1 fl - iJ tw V7 j i i rV t V n I 3 It Mi I i i Alliance 1 Rondville 5 Coleman 4 Driftwood 4 Fritsch 4 Grant 4 Lebanon 7 North Valley 4 Redwillow i Valley Grange 5 WILLOW GHOVE 1st Ward 1st Precinct 13 1st Ward 2nd Precinct 11 2nd Ward 1st Precinct 10 2nd Ward 2nd Precinct 9 Total IS It is recommended that no proxies be allowed in said convention but that the delegates pres ent thereat bo authorized to cast tho full vote of tho precinct represented by them By order of committee C E Eldred Chairman B G Gossaud Secretary Republican Precinct Primaries WILLOW GROVE The Republican electors of Willow Grove pre cinct will hold their primary elections as follows on Thursday evening May 22nd 1902 opening at eight oclock to wit Frstwaidlst precinct In thebasemontof the Commercial hotel to elect thirteen delegates to tho county convention Albert Baknett Committeeman First ward 2nd precinct In C F Babcocks oflice to elect eleven delegates to the conven tion C B Gray Committeeman Second ward 1st precinct In tho city hall to elect ten delegates to the county convention W T Coleman Committeeman Second ward 2nd precinct In H H Berrys oilice to elect nino delegates to tho county con vention C I Hall Committeman grant The Republican voters of Grant precinct are hereby requested to meet in the Bauksville school house on the evening of May 22 1902 at eight oclock for the purpose of selecting four delegates to the Republican county convention to be held in McCook Saturday May 24th H I Peterson Committeeman valley grange The Republican voters of Valley Grange pre cinct are hereby requested to meet in tho Pickens school house at three oclock on tho afternoon of Thursday May 22d 1902 for the of selecting five delegates to the Repub fiurpose convention to bo held in McCook May 24th R McDonald Committeeman bondville Tho Republican voters of Bondville precinct are called to meet in tho Pleasant View school house in district No 50 on Thursday afternoon at two oclock May 22d 1902 for the purpose of electing five delegates to the Republican county convention to be held in McCook Saturday May 24th Charles Skalla Committeeman TERRY The Republican electors of Perry precinct will hold their primary election Thursday evening May 22nd 1902 atsevenoclockFlitcraftschool house for tho purpose of selecting four delegates to tho Republican county convention to be held in McCook Saturday May 24th and for tho transaction of such other business as may prop erly come before the caucus C H Harman Committeman DRIFTWOOD Republican electors of Driftwood precinct will meet in tho Driftwood school house Thurs day afternoon May 22d at two oclock to elect four delegates to the county convention and to transact any other proper business C T Eller Committeeman One Half Rates Omaha and Return May 21 22 and 23 via Burlington Route State Encampment G A R Ask nearest agent Burlington Route Why not leave your order for suits with a practical tailor Suits for 15 and upwards at Kapkes Hammocks large enough for two McConnell Berry Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is a perfect laxa tive Sold by A McMillen AreYou Goingto Paint n lttf iw iCUTlERlNEIlSOH ASKYOUR DEALER forIUSE y SPREAD HtCELY COVER FURTHER LASTaLONGEST j COTlERKEIlSaNPMGOLORCG wuwrtPit KANSAS WITT U to A WW3UWK3 H uun v ESQMnrEnrtajBE Desirable House For Sale My house and two lots with barn hedge fruit and shade trees corner of Dakota and Manchester streets occu pied by H F Pade Fine location Also lots 10 11 and 12 block 12 First addi tion to McCook fronting park Apply to Mrs H G Dixon Kennett Square Pa We dont ask only 2c per package for seeds at the Bee Hive McCook Market Quotations Corrected x nday morning Corn Wheat -A-V u Butter 3 70 65 60 55 6t 12 15 The Outlook is making a special fea ture of printing single page portraits and sketches of people of immediate note The May Magazine number contains such portraits and sketches of Donald G Mitchell Ike Marvel who has just passed his eightieth birthday James R Garfield the new civil service com missioner Frank P Sargent who is to be new immigrant commissioner and Henry Clay Evans who has lately re signed the oflice of commissioner of pensions Readers of the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean are piling up information and en lightenment as to the news of all the world which those who do not read it cannot hope to acquire Why not avail yourself of the specially low rate of 8140 which we are able ty make for one years subscription to both The Inter Ocean and this paper Think it over Did you hear any one say the Bee Hive had quit handling seeds The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean bears the reputation of being the best weekly newspaper in the world We have arranged specially to supply it and this paper together for one vear at the low price of 