v J Mrs Sophie Binns President Young Peoples Christian Temperance Union Fruitvale Bal Cured of Congestion and Inflammation of the Ovaries by Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Dear Mrs Pinkjiam Eighteen months ago I was a pretty sick woman I had felt for some months that I gradually grew weaker but finally I had such severe pains I could hardly stand it I had taken cold during menstruation and this developed into conges tion of the ovaries and inflammation and I could not bear to walk or stand on my feet The doctor recommended an operation which I would not hear of One of my friends advised me to try Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound so I gave it a trial Can you imagine my feeling when within two months I felt considerably Detter my general health was improved and my pains had entirely disappeared I kept taking it six weeks more and am now enjoying the best of health thanks to you Yours truly Mrs Sophie Binns 5000 FORFEIT IF THE ABOVE LETTER IS NOT GENUINE When women are troubled with irregular suppressed or painful menstruation weakness leucorrhcea displacement or ulceration of the womb that bearing down feeling inflammation of the ovaries backache bloating or flatulence general debility indigestion and nervous pros tration or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness faintness lassitude excitability irritability nervousness sleeplessness melancholy all gone and want-to-be-left-alone feelings blues and hopelessness they should remember there is one tried and true remedy liydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles Refuse to buy any other medicine for you need the beat Let me talce your check is the most pojmlar after dinner speech DO TOUK CLOTHES LOOK YELLOW Then use Defiance Starch it will keep them white 16 oz for 10 cents CASH BALANCE ICROPflLEMflsffl - SiOOxClTUA Lincoln Eye and Ear Infirmary f Write for free Book and Homo Treatment for Diseases of the EYE EAR NOSE and THROAT 827 South lllh St Lincoln Neb DRS GARTEN COOK J Attending Oculists and Aurists -ALL WR1GIIT F0R MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY Core Ilradarlio Cam llpation Chill and Frtrr and all nil lost Complaints Alf DrnrjUU 1rlee ii reoU a Box WRIGHTS INDIAN YEQETaBLE PILL CO New York GREAT CUT PRICE PIANO SALE Our prices -were neyer ao low as at the present time New planoi In beautiful Ma hogany Walnut Oak and BIrda Eye Maple caiei at 1S8 1155 81B2 and up Aside from tbe abovr ire are making spectal prices on our matchless stock of Stelnirnjr Mteger Kmenon and Voe Pianos Write for cat alogues prices and terms or pay us a Tlslt of Inspection Schmoller 6 Mueller 1313 Farnam Street Omah M FAIL IN A DROME 1KQNI f IBEfDBHRB FADS IN A WPT T1MP Li lit a I V s X 1a v OUR GOODS ARE OH SALE EVBKYWHEBB Tnis as a sign has a history This is told in an intorestino booklet wnicn is yours ror the asking A J TOWER CO BOSTON MA33 Maker of WET WEATHER CLOTHING WBRJflP 651 JUST THINK FIT Everv farmer his own landlord no lnciim brances his bank account Increasing year by KWiyt4 HnusfESt mmsL Wimm veariunc value increas ing stock increasing spicnaiu enmate ex cellent schools and churches low taxation high prices for cattle and grain low railway rates and every possi l ble comfort This is the condition of the farmer in Western Canada Province of Manitoba and districts or Assmi boia Saskatchewan and Alberta Thousands of Americans are now settled there Reduced rates on all railways for homeseekers and set tlers New districts arc being opened up this rear The new forty page Atlas of Western Ca nada sent free to all applicants F Pedley Superintendent of ImmigrationOttawaCanada or WVBennett Canadian Government Agent fcOl New York Life Dldg Omaha Neb ffhen Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Taper W N U Omaha No 14 1902 CllfffK WHFKh AM HSh ALh n tn fri T zu UeSL UODgQ Djrup iU luwu uw jJ in time sola dt arnnciFis -ii hSJ Not In the Trnsfc This is a favorite expression with persons who have goods on hand that they wish to sell to the public But their goods are not always good Neith er have they a right at all times to claim that they are not in the trust As a matter of fact they gen erally are in the trust Trusts know the advantage of advertising their goods as not in the trust It helps them to sell an inferior article that they may pay dividends on watered stock The Defiance Starch company has no false stock on which to pay dividends They simply manufacture the best starch that is made anywhere in the world and sell 1G ounces for ten cents Ask your grocer for it Made by Magnetic Starch Co Omaha Neb Point of view sometimes blunts the intellect EARLIEST KUSSIAX MILLET Will you be short of hay If so plant a plenty of this prodigally prolific millet C to 8 Tons of Rich Kay Per Acre Price 50 lbs 190 100 lbs 53 Low freights John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis W Truth is stranger than fiction be cause it doesnt happen so often Beware of uintments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces Such articles should ne er be used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians as the damage they will do is tenfold to the good you can possibly derive from them Halls Catarrh Cure