The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 09, 1902, Image 5

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Do You
That we have a big stock of shoes
at very reasonable prices
Mens shoes at 150
to 5
Ladies at 150 to 375
Misses start at 75c
Childs at 50c
We also have a good
line of Ladies and
Hisses Oxfords
If you buy your shoes here you
are getting as good values as
can be found at the price
was ft
Thats a good name for
Scotts Emulsion Children
are like young plants Some
will grow in ordinary soil
Others need fertilizers
The nature of some children
prevents them from thriving
on ordinary food Such chil
dren grow right if treated right
All they need is a little fer
tiliser a little extra richness
Scotts Emulsion is the right
Fertilizers make things grow
Thats just what Scotts Emul
sion does It makes children
sjrow in flesh grow in strength
grow rich blood grow in mind
grow happy Thats what we
make it for
Send for free sample
t s IT HOWME Chemists 409 Pearl St N Y
50c anJ 100 all druggists
VfcV fiyV1
Shriners Will Travel
The Burlington Route and its connec
tions west of Denver have been chosen
as the official route of Tangier Temple
Mystic Shriners to the Imperial Council
Nobles of Mystic Shrine at San Fran
cisco June 10th to 14th
Two special cars have already been re
served by Tangier Temple and addi
tional cars will be provided as reserva
tions are made It is important that
all shriners who attend this convention
make their reservations at an early date
The shriners will leave the Burlington
station Omaha 425 p m June i
Denver will bo reached the next morn
ing and an entire day spent in Colorado
Springs one of the most delightful of
Rocky Mountain resorts Salt Lake
City will bo reached on the morning of
June G and that day given over to see
ing the wonderful city of Zion The
party will arrive in San Francisco at
843 a in Juno 9 5 1G
Stops the Cough and
Works off the Cold
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold in
one day No cure no pay Price 25 cents
i fa it dress
Ed Mitchell was on our streets Tuesday
Charlie Russell is spending the week at home
Mrs F F Tomblin is vifctinp relatives in
Arapahoe this week
Mrs J It Neol and daughter Sadie drovo up
to McCook Friday
The M E Sunday school is preparing a pro
gram for Childrens daj
Prof Casuer took a short trip east Monday
returning on Tuesday morning
Rob Welboru visited relatives and friends
hero the fore part of the week
Miss Vivian Gosgard came over from Ceder
Bluffs Kansas Monday to visit friends for a
few days
Messrs Mick and Woodruff came down from
McCook Sunday morning and spent the day in
our city
Henry Roynolds who has been visiting at
home the last two weeks returned to Denver
Saturday evening
The Lady Maccabees gave a sociaKat the
opera house last Thursday evening which was
well attended A good time is reported
Graduating exercises for the eighth grade
will be held in the school house here Friday
afternoon at 2 oclock Dean McBrien will de
liver the address to the class
Several loads of our young people surprised
Delia Andrews at her home nine miles south of
town Wednesday evening Refreshments were
served and 71 splendid time was enjoyed by all
Walks Without Crutches
I was much afflicted with sciatica writes
Ed C Nud Iowaville Sedgwick county Kansas
going about on crutches and suffering a deal
of pain I was induced to try Ballards Snow
Liniment which relieved me I used three 50c
bottles It is the greatest liniment I ever used
have recommended it to a number of persons
all express themselves as being benefitted by it
I now walk without crutches and am able to
perform a great deal of light labor on the farm
25c 50c and 100 at A McMillens
Fred Taulber purchased a horse of W E
Mr and Mrs Am Lake were Oberlin visitors
Sunday school at Shiloh has been changed to
10 oclock a m
H C Plumb is very ill Dr DcMay of Danbury
is attending him
Pew Bros shipped a car load of alfalfa hay to
Kansas City Wednesday
A splendid rain visited this part of the county
on Sundt y and Monday of this week
The foundation for the elevator is completed
and the carpanter work will begin soon
Mrs Nell Galusha has gone to Alcott Colo
where her husband has been engaged at work
for some time
Milford Pew is home from Hebron where he
has been visiting relatives he reports the
weather very dry
As we were not informed of the morning train
changing time until too late last week do not
