The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 16, 1902, Image 4

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3 231
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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription I a Year in Advance
Republican Convention
Tho Republicans of tho btato of Nebraska aro
horoby called to meet in convention at tho
Auditorium in tho city of Lincirln on Wednes
day Juno IK 1H02 at 2 oclock in tho afternoon
for tho purpose of placing in nomination can
didates for tho following odices to bo votos d for
at tho tioxt genoral election to bo bold in tho
state of Nebraska Novombor 4 1902 viz One
governor one lieutenant governor one hecrotary
of btato ono auditor of public accounts ono
treasurer ono feiiporintoudent of public jnstruc
tion one attorney general ono comipissioner of
public lands and buildings and for the trans
action of such other business as may regularly
come buforo tho meeting
The basis of representation of tho sovcral coun
tios in said convention shall lw tho voto cast for
lion Saimiul JI Sodgwick for judgo of tho su
premo court at the regular election hold on
Novomlwr 1 1901 giving ono delegate for each
100 votes or major fraction thereof so cast for
tho mi id Samuel II Sedgwick and ono
for each county Said apportionment
entitles tho following countioti to tho following
representation in said convention
Furnas 12 Gnspor I
Kedwillow 11 Frontior 8
Hitchcock r Hayes 1
Dundy 4 Chase
It is recommended that no proxies bo allowed
in said convention but that tho delegates pres
ent tboreat bo authorized to cast the full voto
of tho countv represented bv thorn
Notice is hereby given thatoach of thoodd
numbered senatorial districts in the state is to
select a momber of the statu committeo to servo
for tho term of two years
Uy order of tho statu committeo
II C Lindsay Chairman
John T Mamaiteu Secretary
Republican County Convention
Tho Republicans of Kedwillow county aro
hereby called to meet in convention in tho city
of McCook on Saturday tho 21th day of May
1902 at the hour of eleven oclock a in for tho
purpose of placing- in nomination candidates for
tho following ollicos to bo voted for at tho next
general election to be held in tbestato of Ne
braska on tho 4th day of November 1902 viz
Ono county attorney ono county judge ono
representative of the Grith legislative district
ono commissioner first district eleven dele
gates to tho Republican state convention cloven
delegates to tho Republican congressional con
vention of tho fith congressional district of the
state of Nebraska eleven delegates to tho 29th
senatorial district convention or the state of
Nebraska and for the transaction of such other
business as may regularly como before said
Tho basis of representation of tho soveral
precincts in said county shall bo tho voto cast
for O L Thompson for county treasurer in tho
year 1901 allowing ono delegate for each fifteen
votes or fraction thereof cast for said O L
Thompson and two delegates at largo for each
voting precinct of said county Said apportion
ment entitles thosovoral voting precincts in said
county to tho following representation in said
Alliance 4
Hondvillo r
Coleman 4
Driftwood 4
Fritsch 4
Grant 4
Lebanon 7
North Valley 4
Red willow 5
Rea vor 7
Rox Elder 4
Danbury 5
East Valloy 7
Gervcr 4
Indianola 6
Missouri Ridge 4
Perry 4
Tyrone 3
aney u range
1st Ward 1st Precinct lit
1st Ward 2nd Precinct 11
2nd Ward 1st Precinct 10
2nd Ward 2iicl Precinct 9
Total i
It is recommended that no proxies be allowed
in said convention but that the delegates pres
ent tberoat be authorized to cast tho full voto of
tho precinct represented by them
By order of committee
C E Eldeed Chairman
B G GossATtD Secretary
Republican Precinct Primaries
The Republican electors of Willow Grove pre
cinct will hold their primary elections as follows
on Thursday evening May 22nd 1902 opening at
eight oclock to wit
Frst ward 1st precinct In tho basement of tho
Commercial hotel to elect thirteen dolegates to
tho county convention
Albert Barnett Committeeman
First ward 2nd precinct In C F Babcocks
oflice to elect eleven delegates to tho conven
tion C B Gray Committeeman
Second ward 1st precinct In the city hall to
elect ten delegates to the county convention
W T Coleman Committeeman
Second ward 2nd precinct In H H Berrys
ollico to elect nine delegates to tho county con
vention C I Hall Committeman
Tho Republican voters of Grant precinct aro
horeby requested to meet in tho Banksvillo
school house on tho evening of May 22 1902 at
eight oclock for the purpose of selecting four
delegates to tho Republican county convention
to bo held in McCook Saturday May 24th
II I Peterson Committeeman
The Republican voters of Valley Grange pre
cinct are hereby requested to meet in tho
Pickens school houso at three oclock on the
afternoon of Thursday May 22d 1902 for the
