I -- trmt r i rtrn i A WISCONSIN PAPER ON WESTERN OANADA Saskatoon Snskntcliewun Ono of the Fuvornd District The following clipped from the cor respondence columns of the Eau Claire Wisconsin Leader is but one of many letters of a similar character that might be published concerning West ern Canada the land of No 1 hard wheat and the best cattle on the con tinent It is a simple matter to reach the lands spoken of the Canadian Gov ornment having agencies established at St Paul and Duluth Minnesota Grafton North Dakota Watertown South Dakota Omaha Nebraska Kansas City Missouri Des MoineB Iowa Wausau and Milwaukee Wis consin Chicago Illinois Indianapolis Indiana Sault Ste Marie and Detroit Michigan Toledo and Columbus Ohio and by writing to or calling upon any of Ihese agents at these points full in formation can be secured This is a great opportunity to secure a home free of cost or if you desire to purchase lands they can be bought now at prices much lower than will exist in a few months But read what the corre spondent referred to has to say of one particular district To the Editor of the Leader The rush of the land seekers will be to the prairie provinces of the Dominion of Canada The allurements of a soil that yields 40 bushels of wheat to the acre are too great to be resisted and an immense migration from this country may be confidently predicted People here laughed at first at the idea of any one leaving the United States for Canada but the Dominion authorities knew they had a good thing and they stuck to it Their officials evidently knew the value of printers ink They spared no expense In letting the people of this country know that these lands were there and that they were exactly as represented They did more They sent out specimens of the crops raised and samples of the grain We have had them here at four consecutive street fairs presided over by one of their ablest immigration officers This gentleman spared no pains He ex plained the value of the lands and the richness of the soil from morning to night to all comers All this told in the long run Sev eral went up from here to spy out the land and like Caleb the son of Je puuneh and Joshua the son of Nun brought back a good report and now some ten families will leave here in a few weeks for Saskatoon to settle upon farms there and others are preparing to follow Of course many will appear shocked at the idea of any one leaving the stars and stripes for the Union Jack but patriotism is but a nomen clature after all and our experience has been that in nine hundred and ninpty nine cases out of a thousand a man is the most patriotic where he can make the most money and do the most harm to those whom he hates Birds of a feather flock together and so do jailbirds of the same stripe USE THE FAMOUS Kcd Crosi Ball Blue Large 2 oz packaged cents lac Kuss Company South Bend lad Man with the Silver Slats Lost strayed or stolen William Miller of Brooklyn longshoreman has three silver ribs Ihat is the way Mrs Miller describes her hus band who has been missing for sev eral days So if anybody happens to run across a strange man please make an examination of him If he has three silver ribs send him back to Brooklyn at once because his wife is looking for him Jthcumatisra and Johnsons 0088 cannot apree The former kills the latter try time Try it All druggists Bobs Did Them a Favor The young men of Cockburn South Australia formed a rifle club a short time ago but found difficulty in se curing rifles from the government Feeling that in the worst event they could not be hanged for their daring they applied to Lord Roberts who promptly had them supplied with Mau sers captured from the Boers The v young men as a mark of gratitude are now sending to the commander-in-chief a handsome inkstand made of silver mounted emu eggs A Young Female Fagin A pretty 18-year-old New York girl known in the thives world as Queen Louise teaches the gentle art of stealing She had a class of five girls all younger than herself and they have been plying the shop lifters trade with great success in the retail district Her majesty painstakingly drilled the little ones in the art of picking pockets and like Dickens Fagin taught them to remove initials from handkerchiefs and destroy other marks of identifica tion Odd Anniversary Gift An elderly couple who celebrated their golden wedding in Danville Ky last week found among the gifts from their friends a marble tombstone from a dealer in them After the first shock had passed they were pleased with the gift and they have made arrangements to have it placed still uninscribed in their family lot in the cemetery Lincoln Eye and Ear Infirmary Wrlto for free Book and Homo Treatment for Diseases ofthe EYE EAR NOSE and THROAT 027 South 11th SI Lincoln Neb DRS GARTEN COOK t Attending OculisU and Aurisls THE PAYNE BILL ASSAILED BY FRIENDS OF GUGAR BEET INDUSTRY WILLIAM ALDEN SMITH LEADS Declares the Measure Would Benefit Truetc Instead of the Cubans Promises to Farmers of the West Flagrantly Disregarded WASHINGTON April 10 The fea ture of tho second days debate in the houso on the Cuban reciprocity bill was an Impassioned speech in opposi tion to the measure by William A Smith a Michigan republican Sen ators Spooner and Quarles of Wis consin and Dolliver of Iowa and a group of Michigan beet sugar manu facturers In the gallery were in his audience and ho was liberally ap plauded by his republican supporters as he assailed the republican leaders who wero advocating the bill boldly charging them with being false to the republican