The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 23, 1902, Image 5

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Tribune Clubbing List
For convenience of readers of The Tbtbcxe
we have made arrangements with the following
newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup
ply them in combination with The Tribune at
the following very low prices with
Detroit Freo Press 1 00 1 50
Leslies Weekly 4 00 li 00
Prairie Farmer 100 125
Chicago Inter Ocean 1 X 1
Cincinnati Enquire 100 150
New York Tribune 100 125
Demorests Magazine 1 00 1 75
Toledo Blade 100 125
Nebraska Farmer 100 165
Iowa Homestead 100 125
Lincoln Journal 100 175
Campbells Soil Culture 1 00 1 50
New York World 1 00 1 65
Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 ISO
St Louis Republic 1 00 1 75
Kansas City Star 25 120
Farm and Home 100 120
Word and Works 100 170
Twentieth Century Farmer new 1 00 1 50
-renewals 1 80
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published at reduced rates
The Tribune McCook Neb
of Cod Liver Oil is the means
of life and enjoyment of life to
thousands men women and
When appetite fails it re--ores
it When food is a
rden it lifts the burden
When you lose fleshit brings
the plumpness of health
When work is hard and
duty is heavy it makes life
It is the thin edge of the
wedge the thick end is food
But what is the use of food
when vou hate it and cant di
gest it
Scotts Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is the food that makes
vou forget your stomach
If you have net tried it send for
free sample izs agreeable taste wil
surDrise vou
m 09 Pearl Street New York
50c and SlOO all druggists
Do You
That we have a big stock of shoes
at very reasonable prices
Mens shoes at 150
to 5
Ladies at 150 to 375
Misses start at 75c
Childs at 50c
We also have a good
line of Ladies and
Hisses Oxfords
If you buy your shoes here you
are getting as good values as
can be found at the price
arcs am
WSf li
Time Card
McCook Neb
main line east depart
No 6 Central Time 1110pm
2 605 am
12 920 am
No 5 arrives from cast at S p m
main line west depart
No 1 Mountain Time 11154 A M
13 825 a m
No 176 arrives Mountain Time 5 40 p M
No 175 departs 700 am
Sleeping dinins and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets sold
and baggage checked to any point in the United
Statesgr Canada
For information time tables maps and tick
ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent
McCook Nebraska or J Francis Genoral
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Big Horn Basin
Are you interested in the Big Horn
Basin of Wyoming
Its a rich but undeveloped portion of
Northwestern Wyoming It contains
marvellous openings for small ranches
along good streams in the valleys with
one million acres of government land
open to settlement under the United
States land laws
The Burlington Eoute has just pub
lished a folder descriptive of the Big
Horn Basin It is Illustrated and con
tains an accurate map It tells about
the lay of the land character of the soil
products yield irrigation and opportu
nities If youre interested better write
for a copy Its free 5 30
J Francis Genl Pass Agt
Omaha Nebraska
Doctors Bad Plight
Two years ago as a result of a severe cold I
lost my voice writes Dr M L Scarbrough of
Hebron Ohio then began an obstinate cough
Every remedy known to mo as a practicing phy
sician for 35 years failed and I daily grew
worse Being urged to try Dr Kings Now Dis
covery for Consumption Coughs and Colds I
fou A quick relief and for the last ten days
have felt better than for two years Positively
guaranteed for throat and lung troubles by
McConnell Berry 50c and 1 Trial free
Send Me Their Names
Send me the addresses of your friends
who might be induced to move to Ne
braska and I will mail them our new 48
page book descriptive of Nebraskas ag
ricultural resources and its unbounded
opportunities The book is illustrated
with Nebraska farm scenes and is sup
plemented with a sectional map of the
state It will help bring homeseekers to
Nebraska 5 30 J Francis
Gen Pass Agt Omaha Neb
Save the Loved Ones
Mrs Mary A Vliet Newcastle Colo writes
I believe Ballards Horehouud Syrup is superior
to any other cough medicine and will do all
that is claimed for it and it is so pleasant to
take My littlo girl wants to take it when she
has no need of it Ballards Horehound Syrup
is the great cure for all pulmonary ailments
25c 50c and 100 atA McMillens
California and Return 45
Tickets on sale April 21 to 27 May 27
to June S August 2 to S Liberal stop
over arrangements and return limits
For additional information ask the
nearest agent Burlington Eoute or
write for a California folder to
J Francis Genl Pass Agt
5 30 Omaha Nebraska
IIiikoinir u TiifMiitCflc
J P G was only an enlisted man
in Uncle Sams navy but his mess
mates called him the Swell because
whenever he went ashore lie carried a
suit of civilians clothes At Yoko