140 for both w i fit Iftcfoek Fribmje By F M KIMMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co -Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Republican Convention Tho Republicans of thHliito of Nebraska nro horoby called to incut in convention at tho Auditorium in tlio city of Lincoln on Wodnos day Juno 18 1902 at 2 oclock in tlio afternoon for thtt purpose of placing in nomination can didates for tlio following oflices to bo votosd for Ht tlio next genorul election to bo hold in the state of Nebraska November 4 1002 viz One governor one lieutenant governor one secretary of state one auditor of public accounts- one treabiirer one miiwrintendent of public instruc tion one attorney general one commissioner of public lands and buildings and for tlio trans action of such other business as may regularly come before the meeting The basis or representation of tho sovoral coun ties in said convention shall bo the voto cast for Hon Samuel II Sedgwick for judge of the su preme court at tho regular eloction bold on November Ji 1901 giving one delegate for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof so cast for tlio biiiil Siiinuri II Sedgwick and ono for each county Said apportionment entitles the following counties to the following representation in said convention Furnas 12 Gosper 4 Rodwillow 11 Frontier 8 Hitchcock 5 Hayes 4 Dundy 4 Chase 4 It is recommended that no proxies be allowed in snid convention but that tlio delegates pres ent thoroat bo authorized to cast the full voto of tlio countv represented bv thorn Notice is hereby given that each of thoodd numbered senatorial districts in the state is to select a member of tho state committee to sorvo for the term of two jears By ordor of tho state committee II C Lindsay Chnirman John T MallAIieu Secretary Republican County Convention Tho Republicans of Redwillow county nro hereby called to meet in convention in tho city of McCook on Saturday tho 24tb day of May 1902 at the hour of eleven oclock a in for tho purpose of placing in nomination candidates for tlio following oflices to bo voted for at tho next general election to be hold in the stato of Ne braska on the 4th day of November 1902 viz Ono county attorney one county judge ono representative of the G5th legislative district one commissioner first district eleven dele gates to tho Republican state convention eleven delegates to tho Republican congressional con vention of tho 5th congressional district of the state of Nebraska eleven delegates to the 29th senatorial district convention of the state of Nebraska and for tho transaction of such other business as may regularly come before said convention The ba is of representation of the several precincts in said county shall bo tho vote cast for O L Thompson for county treasurer in tho year 1901 allowing ono delegate for each fifteen votes or fraction thereof cast for said O L Thompson and two delegates at large for each voting precinct of said county Said apportion ment entitles the several voting precincts in said county to the following representation in said convention Reaver 7 BoxElder 4 Danbury 5 East Valley 7 Gorver 4 Indinuola G Missouri Ridge 4 Perry 4 Tyrone 3 Tmrrririi ii m rrerjz ROvAL CAKINQ P00ER CO Fraternal Insurance Order Cards K O T M -Regular meetings on second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month in McConnell hnll at 8 Visiting knights welcome M R Gatiih commander J II Yaugeu record keeper C A Leach finance keeper ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodge No 7 moots on second and fourth Mon day evenings of each month at eight o clock in McConnell hall J R McCakl Illustrious Pro RonT V Dkvok Secretary The death of Rear Admiral Sampson Tuesday of this week will doubtless close the unfortunate and deplorable Sampson Schley incident The popular and righteous verdict arrived at long since by the American people is that the great sea battle off Santiago was a cap tains fight with Schley in the leading role On the other hand Rear Admiral Sampson will go down in our naval an nals as one of tho most accomplished and distinguished naval ollicers of his day and generation In the Fifth congressional district the fight seems to be centering between Judge Norris and Captain C E Adams although a dozen other candidates claim a following It is said that Judge Norris stands a fair show of getting nearly every county delegation in tho Four teenth judicial district while Captain Adams will show a great deal of strength from thesoutheast corner of thodistrict It is argued in his behalf that he has been instrumental in breaking tho fusion majorities in that part of the district lie was a candidate once when there was nothing ahead but certain defeat and his friends urge that now when the prospect for election is so bright ho should bo rewarded In