The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 02, 1902, Image 6

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President Roosevelt is Anxious that a
Decision Be Reached in the Matter
at This 8ession of Congress Miscel
laneous Washington Matters
WASHINGTON April 20 The cab
inet held a short session today during
which the relative propositions of the
Colombian and Nicaraguan govern
ments in connection with the proposed
canal were discussed
The president is exceedingly anxious
that whatever determination congress
may come to as as to the relative mer
its of the twon routes in any event
seme decision may be reached at this
A comparison of the outlines of the
agreements or treaties made the State
department with Colombia in relation
to the Panama canal and with Nicar
agua and Costa Rica as to the Nicar
ague canal shows a general resem
blance in the scope of the arrange
ments but important differences in
One point of resemblance is the
amount of money to be paid down at
once by the United States government
to the country making the conces
sions In each case this is 7000000
If the Panama route is chosen Colom
bia gets all of this money If the
choice falls on the Nicaragua route
Nicaragua will receive 6000000 and
Costa Rica 1000000
The delay that occurred in consum
mating the arrangements was owing
to the difficulty in reaching a basis
of agreement between Nicaragua and
Costa Rica and this is generally fixed
upon as about 6 to 1 in favor of Ni
No provision is made in the Colom
bian protocol for the payment of any
annual rent that matter will be left
to future adjustment though of course
it is expected that some rent will be
charged The agreements as to the
Nicaragua canal however specifically
state the rent to be paid which is 30
000 per annum of which Nicaragua
will get about 25000 and Costa Rica
While this rent is merely nominal
It serves a useful purpose in the esti
znate of the isthmian republics name
ly to continually assert the nominal
sovereignty of Nicaragua and Costa
Rica over the territory through which
the canal is cut
The original proposition was to pay
a lump sum representing the capital
ization of this rent for 100 years but
the republic prefer to have the money
paid in recognition of their sovereign
ty and in Consideration of the allow
ance of their wish in this matter they
have gone to the length of making the
lease to the United States perpetual
as against the 100 year renewal re
lease of the Colombian agreement
Neither of the ministers Nicaraguan
or Costa Rican has yet received the
full powers from their governments
necessary to the perfection of the
The question of the fiscal agency in
the Philippines was also discussed by
the cabinet but no conclusion was
reached and it was stated that none
can be until the attorney general
rends his opinion on the power of the
Guaranty Trust company to keep its
Plans for Governor Taft
WASHINGTON April 26 Governor
Taft will leave here at noon tomor
row for New York He will return to
Washington to confer further with the
president and Secretary Root respect
ing Philippine affairs preliminary to
his return to Manila He will go to
Manila by way of New York and the
Mediterranean stopping en route at
Rome to confer with the authorities
of the Vatican regarding the disposi
tion of the friar lands
Amos J Cummings a Sick Man
BALTIMORE April 26 It was
learned from a reliable source late
last night that Congressman Amos J
Cummings of New York is critically
ill from pneumonia
Officers Are Not Guilty
MANILA April 2G Major Waller
and Lieutenant Day of the marine
corps who were tried by court martial
here on the charge of executing na
tives of the island of Samar without
trial have been acquitted
Pays Penalty on Gallows
NEWARK N J April 26 Henry
Schaub was hanged here today for
the murder of his wife and child The
drop fell at 1010 oclock As the body
fell the head was nearly severed and
blood spurted from the neck Schaub
was a barber but did not work steady
and was dissipated His wife made
arrangements to leave him and when
he learned of her determination he
Wiled her and their child He cut his
own throat bvt not fatally
vo JwwVrfH -
Hot Winds from Arid Region Menace
to Bordering States
WASHINGTON April 25 William
H Chadwick chairman of the trans
portation committee of the Board of
Trade of Chicago has written a let
