The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 30, 1902, Image 1

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Elect Teachers For Next Year
At a special session of the board of
education held on Monday evening of
this week the following teachers were
elected for the ensuing term of school
Supt G II Thomas was elected for two
years at the regular session of the board
about two weeks since Monday nights
elections were as follows
Celia A Gorby Mary Powers Nellie
West Cassiu Andrews Minnie Rowell
Mabel Wilcox Ida E White Carrie
Budlong Elizabeth Thomson Blanche
McCarl Anna C Schobel Erninio
Rathbiin Kittie Stangland The old
teachers will occupy their old positions
in the school but the new tt -tellers have
not been assigned
Tho retiring members of the present
corps are E W Washburn high school
- assistant who will reenter the university
at Lincoln in tho fall Miss Ella Leon
ard principal of the west building who
will leave at the close of the session for
San Jose California to join her family
Mrs Belle Iledlund of tho seventh grade
who retires on account of ill health
Miss Anna Anderson of the third grade
and Miss Edna Garrard kindergarten
assistant neither of whom were appli
cants for reelection and Miss Hannah
Stangland of the second grade west
ivlm will enter sclinnl somewhere
The new teachers are Miss Carrie
Budlong of 1 Iarvard Miss Erninio Rath
bun who has been teaching during the
past year in Oxford Miss Kittie Stang
land who taught a country school dur
ing the past winter and Miss Blanche
McCarl a graduate of the city schools
this year There arc two vacancies still
to fill
Most of the old corps are retained it
will be observed which guarantees quite
an undisturbed continuance of tho
ul and very gratifying career of the
McCook public schools The new mem
bers of the corps come well recommended
And just now as the spring term of
school is about ended we wih to con
gratulate the patrons of the city schools
upon the undisturbed success of the
school year and incidenaltly to compli
ment Supt Thomas and his able and
enthusiastic teachers upon the highly
gratifying measure of success attained
Tin Tribune makes bold to state that
no town in Nebraska of its size has bet
ter bchools aud few if any as good
schools as ours The esprit de corps of
the teachers patrons and pupils of tho
city schools is something superb and no
small element in the splendid work of
the schools In this case prido is well
Two Big- Real Estate Deals
Uncle Billie Coleman consummated
two big real estate deals close of last
week involving 720 acres of fine land
and 610200 in money Theodore Emery
a gentleman from South Dakota was
the purchaser in one case He gets H
II Pickens quarter section just north
from where Mr Pickens lives and the
W E Bower quarter just west The
price is 1000 in the first instance and
S4200 in the Bower case Both Pickens
and Bower get this years crop off the
half section and remain on the same
until March 1903 The Bower quarter
has fine improvements on it Both have
considerable alfalfa and are capable of
being irrigated upon the repairing of the
Pickens flume
Sarah Emery of South Dakota a
cousin of Theodore is the purchaser in
tho other deal which involves 100 acres
of tho Marion Plummer ranch at Perry
with all the improvements The price
paid in this case is 83000 and tho pur
chaser gets one fourth of this years
crop and gets possession in Mach of
1903 Mr Plummer still owns about 400
acres more in that vicinity On the land
sold there is a fine lot of alfalfa land
Tho sales at 623 and 820 per acre are
not fictitious values by any means Sim
ilar laud within a few years will be worth
50 when well set in alfalfa
Attention Teachers
The B M R R gives one and one
third fare for the round trip to the
-Summer School and Joint Institute to
be held at Culbertson from June 2nd to
July 4th 1902
Pay full fare when you purchase ticket
to Culbertson Dont fail to take a
receipt for the amount you pay for your
ticket This is important for the re
ceipt in connection with your certificate
of attendance is good for two thirds of
fare on return trip if presented at Cul
bertson depot when ticket is purchased
Tickets for the going trip to Culbert
son will be for sale on May 26th and
27th June 1st 2nd 3rd and 22nd and
23rd Dates for sale of return tickets
will Je announced later
Certificates showing the purchase of
going tickets to Culbertson will be
honored if presented for return tickec
not later than July Sth 1902
Teachers may secure all the necessary
information concerning board lodging
renting rooms and houses by writing to
Prin H G Meyer Culbertson Neb 2
Eugene S Dutchee Co Supt
Ed Amherst Otts Lecture