think it strange if we are a little behind the
times this week
J C Nelson of Devizes Kansas has moved
into the houe recently moved to town by Powell
fc Nilsson Mr Nelson is helping build a black
smith shop of which he will be proprietor
Whos Girl Are You
Do you ever have the headache so yon cant go
to the theatre with him Dr Caldwels Syrup
Pepsin cures headache and if joutake it ac
cording to directions you can prevents its return
Sold by A McMiHen
Corn planting will be pushed now with a vim
S B Roshong visit A M Benjamin and family
That was a splendid and timely rain that fell
first of the week
Mr A M Benjamin visited with her mother
near McCook this week
The people with the separators are hauling
cream pretty regularly now-a-days
Miss Phillips mother and sister and Miss Dow
were up from Indianola to take in her enter
Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin aids
The day is One quoth Mary Jane
Yet lest it ehoulcl come on to rain
My waterproof and umherell
And rubber shoes Ill take as well
For though these may be troublesome
In case the showers do not come
Methinks twere better aftr all
To be prepared lest worse befall
The djy is fair cried Jeanne Marie
The day is fair all trcs joli
My ajep hat my prettiest dress
I shall put on What happiness
But if it rains well what of that
Ill get another dress and halt
All but Ill look so fresh and gay
The sun will hae to siiine all day
Alice Heid in Harpers
This Quality Ih jib Much n Xeccswity
iih Ih Nutriment
Chemists tell us that cheese Js one of
the most nutritious and at the same
time one of the cheapest of foods Its
nutritive value is greater than meat
while Its cost is much less But this
chemical aspect of the matter does not
express the real value of the cheese as
a food Cheese is eaten not because of
its nutritive value as expressed by the
amount of proteids fats and carbohy
drates that it contains but always be
cause of its Havor
Now physiologists do not find that
flavor has any food value They teach
over and over again that our foodstuffs
are proteids fats and carbohydrates and
that as food flavor plays absolutely no
part But at the same time they tell us
that the body would be unable to live
upon these foodstuffs were It not for
the flavors If one were compelled to
eat pure food without flavors like the
white of an egg It is doubtful whether
one could for a week at a time consume
a sufliciency of food to supply his bod
ily needs Flavor is as necessary as nu
triment It gives a zest to the food and
thus enables us to consume It properly
and secondly it stimulates the glands
to secrete so that the foods may be
satisfactorily digested and assimilated
The whole art of cooking the great
development of flavoring products the
high prices paid for special foods like
lobsters and oysters these and numer
ous other factors connected with food
supply and production are based solely
upon this demand for flavor Flavor is
a necessity but it is not particularly
important what the flavor may be This
is shown by the fact that different peo
ples have such different tastes in this
respect The garlic of the Italian and
the red pepper of the Mexican serve
the same purpose as the vanilla which
we put in our Ice cream and all play
the part of giving a relish to the food
and stimulating the digestive organs to
proper activity Professor H YV Corn
in Popular Science Monthly
The Humming Birds Fllijht
The flight of the little humming bird
is more remarkable than that of the
eagle We can understand the flapping
of the eagles immense wing supporting
a comparatively light body But our
little bird has a plump body His wings
are not wide but long so he must
move them rapidly to sustain his
weight and this he can do to perfec
tion The vibrations of his wings are
so rapid as to make them almost invisi
ble lie can use them to sustain him
self in midair with his body as motion
less as if perched on a twig In this
way he can sip the nectar of the deli
cate fine stemmed flowers without
alighting for a moment lie never
alights while so engaged He moves
from flower to flower with a graceful
and rapid movement sometimes chas
ing away a bee or humming bird moth
of which he is very jealous Nor is he
much more favorably Impressed with
any small birds that seem in his way
He knows his power of flight and he
has no fear of any other bird Henry
Hales in St Nicholas
Lemurs For the Zoo
The national zoo has just received
