- - j S 1 Mrs Annie McKay Chaplain Sons of Temperance 326 Spadina Ave Toronto Cured of Severe Female Troubles by Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound I Dear Mrs Pinkham Being a mother of five children I have had experience with the general troubles of my sex I was lacerated when one of my children was born and from that hour I date all my afflictions I found that within a few months my health was impaired I had female weakness and serious inflammation and frequent flooding I became weak and dizzy but kept on my feet dragging through my work without life or pleasure A neighbor who had been helped by taking Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound insisted that I take at least one bottle I did so and felt so much better that I kept on the treatment For seven months I used the Compound faithfully and gladly do I say it health and strength are mine once more I know how to value it now when it was so nearly lost and I appreciate how great a debt I owe you The few dollars I spent for the medicine cannot begin to pay what it was worth to me Yours very truly Mrs Anna McKay Chaplain Sons of Temperance 5000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER IS NOT GENUINE No other female medicine in the world has received such widespread and unqualified endorsement Refuse all substitutes Mrs Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice Ehe has guided thousands to health Address Lynn Mass None Bvrt The Brave By HAMBLEN Socond Edition Ready FOR EVERY Price 100 CUTICTJRA SOAP to cleanse the skiQ Of crusts and scales and soften the thick ened cuticle CUTICURA OIHTMENT to instantly allay itching inflamma tion and irritation and soothe and heal and CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS to cool and cleanse the blood A SINGLE SET of these great skin curatives is often sufficient to cure the most tortur ing disfiguring itching burning bleed ing crusted scaly and pimply skin scalp and blood humours with loss of hair vhen all else fails alliens of People nor rtmrnm RrAT assisted bvCUTICDRA Ointment for preserving purifying and bcautif ving the skin for cleansing the ecalp of crusts scales and dandruff and the stop ping of falling hair for softening whitening jrnil soothing red rough and sore hands for baby rashes ltchings and chaQngs and for all the purposes of the toilet bath and nurs ery Millions of Women use Clticuua Soap Inthc form of baths for annoying Irritations inflammations and excoriations or too free or offensive perspiration In the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses and for many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women Resolvent Tills Chocolato Coated are a now tasteless odorless eco nomical substitute for the celebrated liquid rmcPRA Resolvent as well as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures In vials containing CO deses price 25c euc zir is iSaco in a Cum ica Coir Sals BcttoE i U 8 A W N U Omaha No 201902 US Best Cough Syrup TaMeGooL TJsc HI SEARS Illustrated 150 CVERY one who loves the scenes of galloping cavaliers brave sword play desperate adventures and the flash and charm of a game of hearts will want to read None But The Brave Merton Balfort the hero and his fellow soldiers John Acton and Robert Curtis are bound up together by both choice and circumstance much as were the three guardsmen of Dumas and their adventures are no less thrilling and romantic than the deeds of those classic heroes Rarely has there appeared in fiction a maid of such versatile pow ers to charm and pierce the soul of a lover as the tantalizing royalist Deborah Philipse for whom the hero gets into trap after trap risking life and honor for her sake only to be ignored and insulted a few moments afterward until but thats the story and a charming graphic and original denouement it presents DODD MEAD COMPANY Publishers 372 Fifth Avenue New York Buy your goods at Wholesale Prices Our 1000 paKC catalojme will be sent upon receipt of 15 cents This amount does not even pay the postage but it is sufficient to show us that you are acting in jrood fnith Better send for it now Your neighbors trade with us why not you also 7m4m CHICAGO The house that tells the truth RKXHSUal FtnghJ Use yonr natty decaying kalsomlns KotIrl ALABASTI5E is what I asked for and what I want ALABASTINE NOT A KALSOM1ME Is a pure permanent and artistic wall coating ready for the brush by mixing in cold water For Sale by Paint dealers Everywhere To Thoso Building We are experts in the treatment of walls Write and see how help ful we can be at no cost to you in getting beautiful and healthful homes Address Alabastine Company ocpaRTMcnTD GRAND RAPIDS MICH 3sKrH IN vX 9 3r37iNM WYERS yutHsii Eat tCVA Y VTiky Pommel Slickers Keep the rider perfect dry x0 rr can leak in oa the sijdlc cut extra wide and long in the tkirl Kxtra protection at uhoul derseann Warranted wb terproot Ifjoar oeuler doen t hai ethent write for catalogue to ii n saitteh SOMSolrJJfr XTTi BIkvh UuuW7 WpcQy East Cambridge Batk ALL WR1CHT F0R MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY Care Comtipttioc Chills jnd Frtrr and all Blk isa Coaplalath All IlrczrltU Trice 24 renU a Box WRIGHTS INDIAN VEGETABLE PIU CO lew York DllDTIBOBCUItEDwlilJeyonwork Ton rSr B W ri K py 84 when cured No cure lo pay ALEZBFBIES Box 0 Weitbrook Shine THE WOKLDS CANALS ENGINEERING FEATS THAT HAVE AIDED COMMERCE Many Human Live nnl Million ol Money Expended In the Hulhfing of Water ICoutcj Loudest In tho World Is In China Britains earliest canals date from the time of the Romans and one of them the Foss Dyke in Lincolnshire can still be used But it is to the Duke of Bridgwater that the British people must look at the initiator of canals as i recognized means of transit He aided by Brindley gave an impetus to canal making in the country which re sulted in great commercial develop ments In 17G7 Manchester and