The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 18, 1902, Image 2

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McCook Tribune
Lord Kimberley the liberal states
man who had been ill for some time
died on the 8th
Mrs Esther Morris the mother
of womans suffrage in Wyoming
diecrat Cheyenne
V a Crain of Nebraska has been
appointed a fireman in the state war
and navy building
The shah of Persia will visit Berlin
in May and will pay his respects to
Emperor William The shah i8 going
to Contrexeville France
St Johns military school at Man
lius N Y ten miles east of Syracuse
was destroyed by fire The loss is
estimated at from 75000 to 125000
Malarial fever has developed in the
case of ex Captain Oberlin M Carter
who has been ill for a week past at
the military prison at Fort Leaven
False teeth worth 15000 which
are alleged to have entered the coun
try without the payment of any duties
have been seized by the custom of
Edward Kappelle a life insurance
agent is under arrest at Niagara
Falls N Y accused of obtaining 3
000 from George F Greene a far
The last quarters exports to the
United States from the South German
consulates except Coburg amounted
to 9717158 an increase of 1508682
Partial returns on the referendum
vote taken in Manitoba Canada on
the prohibition question indicate that
the proposed dry amendment has
been lost
The measure appropriating 25000
for the erection of monuments in hon
qr of the Iowa soldiers who fought
at Lookout Mountain has passed the
Iowa house
Tho body of Dan McLaughlin a
stockman who perished in the recent
blizzard was found in a snow bank ten
miles northwest of Medina N D by
Hugh Marston
Peter Lund one of the best known
mining men of Montana died suddenly
of heart failure at Nebart Mont aged
45 years Lund had been connected
with many prominent mining ven
Jacmel a town on the southern
coast of Hayti was captured on April
5 by the insurgents who held it for
u day and then retired to the hills
after releasing all the prisoners in
the city
The Progressive Indian party will
hold a convention on April 12 for the
purpose of nominating a candidate for
governor of the Chickasaw nation Ex
Governor William Byrd will probably
be the nominee
The president has directed that
more than seventy townships in north
ern Montana be withdrawn from pub
lic entry for use in the big irrigation
scheme known as the St Marys canal
and Milk river project
Secretary Hitchcock has sent to the
senate Indian committee a letter dis
approving Senator Rawlins amend
ment prohibiting the leasing of min
eral lands on Indian reservations out
side of the Indian territory
Caspar Kruger the eldest son of
the president and twenty four other
relatives of Mr Kruger bearing the
same family name are among those
who have recently taken the oath ot
allegiance to Great Britain
The republican congressional con
vention for the Eleventh district held
at Athens Ohio renominated Con
gress Charles H Grosvenor by accla
mation General Grosvenor made an
address accepting the nomination
The gunboat Marietta which has
been keeping watch over American
interests at Colombia sailed Sunday
for New York The cruiser Philadel
phia still remains at Panama on the
Pacific side to await developments
Mr Anthony Matre national secre
tary of the American Federation of
Catholic Societies stated that the re
port that Bishop G Hessmer had been
appointed was correct Bishop Hess
mer is one of the spiritual advisers
of the Federation of Catholic Socie
The son of Yang Yu the former
Chinese minister to Russia died at St
Petersburg and it is now admitted
that he committed suicide The de
ceased ministers son came to St Pe
tersburg to repatriate the body of his
father who died there February 17
Bishop Thomas OGorman of Sioux
Falls S D is in Washington He
said that his visit at this time had
nothing to do with the question of
the disposition of the friar lands in
the Philippines to the United States
but was on personal matters
The Rock Island will build an ex
tension from Enid to Guthrie Okla
First Lieutenant Bert H Merchant
of the Eighth infantry is dead In the
Philippines from dysentery and liver
abscess He was a native of Michigan
and was Droraoted from the ranks
He Devotes Two Hours to Confer
ence but Withholds Any State
ment Officials Carefully Guard
Against Disclosing Results
LONDON April 14 The announce
ment of the presence at Pretoria of the
Orange Free States and Transvaal
leaders who have been at Klerksdorp
considering terms of peace has caused
a decided increase in the hopefulness
of the public concerning the possibil
ities of peace The expectations
aroused by the conference at Protoria
have been further heightened by the
movements of Mr Chamberlain the
colonial secretary and other members
of the cabinet In London and evidences
that important dispatches are passing