purpose of selecting five delegates to the Repub
lican county convention to be held in McCook
May 24th
R McDonald Committeeman
The Republican voters of Bondvillo precinct
are called to meet in tho Pleasant View school
houso in district No r0 on Thursday afternoon
at two oclock May 22d 1902 for tho purpose of
electingfive delegates to the Republican county
convention to be held in McCook Saturday
May 24th Charles Skalla Committeeman
Tho Republican electors of Perry precinct will
hold their primary election Thursday evening
May 22nd 1902 at seven oclock Flitcraft school
house for tho purpose of selecting four delegates
to tno itcpublican county convention to be held
in McCook Saturday May 24th and for tho
transaction of such other business as may prop
erly come before tho caucus
C II Hakman Committeman
Republican electors of Driftwood precinct
will meet in tho Driftwood school houso Thurs
day afternoon May 22d at two oclock to elect
four delegates to tho county convention and
to transact any other proper business
C T Eller Committeeman
Republican voters of Gerver precinct will
meet in the Dodgo school house May 22nd at
230 oclock in tho afternoon to elect four dele
gates to tho county convention
F S Lofton Committeeman
One Half Rates Omaha and Return
May 21 22 and 23 via Burlington
Eoute State Encampment G A E
Ask nearest agent Burlington Route
Its a fact Garden seed at 2c a
package at the Bee Hive
Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is a perfect laxa
tive Sold by A McMillon
Pare Grape Grsam of Taitai Powder
RIghesf Honors Worlds FaF
Gold edai fclidwiife Fair
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
K O T WI -Regular meetings on second
and fourth Tuesday evenings of each mouth in
McConnell hall at S Visiting knights welcome
M R Gates commander J II Yakkuu record
keeper C A Liacii finance keeper
lodgo No H07 meets on second and fourth Mon
day evenings of each month at eight oclock in
McConnell ball J R McCaiii Illustrious
Pro Roiit V Devoe Secretary
American railways earnings for April
1902 exceeded those of same month last
year by a fraction over 10 per cent
Jim Hills line of retreat as now
indicated will result to the large benefit
of the Burlington which is manifestly
proper The Burlington should be it
in this transcontinental deal
Theke is plenty of room in Nebraska
politics for men who are patriotic enough
to be honest and fair and who are cour
ageous enough to be lonesome
The supreme court of Nebraska has
just rendered a decision in the case of
The State of Nebraska ex rel Cyrus E
Watson deputy labor commissioner
plaintiff vs Laurence N Eskew asses
sor defendant sustaining the law re
quiring assessors to gather statistics
The syllabus of the court passes upon
the matter of compensation by stating
that for the time during which an asses
sor renders bona fide services he is entitled
to S3 per day and county boards exceed
their authority when they undertake
to reduce compensation defined by law
The renomination of State Treasurer
Stuefer would be both cowardly and in
consistent in view of the recent attitude
of many Republican leaders and news
papers If there is any decent deter
mination to force this state treasurer
issue to a finish a new candidate should
be named and a new plank added to the
platform The Republican part should
at the coming state convention purge
itself of oven the appearance of political
high bindery Make the issue straight
and fair and clean To relieve the party
of all embarrassment Ilonest Jake
and The Tribune believes in his abso
lute integrity should retire with Gov
ernor Savage from the field and leave
the way open for a straight record
Fo it me it Nebraskans Iowans and
South Dakotans now residing in Seattle
Washington and have organized The
Iowa Nebraska South Dakota Club for
the promotion of social and business in
terests Harry E Wilson and O B
Thorgrimson Nebraska boys and law
partners are respectively secretary and
vice president for Nebraska and present
headquarters are in the secretarys office
405 6 Washington building Seattle
The club is at present actively co-operating
with Moran Bros the shipbuilders
and the Seattlo chamber of commercein
making provision for a proper celebra
tion of the laying of the keel of the
great battleship Nebraska July 4th
when Governor Savage and his staff are
to be present
Are you going to send away this
year and pay more for seeds than
the Bee Hive is selling them for
Send Me Their Names
Send me the addresses of your friends
who might be induced to move to Ne
braska and I will mail them our new 4S
page book descriptive of Nebraskas ag
ricultural resources and its unbounded
opportunities The book is illustrated
with Nebraska farm scenes and is sup
plemented with a sectional map of the
state It will help bring homeseekers to
Nebraska 5 30 J Fkancis
Gen Pass Agt Omaha Neb
Northern grown seeds 2 cts per
package at the Bee Hive