doctrine of protection He announced that he was willing to vote to overrule the chair in order to support an amendment to take the differential off refined sugar Mr Morris of Wisconsin another republican who made a strong speech against the bill also made a similar announcement The other speakers today were Mr Ball dem of Texas and Mr Parkman dem of Louis iana both of whom opposed the bill and Mr Mondell of Wyoming who advocated its passage The democratic and republican op ponents of the measure are trying to get together on the proposition to take the differential off refined sugar The indications are that the debate will be protracted The demand for time to speak is great and there is now no expectation that general de bate will be completed until next week William Alden Smith of Michigan was the first speaker He spoko against the bill He presented the question from the viewpoint of the republicans Avho have opposed Cuban reciprocity on account of the beet su gar interests and said lu part I am opposed to the measure be cause in order to give it effect it be comes necessary to violate a solemn promise of the republican party de liberately made in solemn convention to the American people because I believe it will be harmtul to the agri cultural and industrial classes of the United States whose great interests have been confided to our care be cause I believe it will be harmful in tho end to the island of Cuba be cause I believe that the principal beneficiary will be the American Su gar Refining company which does not need our sympathy because I believe that the people of the island of Cuba vill receive no benefit therefrom The farmers of the country he went on have been encouraged by the republican party in their ambition to produce the sugar of the country It was a distinct promise to the far mer that he need not fear that the republican party would permit the cheap labor and cheap sugar of any1 tropical territory to be brought in in a manner which would destroy the in fant industry of the beet sugar pro duction which the farmers of the Uni ted States have under the fostering care of the republican party been building up during the last few years Takes Sugar Beet Fields DENVER Colo April 9 A dis patch from Fort Collins the center of the northern Colorado beet sugar re gion says that there is no longer any doubt that the American Sugar Re fining company has entered the beet sugar industry The dispatch asserts that they now control the Penoyer interests and in fact all the Michigan beet sugar factories that were pay ing properties The factory at Lehi Utah has passed into the American Sugar Refining companys hands Dedication is Postponed STANFORD UNIVERSITY Cal April 10 The dedication of the Stan ford Memorial church has been post poned until September 7 next ow ing to the delay in the completion of the building General Ira Hedges Dead NYACK N Y April 10 General Ira Hedges past department com mander of the Grand Army of the Re public of New York state died at his home in Haverstraw today in his 63d year Snow is Two Feet Deep MEYERSDALE Pa April 10 The snow here reached the depth of nearly two feet on the level Much damage has been done to buildings telegraph and telephone lines and electric light wires Fruit and ornamental trees also suffered In many parts of the town stables have collapsed from the heavy weight on the roofs Wires are down all over town and in many places poles have snapped off All trains are running late hmi nwiwii SHIPMENT IS PROHIBITED Munitions of War Are Not to Be Sent to Chinese SAN FRANCISCO April 9 The custom house authorities have been notified to bo on the alert to discover a shipment of arms from this country to the insurgents in China Collector Stratton has received a letter from O A Spalding acting secretary of tho treasury stating that in the protocol signed on September 7 1901 the im portation of arms and munitions of war is prohibited The letter states It is reported that the insurrection ary movements are now flagrant in the southern provinces of China and that the insurgents are receiving sup plies of arms and warlike material from abroad The department directs that you do whatever may be practi cable and proper under existing laws in the way of restricting tho exporta tlons of arms and warlike material to China for use against a nation with which the United States is at peace and to the injury of foreigners in cluding citizens of the United Statos found in China should Lie fact that consignments of arms and hostile ma terials have been shipped from United States ports to China be as certained TO CONTROL BEET SUGAR American Sugar Refining Company Enters the Field DENVER Colo April 9 A News dispatch from Fort Collins the center of the northern Colorado beet sugar field says that there is no longer any doubt that the American Sugar Refin ing company has entered the beet sugar industry The dispatch asserts that they now control the Penoyer in terests and in fact all the Michigan beet sugar factories that were paying properties The factory at Lehi Utah the dis patch continues has passed into the American Sugar Refining companys hands To complete matters at a meeting of the stockholders of the proposed sugar factory at Fort Col fins to be built by the Penoyer peo ple a proposition for its absorption by the American Sugar Refining com pany the dispatch says was unani mously accepted BOTH SIDES ARE DIVIDED Democrats as Well as Republicans Differ on Cuban Reciprocity Bill WASHINGTON April 9 The first day of the debate on the Cuban reci procity bill which