i I I 1 t i k TWENTIETH YEAR Walter Rowland Murdered A telegram from Herndon Kansas Monday morning announced the mur der of Dr J Walter Rowland of that place that morning by an unknown person The doctor was shot twico once each through the head and stom ach death being practically instanta neous The tragedy occurred in a small room attached to the rear of the general merchandise store of GW Dull a room used by Dull in which to store his stock of flour The doctor and Dull who were close friends had been talking together in this small room just before the trag edy took place At the coroners inquest held on the following day it was considered that the evidence given warranted the arrest of Dull Tuesday evening who was taken to the county jail of Rawlins county Kansas at Atwood pending a prelimin ary hearing A young man bj tho name of Mathers who is a clerk in Dulls store testified that ho was in tho store proper when Dull and Rowland were in the rear room wherein tho murder was perpetrated Hearing loud voices Ma thers went to tho back part of tho store to hear tho conversation but both Dull and Rowland censed talking when ho appeared Returning to the front part of tho store Mathers shortly afterward heard two shots fired and ran back to i tho rear of tho store and found Rowland dying in tho flour room Seeing no one else in tho room which was filled with smoke he rushed back into tho private office and saw Dull seated at his desk JIo asked Dull if he had not heard shots fired and Dull said ho had but suppos ed they were from tho outside Although Dull and tho dead man had been long regarded as close friends Dull expressed no surprise and did not seem to be at all excited when told that Rowland had been murdered which is regarded as a remarkable circumstance in view of their long and intimate friendship Dr Rowland was a Mason and carried in insurance policy for 2000 in the Workman order being a member of the McCook lodge John Rowland and J arvey Rowland father and brother of the deceased live just across the state line in Grant pre cinct Red Willow county where the dead man spent a number of years of his life before entering the practice of medicine in Kansas lie is well known to many residents of this county His widow his second wife was a Miss Canagawho i also a doctor and a daughter of Elias Canaga of the Redwillow neighborhood The funeral was held on Wednesday burial being made at Indianola under Masonic and Workman auspices It is a dark bloody and mysterious tragedy which ma be unravelled at the trial A pathetic incident of the bloody trag edy is the fact that Mrs Rowland be camo a mother three days before the mur der and naturally much solicitude for her well being was felt by relatives and friends Recommend C W Barnes for Receiver Senators Dietrich and Millard joined today in nominating C W Barnes editor of the McCook Republican for receiver of the land oflice at McCook vice J A Piper term expiring May 6 While this of course is in Senator Dietrichs territory Senator Millard joined in the recommendation according to an agreement when the senators en tered upon their terms that they would join in federal appointments Washing ton cor of Omaha Bee April 26th Senator Dietrich made an important nomination today sending in the name of C W Barnes to be receiver of the McCook land oflice vice J A Piper Barnes is editor of tho Republican and is regarded as a strong party worker who has earned his reward Lincoln Journal April 2Gth KATHBUN RECOMMENDED FOR REGISTER Senator Dietrich today nominated Frank M Rathbun for reappointment as register of the McCook land office his term expiring May 6 Washington cor of Lincoln Journal April 26th We Need a Few Like Jake The Tribune notes in the Lincoln Journal that Ex Land Commissioner Jake Wolfe is planting 500 acres of sugar beets this season which reminds us that the farmers of Redwillow county are not going into this matter with the enthusiasm and push they ought to and that they might well follow the example of Uncle Jako in the matter of planting sugar beets anyhow Lay aside every thing of a personal nature and look at the proposition on its merits alone It is a profitable crop and as sure as any crop that can be produced in this coun ty Isnt that enough to warrant your planting a few acres at least The Re publican valley ought by another year at tho longest to bo able to raise enough beets to warrant a factory to be built hero Be wideawake to your interests Republican City Has a Fire Fire destroyed five frame store build ings in Republican City last Saturday night causing a loss of about 87000 Fire started at about 10 30 in the rear of G W Underwoods store and in an hour the entire row was destroyed with but small salvage The sufferers