The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 02, 1902, Image 2

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McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Ex Senator James Smith of New Jer
sey has gone to Europe The senator
goes to Dresden to bring his wife and
Ison home
The 3-year-old twin children of M
IShields residing at Bear Grove Dal
jlas county were found in debris re
sulting from a fire that consumed a
Near Lead S D E F Koehler a
locomotive engineer on the Burlington
fell from a forty foot trestle striking
on a concrete wall death ensuing in a
short time
William H Wallace known to
grain men all over the United States
and a prominent member of the pro
duce exchange is dead at his home
in New York
The democrats of the house of rep
resentatives held a caucus to consider
the Philippine civil government bill
agreed on by the democratic members
of the insular committee
It is announced that Emperor Wil
liam has notified the executors of the
-will of Cecil Rhodes of his countrys
acceptance of the trust relative to the
German scholarships at Oxford
It is stated that the new company to
control the Atlantic steamship lines
just combined will be incorporated in
New Jersey with a capital of about
150000000 says the Journal of Com
Secretary Shaw has taken up horse
back riding in Washington and hopes
to be able to join President Roosevelt
Secretary Root and Senator Lodge in
their afternoon canters over the coun
try roads
A courier who arrived at Canton
China reported that over 2000 im
perial soldiers sent by Marshal Su
against the rebels were ambushed in
a narrow defile and all were killed
or captured
John Redmond the Irish leader in
the British house of commons gave a
dinner to Bourke Cockran of New
York at the house of commons at
which several members of the Irish
party were present
Andrew Carnegie formally dedicated
the handsome free library of Carnegie
borough in Pittsburg before an audi
ence of over 1200 people Many prom
inent citizens of Carnegie and Pitts
burg occupied seats upon the stage
President James J Hill of the North
ern Securities and the Great Northern
Railroad company says he is not in the
least worried by the granting of leave
by the supreme court to the state of
Washington to file a bill for an injunc
tion against the Northern Securities
The state department has received
information by cable to the effect that
General Uribe Uribe the insurrection
ary leader has been completely over
whelmed by the government troops at
a place called Medina and has been
compelled to beat a retreat to Venezue
lan territory It is believed in Bogota
that the war is now practically over
Representatives of about fifty of the
leading manufacturers in the United
States of pickles kraut tomato catsup
preserves mince meat etc met in
Cincinnati and organized a national as
sociation under the tame of the Na
tional Association of Manufacturers of
Food Products William McMecham of
Wheeling W Va was elected presi
Buffalo Bills Wild West show
opened in New York to a crowd which
completely filled Madison Square gar
den There were many well known
people present among them General
Miles General Brooke Brigadier Gen
eral M V Sheridan retired Lieuten
ant Colonel M P Maus Rear Admiral
Barker and Senator W A Clark of
General Torrence commander-in-chief
of th G A R has issued his
first general order in connection with
the forthcoming encampment in Wash
ington It officially announces that the
encampment will begin October 6 that
the same railroad rates and stop over
privileges will be operative as in the
1S99 encampment and that only a lim
ited number of properly certified vet
erans can be accommodated with free
State Senator Clark of Clarinda la
died in Los Angeles Cal on the 22nd
The Austrian minister of instruction
Dr Von Hartel has conferred the
great gold Staats medal upon Walter
MacEwen the American artist for his
picture called The Ghost Story
Editor Hurlbut of the Aurora Neb
Sun dropped dead from heart disease
while walking on the street
In Kansas City Kan John Calhoun
was shot by his son Rowland five
times and fatally wounded The father
had attacked the boys married sister
The strike in the Thilmany paper
mill at Kankanna Wis the biggest
tissue mill in the world was settled
David Carpenter who was a personal
friend of Horace Greeley and John C
Fremont is dead at his home in Mount
Pleasant N Y
mfll1tf vs
Illness Dates Back Several Months
and Decline Unchecked from First
Death Is Due to Cerebral Thrombus
Stroke of Apoplexy Hastened End
CHICAGO April 28 Hon J Ster
ling Morton former secre tary of agri
culture died at 430 yesterday after
noon at Lake Forest at the home of
his son Mark Morton For several
weeks Mr Morton had been gradually
failing The interment will be at Ne
braska City A special train bearing
the remains of Mr Morton and mem
bers of his family and friends will
leave Lake Forest at 4 oclock Tuesday
afternoon for Nebraska City
Death was due to cerebral throm
bus Mr Morton began ailing several
months ago and in hopes that a
