X ii- rj x p VttTfetVVkVVkV l 1 i 4 Do You Know That we have a big stock of shoes at very reasonable prices WE HAVE Mens shoes at 150 to 5 Ladies at 150 to 375 Misses start at 75c Childs at 50c We also have a good line of Ladies and Hisses Oxfords If you buy your shoes here you are getting as good values as can be found at the price THE was fit s araam tot p a r BeGRQFF GO 4Vibfefe b w DANBURY W T Hontou is making an addition to his framo house C W Dow of Indianola was a business visitor of Danbury Tuesday Win Saudon has been remodeling the base ment of his dwelliug house E A Ruby returned from Colorado Springs Wodnosdny last via Indianola Another nice rain Wednesday and Thursday mornings making 1D3 inches this week R P High and Bruce Cummings G O P wheel horses of Lebanon wore calling on the faithful of Danbury last Thursday D A Waterman and Platto Kenney of Lob anon stopped with us a short time last Wednes day whilo ea route home from McCook Small grain is looking fine in these parts now Tho farmers are afraid to let their hordes or cows get out for fear of their getting lost in the growing grain Danbury public schools will cloe this week There is a class of nine to complete the 10th grade this year as follows Rollo DeMay Ray Young Samuel Minuiear Warren Simon son Loyal Parker William Hiudman Jesse Naden Nettie Oblinger and Daisy Dolph Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets cure a cold in ono day No cure no pay Price 25 cents We live by our blood and on it We thrive or starve as our blood is rich or poor There is nothing else to live on or by When strength is full and spirits high we are being re freshed bone muscle and brain in body and mind with con tinual flow of lich blood This is health When weak in low spirits no cheer no spring when rest is not rest and sleep is not sleep we are starved our blood is poor there is little nutri ment in it Back of the blood is food to keep the blood rich When it fails take Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It sets the whole body going again man woman and child If vou have not tried it send for free sample its agreeable taste will surprise you SCOTT BOWXE Chemists 00 415 Pearl Street New York 50c and i 00 all druggists- In the great combination sale of Here ford cattle in South Omaha Tuesday and Wednesday May 27 28 W N Rogers of Shadeland Stock Farm will have nineteen choice offerings He ex pects to leave for South Omaha on Tues day morning next I am closing out what buggies I have at a bargain to make room for a car If you need anything in tho vehicle lino it will pay to call at once W T Coleman BANKSVILLE A Peters is putting up a new windmill T E Kelly has bought another quarter of land We had a down ponr of rain last night and it measured over 2 inches J H Relph is trying a hand cream separator to learn if there is profit in it also is building a cistern for water supply Gene Dnnham came in contact with a cyclone Sunday and ho has to put a new roof on his house where the cyclone took it off Joe McRrayer was in our town Friday Corn planting is still occupying the time of our citizens Poter Wesch is breaking out somo more land on the school section J H Relph and John Rowland were at Cedar Bluffs Kansas Saturday Banksville real estate may be expected to advance soon as an oil well is to be drilled within a few miles of town Mr Royal who lives south west of here in Kansas was in this vicinity representing the DeLaval Separator company last week That was a fine rain wo had Wednesday morning About one inch of water fell George Plumleigh and wife of the Driftwood country were callers at J H Wades Wed nesday Don L Thompson of McCook was out to his farm Tuesday putting in new anchor posts to his windmill Jacob Crocker had the misforttino to have another valuable horse badly cut in the wire fence a short time ago A small twister visited Eugene Dunhams place Sunday afternoon tearing off about half of the roof of his house We are informed that Rev Bert L Story of Bloomington Neb will preach at tho Prospect Park school house next Sundav May IStli at 11 a m All are cordially invited James Gray a former resident of this neigh borhood but now residing in Cheyenne county Kansas passed through here Wednesday en route to Box Elder for a load of his farm im plements Tribune Clubbing List For convenience of readers of The Tetbune we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup ply them in combination with The Tbibcxe at the following very low prices witii PUBLICATION TEICE TKIBCXE Detroit Free Press 1 00 1 M Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00 PrairieFarmer 100 125 Chicago Inter Ocean 1 00 1 33 Cincinnati Enquire 100 150 New York Tribune 1 00 1 25 Demorests Magazine 100 175 ToledoBIade 1 00 1 25 Nebraska Farmer 100 165 Iowa Homestead 1 00 1 25 Lincoln Journal 100 175 Campbells Soil Culture 1 00 1 50 New York World 7 1 00 1 65 Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 ISO St Louis Republic 1 00 1 75 Kansas City Star 25 1 15 Farm and Home 100 120 Word and Works 1 00 1 70 Twentieth Century Farmer new 1 00 1 50 -renewals 1 SO We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published at reduced rates The Teibcne McCook Neb ur HiiiiUoIiik 11 Tiipniicxc T P G was only an enlisted man In Uncle Sams navy but his mess mates called him the Swell because whenever he went ashore he carried a suit of civilians clothes At Yoko hama In his line raiment