Lr r u 1 li i xXXSs 1 IlSiilfill fitiii The Whole Family can fill their shoe wants here Big and little boys and girls like the R H SHOE Mothers like the way they wear Grown up folks too find many styles and prices to choose from The Rexcalf Shoe at 200 The Erica Shoe at 250 Both the best of their class Glad to show them HE BEE RIVE McCOOK NEBRASKA ix33Ss l C iT lrjfjir TiTtr iKf lOc aEftr ngiar JtEiff jUIUi Sii vTftr IMC talM UOCVOC HOB JUUSWUSauOt JtfK SEW JCUr jriSs KHfSJac5JKr5F35atJlfflT SFlrtFWrHSifiV1WXclv Ur1 Hf1 J11 JW SPSWV 3 -V FRANKLIN President THK CITIZEI T C A C EBERT Cashier w si Hi I T 1 A HA OF McCOOK NEB a b NATIONAL- M3ANK I - oco r T 7 NKI Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 4 a DIRECTORS FRANKLIN WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT 1 W B WOLFE 0 H WILLARD I iTjiqpaqFJvgFctfrgFqprsiftxigLsip ts am Btfuyriy wf i Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 odlo G0 HOC KNELL President B M FREES V Pros F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds ot t food It gives instant relief and neve fails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed It prevents formation of gason the stom ach relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take If cant help but do you good Prepared only by E 0 DeWitt Co Chicago Tue 51 bottle contains 24 times the 50c size MoConnell Berry Druggists McCook Transfer Line tin J3e 8 O i lfcBf77 J H DWYER Proprietor jgTSpecial attention paid to hauling furniture Leave orders at either lumber yard MARION Mr Spoiiur in on tliu Mck list A tolnphoiui is tulkvil of from Danlinry to Marion Work will soon liutfin on tint foundation for tlio uluvntor lowoll urn NiUmhi received four rurlomls of corn this wwk Sovoral carloads of alfalfa hay vru nliipped from this placu lust week Mnrtin Nilsson and wifo wore Cedar IllutTs Kansas visitors Wudiiirsduj Mr mid Mrs Marion I o wo II wuru gnosis at Murtin NilswtuH Wednosda A nuinbor of our yonnc ixoplo nttitirleil the baf kot Mippxr at Danbury Saturday nviniin No proncliihK t tlio Shiloh hcIiooI Iioiimi Sunday ovuninj as the iniiiintor did not come the uvmiiuj was spoilt m miikuik Tim tmtertuinniHiit at tlio chool hous was woll attcnilml anil evurv oun seeniPil to havtt a Kood timii proceeds amounted to aboutU DANBURY Otto Ilinlz moved back to bin farm we t of town last week St Patrick was ntmiunbored by u inasiinciude bill Iast Moiiday mlit The Iuolie yi hool literary Miciotv had a basket upjntr in the town hall Saturday night William Shockluy and daughter Hattie moved to their farm northwest of Marion tlio first of this week M M Weaver of Laurel Dull neighborhood be gan hautiUK lumber for a new frame house Tuesday Wullie und Freil Hillings and their wives re turned to McCook last Saturday Their father is quite recovered from his ixculiar adventure Our village board has had the right thing done hus set u bout fifty hitching Msts about the vacant lot and alleys of the business part of town H L Ruby and family who have een in Chrry county Nebraska the hibt live months have returned to Danbury Howard t ays tlio ranch in not the place lor a family of little onus ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF HAR NEJT LUMHKR COMPANY Know all men b thee presents that we the undersigned have associated ourselves together for the purpose of lorming and becoming a corporation in the state of Nebraska for the transaction of the business hereinafter stated and for the purpo e of continuing the business of the corioratiou under the same name whose incorporation expires March 1st lHC Art 1 The name of the Corporation shall be Harnett Lumber Company The principal place for the transaction of its business shall bo in the City of McCook Red Willow County State of Nebraska aini branch yards may bo established wherever desired Art 1 The nature of the business to be trans acted is dealing in Lumber Coal Grain Hard ware Live Stock Real Estate General Mer chandise Contracting and such other business as wo may desire to connect