The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 16, 1902, Image 3

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Author of Little Miss Millions The Spiders Web
Caprice Dr Jacks Widow Etc Etc
Copyright 1001 by Street and Smith New York
The Game Grows Warmer
Out of the frying pan into the fire
Charlie had Just taken leave of the
professors wife and had not made
two turns from the little parlor ere
ie ran directly up against the enemy
There stood the professor glaring
-at him like a wild beast
Will you again deny the truth vil
lain he said endeavoring to calm
liimself lest he lose his voice
Charlie surveyed him with amuse
Yes this time I confess it was
your charming wife whom I have Just
left Do you know that two women
your wife and her cousin Hildegarde
have played a very neat little game
upon you
What She and Hildegarde upon
me Pray with what object
To arouse your jealousy to make
you realize how dear to your heart
this same wife is to take you out of
your musty books and induce you to
devote a fair part of your time to the
woman who has given up her life to
The professor seemed stunned Man
can this be true he gasped
As heaven itself She is in yonder
Go and learn for yourself You will
receive a warm welcome Forgive as
you wish to be forgiven professor
Sir a thousand pardons I shall
take your kind advice Our duel then
Js off Oh what an ass I have been
And Charlie quite agreed with him
So ends the scene in the drama Now
for another which may not have quite
0 pleasant a finis muttered Stuart
Again he bore down upon the func
tionary who kept watch and ward
over the books When he had cor
nered the clerk he made his request
known and a messenger was sent to
find the countess and request her pres
ence in a nearby bijou parlor
Minutes passed Still no one came
to summon him
Tired of waiting he walked direct
ly to the door of the little parlor and
stepped inside
Involuntarily a groan welled up
from his heart He had entered this
room to meet the countess that
charmer of men who played with
ambassadors and princes as though
they were pawns upon a chessboard
and now he had found Arline Brand
There she stood before him more
beautiful than even his ardent recol
lection had painted her a smile of
welcome dimpling her cheeks the
azure eyes glowing with pleasure
Yes it was Arline Brand
Ye gods if she and the countess
were indeed one he could readly com
prehend how men were ready to give
up honor and fortune for the hope of
her love and favor
Almost a minute they stood thus
each evidently busy with a train of
Arline was the first to recover
She dropped the curtains and ad
vanced toward him Ah you have
come Mr Stuart she said
He took her hand and pressed it
Boldness was returning it seemed
Yes I promised you know and
though I daresay I have legions of
faults at least my word is as good as
my bond Pray be seated offering
Iter a chair
Ke was quite himself now and that
meant a wide awake ingenious young
man ready to meet and wrestle with
difficulties as they arose
Just opposite to her he sat down
It was at least a rare pleasure to
be so near her in this confidential
mood The delicate violet odor that
permeated her rustling garments was
like a breath of spring and the
magnetism of her presence almost in
toxicated him
You have been wondering what as
tonishing chain of circumstances
brought a girl like me into such a
miserable place as that underground
dungeon turning toward the door
with a glance that did not escape the
eye of Charlie Stuart
Well yes to some extent but it
was not alone the desire to hear your
promised story that brought me here
in spite of warnings from the baron
He watched but by no telltale pal
lor or start did she betray the fact
that she knew to whom he referred by
the baron
What other reason could influence
you she asked a little eagerly
The natural desire to meet you
again That wasnt wrong you dont
blame me do you
Perhaps I should not you have al
ready been so good a friend but if
acquaintance with me is to bring dis
aster or even danger to you it might
be better if you forgot me
He detected a plaintive little note in
this and his chivalrous spirit was up
in arms at once
I am not in the habit of deserting
any one who is my friend because per
haps it may mean trouble or even
danger to me to continue my acquain
She seemed deeply affected by his
You overwhelm me with kindness
Mr Stuart
Nonsense The favor is just the
other way It is a rare pleasure for
me to serve you
And yet 1 can hardly refuse for
Heaven knows I am in great trouble
and need a friend if ever a young
woman did
Compose yourself I beg and be
gin please
Charlie believed he was about to
hear some news of more than ordin
ary importance In imagination he
