The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 18, 1902, Image 4

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toEtcMicdSMrncuBi uwCTminrwriiamrrcntwmweffa
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Rv F
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Republican Convention
TIio ltepuhlicaiiH of tlio stitto of Nebraska nr
lioroliy called to incut in convention at tlio
Auditorium in tlio city of Ijiiicoln on Wednes
day Tiint JH 1902 at 2 oclock in tlin afternoon
for tlio IHrpiHu of placing in nomination can
didates for the following ollicoH tube vototd for
at tlm next ceneral oluction to bo held in tlio
state of Nubraska November 4 1102 viz One
governor one lieutenant governor one secretary
of stale one auditor of public nrcomit one
Ireubiiror one xuperinteiidcnt of public instruc
tion one attorney general olio commissioner of
public lands and buildings and for the trans
action ofsucli otlior Im iniiKs us may regularly
conto before the meeting
Tlio basisof representation of tlio several coun
ties in Hiiiti convention shall bo tbu vote caht for
Hon Samuel JI Sedgwick for judge of tlio su
preme court at the tegular election held on
November fi 1K1 giving one delegate for each
100 votes or major fraction thereof so cist for
the said Samuel II Sedgwick and one delegate-ac-largo
for each county Said apportionment
entitles the following counties to the following
representation in -aid convention
Furnas 12 Gosper -1
Kodwillow 11 Frontier S
Hitchcock 5 Hayes 4
Dundy 1 Chase 4
It is recommended that no proxies be allowed
in Haiti convention but that tlio delegates pres
ent thereat be authorized to cast the full vote
of tlio county represented bv them
Notice is hereby given that each of tho odd
numbered districts in tho state is to
select a member of the state committee to sere
for the form of two jears
By order of the state committee
H Lindsay Chairman
John T Mallaliku Secretary
Vaccine virus and tho efficacy of so
called piayer have had a test among
the disciples of Alexander Dowie the
self styled Elijah the Prophet and
chief overseer of Christian Catholic
church Chicago and unlike that other
test hi which Elijah the piophet figured
Elijah seems to be coming out second
best His followers aie in a panic over
an outbreak of smallpox and some of
the olficials of this Zion are now ready
to admit their belief in precaution isola
tion etc in view of the fact thatinnocu
lated followers are immune while the in
vocatiouists arestrickt n with the disease
To Nominate on June 10
Hastings April 10 A meeting of the
Republican congressional central com
mittee of the fifth district was held here
today Out of the eighteen committee
men every member was present with the
exception of three Chairman J W
James of Hastings presided Adam
Breede of Hastings was elected secretary
Considerable discussion prevailed over
the fixing of the time for the district
convention but it was decided to hold it
Tuesday June 10th at Hastings at three
p m The lepresentation of the con
vention was fixed as follows Adams
county 17 delegates Clay 18 Chase 4
Dundy 4 Franklin 10 Frontier 8
Furnas 12 Gosper 5 llarlan 0 Hall
17 Hayes 4 Hitchcock fi Kearney 11
Nuckolls 14 Perkins 3 Phelps 12
Redwillow 11 Webster 11 total 177
The following candidates were conspic
uous at the meeting E Lowe of Harlan
Smith Caldwell of Nuckolls O A Ab
bott of Hall S W Christy of Clay Ed
Allen of Furnas W P McCreary of
Hastings Special to Lincoln Journal
Marriage licenses issued since our last
report are as follows
Rudolf Lunkwitz and Clara Jahnke
both of McCook
William R Turner and Iona Melbourn
both of Lebanon
Cases filed since last report
W R Starr vs Laura J Markham
suit on account
Jacob Hoffman vs George Maisel suit
on note
Send He Their Names
Send me the addresses of your friends
who might be iuduced to move to Ne
braska and I will mail them our new 48
page book descriptive of Nebraskas ag
ricultural resources and its unbounded
opportunities The book is illustrated
with Nebraska farm scenes and is sup
plemented with a sectional map of the
state It will help bring homeseekers to
Nebraska 5 30 J Francis
Gen Pass Agt Omaha Neb
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postofilee April 14 1902
Claude Uloomliem
Monroe Clark
James A lie-
George Martin
Mr Frank Nafsinger
Mr Hartley
