to I wi h i i it McCook Tribune P M KIMMELL Publisher MCOOK NEBRASKA BREEf TELEGRAMS Mrs Mary Dugdale of Omaha was knocked from a street car and killed The cold wave that swept the north was also severely felt In the southern states Former owners of the old Fort Om aha site will sue to recover the land from the government Twelve millionaires it is said have left Denver tvcause society would not open its doom to them Hugh ONeM is dead in New York aged 59 Ho founded one of the larg est dry goods houses of the city It is announced that King Edward will give 500000 dinners to the Lon don poor during the week following the coronation Andrew W White American ambas sador to Germany will retire in Ne vomber when he will have reached his 70th birthday His health is poor The duke of Loubet has endowed the College of France with an annuity of 6000 franes for the maintenance of a professorship for the study of American antiquities General FItzhugh Lee former consul general at Havana was presented to both legislative houses of Ohio by Governor Nash and thanked the bodies for the honor The Irishmen of Chicago did not celebrate St Patricks day beyond the wearing of green and Individual ob servances The parades of former years were abandoned Secretary Root announced that Gen eral Funston would be assigned to the command of the Department of the Colorado as soon as his present fur lough shall have expired William Gardner and Eugene Hulin wealthy cattlement of Texas met in a restaurant at Anthony and each opened fire Gardner was killed An old feud caused the trouble Representative Hill of Connecticut has introduced a bill for the coinage of the silver bullion in the treasury purchased under the act of July 14 1S92 into subsioiaiy silver voin The Twenty second regiment now at Fort Crook will be recruited to its full strength of 104 men for each com j pany At present there are only thirty seven men to each company Charges have been filed with the civil service commission against Post master Coyne of Chicago by T W Wittner a former employe discharg ed he alleges for poical reasons At Marrisa 111 safe crackers blew open in the safe in the Commercial hotel causing a conflagration which did damage to the extent of 60000 It is said 1500 was taken from the safe Edward S Doney a newspaper man dropped dead of heart disease in a room of the New York Press club He was 43 years old and was the real estate editor of the New York Press Otto Pfieiderer of the theological faculty of the University of Berlin has accepted an invitation from Har vard university to deliver a course of lectures before the divinity school in the spring of 1903 A private cablegram received in Baltimore announced the death at Naples of General Clinton P Payne a prominent financier of that city Gen eral Payne was formerly active in democratic politics in Maryland Democratic members of congress have numerously signed a petition asking Representative Hay the cau cus chairman to call a caucus on the 19th to formulate a policy in reference to the Boer war Brigadier General Frederick Funs ton arrived in Washington accompa nied by Lieutenant B J Mitchell his aide The generals purpose was mainly to pay his respects to Presi dent Roosevelt and Secretary Root By a government decree published in Panama war taxes cf 70 000 and 30000 were imposed upon the liberal residents of Panama and Colon re spective These taxes are the cor responding shares of the tax of 750 000 imposed upon the department of Panama by the national government The district court of appeals at Washington overruled a motion for a rehearing made by Delos K Lotewolf chief of the Kiowa and Comanche In dians in Oklahoma and his associates in their case against the secretary of the interior looking to overturning the governments action in throwing open their lands last summer Sir Richard Temple former gover nor of Bombay is dead He was born in 1826 A five days quarantine against all vessels sailing from Hong Kong is be ing enforced at Manila owing to the cholera scourge at Hong Kong A plot has been unearthed at Vi enna to blow up the Austro Hungarian war ships Hapsburg and Arpad A large amount of dynamite was recent ly stolen at Trieste and a secret let ter stated that the ships were in peril TALK WITH LEADERS APPEAR TO DISCUSS THE SITUATION OH A PEACE MAKING MISSION Acting President Schalkburgher Hur ries Under Flag of Truce Special Train Gets Safe Conduct Acommpa nieci by the Secretary of State PRETORIA Mar 24 Acting Pres ident Schalkburger F W Reitz ex secretary of state of the Transvaal and Cocmandants Lucas Meyer and Krugh arrived here yesterday on a special train from Balmoral fifty miles east of here They reached Balmoral under a flag of truce After a short stay here they pro ceeded for Orange River Colony Upon arriving here Mr Schalk burger and party drove immediately to Lord Kitcheners headquarters where he had an interview with the British general The Boers afterwards proceeded to the railroad station and entrained at 5 oclock for Kroonstadt where they will go out under a safe conduct For a week past Mr Schalkburger and his colleagues have been station ed at Rhenoster kopje north of Bal moral where they have been closely pressed by British columns British dispatch riders entered Bal moral last Friday night