The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 09, 1902, Image 1

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Wisely Decided to Fund
At tho meeting Tuesday evening of
representatives of tho contributing or
ders socioties and individuals to tho
auditorium fund it was wisely deter
mined to fund all tho moneys so far
raised for the auditorium As soon as
possible the moneys will be paid in to
Supt A Campbell who was chosen as
trustee of tho fund and tho money will
for the present be placed at interest in
some safe securities It is proposed to
associate with Supt Campbell an ad
visory board to be selected one member
from each of tho different societies and
orders which have contributed to tho
fund Tho members of this board will
bo chosen by the several organizations
between now and the 19th of this month
when another meeting will bo held to
close up this matter
In the interest of harmony and to
maintain confidence it is of the first
moment that all societies having funds
raised for tho auditorium project should
promptly pay the same to Supt Camp
bell It is not wise or enough to say
that the moneys will bo paid in whon
the auditorium is built or under way
The only way that tho money can bo
depended upon and that confidence may
be felt is in placing tho money in a fund
with proper safeguards As long as the I
moneys are Kept in mo nanus oi indi
viduals or organizations there is the pos
sibility of conflicting actions being taken
and there is tho constant menace of lack
of confidence thus created Get into an
interest bearing fund tho few hundreds
already raised in cash add to this cash
as opportunity affords add confidence
and cut out all discord and one of theso
favorable years we will raiso by subscrip
tion enough to build an adequate audi
Are Improving- the Park
Some of the womens clubs of the city
have temporarily taken charge of the
park which is now being given needed
attention by a competent man It is
expected that the city authorities will
assist in maintaining this public im
provement thus relieving of the burden
the few individuals who have for years
maintained this park out of their private
purses The public is the beneficiary of
the advantages of the park and it is but
risrht and proper that the people of the
city should pay for the expense of main
taining and improving the same
Two Splendid Soaking Rains
Southwestern Nebraska in common
with tho rest of the state and in fact
much of the western country was visited
by two splendid soaking rains Sunday
and Monday the precipitation being al
most two inches according to tho Burl
ington guage at this place The rains
came at an opportune time as in some
localities crops of small grain especially
were needing moisture These million
dollar rains have greatly encouraged tho
husbandmen and the crops aro respond
ing admirably to the refreshing moisture
and its stimulating influences
Settlers and Ranchmen May Clash
There aro some indications that there
may yet be a clash between the settlers
and ranchmen in tho neighborhood of
Atwood Kansas A telegram from that
point recently announced that both
parties have organized laid in ammuni
tion and aro ready for business The
settlers recenth drove off the fencing
gang of the big Dewey ranch and cut the
fence already built since which event
the ranchmen have armed their em
ployes and the next clash is likely to be
onein which bloodshed will be a feature
An Attempted Suicide
An attempted suicide is one of the di
versions of the week The Tribune re
frains from mentioning names at this
time but if some of tho rumors in con
nection with this affair are founded in
fact it will be well for the city author
ities to take the mattsr in hand and pro
secute a strict investigation The
would be suicide if a real attempt was
made is entirely recovered from the
Nelms Quick Nuptials
Thursday afternoon at four oclock
Prank P Nelms and Clara B Quick
both of Quick Frontier county were
united in marriage at the home of the
bride by Rev L M Grigsby pastor of
Methodist church of our city Many
relatives and friends witnessed the happy
event A wedding supper followed the
and congratulations The
young people received many handsome
and useful presents
The Passion Play
The Tribune directs attention to the
Passion Play of Oberammergau to be
given in the Methodist church Monday
evening next May 12th by the Edison
Biograph Co of New York This enter
tainment comes highly recommended
The latest Edison biograph will be used
The pictures will be life size It will be
a rare opportunity Tickets 50 cents
for adults 23 cents for children
Gold Miller Marriage