Mrs Frank Dauchy
Miss Ros Joy
J McKroeger
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimjiell Postmaster
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
f AreYou Sosngto Faint
vS nta
awm rirs5
S 70
Are you going to send away this
year and pay more for seeds than
the Bee Hive is selling them for
WAjrrrn Men to learn barber trade
Only two months required Exceptional
opportunity for thirty days Improve
your chance Board tools diplomas and
position given Can earn expenses if
desired Write today Moler Barber
College Omaha Nebraska
liQi unRulS A
The spirit of rivalry between the legal
department and the claim department
had alwas been rampant The feud
had descended from generation tj gener
ation and was of longstanding Its origin
if it had had an origin was forgotten and
tho combatants of tho present day like
tho principals to a vendetta knew not
for what they fought The claim de
partment was numerically the stronger
but while its employees were mere clerks
engaged in clerical duties those of the
legal department were professional men
The claim department resented the at
mosphere of quiet dignity that prevailed
in the legal department We weie ac
cused because of the srperior attain
ments that were acknowledged to be
ours of holding ourselves aloof This
attitude born of self consciousness was
of itself suflicient to account for the
strained relations that existed If any
thing went wrong the legal department
had no scruples about laying the blame
on the claim department And on the
other hand the claim department availed
itself of everv opportunity to put the
burden of responsibility upon us Ail
of which is but an exemplification of
human nature
The breach has grown wider and over
the most insignificant trifle Miss Ethel
the peacemaker tho only neutral person
in the warfare that was waged is the
cause of it all Miss Ethel really be
longed equally to both departments
though neither was willing to admit that
the other had any claim upon her She
had been with us for many years and
had come to seem almost as much a part
of the ollice and quite as indispensable
as the furniture She was indeed an
exceptional woman one with whom
everyone was in love one to whom every
one went in jus nour or need sne was
not fair of face She was not as young
as she had once been but slie had the
kindliest disposition in the world
One day she did not come to work
and for many days after her place was
deserted We heard that she was seri
ously ill and not one who had known
her but awaited with anxiety the daily
bulletin that came from the sick room
not one but hoped for her speedy re
covery not one but would have sor
rowed at her death
When she was on the road to recovery
it was suggested tnat wo send lier a
tribute of flowers But on being re
minded that she was a woman of deep
sentimentality and that the effect of
the gift might be injurious tho project
was abandoned for the time being
Shortly after that a deputation arrived
from tho claim department to solicit sub
scriptions for a fund that was being
raised for the purchase of flowers to be
sent her Some of our younger members
who do not bear the same grudge to the
other office that the older members do
assented to the proposition and paid
their assessments When one of the
older men was approached on the sub
ject he quickly said No What do we
want to pay our money into their fund
for Miss Ethel belonged to use and it
would be no more than proper that a
gift should come from us alone Further
Wfr TfcgjjH
The Finest Cake
Is made with Royal Bak
ing Powder Always light
pure wholesome
than that we dont want those fellows
running here with a subscription paper
every time some bloody trackman gets a
scratch Thisargumentstrtick usfoici
bly Our contributions to the other
fund were demanded back and we raised
a fund of our own in short order pur
chased our flowers and had them sent
to the convalescent
Indignation ran high at tho other
office when they learned what wo had
done We were told that it would bo a
cold day when wo were given another
opportunity of similar character a
threat that did not frighten us in the
least We weie told that our trick was
beneath the dignity of characterization
The names we were called were pictur
esque rather than complimentary
They determined to rival us in the size
and beauty of their bouquet and they