One of the prime features of com
mencement evening tomorrow evening
will be the address by Ed Amherst Ott
The gentleman will appear before the
people of McCook on this occasion with
highest endorsements as an entertainer
of fine ability He is an original thinker
and an orrtor of first class ability hav
ing the faculty of saying something when
he speaks As dean of the school of
English and elocution of Drake univer
sity Des Moines Iowa his offering to
the commencement services will bo ripe
and worth while in the highest sense
Pin Lost Reward Offered
An old fashioned cameo pin lost on
the day of the G A R bean supper and
dinner Reward paid for its return to
The Tribune office
King Violet
The newest and finest perfume
Satisfaction guaranteed by Dr Hare
in fitting glasses 2t
Samuel Blackkan is in the city
J W Parks arrived from Bushnell
Illinois first of the week
Mus J P Kenyon was a pilgrim to
tho state capital Monday
Chakles Feeny camo up from Hast
ings Wednesday on business
W F Everist has bought him a
ranch up in the sand hill country
II 11 Taktsch went in to Omaha and
Plnttsmouth on business Tuesday night
Mrs James Hatfield returned home
first of the week from her Kansas visit
Du J A Gunn has been in Hot
Springs Arkansas this week on busi
Mns E G Bohanan is up from Lin
coin visiting her sister Mrs W D
Samuel Cast returned to Cambridge
Wednesday morniug of this week to
Miss Beulah Hall of Red Cloud has
been the guest of McCook friends since
close of last week
Allen C Clyde departed for Bay
City Michigan last week to engage in
the saloon business
Mks J E Kellky arrived home Wed
nesday night from a visit to Beatrice
Hastings and Kinvin
Mk and Mns G Blomquist late
of the Barnett yard departed Tuesday
morning for his new home
Frank Golfer camo in from Omaha
yesterday and is receiving the adora
tions of the fans aud others
Dk R B Campbell arrived in the
city first of the week on one of his
frequent visits from Buffalo New York
Mus L II IIileman arrived home
early in the week from her trip to
Omaha and other Eastern Nebraska
Mks S B Glidden of Concordia
Kansas is visiting her sister Mrs J P
Notley arriving in the city last Friday
Chakles Williamson of the Pawnee
Republican was in the city Wednesday
having been up the Imperial lino on
Mns C K Coleman and Mrs GD
Leach went up to Denver Wednesday
night to see their father S A Shaffer
of Hailey Wyoming
Mks H A Beale went down to Red
Cloud Monday on her way east to at
tend a family reunion in Rock Island
Illinois to be gone a few weeks
Miss Flokence Reynolds was the
guest of her sister Mrs G C Denton
close of last and early part of this week
leaving on 12 Tuesday morning
Mrs L W Stayner and two girls
visited Akron friends close of last week
L W and son Floyd went up Sunday
and they all returned homo on 13 that
Misses Martha and Clara Abel re
turned to Red Cloud Tuesday night
after a delightful visit of a week or two
here guests of Rev and Mrs Frank
W Dean
Mrs S L Moench her mother and
sister Mrs Theo Bodien and Miss Cad
Bodien of Orleans passed through the
city Monday night 5 on their way to
their new home Pueblo Colorado where
Messrs Moench Bodien are now located
in business
Mr and Mrs Fred S Harris late of
Alamosa Colorado are visiting in the
city guests of her parents Mr and Mrs
Joseph Menard Fred has been acting
superintendent of the fourth division of
the Denver Rio Grande lately losing
his position in the general replacing of
officials on that road after the Goulds
came into control of the road After a
well earned vacation he expects to re
sume work in the railroad service some
Exercises Splendidly Given
An opera house full of delighted citi
zens enjoyed the class day exercises of
the McCook high school last evening
Throughout the program was excellent
in character and suberb in rendition
and as a total one of the best ever given
by a class of the high school
Miss Maude Coleman handled the class
history with cleverness and scored hits
not a few
Tho orations by Charles Lester Littel
An Era of Expansion and John
Lawrence Rice Popular Election of
United States Senators have never
been excelled by a graduate of our city
schools They were highly creditable
and praiseworthy
The piano solo by Miss Millie Elbert
the vocal solo by Miss Blanche McCarl
and tho vocal duets by the twain were
very pleasing
The play My Aunts Heiress was
given most acceptably by the young
ladies of the class with Miss Ethel Pope
in the leading role and Misses Myrtle
Kennedy Julia Goodenberger Maude
Coleman Blanche McCarl Maude Best
Ona Hendrick Millie Elbert and Lillian
Burnett completing the cast of charac
ters It was a happy innovation and
rounded off a programme which caused
all present to experience anew a deep