change of climate would restore his
health he went to the City of Mexico
accompanied by his son Paul Morton
vice president of the Santa Fe road
Mr Morton continued to grow worse
in the southern country and six weeks
ago he returned to his old home in
Nebraska He then returned to Chi
cago where it was believed he would
have better medical attention
Word was received here that Hon
J Sterling Morton ex secretary of ag
riculture had died at the home of his
third son Mark in Lake Forest 111
yesterday after an illness of several
months Last Tuesday was his seven
tieth birthday and the usual celebra
tion was omitted here out of respect
to Mr Mortons condition
Mr Morton come to Nebraska in
1854 and settled with his wife on the
farm that has been his home ever
since and which by the force of the
man has become known throughout
the country The first Arbor day was
celebrated at this home by the family
long before it became a world holiday
The conception of Arbor day was one
of the flashes of genius which Mr
Morton has always attributed to his
wife It was to her also that Arbor
Lodge owes it name but to Mr Mor
ton belongs the fame that has been
shed from its hospitable doors On
this farm four sons Joy Paul Mark
and Carl were born and grew up to
carry the name of Morton out into the
world Joy Morton is now one of the
powerful figures in Chicago finance
Paul Morton is vice president of the
Santa Fe railroad and Mark is at the
head of several of the great Morton
industries Carl the youngest and
best beloved is dead having passed
away at Waukegan 111 a year ago
last January
Ever since his coming to Nebraska
J Sterling Morton has been a mighty
factor in the development of the state
A man of pewrful physique and more
powerful mentally he has brought his
whole strength to bear on the problem
of converting the trackless piain into
a garden of plenty How well he has
wrought can be seen by a glance at
the highly cultivated acres at Arbor
Lodge How thoroughly he is loved
can be seen tonight in the sorrowful
faces of the men and women who
walk quietly through the streets
Plans of Week in Senate
plans of the senate for the week do
not extend beyond the continuation
of the debate on the Philippine gov
ernment bill and the consideration of
minor matters when there is no one
prepared to speak on the Philippine
bill There is no prospect thus far
for speeches in support of that meas
ure and consequently all the talk bids
fair to continue to be on the negative
sode of the question Up to the pres
ent time the speeches all have been
made by minority members of the
Philippine committee but it is stated
that other democratic senators have
promised to lift their voices in oppo
sition to the bill
Report of Bank of Spain
MADRID April 2S The report of
the Bank of Spain for the week ended
Saturday shows the following Gold
in hand increase 190000 pesetas sil
ver in hand increase 3010000 pese
tas notes in circulation decrease 535
000 pesetas
Mute is Killed by a Train
M Edwards a respected citizen of
this place was instantly killed by a
train Edwards was a deaf mute and
did not hear the approaching cars
Railroad Builder Dies
ST JOSEPH Mo April 28 Morris
Hickey a pioneer railroad builder
one of the originators of the Hanni
bal road in Missouri died here today
aged 77 years
Astor Will Be a Baron
NEW YORK April 28 A dispatch
to the World from London says Lat
est official reports has it that William
Waldorf Astor will be created Baron
Clivedon of Taplow next month
i Vi c
Tafts Assistant Says General Is Loyal
Supporter of Civil Rule
MANILA April 28 At a farewell
banquet here to the officers of the
Ninth infantry Acting Civil Governor
Luke E Wright paid a glowing tribute
to the mfilitary forces He said the
army under circumstances of surpris
ing difficulty had paved the way for
the work of the civil authorities and
that only a few cases of friction be
tween the two branches of govern
ment had occurred He said that Gen
eral Chaffee whose opinion might at
times have differed from those of the
civil authorities had been a most
loyal supporter of civil rule
Replying to Civil Governor Wright
General Chaffee said that the officers
of the army knew that their duty to
the country demanded their utmost
efforts to sustain the civil authorities
and to suppress the rebellion
Miscellaneous Subjects Will Come Up
for Consideration
WASHINGTON April 28 There is
a miscellaneous program ahead for
the house this week Today the spe
cial rule for consideration of the om
nibus public building bill will be
brought in and passed and the re
mainder of the day will be devoted to
District of Columbia business
Wednesday the consideratiton of the
agricultural bill will be considered
and after it is disposed of the District
of Columbia appropriation bill will be
taken up and probably passed before
the end of the week With its passage
only two appropriation bills will re
main to be acted on by the house the
naval and general deficiency bills Sel
dom have the appropriation bills been
