i fcr W i4 I u I I to -T Xi I CANVAS 1 High Tops Kodol Dyspepsia Our Digests what you eat uii w lu and Leather Soles CANVAS SHOES Low Cut and Rubber Soles CANVAS SHOES Low Cut and Leather Soles CANVAS SHOE For Boys In All Sizes See them in our window The price will please you at t V FRANKLIN President THE DIRECTORS A C EBERT Cashier I CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 V FRANKLIN WFhlcFARLAND A 0 EBERT W B WOLFE C H WILLARD jStufficjfflrjSi jafepJVaScjgkjSiLjgjifajgigjU affltfcjfaiLrf3k jOufficifiuiQi TgrajjeTjzagp jjtrjjjjOByi jiya ays jtyii Jtjyjt jj ijjirajjmjrgr jjjjc jryr jx jgjrjr ijji tc J H DWYER Proprietor TV w e s Surplus 5000 I I - i 4FIRST NATIONAL BANK s i F D Burgess i Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Hailiday Waupun hclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Buildmg ikH l n Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 od56 GEO HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pres F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director McCook Transfer Line Plumber and f I Steam Fitter j Kr hon Lead and SeverPipe Brass 1 glP ISirSpecial attention paid to hauling furniture Leave orders at either lumber yard INDIANOLA Mrs C MoCorrt is visiting in Bartley this ucok W H Allen and daughter Maud diove up to McCook Tuesday Guy Plumb spent Saturday and Sun day with Mrs Cora Jiendershot P McNeil and daughter Lulu went up to Wauneta last Friday evening to visit friends Revivals begun at theChristian church this week Evangelist Ogden occupies the pulpit Misses Jennie McCluug and Eflie Teel camo in from Colorado on No 2 Tues day inorning A J Casner accompanied by Robert Dcvoe of McCook drove over to Leb anon Sunday The Misses Ough of Benkolmen vis ited Landlord Ough and family Satur day and Sunday Mrs Gerver and two grand children visited with hr daughter Mrs W II Allen last week Miss Adelaide StrefT who has been in Tndinnola for several weeks returned to McCook Monday evening The pupils of the high school pleas antly surprised Mr and Mrs Casner at their rooms Fridiy evening Mrs Mollie Pogue and daughter Mar jory are visiting Mrs Pogues parents Mr and Mrs I M Beardslee Mis Flora Quick will leave for Peru next Saturday morning where she will attend the summer school at that place Mrs Henry Powell and baby Francis returned homp Saturday evening after few weeks visit with her parents in Illinois Mr and Mrs Berry and Mr and Mrs Wilcox drove down from McCook Sun day to attend the Memorial services at this place Miss Alta Hager expects to leave Monday evening for Washington state whoieshe will spend the summer with her parents The Alumni of the Indianola High school will tender a reception to the class of 1902 Friday evening May 10th at the Woodman hull Mrs George Hill who has been visit ing relatives and friends here for some time returned to her home in Cripple Creek Friday evening Mrs F F Tomblin returned home Sunday evening after an extended visit with relatives in Arapahoe Her father and mother from Illinois a re visiting here this week Quitea delegation consisting of S K Smith L E Corbin A C Crabtree W A McCool T V Dolan E S Hill T A Endsley A H Reynolds S T Pidgely L B Korns and E A Sexson attended the Republican convention at McCook Sat ui day The graduating exercises of the Indi anola public schools will be held in Beardslees opera honse Saturdav even ing May Jlst at S oclock Thefollow ing is the program to be rendered lKOUUAM Overture Siigo r PaiN Ripley Orchestra Invocation Rev II C Halijeralebeii March Union Foreer Scon ten Oiche tra Salutatorj Hide and Seek AGrace Phillips Cla Hi tory Sada M Alcorn Vocal Solo Scott Snrcis Wrought From thoChao of Failniv Joseph II A Wring Stepping Stones Flora L Hoag Waltz Isles of Beantv Kerlin Orchestra Louis Agisiz II Otto Ilalberlahen Clab Prophocj AGPhillips Selection A Cluster of Poaches E 15 Uejer Orchestra Address Prof A J Casner Valedictorv Night Brines Out tho Stars Sadie A Alcorn Presentation of Diplomas Rev J A Lutz Quartet Dear Old Alma Mater Now Good- by Mr and Mrs A J Casner Miss Edna Caine and W A McCool Benediction Rev G C Johnson Spring time is when to u e Rocky Mountain Tea Keeps yon well all uininer Great spring life renower ic McConnell Berry MARION The Marion postoflice has some new mail boxes Bert Lake visited with his parents on the Sappa over Sunday Mrs Mary Pew and Ethel Ashton were McCook visitors Tuesday Mrs Nell Galusha is expected home soon on account of her fathers illness A number of our young folks attended the