A Spring Tonic
Every system however vigorous needs
a stimulant At this season of the year
the blood also needs purifying We be
lieve that there is nothing better for this
purpose than McConnells Sarsaparilla
a preparation combining the best known
blood remedies We make it ourselves
We know it is pure We guarantee sat
isfaction Try a bottle
McConnell Berry
Two cents for a package of seeds
at the Bee Hive
Desirable House For Sale
My house and two lots with barn
hedge fruit and shade trees corner of
Dakota and Manchester streets occu
pied by H F Pade Fine location Also
lots 10 11 and 12 block 12 First addi
tion to McCook fronting park Apply
to Mrs H G Dixon
Kennett Square Pa
We dont ask only 2c per package
for seeds at the Bee Hive
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
8 70
Bid you hear any one say the Bee
Hive had quit handling seeds
Hammocks large enough for two
McConnell Berry
Flies will soon be here and you will
need screens See us before buying
Bullard Co
In the Restaurant
Ono enters the restaurant through glass
doors from tho street level A swinging
sign creaking in the high wind that
swirls through the citys streets and
great letters of gold emblazoned on the
window invito the passers attention
Tho room is deep and narrow In the
front end is a hollow square of glass
show cases filled with elaborately frosted
cakes fruits temptingly displayed and
various works of culinary art Behind
the counter stands the cashier at tho
nickeled register and by his hand a
spindle on which the checks are skewered
as they arc passed to him
Wo are met by a short well built
young man with the physiognomical
characteristics of a German the fair
complexion tho blue eyes tho flaxen
hair but wo overhear him tell two ladies
who imagine they see in him some re
semblance to an acquaintance of theirs
that he is a native of Louisville We
are conducted down tho long room set
with tables filled with chattering crowds
of diners to the farther end where he
places chairs for us at a marble topped
table without a cloth and littered with
tho remains of a repast of which a party
of men who are but just leaving have
partaken A waiter removes the dirty
dishes and the crumpled napkins and
wipes tho top of the table As we hang
our hats and coats upon tho hook against
the wall we observe a sign that informs
us the management will not be responsi
ble for articles that may be lost or stolen
An atmosphere permeated with odor
of baking bread pervades the place The
walls are dono in a rich red with gold
tracings and are hung with engravings
and paintings We have not time to see
more before a tall and rather pretty
waitress in black dress and white apron
hands us the bill of fare and napkins
and after filling our glasses with water
waits for our orders Is there anything
more puzzling than a bill of fare It is
long and closely printed yet in the
variety of dishes ono finds but a limited
few for which ho thinks ho cares At
length we make our choice and the wait
ress scurries away to fill our orders
Then we have a few moments to look
about and take note of our surroundings
We observe for the first time that two
other people are seated at our table a
handsome dark man scrupulously at
tired with black Vandyke beard his
companion a young girl We aro sur
prised to discover that the man is a
foreigner a German we decide from his
accent a polished cultured gentleman
all courtesies and smiles one evidently
from the higher circles who speaks splen
did English with a rare choice of words
but without facility that renders his
constructions faulty One unwittingly
turns eavesdropper and learns that the
girl is about to take a journey for he
asks her Ven do you away go You
strain your ears to catch the answer but
there is a clatter of dishes and the hum
of conversation and the young lady re
plies in too low a voice for you to hear
You become intensely interested in these
people whom you have not met before
and who when the meal is over walk
out of your life never to enter it again
He orders for himself and her a plate
of baked ham and cabbage a piece of
roast beef potatoes German fried for
two a bottle of milk and a cup of cocoa
in the same calm well modulated tone
with the same air of inimitable dignity
and refinement that marks his every
utterance to the girl When you have
an opportunity without being observed
you glance at the young lady a girl you
say of sixteen tall and slender of Ger
man descent but American born stupid
you believe not quick to think not
pretty either yet not without composure
grace of carriage modest and retiring
not well though not conspicuously ill
dressed showing lack not of means but
of taste You wonder what relation ex
ists between the two they are not father
and daughter Perhaps she is his niece
but nothing that is overheard will justify
the conclusion
You wonder where her journey will
take her Ah heres a clue Vill you