so well advanced at a long session of
congress as they are this year
American Commander Returns with
Insurgent Chieftain
MANILA April 28 General Fred
erick D Grants expedition in the gun
boats Basea and Baseo several steam
launches and native lighters has as
cended the Gandara river in the isl
and of Samar and has brought the in
surgent leader Gueverra and his en
tire command down the coast The
command consists of Rafel Sebastian
Abaki and thirty eight other officers
189 men and 161 rifles
Three hundred insurgents with 131
rifles are expected to arrive at Cat
balogan Samar to surrender formally
to the American authorities Three
thousand bolomen part of them armed
with rifles surrendered Friday at Su
lat also in Samar
Suggests Retaliation
LONDON April 28 The Daily Ex
press which declares that every con
siderable steamship line except the
Beaver line has no joined in an agree
ment to raise saloon fares for trans
portation across the Atlantic publish
es an interview this evening with Sir
Charles Tupper former Canadian high
commissioner in London in which
he advocates in the event of the con
trol of the Canadian Pacific railroad
passing to the Morgan interests that
retaliatory measures be taken by tax
ing American imports and that spe
cial legislation be adopted to prevent
injury to Canadiaa interests
Kruger May Visit America
THE HAGUE April 28 The report
published in Paris that President
Steyn of the Orange Free State is com
ing to Europe to consult with Mr Kru
ger is entirely without foundation On
the other hand it is true that the Boer
agents in America are renewing their
entreaties that Mr Kruger visit the
United States next June He prob
ably will comply with these requests
if sufficient pressure is exercised
Conaty Will Not Resign
WASHINGTON April 28 Bishop
James Conaty rector of the Catholic
University of America emphatically
denies a published report that he con
templates resigning the rectorship of
the university He says there are no
dissensions at the university and that
he has no intention of repigning He
also authorizes the statement that
there is no foundation for the reports
concerning the financial condition of
the university
The arbitration commission of con
gress has decided against Rosa Geib
trunk Avhose husband claimed 22000
damages from Salvador on account of
property destroyed there during the
revolution of 1898
Cholera Kills Off Natives
MANILA April 28 The Cholera
situation does not show any improAe
ment Cases are reported among the
American soldiers in the Camarine
provinces of Southern Luzon and else
where but so far few Americans have
been attacked and the disease is main
ly confined to natives and Chinamen
In Manila there have been 555 cases
and 449 deaths from cholera while
the provinces report 1599 cases and
1169 deaths
Grand Army Commanders of
State Called to Observe It
LINCOLN Neb April 28 This
order has been issued from the head
quarters of the Nebraska department
G A R for observance of Memorial
day May 30
A third of a century ago the re
nowned volunteer soldier our com
rade John Logan by special order
designated May 30 as a day sacred to
the memory of our dead comrades
anil on which to decorate each sol
diers grave with flowers and to plant
over it the flag under which he
It is meet and proper for us to re
member the sacred duty we owe to
the memory of our comrades who
have crossed over to the other
shore Let us not forget that while
to many this day is a memory of
glorious deeds and battles won by
some at least it is a day of memory
for unforgotten heroes wno died that
this nation might live
Lest the rising generation forget
let me remind them that the patriot
ism and deeds of heroism of the dead
and living of the civil war have giv
en to this nation a mortal fame that
commands the admiration of the
world and bequeaths to generations
to come a heritage so full of lessons
of love and loyalty so replete in
unselfish sacrifices in the cause of
freedom that only those devoid of
gratitude can ever forget the debt
they can never repay those gray-haired
Heretofore it has been the privilege
of the surviving heroes of the civil
war and the patriotic people of this
nation to decorate with flowers and
flags the last resting place of their
heroes and as the Spanish war has
shown that the worthy sons of noble
sires will whenever an opportunity
offers follow the old flag to victory
even to the very heart of the celestial
empire it is earnestly recommended
that all graves of those gallant boys
of this Avar be decorated
Commanders see to it that Memo
rial Sabbath is observed as sacredly
as Memorial day and so arrange that
all may attend
Post commanders will see to it that
the Memorial day committee make
proper arrangement with the school
boards for patriotic exercises in the
public schools on the Friday preced
ing Memorial day and that comrades
be detailed to visit each school at an
hour agreed upon to conduct the ser
vices Invite the members of your
auxiliary to assist in these services
and where there are representatives