manufactured by F J Cheney Co Toledo O contains no mercury and is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying Halls Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It is taken internally and made in Toledo Ohio by F J Cheney Co Testimonials free xSold by Druggists price 75c per bottle Halls Family Pills are the best Philanthropy does not consist in giving collars to a shirtless man Matt T Johnsons 6088 is a guaranteed cure for rheumatism Insist on getting the genuine The hardest thing on earth is to ace pleased when you are disappointed ARE YODR CLOTHES FADED Use Red Cross Ball Blue and make then white again Large 2 oz package 5 cents Some people are so good they are disagreeable natured Pisos Cure is the best medicine we ever used for all affections of the throat and lungs Wix O Endsixy Vanburen Ind Feb 10 1900 It takes a cross female to give it to a man straight You never hear any one complain about Defiance Starch There is none to equal it in quality and quan tity 1G ounces 10 cents Try it now and save your money The average man loses a lot of mony out at the hole in the top of his pocker Ills Opinion of the Tunnel An Irishman bent on showing his recently arrived friend the sights of New York took him to the bridge at 55th street over the railway tracks near the entrance to the 4th avenue tunnel While they wore admiring the view the bridge and the tunnel the Empire State Express passed under them with a roar and a rush that al most took their breath away and dis appeared in the tunnel What dye think of that Pat said Mike to his dazed companion Well Mike re joined Pat as he gazed at the gaping orifice that had just swailowed tb rushing train tis a mighty small lu and a mighty big train If them cam iver miss it theres going to be a hor rible smash some day Some men who have dollars IrirIr sense What they need is change There is plenty of space to let in the immense room for improvement Labor overcometh all things LAKE HAS NO OUTLET Remarkable Natural Phenomenon Reported by an American Traveler riijmvjM urvvJvrTTTnr A resident of New York fetches back with him from a visit in Australia the story of a most startling lake Lake George the largest lake of New South Wales Australia has no out let except evaporation For a series of years the brooks that tumble down the mountains which edge the lake may steadily contribute to it a larger quantity of water than is evaporated from its surface Then the lake steadily rises The water pushes north and south until the lake Is twenty one miles or more in length with a width of seven or eight miles For another series of years the water brought by the brooks may be sieadily smaller than the quantity evaporated Then the lake begins to fall shrink ing in a few years to half its former dimensions this process going on sometimes till Lake George entirely disappears except for a few water holes in the lowest parts of its bed The lake was in flood during 1891 ex tending north and south for twenty one miles with a depth of twelve feet Twice In the last century thousands of sheep and cattle were pastured on large areas now covered with water They were the most numerous repre sentatives there of the larger forms of animal life just as fish and water fowl are to day The cabins of the stock raisers or squatters as they were called were scattered over the meadows Veg etables were raised and patches of wheat So little was known of Lake George in those days that the herders really had a feeling of security and permanency but the day came when the rising water swished around the cabins drowned some of the stock and drove the squatters to the highlands Everybody knows now that the bed of Lake George offers a very uncertain tenure to settlers When it comes in PATHETIC TALE OF WOE Young Mans Dignity Sorely Hurt by His Trials in a Dentists Office J K L Carter is a young man of considerable personal dignity He is also extremely careful of his personal appearance and therefore he has been cf late spending sometime in the den tists chair Mr Carter admits that the man who sits in a tilting chair with a towel tied round his neck and his mouth pried open by a couple of corks does not present a dignified ap pearance but he contends that the re sults justify the means employed Last Thursday young Mr Carter went over to the dentists office to see about having one of his front teeth fitted with a crown As a preliminary step it was necessary for the dentist to take a plaster cast of Mr Carters mouth Mr Carter leaned back in the chair and the dentist and his assistant came in the latter bringing with him the hot and liquid plaster The plaster was inserted and Mr Carter was told to shut his teeth down hard Itll take five minutes the den tist said for the cast to harden Then Ill come in and relieve you The dentist and his assistant went out of the operating room leaving the young man in the chair Just as they left the room the telephone bell rang and the dentists wife asked him to meet her on the ground floor Ive got somebody here I want you to meet she said Ill only keep you a moment The dentist went down the eleva tor saw his wife and started to re- to view again perhaps no attempt will be made to utilize it on so largo a scale as was one in the 