between Ixrd Kitchener and the gov
A conference of members of the
cabinet was held last night at mid
night in Mr Chamberlains house
Mr Chamberlain Mr Brodrick the
war secretary Sir Michael Hicks
Beach the chancellor of the exchequer-
and the duke of Devonshirt president
of the council were present The con
ference terminated at 1 oclock this
morning and today Mr Chamberlain
and several of the colonial officials
were in their offices Messengers
passed between them and Sir Michael
Hicks Beach at his residence
At 130 this afternoon Mr Cham
berlain drove to Buckingham palace
and remained with King Edward for
two hours During the afternoon
mesengers carried dispatches from the
Foreign office to Lord Salisbury who
with Mr Balfour the government
leader in the House of Commons was
at Hatfield house
These outward signs of Sunday ac
tivity have not been supplemented by
any authoritative or official statement
The question most discussed thus far
has been whether the peace negotia
tions would affect the governments
financial proposals which promise to
be submitted to Parliament tomorrow
The fact that Sir Michael Hicks
Beach was engaged in his office nearly
all of today is taken in some quarters
to indicate a modification of the bud
get statement
There appears to be no doubt that
the Boer leaders have communicated
the results of the deliberations to
lord Kitchener Attempts will be
made in Parliament tomoirow to as
certain what information the govern
ment has on the South African situa
tion and to learn its intentions but
it is not expected that the government
can forecast the probable outcome of
the negotiations Whatever instruc
tions have been sent to Lord Kitch
ener are believed to be only provi
sional in character
The comparatively brief duration of
the conferences at Klerksdorp is re
garded as an indication that the Boer
leaders found little difficulty in agree
ing upon some basis of negotiation
The transfer of the negotiations to
Pretoria where both Lord Kitchener
and Lord Milner the British high
commissioner in South Africa are at
present is interpreted by the morning
papers as meaning that the Boer3 are
prepared to make formal peace nego
tiations The latest reports from Boer
headquarters at Brussels and The
Hague declare that the delegates will
raise no opposition if honorable terms
are granted and the Beer leaders in
South Africa have agreed to accept
the maximum obtainable
Oklahoma Elections Void
GUTHRIE Okl April 14 Chief i
Justice Burford of the territorial i
preme court has rendered a decision
holding that the recent city elections
at Chandler and those at Law ton and
the other cities in the new south
western counties are void having
been brought about by special proc
J Sterling Morton III
CHICAGO April 14 J Sterling
Morton former secretary of agricul
ture is seriously ill at the residence
of his son Mark Morton in Lake For
est His condition is due to a recent
severe attack of the grip
Emigration Record Broken
CHRISTIANIA Norway April 14
The present week has broken all rec
ords of emigration to America Thir
teeen hundred Scandinavians sailed
from this port
Dumont Calls on Edison
ORANGE N J April 14 Santos
miznont visited Thomas A Edison at
his laboratory in West Orange where
they chatted for about an hour The
aeronaut was shown through the
building and the adjoining works and
then left for New York Afterwards
Mr Edison said the main topic dis
cussed was the most practicable mo
tor for airships and that they agreed
that gasoline produced the most pow
er for the weight carried
Noted Presbyterian Minister Passes
Away at Washington
DeWitt Talmage the noted Presby
terian divine died at 0 oclock Satur
day night at his residence in this city
It had been evident for some days
that there was no hope of recovery
and the attending physicians so in
formed the family The patient grad
ually grew weaker until life passed
away so quietly that the members of
the family all of whom were watching
at the bedisde hardly knew that he
had gone The immediate cause of
death was inflammation of the brain
Dr Talmage was in poor health
when he started away from Washing
ton for Mexico for a vacation and rest
six weeks ago He was then suffer
ing from influenza and serious ca
tarrhal conditions Since his return
to Washington some time ago he has
been quite ill Until Thursday how
ever fears for his death were not en
tertained The last rational wordts
uttered by Dr Talmage were on tho
day preceding the marriage of his
daughter when he said Of course I
know you Maud Since then he had
been unconscious
At Dr Talamages bedside besides
his wife were these members of his
family Rev Frank DeWitt Talmage
Chicago Mrs Warren G Smith
Brooklyn Mrs Daniel Mangam
Brooklyn Mrs Allen E Donnau
Richmond Mrs Clarence Wycoff and
Miss Talmage Washington
Senate Will Soon Reach Final Action