opened in the house yesterday was disappointing from a spectacular standpoint There were no sensational clashes and none of the bitterness which was expected to crop out on the floor came to the surface The vote on the motion to go into com mittee of the whole to consider the bill however developed the lines of aleavage and showed that the demo crats arc quite as much divided on the question as is the majority In the division which is regarded practically a test vote on the bill 177 republicans and 80 democrats voted for the motion and 41 democrats and 39 republicans against it WONT BE BRITAINS GUEST Whitelaw Reid Declines Invitation to Be Entertained WASHINGTON April 9 Whitelaw Reid head of the special embassy to the United States at the cor onation of King Edward VII has de stined the tender of the British gov ernment to become it guest during the ceremonies The British government extends a similar invitation to every one of the special ambassadors under taking to provide them quarters and entertainment The difficulty lies in the fact that the invitation is limited to a six day stay in London while Mr Reid finds it de sirable to be there at least a week preceding and a week following the ceremonies so he has taken steps to lease a suitable house at his own ex oense Boer Colony for Colorado DENVER April 9 A Boer colony may be established along the line of the proposed Denver Salt Lake Short Line A committee of local Boer sympathizers called on the state land board today with a letter from Boer Consul General Pierce in New York asking for information about state lands along the new route If I can get the right kind of induce ments says the consul general sev eral thousand Boer refugees will go to Colorado and settle on farms They will make the best of citizens I am sure Gets on Philippine Bench SANTA FE N M April 9 Will iam H Pope of Atlanta Ga for the last eight years a resident of Santa Fe United States attorney of the Pu eblo Indians and assistant United States attorney of the court of pri vate land claims today accepted a judgeship of the court of the first in stance in the Philippine islands ten dered him by Governor Taft He will sail In June Judge Pope is a gold democrat 31 years of age 9 r A Girl Miner A 16-year-old girl in the Yucca mine near Baretow Cal is working the sand and dirt from a deserted claim with a dry washer and suc ceeds in getting from 0 to 7 worth of gold dust every day She uses the washer as effectively as her male com panions who are also engaged in the samo profitable occupation there She can shapen and temper her pick as well as any experienced miner Palestine May Have a Boom The discovery of valuable mineral deposits in Palestine is reported by one of our consuls Immense fields of phosphate are found on both sides of the river Jordan Of course the salt deposits of the Dead sea have been known for some time as our consul admits Still he insists that the Holy Land has a great industrial future One of Texas Best Talkers Ex Governor R B Hubbard of Tex as who died at Tyler Tex the other day was one of the best known pub lic speakers in the United States Twenty five years ago he delivered the oration at the opening of the Cen tennial exposition He was a gradu ate of Mercer university and of the Harvard law school A Catch Iii ITU Bur Palmer Oregon April 14th V J Uppcndahl of this place has had a great deal of trouble recently with his back Every time he went to do the least bit of lifting he used to have what he called a catch in his back He says It did not have to be very hard work to give me such a severe pain that I could not move I suffered quite a long time before I heard of Dodds Kidney Pills I used four boxes and now 1 can work as hard as any one and my back is as stout and strong as it ever was My wife used some of the pills too and she thinks there is nothing that beats them I can positively recommend Dodds Kidney Pills to anyone who has a pain in his back for 1 know they will cure it The more dollars you get together tne louder they talk Same with wo men Ccafncss Cannot Ho Cared reach the bv local applications as they cannot dica ed portion of tho ear There is only one way to cure deafness and thai is by consti tutional remedies Deiifncss is caused bv ar inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the Eustachian Tube When this tube is inflamed you huve a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucus surfaces We will give One Hundred Dollars f or a ny case of Deafness caused by catarrh that cannot be cured by Kails Catarrh Cure Send for 2lrculars free F J CHENEY CO Toledo O SoM DV Druffifists 7oc Halls Family Pills are the best Its often the woman that doesnt know her own mind who is willing to speak it Stops the Cough anil Works Off the Cold Laxative Bronio Quiniuo Tablets Price 5c Its a good rule that works your way all the time citp f iwjh iiii i uji ii uisur nervousness ULi jr i w ursi uuv n use oi ur kiiup s ureal serve He-nor-it Semi for Fit EC S00 trial bottle nnd treatise Da U II Ki is e Ltd 931 Arch Street Philadelphia Pa One convincing prool of good citi zenship is the prompt payment of your bills CONOR Louisville Ky jjt iru 7 T ESSMAN WILBER SAYS To The Modicin Co of ColumbuB 0 Pemna is All You Clafm For It Congressman D F Wflbor ot Oneonta N Y writes The Perusza Medicine Co Columbus O Gentlemen Persuaded by a friend I have tried your remedy and I have almost fully recovered after the use of a few bottles I am fully convinced that Peruna Is all you claim for it and I chcerfullv recommend your medicine to all