i h u TWENTIETH YEAR Anna Rink Found Dead About half past five oclock Sunday afternoon the lifeless body of Miss Anna Kink a young woman about 24 years of age employed in the restaurant was found dead in the out house in the rear of D A Bowens restaurant adjoining the Palace hotel on South Main avenue The deceased had been about her work in the restaurant in usual spirits and apparently in usual health About five oclock she stenned out into the backyard and outbuilding and not re turning to work in due time tho matter was investigated with tho result that her lifeless but still warm body was found in tho outbuilding Upon the application of Mr Bowen proprietor of the restaurant the case was referred to County Coroner Spotts the body was removed to a room in the Palace hotel building and a jury im panelled Tho case was investigated Sunday night and a verdict rendered by the jury to tho effect that tho young woman had come to her sudden and sadly tragic death from heart failure Word was sent to tho family of tho deceased down in tho Redwillow creek neighborhood and tho remains wero taken home by them tho same night Tho Rinks are oldtime and respected set tlers of the Redwillow region and a profound sympathy goes out to them in j this tragic sad death of thoir daughtor The case is necessarly enshrouded in more or less mvstory but at tho coroners inquest nothing was developed to justify J any other than the verdict rendered The funeral and burial of the deceased was held at Indianola on Tuesday New Buildings and Betterments Quite a number of new buildings and numerous betterments are progressing Conductor A P Bonno has let the contract for raising his residence to a two story building and for the making of extensive improvements to his home The Barnett Lumber Co is building a new barn opposite the freight house for 11 M Osborn It will be f0 feet square Tho old barn opposite the eating house will be torn down to make room for the Barnett peoples new sheds and lumber yard J E Tirrill has completed his new barn over on East Railroad street and a new dwelling house will follow I N Biggs is making extensive im provements to his lately acquired resi dencethe Sid Cole dwelling over on the east side Charles A ngolls new dwelling on the farm over in Valley Grange precinct is about completed C G Coglizer is repairing and greatly improving the old II C Rider residence over in West McCook which was badly damaged by fire a year or two since He will then build himself a comfort able home in the same addition to the city Paragraph From Pungent Sermon At a recent session of the Newark Methodist conference held in Elizabeth X J Bishop Isaac W Joyce delivered a stirring sermon to the ministers upon sermons saying among other things Write yoursermons Dont let soine body in front of you or some skittish girl in the choir control your preaching If thore was less music which no one in heaven or earth understands we wouldnt now be in the present state Study your sermons and get the juice out of them like your bishop Dont preach the vinegar kind Dont preach the cobweb kind Dont try sketches Dont buy sermons If I had money I would en dow a chair of common sense in our theological schools Dont gossip Keep your mouths shut Dont criticise your brother A gossiping Methodist can outrant everything Stand by the church If you are a Baptist be a Baptist If you are a Methodist stick to your colors When you move move I see many of you were raised on farms and consequently know something If wo had stuck by the early teachings of Methodism we wouldnt have the fads we now have The Promised Post Check Tho postoffice department promises to issue the post check for the benefit of people who wish to make small remit tances by mail in the near future The post check will somewhat resemble the ordinary currency of small denomina tions running up to 8300 and will be old in the same way as stamps There will be blank lines for the names of the sender and tho receiver The purchaser of the check fills the blanks and mails it to the payee He signs it and presents it at his postoffice and it is there paid The penalty for forgery of the signature of the payee is tho same as in ordinary forgery of notes or checks The system will be a great accommodation to the public Lincoln Journal Commandery Officers Elect At the election April 4th 1902 the following ollicers were chosen for the St lohn Commandery No 16 K T George Willetts Jr E C J M Hen derson Jr Gen R 1 A Wilcox S W A Jiagoerg U Lt I Traii ferml M O McCIuro Withdrawn but not re entered J W George J Burgess Prelate J W Hupp Treasurer C S McElherron Recorder C E Pope Standard Bearer r F Pronger Sword Bearer J L Woodson Warden