i i J u M 8 SSjuZlSHiKSSeSSeemntmtmBfnawi ir in iWIgr3SsaaGiaag SX9SXS There is only one STANDARD of QUALITY In Athletic Goods SttTWftiSWl THE THE mrrrrmr1 Ilu jm iiMimimiinmiiirii SP ALDI Accept no Substitute 7Tjiiag i f svvtviviv XJEXSrE2iM32EU3SJ2a3JSCi rri jij w v c 1 1 - nrm Tmrrwrmgian For Sale Only By H C5 SXgSaXsSS m a II W B WOLFE C H WILLARD asrsrxvasrjrxasa rfSSi iw slSr r ufe Sr ajc jIEu rifjx WSir Sfie ii aSx sSiscaSr jtSii jfljjmjflr TfTT rffet Bt ic mtar jASt niFJ jgjfjqjcTnijr jp orijrs3gr Bgy QjnwfCjM njc j ae u te B1 AS V FRANKLIN President 1 4 THE V I 7 P T o OF MeCOOK B B J ifti Af ftir wWT Jfor - ffl - If 3t r JW wi i JiJt A C EBERT Cashier sy jy J - IF a J - Jtf ggOB aiTqg jy B A IN K I NEB a if eso j Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 H P FRANKLIN 9 H 9 B B DIRECTORS WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT WM rf I T TDQ i -- - - t NATIONAI K4fS T3 A KT XT i I llJzZZJ n kvsat Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 GEO HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pros F A PEN NELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PL ATT Director Ovsoeosia Oore Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds oi food It gives instant relief and neve fails to cure It allows j ou to eat all the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take II cant help but do yois good Prepared only by E O De Witt Co Chicago The 1 bottle contains 2 times the 50c size McConnell Berry Druggists McCook I ranster Line dUMMfco ii1 J H DWYER Proprietor Special attention paid to hauling furniture Leave ordera at either lumber yard 4 iLti Double Track St Joe to Rulo The Burlington Railroad company is to expend in the neighborhood of 700 000 in the construction of a doublo truck from St Joseph to llulo The gang of surveyors that has been at work making the preliminary survey for tho track havo finished the work and the matter has now been placed before the directors where estimates aro being made The parallel track will be laid along the Burl ingtons main line on the east side of the river passing through Amazonia Forbis and Napier then across the river to Rulo A double track will not be laid across the river bridge The Burlington people expect to encounter some difficult obstacles in the construction of this track as the greater part of it will nec essarily hug the river bank very closely while the rockbound bluffs crowd closely to the present track on the east In order to build a second track a preat deal of heavy work must be done Moun tains of rock must be removed and in many place the blutls are eomposi d of solid sloue On the river side of the track the water of the treacherous Missouri has already ma do great inroads on the road bed and a great deal of riprap will of neep sity have to be made At one point about two miles north of the St Joe waterworks plant the current of the river has within the past year changed from the Kansas side and thrown its whole force against tho east bank fin tire farms have been swept away One farmer who has been on the bottom- fora number of years last week watched tho last of his fertile farm tumble into the river Just back of this lies the Burlington tracks and unless an enor mous amount of money is expended in guarding against the encroaches of the water it will damage their property The object in building the double track to Rulo is to take care of the rapidly increasing traffic The one track is inadequate to satisfactorily handle all the trains that run ever it every day The main line from St Joseph to Amazonia must also take care of tho traffic fiom the Creston branch Then from Napier the junction of tho Omaha Council BluiFs branch traffic from that line must be hauled over the main line thus making the main line from Napier to St Joseph do duty for the three sources Lincoln Journal Having a Run on Chamberlains CoiiRh Remedy TJetweoii the hours of eleven oclock a in anil clciointr time at night on January 25 W01 A F Clark ilrimjist Glade Sprincs Virginia fold twelve bottle of Cliainborlaint CoiiKli Remeih Ho saj I neter handled a medicino that oUl better or cave better ati factiou to my customer- This reined has been in general le ein Virginia for many j ears and the people there are well acquainted with its excellent qualities Many of them hate testified to the remarkable cures it ha ellecied When jon need i good leliable medicine for a cough or cold or attack of the srip use hamberlains Cough Reined and jin are coi tain to be more than pleased with the quick cure which it afford For hale bj McCuuuull iu Berry druggist Shriners Will Travel The Burlington Route and its connec tions west of Denver have been chosen as the official route of Tangier Temple Mystic ShrineiM to the Imperial Council Nobles of Mystic Shrine at San Fran cisco June 10th to 14th Two special