had the abominable taste to boast of
what they proposed to do Wo laughed
at their taunts though we were not un
concerned at their promise to revenge
themselves upon us
What a variety of emotions this simple
incident aroused The motivo that
prompted the original suggestion was
probably good What right have we even
to suspect much less say that the pro
motors of the movement desired the
notoriety they would receive as a result
of their apparently disinterested efforts
What right have we to think that they
acted for the reward to conscience the
inevitable sequence of an act worthy
We of the legal department can claim no
credit for our part of the affair Our
purpose tirst was to outwit our old
eneim Then we wanted the lady to
believe that we thought well of her
Indeed our esteem for her was high but
what need to advertise the fact and so
promote cur own interests Was this
not a conceit that belittled the deed
Possibly we may have had some notion
that the flowers would give her pleasure
but this thought was secondary Some
of our members perhaps did not give
freely but because of the unpleasant
effect a lefusal or a failure to give would
have upon their own reputations They
gave not for the purpose of making an
other happy but to save themselves
from humiliation not because they
were virtuous but because they wanted
to seem so
What right had we to be amused at
the chagrin of the other office How
uncharitable we are How curiously
constituted is the human mind that it
can enjoy can take pleasure in the dis
comfiture and annoyance of another
They suffered as keenly as though the
pain had been physical and we laughed
at their writhings Then the spirit of
ambition moved them the desire to do
sometning oetrer ana Digger tnnn we
had done and again the welfaio of the
innocent cause of tho strife was left out
of consideration Their only thought
was to gratify a selfish whim Tho re
sult of their latest action was our vexa
tion that we had been overreached and
in its vvake their vicious pleasure at our
final overthrow
What a tempest of passion the appar
ently friendly act aroused How much
of good and what of ill did it accomplish
in Java
Natives do not glaze coffee with
a cheap and impure coating They
have too high a regard for health as
well a- for the naturally delicious
flavor of their popular berry The
very American roasters who glare
their package coffees do not dare to touch or glaze
their high priced Mochas and Javas Why
fH MM s never glazed or
L3 IsflflrPP adulterated It is
S3S8 S m W0 JUST PURE Coffee
481 ft
The eealed paclrajre Insures uniform quality and freshness
Wheeled Adjstfele
iiidow gsereeiis
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
K O T M - Regular nioetiiiKS on pocouil
and fourth Tuesday evoninKsof ench month in
McCounell hall ut 8 Visiting knights welcome
M It Gateh commander 1 II Yaroisr rucoril
keejHr C A Leach fliitmce keopor
lodtre No MYt meet on econd and fourth Mon
day oveniriKS of each month at einlit oclock in
McConnell hall J It McCaui Illustrious
Pro C O Blomqi iht Secretnrj
A number of orange specials last week
Conductor Eph Benjamin has Con
ductor Washburns car temporarily
Way car 121 is in for a general over
hauling and No 15 is just out of the
Locomotive 33 is just in the machine
shop for a general overhauling No 153
is just out
Conductor M O McClure is laying
off on account of sickness among the
Conductor F M Washburn is off
duty quarantined on account of scarlet
fever in tho family
Round house Foreman Sam Hutchin
son was up from Holdrege yesterday
on business at headquarters
Engineer Vierson hap tho No 80 up
from tho Republican City Oborlin
branch yesterday for repairs
Mrs Will Brown departed for Hern
don Kansas this morning on 12 after a
short visit here and in Inditinola
Chief Dispatcher Forbes has been in
Lincoln part of tho week on business
connected with the new time card
Conductor O R Amick was off duty
Monday and Tuesday to visit with his
sister who is here from tho east and his
Brakement L M Best has laying off a
few days on business and W S Acker
man had his run with Conductor Cox
Brakeman E L Meyers is off duty on
account of the illness of his mother and
W L Reynolds went down from here to
relieve him
Conductor T E McCarl had the pay
car special in charge Wednesday to
to Denver Ho now has Conductor Mc