therewith Art i Tho authorized Capital of said Cor poration shall bo One Hundred Thousand JKJUIKX Dollars in shares of One Hundred 100 Dollarseach full paid andnon nssossablo with the privilege of increasing said capital upon a two thirds vote of all the stockholders giving one vote for each share of stock Art -1 The existence of this Corporation shall begin on the 1st da of March JHIJ and continue during the period of twentj jears Art 5 The business of -aid Corporation shall be conduct d b a Hoard of Directors not to exceed live in number to be elected by the stockholders Art ti The manner of voting at meetings of the stockholders for choice of members of the Hoard of Directors shall be by ballot and each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote in persou or b proxy for each share of stock owned or hed bj him There shall be an an nual meeting of the stockholders of this Corpo ration at the ollice of the Company in the City of McCook Nebraska for the election of direct ors and for the transaction of such other busi ness as may be necessary on the first Monday in January of each war Art 7 Tlie ollicers of this Corporation shall consist of a President Vico Proieut Secre tary and Treasurer who shall be chosen b the directors and shall hold their ollices for the period of one year and until their successors are elected subject however to the will of the Hoard of Directors Art S Private property of the stockholders shall be exempt from liability for the debts of the Corporation Art 9 The highpst amount of indebtedness to which said Corporation shall at any time subject itself shall not be more than Sixty Six Thousand 6X0 Dollars Art 10 The Company is hereby empowered to hold real estate and personal property of all kinds Art 11 The Company may have a corporate seal upon which shall bo inscribed the words Harnett Lumber Company ALBERT BAKNKTT Benjamin M Frees George L Day F D Bukgess Plumber and Steam Filler McCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker PhilliDS Buildina i t lk iLiSisjiSsjSa n to -- v fw All Calls For The e n Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city OP PHONE 36 W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska CTHyr Tgc ayi jjjiiyj jjji jjji iyx jyi jiyt cgc SfESTEitS ENGLISH ENNYBOYAL PILLS t ft I r r r are Always reliable IadicN ask Druggist for VIIICIIESTEIt N slttIIMI in Ilel and Cold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no otber Refuse dnncerouH ubtl tntionfiand imitations Jluvof yourDruggist or send 4c in stamps for Particular Testi monials and Kelicr for Ladies in letter by return -Hail 10000 Testimonials Sold by all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO S100 31adison Square PHIL A PA Mention lhl paper 1 INDIANOLA Evorott Mooro is sriiuslv sick with moiiia Lulu McNoal piifuiiioniu L J Holland is Kcttint aloni as well as could iu Dxpcctd with his lirokun linil HiMiry Harton and family aro iiroparin to rnovo to their now honn at Seattle VaIiuiKton Mr Shackeltou purchased a line jack wiiicli iiiK 1081 lbs down at Maiiliattan Kansas- la t w ek Shuck keep- fjood stuck E A Sexton purchased the wind mill on tliw Moshor property H H Thomas id moving it to tho old home uoar Iox Elder Early winter wheat anil rje are looking un usually well for this shumoii or they jear Ieople aro hopeful of hotter reMills from the farm Amos Ilauxwell has moved to the Joe Harri son farm south of the fair grounds and will work for the Harrisons the coming season E A Suxsou while drivinir a partially broken span tif mnle had iiiitu an excitint runaway down near the coal sheds one day last week Quite a number of fanners are sowing alfalfa Mr Holland purchased over thirtv dollars worth ot last week The Tall Belt W happy A lire was di coered last Saturday during the hijdi wind near Tim Halovs place of bu i ness It was extinguished beforo any damage wa done Wo are pleased to state that L J Holland is improving Section 15o iS Kearns and wift over the arrival of a tine l ov are rejoicing