cars have already been re served by Tangier Temple and addi tional cars will be provided as reserva tions are made It is important that all shriners who attend this convention make their reservations at an early date The shriners will leave the Burlington station Omaha 425 p m Juno 4 Denver will be reached the next morn ing and an entire day spent in Colorado Springs one of the most delightful of Rocky Mountain resorts Salt Lake City will be reached on the morning of June 6 and that day given over to see ing the wonderful city of Zion Tho party will arrive in San Francisco at 845 a m June 9 5 16 Cant Keep It Secret The splendid work of Dr Kings New Life Pills is daily coming to light No such grand remedy for liver and bowel troubles was over known before Thousands bless them for curing constipation sick headache biliousness jaun dice and indigestion Try them 23c at Mc Connell Berrys drug store Chronic Diarrhoea C B Wingfleld of Fairplay Missouri who suffered from chronic dysentery for thirty live years says Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy did him more good than any other medicine he had ever used For sale b McConnell Berry druggists k Wff BMBvajseas F D Burgess i 1 Plomber and I Steam Filler J McCOOK NEBR I Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun fcclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building igxfirj All Calls For The Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska 5 t ix 3 re I The ECMIS r sm uie cuuee roabier uses lgi to glaze his coffee with j would vou eat that kind of XS eggs Then why drink them I Lion Coffee psSJS has no coatine of storage eeps glue etc Its conee pure unadulterated fresh strong and of delightful flavor and aroma Uniform quality- and froMtinesK are Insured by tho sealed package Ninety Nine Miles an Hour All previous records for fast running over distances greater than ten miles went glimmering dow n among the things that were when the Denver Chicago special of the Burlington Route covered 148 miles at the rate of 98 6 miles an hour This burst of speed was mado with a heavy train or nine cars from Eckley to Wia Colo on March 24 the train bo ing in charge of Conductor J II Burns and Engineer OConnell The report of the former on this occurrence follows Train No G left Denver about ten minutes late owing to a wait for the through California car A heavy wind prevailed at Akron which put us out of Che latter place exactly thirty minutes late Engineer OConnell was handed tho usual documents to proceed and nothing exceptional as regards speed was mentioned as it has been customary to j0 to Wray first stop in 48 to 40 min utes 70 to 7J miles an hour average when late We passed Otis at an average of about miles an hour Hyde and Yuma the tram passed at about 05 miles an hour and when the train passed Eckley it wat 1 mining 14 to 75 miles an hour I wis in the observation car from Eckley 10 Wray On my left weresev j oral gentlemen who had been talking about the inn Mr Arthur Johnson of Denver Mi Wells Atley of Ljs Angeles Mr liusli traffic manager of the Colo rado Midland Mr Foley of Omaha two men fiom Salt Lake City a lumber dealer from Lvadville and an electrician from Honolulu We passed Eckley at 75G m all hands holding watcnes corroborating It seemed so short when the whistle was blown that the comment was made by Mr Johnson Oil wed lie is not doing so much as we thought he might Mr Johnson bellevid that we had but leached Robb a instance of six and one tenth miles from Eckley T remained silent a few seconds dis appointed The wind had gone uown and on account of the heavy smoke fall ing over the tiaiu 1 was not positive ivheio 1 was but with a second thought the train having dashed over a bridge between whistling post and depot and knowing the location extremely well I J arose an u saiu vjenuemen you are at ray We passed Robb some time ago and you hae been able to ride fourteen and eight-tenth- miles faster than it has ever been covered They looked at me with astonishment and never spoke I went at once to the platfoim at the rear end and observed at time of departure my watch which was showing five minutes strong after 800 pm The train was not at a dead stand still but the nose of the engine had passed far enough under the wiie to con stitute the distance finished and to create a lecord I went to the head end where Mr Lindsay of Pittsburg manager for An drew Carnegie and party were occupy ing special car Grassmere Mr Lindsay was on the platform when I approached and exclaimed Conductor that was a terrific burst of speed how fast were we going I told him the speed was more than ninety miles an hour for the distance of fourteen and eight tenths miles I came to the conclusion we weie hying and told my party it was the fastest time we had ever made he said The train consisted of engine No 41 mail