ter to Representative Newlands of
Nevada the author of the pending ir
rigation bill presenting new reasons
why this measure should b passed
Mr Chadwick holds that the states
lying east and north of the arid lands
suffer enormous loss as a result of the
burning heat coming from the arid
quarters He says
In behalf of many interests which
will suggest themselves to you from
my official position I ask to call your
attention to an argument in favor of
the bill now in the house The dis
tricts which compose the arid lands
by reason of the intense dry heat
there produced through the east
ward movement of all atmospheric
conditions across the continent are
and always have been a menace to all
that great agricultural country lying
to the east and northeast of the sec
tion in question notably Texas Ok
lahoma Kansas Missouri Illinois
Iowa South Dakota Indian and Ohio
The tremendous losses experienced
within the past twelve months by
farmers the live stock interests the
merchant and common carriers are
fresh in our minds A veritable ca
The great loss entailed through the
partial failure of the corn crop and
enforced substitution on a large
scale of other grain to supply the de
ficiency thereby caused with wheat
rye oats etc resulted in the curtail
ment of exports to such an extent as
to be not only extraordinary but in
some instances as with corn sensa
The effects in the eastern or con
suming states are notable and scarcely
any part of the union has been unaf
fected by the conditions produced by
the scorching blight which original
ing only in the arid region blasted
the crops over a large and important
part of the country
We who are directly affected by such
misfortunes desire to earnestly sec
ond the endeavor to remove the con
stant menace to prosperity in such a
wide scope of territory and ask for
legislation to that end
Think Confession Untrue
WELLINGTON Kan April 25 It
is believed to be the intention of John
Cummings who has acknowledged
the accidental killing three years ago
of Anna Dishman his 13-year-old ser
vant to take the chances of going to
the penitentiary in order to shield
some member of his family After he
was placed under bond here today
for his trial next month Cummings
attorney made the statement that his
client had told him a story about the
girls death that would free him be
fore any jury the most remarkable
tale in connection with a murder that
he had ever heard but that Cum
mings had sworn him to secrecy and
that he would stand trial
Nominated by President
WASHINGTON April 25 The pres
ident today sent the following nom
inations to the senate
Indian inspector John E Edwards
Montana Indian agent S G Rey
nolds Crow agency Montana
Registers of land offices Joseph P
Batten at Dardcnelle Ark John I
Worthlngton Harrison Ark Andrew
W Swaney Kalispell Mont Samuel
Gordon Miles City Mont
Receivers of public moneys Ed
ward A Shicker at Camden Ark
John G Chitwood Dardenelle Ark
Charles M Greene Harrison Ark
John E Lewis Kalispell Mont
James M Rhodes Miles City Mont
John E Bush Little Rock Ark
Child Commits Suicide
KANSAS CITY April 25 Frances
Rigby aged 12 years daughter of R
M Rigby president of the Rigby
Printing company in this city was
found in a dying condition on the
street near her home today and later
died at the city hospital from the ef
fects of swallowing carbolic acid No
motive can be advanced for the childs
suicide except that she feared a pun
ishment because of a trifling offense
at school
Declinese the Bishopric
Nathaniel S Thomas rector of the
Protestant Episcopal church of the
Holy Apostles here who was elected
bishop of the missionary district of
Salina Kan says he will not accept
Clark Declines Mission
WASHINGTON April 25 Captain
Charles E Clark has declined the ap
pointment of special naval representa
tive at the coronation of King Ed
ward and the president has named
Rear Admiral Watson for that mis
Hitt is Renominated
FREEPORT 111 April 25 Hon
Robert R Hitt was renominated for
congress here yesterday
Opponents Who Seek to Alter Amend
ments Tacked on by Upper House
Lose on Every Proposition Miscel
laneous Washington Matters
house yesterday began consideration
of the senate amendments to the oleo
margarine bill A special rule for this
purpose was adopted by a vote of 152
to 79 By the ruling of the chair the
question of further amendment of the