go to London No not to London
To Paris perhaps Not to Paris
either To Berlin then Yes they
are going to Berlin And one wonders
who the others are He will not be one
of them for he knows little even about
their movements Ho tells her of ze
trip down ze Rhine zat is so beautiful
with gracef idlest gestures and refindest
enthusiasm How strikingly different is
his manner from the manners of a num
ber of American business men seated at
an adjoining table the sound of whose
noisy conversation and boisterous laugh
ter whose uncouth flippant ways in
trude themselves upon us
The light that filters through the
stained glass windows is not sufficient to
dispel the gloom of the place Artificial
lights in plenty the dazzling arc lamps
the yellow incandescents blaze from the
ceiling A bronze reproduction of the
Venus of Milo stands in a niche Why
is it we always think of the original of
this statue as a woman without arms
On the wall opposite hangs a painting
a foreign scene a bit of an old orchard
a flowering apple tree in the foreground
a stone fence the highway a lady and
a little girl beneath the tree a peasant
woman trudging alone the road with a
bundle of wood on her head and a child
tugging at her skirts
When the waitress brings their orders
our friend helps his lady in much the
same manner that he might a queen
For desert he orders strawberries and
cream lie sprinkles her berries with
sugar and pours on the cream He urges
her to permit him to put more sugar on
them She insists that thev are sweet
enough but when she begins to eat she
finds them sour and she reaches for the
sugar herself He laughs good humor
edly Ho makes polite inquiry concern
ing the health and welfare of certain
common friends Ho speaks of social
functions in which it seemed she had
taken part We are sorry to see them
finish their meal and prepare for their
When they are done he calls for the
checks He helps her on with her coat
They walk away and in a moment are
lost to us forever in the crowd
This is not a gentle word but when yon think
how liable you are not to purchase for 75c the
only remedy universally known and a remedy
that has had the largest salo of any
medicine in tho world since 1S6G for the
cure and treatment of consumption and threat
lung troubles without losing its great popular
ity all these year you will bo thankful we
called your attention to Boschees German
Syrup There are so many ordinary cough rem
edies made by druggists and others that are
cheap and good for light colds perhaps but for
severe coughs bronchitis croup and especially
for consumption whero there is difficult expec
toration and coughing dnring tho nights and
mornings there is nothing like German Syrup
Sold by all druggists in the civilized work
G G Gkeelv Woodbury N J
No o
Time Card
McCook Neb
main line kaht deiaut
Central Timo 1110 p
G0 A
No 5 arrives from east at 8 p in
main line west dkpakt
No 1 Mountain Time
No 1TC arrives Mountain Time
No 175 departs
1118 am
11 4 p m
825 A M
140 pm
700 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars
seats free on through trains Tickets told
and Imggago checked to any point in tho United
States or Canada
For information timo tables maps and tick
ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent
McCook Nebraska or J Francis General
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Dispatcher Ed Cann returned to work
last night
II II Kingsbury was down from
Denver first of the week
Piecework in some departments at
least is proving a great success
William Baird the car and oil man
was at headquarters yesterday
Brakeman C W Dewey has been off
duty most of tho week on business
Brakeman M A Vanllorn of Oxford
was at headquarters first of tho week
The pay wagon came in last night at
tached to 5 and went west this morn
ing sxecial
Frank Wallace is at Kanona Kansas
relieving the agent who is at Oberlin
attending court
Conductor and Mrs E F Caffrey are
feeling deep pride in a brand new son
born on yesterday morning
A waste picker of tho McCook manu
facture and equipped for handpower
was shipped to Denver today
Helper Claire Nesbit has returned to
work at Red Cloud after an absence of
a few weeks with an injured hand
Chief Dispatcher J F Forbes arrived
home Sunday evening on No H from an
absence of a few days in Chicago on
General Piecework Inspector Acker
man was at headquarters Wednesday
and Thursday on business of tho in
spection department
William Sheridan who has been act
ing as helper at Red Cloud for some
time has been transferred to Akron in
the same capacity
Ralph Foe returned to Red Cloud to
day and Extra Agent A J Zint has
gone to Hendley to relieve the agent at
that station for a while
Brakeman and Mrs W L Reynolds
left for Northwestern Missouri Tuesday
night on G being summoned there by the
serious illness of his mother
A Gem of Its Kind
Concerning Ed Amherst Ott dean of