Mrs Clara lirown of Herndon Kansas is itim parent- and friends here Mrs Ehner Thompson who jia hicii icW for some time is slowly recmeriiiK Miss Hertha Ouch is home from Hitchcock county where she lias been teaching Lulu the daughter of P McNoil who has been very low of pneumonia is slowly recovering W 11 Allen is ha iuvr quite and addition built Iicoliililler isdoiiiK the work William Metcnlr and famih left Tue dny iiioruiiiK for Oregon They will locate near Portland Mae Ander 011 who has been visiting Cambridge the past week returned home Fraternal Insurance Order Cards near Fri- lay evennif Charlie Heanlslee came down from Cripple reek Sunday morning He expects to remain at home two weeks Henry Harton anil family intend leaving about the middle hf the moith for Washington whore they expect to uinkp their future home Last Saturday the ladies of tho Congrega tional church served dinner and supper in the restaurant formerly occupied by Charlie Down- Miss Josephine Happersett on account of sickness wa not able to go out to her school Monday morning Edna Koynolda is teaching in her stead The house formerly owned by James Hethor ingtou now occupied by W P Elmer is receiv ing a new coat of paint which adds much to its appearance Last Friday night in tho Woodman hall the M W A gave a supper and an entertainment which consisted of a mock initiation which was enjoyed and appreciated by all oxcopt perhaps the candidate for initiation The Anti Saloon League held their monthly rally meeting in the M E church last Thurs day evening Quito a number were present and a goodly interest manifested A program con sisting of songs speeches and recitations was rendered These meetings have their influence and should be attended by a larger number of our citizens The saloon and anti saloon citizens mot Mon day oveiiing March 17th in their respective halls and nominated the following ollicers for tho spring election SALOON Mayor J K P Frye Clerk William Dolan Treasurer F U Duckworth Police Judge T S Phillips Councilman J W Welborn Councilman Lewis Corbin Mayor Frank Moore Clerk W H Smith Treasurer J 1 Killers Police Judge Hod McDonald Councilman Chester Dow Councilman John Shouse K O T Regular meetings on second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month in McConnell hall Visiting knights wolcome M R Gatks commander J H Yargkk record keeper C A Lkacii finance keeper APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCook Nebraska March 21 1P02 Notice is hereby given that William Lewis ha filed in the city clerks ollice his bond and peti tion for a license to sell malt spiritous and vinous liquors in the building at No 101 Main avenue in the First ward of the citv of McCook from May 1 1902 to April 30 VMi William Lewis Applicant CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the board of county commis sioners of Red Willow county Nebraska at the oflice of the county clerk up to Tuesday April 6th 1902 at 9150 in the forenoon for furnishing all materials and labor and constructing about 1500 feet of stone retaining wal on the east and south sides of tho court house groundsaud for labor and materials for laying about 600 square feet of flagstone walk on said court house grounds All work is to be done according to plans and specifications that may be seen in the county clerks ollice The countv commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids IM4 1 McCook Nebraska March 14th 1902 E J Wilcox County Clerk NOTICE TO CREDITORS In county court within and for Red Willow county Nebraska Feb S 1902 In the matter of the estate of Edwin Ellis deceased To the creditors of said estate You are hereby notified that I will sit at tho county court room in McCook in said county on the 11th day of August 1902 at 9 oclock a m to examine all claims against said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the presentation of claim against said estate is six months from the 6th day of February A D 19U2 and the time limited for pavment of debts is one year