senate propositions was confined with
in very narrow limits Slow progress
was made The opponents of the meas
ure who sought to modify the senate
amendments in various particulars
were outvoted on every proposition
Bills were passed to donate the spars
of Don Juan de Austria and Almirante
Oquendo to the state of Alabama to
approprite 20000 of the funds of the
Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians for
the relief of destitute members of those
tribes to provide for trade statistics
between the United States and its out
lying possessions to grant certain
lands to the city of Colorado Springs
Mr Dalzell of Pennsylvania from
the committee on rules then presented
the special continuing order agreed to
by the committee some time ago to
provide for the consideration of the
Eenate amendments to the oleomar
garine bill
Mr Cowherd of Missouri vigorously
opposed the adoption of the rule Last
week he said the house considered a
bill for the relief of the Cubans The
program was to be tears and sym
pathy for the poor of Cuba and sneers
and taxes for the poor of America
As an indication of what would hap
pen when this bill went into effect
Mr Cowherd said that immediately
after the passage of the oleomargarine
bill by the senate the price of butter
went up 4 cents in New York and 3
cents in Chicago
Mr Dalzell replying to Mr Cow
herd said the merits of the bill were
not now under consideration The or
der was simply designed to give the
house a chance to pass upon its merits
The rule was adopted 152 to 79
When the consideration of the
amendments was considered the chair
ruled that the text of the bill agreed
to by both the house and senate was
not open to amendment The ruling
made by Mr Olmsted of Pennsylvania
who was in the chair prevented the
offering of many amendments which
the minority members of the agricul
tural committee desired to offer Mr
Wadsworth of New York chairman of
the agricultural committee finally
succeeded in offering an amendment
changing the section providing that
oleomargarine free from artificial col
oration which is taxable at one fourth
of a cent per pound so as to provide
that colored butter shall not be con
strued as coloration The amend
ment was lost by a vote of 81 to 81
Supreme Court Grants Mandamus
Against Omaha City Council
OMAHA April 24 At 5 oclock yes
terday the supreme court of Nebraska
handed down an opinion granting the
writ of mandamus asked for by mem
bers of the Omaha Real Estate ex
change to require the city council to
reconvene as a board of equalization
and reassess the street railway the
gas water electric light and telephone
In this opinion the recommenu Mon
of the referee was not concurred in
The opinion covers every point and is
a clean victory for the Real Estate
exchange The court announces that
the section of the statute which per
mits the subtraction of indebtedness
from the actual value of a corpora
tions property in order to obtain what
is assessable is unconstitutional null
and void It is also laid down that
the board of equalization is not pro
hibited from acting because the actual
cash value has not been used as a
basis for assessment but the court
says the board must take the percent
age of the actual cash value used as a
basis by the assessor and see to it
that property falling below that figure
is brought up to it A rule is also laid
down for determining the value of the
intangible property of the corpora
Considers War Inevitable
Little editor of the North China Daily
News in an interview given here says
war between Japan and Russia is con
sidered inevitable not only by the
Japanese but also by the Russians
and all residents on the Siberian
coast Enormous preparations are be
ing made at Porth Arthur and in Si
beria fortifications are progressing
and troops massed and Japan is also
ready for active operations
Great Loss of Life is Caused by the
Earthquake in Guatemala
NEW YORK April 23 Late dis
patches from Guatemala are to the ef
fect that the whole republic was shak
en by an earthquake from 830 oclock
on Friday night up to 8 oclock Sun
day night with only short Intervals
between the shocks says a Panama
dispatch to the Herald
The dispatches of Saturday concern
ing the disaster in Quesaltenango are
confirmed It is estimated that 500
persons were killed and millions of
dollars worth of property was destroy