hama In ills line raiment and a white
felt hat he passed himself off to i
Japanese coal merchant as the pay
master of the iloet and contracted for
several thousand tons of coal The
price named was 11 a ton
What is my rajie off lie asked the
dealer who offered a generous commis
sion Make the price sixteen dollars
a ton and have thousand tons
ready for delivery at the earliest pos
sible hour tomorrow morning lie said
The merchant opened wine and
when thoroughly warmed up the sailor
remarked looking indolently at his
watch By the bye Im expected to
visit the club tonight and it is prob
able that I may need a little more
money than I have in my pocket Per
haps you had better advance me three
or four thousand dollars on account
Of course lie got what lie wanted
Next morning the vessels were sur
ioundod with scores of barges laden
witli coal and it was ail the ollicers
could do to prevent the Japs from un
loading their cargoes The dealer dar
ed say nothing for lie had entered into
a conspiracy to defraud the govern
ment so he pocketed his loss in si
lence New York Tress
Sow Tlicy Never Spcnlc
A coolness growing out of the fol
lowing conversation lias sprung up be
tween Jones and Smith
I had a splendid time last night
said Jones I spent the evening at a
little social gathering at the Goodman
Are the Goodmans nice people
queried Smith
Well I should say so They are
very aristocratic To get into their cir
cle one must have either a great deal
of money or a great deal of genius
You dont tell me so And you say
you were there
You were invited were you
Of course
And to be invited a man has to have
plenty of money or a great deal of gen
Well Jones I am very glad to hear
you have become rich all of a sudden
Lend me five pounds London An
ReciHons For a Divorce
The Druses sometimes divorce their
wives for apparently the most trivial
causes Thus a man named Soleiman
Attala had a wife Isbakyeh The wo
man frequently worked for us and on
several occasions I had to complain
that she talked too much and worked
too little At length I was obliged to
tell Soleiman that owing to his wifes
laziness I could employ her no longer
Shortly afterward I went to England
On my return after a couple of
months absence I was surprised to
find that Soleiman had divorced Isbak
yeh and had already married another
woman On inquiring from him the
cause of this he replied Your honor
told me that you would not employ my
wife again so I thought I would get
rid of her and marry another woman
whom you would employ Black
woods Magazine
Coaling n British Visitor
A big British battleship coming here
to attend a patriotic function of some
kind on the invitation of our govern
ment ran short of coal and Uncle Sam
as host agreed to fill her bunkers free
of charge This courtesy was done
through the medium of a Jersey City
merchant who supplied fine furnace
coal worth from G to 7 a ton and
presented his bill to the English cap
tain Send it to the navy depart
ment said the latter and to Washing
ton it went to be returned by the next
mail with a memorandum attached
saying that an error had been made
in the charge the government con
tract calling for coal at 3 a ton And
that is all the smart Jerseyite ever re
ceived New York Press
No Itelmte
When Adelina Patti visited Madrid
one time in company with her husband
Signor Nicoliui who thought himself a
tenor singer there was an effort to en
gage the noted artist for an especial
occasion The opera director asked
How much will- you charge us if you
and your honored husband appear on
this occasion for one night
Ten thousand francs sir
And how much if you come without
the signor rnadame
Ten thousand francs
Catherine de Medici
Catherine de Medici of France was
a tall dignified woman of striking per
sonal appearance Her manner was of
ten cold and repulsive her language
haughty She was never popular or
well liked Her features were regular
and the chief merit of her countenance
was a full black eye that seemed to
fascinate those on whom she looked
Jnngle Talk
Hello Where are you going cried
the lion as the fleet footed stag dashed
by him
ObIui just traveling for my health
panted the stag Why do you ask
My friend the tiger invited me to
participate in a stag dinner party to
day and I was wondering if you were
the party Philadelphia Press
A Lesson In Wnshlng
Pliny the Great could see things in
front of his nose as well as afar off
I notice that the women rub the wash
ing in cold water he wrote one day
Let them heat the water and the al
kali in the soap will be freed and take
far better effect And only after that
did women know how to wash
Fred Benidslee is home from Denver
on a visit
Floyd Welborn was a sojourner in In
dianola Sunday t
Kob Welborn rusticated in Indianola
a few days last week
Mrs I M Beardslee who has been
quite sick is improving i Z
Mr and Mrs J Kearns and
spent last Sunday in McCook
Mrs A Thacker and Miss Ora Smith
