s t i 4 J A 330N on rTnr main VuKaES I3WHATVOU CAN RAvr We rnako nil klnde ofecalefl Alto BP Pitmnc wir 5 and Windmills rum rucu Beckman Bros dcs koines iowa JUSTTHIMKOFIT j very larmcr ui own landlord no fncum urancfH JiIh bank account lncrcoainir vearbv flMHMannM9waBto r fffiPB Si vcurianc value inn niock increasing splendid climate ex cellent schools and churches low taxation high prices for cattle and grain low railway rates and every i bio comfort This Is thn condition or the farmer In western Canada Province of Mnnitoba and districts of Asslni bola Saskatchewan and Alberta Thousands of Americans are now settled there Reduced rates on all railways for honicscekers and set tlers New districts are being opened up this year The new forty page Atlas of Western Ca nada sent free to all applicants F Pcdley feunerlntendcntof IminlgratlonOttawaCannd or w VJcnnettCunudian Government Agent Ml New York Life Bldg Omaha Neb T WklM COMFORT There is no satisfaction keener than being dry and comfortable when out in the hardest storm YOU ARE SURE OF THIS v IF YOU WEAB uLlCHc BRAfiO 4JjFJ MADE IN BLACK OR YELLOW BACKED BY OUR GUARANTE J TOWER COB03TONMA5 A3K YOUR DEALER If he Hill not suidIv vou 53Pga IS1 etna for our free cotnlopue of garments and hats Ss L 1 od by eg Douglas Stores and the best shoe dealers everywhere CACTI OX I The germino liavcWU Douelns name And I price on bottom atM jC 1 jM 1 WORj Cy i i - v vij Mfti n cuni c IP HSi OI1ULJ UNION MADE Notice increase of sales in table belemz I89Bs870a Pairs 1890 8981 83 Palrg Lomy xutjiux rnua feSW giiIWWWKiWI 19011566720 Pairs Ruslnesi More Than Doubled in Four Years THE REASONS V L Douglas makes and sells more mens 300 and350 shoes than any other two man ufacturers in the world V 1j Douglas 300 and 350 shoes placed side by side with 500 and GO0 shoes of other makes aro found to bo Just as pood They will outwear two pairs of ordinary 300 and 350 shoes Made of the best leathers Including Patent Corona Kid Corona Colt and National Kanqaroo F Color EjMt and Aliraja ItlarL Hoots turd W L Douplas 400 Oils EdffO Dae cannot ba ecjuallod at any price Mil tea 111- Itntll Kt Ivrti Cflfnlnirrrlil V J imgla Ilropkfon 5f ititu 1 in time Boia or arupeism THE SURGEONS KNIF Sirs EcJds Stevenson of Salt Lake City Tells How Opera tions For Ovarian Troubles May lie Avoided DnAK Mns Pinkham I suffered with inflammation of the ovaries and womb for over sir yearsjcnduringf aches and pains which none can dream of but those who have had the same imS ECKfS STEVENSON rience Hundreds of dollars went to the doctor and the druggist 1 was simply a walking medicine chest and a phys ical wreck My sisicr residing in Ohio wrote me that she had been cured oi womb trouble by tising Iiyclia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound and advised me to try it I then discontinued all other med icines and gave your Vegetable Compound a thorough trial Within four weeks nearly all pain had left me I rarely had headaches and my nerves were in a much better condition and I was cured in three months and this avoided a terrible surgical operation Mrs Eckis Stevexson 250 So State St Salt Lake City Utah 5000 forfeit If above testimonial is not genuine Bcmember every woman is cordially invited to write to Mrs Pinkham if there is anything about her symptoms she does not understand Mrs Pinkhams address is Xynn3 Mass ITOWAFAR CASH BALANCE ktOA P J yZTjAcftc i tilhWilLlftHfi 3ovxonci suij 1 pltpl Tho Doctor Ono layer of paper is bad enough you have threo hero Baby may recover bui cannot tirire ALABASTiiyE IT WONT RUB OFF Wall Paper is unsanitary Kalsomines are tem porary rot rnb off and scale ALABASTINE ij a pure permanent and artistic vail coatinir ready lor the brush by mixing in cold water For Io by paint oValert everywhere Bay in packages and beware of worthleis imitations ALABASTINE CO Grand Rapids Mich b9 1 TtN CillSTEH 1 WW I LEADER and REPEATER SMOKELESS POWDER SHOTGUN SHELLS are used by the best shots in the country because they are so accurate uniform and reliable All the worlds championships and records have been won and made by Winchester shells Shoot them and youll shoot well USED BY THE BEST SHOTS SOLD EVERYWHERE mftaevsaKfe HB and Defiance does 1 6 ounces forioHA IBBlB t n1bbbbbbH B cents Your f grocer sells flH iiHA MANUFACTURED BY V MAGNETiCSTAHCh MFG CO K Wbea Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Tapes W N U Omaha No 171902 CURS WHFR At I HSr rAlLh Bust Cough Syrap Tatc Good Use Theres no use crying for spilt milk but you can hurry and wipe it up INSIST ON GETTING IT Some grocers say they dont keep De fiance Starch because they have a stock In hand of 12 oz brands which they know cannot be sold to a customer who has once used the 16 oz pkg Defiance Starch lor same money A full grown elephant can carry three tons on its back THE LIVE STOCK MARKET Latest Quotations from South Omaha and Kansas City SOUTH OMAHA Cattle There was the llnlest run of cattle that has arrived