are Estate of Phebe Grove vacant building So00uo insurance G W Underwood merchandise 81400 insurance 8S00 X J Ludi Harlan County Democrat loss on stock 82500 insurance S500 building S700 insurance 8400 A A Malev merchandise 81000 two build ings Sl300 insurance notknownCharles Reiter meat market loss on building and stock 8700 insurance 8100 Origin of fire not discovered Its up to you whether you see the newest thingsin wall paper or not If you buv before seeing our line youll re gret it McConnell Berry Always reliable always dependable what you buy at Marshs meat market Hammocks large enough for two McConnell Berrt Very pretty childrens Parasols for 16c and 35c at The Thompson D G Co MOVEMENT S OF THE PEOPLE W D Darnall of Morgans spent Sunday in Minden R II Rankin of Cambridge -was up on business Monday G H Tillett and family have return ed to Atwood Kansas Dr Garten of Lincoln was the guest of W S Morlan Sunday Mrs C P Ball of Red Cloud is a guest of Mrs L W Stayner Mrs M A Ross departed last night to join her husband in Denvor M E Horner is in Fort Morgan Colorado working at his trade F D Buroess is improving after a threatened attack of pneumonia Frank Carruth came back Sunday night from a visit to tho family in Den ver Misses Olive and May Rittenhousk entertained the Awl Os Tuesday even ing Scott Doan arrived homo last Friday night after a visit of a fow days in Lin coln C II Meeker was a Beaver visitor on sugar beet business Monday and Tuesday Dr J D Hare moved into the rooms over Mrs JJeJnuntys millinery store this week Mrs Clyde Babbock of Omaha has been tho guest of Mrs Ida E White this week Dr J D Hare returned home last Friday night from a visit to his daugh ter Hazel in Lincoln Miss Clara Thorgrimson arrived home close of last week from her long visit in Adrian Michigan David Diamond has moved over to Cedar Bluils Kansas presumably to go into business in that burg George Bungers and wife are now lo cated in Denver where he is clerking in a grocery store on Curtis street Robert Gunn arrived home close of last week from attending dental college in Omaha during tho winter season Mr and Mrs J W Hupp were Lin coln visitors close of last week to see Glenn who is attending the state univer sity A E Petty departed on Monday night for Ainsworth after a short visit in the city He expects to go on east latter W C Bullard was out from Omaha Saturday looking after his interests here and in Culbertson returning east on Saturday night Mrs Willtam McKean has gone to Toledo Ohio taking Baby Norris with her She goes on a visit to a sister and for medical advice Mr and Mrs A B Wood were Lin coln visitors Saturday and Sunday go ing down on Friday night and returning home Sunday night Mr and Mrs G W Marquardt of Des Moines Iowa have been in the city part of the week He is the owner of the Bee Hive building Judge Norris will deliver the Memo rial day address at Minden this year The judge has been in unusual demand for that purpose this season Mrs A Campbell went up to Denver on 13 Thursday to see Norman who was operated upon last Saturday Mrs J W Hupp accompanied her C O Blomquist local manager for Barnett Lumber Co has resigned and expects to leave for Spalding Nebraska some time between the 15th and 1st Dr R B Campbell R P High D F Hupp and J B Cumming were over from Lebanon Tifesday and Wednesday on business with a little politics mixed in it perhaps E S Jones of Hendley who played for McCook last season with success came over to tho city Saturday night last and will likely sign with the club for this season John Grannis had ground broken Monday for a new residence to be built on the lot just immediately south of William Lewis home on Marshall street It will be pushed right along Colonel John S Mosby special agent of the interior department who has been in the city for the past week or more on land office business left on Tuesday night for Akron Colorado on similar business Judge Norris delivered the principal address before the Odd Fellows of Rod Cloud Saturday on the occasion of their celebration of the eighty third an niversary of Odd Fellowship The local lodge also celebrated the burning of its mortgage and note Neighboring lodges assisted and the attendance was large insomuch that the opera house had to be used to accommodate the people A banquet was spread in another hall It was a great occasion No Special Sale Best quality apron check Ginghams 5c yd Best Indigo dyed Calicoes 5c yd Best Turkey red figured prints 5c vd Best light ground Prints 4oC yd Best Table Oil Cloth 15c yd Best Car pet Warp on spools for 18c and 20c for white and colors 23 styles newest fancy dress Ginghams Sc Best quality 5c unbleached Muslin for ic by the bolt No special sale just the every day