and a white felt hat he passed himself off to a Japanese coal merchant as the pay master of the fleet and contracted for several thousand tons of coal The price named was 14 a ton What is my rake off he asked the dealer who offered a generous commis sion Make the price sixteen dollars a ton and have thousand tons ready for delivery at the earliest pos sible hour tomorrow morning he said The merchant opened wine and when thoroughly warmed up the sailor remarked looking indolently at his watch By the bye Im expected to visit the club tonight and it is prob able that I may need a little more money than I have in my pocket Per haps you had better advance me three or four thousand dollars on account Of course he got what he wanted Next morning the vessels Avere sur 1 minded with scores of barges laden with coal and it was all the officers could do to prevent the Japs from un loading their cargoes The dealer dar ed say nothing for he had entered into a conspiracy to defraud the govern ment so he pocketed his loss in si lence New York Press Xow They Never Spenlc A coolness growing out of the fol lowing conversation has sprung up be tween Jones and Smith I had a splendid time last night said Jones I spent the evening at a little social gathering at the Goodman mansion Are the Goodmans nice people queried Smith Well I should say so They are very aristocratic To get into their cir cle one must have either a great deal of money or a great deal of genius You dont tell me so And you say you were there Yes You were invited were you Of course And to be invited a man has to have plenty of money or a great deal of gen ius Precisely Well Jones I am very glad to hear you have become rich all of a sudden Lend me live pounds London An swers HeaHon For a Divorce The Druses sometimes divorce their wives for apparently the most trivial causes Thus a man named Soleiman Attala had a wife Isbakyeh The wo man frequently worked for us and on several occasions I had to complain that she talked too much and worked too little At length I was obliged to tell Soleiman that owing to his wifes laziness I could employ her no longer Shortly afterward I went to England On my return after a couple of months absence I was surprised to find that Soleiman had divorced Isbak yeh and had already married another woman On Inquiring from him the cause of this he replied Your honor told me that you would not employ my wife again so I thought I would get rid of her and marry another woman whom you would employ Black woods Magazine Coaling a British Visitor A big British battleship coming here to attend a patriotic function of some kind on the invitation of our govern ment ran short of coal and Uncle Sam as host agreed to fill her bunkers free of charge This courtesy was done through the medium of a Jersey City merchant who supplied fine furnace coal worth from 0 to 7 a ton and presented his bill to the English cap tain Send it to the navy depart ment said the latter and to Washing ton it went to be returned by the next mail with a memorandum attached saying that an error had been made in the charge the government con tract calling for coal at 3 a ton And that is all the smart Jerseyite ever re ceived New York Press Xo Rebate When Adeliua Patti visited Madrid one time in company with her husband Signor Nicolini avIio thought himself a tenor singer there was an effort to en gage the noted artist for an especial occasion The opera director asked How much will you charge us if you and your honored husband apnear on this occasion for one night Ten thousand francs sir And how much if you come without the signor madame Ten thousand francs Catherine de Medici Catherine de Medici of France was a tall dignified woman of striking per sonal appearance Her manner was of ten cold and repulsive her language haughty She was never popular or well liked Her features were regular and the chief merit of her countenance was a full black eye that seemed to fascinate those on whom she looked Jangle TnlU Hello Where are you going cried the lion as the fleet footed stag dashed by him Oh Im just traveling for my health panted the stag Why do you ask My friend the tiger invited me to participate in a stag dinner party to day and I was wondering if you were the party Philadelphia Press A Lesson In Washing Pliny the Great could see things in front of his nose as well as afar off I notice that the women rub the wash ing in cold water he wrote one day Let them heat the water and the al kali in the soap will be freed and take far better effect And only after that did women know how to wash T We wish to call the attention of the people of McCook and surrounding country and we dont care how much territory it takes in either that we have bought the photograph bus iness of C I Hall in the A O U W block We are here for business we can do the business and we expect to get the business if reasonable prices good treatment and first class work is any thing to be deserving of merit and we believe it is and also believe you will agree with us and should you at any time in the near future need any thing in the photograph or picture line generally come in and give me a chance to prove what we state in this Ad and if we fail to please you in any respect we will charge you nothing and you need never come back but all we ask is a chance and we will take our chances on the balance Keep your eye on the display case down stairs and when