The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 21, 1902, Image 2

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fffe Iltlnok fritraije
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
MM M p I
Thk announced purpose of the bankers
of the country to sell money orders in
competition with the express companies
and the government good anywhere in
the country and without any indentifi
cation requirements may have the de
sired result of bringing about the estab
lishment of government savings banks
Thk TitmrNK hasnt lost all faith in a
government by the people yet
Burlington Low Rates Northwest
To Killings Montana 1500
To Cody Wyoming S1G7
To Helena and Butte 2000
To Spokane Washington 22f0
To Portland Tacoma Seattle and
Rossland U C 82500
Above rates will bo in eirect every day
in March and April from Missouri river
terminals and from nearly all stations
on the B M R R
A wonderful opportunity to visit the
The Big Horn Basin of Wyoming is a
country of great resources and now un
developed It has just been made acces
sible by a new line of the Burlington
Route and presents many Attractions to
the home seeker
Folder on Big Horn Basin free on
For tickets rates or additional infor
mation apply to nearest agent Burling
ton Route or write to 4 20
J Fkancis G P A Omaha Neb
California and Return 45
Tickets on sale April 21 to 27 May 27
to Juno 8 August 2 to 8 Liberal stop
over arrangements and return limits
For additional information ask the
nearest agent Burlington Route or
write for a California folder to
J Francis Genl Pass Agt
5 30 Omaha Nebraska
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoflice March 20 1902
A E Acliorinaii MN Ruth llnuier
Mr Eaton fiuo Hopkins Esq
Amous Olin toail Henry Varkark
When calling for theso letters please
say they were advertised
F M KuiMELr Postmaster
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn S 30
Wheat 35
Oats 0
Rye 55
Hogs 5l4
Eggs U
Butter 1
Kafir Corn Seed
It is a well known fact that Kafir corn
seed is scarce next to impossible to get
but W T Coleman has been successful
in getting a few bushels of choice seed
Those contemplating planting any should
buy the seed at once before the market
is exhausted
Dont Borrow Money
to build your house this spring until
you have investigated the McCook
Building Association plan T heir
method of payment is cheaper than any
other See the Secretary for further
The members of the Methodist church
at Springcreek will hold a chicken pie
supper for the benefit of the church on
Friday eveniugMarch 28th Tickets15c
Its a fact Garden seed at 2c a
package at the Bee Hive
Ycu n
67 yXtA rril
Never thought of such r
sign for a medicine did on
Well its a good sign i
Scotts Emulsion The bod
has to be repaired like othc
things and Scotts Emulsion ih
the medicine that does it
These poor bodies wear out
from worn from over work
from disease They get thin
and weak Some of the new
ones are not well made and
all of the old ones are racked
from long usage
Scotts Emulsion fixes si
kinds It does the work both
inside and out It makes scfr
bones hard thin blood red
weak lungs strong hollow
places full On the best ma
terials are used in the patching
and the patches dont show
c nc glow of hcrlt
Xo rv Its to wait his tir
ytrnclf yc a
- w l c bottle
i - t itr rjproe ts
tfrSfo 1 -- Is on tiie
fE 2l
r 9
4G9 Pearl St New Voik
5c and i all druggists
I ather Lougfhran
Kcv JJ LiiiiKlirnii left for liis now mibxion
in McCook Inst Saturday
McCook cuius a lrcuul miiilil conscientious
earnuht worxur ami citizen Mindon losos a
citizun whohns lietti inoiiriniilhtf Tor tin punt
thirteen jciim A man who regardless of Msct
or political views won the liidieit respect of all
wlici know Itim A citizen over ready to do Inn
part in nntliiiiK for tlie kcicmI of tint roiiimiinity
and tli uplifting of mankind At tint head of
tlio Catholic church at this place he built it
from a striiKdiuK mUsicm to a gtrcniK church
Am their leader ho guided them ariht and tliov
followed his teaching- anil examples Search
tho state oor and linrl if j cm can a congregation
whoso ovurj day lives proo more tho following
of the examples and teachings of an honorahlo
Christian man Find if ou can a jmotor of
any church of any denomination who has won
and held the love of his congregation more than
Father Loughran Grieved to lose him and
under tlie circumstances fearful of tho future
of their church
Father Loughrans romoval from tins minion
was only the wreaking of tho vengeance of a
man who by virtue of his position has power
that should lxt in other hands An act that the
citizens of Minden and community have ttcti
