i I - t a it v r Vs J 1 i I I i I i l h I - -8 H Egg 33 - J1 8H t Ha HI I 1 JL e JBcftrok jtifctp By F M KIMMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription l a Year in Advance Republican Convention Tlio Ropiibliciuis of tlio stato of Nebraska nro horoby called to mcot in convention at tlio Auditorium in tlio city of Lincoln on Wednes day Juno 18 HKC ut 2 oclock in tlio afternoon for tlio purpose of placing in nomination can didates for tlio following oflices to be votesd for at tlio imxt genornl olection to bo bold in tbo stato of Nebraska November 4 1902 viz Ono governor one lieutenant governor ono secretary of state ono auditor of public accounts ono treasurer ono suiwrintendent of public instruc tion ono attorney general ono commissioner of public lands and buildings mid for tlio trans action ofsucb other business as may regularly come before tbo meeting Tliobasisof representation of tbo several coun ties in said convention shall bo tbo voto cast for lion Samuel II Sedgwick for judgo of tlio su premo court at tlio regular election bold on November i 1911 giving ono delegate for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof so cast for tlio biiid Samuel II Sedgwick and ono for each county Said apportionment entitles the following countiesto the following representation in mid convention Furnas 12 Gosper 4 Redwillow 11 Frontier 8 Hitchcock J Hayes 4 Dnndy 4 Chase v 4 It is recommended that no proxies bo allowed in said convention but that the dolegatcs pres ent tlioroat bo authorized to cast the full voto of tbo couutv represented bv thorn Notice is hereby given that each ofthoodd numbored senatorial districts in tlio Stato is to select a monitor of the stato cominitteo to serve for tlio term of two years Hy order of the state cominitteo II C Lindsay Chairman JoiinT Mallamuu Secrotnry Republican County Convention Tbo Republicans of Redwillow county are hereby called to meet in convention in tbo city of McCook on Saturday the 21th day of May 1902 at tlio hour or eleven oclock a in for tbo purpose of placing in nomination candidates for tlio following otlicos to bo voted for at the next general election to be boldin tbo state of Ne braska on tbo 1th day of November 1902 viz Ono county attorney one county judge ono representative of the CTith legislativo district ono commissioner first district eleven dele gates to tlio Republican state convention olovon delegates to the Republican congressional con vention of the 5th congressional district or the stato of Nebraska eleven delegates to the 29tli senatorial district convention or the stato of Nebraska and for tbo transaction of such other business as may regularly come before said convention Tlio basis of representation of tlio several precincts in said comity shall bo tbo voto cast for O L Thompson for county treasurer in the year 1901 allowing one delegate for each fifteen votes or fraction thereof cast for said O L Thompsrtn and two delegates at largo for each votiug precinct of said county Said apportion ment entitles thosoveral voting precincts in said county to tbo following representation in said convention Alliance 4 Rondvillo 5 Coleman 4 Driftwood 4 Fritsch 4 Grant 4 Lebanon 7 North Valley 4 Redwillow 5 Valley Grange 5 ASK YOUR sasaww DEALER jiiKijT 4jfcj Beaver 7 KoxElder 4 Danbury 5 East Valley 7 Qerver 4 Iudianola G Missouri Ridge 4 Perry 4 Tyrone 3 WILLOW GROVE 1st Ward 1st Precinct 13 1st Ward 2nd Precinct 11 2nd Ward 1st Precinct 10 2nd Ward 2ud Precinct 9 Total 133 It is recommended that no proxies be allowed in said convention but that the delegates pres ent thereat bo authorized to cast the full vote of tbo precinct represented by them By order of committee C E Eldred Chairman B G Gossard Secretary Proclamation The 30th day of May in each succeed ing year has been set apart by our laws as a legal holiday for Memorial purposes In order that the day may be better ob served and the people have an oppor tunity to participate in this observance I do proclaim the 30th day of May 1902 a legal holiday to be observed by the peo ple of McCook and request that they observe it by abstaining from all un necessary labor between the hours of 12 noon and G p m and that during that time all places of business be closed and that the people repair to the place desig nated by the Grand Army of the Repub lic and assist them in Memorial services In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my band this 23rd day of May 1902 G E Eldred Mayor The result in Furnas county while not a surprise is most gratifying to Judge