sense of pride in McCooks public
Just what Ive been wishing to see
the new Batiste Corset Girdle And
you Jhave them in the gauze Well
well Yes and we think we have even
size in every desirable style of Gauze
Corsets All of the celebrated F C
make Money back after four weeks
actual wear if dissatisfied Sold only by
The Thompson D G Co 35c to 81
Those elegant and handsome Applique
Laces and Embroideries run from Sc to
35c a yard See us for all Laces and
Ribbons Belts and Belting Fans Gloves
and Handkerchiefs Dressing Sacques
Gauze Underwear Parasols and Umbrel
las and every sort of yard goods The
Thompson D G Co
Sugar beet hoes at W T Colemans
Laborers For the Beet Fields
The Tribune is reminded that the
demand for workers in the sugar beet
fields is now urgent The continued
rains have given the bf ets a great im
petus and the work of thinning weeding
and cultivating is demanding early at
tention With the close of school this
week there will doubtless be a number
of children available for the work men
tioned and The Tribune hopes that
they will rise equal to the occasion and
will respond to the demand The acre
age this year is much larger than it
was last year amounting to about GOO
acres and this amount of land in beets
will require a large number of workers
Tho supply of local labor is limited at
best hardly equal to the demand from
other sources and if the acreage of
sugar beets shall receive proper cultiva
tion at the right time it will be neces
sary for the older school children as is
being done in other parts of the state
where sugar beets are being cultivated to
onter the field The work is not heavy
and good wages can be secured
Should be Encouraged
The Tribune believes that the city
council should eucourage tho move now
being made to secure for McCook a
library As we stated in a recent issue
about SG00 can be raised by a levy al
lowed and authorized by law This
amount will secure the services of a li
brarian and besides provido a fund with
which to materially increase the library
annually The cooperation of the school
board has been secured which will at
once make available from that source
800 volumes Additions can be secured
from private sources We understand
that quarters are available in the court
house for the library We have no doubt
but that a library with considerably over
1000 volumes can be started at once if
tho city council will make the levy and
take tho matter in charge as a city enter
prise appoint a library board etc We
hope they will do so at once It is a
noble enterprise and worthy the co
operation of the city council
Retail Clerks Organize
The retail clerks of the city have or
ganized a local branch of the Retail
Clerks Internationrl Protective associa
tion The organization was perfected
at a meeting held last night The tem
porary officers areE P Huber presi
dent W S Guyer secretary J J Gar
rard treasurer The charter members
are E P Huber W S Guyer J J
Garrard I D Moore W D Darnell
Julius Kunert J C Mitchell II C
Clapp Scott Odell Otto Pate Charles
Allen G F Meyer I J Reynolds
A N Berry C O Hale R P Ras
mussen A E Petty It was decided to
keep open the charter until the next
meeting of the association and that the
lady clerks bo invited to join the associa
tion at the charter rate 8100 An ad
journment was taken until June 4th
Under careful and conservative manage
ment the association will be of benefit
to the clerks
Memorial Sunday
The Baptist church was crowded last
Sunday morning to hear the Memorial
services held therein on that occasion
The sermon was preached by Rev L M
Grigsby of the Methodist church and
was much enjoyed for its vigor and fresh
ness and originality He drew a picture
of the history of this latest and greatest
child of liberty and credited its greatness
and glory to the fact that it was conceiv
ed in religion and born in righteousness
Tbe choir of the church provided a num
ber of special and excellent musical
selections Rev Frank W Dean of the
Congregational church assisted in the
ssrvice in the physical disability of the
pastor Rev G L White The members
of the G A R post and circle were
present in organizations
Sermon to the Graduating Class
Despite the severe rain of last Sunday
night the Congregational church was
filled to overflowing on the occasion of
the preaching of the sermon to the mem
bers of the graduating class by Rev
Frank W Dean The sermon carried
the idea that real true success every
good success must be premised upon
usefulness righteousness and religion
and held up before the members of the
class this high ideal in earnest simplic
ity It was an excellent discourse A
special sextette supplied an enjoyable
musical feature Rev L M Grigsby of