tioned tho highest authorities of tlio church to
Hemoved becauae his sympathies were with
good honorable men who incurred the displeas
ure of the bishop
Not only did Bishop Bonacum remove him
without cause but attempted to 1111 his place
with a man whose moral reputation was rotten
This the member of the mission stopped bv
sending a delegation to Lincoln to inform tho
bishop that the church would be locked against
any such man When told of tho mans moral
reputation tho bishop admitted it all and told
The idea of attempting to lill tho place of a
man and by tho word man wo mean all tho
word implies by one who has been seen reeling
on tho streets of Minden IJy one of whom tho
bishop said ho did not know tho jteople or
Minden know and that ho wanted to give him
one more trial and if he fell again won M let
him go Has the bishop stopjed to think
what ho is doing
The church at this place is closed there being
no priest chosen to fill Father Loughrans place
We tru t the petition which was signed by
overvone to whom it was presented will have
the do irod effect and that Hov J J Loughran
will soon Iwt recalled to this mission Kearney
County News Minden Neb March 7 1W
Are you going to send away this
year and pay more for seeds than
the Bee Hive is selling them for
A Plea For India
The following plea comes to us from Mrs
Emily C Wheeler secretary of the National
Armenian Helief committee who at tho request
of tho former Committee of One Hundred for
India Famine Helief has consented to help in
caring for India orphans as well as for those in
Some years ago tho good people of America
rescued from death quite a largo number of
little orphans in far away India but in the
hurry of our western life many of these littlo
ones whom wo then rescued from death have
been almost forgotten and are in danger of bo
ing forced into something worso than death
and especially is this true of the girls
Ilenco we feci justified in appealing once more
to the people of America to help theselittle
ones The grown up population of India
mnnv of whom needed help in famine timoare
now able to care for themselves but tint little
ones still need our help First of all they need
something to eat second they need a cherry
home anil third we wish to wakei them to a
love or work which will make them a blessing
to their native land where manual labor is o
often looked upon with supremo contempt
All it costs for each child is six cents a dav or
2000 a car and remembering that a good
many citizens of McCook were interested in this
orphan cause some jears ago we feel sure that
some of you will bo glad to help once more Wo
do not ask a large gilt but wo do ak for one
which will express real love for the cause for
those are tho ones which bring the greatest
blessing to givor and receiver
Yours very truly
Emily C Wnnnwit Secretarj
40 King Worcester Jla s
We dont ask only 2c per package
for seeds as the Bee Hive
P G Isrotzmau was a visitor in tho city east
Tho Presbj tcrians are busy preparing an
Ea ter program
Mrs Locker of Palisade is here vi iting her
son E E Locker
II C Benedict is spending a few with
Benkelnian friend
J M Stuart returned from Lamar Colo
Wednesday morning on 12
Mr- N L Wimple and daughter MiVriette
were McCook visitors Monday
Mr Fannie Brown returned from a brief visit
to Nebraska Citj Saturday on
Ed Blum came down from Paliade Saturday
and spent Sunday with friends
S E Solomon spent Sunday at home return
ing to Cambridge Monday morning
Boy Eleven came up from McCook on Sat
urday night returning Sunday morning
John McNeice resigned his position withD L
Shoemaker and left for Kansas City Friday
Geo G ENenhart went to Benkclman Mon
day to attend court returned Tuesday after
E E Lockor is on the sick list Miss Verna
Vastine had charge of his room Thursday and
The given by Mr- Warnocks Sunday
school class Saturday evening was a decided
success They cleared 16 which they put to a
very good purpose
We understand that there is to be a change in
our hotel C R Parsons removing to McCook
where he will conduct a restaurant and S L
Love taking charge of the Grand Central at this
place We are sorry to lose Mr Parsons and
wish him success in the restaurant
Two cents for a package of seeds
at the Bee Hive
Horse bujers are still around
Frank Lofton was in McCook Monday
Al Benjamins visited at Banksville Friday
Geo Sigwing has moved down near McCook
Frank Lofton was killing hogs preparing for
his summer meat Tuesday
It may be a littlo late but Alex Ellis have got
a boy and Geo Tuttles a girl
Gus and Willie Borndt are busy getting their