30s and 40s of the last century The lake lies at the lower end of a basin so walled in by mountains and hills that the drainage into it has no chance to escape to the sea It was long before this fact was discovered Some early maps show Lake George as the probable source of a small river known on the coast but a careful sur vey finally revealed the fact that not a drop of water escapes from the basin except to the clouds The native blacks have always re garded it with superstitious dread When they piloted the first exploring party to the lake in 1820 the first reports of Its existence came from the blacks in 1818 a splendid sheet of water was found The whites were first perplexed and then amused by the stories the natives told them It was years before it was discovered that the natives had been trying to tell in their imperfect way of phenomena that mystified them It all seemed very uncanny to the poor blacks who feared the lake and usually avoided it Since 1849 the lake has never been wholly dry It varies much in size sometimes being only eight to ten miles long and four to six feet deep and then swelling again to its largest proportions At times one may drive on dry land across a part of the lake where a few years later there are ten or twelve feet of water For nine years after 1855 a farmer used the narrow northern part of the lake as a cattle run cultivating at the same time about ten acres of wheat a year fifteen feet of water covered this part of the lake in 1876 A little money -therefore is a dan gerous thing turn but he was met at the elevator door by the starter who gave him startling news Im sorry sir but there is some thing the matter with the elevators and they are all shut down Theyll be running again in 10 minutes The dentistss office was on the 17th floor and he Knew it wonld take him half an hour to climb up even if he survived the trip So he sat down and waited Meanwhile young Mr Carter in the dentist chair sat and felt the plastei harden into a rocklike grip on his bicuspids and molars Soon he found himself unable to move his jaws He went out into the reception room but the dentists assistant was out in the hall trying to find what was the mat ter with the elevators Tbe waiting patients in the reception room looked at him as if he were crazy Half an hour later the dentist got back to his office He found Carter speechless but purple in the face with rage It took the joint and long-continued efforts of the dentist his assist ant a cold chisel a couple of drills and a gimlet to separate Mr Carter and the cast The first thing he said when he recovered the power of speech was not at all fit for publication Mr Carter is now patronizing an other dentist and the dentist whom he deserted has absolutely forbidden his wife to call him up on the telephone during business hours Chicago Trib une Outlaws Rocky Stronghold Soon To Be Demolished ose8saoa3SsG POesessQ8Qss The notorious Hole-in-the-wall in former years a rendezvous for cattle rustlers murderers and train and bank robbers is soon to be a thing of the past The county commissioners have called for bids for blasting out a section of the high wall of red sand stone through which a small stream now flows and along which there is a narrow trail leading through the wall of rock to the fertile valleys within It is proposed to widen this trail which was used by outlaws for many years and which guarded by a few men made the hole a veritable fort ress so that freight teams and or dinary vehicles can pass in and out of the hole-in-the-wall country Several hundred pounds of dynamite and giant powder will be used in the work In many places hundreds of tons of rock will be blasted away from the walls while at other spots only a few feet of rock will be removed An old tumbledown log house was for many years the headquarters of the outlaw band It was only a mile from the entrance to the hole and here with a guard at the entrance the thieves lived in perfect safety It was here that the stolen horses and cattle were corralled and their brands changed Back of this ranch and extending for a distance of forty or fifty miles is a fertile valley broken here and there by small rolling hills Springs of sparkling water located in numerous rpots in the valley feed a small stream j in which there are millions or trout Along the valley of this stream and its tributaries there are beautiful mead ows furnishing an abundance of grass for thousands of cattle and horses and it is no wonder that the outlaws chose this romantic and virgin spot for their hiding place In early days the hole-in-the-wall country was settled by ranchmen says a Casper Wyo special to the New York World but the depredations oi the outlaws soon drove the rancher out With the passing of the central Wyoming outlaw however the rich country is again becoming settled by peaceable and law abiding citizens and evil doers will never again find a safe hiding place there Manila Has 15 t Lawyers There are 154 lawyers in the city oi Manila as shown by the register in the supreme court Of these fifty nine are other than Spanish and Filipino being mostly Americans Many of both classes hold salaried positions under the government in the legal work of the departments The British