who are afflicted with catarrhal trouble DA V1D F WILlthR Peruna a Preventive and Cure for Colds Mr C P Given Sussex N 15 Vice Prehident of The Past timo Hoathig Club writes Whenever the cold wenther hots in I have for years past been very sure to catch a Bevero cold which wns hard to throw off and which would leave after effects on my constitution tho most of the winter Last winter I wps advised to try Peruna and within live days tho cold was broken up and in live days more I was a well man I rot onimended it to several of my friends and all speak tlio lngliost praise for it There is nothing like Peruna for catar rhal afflictions It is well nigh infal lible as a cure and I gladly endorse It C F Given Onto New Life and Strength Mr Edward Laws Crown Point Ind writes the following I must tell you what a grand help Peruna bus been to me For over tw years I suffered with catarrh of tlio hnis and throat nnd although I doctored for it nothing brought mo reliof until I tried Peruna One bottlo helped ino greatly and three more eUei ted a complete cure while at the same titno it gave- such now life and strength to my whole body that I feel like a new liinn and ten years younger I hope that my testimonial niuy induco The modern elevator boy tells some pretty tall stories I do not believe Pisos Cure for Consumption has an equal for coughs and colds Jon P BoEH Trinity Springs Ind Feb 5 10CKX A cheap boat ride is in reality a bar gain sail others v ho aio similarly alllictcd to try Peruna Law- A Iromlnuiit Slngi r ivil Irom loxn r Vol in- Mr JnliiiR Weiss litz IT Seneca street Buiralo N V is corresponding secretary of Tho KimgurliiHt of New York is tho leading second lines of tho SniigerliiHt tho largest tierimm sinning society of Now York and also tlio oldest In lHt Tlio Kungerlust celebrated itH fiftieth anniversary with a largo celebra tion in New York City Tho following is his testimony About two years ago I might n sovoro cold while traveling and whcli settled into catarrh ol the bioiichinl tuti r and so af fected my voice that I o tilled to can cel my In 1 wan advised to tiy Peruna and although I hail never u ed a paU nt niuuVuti ltofore 1 sont for a bottle Worns but illv describe my sirrpi io to find that within a few days I was greatly relieved and within tlneo woekn I was entirely recovered I am never without it now and tako an occasional dose whi u 1 feel run down luliun Weisnlily If you do not derio prompt and satisfac tory results from tho n o of IVninti wnto at onco to Dr ffartinan gn ing a full state ment of 3 our case and ho will bit pleased to give jot his valuable advice gr itis Address IJr liartmau iTe Hiden of The Hartiuau Sanitarium Columbus O -ALL WRIGHT FOR MORE TlAN HALF A Ct u t urr llraclfifhp ontipation drills an1 nrr nl ll RII loan romplalufft All PrnzzUM Prle renU a I tot WCiaHTSLNDIAN T0FTA8l6PIU ai NV t m nm iifTYWTT1 DO YOU SHOOT If you do you should send your name and address on 2 postal card for a GU N GATALOGU E It illustrates and describes all the different Winchcste Ammunition and contains much valuabl Wlncicster Rcpejsting Arms Co fmxin ITS FREE Rifles Shotguns and miormation Send st once to the Nev Kavcn Conn alii vmrAim3ivujuiuB jjiLLM jHsuu ttj nrj jjx -tan Health will come with all its blessings to those who know the way iml it is a ques tion of right living with all the term implies hut the efforls which strengthen the system the games which refresh and the foods which nourish are important each in a way while it is also advantageous to have knowledge of the best methods of promoting freedom from unsani tary conditions To assist nature when nature needs assistance it is all important that the medicinal agents used should be of the best quality and of known value and the one remedy which acts most beneficially and pleasantly as a laxative is Syrup of Figs manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co With a proper understanding of the fact that many physical ills are of a transient char acter and yield promptly to the gentle action of Syrup of Figs gladness and comfort come to the heart and if one would remove the torpor and strain and congestion attendant upon a con stipated condition of the system take Syrup of Fig3 and enjoy freedom from the aches and pains the colds and headaches and the depression due to inactivity of the bowels In case of any organic trouble it is well to consult a competent physician but when a laxative is required remember that the most permanently gratifying results will follow personal cooperation with the beneficial effects of Syrnp of Figs It is for sale by all reliable druggists Price fifty cents per bottle The excellence of Syrup of Figs comes from the beneficial effects of the plants used in the combination and also from the method of manufacture which ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product essential in a perfect family laxative All the members of the family from the youngest to the most advanced in years may use it whenever a laxative is needed and share alike in its beneficial effects VVe do not claim that Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of known value but it possesses this great advantage over all other laxatives that it acts gently and pleasantly without disturbing natural functions in anyway as it is free from every ob jectionable quality or substance To get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy the genuine and the full name ofthe Co California Fig Syrup Co is printed on the front of every package AEFIRKIIA m WMW San Francisco Cal New York N Y