t n T Call and See Our Line Now While the assortment is complete Our line of wash fabrics is larger than ever Range of Prices from 5c to 65c Per Yard We Can Please you both in Qual ity and Price See Our Ladies Suits Before You Buy - We offer new up-to-date goods at Prices that are very low r - -- Mv F0R GROCERIES RING UP PHONE 22 THE i toargaitt s H3i v3 AH 500 including Florsheims patent leather and enamels AH 400 shoes including all makes and kinds All 350 shoes including all makes and kinds hand sewed All 300 shoes - - I AH 250 shoes including the noted Richardson seamless AH 200 and 175 shoes - - - n L DeGROFF GO WWf MlWWVWViVWlW 7ljJJMM r flJ - r BJlHITTttm 3 75 3 oo 265 225 185 125 j Others CULBERTSON N L Wemplo was a McCook visitorSaturday J E Blum of Palisade spent Sunday in town Roy Kleven of McCook spent Sunday at home J H Brown viewed Culbortson sightsFriday A L Taylor of Trenton was a business visitor Wednesday Geo G Eisenhart is attending court in Min den this week Tom Plummer of Hayes Center was seen on our streets Sunday Miss Viola Ferrier is assisting P G Brotz man in the store this week Miss Susio Locker of Palisade visited her brother E E Locker of this place S E Solomon is doing business for the Beat rice Creamery Co in Oxford this week Mr and Mrs J A Kirk returned from a two weeks visit at Chatsworth 111 Thursday morning The social given by the Junior Aid Society Saturday was well attended and financially a success Mr and Mrs Steve Young and grandaughter Mrs Clara Harbinsoj departed for Fort Mor gan Wednesday night where they will make their future home The best wishes of their many friends accompany them Major R H Hendershot and son J O Hen dershot assisted by home talent gave an entertainment Wednesday at the opera house Tne house was filled to its fullest capacity and the program was rendered exceptionally well We realized expert players in the entertainers They left Thursday morning for Trenton where they will play BANKSVILLE Jacob Wesch is sowing quite a large field to oats H I Peterson was sowing small grain first of the week W H Benjamin wa in McCook on business Saturdry Pearl Hayes visited at Mr Rowlands briefly Saturday J H Relph was at Cedar Bluffs Wednesday School closed in district No 51 Friday with an appropriate program a treat of candy and a neat and pretty souvenir card with the names of school mates and teacher for each pupil A Womans Word of Praise Neosho Falls Kans Nov 13 1000 Pepsin Syrup Co Monticello 111 Dear Sirs For almost fifteen years I suffered from Indigetion and last winter thought I would die when my doctor Dr A J Lieurance of this place advised mo try Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin which I did and two bottles cured me It not only relieved me but it cured me so that I have not been troubled since If any one should offer me 500 for the good Syrup Pepsin has douo me 1 would not think of taking it No one can take your medicine without be ing convinced of its more than wonderful cures I recoiimend it to all my friends as a laxative and stomach remedy Yours with gratitude Mes J Moegan Sold by A McMillen FOR INDIANOLA Mrs A Ted went west on No 5 Sunday evening A fine boy was born to Albert Clark and wire labt Wednesday Charlie Beardslee returned to Cripple Creek last Friday morning Miss Anna Rink visited with her parents on the Willow Sunday Mis Edith Ogg of Bartloy is the guest of Ethel Kennedy this week Dr Mackechnie went down to Kansas City on No 2 Sunday morning on business Dr Hoyt went down to Omaha on business Friday morning returning Sunday morning Rev C T Waits delivered a temperance lecture at the Christian hall Monday evening Miss Ora Smith went up to McCook on No 5 Fridaj e veningreturniug homeSunday morning Rev C T Waits who has been in our midst for some time returned to his home in Miuden Tries day The I D Cs went over to Danbury Saturday evening and presented their comedy The Three Hats Mrs Forbes and little daughters of McCook viited with Station Agent TomDlin and wife part of last week Miss Maggie Streff came down from McCook on No 12 Sunday morning to spend the day with home folks Miss Adelaide Streff who has been at homo for several weeks returned to McCook on No 5 Sunday evening Mr and Mrs W A Dolan nccompanied by Mrs Mackechnie drove up to McCook last Friday morning W H Allen and wife went up to the metropo lis Sunday evening to visit their daughter Mrs Luke Harden Mrs Charlie Hoag went up to McCook Fri day evening to visit her daughter Mrs Gray who is on the sick list A very interesting and pretty Easter program was rendered by the little ones at the M E church Sunday morning The supper and bazaar given by the Methsdist ladies last Saturday evening was decided success both socially and financially Clara Daniels who visited hero a few days last week returned to her home in Palisade Friday evening accompanied by her friend Miss LoUie Kennedy A gay party of young people met at tho home of Mr and Mrs J Longnecker lat Friday evening and spent a few hours very pleasantly in a social way Isaac Vandervort who has been sick for some time died of consumption Tueday evening Funeral will be held from the Christian church Thursday morning at 11 oclock Married last Wednesday evening at the home of the brides parents Miss Bessie Endsley wa united in marriage to William Broomfield Both of these young people are well known and highly respected Besie being one of Red Willow countys mot successful teachers The following is the result of the town elec tion held Tuesday April 1st Anti license Frank Moore Mayor W H Smith Clerk J Bernard Hiller Treasurer R McDonald Police Judce License A M Anderson Civil Engineer L R CorbinCouncilman First Ward J W Welborn Councilman Second Ware The licence people still