drove up to McCook Saturday
Mrs George Hill of Cripple Creek is
visiting relatives and friends heret
Mrs Hatcher and daughter Claudia
were shopping in McCook Saturday
Deputy County Clerk Robert DeVoe
spent Sunday with his friend Mr A J
Mrs Harry Brown and baby of Idaho
are here visiting her parents Mr and
Mrs M D Hobbs
The pupils of the second primary room
having earned a holiday by perfect at
tendancespentFriday afternoon fishing
Mrs H W Allen was called to Mc
Cook Monday on account of the serious
illness of her daughter Mrs L Hayden
Miss Nettie Endsley went up to Mc
Cook Friday evening to be present at
the teachers examination held at that
place Saturday
The party given by the young men of
town to the young ladies last Friday
evening was well attended and a good
time was enjoyed by all present
Rev P C Johnson formerly presid
ing elder at this place will deliver the
Memorial sermon at the M E church
Sunday May 25th at 230 p m All
who can should be present to hear one
of Mr Johnsons excellent sermons
The school board met last Saturday
evening and elected Miss Jennie Barr
of Holdrego to fill the vacancy in the
second primary room Miss Barr comes
to us highly recommended and we feel
confident that the school board has
made no mistake in securing her
Make children eat sleep and grow makes
mothers strong and vigorous makes a healthy
family Thats what Rocky Mountain Tea doe
33c McConnell Berry
Small grains of all kinds are looking
J C Acheson is thinning beets this
J A Schmitz is moving his alfalfa
this week
J A Bohling thinks this is a pretty
wet country
Ernest Dutton has about finished
planting corn
John Hesterworth is about to go
devil his corn
The Southside Dare Devils played the
Pick Up nine last Sunday
J A Schmidt will soon finish culti
vating his weedy good looking beetsJli S
Frank and Fred Wasson have put up
a shop and blossomed out into black
Roe Wasson is harrowing corn while
his brothers are taking care of the beets
He has very good stand of beets Most
all of the sugar beets are looking well
healthy and weedy
You Cant Lose Flesh or Appetite
Farmer Pity Illinois Dec 20 lOUl
Pepsin Syrup Co Monticello Illinois
Gentlemen My seven-months-old baby was
troubled a great deal with his and
bowels I had tried numerous remedies with no
pood results until baby lost much fleh and
was in very poor health A friend recommended
Dr Calwells Sjrup Pepsin I procured a 10c
bottle at Huds Drue Store and gave the con
tents to the baby according to directions after
which there was a decided improvement in his
condition Have been giving him Dr Caldwells
Syrup Pepsin for about a month with very sat
isfactory results his stomach and bowels being
in a good healthy condition and his former
weight regained
Very truly jours Alice Jackson
Sold by A McMillen
Beauty and Strength
Are desirable You are strong and vigorous
when your blood is pure Many nay mo4
women fail to properly digest their food and
so become pale sallow thin and weak while
the brightness freshness and beauty of the skin
and complexion depart Remedy this unpleas
ant evil by eating nourishing food and taking a
small dose of Herbine after each meal to digest
what you have eaten TiOc at A McMillens
Whos Girl Are You
Do you ever have the headache so you cant go
to the theatre with him Dr Caldwells Syrup
Pepsin cures headache and if you take it ac
cording to directions you can prevent its return
Sold by A McMillen
Public notice is hereby given that on the 2rith
day of March IMC a corporation was formed
and created under the laws of the of Ne
braska the name of which i the Hadell Mi r
cantile company The principal place of trans
acting the business of said corporation is in the
city of McCook in the county of Redwillow in
the state of Nebraska The general nature of
the business to be tran acted by said corpora
tion is to engage incarry on anil conduct a gen
eral retail merchandise business to buy sell and
deal in dry goods notions furnishing goods
groceries boots and shoes wearing apparel and
other articles of merchandi e
The time of commencement of aid corporation
was the 26th day of March IMC and tne termi
nation of said corporation will be on the 25th
day of March 107
The highest amount of indebtedness or liabil
ity to which said corporation is to be at any
time subject to is WMX K
The aflairs of said corporation are to be con
ducted by a board of directors which -hull con
sist of three stock holder a president
and treasurer
Signed Alfked Hadeli President
Harpt L Stevenson Secretary
McCook Nebraska May 2nd 1KC
Department of the Interior
Land Office at McCook Neb May 19th 1W1
Notice is herebv given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
that said proof will be made before regi ter and
receiver at McCook Neb on Saturday June
2Mb lfC viz Edward R Hran com H E
11116 for the E Vz S E h Soc 2 Twp T north
range 2J west 6th P M
He names the following witne es to prove hi