through an animal dealer in Philadel
phia a magnificent pair of the large
black and white lemurs indigenous to
the island of Madagascar This makes
the fourth pair of these animals
brought to this country and in addi
tion to being highly attractive by rea
son of their coat of long jet black and
snow white hair and their abnormally
large and luminous eyes they are of
very great interest from the viewpoint
of science and evolution
The lemur stands in the same rela
tion to apes and monkeys as they in
turn stand to the human race only in
the case of the lemurs and apes the
missing link connecting the two gen
era is in real and actual existence be
ing realized in the aye aye a pecul
iar animal also of Madagascar that is
as much lemur as it is simian
The Retort Conrteous
A story oft told is that of Lord
who when a young man was opposing
Mr Sugden subsequently lord chancel
lor of England in a parliamentary con
test Hes the son of a country bar
ber said the noble lord
Replying afterward Mr Sugden said
His lordship has told you that I am
nothing but the son of a country bar
ber but he has not told you all for I
have been a barber myself and worked
in my fathers shop and all I wish to
say about that is that had his lordship
been born the son of a country barber
he would have been a barber still That
to my mind Is quite clear Household
He II nd Great expectations
now do you account for the fact
that Miss Bullion the wealthiest heir
ess of the season is going to marry
Nodo who hasnt a cent to his name
Oh but he has great expectations
He has What are they
He is going to marry Miss Bullion
New York Times
Rules of grammar cannot give us a
mastery of language rules of rhetoric
cannot make us eloquent rules of con
duct cannot make us good Aphorisms
and Reflections
rnTrTgrr iiiibiim 111 wiiiiiim rnTTTinniiBMiinTTTiiBi mibi mm n i i j
p v
We wish to call the attention of the people of McCook and
surrounding country and we dont care how much territory
it takes in either that we have bought the photograph bus
iness of C I Hall in the A O U W block We are here for
business we can do the business and we expect to get the
business if reasonable prices good treatment and first class
work is any thing to be deserving of merit and we believe it
is and also believe you will agree with us and should you at
any time in the nearfuture need any thing in the photograph
or picture line generally come in and give me a chance to
prove what we state in this Ad and if we fail to please you
in any respect we will charge you nothing and you need
never come back but all we ask is a chance and we will take
our chances on the balance Keep your eye on the display
case down stairs and when you see our work there it will
look good to you climb the stairs and we will be pleased to
show you more pictures and get acquainted Come in any
how if you dont want work done We are always glad to
have people call We expect to have the best furnished and
equipped studio in Western Nebraska for we are fixing and
remodeling as fast as possible Anything in the picture line
will be found at our studio If you waut enlargements of
any kind such as Crayon Pastel Sepire Water Color Plat
inoids call and look over our samples before you have your
work done elsewhere We are headquarters for the famous
Platinoid Portrait work It gives the most universal satis
faction of any kind of work ever produced or known to the
Art world We will turn out all sizes and all prices of pho
tographs We will keep a limited amount of Kodak
supplies on hand Kodaks to sell and will do finishing for
amateurs or professionals We are prepared to photograph
large groups and bytheway bring the babies They cant
be too large too small too old too young to cross too good
too pretty or too ugly for us to photograph We will get a
negative of them before they leave the gallery We have
never let one get away yet without getting a good negative
in the 15 years we have been in the business and we intend
to retire from the work with this record unbroken
Yours for business
JV H mi n ra r a 1 I 3
r 11 nir vrii 11--111 ri n ri -ii i i irn n i 1 1 i ri i I r r r i n n n
5v E h il yJHi TV WiJtv WiX7fl f i WilTV 7HV Jf li y7EICv Jlfim X7tjv k sfiVi S3 WJIOk 7f v jflTuVv s4ia y7if X7
Mi t3iiiiJAlA3 J jiiJ lyf
J S McBrajorof McCook was in town Friday
T E McCarl of McCook was in town between
trains Monday
J E 11 11 in of Palisade was a city visitor the