behalf of Judge Norris it is argued that the nominations have usually gone east of center of the district until two years ago and that the best gains were made when a western man was nominated It is said that every county except Franklin and one other has a candidate for congressman Sundays Journal Are you going to send away this year and pay more for seeds than the Bee Hive is selling them for Send Me Their Names Send me the addresses of your friends who might be induced to move to Ne braska and I will mail them our new 48 page book descriptive of Nebraskas ag ricultural resources and its unbounded opportunities The book is illustrated with Nebraska farm scenes and is sup plemented with a sectional map of the state It will help bring homeseekers to Nebraska u dO JFrancis Gen Pass Agt Omaha Neb Northern grown seeds 2 cts per package at the Bee Hive The Portland Special Burlington Route trains to the north west change time on May 4th On and after that date the leaving time of the Portland Special train No 41from prin cipal points will be as follows Leave St Joseph 830 p m Omaha 1110 p m Lincoln 105 a m Grand Island 442 a m Broken Bow 604 a m Alli ance 1035 a m arriving at Helena Spokane Tacoma Seattle and Portland about as at present 5 9 Its a fact Garden seed at 2c a package at the Bee Hive A Spring- Tonic Every system however vigorous needs a stimulant At this season of the year the blood also needs purifying We be lieve that there is nothing better for this purpose than McConnells Sarsaparilla a preparation combining the best known blood remedies We make it ourselves We know it is pure We guarantee sat isfaction Try a bottle McConnell Berry Two cents- for a package of seeds at the Bee Hive NEW YORK ZrCXSBSTTOZ mm PER Makes the food more delicious and wholesome sraisumzHznzaBSHv The Power of the Press During the progress of the trial of an action brought on behalf of a woman for the recovery of damages alleged to have been sustained by her as a result of an accident that occurred whilo she was riding on ono of the cars of a street rail way company in Chicago a certain news paper printed on its first page under conspicuous headlines and in the guise of news an article charging tho com pany with having made way with two of the witnesses of the accident whose testimony it was said if thoy could have been produced would have been favorable to tho plaintiff Other charges of reprehensible conduct on the part of tho defendant were made and whilo these were so indefinitely framed that nothing of a specific character could bo deduced from them the reader who did not have access to the facts was left in no doubt as to their serious nature The publication was well timed appearing just after the evidenco was in and as the case was about to go to tho jury The paper is one that has a wide circulation among laboring men mechanics and artisans the class from which jurors are principally drawn Tho case like many another brought against the street rail way companies of Chicago was without merit The article contained not one element of truth Its purpose which was to prejudice the minds of the jurors was accomplished The verdict was ad verse to the company It is all but inconceivable that a pub lication the avowed object of whose ex istence is to collect and disseminate news but whose real purpose if one may judge from observation is to villify and to blackmail should in a land sup posedly civilized be permitted to pursue its criminal course without intervention of the law Notorious for its sensation alism indifferent to the rights of others and outcast a monstrosity not in coun tenance with self respecting newspapers it yet unaccountably prospers an over whelming power for evil whose influence is not offset by the forces operating for good Its motives are ulterior its ends are selfish It espouses the cause of the the disaffected not from sympathy for them not because thoy have grievances that it believes are genuine not because it has the slightest desire to right wrongs in whose existence it has faith but to gain popularity to retain and to extend its circulation It takes advantage of the weakness of human nature to profit itself Some men derive their greatest pleas ure from recounting their own misfor tunes They would not if they could be anything but sufferers Their happi ness is supreme when they can find one who will listen patiently to the account of their troubles He who avows him self their friend who affects to forget his own woes and to burden himself with theirs who can persuade contented men that they have wrongs of which they knew nothing is heard eagerly and is hailed as a preserver The seeds of dis cord and strife are always sown upon fertile ground Men are constitutionally selfish are interested above all things else in what concerns themselves The publication