Norris who secured the delega tion in the interest of his candidacy for congress without opposition This as sures the judge a solid delegation from the entire Fourteenth judicial district and adds a most roseate tint to his pros pects in the Fifth district The Burlington management is wise and businesslike in its policy of persist ently endeavoring by all reasonable means to improve the condition of the country through which its lines are op erating Especial attention has been given by the officials to the development of Southwestern Nebraska a difficult country which requires different meth ods than Eastern Nebraska or Iowa in its agricultural development The theories of H W Campbell and his practical demonstrations have always been regarded as most valuable by the officials and they have recently given additional proof of confidence in the culture methods of Mr Campbell by purchasing several thousand copies of the 1902 issue of his Soil Culture Man ual for free distribution to all who apply for a copy with an enclosure of a two cent stamp The book contains a large amount of practical not theoreti cal information of distinct value to the farmers of this section of Nebraska and none of them should fail to secure a copy of this free manual Write to J Francis Omaha Neb Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is a perfect laxa tive Sold by A McMillen AreYou Going to Paint SB JRE AOY u SPREAD NICELY COVER FURTHER LAST LONGEST COTLERHEILSOSJPAIPCOtORCO KANSAS CITY US A 15 Minutes sufficient to give you most delicious tea biscuit using Royal Baking Powder as di rected A pure true leavener The Decadence of the Editorial Sometimes one hears regrets for the passing of the good old days of Horace Greeley and his paper for the days when the New York Tribune was read throughout the land and was a factor in the realms of thought for the days when the utterances of the great editor were pondered over and quoted and talked of and when they were reflected in the atti tude of a large portion of tho people We are told by men of tho older genera tion that tho newspaper has degenerated that tho race of editors has become ex tinct that whereas formerly the news paper was a moulder of opinions at least political it has lost its power that whereas formerly it was a leader it has become a follower that itis no longer an agency for good for it is admitted that a class of newspapers has come into ex istence a product of these wicked times that is a school for sinnors an arm of the Devil a force for evil that is appalling The editorial page of the city daily was once peculiarly tho editors corner of tho paper where affairs of moment were discussed by men in whom tho public reposed confidence whose views the public was willing to consider if not to adopt It was tho page to which tho serious man who was not satisfied with knowing merely facts but who desired also to know the relation of effect to cause turned for instruction and guid ance But tho editorial page has lost cast has become a repository for tho humorous paragraph It is designed primarily for the amusement of the young and of the shallow It is referred to for a few minutes if the news is ex hausted before the suburban has reached his destination In defense of this department a recent essayist himself a newspaper man has said that the public has come to reject the disquisitional editorial declines to look on the editorial page for light de demans the facts from which it draws its own conclusions or has grown too busy or too indolent to give heed to controversy Terhaps the reason for this tempera mental change in the portion of the pub lic that reads the better class of papers is due to the fact that this land is now a country with a history We have pre cedents to follow and we do not inquire whether they are good or bad One who questions them is branded as an iconoclast The opinions of the genera tion that has gone have solidified into dogmas that protect us like coats of mail from stray missiles of argument and reason Our ancestors were compelled to evolve the problems of government from chaos The solved them to their complete satisfaction and set the an swers down in the back of the book have found it easier and more to inclination to look in the back of We our the book for the answers when we require them for our own purposes than to work the problems out than to toil to a de termination for ourselves We are will ing to accept their conclusions without doubting their correctness We believe that it is possible for us to do so with safety