ed there Fires which followed the
earlier shocks added to the loss and
many heartrending stories of suffering
are received The whole country is
panic stricken
The towns of Patzum and Mazaten
ango the latter in the great coffee
district were destroyed The visita
tion was spectacular in character Tho
first shocks were accompanied by ter
rific thunder storms The lightning
was followed by a deluge of rain
Ceremony One of the Final Acts Pre
liminary to Beatification
tomb in which the body of Bishop John
N Neumann was placed forty two
years ago was opened today by a spe
cial ecclesiastical court the proceed
ing being one of the final acts pre
liminary to the beatification of tho
prelate The distinterment was made
in secret and was for the purpose of
identifying the remains of Bishop
Neumann and to ascertain their state
of preservation
Two witnesses swore that they wit
nessed the burial of the bishop and two
physicians wrote a minute description
of the remains They were then plac
ed in a new coffin and restored to the
vault which was sealed by Archbishop
The evidence collected by the eccle
siastical court during its inquiry
which has been in progress for sev
eral years will now be forwarded to
Engagements Between the American
Troops and Natives of Mindanao
MANILA April 23 Two engage
gagements have been fought between
the American troops and the Moros
of the island of Mindanao during the
last twenty four hours Moore of the
Twenty seventh infantry while out
with a small party hunting for water
was fired upon at long range
Lieutenant Frank D Baldwin with
a battalion of troops and a mountain
gun went to the assistance of Moores
party and drove off the Moros who
lost seven men The firing was at
1100 yards
The Moro villages were flying red
flags meaning that they intended to
fight to the uttermost
House Votes Favorably on Measure
After Reducing Appropriation
house by a vote of 75 to 52 rejected
claims attached to the omnibus claim
bill passed by the senate aggregat
ing 2800000 and on the heels of
that action nonconcurred in the whole
senate amendment the various items
having been ruled to constitute a sin
gle amendment and sent the bill to
conference The military academy ap
propriation was passed today after the
limit of cost of the improvements at
West Point had been reduced from
0500000 to 5500000 and the appro
priation in the bill from 3500000 to
2000000 The London dock charges
question was brought up but not dis
posed of
Conferees Adopt Main Features of the
Senate Measure
WASHINGTON April 23 The con
ferees on the Chinese exclusion bill
have practically reached an agree
ment The main features of the sen
ate bill have been adopted but there
are some alterations
The agreement reached is upon all
but one feature of the measure Un
der the agreement the senate substi
tute becomes the exclusion measure
but the house conferees have secured
a concession specifically re enforcing
sections 3 to 14 of the exclusion act
of September 13 1888 The point
still open is as to extending the ex
clusion indefinitely after May 5 next
Canada Praisees the Boers
OTTAWA April 23 In the House
of Commons tonight a resolution wat
adopted stating that while British su
premacy had been maintained in South
Africa to which end Canada cheer
fully contributed men and money a
policy of magnanimity and mercy may
properly be extended to the brave foe
now opposing British arms and thai
in the interest of peace and future
tranquillity and homeogenity it is ex
pedient to offer universal amnesty
Latest Quotations from South Omaha
and Kansas City
Cattle Thero woro more cattla on solo
than there were a week ago but still the
receipts for tho week to 4at show a de
crease as compared with last week As
compared with tho same week of last
year though thero Is not much change
Tho bulk of the offerings was again
mado up of beef steers and the quality
was about the same as It has been Pack
ers did not take hold with very much
life and a slow and weak market result
ed Some of tho choicest bunches sold
at Just about steady prices Tho cow
market was also slow with the tendency
of prices downward The best grades
sold at right around steady prices Bulls
did not show much change but if any
thing they wero a little lower In sym
pathy with the weak feeling on steers
and cows The same was true of stags
unlesB they wero very good Veal calves