on the Measure
WASHINGTON April 14 In ac
cordance with the agreement reached
on Friday last the senate on Wednes
day will vote on the Chinece exclusion
bill and the present understanding is
that the Philippine government bill
will be taken up immediately after
It is probable however that the
Philippine bill will soon be broken in
on by the calling up of the river and
harbcr bill being an appropriation
bill which is a privileged measure and
can be taken up at any time but it
is not the desire of the committee to
have it considered until there shall
have been a chance afforded to make
further amendments in the committee
That opportunity will not be provided
until Thursday following the vote on
the Chinese bill
The opponents of the Chinese bill
will press their fight from this time
forward and if they find that they
cannot secure its recoramital they
will concentrate their efforts on pro
posed amendments Especial effort
will be made to secure the adoption
of the Piatt substitute
There will be a number of short
speeches on the bill today and Tues
day and in addition to these Senators
Foraker and McLaurin of South Cara
in have given notice of set speeches
for Monday A portion of the day Sat
urday will be devoted to eulogies on
the late Senator Kyle of South Dakota
Business Goes to St Joseph
ST JOSEPH Mo April 14 The
Kansas City live stock commission
men who are engaged in a stubborn
contest with the Stock Yards com
pany at that point and are employ
ing a boycott to win their demands
of lower charges will throw all their
business to South St Joseph Notice
of this decision was received by the
stock yards people Agents of the
Kansas City exchange will be here
to handle the live stock receipts di
verted to this point
To Fight Townsite Clause
ARDMORE I T April 14 The
railroads interested in the new town
sites along the line of their roads are
fighting the provision of the Indian
appropriation bill which provides for
a fine and imprisonment for any one
to lay out a tract of land for town
sites without the consent of the sec
retary of the interior
Iowa Music Teachers
DUBUQUE la April 14 The mu
sic teachers of Iowa will hoii their an
nual convention in this city June 24
27 inclusive and Des Moines musicians
will predominate in the management
and en the program
J S Judd who was killed a few
days since at Las Vegas by Mrs Wal
ker was formerly a citizen of Fort
Scott Kan and stood well there
Frank C Churchill of New Hamp
shire has been appointed as special
Indian inspector He was formerly
special agent for free schools in the
Indian Territory
Cholera Situation Grave
MANILA April 14 The cholera
situation in Manila contines much the
same but the conditions in the prov
ince are becoming alarming The to-
1 tal of cholera cases in Manila up to
date is 245 and deaths 192
Queen Henriette Very III
BRUSSELS April 14 The condi
tion of Queen Marie Henriette is re
ported to be serious She is suffer
ing from heart disease
Several Counties Report an Increase of
One Half in the Acreage
LINCOLN Neb April 14 Deputy
Labor Commissioner Watson has re
ceived reports from reliable Eourcees
In nearly all of the winter wneat coun
ties in Nebraska and with but few ex
ceptions all say that the acreage of
the grain this year is greater than a
year ago and that the prospects for a
good crop are unusually encouraging
Only two counties reported a decrease
Several of the counties show an in
crease of over 50 per cent over last
years acreage and Buffalo county
heads the list with an increase of 200
per cent The Buffalo county report
was received from D T Phillips a real
estate dealer He said he found on
investigation that some farmers sow
ed five times as much wheat as the
year before
The counties reporting an increase
in acreage over last year were Ad
ams Buffalo Cass Clay Colfax Fill
more Franklin Gage Gosper Hall
Hamilton Harlan Howard Jefferson
Kearney Lancaster Lincoln Merrick
Nemaha Nuckolls Otoe Pawnee Polk
Phelps Red Willow Richardson Sa
line Saunders Seward Thayer Web
ster and York
A slight decrease in acreage was re
ported by Frontier and Hitchcock
counties while Johnson county was
said to have the same acreage as a
year ago
In response to the inquiry Is pros
pect as good as in year past at this
time replies were as follows Af
firmative Adams Frontier Gosper
Hall Harlan Hitchcock Howard Jef
ferson Johnson Kearney Lincoln
Merrick Nemaha Nuckolls Pawnee
Phelps Polk Richardson Saline Saun
ders Seward Thayer Webster
Friends of Rhea Intercede to Save Him
from the Gallows
LINCOLN Neb April 14 Governor
Savage listened to arguments for ex
ecutive clemency in behalf of William
Rhea who is under sentence to be
executed at the penitentiary on April
25 for the murder of Herman Zahn a
saloon keeper in Snyder about a year
ago In the morning Rheas three at
torneys George W Loomis and W J