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land viz
Tiiinns of McOoolr Neli Hubert Beach
McCook Neb Seivart Houge of McCook Neb j
Jose nh II Steohens of Box Elder Neb
F M R tiibun Regi ter
By virtue of an order of ale i sued from the
di trict court of Redwillow county Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein the Western
Land company is plaintiff and John i Gould
Gould his wife et a are defendant- to
me directed and delivered I -hall offer at public
sale and sell to the highest bidder forca h at the j
east door of the court house in McCook Red
willow county Nebraska on the 9tli day of
June 1HC at the hour of one oclock p m the
following de cribed real estate to wit Th
past half of the northea t quarter of section 27
in townhip 1 range 26 in Redwillow county i
Nebraska i
Dated this 9th day of May 1002
A C Craktkee Sheriff
Black and J E Kellej Attorneys I
We wish to call the attention of the people of McCook and
surrounding country and we dont care how much territory
it takes in either that we have bought the photograph bus
iness of C I Hall in the A O U W block We are here for
business we can do the business and we expect to get the
business if reasonable prices good treatment and first class
work is any thing to be deserving of merit and we believe it
is and also believe you will agree with us and should you at
any time in the near future need any thing in the photograph
or picture line generally come in and give me a chance to
prove what we state in this Ad and if we fail to please you
in any respect we will charge you nothing and you need
never come back but all we ask is a chance and we will take
our chances on the balance Keep your eye on the display
case down stairs and when you see our work there it will
look good to you climb the stairs and we will be pleased to
show you more pictures and get acquainted Come in any
how if you dont want work done We are always glad to
have people call We expect to have the best furnished and
equipped studio in Western Nebraska for we are fixing and
remodeling as fast as possible Anything in the picture line
will be found at our studio If you waut enlargements of
any kind such as Crayon Pastel Sepire Water Color PIat
inoids call and look over our samples before you have your
work done elsewhere We are headquarters for the famous
Platinoid Portrait work It gives the most universal satis
faction of any kind of work ever produced or known to the
Art world We will turn out all sizes and all prices of pho
tographs We will keep a limited amount of Kodak
supplies on hand Kodaks to sell and will do finishing for
amateurs or professionals We are prepared to photograph
large groups and bytheway bring the babies They cant
be too large too small too old too young to cross too good
too pretty or too ugly for us to photograph We will get a
negative of them before they leave the gallery We have
never let one getaway yet without getting a good negative
in the 15 years we have been in the business and we intend
to retire from the work with this record unbroken
Yours for business
ijL Jl V V JL
wwmjjwjwiii l iMgwCT n rnnin
1 m
We would like to a k through tin column f
jour paper if there anv pep on u eil
Greens August Flower for tin cunt f inlige
tion ily pepia and liver troubles tlitt via- not
cured and we al o mean their nult stirli a
sour stomach fermentation of food habitual
nervous djspep ua headache- de
spondent feeling- in fact am
trouble connected with tin stomach ir liver
medicine ha- been -old for mam car- in
all civilized and we wish to
with you and -end you one of hook
f reo of co t If you never triiil Augu t Flower
try one bottle lir t We have never knowi of it
failing If so something more i the
matter with you A k your oldest drnggi t
sii G G Gkeen Woodbury N J
If you want a good
food for your child
ren try Wheatose
It is easily and
quickly prepared
and very healthful
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit
All reliable grocers
have it
California Breakfast Food
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
This proparaton contains all of the
digestants and dig t all kinds ol
food ltgive instint reiicfanrl never
fails to cure It allows you to iit all
the food you want Thermit sensitive
stomachs can take it By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have bea
cured after everything else taikd It
prevents formation of gas on the stom
ach relieving all iting
Dieting Pleasant t take
It cant help
but do you good
Prepared onlv by F DeWittvo iicigo
The 51 bottle cuiitaiii3 2i tiatatheOJi fcize
McConnell Berry Druggists
iNconpoRATcs tee
Take the genuine original
Made only by Madion Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents NeersoI4
in bulk Accept no substi
tute Ask our drujist
This signature is or every bos of the 5rtijae
Laxative BromoQuimne xaweta
the remedy that cure a cold in one dpy