could picture the remarkable young
widow who created such a furore all
over Europe She might resemble Ar
line in many ways but surely such
a charmer of men could not possibly
assume the air of innocence which this
young woman carried with her
At the same time he felt impelled to
relate the adventure he had experienced
with the professor and even mention
that he had been solemnly warned by
the baron
When she heard that Peterhoff be
lieved her to be the celebrated adven
turess she hung her head
Charlie was overcome with confu
I have distressed you and yet I
beg you to believe I meant it all kind
ly It was a silly thing for Peterhoff
to do but even the shrewdest of men
of his stamp make absurd blunders
sometimes Kis last famous one cost
Russia her Czar Remember I never
for once took any stock in his ridicu
lous idea It was all a mistake
Then the maid looked up
Her eyes were sparkling with real
tears but Charlies haste to assure her
of his positive belief in her innocence
of the charge had brought a smile to
her face
It is dreadful even to be taken for
such a notorious woman dont you
think But perhaps I should look at
it reasonably and believe the baron
has made an excusable blunder Real
ly some of the garcons here in the ho
tel have addressed me as countess and
I have been puzzled to account for
it until now so we must look alike
I a demure little English lassie and
she a clever designing Russian dip
Charlie nodded eagerly
What she said seemed so very rea
sonable and she took it much better
than he expected
But he could easily discover that
Arline was not wholly at her ease
Frequently she cast quick glances in
the direction of the door
This fact had come to his attention
some time back but Charlie did not
And the least reason to suspect that
the baron had aught to do with it
She seemed to hesitate perhaps
hardly knowing just how to begin her
Allow me to remark in the begin
ning said Charlie tbat while I am
ready and anxious to serve you and
stand ready to do all that may become
a man if there is any reason why you
should wish to keep these things se
cret I will try to help you even while
groping in complete ignorance
Oh no she answered quickly it
is not that You are entitled to the
fullest confidence I was only endeav
oring to collect my thoughts so that
I might know just how to begin And
besides I have a natural feeling of
shame because the person who has
I sadly fear been plotting in secret
against me is one who should be my
best friend upon earth my father
Young though she was this beauti
ful girl had known what it was to sup
with poverty to be left alone and
friendless in the world and to meet
with the most unexpected and glorious
Her story even when briefly told
was a series of dramatic surprises such
as are well fitted for the stage yet
occur so seldom in real life
She barely mentioned her earlier
years save to tell how her father a
sea captain had been lost as it was
believed at sea and with her mother
she had fought the grim wolf in Lon
don sewing as such people of refine
ment reduced to poverty must do in
order to earn bread
Then came her mothers death fol
lowed by her bitter fight against the
world and especially the persecution
of a dashing gentleman who seemed
determined that she should marry him
no matter if dislike and disgust took
the part of love in her breast
Then the wonderful freak of fortune
that brought Arline in contact with
an eccentric old aunt who was exceed
ingly wealthy
It was the old story Arlines mother
had married beneath her and from
that hour had been as dead to her
relatives but when a kind Provi
dence threw the forlorn young girl un
der the high stepping carriage horses
of the dowager Lady Wallis and she
later on discovered that this lovely
creature was her own flesh and blood
a sudden love for the girl sprang up
in her withered old heart which re
sulted in her adopting this niece as
her sole heiress
Two years later Arline was bereft
of her eccentric but kind relative and
found herself once more alone in the
world this time possessed of a most
bountiful fortune
Then it was with the abruptness of
a cannon shot Captain Brand ap
peared upon the scene
He had a thrilling story to tell of
his vessels foundering in a gale off
the African coast his narrow escape
from drowning of being cast ashore
found by wandering Arabs taken into
captivity sold some years later to a
tribe of the Great Sahara so thut he
finally drifted to Dahomey where
through the assistance of the faithful
woman he had been forced to marry
he eventually made a bold and auccess
ful escape though his companion gave
uu her life In throwing herself In
froht of a spear that was meant for
Arline accepted It all as gospel truth
and would have at the time believed