S L Green Guard For Sale at a Low Figure A large kitchen safe with above and below and flour bin Price 500 Inquire of Mrs MVTraver Dont buy poor hose when there is good hose in town I buy my hoso di rect from the manufacturers and get fresh new hose with the guarantee right on the hose Prices are right W T Coleman Puro Silk Washable Taffeta Ribbons in all colors and widths at The Thomp son Dry Goods Co James Kelly of Coleman precinct is expecting a nephew from Ireland in due course of time 1 MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE F I Foss the Crete lawyer was in town on Monday Harry M Porter wont east on No G last Saturd ty night Dr W V Gage was a Denver visitor ore part of the week Lillian Roman returned from her visit in Lincoln Sunday night on 3 Phillip Brotzman of Culbertson was with us on Monday in tho flesh Misses Ida and Blanche McCarl will visit in Omaha over Sunday Vern Weeden has returned from Den ver and is working for Earl Murry M J Aruott of the Hayes Center Republican had business hero Monday J M Sewell was up from Hastings Sunday on grain and elevator business F D Burgess arrived home from Almena Kansas Saturday evening last Edna Austin of Stevens Frontier county left for Denver Wednesday noon W R Starr and Ray McCarl attended district court in Stockville early in the week J M Kilpatrick of Beatrice came up Monday night on his way up to the Frenchman ranch Dr C L Fahnestock went down to Lincoln on 12 Saturday returning home on 3 Sunday night Samuel Cast of the pump house force spent Saturday and Sunday with tho family in Cambridge Mr and Mrs II W Keyes of Indi anola were guests of Agent and Mrs A P Thomson Wednesday J W Hupp and Sylvester Cordeal watched some other fellows w t b s in Hastings Tuesday night Vern Weeden who has been assisting Earl Murray a short time wont down to Cambridge yesterday morning Mrs Nkal Beeler has been enter taining her parents Mr and Mrs J E Axtell of Furnas county this week Ed Ewel of the Grand Island factory of the American Sugar Beet Co was in tho city Tuesday on business of the company Sheriff Adams of Frontier county was in the city Monday night on his way to the eastern part of the stato after a horse thief Mrs F M Kimmell and Schell re turned home Sunday night from visit ing members of the family in Lincoln and Fairmont Mr and Mrs J J Eller departed today for Ni Wat Coloradowhere they will make their home Contentment and coin bo their lot Harmon Thompson departed Wed nesday night on 3 to look up a location If he finds a satisfactory opening tho family will follow Rev Fitzgerald of Grafton Neb was the guest of Rev Loughrarr Tues day night departing east on No 12 Wednesday morning Mr and Mrs J C Russell and Grace Colvin are visiting in the city on their way back to California after a visit to Nebraska points relatives and friends J A Bingham of the Imperial R P O is at present on the main line in place of Postal Clerk Crane of Omaha who is ill G H Phillips is on the Imperial run meanwhile Mrs Samuel Patterson was up from Arapahoe to attend the K of P dance She was the guest of Mr and Mrs II H Tartsch and returned home on No 12 Wednesday morning Misses Lizzie and Mary Stevens of Lincoln came up on 3 Sunday night to enjoy the Pythian ball Monday night They were guests of Conductor and Mrs Frank Kendlen going home on 12 Tuesday morning James Doyle of the Willow recently returned home from a visit to Iowa While there he met T W Richey a former resident of Redwillow county Tom has a fine 120 acre farm adjoining Panora Iowa which is thoroughly im proved and well stocked and worth from 75 to S100 per acre His many Red willow county friends and old time neighbors will be pleased to learn of his prosperity Mr Doyle reporting that he is doing well HoweSmith returned home Saturday afternoon from a trip to the Beaver valley and slope which he reports being a veritable picture of emerald loveliness with most roseate promise of a rich harvest He states that he has neer seen that stretch of country looking so inviting or promising more encourage ment for the husbandman than just now If the bud shall blossom into full fruition what a joyous golden harvest that will be PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS Report to Board of Education month ending April 2 1902 of grades of McCook schools G Thomas superintendent Number of hoys enrolled Number of pirls enrolled Present membership 113 4 4t Average daily attendance by boy 311 for all H 745 no 6K5 Average daily attendance by jjirls 644 Average number belonging 691 Per cent of attendance on enrollment SO Per cent of attendance on number be longing Not ab ent during month 359 Half days absent 1694 of tardiness