summers wood on SwM Sec 27
According to report Abe Loring has moved on
the place vacated by Henry Richardson
Harry Benjamin was down from Eustis after
his implements Friday returning Monday
Chas Olmstead lias leased his fathers place
for this year and wil be at home to his friends
We are informed that Joe Albrecht and Lou
Olmstead have quit school and gone away to
work i
It wasnt the congregation that was disap
pointed this time but tho minister Rev
Dutcher found an empty house
Charlej Wilhelm has got so in the habit of
uing mules that he thinks horses are no
good So he sold his horse team and bought a
team of long ears of Mr Wilcox
Clay Shepherd is on the sick list
They are having good revival mcctingr
Virgil Shepherd returned from the Di mal on
the lith where he has been teaching
John Strjker returned from North Branch
Kansas Inst Tuesday where he and his brother
Roy have been working for their board and
attending district Tlioj have had a
very enjoyable winter
Saturday tho 11th the wind blew a terrific
gale the dust flew and the air was verj cold
Mail Carrier Rraucnm said it was too bad for
man as well as beast to be out he did not
return to McCook until the next da
I B Strjker has sold hi- place to Win Doyle
which will now be connected to El ie Wards
place and Elsie will put sheep and cattle on it
having made a contract with Mr Dojle to that
effect Mr Stryker and family will locate near
Guide Rock Nebraska aero the line in
Some aro much elated over tho silica which
is on tho Win Smith J Allen I Campbell
Wm Peterson and what was the Cox place
recently purchased by IV Peter on better
known as the M L Brown place These places
are on the Redvvillow just aero in Redwillow
county and are in Frontier county from 12 to 10
mile- mostly north and some we t of McCook
Northern grown seeds 2 cts per
package at the Bee Hive
Pare Grape Cream of Tartar Powder
Highest Honors Worlds Fair
M Mai midwinter Fair
Mazio McGlaiighjin and May Prod more are
new pupils in tho eighth grade
Miss Mary Powers of tho eighth grade spent
Saturday and Sunday at her home in Trenton
Misses Galetta Miller and Naomi Wootton of
Inbtjearscla visited the high school Thurs
day afternoon
The subject for debate tomorrow night is
Resolved That Some Concession be Granted
Cuba in the Way of TarilT Reduction on Sugar
and Tobacco
Through tho courtesy of Senator Charles II
Dietrich a copy of tho Congressional Record has
been ordered sent to tho school library It will
continue to come during the present session of
There were twenty seven new admissions to
the beginner- class in the preparatory school
Westward and eleven in South McCook Forty
tin ee is the total number of now pupils w ho have
entered school in all tho grades since Monday
At tho meeting of tho debating society Satur
day evening the Chinese Exclusion Act was
discussed in a very interesting vvav George
Campbell Chester Rogers Charles Kelley and
Willie Cullen upheld the allirmativo while Roy
Rolfe Lester Littel Edward Byfield and
Clifford Brown supported the negative The
judges rendered a decision which slightly fa
vored the atlirmative
Stockbujers wore in this vicinity first of the
Mr and Mr- Wm Rclph were Danbury visi
tors Wednesday
Small grain is doing well considering tho
windy March weather
J H Relph has been hauling fodder and
straw during the past week
Our teacher Pearl Hays was visiting relatives
at Prosiwct Park Saturdaj and Suudnv
Clint Kellev had a sale tho 20 This is the
first public sale in this township foroveritjears
J II Relph attended T C Kellejs sale
There was another horse buverherolast week
The farmers in this vicinity aro sowing wheat
W II Benjamin was at McCook attending
the asses ors meeting the ISth
D II McMurrin and family arrived at Mc
Cook recently They couldnt stand the wot
weather of Iowa It is hard to wean people
from Nebraska after once getting acclimated
Sam Ball will move onto the Barr place soon
Miss Pearl Haves spent Saturday and Sunday
at R M Wades
J II Wade had business in the Driftwood
country Wednesday
Mrs Eugeno Dunham visited with Grandma
Wado Wednesday
Uncle Jimmie Boatman and wife visjtd at
W S Hartmans Monday
E A Dodge and family have moved onto the
Critser place east of Dry Creek
Quite a number from this xlaco attended the
sale at T C Kellejs Thursday
Fall wheat and rve are looking well but a
little moisture would be yery acceptable
Preaching at Prospect Park school house
Sunday at 11 a in bv Rev E S Dutcher Ev
eryone i cordially invited
Get ready to plant a few fruit trees
I B Strj ker has sold his farm to Mr Doj le
Some garden made and early potatoes planted