The Tribune understands that W A
Gold and Ellen Miller were united in
marriage in Akron Colorado Tuesday
of this week They went west on Mon
day night and returned to tho city
Tuesday night on No tG and are now
at home in the Gold residence in tho
northeastern part of the city Congrat
Baled Prairie Hay for Sale
I have for sale a quantity of baled
prairie hay Leave orders at the Barnett
or Bullard lumber yards
Harry Barbazett
We make Dress Skirts to measure 50
displayed ready to wear To your meas
ure at same price S250 to 8900 The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Its up to you whether you see the
newest fhings in wall paper or not If
you buy before seeing our line youll re
gret it McConnell Berry
Always reliable always dependable
what you buy at Marshs meat market
Mrs R M Douglass was a Hastings
visitor close of the week
Miss Elizabeth Rooney of Hastings
is a guest at the Palmer house
G C Boatman occupied his new resi
dence on Marshall streot today
Mrs G E Dknton was an Oxford
pilgrim latter part of tho week
Mrs C E Ryan is visiting her par
ents at Yuma Colorado this week
E E Emmett bank examiner was in
tho city fore part of the week from
Stella Arnold of South McCook is
a sufferer from blood poisoning result
ing from a rat bite
Mrs W E Corwin is visiting rela
tives and friends at Port Richmond Sta
ten Island New York
Mrs W George Sheppard is up
from Cambridge guest of her parents
Mr and Mrs John Sheppard
R Q Stewart deputy internal reve
nue collector Hastings was in the city
yesterday on business of his office
Mrs J E Kelley went down to
Hastings and Beatrice first of the week
to visit relatives and her daughter Edna
F II Spearman arrived in the city on
No 1 Monday and is making a brief
business social visit in his former home
Mrs John Morris departed on No 0
last night for Mendota Illinois on a
visit to relatives Mr Morris accom
panied her as far Lincoln
J W Hupp arrived homo Wednesday
night from a trip over to Lebanon He
reports crops in most promising condition
in that part of the county
F D Buroess is able to be about
some now after two or three weeks ill
ness and will soon bo able to resume
work with returningstrength
Miss Stasia Brady has the cashiers
desk in W T Colemans store Miss
Nellie Smith will shortly leave for Den
ver where a position awaits her
L B Phillips returned to the clerk
ship in tho Commercial hotel first of the
week and Harry Benedict llalley has
gone into the Palmer house service
Ray McCarl departed on last Satur
day night for Excelsior Springs Mo to
take the baths for his rheumatism If
necessary he will go on to Hot Springs
Mrs W II Pratt of Cropsoy Ill
inois arrived in the city Wednesday
night and is visitiDg her sister Mrs J
H Ludwick who has been quite ill for
some weeks but is now improving
Miss Mamie Fitzgerald came up
last Friday night from Lincoln where
she is doing stenographic work and was
the guest of her uncle and aunt Mr
and Mrs Patrick Walsh over Sunday
Mrs J A Wilcox and Mrs Cora
Kelley have been in Grand Island part
of the week attending the annual ses
sion of the Order of the Eastern Star
representing Eureka chapter No 86 of
this city
Miss Marie A Hickey who has been
spending the winter in Denver with her
sister Mrs James McKenna was the
guest of Mrs P F McKenna last Sat
urday on her way home to Foxboro
Mr and Mrs I F Clapp who have
been out from Michigan visiting their
son H C Clapp and wife departed on
last Saturday morning for their home in
Allegan They were greatly plased with
their brief visit here
Dan OBrien a resident of McCook
in the early days and W L McDonald
both of Chicago arrived in the city
close of last week and are visiting Mike
Hogan a short time The boys are on
their way to the coast
Mr and Mrs J B Meserve came
up from Lincoln last Friday night and
visited here until Tuesday morning when
they went to Arapahoe to make his for
mer deputy Samuel Patterson a brief
visit between trains going on to Lincoln
on No G Tuesday night
Holton Longnecker a graduate of
the Highland Park school of pharmacy
Des Moines Iowa entered the employ of
Albert McMillen last Saturday Holton
is a son of John Longnecker of Red willow
and has many friends in the city and
county who will extend him tho glad
hand warmly
Sheridan Clyde formerly of McCook
but now of Elwood Indiana is the Dem
ocratic nominee for councilman of the 1st
ward of the city of Elwood and the local
newspaper of the Democratic persuasion
gives him a very neat send off in sum
ming up the candidates of that party
in a recent issue
Won Manila Fight on Coffee
Special to Tho Chicago Daily News
Canton O April 29 Deweys men