tl Clipboards Number of jcrson tardy 29 imis uy s uiKTimenuent -1 1 Visits by others 69 Half days teacher was absent 23 The following is the music program rendered at the high school assembly this morning Morning Hymn School Piano Solo Mrs Mabel Stranahan Vocal Solo Miss Mary Scott Piano Duot Mrs Mabel Stranahan and Miss Blanche McCarl Vocal Solo Miss Mary Scott Song School March Miss Blanche McCarl Mis3 Gorby returned to her duties Tuesday morning The members of the 10th and 12th grade botany classes are beginning to gather their herberium specimens ItcCo The Pythian Ball The Pythian ball Monday evening in Menards opera house goes down in tho social history of the city as one of the finest ever gallant knights and fair ladies with a brilliant and gay company of inyited guests participating under most charming auspices in a most de lightful dance without am incident to mar its every pleasing particular At 930 Sir Knight Colonel H P Sutton as master of ceremonies formed the com pany for tho grand march which Citizen George B Berry led through each intri cate change with truo Terpsichorean skill and grace Than followed the reg ular program of dances The hall was well filled but not over crowded and hence devoid of that not uncommon discomfort The decorativo effect was a feature perhaps never before equalled in the city Everywhere and especially a t every point of vantage Pythian colors blue yellow and red were in attractive and tasteful evidence the harmonious effort symbolizing tho page esquire and knight of Pythianism A special and much appreciated ture and innovation was tho refreshment booth prettily festooned and appropri ately provisioned with cooling ices over which Gentleman George presided with becoming dignity and skill the while his ebony hued visage and gleam ing ivories smilling a welcome to the refreshments at his service The music was furnished by the K of P orchestra to whose inspiriting har mony nimble feet responded in rythmic motion until the evening was far spent The courteous knights of McCook lodge Jno 42 Knights of lJythias have an un dimmed and an unexcelled record for hospitality and in their function of Monday evening quite outdid themselves They arr proper objects of warmest con gratulations upon the completely suc cessful termination of their gallant effort to entertain The Portion of Labor The Tribune understands that Father Daley who briefly filled the pastorate of St Patricks church of our city con templates in the not distant future giving his lecture on The Portion of Labor with musical illustrations etc in the Menard opera house of our city The ability and cleverness of Father Daley as a lecturer and in recitation will bo remembered by our readers who will look forward with pleasurable anticipa tions to his coming The Lincoln Journal of April 7th 1902 has this to say about his recent appearance in Lincoln bather Daley of Mobile Alabama preached last night at St Theresas pro cathedral on The Mystery of the Morning The sermon was an exposi tion of the doctrine of the eucharist Father Daley traced the sacrament through the different ages and different lands the vestments being symbolic and reaching back to the days of the Savior He gave poetical selections from Father Ryan the famous southern poet and also poetical renditions of Catholic liter ature His recitation of Abide With Me and of the The Good Shepherd moved the large audience Bean Dinner and Supper Keep in mind the bean dinner and supper next Thursday April 17th by the G A R Listen for the bells A liberal patronage requested Following are the menus for both meals DINNER Roast Beef with Brown Gravy Baked Chicken Mashed Potatoes Sweet Corn Cabbage Salad Pickles Pork and Beans White and Corn Bread Pumpkin Pie with Cheee Cake SUPPER Hot and Cold Meats Potato Balls Pork and Beans Fruit Salad Cake Tea and Coffee Meals will be served in the basement under Lon Cone Bros store Price 25 cents Desirable House For Sale My house and two lots with barn hedge fruit and shade trees corner of Dakota and Manchester streets occu pied by H F Pade Fine location Also lots 10 11 and 12 block 12 First addi tion to McCook fronting park Apply to Mrs H G Dixon 3 14 tf Kennett Square Pa The personnel of the force of fireman running out of McCook has been almost entirely changed the past two weeks by resignation and dismissal Quite a number of the old men have gone else where after or to accept jobs and their places have been supplied from the shops by extra men and by new men without incident to the traffic C L Smith S Smith Phil EganB A Will iams Uarl Uerry u Ualhoun M E Smith M D Toland W E Knobbs Harry Goble W E Butler E A Bo cock George F Baker Will