the Methodist church assisted in the
services which were inspiring in every
The June School Apportionment
The revision of the figures of the semi
annual apportionment of funds for the
public schools of the state show that the
division of the money among the various
counties will be based on a per capita
8111 instead of 8110 as at first re
ported Redwillow county has 3310
people of school age and receives
370S22 as her share of the June ap
Valuable Book Free
Campbells Soil Culture manual 112
pages with many illustrations Tells how
moisture is stored evaporation checked
and yields increased Mailed free to any
address by J Francis general passenger
agent Burlington Route Omaha Neb
on receipt of a 2 cent stamp
We have hammocks all prices and
styles The very best make for less
price than you usually pay for the cheaper
ones Come and get prices
A McMillen
A lady seeing our line of Shirt Waists
250 of them are hung up in view sighed
and said she had bought one elsewhere
a day or two before She added with a
smile that she and her money were soon
parted Every unsupplied shopper is a
buyer The line is absolutely unequaled
for style worth and price The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
if you get it at Marshs market its a
good article
Frank Hannan has been given a fire
Ed Gresham has been off duty part of
the week
George Smart has gone to Atchison
R B Webster is a new brakemau
this week
B F Bross is the new clerk for Fore
man Fuller
Auditor Sampson was at headquart
ers yesterday
W W Webster succeeds Gelinger as
yardniaster at Akron
Conductor T II Malen was up from
Republican City over Sunday
The stock rush has taken a number
of McCook crews to Denver this week
Frank Green visited his brother in
Holbrook over Sunday returning home
on 5
Engineers F S Bosworth and W W
Archibald have been on the sick list
part of the week
John L Rice of the class of 1902 will
go into Mack Hughes office as clerk
first of next week
Brakeman F F Neubauer went over
to St Francis Tuesday to look after
things on the farm
There was a slight wreck on the Brush
line this week and the 232 has been
brought in for repairs
Conductor P F MeKenna and Brakes
man W A Cassell spent- their lay over
in Oxford Wednesday
Whv not leave vour order for suits
with a practical tailor Suits for SJ5
and upwards at Kapkes
Way car 94 from Denver has just gone
into the carpenter shop for an overhaul
ing No 53 will be out in a few days
George W Yoemans general purchas
ing agent of the Q system was at head
quarters yesterday going west on 13
Fred Irwin returned to work on Wed
nesday afternoon in tho blacksmith
shop after a lay off with an injured
W C Cox has been given the posi
tion of yardniaster at Red Cloud and J
F Utter returned to McCook last Sat
urday night
The 46 and 346 are down on their
wheels and will be out of the back shop
in a few days The 59 is just in for an
Tho visit of inspection by J J Hill
was opportune in excelsis lie will
never see Nebraska in more attractive
garb from the artistic or financial points
of view
The water tank at the round house
has undergone considerable imgrovo
ments lately having been raised pro
vided with new sills and posts and new
roof The supply pipe has been placed
in under the tank like all the standard
Agent F L Enlow wife and two
children of Erie Colorado were in the
city close of last week guests of Chief
Clerk Lawritson and wife They were
on their way home to Colorado from a
visit in St Louis over in Illinois and
points in Nebraska
Car Distributer and Mrs C T Watson
left on 6 Saturday night on a flying trip
in Eastern Nebraska visiting friends
and relatives briefly in Fairmont Lincoln
and Tecumseh he returning home on 3
Sunday night she visiting in Lincoln
until Wednesday evening
5Flagman C B Clark has been pro
moted to brakeman in the passenger
service and has J J Barrys place at
present Barry is in Denver for tieat
ment C A Garner is flagging for
Clark and G B Roberts for E E
Saddler who is also on the sick list
A new combination folding coupler
has been placed on 209 one of the class
A type The coupler was made here at
McCook and is the first of its kind to
be placed on a class A engine although
plenty of the class K engines are equipped
with them It works successfully and
the boys here are proud of the job
Of the 190000 miles of railroad in the
United States 10S464 miles are now
controlled by seven men Morgan Cas
satt Harriman Hill Gould Belmont
and Vanderbilt and these lines are the
main lines of the country The mileage
controlled by these seven men in greater
than the combined railroad mileage of
Great Britain Russia Germany Spain
Holland and Belgium
The Wabash made a record breaking