birthday party given by Gladys Lister on Friday John and Fred Taulber laid a brick floor in the elevator which is now read for the carpenter work The telephone line is completed Clif foid Naden and Lon Sargent put on the finishing touches Monday Misses Lena Ashton Cora Wyeneth and Vivian Gossard expect to attend summer school at Culbertson You Cant Lose Flesh or Appetite Farmer City Illinois Dec 20 1900 Pepsin Syrup Co Monticollo Illinois Gentlemen My baby was troubled a great deal with his stomach and bowels I had tried numerous remedies with no good results until baby lost much flesh and was in very poor health A friend recommended Dr Cahvells Sjrup Pepsin I procured a 10c bottle at Huds Drug Store and gave the con tents to the baby according to directions after which there was a decided improvement in his conditiou Have been giving him Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin for about a month with very sat isfactory results his stomach and bowels being rn a good healthy condition and his former weight regained Very truly jours Alice Jackson Sold by A McMillen COURT HOUSE NEWS COCNTY COURT Licenses issued since our last report Charles Hilton and Louise Darlage both of Cambridge married by the county judge on the loth William Swartwood and Mrs Man Walters both of McCook married by Squire Berry David William Walton and Elizabeth Agnes McEntee both of Havana Front ier county Dorsey H Shephard and Sarah L Wilson both of Frontier county Judgement was rendered for the plain tiff 24th in case of Charles H Boyle vs Thomas C Kelley suit on note And on the same day in plaintiffs favor in suit of F M Colson vs WIIStarks suit on account Makes children cat sleep and grow makes mothers strong and vigorous makes a healthy family Thats what Kocky Mountain Tea does 35c McConnell Berry I live and let my brethren live With all thats good with me Unto the poor some cash I give The balance I give Rocky Mountain Tea McConnoll Berry TUdlnpr the Wooden Iluriici Torture on a grand scale went out with Felton the assassin of Bucking ham but torture on a small seale con tinued to be practiced on military of fenders down to the eighteenth cen tury The form most frequently resort ed to wio that known as the wooden Horse to ride which was the punish ment ariorded for petty thefts In subordination and so on The wooden horse was made of planks nailed to gether so as to form a sharp ridge or angle about eight or nine feet long This ridge represented the back of the horse and was supported by four posts or legs about five feet high placed on a stand msde movable by truckles To complete the resemblance to the no blest animal in creation a head and tail were added When a soldier was sentenced either by court martial or by his commanding officer to ride the horse he was placed on the brutes back with his hands tied behind him and frequently enoarh in order to Increase the pain muskets were fastened to his legs to weigh theai down or as was jocularly said to prevent the liery untamed bare backed steed from kicking him off London Graphic The Cnmnlior Enter It- is surprising what a number of camphor eaters there are among the well to do classes The Idea seems to prevail that this gum taken in small and regular doses gives a peculiarly clear creaminess of complexion and scores of young women buy it for this purpose The habit is moreover very uiiucuit to cast oil lor camphor pro duces a mild form of exhilaration and stupefaction and in many instances where very large doses have been swal lowed the habit has become a sort of slavery These camphor eaters all have a dreamy dazed and very listless air and in most of them there is an ever present longing to sleep or at least to rest Extreme weakness generally fol lows the taking of regular doses and I have seen cases where it has been al most difficult to tell the effects from those of alcohol As to the complexion if a ghastly pallor be an improvement camphor certainly produces it Clinic When Fluck Wan Slnnpr The word pluck affords another in stance of the way in which slang words in the course of time become adopted into current English We now meet with pluck and plucky as the recognized equivalents of courage and courageous An entry in Sir Walter Scotts Journal shows that in 1S27 the word had not yet lost its low character lie says volume 2 page 30 Want of that article blackguard ly called pluck Its origin is obvious From early times the heart has been popularly regarded as the seat of cour age Now when a butcher lays open a carcass he