Snyder J J Eller R C Cole John Rooney C C Annable II X Jones J A Denman G S Brisnoiv C E Cameron George Monks W C llines A L Brigner and Henry Kubicvk and one engineer E C McKay The store house clerks and the rip trackers held a little Sunday school ses sion at the base ball park Sunday after noon which was vociferously attended The vocal feature of the meeting was audible all over the city The contri bution was Store house clerks 15 rip trackers 11 A little stock food a spring tonic for your horses cattle hogs and chickens costs but a few cents will be worth dollars to you Try it McConnell Berry You will soon need some garden and lawn tools some rubber hose new gaso line stove or a refrigerator H P Waite has a large stock of the best goods at right prices Always reliable always dependable what you buy at Marshs meat market 0E RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Clint C Annablo has gone to Akron Ohio Ira F Baker and wife havo gone to Pilger Nebraska Conductor L S Watson is off duty s wfth a sprained kneo Engineer W S Bales is on tho sick- list Alliance Herald Carl Berry departed Tuesday night for Trinidad Colorado The 346 is in tho shop for an over hauling and 33 is coming Conductor C J Snell will be trans ferred to Sheridan Wyoming E S Davison agent at Norton Kansas has returned to duty Switchman C J Hill of Holdrego was a headquarters visitor Monday Conductor C J Snell has returned to headquarters with the pile driver W C Chlanda C D Purington and A T Fitt are among the new firemen Supt Campbell has entertained his Denver friend J Fred Zell part of this week No 153 has her wheels under her and will soon be ready for service after an overhauling E B Perry night operator at Cam bridge has been placed temporarily on the day shift Henry Toohey helper at Trenton has been given the night shift at Cambridge temporarily Firemen nenry Kubicek and J A Denman have gone to Pueblo to work on the C S Traveling Auditor W P Foreman was here Wednesday checking up tho boys at headquarters Mrs Vince of Randolph county Mo is in the city visiting her brother Con ductor O R Amick Steve Finn has gone on the road again as fireman making his first trip out on 12 Sunday morning Machinist and Mrs Steve Bollos are now located in Sacramento California where he is employed Locomotive 45 was limbered up in the yard Thursday after being thoroughly overhauled in the shops Why not leave your order for suits with a practical tailor Suits for 15 and upwards at Kapkes Mr and Mrs J C Barber visited Lincoln relatives Thursday Sunday ar riving on 3 of the latter day Couductor A P Bonno is figuring on improvements upon his residence for the near future we understand C 3 Camerou departed for Trinidad Colorado Wednesday night on 3 Also NE Smith Both seeking employment J E Lovell round house foremans clerk at Holdrege was a McCook visitor over Sunday coming up on 5 i turday evening A J Zint acting agent at Oxford days has gone to Red Cloud to relieve G Able who has been given a lay off of a week The goat 214 is now down on her wheels and is having a new composition jacket put on She will be ready for yard duty soon Conductor A Lyman has returned to Republican City and has the ballast train vice Conductor T E McCarl who has returned to headquarters L E Corbin day operator at Cam bridge has been transferred to Oxford on the day service pending recovery of W H Williams on the sick list The Burlington will have another new time card to go into effect May 4th but no material changes havo so far been announced for the Western division Conductor L C Wolff had Conductor C W Bransons run while tho latter was wiLh the boys at Hastings and Con ductor T E McCarl had Wolffs way car Supt A Campbell in his private car 10 Asst Supt Harris and Master Mechanic R B Archibald attended the Shriners gathering in Hastings Tues day night J A Davis extra agent who has been relieving the agent at Norton Kansas is now at Lyons Colorado relieving temporarily Agent E P Sweeney who is off on a furlough Conductor William Cropp of Oxford was off duty part of the week on account of illness in the family and Conductor Frank Rank of McCook had his run during his lay off John Brening has been off duty a day or two this week getting his house on North Marshall street ready for his oc cupancy He has enclosed the property and made some improvements Conductors C W Bronson C E Pope M O McClure and George Willetts Roadmaster R A Ilagberg and Engineer E E DeLonjr attended the meeting of Shriners in Hastings Tuesdav night Dispatcher and Mrs L E Cann are visiting Mr and Mrs A S Campbell up on the Kilpatrick ranch on the French man near Imperial to enable Mr Cann to do a little recuperating