Liver pool were united by a canal and coal and iron industries grew with enor mous rapidity Soon 3000 miles of canals were established The total mileage of canals in Eng land is 3050 In Scotland 154 in Ire land 609 Of course the Manchester ship canal is the greatest canal in the British Is lands its construction was one of the greatest engineering feats of modern times Thirty five and a half miles long it cost 15000000 France has 3000 miles of canals owned by the state as are the canals of Belgium and Holland The Amsterdam ship canal giving an outlet to the North Sea is over six teen miles long took ten years to make and cost 2600000 Though only four miles long the canal across the Isthmus of Corinth took more than ten years to construct and cost nearly 2000000 Sixty miles long is the Baltic canal which starts near Kiel and joins the Elbe at Brunsbuttel It cost 8000 000 Sea going vessels reach St Peters burg by a canal between that city and Cronstadt twenty miles long Lake Eric is connected with the Hudson river by a canal which is part of a system of waterways over 640 miles long owned by New York state Canada has after ten years com pleted a scheme which opens an im mense waterway between the great lakes the St Lawrence and Montreal admitting ships of fourteen feet draught The Suez canal is too well known to need description This waterway of ninety five miles length is owing to the greater tonnage of present steam ers to have its depth increased to thirty feet The longest canal is the Imperial canal of China which is 1000 miles in length Of schemes for canals not yet con structed the most famous are those for cutting across the Isthmus of Panama and connecting the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and the rival project for a canal through Nicaragua Many lives and 120000000 francs were lost in the Panama scheme for a forty seven mile long canal The Nicaragua canal will be 170 miles long if it is ever finished It was started in 1SS9 but want of money has retarded its progress But Am ericans favor it and they have a way of seeing things through An interesting suggestion has been made for shortening the route to the east coast of India by 350 miles by cutting through the Island of Rames waram and making a channel through the Gulf of Manaar and Palk Strait not now navigable Winning an Earls Friendship Ralph Connor author of Black Rock and other stories of the North west is a close and honored friend of the earl of Aberdeen former governor general of Canada and the circum stances which brought about their friendship makes an interesting story The governor general on a tour of the Northwest visited the distant set tlement of Banff where Ralph Connor who is a Presbyterian minister whose real name is Rev Charles W Gordon and whose home is now at Winnepeg was then a missionary Lady Aberdeen was with her hus band and an invitation was sent to Mr Gordon the Presbyterian mission ary to dine with them Much to their surprise the reply came that Mr Gor don was unable to do so as he had an appointment which would take him away from the settlement at the time of the dinner Not until some time afterward and then not through Mr Gordon himself did the governor general learn that the missionarys appointment on account of which he had declined the invita tion to dinner was an engagement at a distant post to preach to some half dozen miners who were practically outside of civilization and whom the missionary would not neglect even for the opportunity to meet persons of title and wealth an opportunity rare in that isolated neighborhood Lord Aberdeen was strongly im pressed by the devotion of the mis sionary and took pains to cultivate his friendship Stories About Wapner A London paper tells a story of Wagner in the days of his youth and poverty calling upon Rossini in Paris and noticing a little composition of his own on the piano rack The reply nf Pnssini when it was pointed out to hici that the music was upside down J was perhaps hardly up to tne uest iorm of the polite Frenchman You see I found it sounded better that way Bill Nyes compliment to Wagner was in a happier vein He told the greai composer that he had no doubt his music was really much better than it sounded Novel Fire Alarm A new telephone fire alarm system has just been patented the whole sys tem being operated by a magnetic cur rent and dry batteries After the sys tem is once installed the only thing to get out of order is the burning out ocfta ifonally of a fuse which may be quickly repaired A separate wire is used for each fire district and any number of telephones may be connect ed with any district wire Ecksteins Dilemma Gustav Eckstein of New York tent an express package containing 10000 to Baltimore and had it marked and registered as containing 50i0 there by saving 1 per thousand on the dif ference When the package arrived at its destination it was found to con tain only 5000 in accordance with the record and now the frugal Mr Eckstein is poundering over what he had better do about it Depews Butter Story Senator Depew contributes a butter story to the gayety of nations A friend of mine went into a high class restaurant he says and discovered oleomargarine upon the table Come here he said to the waiter How do you pronounce And the intelligent servitor of the magnificent palace of pleasure at once responded I pronounce it butter sir or else I lose my job Rheumatism Cured at ast Lake Sarah Minn May 12th Thou sands will read with pleasure that a cure for Rheumatism has at last been found A Mrs Hildebrandt of this place after trying very manr medicines has recently found a successful remedy for this painful disease This woman suffered so with the Rheumatism in her arms that sleep or rest became Impossible She heard of Dodds Kidney Pills but having little faith in anything was very reluctant to spend any more money for medicine However she decided