S D McClains sale wa well attended and
things sold well
J W Corner took a load of cane seed to
McCook Thursday
A V Findlay of Hajes countj was in this
town last Saturdaj
Frank Hamilton has bought a farm in Hayp
county and moved onto it
Parties from South Dakota were lookng over
the country Wednesday and Thursday
Harry Wado has in fifty acres of fall wheat on
the farm of Henry Corcoran It looks well
SJohn who moved to Iowa a jearago has
returned and will farm here This is his fourth
trip here
Proud as a Peacock
Game Warden W E Corwin is as
proud as a peacock over his prowess as
a hunter since his recent killing of a
coyote and a wolf Both of the animals
had been a source of much annoyance
and expense to his locality and strenu
ous efforts had been made to get rid of
them without success The coyote had
been caught in a trap but had eaten off
the imprisoned foot hence was known
as the three legged terror but swift
horses were unable to run him down
Great was the colonels joy when he
brought him down with a well aimed
shot But the killing of the wolf filled
the colonels cup to overflowing and he
has the thanks of his entire neighbor
hood Governor Savage has at least one
warden who is doing his duty anyhow
Receives Hogs on Mondays
D C Marsh wishes to announce that
in the future he will receive hogs on
Monday of each week This arrange
ment will be in the interest of the farm
ers as by confining himself to receiving
hogs on one day he will not be put to
the expense of feeding them until he has
secured enough to make a shipment
He will be able to pay better prices
under this new arrangement
Ed Jeffries is no more to seen in his
accustomed haunts no more are sundry
sums and things belonging to others and
loose and in his neighborhood when he
flitted Au revoir Ed the plunger
If you want a good
food for your child
ren try Wheatose
It is easily and
quickly prepared
and very healthful
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit
All reliable grocers
nave u
California Breakfast Food
Did you hear any one say the Bee
Hive had quit handling seeds
The Chicago River
The Chicago river is one of the most
important water ways of tlio American
continent In point of size it is not
remarkable It is scarcely disceriiable
on the map yet the volume of business
done along its short course exceeds that
done at all but two ports in the world
It is almost beyond belief to those who
know it only in its present aspect that
its waters once flowed clear and spark
ling between verdant grass grown
flower strewn banks beneath the over
hanging boughs of willows and a sky
that was blue when the miii shone Its
shaded pools were the haunts of fish
and water fowl swam and waded in its
Now it is contaminated by the nut
pourings of innumerable sewers The
grassy slopes have given way to docks
warehouses factories and foundries that
rise abruptly from the waters edge
The skies that look upon it in fair
weather are smoke streaked I ts former
inhabitants except the gulls have re
moved to places less frequented by men
The river is much pleasanter to see
and smell than it was before the comple
tion of the drainage canal a few months
ago Then its waters were of an inky
blackness and their surface was often
covered with a scum while boxes bar
rels garbage in short everything that
floats tossed in tho swell of passing
boats It was dirty with the washings
of the great city that sprawled upon its
banks So much refuse was cast into it
that the unusual spectacle of a river en
lire was sometimes presented It was
like a stagnant swamp It had no per
ceptible current Now it flows swiftly
and has the deep blue tinge of the lake
The river is unique in that reversing
the usual order it flows toward its
source Before the opening of the canal
it was undecided which way to go A
series of pumps at Uridgeport were em
ployed in an endeavor to keep it flowing
away from the source of Chicagos water
supply but a heavy rain or a rapidly
melting snow would send the rebellious
stream tearinjr toward the lake For
merly the river would freeze solidly over
in severely cold weather and staunch
tugs were used in breaking up the ice
and in keeping a clear way for the fire
boats and other vessels that had occasion
to pass Now the river is open the year
round although in winter tho stream
is rilled with ice bergs brought in from
the lake
The natural forests that once grew
along the shore have been replaced by
forests of masts and spars Boats may
he seen at all times JJuring tue navi
gation season they come and go but as
soon as the northern straits are frost
locked they find the river a haven