even a much more miraculous series of
adventures could such have been by
any means invented by this modern
ThlB was before she knew Captain
Brand so well
She spent money with a liberal hand
He was enabled to indulge his love
for fine clothes to its full bent He
smoked the finest cigars drank the
most expensive liquors and she feared
he frequently indulged in gaming
Thus a year went by
Captain Brand had ceased to beg for
money He demanded it as his right
and in sums so Urge that Arline was
growing alarmed
He had tried to influence her to
make her will leaving all her wealth
to him something might happen to
her though Heaven forbid and she
would not like to think of the great
property going to strangers while her
poor papa was left unprovided for
Arline refused to do as he requested
something within warning her against
Some time after the dreadful sus
picion had flashed into her brain that
Captain Brand was having a will
forged to suit his ideas governing the
Even then she had not realized what
this might portend How should an
innocent trusting young girl desirous
of bestowing all reasonable benefits
upon the man she had come to believe
was her father how should she sus
pect that this ungrateful man could
conspire with unprincipled confeder
ates to actually take her life yet by
such means as would make it seem a
cruel accident
While in Antwerp he had professed a
keen desire to visit the dungeons of the
Steen and yet always made it appear
as though she were the one most
interested in the abode of ghostly
An expedition was accordingly
Arline never could tell just how it
came about She remembered Captain
Brands enthusiasm in leading her
deeper into the recesses and how he
suddenly disappeared while she was
examining some object of interest
how she waited for him to reappear
until growing alarmed by the dimin
ishing size of her candle she had en
deavored to find her way back to the
party how she tripped and fell losing
her light Then she cried out in terror
as the awful darkness closed around
her but no answer came
Then she realized that the others had
gone that this cruel hearted man she
called father had deserted her pre
tending to believe no doubt that she
had gone above with a portion of the
party upon whom the horrors of the
dungeon soon railed
He could also take it for granted
she had gone away with her new found
friends and not show any alarm for
It was a cleverly concocted and dia
bolical scheme which had for its ulti
mate outcome the dethronement of
her reason
Doubtless Captain Brand had ar
ranged it so that in such a case he
would be appointed the natural pro
tector and guardian of his afflicted
child and thus of course have the
handling of her fortune
Charlie was aghast
He had never heard so terrible a
thing in all his life He almost
doubted his senses
I have made up my mind regarding
one thing Miss Brand he said posi
tively which is to the effect that I
do not oeneve tnis man to be your
To Be Continued
Ladles Calling on President Thought
Ho Ilad Reason to Be Pleased
Just send in your cards said a
well known army officer to two New
York state women who were wonder
ing how they could arrange just to
shake hands with the president
The advice was followed next day
and much to their surprise and delight
they were at once shown into the re
ception room where the president was
busily engaged in refusing the request
of a prominent senator who had called
on the ever present and everlasting
topic of offices
Very sorry senator but this is im
possible I cannot do it the presi
dent was heard to say
Please think it over Mr Presdent
said the senator and I shall call
again to morrow
Absolutely final I cannot do it I
cannot do it
My said one lady to the other
but wouldnt we better be going
That man is a senator and we dont
know what may happen
The next moment the president was
shaking hands with both
I am delighted to see you de
lighted said he
Well you ought to be said om of
the women recovering from the whirl
wind of cordiality
The president looked embarrassed
We dent want anything you
Cigarettes for Subscribers
El Pais which is a pushing paper of
Buenos Ayres offers to give every sub
scriber for three months an equal
value in cigarettes so that the custom
er gets 5 worth of news and tobacco
each for the one price
When Congressman DeArmond Tried 7t
Eight Years Ago Even the Males In
Osage Township Skcered at It Worse
Thun at a Locomotlvo Whistle
In 1894 Mr DeArmond came home to
the bosom of his political family fresh
from the halls of a congress which had
labored long and hard witfj the ques
tion of tariff reform He came di
rect to Clinton and was received un
der an arbor where he spoke to the
dear people on this subject for two