effort to give the most goods and the best goods and the best service for the money The Thompson Dry Goods Co Adjoin ing Postoffice one price plain figures cash only One evening of last week T F Row ells horse and carriage were taken from the hitching post in front of the Com mercial hotel and used for a consider able space of time Not content with this unlawful act a big hole was made in the top of the carriage before the vehicle was returned The horse showed signs of having been used pretty hard Ladies of avoirdupois can get the nec essary extra sizes in gauze underwear at The Thompson Dry Goods Co Bennett has them 1303 f Jllt00E Origin of Passion Play High up in the mountains of Bavaria lies the little village of Obor Ammergau A plague broke out in the mountains in 1633 and was introduced into the village by a laborer who came bya secret and Unguarded path to vigllfhii family the inhabitants were threatened with extinc tion and in their distress made a vow to represent at intervals for thankful re membrance and edifying contemplation and by the help of the Almighty the sufferings of Jesus the Savior of the world Tradition says that not a single nerson died from the nlatrue thereafter The first performance was given in 1634 continued at intervals of either one or ten years up to 1674 was repeated in 1680 and has been maintained every ten years since except when war caused an interruption It is a most sacred thank service with these peasants and thoy are trained all their lives for the parts they represent Sunday is the day for the regular per formance a choice made on account of the essentially religious character of the representation At the ago of two or three years chil dren go upon the stage in tho arms of their mothers Ten years later they may wave palm branches and cry Ho sanna at the triumphal entry of Christ into Jerusalem in ten years more they may figure as Roman soldiers servants of the temple judges or other minor characters and happy indeed they are if their daily life among their fellow villag ers through all these thirty or forty years has been such that they are counted worthy to represent an apostle for to few is it granted to go higher A clergyman who saw the Passion Play says I was prepared for a striking ex hibition but also half prepared for some rude shocks to ones natural sense of re ligious propriety so impossible did it seem to represent on a public stage and in a worth manner the sublime story of Gethsemane and Calvary But I have never seen so affecting a spectacle or one more calculated to draw out the best and purest feelings of the heart It is of course impossible to answer for the feelings of others but I can say for my self and the many other spectators whom I have consulted that there was nothing from the beginning to the end that need shock the most sensitive religious in stinct At the Methodist church Mon day evening May 12th Doings of the City Fathers The members of the city council were all present at the meeting on Monday night except Councilman Perry Application of A A Hackman for permit to change location to the Palace hotel building was granted On motion it was decided that the pay of John P Ekstedt per hour should be 30 cents from May 1 to November 1 Report of street commissioner as to work done on the streets and other re pairs was read and referred to committee Petitions of Patrick Walsh and Harry Barbazett for saloon licenses granted Petitions of McConnell Berry Al bert McMillen and Cone Bro for druggists permits were granted Ordinances No 105 and 106 were passed and appear in full elsewhere in this is sue of The Tribune Adjourned to meet on Wednesday evening No meeting Wednesday evening for lack of quorum Notes From County Superintendent Seventy one pupils took part or all of the eighth grade examinations held on the 25th and 26th of April J L McBrien deputy state superin tendent will address the eighth grade pupils of the county who attend the meeting to be held for them in Indianola on Friday May 9th at two oclock in the afternoon Deputy State Supt McBrien will bo at Redwillow County Teachers associa tion meeting in Bartley Saturday May 10th to address the teachers on subjects of especial interest to them To the People of McCook and Vicinity I have leased my gallery to A L Webster and wish to recommend him as a gentleman of ability His superior as an artist has never done business in this part of the state Call and become ac quainted and see his work CIHall McCook Neb May 1st 1902 The members of the famous Danbury team of Woodmen were in McCook last Thursday evening and initiated a number of candidates into the local lodge in the most approved fashion of the order Among those present from Dan bury were William Sandon H V Lord