divides the great vessels of the heart cuts through the -windpipe and then plucks out together the united heart and lungs lights he calls them and he terms the united mass the pluck Notes and Queries A Victim of Seotcli Logic A highland hotel keeper was one day having a squabble with an Englishman in the lobby of the hotel about his bill The stranger said it was a gross impo sitionhe could live cheaper in the best hotel in London The highland landlord replied Oh nae doot sir nae doot but dae ye no ken the reason Not a bit of it replied the stranger hastily Weel then replied the host as ye seem to be a sensible bit callant Ill tell ye Theres 3G5 days in the Lunnon hotel keepers calendar but we have only three months here Dae ye under stand me noo freen We maun mak hay in the hielaus when the sun shines for its unco seldom she dist Scottish American The Appian Way The famous Appian way mentioned by almost every Roman writer con nected the Eternal City with all parts of south Italy For many miles from Iiome the space on each side was filled with sepulchers many of them of per sons distinguished in history To have a sepulcher on the Appian way was equivalent to being buried in Green wood in New York or Pere la Chaise in Faris A Tecnlinr Word The word habit is one of the most peculiar in our language If you take off the first letter 3ou still have a bit If you remove the second the word bit is still on hand Decapitate that by removing the b and it is still a word Take off the I and you find the old habit not t totally destroy ed Knew Her Pat And how is the wife Mike Mike Sure and I had the doctor last night Pat I didnt know thot she was so sick as thot Mike No and she didnt need him but iv she hod died sure and she would always hov blamed me Judge The River Jordan The Jordan is the Descender Dur ing its course it falls over 1200 feet At no point is it navigable even by a small craft to any considerable dis tance and presents the unique spectacle of a river which has never been navi gated flowing Into a sea which contains not one living creature Experienced He The love I have declared for you nay dear is a perfect love She And will you swear that you have never loved another He Ah darling you forget that prac tice makes perfect Richmond Dis patch WttlJ en JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTSACTEB McCook Nekraska EBrAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office First door north of Commercial hotel C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 far Jfir -Me tS FV Ifor fif jjfr fl tfa All Calls For The 7 I W H Ackerman fr ij McCook Nebraska W ff erf fi CROWNED KING Edward King of England Alphonso King of Spain LSofij King of Coffees Fit for any king fit for you Not glazed with any cheap noxious coating never sold in bulk Uniform qualltr and froolineea uro Insured by tUo aedled package C H BOYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p o Building 1 rV MJIIS Answered by the 3 UT 7TC UDAMT s JLun nvwi i LIVERY BARN I 4 Will make all trains and an- t swer all calls to any j part of the city i PHONE 36 II P SUTTOiV EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand McCook Neb Shnvo Hair Cut Slinm poouuy thing in my lino in tin nrtiftic manner Givo mo n call and trial JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS McCOOK - NEBRASKA McCOOK SUEGICAL HOSPITAL Dr WVGAGE McCook - - - Nebraska Office First National bank building noxt to City hall Hours SSJ0 to 12 1 to 0 7 to 9 Night calls answorod from residence vir bank DRJB FICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist OVER McCONNELL BERRYS McCOOK NEBRASKA H L PREVOST DRNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Dental College for Sale by OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon J McCOOK - - NEB Olliiv over McMilli ns drug stori Residiiico 702 Main Avi iiiic Kcsnlencc phone VJ Ollico jihonu JX CalK an rtiTud night or day EKsQN3EXvvsNjffsarsar3rszaNr Barred Plymouth Rock And White Wyandotte Eggs For Sale Only 1 per sitting l Atthe Mori an Farm I 3 miles south of McCook caMzoBxSasL7xv 4 First Class Goods in the following Jewel Gasoline Stoves f Ohio Steel Rano PQ I 4 x Alaska Refrigerators xoa If you appreciate a firstclass tailoring estab lishment in your city you may show it bv leaving your order with Melius the Tailor for your spring and summer suits Nothing but the very best goods and trimming used No sending away or sweatshop work Yours Rept V O MRHU8 i H P WAITE 0 - v v - -- - - w i spring suits D - i W Si t 1 1 1