hours The Republican had hired a
Democratic court stenographer to take
the congressmans speech that it
might be preserved for posterity but
after the oration had been delivered
the stenographer was bought and the
Republican could never get that
speech in long hand for love or mon
ey Mr DeArmond spoke as one di
rect from the fountain head He came
straight from Washington where he
had seen the sugar trust and George
Vest laboring with tariff reform on
the floor of the senate and he brought
with him doubtless though not for
display Grover Clevelands denuncia
tion of the tariff reform of himself
and his colleagues branded as party
perfidy and dishonor All over the
sixth district Mr DeArmond talked
tariff reform and when the polls
closed on the night of the election his
majority of thousands had dwindled
down to less than a hundred and Its
ancient history that had Bob Lewis
tried he could have been the member
from the sixth Missouri at the next
session of congress The reason for
all this was that the peculiar brand of
tariff reform advocated by Mr De
Armond had been working in the
sixth district and the people were ex
periencing some of its peculiarities
Up in Shawnee township Charlie
Powers was buying mule colts for 15
a head The stock feeders were sell
ing their fat cattle in the Kansas City
markets for about what the hide and
horns were worth under a protective
tariff Calves were worth about the
price of jack rabbits and horses sold
on the streets of Clinton for 5 a
neau iiie oanKs were as good as
closed and gilt edged paper could not
get a hundred dollars for thirty days
Bank presidents spent their time
whispering to each other while the
cashiers whittled boxes on street cor
ners The mills shut down and there
was no market for their products the
coal mines followed suit because coal
was not needed at the mills People
had plenty and to spare but no per
son wanted the surplus Long trains
loaded with Mexican cattle were run
ning through the country and the fat
steers of Henry county were not worth
shipping Since that time our con
gressman has let tariff reform severe
ly alone as a political issue when
speaking his little piece to the people
in this neck of the woods and has had
free silver anti imperialism anti
Americanism down with Republican
rural mail carriers and down with the
trusts as his plea but the hants
have ceased to frighten the mossbacks
and doubtless Mr DeArmond has con
cluded that his ancient argument and
its dire result has been forgotten and
when he comes home again he will
spring it as something fresh upon the
voters Tariff reform The dog
blamed thing almost knocked this
county silly the only time it was ever
tried and they say that even the
mules in Osage township skeer at it
worse than at a locomotive whistle
Henry County Mo Republican
Orthodox Republican Doctrines
The Republican members of con
gress who have taken a firm stand
against any concession to Cuba in
volving an exception to protective
principles are thoroughly consistent
and on solid ground If the tariff
on sugar is to be reduced especially
to oblige Cuban planters and middle
men the protective -tariff system will
be assailed at other points to assist
foreign interests at the expense of
our own The Republican national
platform goes no further with reci
procity than to approve of it in deal
ing with articles that we do not pro
duce ourselves That is the true basis
of action for Republicans If they in
troduce an exception they open the
door to other exceptions and to tariff
tinkering the end of which no one
can foresee The impartial protection
of American industries is ac
knowledged unquestioned Republican
doctrine Special tariff concessions to
a foreign country are not Republican
doctrine and never can be until the
party abandons one of its principle
and cardinal articles of faith St
Louis Globe Democrat
The Fature of Suar
It may be that the American Sugar
Refining company otherwise known
as the sugar trust has become a buga
boo with which to frighten us honest
hard working tillers of the soil and it
certainly appears in multifarious
shapes now as a Cuban sympathizer
in Washington deploring the recalci
trancy of congress in admitting brown
sugars at a fraction of the present du
ties and at the same time religiously
prohibiting the importation of Cuban
white sugars appearing again as a
great plantation owner in Cuba and
then again in Porto Rico We learn
that the trust is a partner of Claus
Spreckels in California including his
immense new beet sugar factory at
Salinas the largest in the world and
now from Denver comes the news that
the American Sugar Refining com
pany has made the first move to take
up the beet sugar industry in Colorado
Henry L Nies of New York
