The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 11, 1902, Image 7

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Tli -wild turkey called by Chodawtj
and Cherolcees in differing tongues
ho -wit of the woods is supposed
hy ild hunters to have Intelligence
nbrrce that of other birds In general
t lias Yet sometimes it nods like
Isomer and sometimes it displuys the
Indifferent recklessness of a cross be
tween DArtagnan and dear Old Ouidas
toero Bertie Cecil
C S Stribling lives near the lower
part of the San Antonio rrver a few
miles above its debouchment into the
Gulf of Mexico Wild turkeys arc
plentiful in the region and he kills
u good many of tfiem
In winter it is never more than
three miles from his house to a roost
When he wants turkey meat he sad
dles his pony before daylight rides to
within a quarter mile fdf the roost dis
mounts walks stealthily to the bur
dened trees waits till he can see a
round black form between him and
the sky knocks one over and goes
Mr Stribling does not pretend to bo
a sportsman in the liner sense of the
term in fact he raises cotton as a
means of keeping in Uebt but he likes
turkey especially when it is self-flavored
with nuts -and wild pepper
The river xuns by -his home and is
thirty yards wide Directly across
from his front yard grows a solitary
cypress that 3s iprdhably150 feet high
One forenoon while sitting pn his
front gallery and enjoying a cob pipe
he had been blackening for five years
Stribling glanced toward the cypress
When Btib Evans
Ws HeaLf Deih
Rear Admiral TJobloy D Evans al
though he has seen plenty of sharp
fighting and has ibeen often under fire
once came nearer to losing his life on
board his own ship and when not en
gaged with the enemy than during any
battle in which he ever had part He
tells the story in A Sailors Log A
little before the destruction of Cer
veras fleet he had gone below to his
cabin with Commander Kimball of the
torpedo fleet who had brought dis
patches They were sitting at the
cabin table -studying the situation
when a startled voice exclaimed
Look out captain
I threw my Jicad to one side he
writes to see -what I was to look out
for when there was a tremendous
crash and I was aware that I was hurt
and more or less dazed My first im
pression was that one of the Spanish
gunboats had sneaked up on us and
put a shell into my cabin I had been
thinking all the afternoon -what a line
chance it would he lor them that
night But when I was really con
scious I saw that that was not the
My cabin was full of men all star
ing at me their eyes fairly sticking
out of their heads They thought I
and saw perched on its top a wild gob
bler whose burnished feathers shono
in the sun It stood calmly with head
erect enjoying the air 4ind the placid
river beneath
Stribling laid the pipe down care
fully walked into his bedroom picked
up his rifle of 44 calibre and went
back to the gallery He knew that
he would be forced to go a half mile
downstream to the nearest ford cross
come back upstream go back down
stream and come back upstream in or
der to retrieve ibut did not purpose
to be insulted
lie shoots well lie leaned firmly
against the end post of the gallery
got the tip idt stlie front sight on the J
base of the birds black beard which
hung from Xhc -gobblers breast held
It there for a moment smiled as it
occurred to him that the thing was
too easy and pressed the trigger firm-
ly and steadily
There was the usual sharp crack
which sounded doubly loud in the still
ness of inorning but the turkey was
unmoved 7t evinced no curiosity
Stribling tried it again a little more
carefully and with less confidence
same result He said I may be get
ting old and wrinkled in my face but
Ill bdt the farm and all it costs me
that 1 -can make you move Same
That was all the cartridges he had
He walked to the bank of the river
and yelled at the bird It looked -down
at him and sailed away
lEaLinous Captain TceHs
of His Narrow Escape
from Fata1 Accident i
afc y A AAVAAjfrlB
was killed and I suppose they wanted
to see the last of the old man I
was soon aware that one of the doc
tors was feeling and twisting my
right arm and that my right shoul
der was in pretty bad shape Through
it a21 I was sony for Kimbail who
I thought was surely killed and I
was greatly relieved when I heard his
voice -which sounded a mile away
The men were running in a steel haw
ser and it had picked up the steel hat
tie hatch weighing something over
400 pounds which was lying on deck
ready to be put on the cabin hatch
when aieoded The line had carried it
along until it came directly over the
hatch under which I was sitting when
it slipped off came down edge first
and caught me on the shoulder in
stead of the head
The man who called to me to look