of our department of patriotic instruc
tion consult with them in relation to
program etc
It is the duty of the comrades to see
that the flag is raised at half mast on
all public buildings and every school
house in the state on May 30
No effort should be spared to have
all exercises and demonstrations con
sistent Avith the purposes to which
this sacred day has been dedicated
and all ehxibitions or amusements
that Avould haAre a tendency to detract
fiom its proper observance or pro
fane its solemn purpose should be
promptly and emphatically discour
aged and frowned upon by all good
The thirtieth national encampment
proAides that the reading of Presi
dent Lincolns Gettysburg address be
made a special feature of all Memo
rial day exercises held under the aus
pices of the Grand Army of the Re
public I hereby inclose same and
post commanders will see to it that
it be read in connection Avith the ser
Winter Wheat is Favored
LINCOLN Neb April 28 Winter
AA heat as a crop for Nebraska has
enormous possibilities declares As
sociate Director Lyon in a bulletin is
sued by the Nebraska experiment sta
tion Not only are the large yields
of this wheat such as to recommend
its culture to the farmers of the
state but the quality of Nebraska
winter wheat gives it a high stand
ing among buyers and consumers
Inspect Beatrice Institute
BEATRICE Neb April 2S State
Treasurer William Stuefer Secretary
of State George Marsh and Commis
sion of Public Lands and Buildings
George Follmer comprising the State
Board of Public Lands and Buildings
were here inspecting the Institute for
Feeble Minded
At Clinton Ark the safe in the
Van Buren county court house was
blown open Avith dynamite and 6000
of the school fund was stolen
Poisoned by Eating Salmon
William Secord a fireman at the
starch works in this city was poison
ed and is seriously ill at his home in
Elmwood from eating canned salmon
His physician now thinks that he is
out of danger The salmon was al
lowed to remain in the can for sev
eral hours after it was opened and
it is thought that the poison is the
result of the chemical actions of the
juices on the tin
Governor Postpones Date of Execution
Until July of Next Year
LINCOLN Neb April 20 Governor
Savage has granted a reprieve to Wil
liam Rhea until July 10 1903 He gives
his reasons in the following statement
for taking this action
The foregoing reprieve of William
Rhea Is issued because I believe after
a thorough investigation of all the
facts Involved that it Is doubtful if
the death penalty ought to be imposed
upon the said William Rhea At the
same time I am reluctant to commute
the sentence to imprisonment for life
for the reason that history shows that
in many cases a life sentence in the
penitentiary does not mean confine
ment for life
In my opinion the said William
Rhea ought not at any time to be
given his liberty I grant a reprieve
for this long time in order that the
coming legislature may have an op
portunity to amend the laAv relating to
pardons and commutations if it sees
fit to do so and 1 direct that this ex
planation of my action be recorded in
the records of the state penitentiary
and also in the office of the clerk of
the supreme court
oFllowing is the agreement signed
by Rhea
I William Rhea the prisoner men
tioned in the foregoing reprieve hav
ing read the same and being fully ad
vised and aAvare of the meaning there
of do hereby voluntarily consent there
to and hereby accept and adopt the
provisions and conditions of said re
prieve consenting that the date of ex
ecution may be delayed and postponed
as therein provided for and I request
and direct that E D Davis and George
W Martin who are to me well known
shall sign this my consent and ap
proval and acceptance of said re
prieve as Avitnesses and that they
make proof of my signature and ac
ceptance before the said clerk of the
supreme court of the state of Nebras
ka and that the reprieve and this ap
proval thereof and said proof of said
witnesses may thereupon be recorded
in the office of the said clerk of said
supreme court
The governors order to the warden
Whereas It seems proper that said
execution should be delayed for the
time hereinafter mentioned
Now therefore this is to command
you to postpone and delay the said
execution of said William Rhea until
the second Friday of July A D 1903
being the 10th day of said month at
Avhich time you will carry said man
date from the clerk of the supreme
court into effect between the hours
mentioned and in all respects in ac
cordance therewith only the date of
said execution being hereby altered
You will retain said William Rhea in
confinement in the said penitentiary
in the meantime at hard labor during
the hours of labor and keep him in
solitary confinement during the hours
that the other prisoners are kept in
their cells
Janitors Threaten to Strike
LINCOLN Neb April 20 Janitors
at the state house are threatening a
strike because of the action of the
State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings in ordering them to have