brought just about steady prices There
wero comparatively few stockers and
feeders on sale so that tho market held
just about steady Good stuff sold with
out difficulty at steady prices
Hogs Good heavy hogs sold largely at
700 to 710 and fancy loads sold from
710 to 1720 which carries the market to
as high a point as has been reached this
year The medium weights went mostly
from GD5 to 700 while the lighter loads
sold from G3 down There was not
much improvement In the demand for the
lightweight stuff whicli was left until
the last and although that class of hogs
also Improved in price it was hard to
got packers to take them Everything
was disponed of at an early hour
Sheep THere was a light run of sheep
and lambs but still there were more on
sale than yesterday Packers were all
anxious for supplies so that an active
and stronger market was experienced
Some of the offerings wero of better
quality than anything offered up to this
time so that prices reached the high
point of the season Clipped lambs sold
as high as G40 and clipped wethers
brought 625 The market for tho week
so far can safely be quoted 1015c higher
all around Tho 625 clipped wethers
weighed 117 pounds but they wero of ex
tra choice quality
Cattle Market strong to 10c higher
choico export and dressed beef steers
6C0 720 fair to good ftWoGGO stockers
and feeders 350i525 western fed steers
J570SC70 Texas and Indian steers 300
0620 Texas cows 350525 native cows
350350 native heifers 400010 can
ners 2501x350 bulls 350g510 calves
Hogs Market u15c higher top 730
bulk of sales 50i720 heavy 720730
mixed packers 6951t720 light JG650
715 pigs 610gC63
Sheep and Lambs Market strong to 10c
higher native lambs 6001P700 western
lambs 655gG85 native wethers 500
600 western wethers 55059i year
lings 600G50 Texas clipped yearlings
60C3G50 dipped grass sheep S470g565
stockers and feeders 325525
To Be Made Subject of Investigation
by Interstate Commissioners
ST LOUIS April 26 Interstate
Commerce Commissioners Prouty and
Fifer and Special Agent Marchard
are in St Louis for the purpose of in
vestigating the matter of rates facili
ties and practices employed in the
transportation handling and storage
of grain and grain products carried
from western points to the Atlantic
seaboard and other destinations The
hearing begins today
Last evening at the Southern hotel
representatives of the Wichita Cham
ber of Commerce and others concerned
in Wichita business interests on in
terstate shipments had a conference
with the commissioners furnishing
material which may later on form the
subject of an investigation A com
mittee of the Southern Millers asso
ciation likewise had an informal talk
with the commissioners
The executive and the chief traffic
officers of the Frisco and the Mobile
Ohio were requested by Secretary
Mosely of the Interstate Commerce
commission to attend the hearing to
day when complaints of discrimina
tion will be taken up A Vicksburg
firm figures as one of the complain
Imperial Troops on Way to Nan Ning
Encounter a Force of Rebels
HONG KONG April 26 Advices
received today from Wu Chou under
date of April 21 announce that a
bloody battle was then proceeding be
tween a force of imperial troops on
their way to Nan Ning and a large
force of rebels
The imperial army attacked the reb
els encampment in the Wu Chang
hills brought up two Maxims and two
12 pounders and finally scattered the
rebels and captured their leader Hung
Yung Seng who was wounded
Subsequently the rebels catured two
villages on the outskirts of Nan Ning
and established their headquarters in
those villages
To Abolish Duties on Meat
sentative Sims of Tennessee today in
troduced a bill abolishing the duties
on imports of beef mutton pork and
Senator Money Arrested
WASHINGTON April 26 Senator
Money of Mississippi today was placed
in custody on Information filed by Ar
thur B Shaner a street car conductor
who charged the senator with assault
ing him during a disturbance on Sha
ners car yesterday Senator Money
Conductor Shaner and Foreman Hoop
er of the fire department who assist
ed the conductor yesterday appeared
in the police court and their trial was
set for next Thursday
uuNucmwELf in w
Judge Clarke of St Louis bf3 con
victed and fined heavily a number o
grocers for soiling taking powders
containing alum
The week before the Health Depart
ment of New York seized a quantity