on a Thursday In a lonpr while Packers were anxious for supplier so that prices were Hteadv to atroiip and it only took a short time for sellers to dispose of practically eve ling they had on hand There was a good proportion of beef steers in thy receipts and the quality was up to the usual stand ard As high as CW was paid for some heavy export cattle that weighed XM pounds The heavyweight cattle that are good enough for export beef and also the good to choice lightweights seemed to be in the best demand The cow market was fully steady Anything at all desirable met with ready sale at good steady prices and in some cases sales were made that looked a little better BulK veal calves and stags sold in just about the same notches they did yesterday The desirable grades were easy to dispose of but com mon stuff was neglected There were not many stockers and feeders on sale and the better grades sold without much trouble at just about steady prices Hogs There was a moderate run and the general market could be quoted fairly active and steady to strong The quality was exceptionally good The good hogs sold at strong prices and in some cases were as much as c higher The light hogs sold in about the same notches they did yesterday and were neglected more or less the same as usual They were left until the last when they sold at about steady prices The heavy hogs sold largely from f 6 IC to 710 Medium weights went mostly from l0 to 5093 and the light hogs from JOSO down Sheep There was not a very heavy sup ply of sheep as the receipts presented show Included In the offerings was a big string of feeders that were sold to arrive so that the number of sale was limited Packers all took hold in good shape and paid steady to strong prices for all desirable grades so that the pens were practically cleared in good season Some Mexican woolcd lambs sold at 675 and some clipped wethers at iU0 Feed ers also sold at hiirh prices The lambs brought C25 and the yearlings J3S0 with the wool on KANSAS CITY Cattle Butchei steers were steady to 10c lower all other killing grades and stocking and feeding cattle were steady choice export and diessed beer steers SriOOgCOO stockers and feeders S50trir western fed steers 1501ii7r Texas and Indian steers iC0ftC5 cows WffoOO native cows SlMffjOO heifers jt00010 canners 2501 uo0 bulls SSjOrtDO calves 100fGlO Hogs Mai ket e higher top 70 bulk of sales j57t720 heavy 7rf7TO mixed packers GU0ffi72 light 1737700 pigs 5737G30 Sheep and Lambs Market strong to 10c ligher native lambs 0337700 western lambs G107iGG3 native wethers 3C0S G00 western wethers 5307i3i5 yearlings 620030 western clipped sheep 340 ewes 3007003 clipped grass Texans 4 733G0 clipped Texas lambs GC0tC30 CUBAN BILL PASSES Measure Giving Reciprocity to Island ers Goes Through the House WASHINGTON April 19 The democrats and the republican insur gents rode rough shod over the house leaders yesterday when the voting be gan on the Cuban reciprocity bill They overthrew the ruling of the chair in committee of the whole on the question of the germaneness of an amendment to remove the differ ential from refined sugar during the existence of the reciprocity agree ment provided for in the bill The vote to overrule the decision of the chair made by Mr Sherman was 171 to ISO republicans to the number of thirty seven joining with a solid dem ocratic vote to accomplish this result Having won this preliminary victory the amendment was adopted in com mute 164 to 111 and later in the house by a still larger majority 199 to 105 On this occasion sixty four republicans voted with the democrats for the amendment The bill was then passed by an over whelming majority 247 to 52 An analysis of the vote shows that 124 republicans and 123 democrats voted for the amended bill and forty two republicans and ten democrats against it To Send Bill to Conference WASHINGTON April 19 In view of the action of the senate last night in making the Chinese exclusion sub stitute an amendment to the pending bill it is expected that the action of the senate will be disagreed to in or der to send the bill to conference By this parliamentary procedure the California members feel assured that the ultimate measure of exclusion can be no less than that in the senate bill at least Farewell to Dr Hopkins KANSAS CITY April 19 Rev Dr Henry Hopkins president elect of Williams college was given a fare well reception by McPherson post No 4 of the Grand Army of the Republic Department of Missouri in this city tonight Many ex confederates partic ipated in the reception Addresses were made by Dr Hopkins Major William Warner and others Hendersons Lips Sealed on Subsidy WASHINGTON April 19 In view of published reports that Speaker Henderson was opposed to the ship subsidy bill following the opposition of the Iowa senators it was stated yesterday by those aware of the speak ers views that he has expressed no opinion and has reached no conclu sion on the subject thus far prefer ring to wait