fought the battle of Manila on coffee
alone Mrs Carrie Herspool who
teaches a Sunday school class in the
First Presbyterian church here was told
by some boys in her class that Deweys
tars were served liquor during the battle
She wrote to the admiral and received
the following reply
Dear Madam Acknowledging the
receipt of your letter of the 22d inst I
am very glad of having the opportunity
of correcting the impression which you
say prevails among your Sunday school
scholars that the men of my fleet were
given liquor every twenty minutes dur
ing the battle of Manila bay
As a matter of fact every tiarticipant
from myself down fought the battle of
Manila bay on coffee alone
The United States forbids taking li
quor aboard ship except for medicinal
uses and we had no liquor that we could
have given the men even had it been de
sired to do so Very truly yours
George Dewey
C L DeGroff Co McCook Ne
braska aro local agents
Large line of handsome Ginghams 8Jc
a yd at The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Trenton and McCook are scheduled
for a ball game next Tuesday a week
Passion Play Fntertalnment
At tho M E church Mondny evening
May 12by tho Edison Biograph company
using exclusively tho Edison machine
I Introductory
L -President McKinley wife and cab
inet on board U S S Raleigh
2 Inter National yacht race
3 President MeKinleyu last speech
at Buffalo
II Scenes in village of Oberammergau
1 Anton Langs house
2 Oponing amphitheatre doors
3 Street scene in Oberammergau
4 Tourists alighting from the trains
Ill Twenty two scenes from the Pas
sion Play Four thousand feet of mov
ing pictures List of scenes
1 Shepherds watching their flocks at
2 First scene in the temple
3 Attempted assassination
4 The flight into Egypt
5 Herodias plea for John the Bap
tists head
6 Salomes danco bofore Herod
7 Death of John the Baptist
8 Tho brook of Cedron
9 The Messiahs entry into Jerusalem
10 Suffer little children to come
unto me
11 Raising of Lazarus
12 The last supper
13 Judas betrayal
14 The Messiahs arrest
15 Tho Jews and Pilate in the temple
16 Christ before Pilate
17 Condemnation
18 Carrying the cross
19 Crucifixion
20 Taken down from the cross
21 The Resurrection
22 The Ascension
Changes In War Revenue Laws
By the act of congress approved April
12th 1902 the following changes are
made in the war revenue law now in force
Taxes repealed on and after July 1 1902
Special tax of
Dealers in grain securities etc under
par 3 sec 8 act of March 2 1901
brokers class 2
Custom house brokers
Proprietors of theatres etc
Proprietors of circuses
Proprietors of public exhibitions or
shows for money
Proprietors of bowling alleys or billiard
Dealers in leaf tobacco
Dealers in tobacco
Manufacturers of tobacco
Stamp taxes on
Instruments papers or documents de
liveries or transfers of stocks and sales
and agreements of sale or agreement to
sell stocks products or merchandise
Schedule A
Wines Schedule B
Seats in parlor or palace cars and
berths in sleeping cars
Taxes on legacies and distributive
shares of personal property
Excise taxes on persons firms com
panies and corporations engaged in re
fining petroleum and sugar
Taxes reduced
Fermented liquors The tax is reduced
to 100 per barrel
Snuff and tobacco - The tax is reduced
to 6c per pound
Cigarettes The tax on cigarettes
weighing more than 3 pounds per thous
and is reduced to 3 per thousand
A drawback or rebate is allowed on
all original and unbroken factory pack
ages of smoking and manufactured to
bacco and snuff held by manufacturers
or dealers on July 1902 to the amount
of difference between the higher rate
paid and the tax imposed by this act
Claims must be presented within sixty
days from July 1 and must be for 10
or more
The provisions of the present law
relative to mixed flour remain unchanged
except a slight change is made in the
definition of mixed flour
Rights accrued or liabilities incurred
prior to the repeal are not affected
The estates of all persons dying prior
to July 1 1902 will be subject to the
legacy tax even if the distribution is
not made until after that date
In Memory of G S Bishop
The February term of district court in
and for Redwillow court was adjourned
to next Saturday evening May 10th
for the purpose of holding a memorial
service inhonorof County Judge George
S Bishop deceased The matter has
been in the hands of a committee of the
bar of this county and a program has
been arranged by the committee which
will be carried out at this session It is
expected that the bar of Redwillow
county will be fully represented at this
session and that adequate expression will
be made in memory of the deceased