have the majority of the council Question Answered Yes August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion or bilious ness Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of appendicitis nervous prostration or heart failure etc They used August Flower to clean out the sy tem and stop fermentation of undigested food regulate the action of the liver stimulate the nervous and organtic action of tho system and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches You only need a few does of Greens August Flower in liquid form to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you Get Greens Prize Almanac To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 25c 3 CASH All 150 shoes All other mens and ladies shoes Boys and girls 200 latest styles and shapes Boys and girls 150 latest styles and shapes Boys and girls 125 latest styles and shapes Tlame for Families of Itnmlit Not actuated by remorse but bj fire philanthropy Jim Jenkins hunter or outlaws has concluded to devote all his money to the maintenance of a home for the orphans and widows of men he has run to earth in particular and of criminals of the great South west in general Jim Jenkins now or Kansas is now G5 years old and has spent forty years as a scoit and hunt er of bandits and train robbers In this way he has made about 50000 Among the distinguished outlaws he has chased were Jesse James and his broth er Bob Ford Bill Dalton and Bill Cook while he was the leader of the baid that caught Cherokee Bill in 1895 In the Dalton raid in Coffeyville Kas Jenkins was shot eight times He esti mates his bag of bad men at about 150 The home vrbich is being built on a 5000 acre farm owned by Jenkins near Pryor Creek I T is to cost 20 000 Buffalo Express Sabldea za Support Art The government of Bavaria has voted a considerable sum for the main tenance of art institutions throughout the kingdom during the coming year The allowances for the purchase of paintings and their preservation is particularly liberal The various art Institutes in Munich receive handsome subsidies and the Germanic muspum in Nuremberg gets an increased allow ance Various other institutions have been voted large amounts for repairs and maintenance These art allow ances in all reach 31081G3 marks f 739741 Emil Henzel In Chicago Record mistakes Made at tho 311 nt John Erhard of Philadelphia has a coin datd ID1 which ha- a hea I on either sido shewing thit mistake aie i - evon -it tho mint Every fin ished coin passes through the hands- ef a great many eypercs and there is iit tle chance of an inpeifec piece escap ing this scrutiny There ar sail to be many sf rem in circulation how over No particular value is attached the oifis outside of their rarity aa ri irvitie Indianas Gold and Silver Excitement of the wildest character prevails in Warwick county Indiana over the discovery of gold and silver near Lynnville The land where the ore has been found is of the poorest but owners are paying up back taxes in the hope of realizing handsomely Hotels and restaurants are crowded with strangers and many more are ar riving daily A Plausible Theory Hixon I wonder how Methuselah managed to live to such a ripe old age Dixon Probably because there were no bacteria and disease germs In tts dar HPCS52PPf22Jl i I -- WE ARE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS COST OR VALUE IS NOT TAKEN NTO CONSIDERATION We mean what we say we are closing out our entire stock to quit business and must sell This is not trading stock shipped in but it is the best stock of shoes in Western Nebraska made by the most reliable shoe makers on earth all fresh up-to-date Goods flany of them are advanced spring styles just arrived Do not delay but come It will pay you even if you live 75 miles away If you are not in need of them at present buy them and lay them aside Money earned is money saved and we will save you forty to fifty per cent uuuiiiniji Jiuwrwr FHESE PRICES RE ONLA ffe f Xtgml fmhuw MAIN MXn EAST DEPART No i5 Central Time 1110pm 2 60A si 12 920 AM No f arrives from east at S p m MAIN LINE AVEST DEPART No 1 Mountain Time 111 am ll4flpM 13 825 a M IMPERIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 540 p sr No 175 departs 700am Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars teats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write A P Thomson Agent McCook Nebraska or J Francis General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska 99 75 150 120 95 10 to 75 I i VAHTJB 3 IPIHiTTr Props IVEoOOOES NttB KV U Ifjou Want Summer 1 Mr C E VanDeusen of Kilbourn i n i - nillictfd with trouble irul for a long time She sayn 1 tri il Hi preparation hut none have don iii tin d that Chamberlains Stomach niil Iivi li ts hnvr Th t tablets are for all i Virincll Berrys drugfctoro fjeWv iS 3S re -WW - fS t TS V rc vr Kick a dog and he bites you I Ic bites you and you kick him T c more you kick the more ho bites and the more he bites the more you kick Each makes the other worse A thin body makes thin blood Thin blood makes a thin body Each makes the other worse If there is going to be a change the help must ujmc from outside Scottb Emulsion is the right help It breaks up such a combination Fir t it sets the stomach rvAVi Then it en riches the blood That strengthens the body and it begins to grow new flesh A strong body makes rich blood and rich blood makes a strop- body Each makes the other better This isthewav Scotts Emulsion puts the thin bodv on its feet Now it can get along by itself No need ijsssafui of medicine This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott--Emulsion and is oa the wrapper of every bottle Send for free sample SCOTT u ROWNK cy Pearl sr New York 5O1 ana i all d ujr iodoS Dyspepsia fes1 Digests what you eatc