tendent of construction and refiners of
the American Sugar company after
two weeks spent In an Investigation of
the situation in Colorado has returned
to New York Two companies to
operate In Boulder Weld Larimer
Arapahoe Jefferson Morgan Wash
ington and Logan counties have been
Incorporated with a combined capital
of 1000000 and Mr Nies has secured
options on lands suitable for beet cul
ture and for the erection of sugar re
fineries These lands are those which
Independent beet sugar companies
were examining with a view to pur
Evidently the sugar trust must be
casting anchors to the windward and
when sugar refining becomes a lost art
as is certain as soon as the plantations
make white sugars which they can
easily do the magnates of the sugar
trust will come to the cane and beet
fields and earn their living by the
sweat of their brows like the rest of
us The Louisiana Planter and Sugar
Southern Democrats Cannot Afford
Voto with the Tariff Robbers
The sugar interest could defeat the
Cuban concession if the Democrats of
the house were to stand by the insur
gent Republicans and refuse to make
any change in the tariff It looks how
ever as if they are willing to open the
bill for amendments only that they
may attack the tariff at various points
This is a dangerous policy especially
for the members from the South If
the representatives of the cotton states
insist upon attacking the tariff at va
rious points how can they expect to
defend the iron and steel schedule by
which Alabama Tennessee and Geor
gia are so largely defended How can
they refuse to reduce or entirely re
move the tariff on cotton goods as be
ing an unnecessary protection for a
country where the raw material is
grown and where we are experts in
machinery To glance for a moment
at our great and growing cotton in
dustry must convince every Southern
congressman that he is inviting peril
ous retribution when he attacks sched
ules in which this section is either not
concerned or is greatly interested
In the cotton industry the number of
workers employed has increased 384
per cent while wages have increased
313 per cent This is explained by
the expansion of the industry in the
South and the comparatively low rates
of wages prevailing here Details are
as follows
1900 1S90 Inc
Number of es
tablishments 1031 005 1C1
Capital 107240157 JS31020843 320
Wage earners
av number 3023C1 21SS7C SS4
Total wages SGG30752 5 00024538 313
expenses 22112C7S 10710521 323
Cost of mate
rial used 170551527 154012079 140
Value of prod
ucts 33019SC19 2G79S1721 2CC
If the census had been taken this
year instead of in 1900 the returns
would undoubtedly have been still bet
ter as trade conditions havev improved
materially during the past fifteen
Now if Southern Democrats attack
certain schedules in which they are
not specially interested they need not
be surprised to find the Republicans
retaliating in kind The mills of the
North which turn out a finer grade
of goods can stand a large cut in the
cotton goods schedule while it would
be simply ruinous to the South To
reduce the cotton schedule is to dis
place from the home market in favor
of British and German mills much of
the products of our Southern mills It
is therefore good policy for the South
ern Democrats to stand by the Louisi
ana sugar growers and by the cotton
factories that are now springing up in
every direction If an alliance is
formed between the Democrats and
the insurgents let it be an honest
alliance New Orleans Item
Twin Nuisances
Will the Farmers Stand It
Before making the cut in the sugar
tariff the dominant party in Washing
ton should study the statistics of the
last election Where did the big ma
jorities come from majorities which
elected Republican congressmen and
gave the presidential ticket an un
precedented vote The answer will
be From the farmers of the Middle
West and Western states The cities
had overcome their alarm at the white
metal menace but the farmers many
of them carried away by the silver
craze of 9G lined up for the Republi
can party as they never did before
And now the first change proposed in
the tariff is one that will lower the
protection on a product of the farm
Is this fair treatment of the farmers
Will the farmers stand it to see their
prosperity threatened while other in
dustries are left undisturbed Unless
all the signs fail the tariff will be a
leading issue in the next campaign
and where will the Republican party
be with the farmers alienated Grand
Rapids Mich Herald
force of Students Kxpfunntlon Kvcoc
nixed by the President
The late Prealdent Harrison wa3 a
onnolsseur of raro old wines although
ae was extremely temperate In tho uso
3f them At the time when he visited
Stanford university to deliver four loc