out held on to it in his effort to -stop
it and came down with it
My shoulder was badly mashed and
dislocated but the excellent medical
men soon wiped the blood off reduc
ed the dislocation bandaged my arm
to my side and turned me in
n my head had been four inches
further forward I should never have
had the pleasure of writing this book
riany Signs of Progress Which Are Due to German Enter-
According to United States Consular
Agent Harris Palestine has shown un
mistakable signs of progress during
the past decade much of which 5s to
be attributed to German enterprise
German colonists merchants and
horticulturists says Mr Harris are
awakening that part of the Levant
from a lethargy of a thousand years
Three years ago a German bank was
established in Jerusalem with a
branch in Yafa which exchanged 15
000000 in 1901 The waters of the
Dead Sea where no rudder has been
seen for centuries are now being plied
by German motor boats A direct line
of communication has thus been open
ed up between Jerusalem and Kerak
the ancient capital of the land of
Moab which still commands the cara
van routes leading across the Arabian
desert There is no doubt that Ger
man enterprise will also exploit the
phosphate fields situated on both sides
of the Jordan when transportation
facilities shall have been sufficiently
developed to insure success to the
For many years Germany has been
looking to Asia Minor and other coun
tries adjacent to Palestine as suitable
Disposed f Indon at from 30 Cents
to S125 Per Inch
Is the American spirit of commer
cialism invading even the English
market for artistic wares A poets
recent advertisement in the London
Daily News seeking a speculative pub
lisher for a translucent attractive
and apothegmatic lyric had already
aroused some comment and now they
appear to be selling the paintings o
the leading contemporary artists by
the square inch The announcement
of a sale at Christies says that a
painting by the late T S Cooper en
titled Sheep Shearing and measur
ing 4S by 72 inches was sold for 310
guineas while another representing
Six Cows on the Bank of a River
and measuring 29 by 44 inches paint
ed in 1877 brought 300 guineas
This is interesting It seems to in
dicate that good painting is worth
territories in which to develop Ger
man markets The Bagdad railroad
which will lead through Anatolia in
tersecting the headwaters of the Tigris
and Euphrates to the shores of the
Persian gulf is an enterprise of vast
importance not only to Germany as
the promotor and the Turkish em
pire but to the world at large It is
the greatest commercial and civilizing
factor that could be introduced into
this region and will tap the rich terri
tories which composed ancient Meso
potamia Apart from new avenues of
commerce a land will be opened up to
students and tourists which owing to
expense and unsafe methods of travel
has thus far been practically inacces
The commerce of Palestine to day
is not unimportant The products of
the country are wheat barley or
anges oil wine nuts figs apples
peaches pears pomegranates apricots
citrons almonds cucumbers lettuce
onions wild artichokes and aspara
gus truffles tobacco sesame and silk
while potatoes and other European
and American vegetables are being
introduced by German and French
between thirty cents and 125 per
square inch in London while esti
mated as live stock the six cows in
the latter picture appear to have been
valued at fifty guineas each despite
their advanced age which precludes
the possibility of their being useful
for other purposes than landscape or
naments although this is perhaps
minimizing the value of the riparian
rights along the river What a wealth
of conjecture these facts suggest
Think of the prices that some of the
enormous Munkacsy canvases would
bring if sola on iliis basis and of the
possible value of Rosa Bonheurs
The Horse Fair with stallions at
Tattersall prices Let the artist re
member to stretch his canvas wide
enough or if he be an animal painter
to put In a sufficient number of mar
ketable beasts and there will speedlly
be an end of the cry of the underpay
ment of artistic endeavor Harpers
The Dear Girt Yrwre Extravagant
The little town of Lincoln In Mid
dlesex county N J will soon be no
more legally and largely or account
of women On July 10 the entire
town will be sold at auction by Fred
ericic C Wobert who has been nam
ed by the court as receiver The
town wa3 organized by a real estate
syndicate and was not incorporated
One of the prime movers suggested
that women le electtMl to serve as
members of council Soon the fair
sex were in control of the municipal
government and running things to
suit themselves And so it happened
that they ran the town into debt and
into the bankruptcy courts
The Millard Omahas Leading Hotel