Tradition is playing its part in affairs We do as fathers did not solely because they did well or because we believe they did well but because they achieved a certain measure of success by pursuing their peculiar course We vote as they voted We do not ask whether they were right We are educated education meaning simply knowledge of what those who have gone before us did under simi lar circumstances We have found the world not as it is but as it was or as our ancestors conceived it to be to our liking We not only live in the houses they built We worship at the shrines they erected We dwell in the temples of cant and superstition they reared It were easier to follow in the trails they blazed than to go through the forest with an ax marking a way for ourselves Their minds like fresh photographic plates were impressionable were capa ble of receiving images Our minds were befogged before exposure to the scenes it was intended should be re produced The pictures taken by them are hanging upon our walls but condi tions have changed since the negatives were made The trees which were then mere saplings have grown to huge pro portions The roof of the house has been raised and many wings have been added We admit as we must that the picture does not look right but our dull vision cannot discern wherein it is faulty We forget that each generation must seek truth for itself that experience is prop erty peculiarly personal a garment that fits only the one for whom it was made We can no more profit by the store laid up for another than we can se out of a glass eye The reason for the decadence of the editorial then seems to be the intolerance of the reading public that rejects interpretations different from its own It cares not for the corroboration for in its conceit it believes its opinions stand on as high a plane as anothers Or is it that we are devoid of conscience and do what conserves our interests re gardless of right Are we losing our faculties for the want of exercise Or have we become deficient in intellect too preoccupied to think Desirable House For Sale My house and two lots with barn hedge fruit and shade trees corner of Dakota and Manchester streets occu pied by H F Pade Fine location Also lots 10 11 and 12 block 12 First addi tion to McCook fronting park Apply to Mrs H G Dixon Kennett Square Pa Flies will soon be here and you will need screens See us before buying 4-4-Its Bullaud Co v Fraternal Insurance Order Cards K O T M -Regular meetings on second anil fourth Tuesday evenings of each month in McConnell hnll at S Visiting knights welcome M R Gatkh commander J H Yarouis record koeierC A Leach finance keeper ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodgo No i07 meets on second and fourth Mon day evenings of each month at eight oclock in McConuell ball J R McCakl Illustrious Pro Roht V Disvoe Secretary Grocer Arrested For Selling Impure Food At Dayton Ohio a grocer named John L Schuster has been arrested for selling Arbuckles Arosa Coffee The Puro Food departmentof Ohio claim that the glazing on Ariosa Coffee makes it unsalable in that state This interests other grocers because similar actions are likely to be brought against them for selling Ar buckles or any other coffee which has been glazed or coated The trial has been set for June 2d It is understood that the Arbuckles will send New York lawyers to defend tho case Tho Pure Food and Dairy com missioner Joseph II Blackburn will employ the best legal talent ho can secure to represent the states side of the case The laws of Ohio are very strict in protecting the people against impure food It is claimed that Ar buckles Coffee is impure because it is coated with a glazing that serves to cover up defects and make the coffee look better than it really is and that this glazing is cheaper than coffee Every one who drinks coffee will be nterested in the outcome of this case Willow Groves Delegates First ward 1st precinct Albert Bar nett chairman F M Kimmell J E Kelley W P Bross E J Wilcox George Willetts Matthew Lawritson V Franklin C W Barnes George Beck S L Green W S Perry C I Hall First ward 2nd precinct C B Gray W J Porter C B Sawyer Charles Emerson W J Line F W Hawks worth W W Archibald Allen Wilson FEPalmer John Krieger WABrown Second ward 1st precinct II P Sut ton W R Starr C G Budig Howe Smith W T Coleman R B Archi bald C F Babcock W S Morlan Emerson Hanson Don Thompson Socond ward 2nd precinct S Cor deal C ADixon TJSmith John Wentz James Powell J D Hare T J Devitt Vance McManigal William Huber There are greater accomplishments than