Courtright of Fremont and George A
Adams of this city appeared before
the governor and pleaded for mercy
and in the afternoon Mrs Callen
Thompson of this city had an inter
view with the governor on the same
mission Mrs Thompson has been cir
culating a petition among the women
oi the city and up to noon today had
obtained several hundred signatures
The attorneys call attention to the
fact that Rhea when the murder was
committea was in the company of
older men They insist that he is only
19 years of age and that under the con
ditions existing at the time of the
murder was unable to distinguish the
difference between right and wrong
or that he was Influenced by the older
men to do that which he would not
have done had he been alone Mr
Courtright avIio is the governors cou
sin was retained in the case yesterday
and today made his first effort in be
half of the condemned man Gover
nor Savage took the case under ad
visement but intimated that a decision
would not be given for several days
Gamble Bill Passed
WASHINGTON April 14 The sen
ate passed the Gamble bih authoriz
ing the Federal Railroad company to
construct a combined railroad wagon
and foot passenger bridge across the
Missouri river at or near the village
of Oacoma Lyman county o D
Dies by Her Own Hand
ST PAUL Neb April 14 Mrs A
D Baird living seven miles east of
here committed suicide by shooting
herself through the head with a rifle
Despondency on account ot ill health
is thought to be the cause of the act
Alliance Lighting Plant Sold
ALLIANCE Neb April 14 The
property in this city of the Alliance
Electric Light and Power company
was sold at public sale to R M Hamp
ton cashier of the First National
bank by the receiver
May Get Free Mail Delivery
COLUMBUS Neb April 14 The
receipts of the Columbus postoffice for
he year ending April 1 passed the 10
000 mark entitling the city upon peti
tion to a free letter carrier service
Official announcement was made at
the offices of the Chicago Burlington
Quincy Railroad company of the
appointment of P S Eustis to be pas
senger traffic manager of the system
Not Positive it is Gold
BEATRICE Neb April 14 John
Billings a resident of this city left
a sample of black sand at Deputy
County Attorney Spaffords office
which he thinks contains particles of
gold It was found on a farm near
here but whose farm Mr Billings re
fuses to divulge The sand was left
in a glass and particles that look very
much like gold can easily be detected
Mr Spafford believes it to be fools
Referee in Tax Mandamus Case Files
Opinion with Supreme Court
LINCOLN Neb April ij Judge
Robert Ryan as referee in the Omaha
tax mandamus case has recommended
to the supreme court that the appli
cation of William G Shriver and Geo
T Morton for a peremptory writ of
mandamus be not allowed He holds
that while tho relators are entitled to
the writ prayed for it shouid not be
issued because of the defective method
provided by the statutes for the assess
ment of property of the kind and char
acter involved in the action
The relators Shriver and Morton
sought in this suit to have the court
issue a peremptory writ to compel the
city council of Omaha to sit again as
a board of equalization to hear their
complaints against the assessment of
five public service corporations Judge
Robert Ryan of this city was appoint
ed referee and his official report and
opinion were filed late this afternoon
in the office of the supreme court
In the report Judge Ryan recites in
detail the issues of the case and gives
his findings In the opinion the vari
ous authorities are taken up and dis
cussed The opinion also embraced
an exhaustive discussion of the meth
od of assessing public service corpora
tions for purposes of taxation in this
Uses Threats to Extort Money from
Franklin Man
FRANKLIN Neb April 12 A
blackmail system of making money
was tried here but ended in the cul
prit making good his escape with an
empty sack
William Carpenter proprietor of the
Commercial hotel received a letter
through the mail which contained the
As I want to leave and am unable
to get work I want you to put 50 in
a sack and place it on the corner post
one block west of the hotel at mid
night In case you fail to comply you
will be out of business in less than
twenty days
Mr Carpenter fixed up a package
and placed it on the post and in com
pany with Frank W Barber James Mc
Courtney and several others laid in
wait to capture the culprit
At 4 oclock in the morning the fel
low came for the money and as soon
as he had taken the package from the
post the watchers rushed after him
and ordered him to halt but instead
he ran Nine shots were fired at him
but with no result
Swindlers Abroad
FREMONT Neb April 12 Another
swindling game has just been worked
here with considerable success by a
couple of unknown men They called
on a number of Fremont housewives