of this item was not made for the furtherance of justice The publishers cared nothing for the right They cared only for the returns that would accrue to them as a conse quence of their act They were not in spired by regard for the woman whom they pretended to believe the victim of corporate greed It were easier to sup pose that they were animated by feelings of hostility to corporations The natural sentiment of man toward man is revul sion enmity Instinctively we regard all other created beings as our foes plot ters against our peace of mind We are suspicious of everyone We imagine that all other men coveting what we possess will have no scruples about employing whatever methods are needful to secure what we believe belongs to us Toward artificial beings toward corporations the almost universal sentiment is one of intense and unreasoning hatred Here was a double lie The accusa tions were false as might readily have been ascertained if the trouble to inquire had been taken The inferential protes tations of friendship for the plaintiff were hypocritical The author if it had been to his advantage to do so would as quickly have turned upon her as in this instance he attacked the defendant Tho consequence were wholly bad No one connected with the case escaped unharmed The judge if he be right- eous will set aside the verdict A new trial will necessitate the expenditure of money by the defendant that would have been saved to it if the case had been fairly tried on this occasion The plain tiffs victory may be but temporary Her disappointment if eventually the suit goes against her will be the keener because for a brief while the gold seemed to be within her grasp The jury were sworn to well and truly try the issues and a true verdict ren der They violated their oaths and are as corrupt as they would have been if they had accepted payment for their ballots They allowed themselves to be influenced by an appeal to their baser passions to their prejudices The ver dict was returned in the face of evidence under which any right minded man could but have known that the plaintiff was not entitled to a recover They decreed that the defendant should pay not because it was guilty of the charge involved in this particular case but be case one whom they did not know one who did not appear as a witness in the case in the columns of a paper that is notorious for its utter disregard for the truth accused thecompany of evil doing They threw aside the testimony of the witnesses sworn in the case and in its stead accepted an unsworn statement a baseless rumor of corruption To the perpetrator of the deed will be meted punishment according to his deserts His conscience will be strained a little farther by this his latest malfeasance The distance between himself and the truth will be a little wider by reason of his act His way back to the good will be a little longer and a little more diffi cult to travel than it would have been but for his falsehood i WHEN GARFIELD LAY DYING A Pathetic Incident of Ilia Itcmoval to Louk Brunch A pathetic incident Is related apropos of the day of fasting and prayer -which was appointed by all the governors of the United States at the time President Garfield was removed from Washing ton to Long Branch in the hope that the change might help him to recover from the bullet wounds Inflicted by Guitenu Crete said the president to his brave little wife about 11 on that Thursday morning as the ringing strokes from the belfry of the Episco pal church almost across from the cot tage reached his cars what are they ringing that bell for That said Mrs Garfield who had been waiting for the surprise Thats the church where we were when you first came down Theyre all going to pray for you to get well and falling on her knees she said And Im going to pray too James that it may be soon for I know already that the other prayer has been heard From where he lay Garfield cculd see the carriages draw up and group after group go in He could even hear the subdued refrnin of Jesus Lover of My Soul as it was borne by on its heaven ward way Thrilled with emotion a tear trickled down the presidents face Then he closed his eyes and turned his face as a sweet womans voice arose singing from one of Sir Michael Costas oratorios Turn thou unto me and have mercy upon me sang the voice for I am desolate I am desolate and afflicted the troubles of my heart are enlarged Oh bring thou me out of my distresses out of my distresses my God The people in the church sat almost spellbound under the voice for the singer was affected deeply and made it seem to all what It must have been to her n prayer in music FLOWER AND TREE A few pieces of charcoal dropped hit the -water assist in preserving cut flow ers The hole for a tree should be made wide and deep and the bottom be filled with rich earth