the ability to write poetry The courage for instance to refrain Motwithstanding the fact that the experts have passed against the proposed postal check system it is not probable that the agitation in its favor will cease No public measure in recent years has received a more widespread and spon taneous endorsement If any real and valid objections are discovered they will doubtless be rectified but the main idea will be firmly and persistently pushed ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS BC Monpleasure is in the city today W C Bulger and wife came in from ElPaso Texas this morning on 2 Oscar Sampson went down to Oxford yesterday to see some boy friends gradu ate in the public schools of that burg A narrow gauge track is being laid between the main repair tracks to facili tate the handling of materials of the heavier sort The floor space in the storehouse has been largely increased by laying a floor in the attic and building a stairway up to the second story thus created Will Mever is on th rlipf with n mashed finger Thursday afternoon he was setting an eccentric which slipped mashing the second finger of his right hand pretty severely Henry Sheeser and wife of Brush Colorado are visiting S M Cochran and wife this week They are on their way home from visiting relatives in Red Cloud Fireman H E MacKain sustained a severe loss last Thursday night After receiving his pay he placed about SSO in his closet at tho round house and went out on a train On his return he found that the money had been stolen DANBURY Mrs Charles Rogers is on the sick list F C Headley and family move back to Cambridge Monday Phillip Gliem has had his residence newly painted Burnett Dolph doing the work D A Waterman was on our streets Monday also looking after the bridges in these parts Photographer Steele of Oberlin was here Saturday telling his patients to look pleasant please And still we have nice showers and great growing weather over one half inch inch of rain fall this week so far Alex Strain started last Thursday for Iowa to be gone about three weeks While there he will attend n rpnninn f his old Iowa regiment Ed Eno returned Tuesday from Mc Cook where he has been working on the B M rip track He was hit with a base ball and obliged to lay off Danbury public school commencement exercises passed off quite successfully last Friday eveninsr The whnlo cln doinsr the act with satisfaction fn nil concerned There were four scholarships awarded one to each of the following Rollo DeMay Loyal Parker Nettie Ob linger and Jesse Naden Grain Moved tn Streams Nowhere In North America will you come on a more thrilling night scene than the fresh water cargo tank un loading at Buffalo says Itollin Lyntle Ilartt In The Atlantic Here she lies beneath the towering grain elevator which thrusts a long pumping pipe called the leg down through her hatchway Mount the gangplank dodging the spinning ropes that make your head reel stumble about on the dark deck look down down down through the open hatch and zounds what a sight The hold glows with electricity It Is misty with blown dust It roars with mechanical activ ity An enormous steel shovel big as the inside of a house and manipulated by countless Hying ropes charges back and forth through the whole length of the ship pitching the yellow grain be fore it and heaping it up where the leg can get hold of it to whisk it into the bin that is somewhere up In the sky Leneath in the hold an army of blue clad men with wooden scoops barely dodge the deadly shovel as thej swing the grain into its path Observations liy Mildred Scene Tramcar Dramatis personal Four-year-old girl mother and several passengers Child in high shrill treble Mamma did you get papas birthday present Yes dearest What did you get mamma Cigars lovey The cheap ones that Aunt Millie told you about Silence from mamma but a heighten ed flush on her face that was not entire ly the reflection from dearest loveys red velvet hat Mamma that man over there has on a dreadfully dirty necktie You told papa the other day that no gentleman would wear a soiled necktie Man glares and pulls his coat about his neck Mildred stop talking Mildred was silent for a little while Mamma that lady over there forgot to polish her shoes tills morning London Spare Moments All Cheese Is Densely Populated Professor Adametz who devoted con siderable time to tlio study of the fra grant subject said that the population of an ordinary cheese when a few weeks old is greater than the number of persons upon the earth Professor Adametz made some inter