and exhibited large bars of fine white
soap as samples of what tney were
selling at the rate of 25 cents a dozen
Tbey took a multitude of orders col
lecting the money in advance When
the soap consignments arrived the
bars were found to be of sucn small1
dimensions that the price paid for
them was three times their value
Fleak Must Stand Trial
SCHUYLER Neb April 12 The
application of Madison Fleak for a
writ of habeas corpus was denied by
the district court here today Fleak
is the man held on a charge of crim
inal carelessness in pushing two wo
men off the Platte river bridge March
18 In the coroners inquest over the
body of one of the women the jnry re
turned a verdict in which no blame
was attached to young Fieak
Colored Boy Kilied by Cars
HUMBOLDT Neb April 12 A
young colored man David Carther of
St Joseph was killed in the railroad
yards here He was stealing a ride in
a box car of lumber He had been
here a few days visiting He started
to Omaha The lumber pinned him
down while switching cars and his
life was crushed out He was taken
to the undertakers and the coroner
sent for
Store at Wausa Robbed
WAUSA Neb April 12 The store
of Bosse Larson was entered and
about 100 taken from the safe The
entrance to the store was made
through a back door
The supieme court has decided to
hear arguments on April 14 upon the
application of the state of Washing
ton to take jurisdiction in the case
of the Northern Pacific and Great
Northern merger
Cair Repairer Crushed to Death
FAIRBURY Neb April 12 Roy
Hartman a car repairer in the employ
of the Rock Island was crushed to
death between the bumpers of two
freight cars in the yards here He
was working on a car that stood on
the repair track when another car was
switched against it at a time when he
was not on his guard Some one wbe
at fault as the usual warning was
Lost His
By the use of a bottle oi
St Jacobs Oil
Sergeant Jeremiah Maher of Ard
cath Royal Irish Constabulary says My
friend Mr Thomas Hand has been a great
sufferer from rheumatism in the back and
joints for the last four years during which
time he has employed many different
methods of treatment but obtained no relief
whatever and for the last two years has
been unable to walk without a stick and
sometimes two sticks and was in great pain
constantly I induced him to procure a
bottle of St Jacobs Oil which he applied
with the most astonishing and marvellous
effects Ilefore he had finished using the
contents of the first bottle he could walk
readily without the aid of a stick and after
a few applications from the second bottle he
was free fom pain and has been ever since
and although fifty years of age and a farmer
he can walk and work without experiencing
any pain or difficulty whatever
Voori nils Curative Compound the great remedy
which makes people well it is made from Lle formula
of an eminent lnndon physician Send to St Jacobs
Oil Ltd ltaltimore Mil for a free sample bottle
SXn TrX i V7 lk mwi
Is tho mnn who never has a fnllure In crops
gets splendid returns for his labors and has
DCfeL social aim lunii
lous advantages to
tgethcr with splendid
climate and excellent
health These we give
to the settlers on the
lnnds of Western Can
adu which comprises
tho ffrtMit rrrnin nnd
ranching lands of Manitoba Atisnlbola Alberta
and Saskatchewan Exceptional aiivanuKc
and low ratos of fare are given to those desir
ous of Inspecting the fall grant lands the
handsome forty page Atlas of Western Can
ada sent free to all applicants Apply to F
Pcdlcy Superintendent Immigration Ottawa
Canada or to W V Hennott Canadian Gov
ernment Agent 801 New York LIfo lildg
Omaha Neb
tlio mnn wlin wertra J
Sioits aaaeS
Wurnuidd irntcrpvooR
MaV tontaiiil Uat 1 rk m1
rough ntftlhcr LL for I rail
rt It Tour r i t
iirm urinl for rstnlftKU to
Hole Mir
ut dimlrlil Mumn
Our prices were neTer so low n at the
preheat time New pUnoB In beautiful Ma
hogauy Walnut Oak an J Iilrds Eje Maple
cajet at I1KJ 11M t02 and up AMdc from
the auovu we are milking upet lal price on
our matehlcM stock of Hthnrnj Htrgrr
KDirrion and ie rianuH writ ror rat
alognra pliers aud torrai or pay tit 1 vlitt of
Schmoller Mueller
1313 Farrram Street Omaha
JVir prices
GROWERS 5 Council Bluffs Isx
Suite iuiitit ilo irpfl
I Early in the morning late at Wt
K night or whenever used Defiance fj
K Starch will be found always the 1
same always the best W
Insist on having it the most for S
your money B
Satisfaction or money back g
S guaranteed It is manufactured
j - under the latest improved 9
H tions It is up-to-date It is the S
H best- We give no premiums
H We sell 16 ounces of the best Q
a starch made for 10 cents Other M
H brands are 12 ounces for 10 cents I
jllsgvwith a tin whistle K
M Manufactured by nB
1 Magnetic Starch Mfg Co I
Omaha Neb
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