13th and Douglas in Center of Bank
ing Wholesale and Retail Distriels
Convenient For All Street Car Lines
New Rooms Newly Furnished Ameri
can Plan 200 and up Per Day Euro
pean Plan 100 and up More Popular
TiumEver With Nebraska and Iowa
People Lincoln Hotel Lincoln Oppo
site Depots 200 and up Per Day
Whatever the cause the open social
life of Omaha is concerned with ap
pearances not with verities it is made
up mostly of postures and show it is
continually calling attention to itself
in a Joud voice after the manner of
those who are rudely affected the
world over says William R Ltghton
in the July Atlantic There is no thing
that appears above the horizon of cul
ture which the people of Omaha do
not -forthwith import if it promises
to be fashionable AVIth all its in
tense longing to appear cultured the
town succeeds only in being up-to-date
In ifact Omaha has no strong collect
ive social aims it has no strong aggre
gate tendencies Its life thus far has
been nothing but a conglomerate of in
dividual desires and there 3ias been no
adequate means for bringing these de
sires to a focus The city has no pub
lic art galleries no museums nothing
of that sort even in architecture no
particular ideals have come to light
This condition is a part of the penalty
which the town has had to pay for the
lack of ideals in its foundation It was
begun for no better reason than that
Its founders saw here opportunities for
getting rich and that paucity of
thought has persisted-
If you want to gain a womans ever
lasting friendship ask her advice and
follow it
A bur hangs on longer tlian a straw
Threw Ills Cams A rrsy
Sault Ste Marie JMich April 7th
Mr C L Smith of 309 Anne St the
Secy of the Trades Council has writ
ten this startling statement for publi
I feel it my duty to make public the
facts of my recent illness and recov
ery 1 was very sick and sore and
had to walk with the aid of two canes
It was a very painful attack but I
dont know what it was Some said it
was Lumbago and others that it was
Sciatica or Rheumatism
I was told to take Dodds Kidney
Pills and began a treatment After I
had used one box I could walk with
one cane and after two boxes were
used I could walk without any help
I kept on and three boxes cured me
I am now well and happy without
a pain or an ache and r can very truly
say that Dodds Kidney Pills are
worthy of my greatest praise
Of course the rubber trust is stretch
ing out It would be strange if it
To Cure a Cold in One day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All
druggists refund money if it fails to cure 25c
is the brand of
Clear white clothes aro a sign that the
housekeeper uses Red Cross Ball Blue
Large 2 oz package 5 cents
No duty is too small to embrace the
sublimest principles
Some grocers say they dont keep De
fiance Starch This is because they have
a stock on hand of other brands contain
ing only 12 oz In a package which they
wont be able to sell llrst because De
fiance contains 16 oz for the same money
Do you want IS oz instead of 12 oz
for same money Then buy Defiance
Starch Requires no cooking
Usually a girl isnt afraid
armed man
of an
Jrs WinglowB SoorhSns Syrnp
For children teettng softens the gums reduces In
Qaumallon allays pain cures wind colic 25c a bottla
The darkness
makes ns prize the
Defiance Starch 1G ounces 10 cents
The church that scatters its money
will gather its members
Women Rarely Fall
To take advantage of a cheap article
of household value But wise women
want to know if the low priced article
has merits Defiance starch costs far
less than any other starch and gives
far better satisfaction in the laundry
Makes linen look like new Order at
your grocers Made by Magnetic Starch
Co Omaha Neb
Is an ill will that speaks well of no
Some grocers say they dont keep De
fiance Starch because they have a stock
in hand of 12 oz brands which they know
cannot be sold to a customer who has
once used the 16 oz pkg Defiance Starch
lor same money
Better not write at all thnn write
that which is not right
est Insurance
Vogclers Curative Compound furnishes
the best insurance at a very small cost The
cures which it has made of blood nerve
skin liver and
kidney diseases are most
marvellous It insures protection aeainst
the development of those every day ailments j
wuuu arc a menace to me ana Happiness
A fdw doses of Vogelers when dyspepsia
constipation headache or nervousness
appear will insure good health
A free sample bottle will be sent on appli
cation to the proprietors of it Jacobs Oil
LtdRahimore Md
Sold by all druggists
Providence Road
Gorleston Gt Yarmouth
T have used St Jacobs Oil for several
years for lumbago and sprains and find it
the greatest pain reliever before the public
I had a severe sprain on my right ankle