you see our work there it will look good to you climb the stairs and we will be pleased to show you more pictures and get acquainted Come in any how if you dont want work done We are always glad to have people call We expect to have the best furnished and equipped studio in Western Nebraska for we are fixing and remodeling as fast as possible Anything in the picture line will be found at our studio If you waut enlargements of any kind such as Crayon Pastel Sepire Water Color Plat inoids call and look over our samples before you have your work done elsewhere We are headquarters for the famous Platinoid Portrait work It gives the most universal satis faction of any kind of work ever produced or known to the Art world We will turn out all sizes and all prices of pho tographs We will keep a limited amount of Kodak supplies on hand Kodaks to sell and will do finishing for amateurs or professionals We are prepared to photograph large groups and bytheway bring the babies They cant be too large too small too old too young to cross too good too pretty or too ugly for us to photograph We will get a negative of them before they leave the gallery We have never let one get away yet without getting a good negative in the 15 years we have been in the business and we intend to retire from the work with this record unbroken Yours for business - iimijMi rncTBmmtiiMmLiMimrmmrwmrriTmmxmKmmim mimrtMMmmmnmtmnMmKM T 3 PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMSE3 Report to Board of Education for month ending May 2nd 1S02 of all grades of McCook schools G II Thomas superintendent Number of bojs enrolled uu Number of girls enrolled 1 rniit frrrcM Withdrawn but not re entered Pre ent membership Average daily attendance by boys Uerage daily attendance by girls Average number belonging Percent of attendance on enrollment Per cent of attendance on number be longing Not absent during month Half days absent Case of tardiness Number of person tardy Visits by Miierintendent Visits by others Itel I 311 325 72G 8 COS G40 CM an m H2S 777 49 as 50 Half da s teacher was absent Mr Bcllo Hedlund spent last Saturday in Holdrege Roy Uolfo went to tho Willow last Saturday to hunt for herbarium specimen- Miss Cassie Andrews spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Cambridge Rev F W Dean addressed tho assembly Wednesday morning helpfully and happily S Cordeal Miss Rachel Perry Miss Millicent Slaby and Miss Naomi Wootton were school Tisitors this week The pupils of the sixth seventh and eighth grades accompanied by their teachers will picnic on tho Willow Saturday jCJE The bae ball game Tuesday afternoon be tween the south and east rooms resulted in a defeat for the boys of tho east by a of 17 to 15 A number of 9th grade pupils left on No 12 la t Saturday morning for tho Willow where they enjoyed a picnic through the day Rev and Mrs Dean accompanied them They came home on No 3 the same evening At the meeting of the Debating Club Satur day night a very interesting hour was spent in a parlamentary drill The following officers were elected Clifford Browne president Willit Cullen vice president Darvie Burnett treasurer Edward Byfield secretary George Campbell It was decided to adjourn tho meeting until next September Frank H Spearman a former resident of McCook but now a well known author in Chi cago spoke to the assembly Tuesday morning and afterwards visited tho other school build ings in town Mr Spearmans visit was one of especial interest to the pupils and it was greatlv enhanced by ieason of his recent gift to the library of The Nerve of Folej and Held for Orders In his talk Mr Spearman dwelt upon the wholesome environment under which McCook public school pupils worked and declared that for opportunity they need not search bejond the four walls of their school room In proof of this that they were being furnished the means whereby to succeed he related gratifying instances of the achievements of our high school graduates in the east in business and professional life and as students at higher institution of learning Mr Spear mans remarks were practical inspiring and helpful aud it was a pleasure to all to welcome him Testing Strength of Engines A tonnape tester has been received bv the B M from the Q for testing the power of engines on grades on the lines west of the Missouri river The tester was taken to Germantown yesterday where it will be used in trains passing over the hill This tester is arranged in a car which is coupled behind the engine re ceiving the full strain caused by the pulling of the locomotive and the resist ance of the train From the records made engines will be rated for loading in the future Beauty and Strength Are desirable You are strong and vigorous when your blood is pure Many nay most women fail to properly digest their food and o become pale sallow thin and weak while tho brightness freshness and beauty of the skin and complexion depart Remedy this unpleas ant evil by eating nourishing food and taking a -mall dose of Herbino after each meal to digest what you have eaten 50c at A McMillens COLEMAN Tho Cojle is in McCook working for the B M Bert Wales was in McCook la t Saturday with fat hogs J W Corner and daughter Miss Emma drove to McCook Saturday On last Saturday a portion of this precinct had threo incite or rain Matt Droll had the misfortune to lose a steer Monday killed by lightning W M Rezell says he lias fifty acres of