county judge who was one of the early
settlers of this county and one of the
first lawyers to settle within its limits
Session will be held in the court room
at the court house
Worlds Musical Association
B J Sharkey is local agent for the
Worlds Musical Association and will be
happy to call on lovers of music during
the coming week and explain its very
desirable features The membership fee
is 175 for five years which secures for
members a wide choice of the finest
vocal and instrumental music at the
nominal price of 11 cents postpaid Be
sides a large portfolio of excellent and
popular music is given each member
free It alone is worth the membership
fee Think of it Music at 11 cents a
A little stock food a spring tonic for
your horses cattle hogs and chickens
costs but a few cents will be worth
dollars to you Try it
McConnell Berry
Now is the time to repair that walk or
to make a new one There is nothing
better for the same money than paving
brick The Barnett Lumber Co sell
Bennett has them 1303
Joy Selby is in charge of tho steam
hammer now
Engineer Bailey moved into his now
home Thursday
Brakeman W W Webster is among
the ailing this week
Oscar Pederson of Aurora Illinois is
a new machinist this week
At Kapkes suits for 20 up Experi
enced tailor Fits guaranteed
J E Molund returned Tuesday night
from his trip to the old country
Train master J F Kenyon is absent
on a visit to Morecroft Wyoming
The Clerks won from the Riptrackers
last Saturday afternoon Score 10 to 1
Extra Agent A J Zint returned Sun
day from visiting the family in Denver
Yardmaster J F Utter was up from
Red Cloud Sunday visiting the family
Brakeman G L Burnoy was a busi
ness visitor to Stratton Tuesday-Wednesday
Oscar Hughes of the Red Cloud
was a headquarters visitor
Machinist and Mrs J W Chase ar
rived home from the east Saturday ev
ening on No 5
Thomas ORourke is down from Wy
oming visiting the family on the farm
west of tho city
Engine 33 of the K4 class is about
ready to go out on the road on passenger
after an overhauling
Storekeeper Barber is having tho plat
form west of tho storehouse enlarged for
the storage of castings
Switchman Neal Beeler has been
transferred from the McCook yard to the
train service out of McCook
The pay car will bo in on No 5 Fri
day evening next the 16th to go west
as a special the following morning
Conductor and Mrs W II Brown
were in Denver on business Saturday
going up on Friday and returning on
Brakeman G P Roark who has been
off duty for several months on account
of an accident returned to work Tues
day of this week
Conductor William Shinsel has been
transferred to Asst Supt Harris juris
diction leaving for Denver today The
family will follow shortly
A new order removes the lower sash of
windows on doors of way cars as they
come in for repairs and wooden glass
are being put in the place
Switchman J F Amick has been
transferred to Red Cloud yard vice PA
Perry who comes to McCook and enters
the train service out of here
Flagman F S Curry has taken a lay
off of thirty days and gone up into the
northwest country nearBritish Columbia
with a party of mining surveyors
Way car 129 went out of the carpenter-shop
first of the week No 124 is
about ready to go out is now being
painted No 53 is in for an overhauling
Switchman Worth Humphrey has re
turned from his long visit in Colorado
and is working in tho Oxford yard now
vice C L Olmstead who comes to Mc
Machinist Dennis Cullen and daugh
ter Roxie went down to Omaha Tuesday
night on a visit to Miss Maggie and
will return home tonight or tomorrow
Asst Supt J C Birdsell of the Dead
wood division was here Sunday on busi
ness During his stay he closed a deal
whereby he became owner of the Rees
Engines No 1 and No 1G0 went into
the back shop this week for an over
hauling The No 1 is a K4 of the Have
lock shop make The 1G0 is the old
Stewart Hoge mill
Elmer Traver arrived home Wednes
day night from a visit to Galesburg
Illinois since last Thursday night Dur
ing his absence Knud Stangland acted
as piecework inspector
J O Schleicher of Havelock has been
appointed foreman of pit work in the
Sheridan Wyoming shops He has
been pit foreman at Plattsmouth for
three years and at Havelock for six
Blacksmith Fred Irwin had the mis
fortune Tuesday morning to have the
first joint of his right thumb mashed
under the steam hammer The big
fire is temporarily under the charge of
Frank Green and Con Kildow
Enthusiasm is not aroused by common
place things The bright looks and de
lighted expressions brought out by our
line of White Shirt Waists tell the
story 50c to 250 The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