which I received last week and by using
half a bottle of St Jacobs Oil it is thoroughly
cured It acts like magic All my friends
in Gorleston through it having cured me are
ushig it when occasions require and say it is
worth its weight in gold
James Smith
fcaa lfl
AVo mako all kinds of scales
Also BB Pumps w
and Windmills c
Tho Territorial Government Itcporti
Show Itt sults lloyond Belief
Regiua Assiniboia Canada January
10th At the Agricultural Statistics
Branch of the Department of Agricul
ture for the Territories reports are
now being received from grain thresh
ers throughout the Territories for
statistical purposes The reports are
somewhat delayed this year owing to
the extensive crop and the delay in
getting it threshed The Department
of Agriculture is leading the way in a
new departure with regard to the
collection of crop statistics In the
older provinces crop estimates are
based entirely on the opinion of per
sons interested in the grain business
who ought to be and no doubt are
well posted upon the probable yields
Still the reports are simply a matter
of opinion in which a mistake may
easily be made The Territorial De
partment however has adopted the
system of returns of crops actually
threshed upon which to base their
reports The accuracy of the reports
cannot therefore be gainsaid for
they represent a compilation of actual
threshing results In this connection
it might be mentioned that the De
partment is organizing a system of
growing crop returns which will be in
operation next summer The infor
mation thus obtained with estimated
acreage will be available for business
men banks railway companies and
other interests which have to discount
tha future in making provision for the
conduct of their business
The crop reports already to hand
show some remarkable cases of ab
normal development In the Regina
district many returns are given of
crops of wheat running from 40 to 45
bushels to the acre
J A Snell of Yorkton threshed
28000 bushels of oats from 450 acres
an average of 63 bushels per acre for a
large acreage
W R Motherwell of Abernethy
threshed 2G50 bushels of wheat from
a 50 acre field an average of 53 bush
els per acre
In the Edmonton district T T
Hutchings threshed 728 bushels of
wheat from a ten acre plot an average
of nearly 73 bushels per acre
S Norman threshed 0950 bushels of
oats from 60 acres of land an average
of 116 bushels per acre
The publication of the actual yields
or grain threshed will likely open the
eyes of the people to the great capabil
ities of the Western Canadian prairies
The heart that sings wings itself to
To the housewife who has not yet
become acquainted with the new things
of everyday use in the market and who
is reasonably satisfied with the old
we would suggest that a trial of De
fiance Cold Water Starch be made at
once Not alone because it is guar
anteed by the manufacturers to be
superior to any other brand but be
cause each 10c package contains
16 ozs while all the other kinds con
tain but 12 ozs It is safe to say that
the lady who once uses Defiance
Starch will use no other Quality and
quantity must win
Conduct shows the content of char
cured promptly by the use of MATT J
VwV j 1 wi uiuiia
There is nothing so bad as not to be
good for something
Many School Children Are Sickly
Mother GraysSweetPowdersfor Chil
dren used by Mother Gray a nurse in
Childrens Home New York cure Fever-
istiness Headache Stomach Troubles i
Destroy Worms
At all druggists 2oc Sample mailed free
Address Allen S Olmsted LeKoy NY
There are people who are almost in
love almost famous and almost
Alabastlne can be used over paint or
paper paint or paper can be used over
Alabastlne Buy only in five nound
asta properly labeled take no substitute J
Diversities in truth are not diverg
Iffco iiho Hod Cross Hull Who Itu llliimko
thoin whlto U8 snow 2 oz packugu ft coutH
The gloomy church preaches a sun
less heaven
Yon Ciiii Get UleuH Foot Kane Freo
Write to day to Allen S Olmsted Lc
ltoyNYfora Fit HE sample of Allens
Foot Ease a powder It cures sweating
damp swollen aching feet Makes new
or tight shoes easy A certain cure for
Chilblains and Frost bites At all
druggists and shoe stores L5 cents
A philosopher is a man without feel
ings and without regard for the feel
ings of others
Plsos Cure cannot be too highly spoken of n
a couch cure 1 V O Hiukn IS Third Ave
N Minneapolis Mian Jan 0 luoa
Looking into lifes ledger will lead
to loving thanksgiving
Hows Tills
Wc offer One Hundred Dollars reward foranv
case of Cutarrh tuutcstot be cured by Halls
Catarrh Cure
P J CHENEY CO Props Toledo C
We the undersigned have known h j
Cheney for tho last 15 wsirs and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tions made by their firm
West Truax Wholesale Druggists Toledo