Drake University College of Oratory and
English Des Moines Iowa who will de
liver the address on class Day President
A O Thomas of the Central Nebraska
Educational associatson says Ed Am
herst Ott delivered his inspiring lecture
Sour Grapes before tho session of the
Central Nebraska Educational Associa
tion just closed at Kearney and com
pletely captivated the large audience as
sembled to hear him It is the unani
mous expression of those who heard it
that this lecture is one of the very finest
ever delivered before the teachers of the
state Splendid in its delivery spark
ling in its humor and rich in its truths
it inspired every one who heard ii It
is the gem of its kind Mr Ott is a
strong man and will please and inspire
his audience wherever he goes This
lecture should be given in every section
of the state
Angelo P Welles vs Lettie C Whit
taker et al attachment
Marriage licenses issued
Charles Hilton and Louise Darlage
both of Cambridge married bv County
Judge Eldred May 15th
Charles II Bixier and Grace Cole
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postofiice May 15 1902
A J Fenimore 2 Mr J Him
W W West Mr Wm Karp
C E McCoy Henry Peters
Lennra Schultz A H Smith
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kijimell Postmaster
Base ball goods at Cones
Home for Families of Bandit
Not actuated by remorse but by pure
philanthropy Jim Jenkins hunter of
outlaws has concluded to devote all
his money to the maintenance of a
home for the orphans and widows of
men he has run to earth In particular
and of criminals of the great South
west in general Jim Jenkins now of
Kansas is now C5 years old and has
spent forty years as a scout and hunt
er of bandits and train robbers In this
way he has made about 50000 Among
the distinguished outlaws he has
chased were Jesse James and his broth
er Bob Ford Bill Dalton and Bill
Cook while he was the leader of the
band that caught Cherokee Bill in 1S95
In the Dalton raid in Coffeyville Kas
Jenkins was shot eight times He esti
mates his bag of bad men at about 150
The home vrhich is being built on a
5000 acre farm owned by Jenkins
near Pryor Creek I Tt is to cost 20
000 Buffalo Express
Indianas Gold and Silver
Excitement of the wildest character
prevails in Warwick county Indiana
over the discovery of gold and silver
near Lynnville The land where the
ore has been found is of the poorest
but owners are paying up back taxes
in the hope of realizing handsomely
Hotels and restaurants are crowded
with strangers and many more aro ar
riving daily
Corn Stuublo Cuts Throat
L T Davis a farmer living near
West Union W Va had his throat
cut by a corn stubble and almost bled
to death before assistance reached him
While hauling fodder he fell from his
wagon his throat striking the sharp
pointed stubble A tearing gash was
the result
if I Mill
v 1 11
Have no Brass Eyelets
The New Feature and a Prime
One Too is
I A TlieS
v A ii ftp
Ask to see the new Golf Girdle It
is a beauty neat and dainty
f Special F
f Pay Day
J Call us up
Hog Will Wag- the Tail
A special to a Chicago paper from Xew
York contains the following information
JJ Hill the railroad king is q noted
as expressing the belief that the North
ern Securities company will lose the case
brought against it by the government
and he is preparing a line of retreat His
legal advisers are reported to have in
formed him that the federal suits
will probably be successful and lie
therefore must arrange the business of
the three railroads involved so that no
great damage will be done these proper
ties According to a close friend of Mr
Hill who has recently talked with the
great railroad manager it is proposed to
make tho Burlington system the chief
one of the three creat railroads Last
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch nnd description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly conadential Handbook on Patents
sent free Oldest agency for securing patents
Iatent3 taken throuch Munn Co receive
special notice without charge In the
ciettfim JUnericaa
A handsomely illustrated weekly Largest cir
culation of any pcientlflc Journal Terms 3 a
year four months L Sold by all newBdealer
MUNN Go3SiBfad New York
Branch Office G25 F EU Washington D C
off Loo
koes at Cost
All Kabo Corsets Have Them
All Others are Without Them
That Summer Batiste style 621
is a straight front bias gored
price 1 00
That Sublime Jean straight front
style 612 is trimmed at the top
with satin ribbon price 1 OO
A Few Odds and Knds
and Broken Lots of
I mh
In Ladies Gents and Childrens sizes
Come in and make your choice before the
best values are taken We have also a
Remnants of Carpets
which will be sold Reardless of Cost to
person who can use these lengths
Fresh Groceries arriving daily
McCook Nebraska
Phone 16
rrrmfMrnt u mi I mwr7m7TTmmij imi iiiiirrfiii mniMnwin Tr i iimimmwii hum
hmhmiiihii bi iiiimimmii imihi irTMMiiT
winter the Iowa legislature passed a