flrf t of the week cI f 1
Jim Ferrier of Champion fpentlSunday under
the parental roof ir i El 6i L
Mi5 Eppie Brown of Trenton is the guest of
Mist- Isa Shoemaker
Mis xVudrey Jones of Trenton visited Culbert
son friends Tuesday
V M Vastine and daughter Miss Verna drove
to Benkelman Friday
S E Solomon was a McCook business visitor
Saturday and Tuesday
Lehman Elder and Rufus King were McCook
pilgrims Thursday last
Mr- G G Eisenliart was a McCook visitor
between trains Tuesday
Mrs A D King left for Omaha Friday where
she will join Mr King and remain for some time
Mi Magpie Smith left for Wallace Thurs
day where she will visit her parents for a few
Culbertson will have a base ball team this
summer Hie boys met en Monday and organ
ized John Bradley is manager
The King farm north of town va sold last
week to a Mr Davis of Iowa C P Hubard
who negotiated the deal and Mr Davis arrived
here Wednesday to complete tho transfer
Miss Inez Young closed a very successful term
of school in the Forecte district Fridaj and
departed on Saturday for Fort Morgan win re
she will join her parents Her many fripnds
here regret her departure and their best wishes
follow her to her new home
The Great Dismal Swamp
Of Virginia is a breeding ground of malaria
germs So is low wet or marshy ground everj
where These germs cause weakness chill and
fever aches in the bones and muscles and may
induce dangerous maladies But Electric Bit
ters never fail to destroy them and cure mala
rial troubles They will surely prevent typhoid
We tried many remedies for malaria and
stomach and liver trobbles write John Charles
ton of Bjesville O but found nothing as
good as Electric Bitters Try them Only f0c
McConnell fc Berry guarantee satisfaction
Three cj clones in Iowa last Friday
George Traphagan is working in McCoysk
The Sunday school at ZionTHill lias a library
Harry Wales brought out a new plow Satur
The recent rainfall was one and three fourth
Mrs Mary Corner and daughter Mis Emma
were shopping in McCook last Friday
GH Simmerman and R J Traphagan stopped
in McCook Monday till the rain was over
On last Friday a little bright eed lady ar
rived at the home of Mr and Mrs W M Rozell
weight 10Vs pounds model 1902
J B Smith has sold a dozen horses this
spring He sold ten in oneda He has fiftj
two on the farm now among them oae of the
finest stallions in this end of the woods
II B Wales went to McCook Wednesday
witli butter He fenced off a patch of Russian
thistles and turned his cows in and now he
makes over fifty pounds of butter a week
You Cant Lose Flesh or Appetite
Farmer City Illinois Dec 20 lfCO
Perin Syrup Co Monticello Illinois
Gentlemen My seven-months-old baby was
troubled a great deal with hi stomach and
bowel3 I Imd tried numerous remedies -with no
good results until baby lost much flesh and
was in very poor health A friend recommended
Dr Calwells Sjrup Pepsin I procured a 10c
bottle at Huds Drug Store and gave the con
tents to the baby according to directions after
which there was a decided improvement in his
condition Have been givinghim Dr Caldwells
Syrup Pepsin for about a month witli very sat
isfactory results his stomach and bowels being
in a good healthy condition and his former
weight regained
Very truly jours Alice Jackson
Sold by A McMillen
Spring time i when to ue Rocky Mountain
Tea Keeps jou well all summer Great spring
life renower Xc McConnell Berry
Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska Maj 6th 1902
Board of commissioners met pursuant to ad
journment Present D A Waterman Maurice
Reddy and J II Bennett commissioners W R
Starr county attorney and EJ Wilcox clerk
The minutes of the previous meeting read ami
on motion approved
On motion the treasurer was instructed to re
fund to Ed Flitcraft 12S the amount of taxes
paid under protest for the reason that he was
assessed twice in lJOl for the same property
The following appointments were made to fill
William Relph justice of the peace for Gerver
J E Perdue overseer of road district No If
The following oilicial bonds wore read and on
motion approved
William Relph justice of the peace for Gerver
J E Perdue overseer of road district No i0
The contract of J A Winters for taking care
of Harvey Hill forono j ear was read and on
motion approved
The following claims were audited and al
lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to
draw warrants on the county general fund levj
of 1901 in payment thereof as follows