tanker Ciam is the first vessel to cross the Atlantic using pe troleum for fuel Each furnace has a steam generator which blows i e oil atomized against a firebrick wall Success is more or less a bluff and the reason so few men succeed is that they mostly all get callea Noted Knip Tempier Owes His Health to tana Colonel T P Moody n prominent Knight Templar is well known in every city in the United States west of Buffalo N Y ns a Jewelers Auctioneor In the city of Chi cago ns a prominent lodge mau being u member ot the K Tsnnd also of the Ma sons Tlio flit shows Aihmel Mood in tlio costumo of tlio Oriental Consibtory Alnsouu U2nd degree In u recent letter from VKM Michigan nvenuo Chicago 111 Mr Mood hay tlio following For over twenty five years 1 suffered from catarrh and for over ten years I suffered from catarrh of the stomach terribly I have taken alt kinds of medi cines and have been treated by all kinds of doctors as thousands of my acquaintances are aware In different parts of the United States where I have traveled but my relief was only temporary until a little over a year ago 1 started to take Peruna and at the present time I am better than I have been for twenty years The soreness has left my stom ach entirely and I am free from Indigestion and dispepsla and will say to all who arc troubled with catarrh or stomach trouble of any kind dont put it off and suffer but begin to take Peruna right away and keep it up until you are cured as you surely will be if you persevere My wife as many in the southwest enn say was troubled with a bad cough und bronchial troublo and doctors all over tho country gave her up to die as they could do nothing more for her Klio began taking Peruna with tho result that bho is better now than she has leen in years and her rough has nlniont lott her entirely The soreness has left her lunijs and she isas well as bhe ever was in her life with thanks as she says to ierunu Yours very truly T P Moody Catarrh in its various forms is rapidly bocoming a general curse An undoubted remedy lias been discovered by Dr Hart man This remedy has been thorough tehted during tho jinst forty years Promi nent men havo come to know of its virtue- and are making public utterances on the subject To save the country we must save the peoplo To i avo tho peoplo wo must protect them from disease The diseaso that is at once tho most prevalent und stubborn of cure is catarrh If ono were to make a list of tho different numes that have been applied to catarrh in different locations and organs tho result would be astonishing Wo have often pub lished a partial list of these names and the surprise caused by tho first publication of it to all people both professionals and non professional was amusing And vet we havo never enumerated all of tho diseases which aro classed as catarrh It must bo DEFIANCE STAICCH should be in everv household none so good besides 4 oz more for 10 cents than any other brand of cold water starch Adam should have been a happy man He had no mother-in-law If you wish beautiful clear white clothes use Red Cross Ball Blue Largo J oz package 5 cents An easy conscience needs no press agent No chromos or cheap premiums but a better quality and one third more of Defiance Starch for the same price of other starches xWUNORYPURPOSESONLY V HHfcSSfHMCo fiX Col T P Moody of Chicago fJad Catarrh TwentyFive Years and Was Cured by Peruna confessed however to see even this partial list drawn up in battle array is rather aj jKilling If tho reader desires to see this list together with a short exposition of each one send for our free catarrh book Ad dress The Peruna Medicine I o Columbus Ohio jBAWYEITS MwPommell H ne n m Wgk leRe Kerp th rliler prifttUj tr Xo ulrr an li ik in un 111 naie rutcxlrn two unit long in bu Hrl una lirotrrtioil kt stmil der Kt HiiD Uurritntcil itu tcrpronl Ifvfiuiv IriiI r Itimii I ti tifntriu wrtl 1 fjr tjilaliigw tii II 31 SAV7YMl ASvpleMfni Kat imlrldt Jlai 3 I Ms Oarlcysrof paprisbad enonprh ou lave three ueL Baby lauy recover bal cannon thrive Q t fcj A tS53sLn A WMJW 1 1 tF I S9 QbtSS99 SQSAbiSf 1 ALrAtSAS 1 1M x THE ONLY DURABLE WALL COATING Kalsomines are temporary rot rub off and scale SMALL POX and other disease germs are nurtured and diseases dissem inated by wall paper ALABASTINE should be used in renovating and disinfecting all walls AT A Bl A CTIWIT fitTWZ2 A wv ri J O J Ri 1 UnJLnW M 1-A- OTXAJt illl A UlttUU ICipiUi 1Aill 4ifyQrWQrSl9 QQTZQr Suddenly It injures the nervous system to do so Use BACO CURO and it will tell you when to stop as it takes away tho desire for tobacco You have nc right to ruin your health spoil your digestion and poison your breath by using the filthy weed A guarantee in each box Price Sl00 per box or three boxes for S250 with guarantee to cure or moneyrefunded At all good Druggists or direct from us Write for free booklet EUkEKA CHEMICAL GO - La Crosse Wis m m mmm 1MJ REQUIRES NO COOKING PREPARED FOR Ton get chromo starches under all brands and names but they are all the same poor stuff and have to depend upon something to sell them Use Defiance Starch No premiums but IK ounces of the best starch for 10c Dont forget it a better quality and one third more of it At Wfioiesale by AH Grocery Jobbers