car baggage car two reclining chair cars special car Grassmere three sleep ers and dining car Prescott From Eckley to Wray the track is full of curves and the train of nine cars was running on two of them at one time owing to length of train and shortness of curves except in two cases where they are longer J II Burns Conductor Does It Pay to Buy Cheap A cheap remedy for coughs and cold is 11 right butjon want something that will relieve and cure the more sciere and dangerous result1 of throat and lung trouble What shall jou do Go to a warmer and more regular climate o it posible if not possible forjou thf n in either ca e take the onlj remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with in severe throat and lung troubles Boschees German Syrup Itnotonlj heals and stimu lates the tissues to destroy the germ disease but allas inflammation causes en y expectora tion gives a good nights rest and cures the patient Try one bottle Recommended many years by all druggists in the world Get Greens Prize Almanac Burlington Low Rates Northwest To Billings Montana S1300 To Codv Wyoming 81671 To Helena and Butte 62000 To Spokane Washington 2250 To Portland Tacoma Seattle and Rowland B C 82300 Above rates will be in effect every day in March and April from Missouri rher terminals and from nearlv all stations on the B M R R A wonderful opportunity to visit the Northwest The Big Horn Ba in of Wyoming is a country of great resources and now un developed It has just been made acces sible by a new line of the Burlington Route and presents many attractions to th1 home seeker Folder on Big Horn Basin free on request For tickets rates or additional infor mation apply to nearest agent Burling ton Route or write to 4 20 J Fpwcip G P A Omaha Neb Yon can be cheerful and Irippv Leu jou ar well if Jou feel out of take H rbiiif it will brace 1011 up W cent- A McMillen vmwjvjmMTUtijgzzTfxw y I C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 C H BOYLE ATTORN KY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p o Building JOHN E KELLEY ATT0ENEY AT LAW aud BONDED ABSTEACTEB McCook Nebraska EirARent ot Lincoln Land Co Oftice First door north of Commercial hotel H P SUTTON McCOOK L a JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS 3 ITo COM Bnppy rn e r30 wnii learner ciujni r iui Shipment from t uimntus NEBRASKA EARL MURRAY Bates Old Stand McCook Neb A Shave Ilnir Cut Shiim ooautliiifiu my lino in an artifttic manner Give mo a call aud trial gV MoCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL Dr WV GAGE McCook - - - Nebraska OmcB FIwt Nutlonnl bank bmWInif next to City hall Howiw SSWtoia 1 to6 7to Sight Calls answered from rnahloncn ovorbnnlc DRJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist McCOOK NEBRASKA H P WAITE ua e me caianjjjae uy ycu ior lutnre use THE COLUMBUS CARRIAGE HARNESS rrt Columbus 0 PO Box 772 jv mxamttseisrvns OVER MCCONNELL BERRYS H L PREVUST DENTIST Graduate of Kansas City Dental College Over Jas McAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon J McCOOK - - NEB Ollico over McMillens driitf store Residence 702 Main Aveiim Residence phono XI Ollico phone 28 Calls answered iiiKlit or dtiy - Nax arsnwsrsjssMNSNjrsars BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK AND WHITE WYANDOTTE Eggs For Si Only i per sitting At the jyoran 3 miles south of tSnSNBJH23ssfiKaJba rm I LADIES AND GENTLEilEN I invite you to call and see me before you order your SPRING SUITS Have your clothes made where they will be made up-to-date in style and workmanship and where you will have big stock of woolens to select from lours ior Business O MEHUR Graduate from New York Cutting School VkU4lVWH 0 t Dont pay Ko eilm nroflts when vrm hnrr ti I J carriages ana nunit3 i ji uU uic uiwre oft our lowest hiiiae cplliiu ilirt t u faTiiiKiliousanddoftlolInrs k ur or Pfnntrr AVe ouote tue same ratts to vou thnttve wnulil rlv thn To 1 1 VVcVrnfer of the oGer ----- - o w6ci uuiH rior nnln iiiuaatwiimfin 10 enwe iromsurnasno other dealercan show - WithV V c - 1t c n r c tit ovin n -- - -- ----- uut ll - to ua and we wiU pay freight charges Uoihwsij 3 Wecaaaleo czu riura th Vcino fSjfradaay sy Npl we two Profits for yon on harness ana other horse canln n Write for onr free illustrated catalogue Ja v l describe the bugles surreys pbaitonp et met maileourfacory ftrnous for their hlbh c f wjt ut nljmr nped is more pressing wruet bt Louis Mo P 0 Box 64 Xo sn sinsle trn Wnte to nearest offlce vvzgy Harne Price S3 so Cook TpII ITS ONLY ioo A YEAR I r parch a 9 and 1a f I j J i f a a4t - n i s ftWi i HUB JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCOOK NEB Goes anywhore A spocmlty of Thorough Bred Stock Corroapondonco Solicited 3OOi0000s33 First Class Goods in the following Jewel Gasoline Stoves Ohio Steel Ranges Alaska Refrigerators for Sale by A J i M w h1 I i