and notified the British of the approach of Mr Schalkburger and party It is said the Boer position at Rhen oster kopje had become almost unten able and that Mr Schalkburger at one time narrowly escaped capture LONDON March 24 The news that that the wandering Boer government has entered the British lines is re garded as having but one meaning namely that another attempt is be ing made to negotiate peace The fact that the censor passed the news of this movement is accepted as confirm ation of this opinion Nothing is actually known here of the intentions of Schalkburger Reitz Meyer and Krugh It is possible they have only sought permission to trav erse the British lines in order to con sult with Mr Steyn and the Boer generals Detwet and Delarey But whatever their object the news has been welcomed in London as pointing to the possibility of peace Correspondence which was seized a short time ago when Mr Steyn nar rowly escaped capture proved that he and Mr Schalkburger were anxious to conclude peace No extravagant hopes however are being built on the outcome of the movements of Mr Schalkburger and his companions chiefly because it is feared that Delarey in the flush of his recent success will refuse to be a party to any negotiations The war office has informed a rep resentative of the Associated Press i that it has received no official infor mation either confirming or contra dicting the news Commandant Krugh is one of the secretaries of the Boer government He was formerly the ad ministrator of Swaziland and has not been prominent during the war Wilson on Germanys Act WASHINGTON March 24 Secre tary Wilson today stated that it was not certain as yet as to what extent tnis government will act in meeting the new German meat act which takes effect October 1 The demand abroad he said is for the light cured meats and the feet of the new German law will be to cut off most of our trade in pork We have great respect for the German chemists and if they have decided that borax is deleterious then we must accept their decision and protect ourselves from articles brought into this country that may be supposed to be treated with borax May Sail Under Flag WASHINGTON March 24 By an almost unanimous vote the house committee on foreign affairs have struck out of the Mitchell Kahn Chi nese exclusion bill the paragraph pro hibiting ships flying the American flag from employing Chinese sailors under 2000 for each offense This provision has proved one of the chief sources of controversy over the bill Death Sentence is Ready AURORA Mo March 24 John Vince who killed Wallace Ward a Frisco brakema last lall was found guilty of murder in the first degree Buy Big Milling Business MONTREAL March 24 Charles R Hosmer of this city and F W Thomp son of Winnipeg have bought the ex tensive milling business of the W W Ogilvie Milling company The pur chuoe price is in the vicinity of 3500 000 The business dates back to 1801 The company has three mills in Mon treal also Mills at Goderich Seaforth Winnipeg and Fort William The company will be reorganized and its business extended CONFER ABOUT CUBA President General Wood and Others Discuss the Question WASHINGTON D C March 24 Matters incident to the transition of Cuba from American to Cuban con trol formed the subject of a confer ence of several hours duration at the white house last night Those pres ent included the president Secretary Root Postmaster General Payne and Governor General Leonard Wood General Woods visit will be very short and he desires to learn every thing possible about the condition of affairs while in Washington The sub ject was gone over in many of its features and a general interchange of ideas expressed Postmaster General Payne had his first opportunity to meet Mr Wood last night Mr Payne believes that the change in the two governments so far as postal matters are concern ed can be accomplished very easily although he thinks it will be neces sary for a time to retain some of the postal officials of the island in their present places until the business of the department is in a smooth run ning order FIGHT ON CUBAN RECIPROCITY Possibility that the Contest Will Be Transferred to the House WASHINGTON March 24 A bare possibility exists that the fight over the question of Cuban reciprocity will be transferred to the floor of the house during the coming week The probabilities are however that the reciprocity convention introduced by Mr Payne the floor leader of the majority after the action of the re publican caucus last week will not be called up until the following week though upon this point no definite decision has been reached as yet by the leaders The present program is to take up the army bill after the disposal of the Moss Rhea contested election case on Tuesday Several days will be consumed in general debate on this bill as the democrats are inclined to use it as a text for speeches in op position to the policy of the admin istration in the Philippines CHOLERA INVADES MANILA Two Deaths Have Been Reported and Other Cases Exist MANILA March 24 There have been four more cases of cholera here and two more deaths from the plague are reported The health authorities believe that their precautions have averted an epidemic As General Chaffee did not want the men of the Third infantry