E B Lister Ed Crabtree Otto Puelz D C Boyer C W Rogers J A Buyer L L Clay Phillip Gliem How ard Ruby John H Ball C C Naden A little stock food a spring tonic for your horses cattle hogs and chickens costs but a few cents will be worth dollars to you Try it McConnell Berry Black lace Gloves white lace Gloves lace hosiery lace skirt draperies Gren adinesany thing in lace is the climax of elegance and fashion We have the right things The Thompson D G Co Now is the time to repair that walk or to make a new one There is nothing better for the same money than paving brick The Barnett Lumber Co sell them F C Gauze Corsets from 35c to 81 Money back after 4 weeks wear if dis satisfied For sale only by The Thomp son D G Co The Tribune understands that Sun day baseball playing is to be discouraged in the future Stout ladies can secure the Arniorside unbreakable corsets at The Thompson D G Co All colors and widths of washable Taffeta Ribbons at The Thompson D G Co Bring along your goldbricks McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MAY 2 1902 RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS New time card Sunday Engine 46 is in the back shop for an overhauling Con Kildow has been on the sick list part of the week F A Birchell agent at Riverton has returned to duty Conductor William Shinsel and crow are out with the pile driver At JKapkes suits for 820 up Experi enced tailor Fits guaranteed E S Jones has gone to work for Mack Hughes in the blacksmith shop R A Byrnes Earl Vahue and G L Burney are new brakemen this week ConductorT E McCarl is out over the division in charge of tho bridge special aConductor Eph Benjamin has been in Lincoln part of the week on B of R T business Extra Agent A J Zint has taken a short lay off and gone to Denver to visit tne family The clerks are up to their ears in busi ness just now with the preparation of tho pay rolls Conductor L C Wolff has Conductor Q E Popes run Conductor Frank Rank has Wolffs Edward Rich helper at Norton Kan sas is at headquarters this week for a telegraph examination Conductor and Mrs J J Curran ar rived home Sunday from their visit in Eldon Iowa last week Why not leave your order for suits with a practical tailor Suits for 815 and upwards at Kapkes Will Fane has been down from Sheri dan Wyoming this week guest of his sister Mrs Charles Bailey Fireman George Monks returnedSun day from East Las Vegas New Mexico He may go on east from here Agent Edwards of Arapahoe was in Denver Sunday on mining business re turning on 2 Monday morning Brakeman S S Hall left today for Livingston Montana where he will go to work for the Northern Pacific Engine 90 blew out a cylinder head close of last week and No 27 did the same trick tho first of this week James Cumming went to work as an apprentice April 30thand is now on the bolt cutter He is from Danbury General Manager Holdrege went through to Denver on first section of No 3 Saturday night in his private car Brakeman C M Kent who went out on 148 Monday injured his eye pain fully by getting a cinder in his optic Round House Foreman R L Paver of Akron was in Denver close of last and first of this week on railroad business Supt Cotter of the St Louis Denver division of the D R G was a pas senger on No 13 Saturday for Denver Dick Irwin the hammer up lad has been transferred to C A Wards department and will become a car penter Roadmaster Sam Rogers had mining business in Denver and Central City Saturday returning home on 2 Sunday morning Machinist Ed Gresham arrived home on 3 Wednesday night from Cincinnati Ohio where he was called to the funeral of his father Passenger engine No 63 was out in the local yard yesterday being limbered up for service after a general overhaul ing in the shops Machinist J W Chase left for the east last Friday morning to be gone a week or two His wife has been visiting east for some time Fireman and Mrs Joe Eller are en joying farm life near Niwot Boulder county Colorado and luxuriating in rarest mountain scenery Will Purvis formerly in the Burling ton service is now a gang boss in the D R G shops at Denver having seven pits in his charge The month of April shows a marked increase is business on the Western divi sion The train mens roll shows an in crease of almost one third W H Williams day operator at Ox ford has returned from Excelsior Springs Mo and resumed work L E Corbin who has been relieving him has returned to Cambridge days Agent and Mrs A P Thomson went in to Omaha Friday night on No 6 returning home on 3 Sunday night They witnessed Maud Adams perform ance in Omaha Saturday afternoon Roadmaster T A Wilburn of Red Cloud and Roadmaster J A Rydell of Orleans were at headquarters Thursday evening with their pay rolls and at tended the R A M session