Clures car temporarily
Locomotive No 11 which has been in
the round house for a number of weeks
having her stay bolts reinforced came
out of the shops this week
J E LeBlanc time keeper in the
machine shop will be transferred into
the master mechanics office Monday
next where tho work will be done in
the future
A Swede section -foreman dropped
off of No 3 last Thursday morning at
Ives and was quite painf ully injured
The train was running steen miles an
hour and the foreman would be robing
yet if some box cars on a side track had
not stopped him
Yardmastor C P Ball of the Red
Cloud yard has taken a 30 days Iav off
and gone to the Pacific coast on a visit
J F Utter of this place has gone down
to fill the place during his absence and
George Martin is on with Conductor
Wolff vice Utter
Supt of Motive Power R D Smith
Asst General Supt G W Rhodes Car
Foreman William Baird Fuel Inspector
F P Rugh Asst Piecework Inspector
W F Ackermanand two representatives
of the Talmage blow off cock were at
Western division headquartersTuesday
Roiiert Knipplk arrived home from
Lincoln Wednesday
Geokgk E Thompson has moved into
his new home on North Main avenue
Mr vd Mks J K Couzins departed
last Saturday evening on No 6 for Ox
ford where they will visit relatives
briefly before leaving for Portland Ore
where they expect to locate Mr Couzins
has been employed by the McCook Mill
ing Co and the force and patrons will
miss him lheir friends will join us in
wishes for their prosperity up in the
Great Northwest
Northern grown seeds 2 cts per
package at the Bee Hive
Overland Limited Rules
The Union Pacific has issued a book
relating to its limited train laing
down rules for trainmen and agents
Some of the important restrictions are
that none but first class fares with Pull
man tickets will be allowed to travel on
them and that when all Pullman accom
modations are sold no one else will be
allowed to buy his way into tho train
Seats in the smoking rooms and
observation car will not be sold
but will be kept free for the comfort
and accommodation of passengers Rigio
rules are laid down for the conduct of
the trainmen who must keep out of
Pullman and composite cars must not
use tobacco and must remove their hats
in passing through the dining car while
meals are being served Personal bag
gage only will be carried no theatrical
luggage nor scenery being admitted and
the road ieserves the right to bring
personal baggage on later trains if nec
Its a fact Garden seed at 2c a
package at the Bee Hive
Desirable House For Sale
My house and two lots with barn
hedge fruit and shade trees corner of
uaKota and lUancnester streets occu
pied bv II F Pade Fine location Also
lots 10 11 and 12 block 12 First addi
tion to McCook fronting park Apply
to Mrs H G Dixon
3 11 tf Kennett Square Pa
Two cents for a package of seeds
at the Bee Hive
Something New
A poultry fence that is very cloe at I
the bottom to hold small chicken and
keep out rats and woven looser at th
top just what everybody has been ar
ing for
see it
Call at W T Cowman and
Did you hear any one say the Bee
Hive had quit handling seeds
California and Return 45
Tickets on sale April 21 to 27 May 27
to June S August 2 to 8 Liberal stop
over arrangements and return limits
For additional information ask the
nearest agent Burlington Route or
write for a California folder to
J Francis Genl Pass Agt
3 30 Omaha Nebraska
We dont ask only 2c per package
for seeds as the Bee Hive
Granulated Sugar per lb 4c
Light Brown Sugar per lb 4c
White Beans per lb 2c
Lima Beans per lb 2c
Rice per lb 5c
Japan Tea per lb 30c
Tomatoes per can 7c
Corn per can 5c
Peas per can 5c
13 bars White Russian Soap 25c
Everything in Groceries Dry
Goods Carpets and Shoes sold by
NOT at unreasonable prices as
those stated above but at prices
as cheap as any other place in
the City and Satisfaction guar
anteed Dont ask for GROCER
IES at the above impossible
prices but for HONEST GOODS
at HONEST PRICES call on
X x
frl Sc
ijrc jattrfaaafcittaaw w
s 1
a Mi
J 3 j
7jriZC3ZKMMJrr lh m iuij m
JP L Wlfj imiq it imjl iciui uipj ljm S
I have purchased A E
Petty s interest in THE
and have just opened up
500 cases of BRAND
am ready to serve the
public with the best ob
tainable values and
styles An examination
of our goods will con
vince you that our prices
are most reasonable