from said ath day of February 1902 Witness m hand anil tho seal of said county court this Mb day of February 1902 C E Eldrfd snu County Judge A DONT B iNConpontTKO tesa E 8 OOLED Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison WI5 It keeps you well Our trade mark cut on each package Pries 35 cents Never sold in bulk Accept no substi tute Ask your druggist C E ElJDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska 3saX Office in Court House Phone 181 r fiTrPffrWr 1 y llmifflfflx c H B0YLE i frr5i ATTO K E Y at LW I AFTER W0JRKOJI EXERCISE MoCookNebraska PfflMO I I ST 4AI JLy I Telephone 44 P O Building ETKCT I JOHN E KELLEY II J I n ATTnUVTV UTT AmJ UOOthes i ireci muscles nemovea m aiiwunxu ax jjnn auu t Soreness and Stiffness I BONDED ABSTRACTEB Dont take the weak watery Witch II zul rrepiraiiorn represented to bo McCOOK NhllKASKA A the Ba re as PONDS EXTRACT J w ich easily pour an J generally EBAjjent ot Lincoln Land Co w3 tain wood alcohol a deaal poison First dour north of Commercial hotel M 1 ES32SSa W H p SUTTON JEWELER is ilnnKoroiisIy ill with 1 WU5IUAL UUUUS McCOOK - NEBRASKA g EARL MURRAY FUh Bates Old 3lj Stand WM WWtm McCook Neb 1 H v- flr L t A Shave Hair Cut Sham poo any thing in my line in an artistic manner live me a call and trial McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL Ur W VGACE 7 WlcCook - - - Nebraska OKKiCB Fint National bank hiiihiiiiff jmxt to City hull Hoinis Htol2 ItolJ 7to Niitht calls iiuswurad from nwidoncn ovnr linuk DKJB FICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist Graduate of Kansas City Dental College OVER MCCONNELL 8c BERRYS McCOOK NEBRASKA L PREVOST DRNTIST Over JasMcAdaras Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCOOK NEB Goes anywhere A specialty of Thorough llred Stock Correspondence Solicited DR A P WELLES Alaska Refrigerators for Sale by H Physician and Surgeon 2 McCOOK - - NEB Ollice over McMi liens drug store 1 If- Main A vi phone S3 P WAITE Residence ce phone W Calls answered night or day e First Class Goods in the following Jewel Gasoline Stoves Ohio Steel Ranges ASQWSrWrkfSl SVWSS LADIES AND GENTLEnEN I invite you to call and see me before you order your SPRING SUITS Have your clothes made where they will he made up-to-date in style and workmanship and where you will have big stock of woolens to select from Yours for hnsinpre mC Ia o mehus lriCUittf frnm Nr Vn ir QrUnnl k iHHMutv um 41WTT AKJIIX VU11141 OUUUIt illVMWWtVV fgmW hii J The Old Story You know the old story about the camel Low three philoso phers heard of this animal and determined to investigate The Englishman hunted through the folios of the British Museum to find out what had been said con cerning the beast the German entered his study locked him self up lit his pipe and began to evolve a concep tion of the animal from his inner consciousness the Frenchman went down to Sahara to see Youve heard of The Nebraska youve read our advertisements but many of you do not know us as you should Why not come and see If you cannot visit us in person fend for our Catalog Youll find a little clothing schoolmaster ready to give you all the information about us and our way of doinir business MnH 1 r im ir t r1 - aii s rfi v - hr lest u Uu i and tc i pay 1 XOvS Q Xo WJl 1rs e 329 uitli icauii r iiturtrr top SJupuient from t olunibua i profits Tvhon you bur TlrlfT T 1 rri ter Oar lullK M win iPonTn rnls n lc lartocirriaSe bmr uorofi rf in r mi rr m tiroritPr i pnliri n u - - - i -- - -a lrii0iiiiart a bola ways We can also Jaee twe Profits fr you on harns and other hore enanmcnts Write for our fr e lhustrateil catalojo m inch ivp descnlie urrey phetons err thut havp it vi lnUo V raaiiu oir factory larnou for tneir huh entde jjontV wait until your rieti is morf iriins write to day and xiu iue wioiuoiic u juu iu luiurv uhe THE COLUfiiBUS CARRIAGE HARNESS CO Columbus 0 PO Box 772 St Louis Mo PO Box 54 Write to nearest office fi N -5 -4 S sZza vii k H 1 X L XEI onSintdeStnn i Bng rfT Ilarne8 ITice aso B N ft i ffA