law under which the Burlington got a
new charter The Burlinirton will not
attempt to absorb the Great Northern
or the Northern Pacific but the last two
will work as closely under the direction
of the mother system as the charter and
the laws of the state will permit The
brains of the management of the three
great lines will be vested in the ireneral
officers of the Burlington and tho poli
cies and officers of the other lines will
be under the control of the officers of
that system Said this authority Hill
will prepare for the great battle which
he considers inevitable between the
great transcontinental lines of the south
and those of the north In other words
for a war to the death between the Hill
and Harriman combines Hill wants to
be in a position to make a big fight for
southern and the southwestern business
for his lines and to divert much of this
to the northern transcontinental lines
Walks Without Crutches
I was much afflicted with writes
Ed C Nud Iowaville Sedgwick county Kau a
going about on crutclies and suffering a deal
of pain I was induced to try Hallards Snow
Liniment which relieved me I used three TjOc
bottle It i the greatest liniment I ever ucd
have recommended it to a number of persons
oil express themselves aa being benefitted by it
I now walk without crutches and am able to
perform a greatdeal of licht labor on the farm
2 C 50c and SI 00 at A McMilleus
Whos Girl Are You
Do you ever have the headache o you cant go
to the theatre with him Dr Caldwels Syrup
Pepsin cures headache and if you take it ac
cording to direction you can prevents its return
Sold by A McMiUen
Dr Caldwells Srup
Sold bj A McMiUen
Pepsin aid- digestion
1 lSmS
Big- Horn
Are you interested
Basin of Wvominu
the Bu
Its a rich but undeveloped portion of
Northwestern Wyoming It contains
marvellous openings for small ranches
along good streams in the valleys with
one million acres of government land
open to settlement under the United
States land laws
The Burlington Koute has just pub
lished a folder descriptive of the Biff
Horn Basin It is Illustrated and con
tains an accurate map It tells about
the lay of the land character of the soil
products yield irrigation and opportu
nities If youre interested better write
for a copy Its free 5 30
J Francis Genl Pass Airt
Omaha Nebraska
Doctors Bad Plight
Two years ago as a result of a severe cold I
lot my oice writes Dr M L Scarbrongh of
Hebron Ohio then began an obstinate cough
Lvery remedy known to me as a practicing phy
sician for r years failed and I daily grew
wore Heing urged to try Dr Kings New Dis
covery for Consumption Coughs and CoIdl
found quick relief and for the last ten days
have felt better than for two years P FtrK
suai iuicm nir uiroat ami lung troubles
McConnell Kerry TMc and 1 Trial free
Save the Loved Ones
Mr Mary A Vliet Newcastle Colo writes
I believe Hallards Horehouud Syrup is superior
to any othor cough medicine and will do all
that is claimed for it and it is o pleasant to
take My little girl wants to take it when sho
has no need of it Ballards Horehound Syrup
is the great euro for all pulmonary ailment
rc f0c and 100 at A McMillenV
California and Return 45
Tickets on sale Anril 91 tr 97 Aro 0 7
to June 8 August -2 to 8 Liberal stop
over arrangements and return limits
For additional information ak the
nearest agent Burlington Route or
write for a California folder to
Francis Genl Pass Agt
Omaha Nebraska
A Nearly Fatal Runaway
Started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J 1
Orner Franklin Grove Illinois which defied
doctors and all remedies for four year- Then
Bucklens Arnica Salve cured him Just as good
tor boils burn- bruises
cuts corns scald kin
eruptions and piles rc at McConnell Berrys
Half Rates East via Burlington Route
One fare for the round trip to Harris
burg Pa May 11th to 19th Return
limit June 30 Tickets good via Chicago
or St Louis A great opportunity to
visit the east Half rates from IIarr
burg to points m Pennsylvania Mary
land District of Columbia May 21 to 4
Ask the
Burlington agent 5 15
To Cure
Ni brabka
a Cold in rnn r
Take Laxativo Bromo
Quinine Tablet- ll
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure
V drove s signature is on each bos c
j virtue of an order of -
ditnct court of Kedwillow Zncbe
under a decree in an action vhn county th vlaka
Land companyis plaintiff an dJohn G GoIm
Gould hi -ii-if l UOUIU
me directed i ri W ueiei
lants t
ami sell to the hlrf h r er Public
An 1 - iiirrn
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willow countv NebraefcT X n i cVk Red
June imk at tiie tt of oneVo0 i
ascribed real estate 7 Vi 10
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Dated this 9th day of May Vr - o
in i I le5t Snorter of section oT
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VW1U cuunr
Black and J E KelleypAf
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