to run the risk of cholera as a result of contact with the city that regiment has already been taken aboard the United States trans port Grant which will sail for San Francisco one week ahead of her scheduled time Five cases of cholera have been re ported from the provinces Wants Drinks Cut Out WASHINGTON D C March 24 War department officials alarmed by the rapid increase in disease among the troops in the Philippines and oth er tropical stations have issued an order to commanding generals en joining upon them the strictest scru tiny over the habits and morals of the troops and requesting them to en deavor by personal example to influ ence the men to preserve their health both by abstaining from drink and the liability of contracting prevent able disease Farmer Badly Injured OSCEOLA Neb March 24 One of Valley precincts solid farmers John Burgess met with a bad accident He got on the tongue of the wagon to fix the harness when the horses start ed and he was thrown under them The team got away but he lay by the road when found and it is supposed that the team tramped on him for he was badly bruised Presidents Date is Named COLUMBIA S C March 24 April 9 has been set apart as presidents day at the Charleston exposition The feature of the day will be the pre sentation to Major Jenkins by his former chief of the Rough Riders of a beautiful sword from the South Carolinians Where Marconi Will Build Station HALIFAX N S Marcn 24 Signor Marconi has definitely decided to lo cate his wireless station at Table Head Glace Bay C B The machin ery has been orderea Property of the United States WASHINGTON March 24 A deci sion by Attorney General Knox holds that the public lands in Porto Rico formerly belonging to Spain and by virtue of the treaty of Paris now be long to the United States The opin ion was rendered on the request of the secretary of the interior as to whether the so called public lands of Porto Rico were ceded as crown lands to the United States or remain the property of Porto Rico FLEEK HELD RESPONSIBLE Linwood Man Arrested Charged with Causing Death of Rimac SCHUYLER Neb March 24 Madi son Fleek of Linwood Neb the driver passing Mrs Rima and niece when their team backed off the Platte river bridge and both women were drowned Is under arrest and in jail at this place being under bond and is to have a preliminary hearing Monday He has been harshly criticised since the death of the women for driving away without offering assistance He gives as his reason for this action that he could not stand the noise made by the drowningvwomen and had to get away as fast as possible The charge against him is manslaughter He refuses to state the direct cause of the accident Frank Reizicka and son were direct ly in front of Fleeks vehicle at the time of the double drowning and they state that the prisoner is not respon sible for its occurrence as the team of the women ran into his and both teams became unmanageable Search for the bodies was continued but no trace of them has as yet been found Dynamite was exploded in the water and the river was thoroughly dragged for several miles below the bridge but without avail COAL OF GOOD QUALITY Enough at Jackson to Pay for Mining Says an Expert JACKSON Neb March 24 Doug las Cameron the Des Moines mining expert formerly expert in the depart ment of agriculture for the United States who has in charge the drilling for coal near here by the Sioux Beet Syrup and Preserving company is so near the third vain of coal that for the first time he gave out a statement yesterday as to what in his opinion is the value of the deposit We have passed through two good veins he said mostly lignite coal and other smaller veins making about eight feet of coal to a depth of 191 feet From the formations I feel posi tive there will be enough coal in a vein some ten feet below our drill to pay for the mining There is coal here of a good bi tuminous quality and I believe there is enough to mean a fortune he said positively Carnegie Will Donate BEATRICE Neb March 24 Major A L Green a member of the library board of Beatrice received a letter from Andrew Carnegie offering to do nate 20000 to the city for the pur pose of erecting a library building providing the city would donate a site and pledge itself to support the li brary to the extent of 2000 each year The proposition will be easy to com ply with The present annual tax levy for this purpose is 1800 and a very low valuation A popular sub scription it is believed will be made for the purchase of a site Mr Car negies gift will be greatly appreciat ed The public library is now located in cramped quarters in the govern ment building and is constantly grow ing in patronage Emerson Boy Badly Injured EMERSON Neb March 24 Clyde Olmsted 17 years old met with a se rious accident It has been the prac tice of a number of boys to steal rides on freight trains to the next sta tion east and return by the next train Young Olmsted and several others were returning from a trip riding on the truss rods Olmsted ventured to pick up a stone and lost his balance his foot caught and he was dragged about a rod and was then thrown off at Stoltzs crossing A farmer waiting to cross the track brought him to town His head is badly injured and jt is feared that the skull is fractured just