The seeds of nearly all forest trees do best if not allowed to become dry before planting For the finest flowers sow pansy seed in the fall Protect the young plants through the winter and you will be well rewarded The sweet William Is a biennial but will sow their own seeds and come up year after year as do hollyhocks thus making them practically perennials One of the handsome perennials that flower In July is the digitalis which has long spikes of blue thimble shaped flowers It makes a striking clump The principal advantage in fall sow ing of flower seeds is that the plants grow stronger root deeper and flower earlier and longer than those from spring sown seed The grape is one of the most desira ble fruits to plant It is inexpensive to get a start with it bears early it is productive and easily managed and the fruit is delicious and wholesome Couldnt Stnnd Sntlre A burglar while attempting to rob a bloated bondholder of Maryville by mistake got into the humble residence of an editor next door After unsuc cessfully fumbling about for suitable assets for some time he was distrusted to observe the tenant of the house sit ting up in bed and laughing at him Aint jou old Skindersen the capi talist inquired the housebreaker Nary time chuckled the journalist Im the editor of The Screaming Eagle Jerusalem said the burglar look ing at his stemwinder And here Ive been wasting four precious hours on this branch almshouse I say old quill driver you never poke fun at your sub scribers do you Not the cash ones Exactly said the burglar taking out his wallet Heres six months subscription to call this thing square If theres one thing on earth I cant stand its satire Tit Bits Personal Elements of SnccesH Personality as it Is called is a thing apart a light that cannot be hid den It is difficult to describe being in its nature variable Often it is com posed of one part talent and two parts character and he who has it may in spite of other deficiencies command success Large successes are attainable by the union of aptitude and concentration of purpose coincident with opportunity the meeting of the man and the occa sion the suiting of the word to the action the action to the word self confidence unflagging courage abso lute probity Henry Watterson In Suc cess Inherited Prowess To what sked the young woman with the notebook do you attribute your remarkable power in training these animals and keeping them in subjection Well replied Mile Castella the lady wonder of the arena I think I Inherited it from my mother She was a strong minded woman My father was a regular bear and she had to subdue him about once a day as long as she lived Chicago Tribune They Hold More Do you ever wish you were a girl asked the visitor who was waiting in the reception room Only at Christmas time answered the boy who was lingering In the door way Why do you wish it then Because of the stockings they wear was the prompt reply Chicago Post BMBWW waiii J aw a wm pi TO RAISE MONEY I Plant Two O HONEST X i a J Dollar x y Harvest X I Dollar Crop 4 x f 8 4 DRY GOODS K 5 5 T CARPETS I HeadqUartCrSfr SHOES I I GROCERIES 1 4 9 9 i A PHONE 16 A 4 McCook Nebraska 4 feoooooooooooooooooA DANBURY The M E iiars onafje is being t mated to a coat of paint Mr Uea Oman of McCook i vNitiiiB here this week S Hillinc was a McCook siirlit seer tho last of last week An eight pound boy is making his home with Mr and Mrs C Yie A soaking rain fell here on Sunday morning and again on Monday V inch of rain all told Ed Claik of Lebanon was in town Tuesday and Wedneday showing the merits of a new gaso line lamp J L Sargent ha put in place a -10-foot wind mill tower for Phillip Gliem to replao the old one recently taken down O B Woods went to Indianola Tue dav to meet his wife on her return from Trenton where she lias been a few dajs with her sister Mrs Walter Pate We understand that W A Minniear filates planting 2 acres to sugar beets We hope 10 will He is able to give the Beaver valley a practical experiment Beet sugar raisingought to be ono of the leading crops of the valley Caution This is not a gentle word but when jou think how liable you are not to purchase for 75c the only remedy universally known and a remedy that has had the largest salo of any medicino in tho world since 18CC for the cure and treatment of consumption and throat lung troubles without losing its great popular ity all these years you will be thankful we called jour attention to Boschees German Sj rup There are so many ordinary cough rem edies made by druggists and others that are cheap and good for light colds perhaps but for severe coughs bronchitis croup and especially for consumption where there is difficult expec toration and coughing during the nights and mornings there is nothing like German Syrup Sold by all druggists in the civilized work G G Greek