all dandelion plants removed from the
capitol laAvn before May 1 They say
it will be impossible to do the work in
the time alloAved and tnat rather than
pay other men out of their wages to
assist them they will giAe up their po
Tour the World Afoot
WEST POINT Neb April 26
Amandus Krause William Gelfeke
George Meier and Ed Clancy expect
to make a tour of the world on foot
and without money starting on May
1 They will start out Avitn a pack
mule and a camping outfit and expect
to make the tour in about two or three
Nebraska City Man Loses Diamonds
James H Butler of this city lost a
diamond stud Aalued at 1000 Wheth
er the stone Avas stolen or was lost
from the setting is not Known
Takes Deserter to Fort Crook
TECUMSEH Neb April 26 Sher
iff W H Cummings received orders
from the army authorities at Fort
Crook to bring Fred Bebrle the desert
er there at once
Beatrice Church is Dedicated
BEATRICE Neb April 26 The
Mennonite church recently erected in
this city at a cost of 4000 Avas ded
icated Sunday
York County Crops Flourish
YORK Neb April 26 Growing
crops are in fine condition in York
county Never in the history of the
county has there been a spring when
winter wheat looked any better There
are fields of winter Avheat in York
county which stand from four to seven
inches high About 50 per cent of the
acreage here is winter Avheat Quite
a little acreage has been put in oats
and it is coming up through the ground
in fine shape
is because made by an entirely dlffei cnt
procoss Deflanco Starch Is unlk2
other better xnd one third moro for 10
The wheels of fortune have turned
many a mans head
Use Red Cross Ball Blue and keep them
white aasnow All grocer 5c a package
Lots of people have their Avits
sharpened in the nick of time
SKe Would Not be
Without It Now-
Neither would thousands of others We
refer to Vogelers Curative Compound it
does so much good and seems to reach
every form of stomach trouble that people
have found that it is the one true specific
And what are stomach troubles The easiest
answer is that three quarters of all the dis
eases and ailments which affect us proceed
from one form or another of stomach
Indigestion is one of the worst and most
prevalent forms but Vogelers Curative
Compound cures indigestion Here is one
Mr W Bowell of 34 Priory Street Win-
cheater Col Avrites I wish to state that
my Avife has been taking Vomers Curative
Compound for a long time and it is the
only thing that has done her any real good
for indigestion in fact nothing Avould induce
her to be without a bottle now
When Ave stop to seriously consider the
fact that this great remedy is made from
the formula of one of the most eminent living
London physicians it is no Avonder that
people Avho have happily experienced the
benefit to be derived from its use will not
now be without it at any cost
St Jacobs Oil Ltd Baltimore Md will
send you a free sample bottle Write
Buy yoar goods at
Wholesale Prices
Our lOOOrpage catalotruo will ho sent
upon receipt of 15 cents This amount
does not even pay the postage but It Is
sufficient to show us that you are actlnsr
in good faith Better send for it now
Your ncizhbors trade Avith us why not
you also
The house that tells the truth
ill oJmbHSI Km mksM
San lit dh tomllpation Chilli jnd Fritr aad ill B1U
10M CbmpUlnU All UrafliU Price lt ccnt Itaz
Big Profits sS
Great excitement in Colorado New wells comincr in
every few days Get in before the boom comes Buy
Kansas Boulder Oil nnd Gas Co etock at foundation
price AVe have 100000 shares to sell at 2 eente Remit
at once if you want n uood tbintf 12 buj s 100 chares
HO buys 600 ehnre J20 buys 1000 shares Act quick
MARTIN OAVEK Brokerage Co SK 17th St Denver
Mobuette Rugs FREE
You can get a S3 OO Moquette Rur 3x6 feet
ABSOLUTELY FltEE by writing for par
ticulars and reference to
LEVY FURNITURE CO - favasola Texas
EWJ Br I J n C pay Qi when cured Jocure
no pay ALEXSPEIRS Box 0 AVestbrook Maine
kJt Insolvent
ENT PILLS Chocolate
Coated 60 doses 25c are
a new tasteless odourless
economical substitute for the
celebrated liquid CUTI
well as for all other blood
purifiers and humour cures
Each pill is equivalent to one
teaspoonful of liquid RE
SOLVENT Put up in
screw cap pocket vials con
taining 60 doses price 25c
ENT PILLS are alterative
antiseptic tonic and digest
ive and beyond question the
purest sweetest most suc
cessful and economical blood
and skin purifiers humour
cures and tonic digestives yet
Complete Treafienrsi
Complete external and internal treatment
for every humour consisting of Ccticuea
Soap 25c to cleanse the skin of crust3
and scales and soften the thickened cut
icle Coticora Ointment 50c to in
stantly allay itching inflammation and
irritation and sootho and heal and Cun
cuEAEMorVBST Pills 25c to cool and
cleanse the blood A Sixolb Set is often
sufficient to cure the most
torturing dis
figuring itching burning and scaly skin
scalp and blood humours eczemasrashes
and irritations ATith loss of hair W
Infancy to age -when all else fails
Dpot fi R deU M ST feSSfte
tf 1 j