back of the right ear He has not been conscious since he was pick ed up Object to Rheas Pardon FREMONT Neb March 24 The report that political influences were being brought to bear through Indiana congressmen and senators on Gover nor Savage to pardon or commute the sentence of Rhea who was convicted about a year ago of the murder of Herman Zahn at Snyder was some what of a surprise to Snyder people and others living in the vicinity Zahns friends want to have the full penalty of the law inflicted and will no doubt file a vigorous remonstrance against a commutation of the sen tence His attorneys will exhaust ev ery legal remedy before giving up For Delaying a Telegram FREMONT Neb March 24 In the district court the Nye Schneider com pany recovered a judgment against the Western Union Telegraph com pany for 150 damages for failure to deliver promptly a telegram to the agent of the company at Morehead la directing him to sell 5000 bushels of corn Before the telegram was de livered corn dropped 3 cents and the action was to recover the 3 cent loss per bushel LAV ON MARRIAGE RELATION Supreme Court Rules on a Question Long in Dispute LINCOLN Neb March 22 In the case of the University of Michigan against McGuckiu which was appeal ed from Douglas county the supreme court has ruled on a question of law that has long been in dispute It is the question what constitutes the mar riage relation Commissioner Kirk patrick in an opinion approved by the court declares that the marriage rela tion is only in a limited qualified sense contractural He declares It is a social status for the assumption of which by persons of the requisite le gal capacity all that is essential is their free consent He says further that the consent requisite to the cre ation of the marriage relation need not be expressed in any especial man ner nor by any prescribed form of words but may be sufficiently evidenc ed by any clear and unambiguous lan guage or conduct The evidence in this case was to the effect that McGucking and his first wife and his wifes first hus band had some differences which led to an appeal to the court While the divorce cases were pending the wo man went to the McGuckin home as a housekeeper and agreed to marry Mc Guckin as soon as the legal obstacle was swept away by the granting of the divorce After the way was made clear however the promise was nev er carried out at least no marriage ceremony was ever performed The question of law was thus brought up in a controversy over the settlement of an estate NEBRASKA NAME UNCHANGED Robert Smarts Fame Stays Undimin ished WASHINGTON March 22 Smart ville is to retain its name Some years ago Robert Smart a resident of Johnson county appropriated land and dedicated streets and alleys to the new town and tne citizens in view of Smarts philanthropy called the place Smartville Last fall Judge Stell of the district court made an or der changing the name from Smart ville to Helena The railroads refus eu to accept the change and the citi zens of Smartville appealed to the postofflce authorities at Washington asking for the substitution of the name Helena for Smartville Large pe titions were placed on file and extend ed arguments were made for the new1 name The postofflce people after re viewing the case today decided against any change on the ground that the new name would be confus ing to railway postal clerks who would undoubtedly get the name mix ed with Helena Mont Smartville will get along with its present name until something else is suggested for adoption Four Years at Hard Labor GRAND ISLAND Neb March 22 Gorge Mann pleaded guilty to a charge of assault in district court and Judge Thompson sentenced him to four years in the penitentiary at hard labor Mann coaxed two little girls to ride with him and took liberties with the older one who was but nine years of age Her brother followed Mann to this city the crime having been com mitted several miles out in the coun try Nebraska Insurance Risks LINCOLN Neb March 22 The in crease of insurance risks in Nebraska during the year 1901 was greater than in any similar period of time for fif teen years past A report showing the actual business transacted by each company in this state will soon be issued by the state auditing depart ment It will show all classes of in surance to be in a healthy condition with less loss incurred and more busi ness in force To Sign the Muster Roll FREMONT Neb March 22 In ac cordance with an order just issued by Adjutant General Barry a meeting will be held at G A R hall in this city for the mustering in of those who have signed the membership roll in the new engineering and signal corps organized here in February Lieuten ant A M Hull of this city who is at the University of Nebraska will be the mustering officer Women Adjudged Insane ST PAUL Neb March 22 Mrs Chris Sorenson wife cf the blacksmith at Elba was adjudged insane and tak en to the asylum at Lincoln Her case is quite serious YORK Neb March 22 Mrs Dora Hawley was adjudged insane by the commission Encampment Sure May 22 23 LINCOLN Neb March 22 Assist ant Adjutant General Mart Howe of the Grand Army of the Republic said that the Grand Army encampment was certain to be held at Omaha May 22 and 23 Different dates have been an nounced erroneously from time to time but