before re turning to work Sunday next there will be the best base ball game of the present season of past or future seasons either Mack Hughes Chicago Colts will give tho in vincible Barbars Store House Jerrys a heat No admission Dispacher W B Mills arrived home Wednesday night on No 6 from his trip south feeling finer than silk He spent some time in Texas and old Mexico and returns home having had a fine time and much improved in health M E Wells becomes foreman of the round house at Sheridan W C Lam bert goes from Edgemont to Alliance as round house foreman G M Reynolds goes to Edgemont from New Castle and F A Eckerson night foreman at Am- Rubber Hose Waite has tho best hoso for tho money For Sale Good windmill pump and tank In quire of F Traver at the J M Hender son property Residence For Sale fcix rooms bath room closets Write mo for price and terms etc II L Donovan McCook Nob The Best Two Left D C Benedict writes Only two of the young Jersey cows left No mistako can bo made in buying oither of these as tnoy aro the best two 1 had 4 112ts Novelties Novelties Timbole irons chafing dishes serving dishes after dinner coffee five oclock tea fruit and vegetable slicers and all novelty utensils at Colemans hardware store Next Week Watch for bills announcing tho arrival of the most complete line of carpets of all kinds tapestry hangings rope cur tains etc that has over been shown in McCook J II Ludwick Wall Paper and Paints A McMillen wishes you to call and examine his largo assortment of wall paper latest colorings and combina tions Prices from 3c per roll up Our remnants are out o sight as to price We have a large line of mixed paints and stains Would call your attention to our special enamel for inside decora tions A McMillen For Sale Good work horse Weight 1200 pounds D C Benedict Culbert son Nebraska- CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS CATHOLrc Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun day J J Loixshran Pastor Episcopal Services at St Albans next Sunday as follows Sunday school at 10 Morning prayer and sermon 11 Even song and sermon S You aro in vited R M Hardman Rector Methodist Sunday school at 10am Preaching at 11 Junior League at 330 Epworth League 7 Preaching 8 The morning services will be devoted to the subject of missions Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 Li M Gitiusnv Pastor Congreoational Sunday school 10 Preaching 11 subject Almost Per suaded Christian Endeavor 7 sub ject Giving leader Miss Florence Johnston Preaching 8 subject Turn ing Point in Peters Life Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 subject Sow ing Time All are welcome at these meetings Frank W Dean Pastor Baptist Sunday school945 Preach ing 11 by Rev Thompson subject The Four Compromises of the Devil B Y P U 715 Revival service 8 Re vival meetings will continue all of next week every nigh t at 8 oclock Cottage prayer meetings every afternoon at 330 places to be announced Everybody is invited to these meetings All Chris tians in McCook and vicinity are invited to join in this special effort to build up the Lords work GL White Pastor The Ladies Guild of St Albans Epis copal church will hold a sale of useful and fancy articles and also a pie social on Thursday March 17 at the church building Sale of articles from 2 to 3 p m lunch from 5 to 7 p m Every body invited Tho H S C Junior Dorcas of the Congregational church will hold a social in the church next Monday evening Aprial 14th There will be a good pro gram and refreshments Ten cents Crowds Hear Evangelist Thompson There has been a large attendance at the revival meetings at the Baptist church this week to hear the Harp Evangelist preach and interest is in creasing every night Rev Thompson speaks words of truth with such clear ness and earnestness that they strike home to the hearts of all who hear him He possesses tact originality directness and power such as is required in mov ing men Saturday evening the subject of his discourse will be The Excuses of Sin ners and Sunday morning The Four Compromises of the Devil The meet ings will continue all next week Some time before leaving Mr Thompson will give a lecture on The Devils Railroad at which he predicts a lively time COMMUNICATED Kafir Corn Seed It is a well known fact that Kafir corn seed is scarce next to impossible to get but W T Coleman has been successful in getting a few bushels of choice seed Those contemplating planting any should ouy the seed at once before tho market is exhausted Something New A poultry fence that is very close at the bottom to hold small chickens and keep out rats and woven looser at the top just what everybody has been ask ing for Call at W T