esting researches dealing with the mi nute organisms found in cheese From a microscopic examination of a soft variety of Gruyere cheese he obtained the following statistics In fifteen grains of cheese when perfectly fresh from 00000 to 140000 microbes were found and when the cheese was sev enty days old the population had in creased to S00000 in each fifteen grains An examination of a denser cheese at twenty five days old proved it to contain 1200000 In each gram about fifteen grains and when forty five days old 2000000 in the same small particle Spiders Are Industrious No small insect ever escapes from the web of a spider a fact which is not to be wondered at when it is con sidered that an ordinary sized snare may contain as many as 120000 viscid globules The spinner is constantly engaged in repairing injuries to the web inflicted by wind stray leaves or captured insects Once a day the whole snare is subjected to rigorous examina tion and any broken or loosened threads are adjusted Cornhill Maga zine Thunder Winter thunder is considered through out Europe to be of very ill omen but April thunder is considered to be very beneficial In Devonshire and other cider counties of England there is a saying that when it thunJers In April you must clean up the barrels in readiness that is for a plentiful crop of apples The French consider April thunder to be indicative of a good yield from their vineyards and cornfields Chunce For Vengeance Simson angrily I have sent the ed itor of The Hightone Magazine forty two of my poems and he has returned every one of them Friend Dont send him any more lie might get mad Suppose he should What could he do He might publish one of them un der vour real uame New York Week ly Alinndoned Cisterns An abandoned cistern is often a dan gerous thing and should be filled as stagnant water which may remain in it is a common source of disease If this cannot be done at once it is a good plan to throw in proper disinfectants and gradually fill it up with sifted coal ashes The Real Bitterness Mamma But darling why should you object to taking the good doctors advice Bobby It isnt his advice mamma Its his horrid old medicine that I hate to take Chicago News Why He Xcvcr Attains Her Ideal A man who is earning the living for a family doesn t have time to live up to his wifes ideals and by tho time he has made his money he is too old and wants to be comfortable Atchison Kan Globe To make good tea and coffee the wa ter should be taken at the first bubble Remember continued boiling causes the water to part with its gases and be come flat This is the cause of much bad tea and coffee Ladies Home Jour nal V0 sQQQQ0ss00xee Dozens of People Have Had Fits Out oCthat lot of shoes which HON EST JOHN has been SELLING AT COST And there are a few of that assort ment left in Mens Womens and Childrens sizes They must all go Call and look them over ANOTHER DROP In the price of those silk striped Gren adines Merserized Zephyrs and Silk Linons All 6oc Grenadines 4c All 60c Merserized Zephyrs 48c All 60c Silk Linons 48c All 30c Merserized Zephyrs 25c All 1 5c Batiste Lawns 1 2Ac AND THEN TOO We have a few of those beautiful satin striped Wool Challies which sell regularly for 1 and 85c per yard all of which we now offer at 225 and 175 for waist patterns of 2 A yards We subtract from prices to multiply on sales Conclusion You profit For anything in Dry Goods Carpets Shoes and Groceries ring up telephone No 16 or call on I JOHNHGRANNIS j HcCOOK N E B R i p IndependentCountyConvention Tlio Peoples IiiiiniiPiulant elector- of Red willow county are hereby called to meet in con vention in the city of Iudianola on Saturday Juno tho 7th 1102 at tho hour of Nloclock a in for the purpose of placing in nomination can didates for the following ollices to ho voted for at the next general election to be held in the state of Nebraska in November 1902 viz One county attorney one county judge one representative of the Ii5tli district one commis sioner first district and delegates to the Peoples Independent stato convention and delegates to the Peoples Independent congressional conven tion of the 5th congressional district of the tate of Nebraska and delegates to the 29th sena torial district convention of tbo state of Ne braska and for the transaction of such other bnsinesi as may regularly come before said convention The basis of representation of the several pre cincts in said county shall le the voteca t for J V Dutcher for sheriff in the year 1901 allow ing one delegate for each ir votes or fraction thereof cast