to try one box and this helped her so much that she continued to use the Pills Now she says I am real well and I dont know how I can express my thanks to Dodds Kidney Pills for what they have done for me If silence is golden the woman who is deaf and dumb must be twenty four carats fine The Millard Omahas Leading Hotel Newly Furnished Throughout for High Grade of Service Convenience of location and Reasonable Rates En tirely Satisfies Our Townspeople Whose Business Takes Them to Om aha 2 Per Day or European Plan 1 Per Day The Lincoln Opp Depots Lincoln Neb 2 and Up Per Day When a lazy man stops to think he is seldom able to start again Halls Catarrh Cnro Is a constitutional cure Price 75c Some men find that Friday is just as unlucky as any other day DO TOUR CLOTHES LOOi YELXOW If so usoRed Cross Ball Blue Itwillmake them white as snow 2 0 5 package 5 cents The man who goes all the gaits will become unhinged after a while PTQ permanently cured No flt or nervousness after r I 8 O flrt days use of Dr Klines Great Nerve Restor er Send for FltEK 8200 trial bottle nnd treatie Dr It II Kline Ltd 931 Arch Street Philadelphia Ia Artists and poets frequently get their high ideals by living up close to the roof INENT PHYSIGIA n - 3 Dr L Jordan yffjly DBD money refunded We promise that should vou use TOT NAM FADELESS DYES and be dissat isfied from any cause whatever to re fund 10c for every package Monioe Drug Co Umonville Mo The man who is ashamed of his re ligion hasnt much to be ashamed of Vanity is the daughter of selfish ness m USE AND ENDORSE FE RU NA jr lmYrr l l t Lm 4 tq mm CBCHAMBEPLIN M1X OF WASmNQTONDC three years at f West Point has the following to say or Ieruna 4kA11rf TV tn rt express my grati r tude to you for 8 th hnnefit de rived from your wonderful rem edy One short month has f vast change and rv FyTvvi now consider my- C B Chamberlin M D writes from 14th and P Sts Washington DC Many cases have come under my observation where Peruna has benefited and cured Therefore I cheerfuiiy recommend it for catarrh and a general tonic C B CHAMBERLIN M D Medical Examiner U S Treasury Dr Llewellyn Jordan Medical Ex aminer of U S Treasury Depart ment graduate of Columbia College HiAAJiA Ae and who served self a well man and I after months of suffering Fellow sufferers Peruna will cure you Dr Llewellyn Jordan Geo C Havener M D of Anacostia D C writes TboPoruna Medicine Co Columbus O Guntlemen In rny practice 1 have had occasion to frequently prescribe your valuable medicine and ha ve fo nd its use beneficial especially in cases of catarrh George C Havener M D If you do not receive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Ieruna write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio Suddenly It injures the nervous system to do so Use BACO CURO and it will tell you when to stop as it takes away the desire for tobacco You have no right to ruin your health spoil your digestion and poison your breath by using the filthy weed A guarantee in each box Price Sl00 per box or three boxes for S250 with guarantee to cure or At all good Druggists or direct from us Write for free booklet 1UREECA GHEigGAL CO Unrequited love soon acquires a job lot of wrinkles La Crosse Wis The trouble with a great many ac tors is that they are only imitation actors Stops the Cough and Works OH the Cold Laxative Bromo Quiniuo TabletH Price 25c The absent may be at fault but these present are always supplied with excuses A man may be every inch a gentle man and not very tall at that Health will come with all its blessings to those who know the way and it is mainly a ques tion of right-living- with all the term implies hut the efforts which strengthen the system the games which refresh and the foods which nourish are important each in a way vhile it is also advantageous to have knowledge of the hest methods of promoting freedom from unsani tary conditions To assist nature when nature needs assistance it is all important that the medicinal agents used should he of the hest quality and of known value and the one remedy which acts most beneficially and pleasantly as a laxative is Syrup of Fig3 manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co With a proper understanding of the fact that many physical ills are of a transient char acter and yield promptly to the gentle action of Syrup of Figs gladness and comfort come to the heart and if one would remove the torpor and strain and congestion attendant upon a con stipated condition of the system take Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from the aches and pains the colds and headaches and the depression due to inactivity of the bowels In case of any organic trouble it is well to consult a competent physician but when a laxative is required remember that the most permanently gratifying results will follow personal cooperation with the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs It is for sale by all reliable druggists Price fifty cents per bottle The excellence of Syrup of Figs comes from the beneficial effects of the plants used in the combination and also from the method of manufacture which ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product essential in a perfect family laxative All the members of the family from the youngest to the most advanced in years may use it whenever a laxative is needed and share alike in its beneficial effects We do not claim that Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of known value but it possesses this great advantage over all other laxatives that it acts gently and pleasantly without disturbing natural functions in any way a3 it ii free from every ob jectionable qnality or substance To get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy the genuine and the fall name of the Co California Fig Syrup Co is printed on the front of every package AflSFeMIA Louisville Ky m wmwp a San Francisco Cal New York N Y