at night A wreck on the Southern Pacific at Forty Mile snow sheds caused the east bound tourist cars to be laid out in Den ver a number of hours coming east on 2 Monday instead of 2 Sunday morn ing Passenger Brakeman W B Deford of Hastings on No 1 last Thursday morn ing got caught in the vestibule of tho diner at Fairmont where the car was being switched off and his collar bone was badly broken F T Blue and wife have been called to Plattsmouth on account of the serious illness of her sister Barney Buss has been in charge of the flue department meanwhile with E S Jones as first lieutenant And Barney is a canary The Burlington will add another train to the Omaha Hastings service on May 4th Except Sunday the train will run every day and make all local stops leav ing Hastings at 7 in the morning arriv ing at Lincoln 1010 and Omaha 1115 Leaving Omaha at 425 arriving at Lin coln at 610 and Hastings at 940 Changes will also be made in the service to the northwest The latest in Belts Belting Sash Pins Combs Pocket Books and Bags at The Thompson D G Co Rubber Hose Waite has tho best hoso for tho money For Sale Good windmill pump and tank In quire of F Traver at tho J M Hender son property Hammocks Did you say Wo have1 moro than all the other dealers put together and wo set tho paco in prices McConnell Berry The Cow Threw Him Off Chester tho six-year-old son of A J Hatcher of Driftwood precinct is in the doctors care just now as a result of a ride on the back of a cow and an older brothers little joke last Friday Tho older brother put the little fellow on the back of the cow and then got a move on the cow by hissing thedog on tho cow The cow ran and throw the lad off fracturing one bono of his left arm at tho wrist and dislocating the other Wall Paper and Paints A McMillen wishes you to call and examine his large assortment of wall paper latest colorings and combina tions Prices from 3c per roll up Our remnants are out o sight as to price Wo have a large lino of mixed paints and stains Would call your attention to our special enamel for inside decora tions A McMillen CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 210 p m Every Sun day J J Loughran Pastor Episcopal Sunday school 10 a m Holy communion and sermon at 11 Even song and sermon at 8 offertory solo by Miss Scott Every body invited R M IL rdman Rector Christian On next Sunday evening May 4th Elder Johnson of indianola will conduct services at tho Christian church Those desiring to take member ship with the church are cordially in vited to bo present Bible school at 10 a m Social meeting at 11 a m The Board Congregational Sunday school 10 Preaching 11 subject The Young King and the Scriptures Y P S C E 7 lead by the pastor Preaching 8 subject What Became of Judas Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8 All are invited to worship with us Frank W Dean Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching 11 Junior League 330 Epworth League 7 Preaching 8 Sub ject for morning sermon Christian Baptism Its Subjects Parents who have children to be baptized are re quested to bring them to this service Prayer meeting Wednesday evening L M Grigsby Pastor The Dorcas society wil meet next Thursday May 8th at the Congrega tional church Every member should be there Rev R M Hardman rector of St Albans Protestant Episcopal church left on No 12 Monday for Juniata where he will unite in marriage Mr Clinton Foster of Stapler Minnesota and Miss Katharine Dell Newshani of Juniata Fourteen years ago Revf lard man performed the ceremony at the wedding of a sister of Miss Newsham The Dean Fordyce Lecture The lecture by Dean Fordyce in the M E church on last Saturday evening was a jewel in its line The topic The Boy came under tho department of our Mothers Meetings It was a rare treat to those who have not boon able to give the time and study to the culture and training of children study of temperament dispositions etc etc As one woman said on being presented to Dean Fordyce I want to thank you for what you have said but I wish I could have heard it years ago It is a matter of regret that young mar ried people whose lives and possibilities are in a great measure before them do not profit by these and many other edu cational privileges Secretary Window screens and screen doors Barnett Lumber Co Those very pretty and dainty Dressing Sacques from 75c to 8150 at The Thomp son D G Co sell to all lookers Ideal brand of White Shirt Waists are the best fitting best finished most stylish made 50c to 8250 at The Thomp son D G Co The Perry and Bee Co of Cambridge has been incorporated for 8S00000 In corporators A V Perry E R Bee and E B Perry Ladies Misses and Childrens gauze vests and drawers Ladies union suits of gauze in ample