until the committee in charge of the measure has formulated action and made public their views A Prophecy of 1834 The Motor World reprints an inter esting old picture drawn in 1S34 and intended as a more or less serious pic torial prophecy of what would exist 100 years later The sky is filled with airships of various kinds none of them apparently as practical as that of SantoB Dumont On the roads auto mobiles are flying in all directions some of the models being strikingly like those of today In one corner is represented a man with a van on which there is the sign Walk up Walk up Rare exhibition to be seen here A live horse supposed to be the very last of the race Even the houses stores and public buildings are on wheels Hasnt Education Helped Them The records of the male students of the colored high school of Richmond Va who were graduated in the ten years 188S3 93 have now been added by the Richmond Reformer to those of the graduates of the preceding ten years There were seventy men in the later period eleven cf whom have died The others are found to be in various respectable occupations doing credit ably in the world No criminals or paupers among the entire lot are re ported In view of these facts the Reformer an organ of the colored race pertinently asks if education spoils the negro A PostmasterH IUoocry Lancaster N Y April 21st Mr John Remers postmaster of this vil lage was taken with Diabetes four years ago For two years he doctored with local physicians as well as sev eral specialists from Buffalo but got no better indeed he was gradually growing worse He stopped taking the doctors medi cine and commenced a treatment of Dodds Kidney Pills He used in all about ten boxes and is as strong and well to day as ever he was He attributes his recovery to noth ing but Dodds Kidney Pills and says If I could only talk five minutes to every one who has Diabetes I am sure I could convince them that they need nt suffer a moment longer when Dodds Kidney Pills are on sale in ev ery drug store I will cheerfully answer any letters from sick men or women as I think every Diabetes sufferer should be told of Dodds Kidney Pills the remedy that saved my life Shoes are being made with higher heels unfoitunately but the smartest street boots that are turned out have still the sensible low heels and broad soles and only the slippers and house shoes have the high heels Harpers Bazar Impoverished Blood Whether due to inheritance or caused by a depleted condition of the system is the cause of much agony Vogelers Curative Compound when taken for this trouble is a means of salvation It creates new fresh tissues and pure red blood corpuscles and by giving strength and tone to the great vital energies of the body it enables them to perform their nat ural functions The reader should not lose sight of the fact that Vogelers Cuiative Compound is made from the formula of one of the most eminent physicians Send at once to St Jacobs Oil Ltd Baltimore for a free sample bottle Mks Mary Siiortlev 6 Court Gosport Street oyentry writes Several vears ago 1 met with an iccident through a fall hurting my hand so badly that was unable to use the same for rie weeks 1 tried Sierythiug I knew of bit did not receive any benefit Finally as a labtreouice I applied St Jacobs Oil and iftcr using the first bottle I could move my fingers ifter the second bottle I could open my hand and anally I regained the use of my hand and all pain leit me It w as only b the use of St Jacobs Oil that I am now able to follow my employment I Good enougli I j foraiiyiiofiyl i I tll Havana Filler I TL0R0D0RA BANDS ere of same value as tags from I star horse shoe I spearhead standard navy I OLD PEACH HONEY g and J T Tobacco J PASTORS WIFE She Suffered for Years and Felt Her Gase Was Hope lessCured by Peruna ANNA B FLHHAItTY rccont MRS Superintendent of the V U T U headquarter- at Galesburg 111 was for ton years ono of tho lemling women there Her husband when livinR was Hint President of tho 2fotirwku Wohloynu University at Lincoln Neb In a letter written from -101 Sixty seventh streot AV Chit ago III Airs Flehurty Bays tho following in regard to Ierium Ilavhur lived a very active hfo as wifo and working purtner of u busy minister my health failed mo a lew years ago J lot my husband about tho bttuio titno ami criuluully I seemed to loo health j and spirit My daughter is a conliruiut mvttuti ana wo both felt great need of on iuvigorator One of my neighbors advised me to try Peruna A bottle was immediate ly secured and a great change took place in my daughters as well as in my own health Our appetites im proved very greatly the digestion seemed much helped and restful sleep soon improved us so that we seemed like new women I would not be without Peruna for ten times its cost -Mrs Anna B Pleharty Wliut used to bo called feiunle diseasos by the medical profession is nor called pelvic catarih It has been found by esperionco that catarrhal diseases of tho peivic organs are the