Barnett Lumber Co coal for paupers 7 40
Barnett Lumber Co same A
E G Caine ifc Co same 7 ii
J DeArmand house rent for pauper 10 00
A Guv mdse for jiaupers is 40
J A Wilcox groceries for paupers X 95
James A Modrell assessing Box Elder pre
cinct and mileage 57 40
W K Forsey assessing Coleman precinct
and mileage 44 10
E C Goehring assessing Driftwood pre
cinct and mileage 44 CO
Fred Lepper assessing Perrv precinct and
mileage 56 40
William Stewart assessing Alliance pre
cinct and mileage 3S r
Charles Kirst jurors fees 2 00
Maurice Reddj money ad vmced 125
J H Bennett same 2 00
L A Hurlburt trees for court house
grounds 10 00
Andrew Phillips labor on court houe
grounds 22 50
R McDonald stone cutting and lajing
walk on court house ground 10 0
II P Waite merchandise is 4
W C Bullard fc Co same 4t 00
B N Leisuie same 15 70
Joseph Spotts coroners fees 27 si
R B Campbell medical attendance on
paupers 26 50
R B Campbell same 27 95
State Journal Co supplies 165
S R Smith same 4 75
V A Mathews rubber stamps etc 3 45
Lincoln Land Co lawn tax soason of 1902 10 00
McCook Electric Light Co heat and light
for April 65 40
E J Wilcox postage and oilice expense- ID TO
G C Boatman ame 2 50
G C Boatman fees state vs Sophia
chick insane 7 10
W V Gage same b 40
J E Kelley same 3 40
Mrs C H Harman same 2 00
C H Harmon same 2 00
A C Crabtree fees and expense of convey
ing Sophia Reischick insane to Lin
coln 17 70
D A Waterman services as commission
ers 26 CO
Maurice Reddy same 39 00
J H Bennett Fame 27 00
And on the bridge fund levy 1901 as follow-
E G Caine i Co lumber and psts 7 50
W M Rozell bridge work 1 00
John Corner same 10 Of
John Droll same 4 00
John S Brittain ame 1
Mart Morris same 6 ixi
Joseph Junker same 4 75
And on the road fund as follow
Ira H Harrison road work 20 00
On motion board adjourned to meet June loth
at which time thev will it a a board of equali
zation D A Waterman Chairman
Attest E J Wjlcox Clerk
Beauty and Strength
Are desirable You are strong and vicorous
when jour blood is pure Many nn most
women fail to properly diget their food and
so become pale sallow thin and weak while
the brightness freshness and beauty of the skin
and complexion depart Remedy tin- unplea
ant evil by eating nourishing food and taking a
small doe of Herbine after each meal to dig t
what jou have eaten 50c at A
Makes children eat sleep and grow makes
mothers and vigorous makes a healthy
Thats what Rocky Mountain Tea doe
35c McConnell Berry
c si v vi
ii QVrfcJ
We would like to ask through he columns of
jour paper if there is any jmt oii who has usl
Green- August Flower for the curn of mdige
tion and livjr troubles that not
cured -and we al o mean their juch as
sour stomach fermentation of food habitual
costiveness nervous dyspepsia headaches de
spondent feeling- spi ns in fart any
trouble connected with the stomach or liver
This medicine has been -old for many jears ii
all civilized countries anil we wish to corres
pond with j on and -end you one of our books
free of co t If jou ii ver tried August Flower
one bottle first We have nevor known of its
failing If so something more is the
matter with you A k your oldest druggist
G G Gkeen Woodbun N J
incorporate in
If you ant z good
food for your child
ren try Wheatose
It is easily and
quickly prepared
and very healthful
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit
All reliable grocers
have it
California Breakfast Food
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
This preparation contains all of tho
digestants and dipsts all kinds ot
food It gives instant relief and neve
fails to cure It allows jou to eat all
the food you want The most sensitive
stomachs can take it By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
curedaftereverythingelse failed It
prevents formation of gaon the stom
ach relieving all distress after eating
Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take
It cant help
but do you good
Prepared only by E C DeWitt Co hicajro
The 11 bottle contains 25 j times the 5oc size
McConnell Berry Druggists
Dont Be Pooled
Take the genuine original
Made only by Aladison Medi
cine Co Madison Wis It
keeps you well Our trade
mark cut on each package
Price 35 cents Never 30W
in bulk Accept no substt
tute Ask your druist
This signature is on every bo c of the gesuiae
Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets
the remedy that crtres a cold in one Iay