run Sunday from Montpelier Ohio to
Detroit Michigan 97 miles in SS min
utes There were four coaches in the
train During the run in Ohio a dis
tance of 842 miles was made in 71 min
utes and 26 miles from Whittaker
Michigan to Oakwood Michigan was
covered in 21 minutes maintaining a
speed of 75 miles an hour
The railroad boys have organized a
baseball association this week and ex
pect to make mince meat of the Lincoln
Havelock Alliance and other Burling
ton aggregations this season as oppor
tunity presents Of the organization
Chief Clerk W P Bross is manager E
D Reed captain and the executive
committee is composed as follows D
A Lucas C E Emerson C E Jones
W F Pate E D Reed II E Culbert
son containing representatives from the
different arms of the service The club
will be composed exclusively of Burl
ington boys and they will be swift ones
G W Rhodes asst general supt
R D Smith superintendent of
motive power Engineer of Tests Wick
hors F P Rugh coal inspector were
out with the tester Wednesday and
Thursday They went west attached
to No 1 Wednesday noon and came
back on 150 following afternoon Mas
ter Mechanic Archibald Trainmaster
Kenyon Chief Dispatcher Forbes and
Traveling Engineer Dixon accompanied
the car west The car is provided with
apparatus for testing various things
tonnage draw bar pull amount of com
bustible gas escaping from smoke stack
Shorthand Pupils Wanted
Pupils wanted for a summer shorthand
school L W Staynkr
For Sale
Good windmill pump mid tank In
quire of F Traver at tiie J M Hender
son property
Special Purse Sale
Purses worth 25c to 50c now 19c
Purses worth 50c to 81 now 39c
C L DeGrofk it Co
Unfurnished Rooms and Closets
For rent in opora hosse block three
rooms and two closets Inquire of Mrs
S E Griggs opera house block
Did you say We have more than all
the other dealers put together ami we
set the pace in prices
McConnell it Berry
Catholic Order of services Mass
S a in Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p in Every Sun
day J 1 LouiiHRAN Pastor
Episcopal Services at St Albans
Episcopal church Sunday 11 a m and
S p in Rev Ilardinau rector will oc
cupy the pulpit morning and evening
Concrkcjational Sunday school 015
Preaching 11 subject Come and
Dine VPSCH 7 Preaching S
subject Voices From Calvary Prayer-meeting
Wednesday evening 3 Tho
public invited
Frank W Dean Pastor
Methodist Sunday school 10 a m
Preaching 11 Junior League 330 Ep
worth League 7 Preaching 8 Dr
E S Dunham of Delaware will preach
both morning and evening This will
be the beginning of a series of revival
meetings Dr Dunham will speak each
evening during tho week He conies to
us highh recommended by Bishop Joyce
and Dr Bashford the President of the
Ohio Wesleyan University Every lover
of tho Lord is earnestly solicited to pray
for the success of the work and to urge
on the battle by his presence in the ser
vices L M GuiUbiiY Pastor
Rev GLWhite of the Baptist church
is suffering with an abscess on his face
Rev L M Grigsby of the Methodist
church has been absent in Ehvood part
of the week conducting the evangelistic
services of tho North Platte District
Epworth League convention May 27 29
Will Organize Vocal Club
Miss Mary J Scott will organize a
vocal club Friday evening June 6th at
S oclock in the Methodist church All
interested in voice culture are urged to
Cut Flowers
Do you want flowers for commence
ment Leave us your order early or
you may be disappointed It
McConnell it Berry
Baled Prairie Hay for Sale
I have for sale a quantity of baled
prairie hay Lea vo orders at the Barnett
or Billiard lumber yards
Harry Barbazett
Wall Paper
We have left a good assortment of
wall paper from which to select at right
prices A McMillen
Wood Wanted at Barnetts
We want a number of loads of stove
wood at once Barnett Lumber Co
Baby Carriages and Go Carts
Are you wanting one Special prices
at Ludwicks till June 1st
Best Ice Cream Soda at Caudv Shop
Dr Seymour at the Commercial hotel
June 11th
Local news will be found on every
page of the paper
Glasses accurately fitted by Dr J D
IIareM D McCook Nebraska 2t
Always reliable always dependable
what you buy at Marshs meat market
Winter furs spring hats and summer
gowns are among the contradictions of
the week
Eyes examined and glasses fitted by
Dr Hare permanently located at Mc
Cook 2tJ
Dress Skirts to your measure All
wool ones from 3250 up The Thomp
son D G Co
For Rent A number of rooms over
the meat market Inquire of D C
Marsh in the market
The local G A R friends contemplate
making a request for a condemned piece
of artillery for salute purposes
W T Coleman has the latest im
proved ice cream freezers They will
freeze in one third the time that the
old style will