They are engaged in the carrying of all
sorts of commodities coal ore lumber
grain fruit and Christmas trees forming
the bulk of their cargoes So potent is
their influence that railroad freight
rates are regulated by their runuiug
The passenger and pleasure boats some
of which make regular voyages the year
round are docked along the lower
stream few of them coming above the
bridges The freight boats however go
evervwhere their draft will let them
The river is bordered by docks above
which rise plain window pierced iron
shuttered brick walls
The three tunnels that connect the
south side with the west and north sides
Of the city are used almost exclusively
by the street railway companies whose
cars by their means are enabled to
avoid the annoyances and delays incident
to surface travel They are the bane of
the navigators life The larger boats
are often stranded upon them and it is
sometimes necessary to stop the flow of
water into the drainage canal before
they can be released
The bridges that span the stream are
of different styles There is the old-fashioned
draw bridge with a central pier
that turns when a vessel is to pass
through There is the bascule bridge
which has been likened to a jack knife
and there is the lift bridge which may
be raised high enough to permit tallest
masts of the largest vessels to go be
neath it
Steam driven boats used to ply the
river under their own power but the
current has become too swift to allow of
their doing so with safety and they
must now be escorted by tugs The
river crafts are of all descriptions
Freighters and passenger boats side
wheelers and propellers and sail boats
variously rigged tie side by side Down
toward the rivers mouth the bum
boats do a thriving trade in intoxi
cants Occasionally house boats are
seen Sometimes revenue cutters rep
resenting the United States navy pay
their respects to Chicago When dredg
ing operations are in progress tows of
mud scows loaded to the water line
slink along beneath tho bridges For
the fire boats everything must yield
The river on a summers day is a
place of activity Boats from all the
lake ports and even from the other side
of the ocean are loaded and unloaded
at the wharves The deep toned whistles
signal the bridge tender for an open way
sound during every hour of the twenty
four Impudent tugs spouting quanti
ties of black smoke go wheezing up and
down sometimes alone sometimes con
voying boats many times their size At
the deep mouthed warnings there is a
scurrying to get across before the bridge
turns Pedestrains hasten their steps
teamsters whip up their horses the
motormen on the electric cars go ahead
at full speed A bell clangs a command
the policeman on guard stretches a chain
across the wagon track All traflic in
the street ceases while lines of cars and
vehicles form to await the closing of the
draw and a crowd gathers to watch the
stately boat glide by
At night when darkness veils the rot
ting wharves and stark brick walls the
river becomes almost majestieal From
it conies no sound Its rippled surface
reflects the shore lights in waving vel
low paths The red and the green of
sienal lamps dash the scene with color j
The rivers mysterious depths are replete
with awful secrets One thinks of
Dickens and London of Hugo and Paris
It calls to mind the Thames and the j
Seinethe only riverain the world with
which it is comparable j
FOR SALEHouse 8 rooms with
hath room and modern improve
ments Best location Enquire of
s fnrrlpnl H
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets
the remedy that enrcs a cold in one day
8 T
want a little
private talk with s
Phone No 16
Slimmer is Coming and
l 1 li j X X iJIfWTRw j
pring is Near at Hand
ave you your new Easter Gown
ave you your new Summer Dress
ave you your new Easter Gloves
ave you plenty sumr shirt waists
Have You Seen My Complete
UptoDate Stock
If Not Dont Wait But Come I
have the best 125 kid glove you
every wore and the best 1 glove
ever shown in the city
Beautiful Lace Curtains
All prices from 85c a pair up
Elegant Table Linens
all prices colors and qualities
Black Cat Hosiery
the best hose on the market
O Everything
Dry Goods Stoves Carpets and gro
ceries and all at the lowest price
Call on me or call me up
McCook Nebraska
Why Pay Rent or Interest
You can buy yourself a home
with the money which you now
pay for rent
This company furnishes the money to buy
you a home or a farm in any locality and gives
you sixteen years and eight months to pay it
backat the rate of 550 per month on each
100000 without interest
Strictest Investigation Courted
For Full information
District Manager