Woodbury N J BANKSVILLE Li ting corn i one of the industries closely followed in this vicinity John Henry Wesch is chafing about his watch he expects to get soon and the word dont come Mrs Bell Nelson wa hero last week from Guthrie Center Iowa She is a sister to Dr J W Rowland of Herndon She returned to her home Monday Banksville had a fine rain Sunday morning and again on Monday morning and Monaj after ternoon amounting to nearly two inches of rain that makes lots of green Herbine Cures Fever and ague A dose will usually stop a chill a continuance alwaj s cures Mrs William M Stroud Midlothian Texas May 31 lsO writes Wo havo used Herbine in our family for eight years and found it tho best medicine we have ever ued for lagrippe bilious fever and malaria 50c at A McMillens I live and let my brethren live With all thats good with me Unto the poor some cash I give The balance I give Itocky Mountain Tea McConnell fc Berry SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of ale i ued from the district court of Redwillow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein the Western Land company is plaintiff and John G Gould Gould his wife et al are defendants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the east door of the court house in McCook Red willow county Nebraska on the Oth day of June 1MJ2 at the hour of one oclock p m tho following described real estate to wit The east half of the northea t quarter of section 27 in townhip 1 range 26 in Redwillow county Nebraska Dated this 9th day of May 1902 A C Ceabtree Sheriff Black and J E Kelley Attorneys Wields A Sharp Ax Millions marvel at the multitude of maladies cut off by Dr Kings New Life pills the most distressing too Stomach liver and bowel trou bles dysiepsia lo s ofappetito jaundice bil iousness fever malaria all fall before these wonder workers 2oc at McConnell Sc Berry Big Horn Basin Are you interested in the 15ig Uasin of U yomingr Its a rich but undeveloped portion of Northwestern Wyoming It contains marvellous openings for small ranches along good streams in the valleys with one million acres of government land open to settlement under the United States land laws Tho Burlington Route has just pub lished a folder descriptive of the Big Horn Basin It is Illustrated and con tains an accurate map It tolls abqut the lay of the land character of the soil products yield irrigation and opportu nities If youre interested better writo for a copy Its free 5 30 J FnANCis Genl Pass Agt Omaha Nebraska Doctors Bad PliRht Two years ago as a result of a severe cold 1 lost my voico writes Dr M L Scarbrough of Hebron Ohio then began an obstinato cough Every remedy known to me as a practicing phy sician for 33 years failed and I daily grew worse Being urged to try Dr Kings New Dis covery for Consumption Coughs and Colds I found quick relief and for the last ten dajc Lave felt better than for two years Positively guaranteed for throat and lung troubles by McConnell Berry 50c and 1 Trial free From the Lakes to Denver St Pacx Minn May 6 It becamd known today that the Burlington has placed a corps of engineers in the field at Erickson Neb with instructions to run a line north to ONeill the western ter minus of the Great Northerns west Ne braska line The distance is about fifty miles The construction of this line will give the Burlington Great Northern a direct route irom tlie head of the lakes eitner Wilmar or St Paul to Denver via Save the Loved Ones Mrs Mary A Vliet Newcastle Colo writes I believe Ballards Horehound Syrup is superior to any other cough medicine and will do all that is claimed for it and it is so pleasant to take My little girl wants to take it when sho has no need of it Ballards Horehound Syrup is the great cure for all pulmonary ailments 2 c 30c and gl00 at A McMillens California and Return 45 Tickets on sale April 21 to 27 Mav T to June 8 August 2 to 8 Liberal stop over arrangements and return limits For additional information ask the nearest agent LSurlington Route write for a California folder to or J Fraxcis Genl Pass Agt - 30 Omaha Nebraska A Nearly Fatal Runaway Started a horrible nicer on the leg of J B Orner Franklin Grove 111 i i i I ictrs an1 remedies for four vears Tlon JJucfcleii s Arnica Salve cured him Just as good for boils burns bruises cuts comcaMs skin eruptions and piles 23c at McConnell JL Berrys Half Rates East via Burlington Route One fare for the round trip to Harris burg pa May Llth to 19th Return limit June 30 Tickets good via Chicago orbt Louis A great opportunity to visit the east Half rates from Harris burg to points in Pennsylvania Marv land District of Columbia May 21 to Ask the Burlington agent 5 15 To cure a Cold In One Day lake Laxative Broino Quinine Tablets AH druggists refund the money if it fails to cure t W Grove s signature is on each bos 23c K