iures on International law for a fee of
10000 which Is probably the record
price for university loctures ho wna
luartered In one of the college halls
where a suite of rooms had been espe
cially prepared for hlnu Immediately
lfter his arrival says Boverages
there came also a case of carefully
selected clarets burgundies and ma
lelras which were placed In one of the
rooms set apart for his use
The next day all these wines had
disappeared and the only reminder of
ttielr previous existence was found In
i long train of empty bottles In tho
midst of the campus When President
Jordan heard of this ho summoned bo
fore him the students of tho univer
sity and made them a little address in
the course of which he said that ho
was about to institute an investigation
Into the purloining of Mr Harrisons
nines and that It would go much easier
with the guilty persons If they would
have the manliness to come forward
md own up After he had ceased
3peaking there was a long pause and
presently one of the students In tho
back part of the room rose and said
with a bland impersonal air
Mr President the by laws of tho
university forbid the bringing of any
wines or spirituous liquors upon the
university grounds or Into the univer
sity buildings Consequently If any
wines or spirituous liquors have been
so brought in and If they have disap
peared which we nil regret they have
probably been seized as contraband
and therefore the owner has no re
President Jordan made a few some
what Inarticulate remarks and then
Jisralssed the meeting Nothing more
was said about the wine and It is
probable that Mr Harrisons legal
mind recognized the force of the point
that had been raised against him
Most Original Offers Aludo to Secure
Additional Readers
The latest and most original addition
to the crowd of prizes nowadays of
fered by newspaper proprietors says a
correspondent has been exhibited dur
ing the Easter holidays in the streets of
Paris A Parisian journal has commis
sioned a very popular novelist to write
a sensational romance and every read
er of the romance is tempted by the
chance of winning an automobile with
four seats to make guesses at the
fate of each of the eight leading char
acters In the story Life sized por
traits of these persons are placarded
about the streets five are women and
three are men Under each portrait
stands the name of the person and a
series of questions for the competitors
to answer For Instance Catharine
Will Catharine marry If so whom
will she marry Again Liane
Will her scheme to gain tho marquis
be successful Next comes Ger
maine Will she deceive her husband
Then Marie Will she marry or die
before the end of the romance Last
Iy Zizi How many men will she at
tract Who will be her last lover
These individual queries are followed
by a group of general problems for
solution Which of these five women
will die of poison Which of them
will administer poison To whom
Each of the three masculine portraits
is also underlined by one or more sim
ilarly ridiculous questions No com
petitor may send in any reply until a
specified number of the chapters of th
novel has been published
The Talkative Drummers Retort
Prof E E Sparks of the university
of Chicago tells this story of a trip he
A traveling man boarded the train
cne day and took a seat beside me
Thinking this a good opportunity for
a pleasant chat with so interesting a
fellow passenger as I looked to be he
Pleasant day isnt it
Now I had been thinking of the lec
ture I was to deliver that night and
not appreciating the interruption curt
ly replied
Umph yes
Then the drummer said Crop
look fine dont they I guess well
have a good season
Even so interesting a subject a
crops failed to rouse my enthusiasm
and I again briefly and curtly respond
ed Umph yes
By this time the traveling man was
annoyed He turned sharply upon me
and asked What line are- vou in any
Irritated at his continued impor
tunities and thinking to be witty I
in an irritated fashion replied Brains
Well said the drummer you car
ry a mighty small sample cae
Baron RothschlEds Reply
Some years ago while Baron Roths
child and a nobleman friend were
taking a pleasure trip along the Rhine
a young lad on the boat noticed the
end of a silk handkerchief sticking
out of Rothschilds pocket Turning
to his chum he said If I could only
get that handkerchief Think of how
much it must be worth Try to get
it then said his chum with visions
of the fabulous value of a Rothschilc
handkerchief So the lad took the end
of the handkerchief between his fing
ers and gently tugged at it At this
point the nobleman turned to the bar
on and whispered Baron that bo
beside you is taking your handker
chief Let him alone said the
Baron We all have to start small