Why dont you raise your calves with
out milk Thousands of farmers are
doing it with Blatchfords calf meal It
rapidly matures the calf and prevents
scouring Try a sack of it at W T
Wednesday C W Barnes and Francis
M Rathbun were nominated by the
president for receiver and register re
spectively of the McCook land office
Are you going to paint your house
barn or fence Let us quote you prices
on the best paint on earth
McConnell Berry
Our Black Grenadines and rich Mer
cerized Underlinings in all colors are ir
resistible Ask us to show you these
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
At the right price you can always get
the choicest things the season affords at
D C Marshs meat market At the old
stand all the time
Flies will soon be here and you will
need screens See us before buying
Bullard Co
Get one quick Childrens Parasols
16c and 35c The Thompson Dry Goods
I Co
For Sale
Good windmill pump and tank In
quire of F Traver at tho J M Hender
son property
Special Purse Sale
Purses worth 25c to 50c now 19c
Purses worth 50c to 1 now 39c
C LDeGrokkCo
Did you say Wo have more than all
tho other dealers put together and wo
set tho pace in prices
McConnell Berry
Death of a Crippled Girl
Tho crippled daughter
of Fred Wagner of the Ash Creek neigh
borhood died on Tuesday morning and
was buried on Wednesday afternoon at
tho Ash Creek church
Twentieth Century Lecture Course
The third and fourth of this series of
lectures will be iriven at the
tional church on the evenings of May
19th and 20th 8 pm Mr and Mrs
Bcveridge are very popular and attract
ive both as singers and speakers You
will bo delightfully entertained Come
Admission 25cts Children under 12
years 15cts
Wall Paper and Paints
A McMillen wishes you to call and
examine his large assortment of wall
paper latest colorings and combina
tions Prices from 3c per roll up
Our remnants are out o sight as
to price
We have a large line of mixed paints
and stains Wouid call your attention
to our special enamel for inside decora
tions A McMillen
Christian Elder Sayhs will conduct
the services next fjords Day Bible
School at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a in
and S p in
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 am Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 20 p in Every Sun
day J J LouiiiiRAN Pastor
Episcopal Services at St Albans
Episcopal church Sunday At eloven
morning prayer and sermon Even snng
and sermon at eight Everybody come
It M 1 f ardm n Rector
Baptist Sunday school 915 a m
Preaching 11 a in and S p m Prayer
meeting Wednesday 8 p in There
will be baptismal services again both
Sunday morning and evening
George L White Pastor
Methodist-Sunday-school 10 a m
Preaching 11 Junior League 330
Epworth League 7 Preaching 8 Sub
ject for morning sermon Christian
Baptism Its Mode Subject for even
ing sermonThe Apostle Pauls Creed
Prayer meeting Wednesday evening
L M Grksijy Pastor
Rector R M Hardman of St Albans
will have his time well occupied this
month in addition to his regular church
duties May 30th he will deliver the
Decoration Day oration at Arapahoe on
the 18th he will preach the baccalaureate
sermon to the class of 1902 of the Strat
ton public schools and on the 22nd he
will deliver tho class address before the
graduates of the Holbrook public schools
Rev A G Axtell spent a few days in
the city this week visiting his former
room mate at Andover Rev FWDean
Rev Axtell has been located at Stock
ville and Eustis and goes to Trenton in
the Congregational church work
Rev L M Grigsby of the Methodist
church will deliver the Decoration Day
oration at Indianola The Tribune
promises them a fine effort
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoflice Mav 5 1902
Mr M Delom T M Scott
Chris Green Mr- Hillie Harri on
Otti s Huntvr Mr- Hannah Johnson
Mr Cha E Mr- Hcrtha L Miller
Mr C C Stnrbrick Edwin J Scanton
Adverti ed May 7th 1902
Mrs Annie S Heden
H J Kakor Mr Taboz Rurrnclaugh
Alex Braunganlt Mr Clarence Cameron
C R Elder Mr C E Calhoun
Fred Jletke Lulu liegeman
Fred Jone Dr II F Parker
II F Parker
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
If you get it at Marshs market its a
good article
Large lot of new and different Sun
Bonnets just received The Thompson
Dry Goods Co
For Rent A number of rooms over
the meat market Inquire of D C
Marsh in the market
Lost A cameo breast pin on the day
of the G A R bean supper Finder
leave at The Tribune office
The very latest in white pleated Satin
belts also black also black Velvet belts
black and colored leather belts at The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