0- Walding Kinnan Marvin Wholesale
Druggists Toledo Ohio
Halls Catarrh Cnrn v fnlroii Intomnllr not
ing direct v upon the blood and mucous surfaces
of the Kystem Testimonials sunt free Irico
foe per bottlo Sold bv all d uggists
Halls Family lills aro ilie best
Where God goes in trouble goes
Hamlins Wizard Oil battlen success
fully against pain from any cause what
ever why should you be without it
Holiness Is never under the neces
sity of advertising itself
more goods per package than any other
Sold by druggists 10c per package
Put your stumbling block where it
belongs and it will become a stepping
Before marriage a woman thinks of
a man After marriage she frequently
thinks for him
You Judge
-norm ot a tre Iv
Stood wuniig qualities soil tu of
are made from the lt ruloer are Iielit
noutl to te rlnt
Ui enongh t
nJ y ridng thu inur
irif comfort and lafeiy
Catalogue at yonr asrnte or mi
J 7REC dlarnpoli d
Aio malera of O
J Ti fr or Bi
cycles Carriages and Automobiles
Wonderful wnwtt crop for 1901 now the talk of
the Commercial World is by no means phenom
i wjmwsm
enal The Province of
Manitoba and districts
of Assiniboia Saskat
chewan and Alberta are
the most wonderfnl
grain producing I
tries in the world In
stock raking they also i
hold the hitrhpst nnvi i
tion TflOUsandsof AmnriranMronnniiillfnl
auu I
mi uus uii ir uome aim iney succeed as tiiey
never did before Move Westward i ith the tide
and secure a farm and home in Western Canada
Low rates and special privileges to homeseek
ers and settlers The handsome forty page
Atlas of Western Canada sent free to all appli
cants Apply for rates c to F Pedlev Su
perintendent of Immigration Ottawa Canada
or to W V Ueunttt Canadian Government
Agent 801 New York Life Bldg Omaha Neb
L JW IV T jlllafwrpTrB
How Mrs Brace a Noted Opera
Singer Escaped an Operation
Proof That jinny Operations
for Ovarian Troubles are Un
Deau Mrs Pinkiiam Travelling
for years on the road with irregular
meats and sleep and damp beds brolcu
down my health so completely two
years ago that the physician advised a
complete rest and when I had gained
sufficient vitality an operation for
ovarian troubles Not a very cheerful
prospect to be sure I however wiih
advised to try Jjyrfia 15 PinklinmH
Vefjctjiblo Compound unci San
ative Wash i did so fortunately
for me JJefore a month had passed I
felt that my general health had im
proved in three months more I was
cured and 1 have been in perfect
health since I did not lose an engage
ment or miss a meal
Your Vegetable Compound is cer
tainly wonderful and well worthy the
praise your admiring1 friends who have
been eured are ready to give you I
always speak highly of it and you
will admit I have good reason to do
so Mrs f Uruck Lansing- Mich
40000 forftlt If about testimonial Is not gtnulnt
The fullest counsel on tlii
subject can lo secured without
cost by writing- tit Mrs Pinkhuin
Lynn Mass Your letter will be
entirely confidential
IT afflicted with
ore ejrei uso
Thompsons Eye Wafer
driUkd r i
h a a i9v
u tra - -
V Sold by 6 DoukIm Stores in
American citijs and die best
retail shoe dealers everywhere
Cant Ion The rentiinr lia
W L Douglas name and price
stamped on the bottom
Vbtlee increase of sales in table telawz
7870G Falra
a89089rM83 Pairs
19001250754 Pairs
1901156G720 Pairs
Business Mora Than Doubled in Four Years
IOU 171 a 4 fniups inrl caiIo ms O rm
W MfilioestlianRnyotlier luouiaiiiirartiirr rii
JV UIouxlasS30ail SSMfUnttH jilai wl ld by
We with 53 00 and SCO slio H of otiii r mak aru
juiuiu ip u iiui as kooj T liey will oatwear two
pairs of ordinary 300 and S3C0 hUoat
MadO Of thC hest leathers Inrtiirihm Pntn
-- - Hib
ft r
uuronu nia uorona von ana National Kangaroo
Fait Coin KvIfa anil 11 1 Uutf rr
LUourla 4 lilt Kwr IliiErinnlU w
oiiui s y man zr ets extra Catsilotr
free W T DflrctAS Hrorkinn Mans
outshoot all other black powder shells because they are made
better and loaded by exact machinery with the standard brands of
powaer shot and wadding Try them and you will be convinced
Wtf Jm ofc
ffcA Sink Jhft
Id JSIIjlaundry purposes only
G VillS MYMi
flI flrijiftfl fSUtiffifi ffliftiSS
- u rati e iihi mi Hi w th rr
1 i wrnwimm llrT
You cant help being sat
isfied with Defiance Starch
It has all the qualities you
want there is more of it
than you ever got before
and it will do more with
less labor It needs no
cooking simply mix with
cold water 1C ounce pack
ago for 10c
Dont forget lt a better
quality and one third
more of it
At WHolesale By All Grocery MDers
Alabastlne the only durable wall coat
ing takes the place of scaling kalsomines
wall paper and paint for walla It can be
used on plaster brick wood or canvas
MiWV nllminlo nWUIn 1 jl
dorseaent of physicians and sanitarians free Atotfne Ce GnidSpVffi UJcl