for said J W Dntcher and one delegate at large for each voting precinct of said county said apportionment entitles the several voting precincts in said county to the following representation in said convention Alliance 4 Heaver 5 Hondville f ISoxEIder t Coleman 15 Danbury 1 Driftwood i East Valley 4 Fritsch 4 Gerver A Grant Lebanon i Mo Ridge Perry i Redwillow 2 Iudianola C 4 NorthValIey5 5 Tyrone t Valley Grange a Willow Grove 13 Total a It is recommended that no proxies be allowed in said convention but that the delegates pres ent thereat be authorized to cast the full voto of the precinct represented by them It is further recommended that tho precinct primaries be hold on Wednesday June tth in each precinct R A Gkeen Chairman G C Boatman Secretary Caution This is not a gentle word but when you think how liable you are not to purchase for 71c the only remedy universally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicinc in the world since IMG for the cure and treatment of consumption and thr at lung troubles without losing its great popular ity all these years you will be thankful we called your attention to Roschees German Sj rup There are so many ordinary cough rem edies mado by druggists and others that aro cheap and good for light colds perhaps but for severe coughs bronchitis croup and especially for consumption where there is difficult expec toration and coughing during tho nights and mornings there is nothing like German Syrup Sold by all druggists in the civilized work G G Green Woodbury N J BANKSVILLE W II Benjamin is busy assessing Grant precinct Guy Hartman was on the sick list with grip Tuesday J II Relph was on business at Cedar Bluffs Kansas Wednesday Everybody jubilant over tho amount of rain fall and crops are looming up Josh Rowland and wife arrived at Banksville Saturday and made a trip to Herndon Kansas Sunday W E Knobbs visited at Banksville this week and wont to Hitchcock county to visit his parents Thursday McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Corn n1 Wheat ij Oats GO Rye Hogs 61 Eggs 12 Butter ig I am closing out what buggies I have at a bargain to make room for a car If you need anything in the vehicle line it will pay to call at once W T Coleman Base ball goods at Cones Of Interest to Campers Out Many of our readers occasional v go into camp on a hunting or iishingtrip or prospecting or ranching On such a trip the question of what to eat is most important for a turn of indigestion spoils all the pleasure and sickness away from home defeats the purpose of the trip With a little attention to outlitting one thing may lie made sure that the food rt ill lie all right Bread biscuits and flapjacks are the principal things with fresh meat and fish when they can be obtained How to handle these and many other eatable things in the best wij at uie camp lire is tlie subject of a little book entitled Camp Cookery published by the Royal Baking Powder Co New York Any Triijlwk reader will receive a copy of this book free of charge by writing to the Royal Baking Powder Co New York A iiostal will do Walks Without Crutches I was much alllicted with sciatica write Ed C Nuil Iowaville Sedgwick county KansnJ going about on crutches and suffering a deal of pain I was induced to try Ballards Snow Liniment which relieved me I used three Wc bottles It is the greatest liniment I ever ued have recommended it to a number of persons oil express themselves as being benefitted by it I now walk without crutches and am able to perform a irnitr l rf Krlif ii i r 2jc 50c and 100 at A McJlillens Advertised Letters The followinrr lofforc nr l4i y the McCook postollice Mav 21 1902 j if At j wiiies ocneuecK fFCIar John H Smith - Geo Henry Miss Annin P eox iVVeck OFRowheif l W hen calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster A Nearly Fatal Runaway Started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J H Orner Franklin Grove Illinois which defied doctors and all remedies for four years Then Bucklens Arnica Salve cured him Justas gS for boils burns bruises cuts corns scald skin eruptions and piles 2K at McConnell Jc Berrys To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure L W Groves signature is on each box 2 Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents sodVcff Sa3i2rap 7id3 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE ayjmn Trade Marks designs invention is pSabl SebLb uons trirtlyconflderitial lianrihfrSU4nlca scnt free Oldest alencv forSi fatit3 Scientific American mUNN GO3618 Mpw Ynrfr Branch Office KFSt hlKD1 t 4 f A H M 4 f