in a number of convalescent eases and have seen sev eral other tonic used but I found that those who used Peruna had the quickest relief Peruna seems to restore vitality Increase bodily vigor and renew health and strength in a wonderfully short time MRS KATE TAYLOR In view of the great multitude of women suffering from some form of fe male disease and yet unable to find any cure Dr Hartman the renowned spe cialist on female catarrhal diseases has announced his willingness to direct the treatment of as many cases as make application to him during the summer months without charge Address The Peruna Medicine Co Columbus Ohio The man who is thoroughly satis fied with himself never gains the ap proval of others To Cure a Cold in One day Tnko Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund money if it fails to cure liSc Every man might be a gentleman if it were not so easy to be a hoodlum You never hear any one complain about Defiance Starch There Is none to equal it in quality and quan tity 1G ounces 10 cents Try it now and save your money As a matter of convenience turning down an alley beats tearing up a street - VJ SS r 4 V