fall wheat that he sajs looks the liuest he over saw Mrs J N Smith and her daughter went to McCook Friday disposing of butter and eggs and buying provisions k Miss Maud Coleman visitfd the homefolks from Friday afternoon to Sunday eening when she returned to McCook to be ready for school Monday morning While Miss Maud Coleman was enjojing farm life cloe of last weetsho took a drive with her brother Roys new team Her ma and sitT Gertie were in the wagon Harry Colo came galloping by on his pony and the team lit right out and was in for h run Gertie screamed and ma yelled but Maud held right on to the lines and the team soon slowed down Mr Charles Bixler and Miss Grace Cole wore married last Sundayat 2 p m Tho Rev G L White of McCook officiated A sumptuous feast immediately after the ceremony Mi s Grace is tho lovely daughter of Mr and Mr- M HColo who by her winning ways and gentle ness won the highest admiration of all her asso ciates She came to this town in 181 when a mere child and here developed into woinanlj womanhood and a sweetne s of character who e value is far above rubies Sho will be mi sid most in tho home circle and but little less in tho church Epworth League and Suuday chool Grace all wish jou a long prosperous ami happy life hero and one of eternal bliss on the the ever green shore Mr Bixler came hero in 14 a little boy and here grew to manhood and and developed those trait of character that make manhood manly Charlie here is our ti c and may you have a happy voyage oer lifes sea and a landing in tho heaven of rest You Cant Lose Flesh or Appetite Farmer City Illinois Dec 20 1M0 Pepsin Syrup Co Monticello Illinois Gentlemen My baby was troubled a great deal with his and bowels I had tried numerous remedies with no good results until baby lost much flesh and was in very poor health A friend recommend d Dr Calwells Syrup Pepsin I procured a lix bottle at Huds Drug Store and gave the content-to the baby according to directions after which there was a decided improvement in his condition Have been givinghim Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin for about a month with very sat isfactory results his stomach and bowels being in a good healthy condition and his former weight regained Verv truly jours Alice Jackson Sold by A McMillen Makes children eat and grow make mothers strong and vigorous makes a healthy family Thats what Rocky Mountain Tea doe- Hoc McConnell ifc Berry NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Public notice is hereby given that on the 2tli day of March 1102 a corporation formed and created under the law of tho state of Ne braska the name of which is the Hadell Mer cantile companj The principal place of trans acting the buine of said corporation in the city of McCook in the county of Redwillow in the state of Nebraska The general nature of the business to be tran acted by aid corpora tion is to engage incarry on and conduct a gen eral retail merchandise business to buy -ell and deal in dry good- notions furnishing good- groceries boots and -hoes wearing apparel and other articles of merchandi e Tho time of commencement of said corporation was the 20th daj of March 1JXC and tne termi nation of -aid corporation will be on the 25th of March 1907 The highest amount of indebtedness or liabil ity to which said corporation is to be at any time subject to is rC0OX The affairs of said corporation are to be con ducted by a board of directors which shall con sist of three stock holders a president secre tary and treasurer Signpd Alfred Hadell President Hakkt L Stevenson Secretary McCook Nebraska May 2nd 1002 wwmaimrKA warmanrzGmkT njrjiMiMiii m M j m Wanted would like to ii k tlirmigli the enhtiin if jour paper if tltpn i any person who ha- ujil Greens August Flower for the rure or indign tion dyspp ia ami liver troubles that was not cured and we also mean their result- such -sour stomach fermentation of food habitn u nervous djspia spondent feeling- in fact n trouble connected with the tomncIi livr1 This medicine has been -old for many year- in all civilized countries and we wih to pond with you and -end you ono of our book free of cost If jou never tried Augu t Fiowr try one bottle fir t We have never known of iU failing If something erioit matter with you A k your druggi t G G GuEtv Wood bun X J WHBATOSE BREAKFAST igg D mSk If you want a good food for your child ren try Wheatose It is easily and quickly prepared and very healthful Follow cooking directions to get the full benefit All reliable grocers have it California Breakfast Food Dyspepsia Curs Digests what you eat This preparation contain all of the digestants and digests all kind- ol food It give- instant relief and neve fails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured aftereverythingelse failed It prevents formation of pas on the stom ach relieving all distre after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take It cant help but do you good Prepared only by E C DEWiTTrvxC - - The 51 bottie contains 2 i tict 3tLte50cau McConnell Berry Druggists ONT BE POOLED Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA made only bv Madison Medi cine Co iMadtson Wis It keeps you well Our traJe mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never soM in bulk Accert no jhpotc e5 tute Ask jur druggut yTZTZSc This signature is on every bos of tho geauiat Laxative BromoQuinine Tabkta the remedy that cures a colil In one day