of stuff being sold for baking powder
which they found was made from
alum mixed with ground rock and
dumped it into the river
Tho Health Authorities are thus
taking effective means to prevent the
introduction into our markets of in
jurious substitutes in placfc of whole
some baking powders
As alum costs only two cents a
pound there is a great temptation for
those manufacturers who make sub
stitutes and Imitation goods to uso
it Alum baking powders can bo de
tected by the health authorities by
chemical analysis but the ordinary
housekeeper whose assistance in pro
tecting the health of the people is im
portant cannot make a chemical ex
amination She may easily know the
alum powders however from the fact
that they are sold at from ten to
twenty cents for a pound can or
that some prize liko a spoon or
glass or piece of crockery or wooden
ware is given with the powder as an
As the people continue to realize the
Importance of this subject and con v
sumers insist on having baking pow
der of established name and charac
ter and as the health authorities con
tinue their vigorous crusades the
alum danger will it is hoped finally
be driven frorr our homes
Close Calls for Two M Ps
Two members of the British parlia
ment have had narrow escapes from
ignominious death Mr OBrien who
represents Cork was In 1807 convicted
of having led a Fenian rising and was
sentenced to be hanged drawn and
quartered As It was proved how
ever that he had saved Inmates of
burning barracks at great risk to him
self his sentence was commuted
Another Irish member Mr OKelly
of Roscommon while serving as a
correspondent in Cuba in 1875 was ar
rested as a spy and the firing squad
was just forming when the United
States consul arrived and saved his
Bothas Wife an Emmett
The wife of General Botha the Boer
general Is a descendant of Robert
Emmetts elder brother Thomas Addis
Emmet who was one of the United
Irish Directory In 1798 and was pun
ished by the government by confine
ment in Fort George for three years
Robert Emmet whose name is so pop
ularly known was but a youth of 20
In 1798 His attempt at Insurrection
in 1803 was the last effort of tho
Brotherhood of United Irishmen and
his death on the scaffold on Septem
ber 20 1803 ninety seven years ago
was the last tragic act In that move
An Honest Mans Opinion
Vermont Mo April 28th If what
Mr J S Tillery of this nlace savs Is
true and none who know him doubt
his honesty the new remedy Dodda
Kidney Pills is a wonderful medicine
indeed Mr Tillery says
I had Kidney and Liver Trouble for
years I had used many medicines but
could get nothing to cure me
I heard of a new remedy called
Dodds Kidney Pills and began a treat
ment with the result that I was very
soon on tho mend
I kept on using the pills and am
now entirely better I honestly do be
lieve that they are the greatest remedy
the world has ever seen
I am always willing to help a good
thing and I cannot say too much for
one that helped me so much
If I didnt know that Dodds Kid
ney Pills would do all that s claimed
for them I wouldnt say word of
praise for them
A loud profession and a quiet per
formance never yet went hand in
PIT Wo fits or nervousness after
r I 9 v first day s ueo or Dr Klines Oreat Nerve Restor
er Send for FREE S200 trial bottle and treatise
DC IL II Klwe Ltd 831 Arch Street Killadelphla Ia
A little learning is like dried apples
They both puff you up
to men with riK to introduce our Poultry goods
faendstp Javclle MfgCoDeptDParsonsKan
The last shall be iirst when a wo
man picks up a novel
The well posted druggist advises you
to use Hamlins Wizard Oil for pain for
he knows what it has done
Any port in storm
bibbers motto
is the wine-
Drive KhcumatlHm Away
by the use of MATT J JOHNSONS COW
It cures thoroughly and quickly
Shopping has no joys to the woman
who is color blind
Pisos Curo for Consumption Is an Infallible
medicine for coughs and colds N w Sauvcu
Ocean Grove N J Feb 17 1900
Men want hands more than hand
Will you be short of hay If 8o plant a
plenty of this prodigally prolific millet
G trtvT8of Rch Hay pr Acre
Price oO lbs 190 100 lbs 3 Low freights
John A Salzer Seed Co La CrosseWIs W
Poison is not antidoted by a goldea
tr TVhlaIows Soothlnsr Syrup
It takes
a great man to lead a small
other CoMwiterStS v1 tnan any
ells for
money 12 oz brands
hPmehW a creditr always has a
memory than a debtor