The high school nine and a picked
nine from among the railroad boys play
ed a game on the park grounds last Fri
day evening the scholastics winning by
a score of 14 to 13
Mr Bergeron who has been here
during this month tuning pianos will
return to Denver in a few days He
says his work has increased so much
that he will be back again in the fall
and will continue coming twice a vear
Best Table Oil Cloth 15c yard Best
Indigo Dyed Prints 5c yd Best Apron
Check Gingham 5c yd Best Carpet
Warp on spools ISc for white 20c for
colors Best quality 5c muslin for 4oC
yd by the bolt Six big red or blue fast
color handkerchiefs for 25c No special
sale just the every day effort to be
right and more than right The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co One price plain
figures cash only
1303 at Bennetts
Try a 1303 at Bennetts
New screen doors at Milliards
Buy a 1303 Bennett sells them
Its a winner -1303 at Hennelts
Perfumes and toilet soaps at Cones
Ice cream 25c quart Palacoof Sweets
Stone for sidewalks at Barnett Lum
ber yard
Dr Seymour will be here Wednesday
tJllUC I1LI1
Take your stove wood to the Harnett
Lumber Co
Call at Bullards and seo those fancy
screen doors
Everything seasonable at Marshs
meat market
See those picnic lunch baskets afc W
T Colemans
For summer dress goods go to C L
DuGrolF it Co
A few I licks Almanacs for 1902 for
sale at this office
E J Mitchell auctioneer Phones
ollice 17 residence 95
W T Coleman has water coolers suit
able for store and house use
Buy hammocks at Cones A fine
assortment and lowest prices
Dr Seymour the ee specialist will be
at the Commercial Juno Uth
Childrens fancy parasols for 16c and
35c at The Thompson D Co
liiiilard will get you odd siz window
and dour screens on short notice
Extra sizes in Ladies Gauze vests and
pants at The Thompson D G Co
Remnants in wall paper very cheap
McConnell it Berry
Our screens keep out tho flies
Bullard it Co
Stone sidewalks are now required by
the city authorities Barnett has the
The harvesting of a good crop will
bring considerable improvements iu tho
Bullard lumber vard
Do you want something nice for a
wedding or graduating present W T
Coleman has the latest
All the bright and beautiful shades in
spun silk underlinings for lace draperies
at The Thompson D G Co
We have all kinds of window and door
screens at prices to suit
Bullard Co
Some new things in books and pictures
suitable for graduation presents 2t
McConnell Berry
e are glad to snow our screen doors
and are sure we can suit you
Bullard Co
Dr Seymour the well known eye
specialist will be here Wednesday June
11th For one day only Consultation
Does your lawn mower get dull Call
at W T Colemans and get some Emery
paste prepared especially for sharpen
ing it
You should not buy wall paper until
you look at the stock at Cones drug
store Latest patterns and colorings
lowest prices
The Barnett Lumber Co has com
menced work on the foundation forsome
of its new buildings in its new yard over
on Marshall street
The best For chicks and setting
hens Lees Insect Powder For grown
fowls and hogs Lees Lice and Mite
Killer Sold by all druggists
We set the pace on hammocks A
big line at the right prices Our dollar
woven bed hammock is a wonder
McConnell Berry
It is worth considerable to be able to
feel that you can depend upon the
quality of meats you order at the meat
market A child can get as good meats
at Marshs market as a grown person
and a phone order gets the best every
This is an ideal time to paint up your
premises Every dollar invested now in
paint will add two to the value of your
property See our S W P new ideas
in colors and get our prices on the best
paint made
McConnell Berry
Improvements and additions continue
Newton Welchel is adding convenience
and comfort to his home this week
Vance McManigal is increasing the size
of his home by a 16x24 feet addition
Fred Plasmyere is having built a hay
barn 20x30 feet as to dimensions
The Otto Floto show was not much of
a drawing card Saturday The show
was but poorly advertised and at best
was only a 25 cent affair to which 50
cents were charged What there was of
the show was good enough The show
seems to be suffering from internecine
warfare Otto and DeWitt dont hitch
The style and delivery of Prof Ott
were excellent His remarks were fre
quently interrupted by applause At
times he was humorous but to be true
to his subject Sour Grapes he was
inclined to look on the serious side of
life His advice to young men was ele
vating showing that he can usually be
what he works and strive to be His
closing argument in which he appealed
to his hearers to have courage was the
most forceful and logical portion of his
lecture Sioux City Tribune