variety and uneqalled values at The Thompson D G Co Are you going to paint your house barn or fence Let us quote you prices on the best paint on earth McConnell Berry Call and see our paving brick and let us tell you how little it will cost you to build a new side walk with them Barnett Lumber Co A few remnants of last years stock of wall paper enough for one room will be closed out regardless of price McConnell Berry It pains The Tribune to note the fact that there are a few lads in the city who are candidates for tho house of correction or the reform school if they persist in their present course of petty unlawful ness Why dont you raise your calves with out milk Thousands of farmers are doing it with Blatchfords calf meal It rapidly matures the calf and prevents scouring Try a sack of it at W T Colemans T obtttte 5 NUMBER 3t MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS 1303 at Bennotts Try a 1303 at Bennetts Base ball goods at Cones Now screen doors at Bullards Dr Seymour coming Juno 11th Buy a 1103 Bennett sells them Seo that five ply hose at Waitos Its a winner 1101 at Bennotts Latest styles screen doors at Bullards Perfumes and toilet soaps at Cones Dr Seymour here Wednesday Juno 11th Paving brick for sale by tho Harnett Lumber Co Call at Bullards and seo thoso fancy screen doors Everything seasonable at Marshs meat market I N Briggs painting and paper hang ing Phone 251 A few Hicks Almanacs for 1902 for sale at this office Barnett Lumber Co for windowscreens and screen doors Audrey Tho latest popular book at McConnell Berrys See tho latest in porcelain lined refrig erators at W T Colemans Barnett Lumber Co for the Wheeler adjustable window screens Bin hammocks at Cones A line assortment and lowest prices Bullard will get you odd size window and door screens on short notice The buffalo gnats have been a terror to man and beast part of tho week Drs Seymour A Williams will bo here at the Commercial hotel Juno 11th Our screens keep out the flies MULLARD it Co Tell your neighbor about that 81900 riding cultivator at W T Colemans Wheeler adjustable window screens Barnett Lumber Co For Sale- A dwelling house on Mc Farland street Inquire of C A Ward Tho Quick Meal gasoline stove has no equal for convenience or as a saver of gas Beautiful lino of Parasols and Fans all prices and kinds The Thompson D G Co Paper hanging for 20c a bolt I N Briggs painter and paper hanger Phone 251 All kinds of garden and grass seeds for sale All seeds fresh and in bulk C J Ryan Manager We have all kinds of window and door screens at prices to suit Bullard Co Flies will soon be hero and you will need screens See us before buying 4-4-4 ts Bullard Co We are glad to show our screen doors and are sure we can suit you Bullard Co Furniture polish varnish stains and enamel everything for brightening up the home McConnell Berry You should not buy wall paper until you look at tho stock at Cones drug store Latest patterns and colorings lowest prices The assortment of screen doors and window screens and screen door fixtures at W T Colemans cannot be excelled in this part of Nebraska When you are house cleaning remem ber that we carry the best paints var nishes and furniture polish McConnell Berry May 19th and 20th the Beveridges will give the fourth and fifth lectures in the Twentieth Century Lecture Course Place will be announced later Do the dandelions come up in your lawn If so get a lawn weeder at W T Colemans and you will be pleased with its work They are cheap and just the thing for the work T F Rowell representing the Allen Nursery Co has been replacing all stock of the company sold to McCook people last season which failed to grow Ib has just finished his second delivery this season Thats certainlv fair It is worth considerable to be able l feel that you can depend upon th quality of meats you order at the meat market A child can get as good meat- at Marshs market as a grown person and a phone order gets the best ever time We guarantee to show you more wall paper newer wall paper prettier wab paper than you have overseen in McCook Remember that artistic colorings cot more than gaudy You will regret it if you buy before seeing our line McConnell Berr Sometimes neighbors quarrel and ha hard feelings toward each other bcau e a pesky old hen and her chicks will ever lastingly keep scratching out the garden when a few rods of that superior poultry fence at W T Colemans would stop the whole trouble Better invest now The nozzle on the hose at the court house was stolen Monday during the absence of the janitor at dinner The nozzle was the property of Commissioner Bennett who has a pretty good idea who stole the same and rises to remark that trouble may be saved by just returning that nozzle 0