cuubo of most cases of female disetise Dr Hartman was among the lirst of Americas great physicians to make this di coverv For forty veurs he has been j treating diseases peculiar to women and iuuK iiru no ruurnoa mo conclusion nun a woman ontroy free from catarrhal anetiim of these organs would not bo subject to fonmlo disease Ho thcroforo beun using Ierunn for these caes and found it so admirably adapted to their permunent euro that ierutii has now bo como tho most famous remedy for female diseases ever known Everywhere tho women are using it and praising it Icrinia is not a palliative simply it cures by removing tho cause of lemale disease Dr Hartman ha- probably cured more women of female aliments than any other living physician He mukes theMj cures simply bv using and recommending leriuui Mr E L Brown Elliott street Memphis Tenn writes- CURED OF PELVIC CATARRH S Mrs Anna B Klcharty I suirered for several years with head ache brought on by nervous prostration 1 was also aillicted with insomnia I would get up in tho morning more woary thnn when 1 retired mid 1 used to dread the approach of night Ierunn camo into my homo as a welcomo guest and within threo short months I was like nnother woman I have now enjoyed perfect health for over a year und those who havo suffered oh I did will know how happy I am Mrs E L Brown Mrs Esther M Milner Do Graff Ohio writes I was a terrible sufferer from femalo weakness and had tho heudacho contin iiotiHly I was not able to ito my house work for myself anil husband 1 wroto you and described my condition mm near as possible You recommended leruna I took four bottles uud was completely cured I think leruna a wonderful medi cine Mrs Esther M Milner Congressman Thud M Mahon of Chom bersburg Ia writes I take pleasure in commending your Peruna as a substantial tonic and a good catarrh remedy T M Mahon If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory re ults from tho uso or Itruuii writo at onco to Dr Hartman giving n full stntement of your cum and ho will bo pleased to give ou his valuable advico gratis Address Dr Hartman President of Tho Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio CTr7 THE SET 1 vK i A Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP to cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and soften the thickened cuticle CUTICURA OINTMENT to instantly allay itching irrita tion and inflammation and soothe and heal and CUTICURA RESOLVENT PILLS to cool and cleanse the blood and expel humour germs A SINGLE SET is often sufficient to cure the most torturing disfiguring skin scalp and blood humours ecze mas rashes itchings and irrita tions with loss of hair when the best physicians and all other remedies fail Assisted by Cuticuua Ointment for preserving purifying and beautify ing the skin for cleansing the scalp of crusts scales and dandruff and the stopping of falling hair for softening whitening and soothing red rough and sore hands for baby rashe itchings and dialings and for all the purposes of the toilet bath and nursery Millions of Women use Cdticura Soap in the form of baths for annoying irritations inflammations and ex coriations for too free or offensive perspiration in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses and for many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers Xo other medicated soap is to be compared with Cuticcra for preserving purifying and beautifying the skin scalp hair and hands Xo other foreign or domestic toilet soap however expensive is to be compared with it forall the purposes of the toilet bath and nursery Thus it combines in Oxi Soap at One Price the best skin and complexion soap and the best toilet and baby soap in the world COMPLETE EXTERNAL AND INTERNAL TREATMENT FOR EVERY HUMOUR m t THE SET 1 CoDeistlngof CuTicnoACOAr 25c 1 to cleanse the kln of cruet nnd 6caee and soften the thickened cuticle Ccticura Ointhekt 50c to instantly allay itching inflammation and Irritation and soothe and heal and CtrrxccnA Re8oivet Pius t 25c to cool and cleano the blood AErNOLnSrxlsoflcnnuScienttocure thf raot torturing diefiguring itching burning and ecajy ekin scalp and blood humour raaccs itchings and irritations with low of hair when all else fade Sold throughout tho world British Depot 2728 Charterhouse Bq London French Depot 5 Rue do la Pali Paris PottzrDruq and Cnzii Corp Solo Props Boston US A AUabonttheSklclM free CxmcCRA REaorT3XT Pills Chocolate Coated are a new tasteless odourless economical substitute for the celebrated liquid Ccticcra Resolvj nt as ivell as for all other blood purifiers and humour cures Each pHlls equivalent to one teaipootiful of liquid Resolvent Put up in screw cap pocket vials containing the same number of doses ns n 50c bottle of liquid Re solvent price 25c Cuticcra Pills are altc mtivc antiseptic trnicand digestive and bcyona question the pureet sweetest most successful asd ciozomical blcod and ehiu purifiers humour cares and tonic digestives yet compounded I