The postoflice at Tyrone this county
so the telegraphic dispatches in the
Daily Bee announce has been ordered
discontinued after Mav 31st
F C Gauze Corsets 35c to 3100
Money back after four weeks actual
wear if dissatisfied For sale only by
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
A few remnants of last years stock of
wall paper enough for one room will be
closed out regardless of price
McConnell Berry
Alex Bergeron of Denver is now in the
city and is prepared to respond to all de
mands on his time and skill in the re
pair and tuning of pianos Leave your
orders at H P Suttons store
Lace Hosiery Lace Gloves Lace Ties
Lace Allovers Bands and Galloons Lace
Over draperies for Skirts anything
thats lace is strictly correct We have
them The Thompson Dry Goods Co
lli liiJV
1303 at Bennetts
Try a 1303 at Bennetts
Base ball goods at Cones
New screen doors at Dullards
Dr Seymour coming Juno 11th
Buy a 1303 Bennett soils them
Seo that five ply hose at Waites
Its a winner- 1303 at Bennetts
Latest styles screen doors at Milliards
Perfumes and toilet soaps at Cones
Dr Seymour here Wodnesdav Juno
Call at Bullards and see those fanoj
screen doors
Everything seasonable at Marshs
meat market
For summer dress goods lO to C L
DeGroff Co
I N Briggs painting and paper-hanging
Phono 251
A few Hicks Almanacs for 1902 for
sale at this oflice
Audrey The latest popular book at
McConnell A Kerrys
E J Mitchell auctioneer Ihonos
oflice 17 residence 95
See the latest in porcelain lined refrig
erators at W T Colemans
Buy hammocks at Cones A line
assortment and lowest prices
Uoys and Girls Gauze Underwear at
The Thompson Dry Goods- Co
Milliard will get you odd size window
and door screens on shorL notice
Cool and dainty Dressing SacijuesTV
up The Thompson Dry Goods Co
Drs Seymour A Williams will be here
at the Commercial hotel June Illh
Our screens keep out the Mies
Bullard Co
Tell your neighbor about that 1900
riding cultivator at W T Colemans
Foi Sale A dwelling house on Me
Farland street Inquire of C A Ward
Extra sizes in Ladies Gauze Vests an
Pants at The Thompson Dry Goods C
The Quick Meal gasoline stove has no
equal for convenience or as a saver of gas
Dr Seymour extends a special invita
tion to all his patients to call on him
June 11th
Paper hanging for 20c a bolt I X
Briggs p a i n t e r and paper hanger
Phone 251
Dr Seymour eye and ear specialist
will be here on Wednesday June 11th
One day only Consultation free
All kinds of garden and grass seeds for
sale All seeds fresh and in bulk
C J Ryan Manager
We have all kinds of window and door
screens at prices to suit
Bullard Co
The board of county commissioners of
Redwillow county will meet as a board
of equalization of taxes on June 10th
We are glad to show our screen doors
and are sure we can suit you
Bullard Co
Furniture polish varnish stains and
enamel everything for brightening up
the home McConnell it Berry
You should not buy wall paper until
you look at the stock at Cones drug
store Latest patterns and colorings
lowest prices
Rufus Harp announces a dance in the
opera house Tuesday evening May 20th
with McGillins orchestra as the musical
attraction Tickets 1
The assortment of screen doors and
window screens and screen door fixtures
at W T Colemans cannot be excelled
in this part of Nebraska
D C Benedict of Culbertson offers
full blood S C White Leghorn eggs at
75 cents a sitting for the next ten days
Mail orders filled in turn
When you are house cleaning remem
ber that we carry the best paints var
nishes and furniture polish
McConnell Berry
Do the dandelions come up in your
lawn If so get a lawn weeder at W
T- Colemans and you will be pleased
with its work They are cheap and just
the thing for the work
Nazareth Knit Waists for Boys and
Girls at the Thompson Dry Goods Co
Button before or behind very elastic and
therefore very durable and also comfort
able for growing children Price 25c
It is worth considerable to be able to
feel that you can depend upon ine
quality of meats you order at the meat
market A child can get as good meat-
at Marshs market as a grown person
and a phone order gets the best ever
We guarantee to show you more wall
paper newer wall paper prettier wall
paper than you have ever seen in McCook
Remember that artistic colorings cost
more than gaudy You will regret it if
you buy before seeing our line
McConnell Berry
Sometimes neighbors quarrel and have
hard feelings toward each other because
a pesky old hen and her chicks will ever
lastingly keep scratching out the garden
when a few rods of that superior poultry
fence at W T Colemans would stop
the whole trouble Better invest now