Colemans and see it Paint will help the looks of your house barn and fence as well as benefit it 10 worth of paint and 810 worth of work will make your property 8100 better and it will sell quicker if you desire to sell See W T Coleman and get prices on the best Colonel-in-law Barnes must have unan imously consented with Colonel-in-law Mitchall that Faker-in-law M ance is Reynolds successor as foreman j mer Schroder should be blue penciled at New Castle I this week Sfcilmtie McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING APRIL 11 1902 NUMBER 48 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Now screen Yloor at Bullards Seo that five ply hoso at Waitos Sugar beet seed at W T Colomana Latest styles screen doors at Bullnrda Call at Bullards and seo those fancy screen doors Everything moat market seasonable at Marshs A few Hicks Almanacs for 1002 for sale at this office Audroy Tho latest popular book at McConnell it Berrys All kinds of garden seeds millot Kafir corn at W T Colemans and Bullard will get you odd size window and door screens on short uotico Childrens Wash Dresses 10c to 100 at Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co Now buggies arriving at W T Colo mans He sells thorn right too Laco Gloves Laco Hosiery Laco Ties at The Thompson Dry Goods Co lho Barnett Lumber Co sell white and red cedar posts and barb wire Cypress Tanks best on earth for sale by Barnett Lumiikr Co Our screens keep out tho flies BOLLARD A- Co For Sale A dwelling house on Me Farland street Inquire of C A Ward Sugar beet hoes full slock of sugar beet tools in stock and for sale by W T Coleman Another dance by Rufus Harp is ad vcrtisid for Thurday April 17th in tin opera house Black Silk Grenadines J 1 inches wide from 8100 to 8175 a yard at The Thomp son Dry Goods Co See II P Waite for refrigerators gas oline stoves rubber hose and all season able goods in his line Black Silk Lace Draperies in skirt depth for 125 and 135 at Tho Thomp son Dry Goods Co Are you Ludwick and stoves going to leav town See He will buy your furniture Highest cash price The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies G A R meet tho first Saturday every month in Odd Fellows hall of of All kinds of garden and grass seeds for sale All seeds fresh and in bulk C J Ryan Manager We have all kinds of window and door screens at prices to suit BOLLARD CO We have a large line of farm and gar den seeds Buy now while the assort ment is full II P Waite Baby Carriages Baby Carriages Spring line just in Get our prices J II Ludwick Flies will soon be here and you will need screens See us before bu ving 4-4-4 ts Bcllard Co See our Cypress Tanks and get our prices It will pay you Barnett Lcmiser Co We are glad to show our screen doors and are sure we can suit you Bcllard Co If you intend sowing any millet seed see W T Coleman at once Ho secured a limited supply and it wont last long Mr Izzer C Batt is registered at Tho Thompson DGCos Thats the other name of their celebrated Izzer brand of Cotton Batts Best on earth 10c When you are house cleaning remem ber that we carry the best paints var nishes and furniture polish McConnell Berry The Ladies of the Maccabees have im portant business to transact on next Thursday evening April 17th 1902 Every member is requested to be present Chiffon Allovers Lace Allovers Em broidery Allovers Lace and Embroidery Galloons and Bands in all the correct colors at The Thompson Dry Goods Co No that was not an echo of a British -Boer scrap Sunday afternoon it was only a little gun club practice in thp northwestern outskirts of the munici pality Fifty skirts of our own make ready to select from at all times 3150 to SGG0 To your own measure at same prices 300 pieces Dress Goods to choose from The Thompson Dry Goods Co It is worth considerable to be able to feel that you can depend upon the quality of meats you order at tho meat market A child can get as good meats at Marshs market as a grown person and a phone order gets the best every time Blatchfords Calf Meal is the best sub stituto for milk for calves yet discovered The leading fanners in the land hav been using it for tho last two years It has been recommended by the Beatriee Creamery Co and is a wonderful sue cess Try a sack you will bo pleased with the result Sold at Colemans hardware store The past fifteen years have made won derful improvements in refrigerators and gasoline stoves With careful study I find there is nothing that compares with or is equal to the Quick Meal in simplicity and economy and the use of oil The porcelain lined refrigerators are tho nicest yet I have a good line of cheap ones as well If you will call at my store I will show you W T Coleman -