the matter is now definitely determined The original date set was May 14 but a postponement has been agreed to by all the posts that have answered except one Took 19 Years But He Got the Money By sticking to it for nineteen years George T uamoriu oi jjuiii - finally succeeded In collecting 4oU I - m mi nn l on from the Baltimore unio overcharge on a wheat shipment in 1883 The company ignored his claim at first and he finally began to bom bard the officials with postal cards which he sent by the thousand Then he took to writing dainty pconted notes and that fetched the railroad which has just settled the claim To Banish the Earsplitters The Belgian railway authorities are desirious of minimizing the effect which the ear splitting screech of tno locomotive produces on the nervous systems of passengers The engines are to be furnished with whistles pro ducing two tones and softer in effect than the ordinary signal the former to be used in railway stations or when the train is passing platforms crowded with passengers Costly Cuss Word3 John Bloomtield of South Ports mouth Ky has found cursing to be an expensive Indulgence He was ongnged in a wordy war with a neighbor and was taken before the local magistrate Under a Kentucky law curses are fin able at the rate of 1 per curse Fif teen counts were found against Mr Bloomficld who had to pay 15 and 1 cent general fine A Very Strong Letter La Fargc Wis Wm T Payne of this placo has written a rather startling let ter to the papers He says I was in great pain across my back for four weeks and was taking medi cine from a doqtor all the time but it did not do mo any good I bought a box of Dodds Kidney Pills and bad not taken more than four cr five aoses before I noticed that they were doing me good They helped me right along and I kept on using them till I had used four boxes when the pain left me altogether One box of Dodds Kidney Pills haa done me more goa than five dollars worth of doctors medicine This remedy has certainly worked wonders in my case and I feel it my duty to givs it the credit due The brain worker may have to tax his ingenuity but he has the advan tage of free raw material Always kick the dog thats under SrATE OF OniO CITY OF TOLEDO t Lucas County fhJv Frank J Cheney inukcs with that he J tho senior partner of the linn of F J Cheney Co doing business In the City or Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said linn will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eueh and every case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by the use of Halls Catarrh Cure FRANK J CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 6th day of December A D lbfad o - A W GLEASON bEALj Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces it the system Send for testimonials free V J CHENEY CO Toledo Ot Sold by Drujcjjists 75c Uallb Family Pills are the best Count no man your friend until ho has been tempered in the lire of your adversity To Cure a Cold in One lny Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund money if it fails to cure iioc A man doesnt mind being a fool as long as he doesnt know it KAKLIEST KUSSIAX MILLKT Will you be short of bay If so plant a plenty of this prodigally prolific millet 5 to 8 Tons or Illch liny Per Acre Price oO lbs 190 100 lbs iX Low freights John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis W Some men have reasons for doinj things and some have excuses Its English You Know Here is another advertisement of a London popular clothing house Saucy Cut Clothing Cut slap with fakement seams and little artful butt is at the bottom to suit all comers for business or pleasure Cut very seri ous to suit ploughmen dustmen sneaks mushroom fakirs trotter men costers actors persons bruisers and gentlemen Pegtops bell bottoms tights or half tights or drop over the hoofs Black or dandy vests made to flash the rag or dickey or tigh up around the scrag lavender in every shade built spankey to suit the ikey and flimsey lads of Notting hill Shep herds bush and the surrounding neighborhood FREE A NEW CUKE FOB Diseases Rheumatism etc t Disorders of the Kidneys and Bladder cause Bright s Disease Rheumatism Gravel Pain in the Buck Disorders difficult or too fre quent passing water Dropsy etc For these di seases a Positive Specific Cure is found in a new botanical discovery the wonderful Kava Kava bbniD otllei by botanists the piper meUwticun f rora the Ganges River East India It has the Jas 7lnxai No 120 ESI It W WotMnoHnQC extraordinary record of 12U0 hospital cures in 20 by draining out of the Blood the poisonous Urf2 Acid Lithates etc which cause the disa C tiPm atso tertifiea in the Aew York World that it has saved him from theedeof th Siave when dying of Kidney diieasandrnbte feq ofJhe d of Review Bureau of Pensions tion C writes- Was cured of a uSy fatal kidney Trouble after many physicians hlH Uorf tfgi YPhoWof rrS uon RC Wood a Drominent attorey of Lowell lmCUKr of Bronte Rheumatism Kidnev and Bladder Disease of ten venrr nVwiu vy AlkavisMany ladies indnnVsteK1ggif more South Deerflclcl Maw and Mni J ounc Knt ohfn niot 1UI James curative power in Kltoey anfr alUed Serl eculiar to womnnhrwi That you nay jiidecthe value of this rrMf fev ior orlf will send Case bv mall Frw - i you Oro fSl2SSToKg cSws as is 0