I1 HI W u IVlcCook Tribune P M KIMMELL Publisher t MCOOK NEBRASKA I BRIEF TELEGRAMS I 4 At Lynchburg Texas Frank P Ja cobs shot and killed his wife Chicago outdid all other places in the grandeur and magnitude of re ception to Prince Henry Flo Freeman shot and killed Peter McCaffery a Kansas City saloon keeper The woman said she did it in self defense The memory of the late President McKinley was honored by the New York legislature by exercises in the assembly chamber The conference of the joint scale committee of the miners and mine operators of Iowa has adjourned after three days futile effort to reach an vSreemont The commission to review and com pile the laws of Porto Rico appoint ed by virtue of the act of April 12 1900 has submitted its report to the attorney general Near Sargeant Neb Ira J Lundey i mortally wounded his wife and then turned the pistol on himself with fatal effect The parties had not of late lived together W A Templeton a member of Company 105 of the coast artillery has been given a clerkship in the of fice of the judge advocate of the de partment of California It is reported that the projected visit to Ireland of King Edward has been abandoned on account it is un derstood of the aggressive action of the United Irish league What is expected to become a tele phone war involving nearly the en tire southern section of the state of Illinois is on at Carbondale and the outcome is problematical The Ohio house of representatives by a vote of 59 to 24 passed the Be vaul bill to repeal the corrupt practice act in buying votes in elections known as the Garfield law At Harlan la after feeding mor phine pellets to two of her children Mrs Anna Rasch a widow tried to kill herself in the same manner but failed The children died Jo A Parker chairman of the na tional convention of middle of the road populists announced at Memphis that there would be no more fusion between the populists and democrats Fire at Marshalltown Iowa destroy ed half a block of buildings in the heart of the city entailing a loss of 75000 resulting in injuries to several guests and employes of the Tremont hotel So great was the demand upon mem bers of congress for tickets of ad mission to the McKinley memorial services that the members themselves were paying 25 each for the coveted pasteboards The house by a vote of 138 to 109 approved the conference report on the Philippine tariff bill which now be comes a law It provides in the main for a reduction of 25 per cent on the existing duties A memorial from the Colorado leg islature was presented in the United States house of representatives call ing upon the government to invest Its good offices in bringing about peace in South Africa The rainfall has been light in In dia and of no benefit to the famine stricken districts There are 395000 persons receiving relief Three mil lion acres of wheat in the Punjab are suffering total drouth Lieutenant Strebler who captured General Lukban the Filipino leader is of German birth and enlisted in the regular army before he was 20 years old He was promoted to a lieuten ancy by President McKinley The Burlington and Union Pacific have announced homeseekers rates to California to apply on the first and third Tuesdays of March April and May 52 being quoted for the round trip second class The Portland Oregonian says that the largest industrial consolidation ever undertaken in the Pacific north west is being quietly worked into shape in that city and San Frlscisco The enterprise is an amalgamation of the great export milling firms of the Pacific coast Secretary Shaw has received a num ber of applications from New York bankers asking for permission to de posit gold in the New York sub treasury and withdraw equal amounts from the sub treasury at San Frati cisco Rev Sheriff Pearson of Portland Me says that when he was elected there were 271 open saloons in the city and that now hell give 100 to the man who can show him an open saloon there or anywhere in the coun ty Because petitions were circulated asking that an assistant be employed to help County Attorney Butler in the prosecution of the Woodward case the latter has sued 175 citizens of Casper for 100000 alleging his professional reputation has been injured RIGATION MAJORITY IN HOUSE FAVORS SEN ATE MEASURE SPEAKER IS NOT FAVORABLE Decided Determination on the Part of Western Members to Force the Measure Presidents Order Prohib iting Lobbying of Employes WASHINGTON D C March 10 The senate has disposed of the irriga tion bill What will become of the measure in the house is an open ques tion It is evident that Speaker Hen derson is not particularly favorable to the irrigation policy notwithstanding the fact that both political parties committed themselves to it in their last national platforms There is however a decided determination upon the part of the western and north western men to force the house to take action and no one has been more in dustrious towards this end than Rep resentative Francis G Newlands of Nevada In point of population Ne vada is the smallest state in the union but few states even among those rank ing as the first are represented in the lower house of congress by a more able painstaking and conscientious man than Mr Newlands It has not always been the largest states that have had the ablest representation in Washington For many years the state of Maine outclassed them all that is when the great quartet Reed Dingley Boutelle and Milliken filled the four seats assigned to Maine in the lower house Delaware has sent men like Bayard Saulsbury and Gray to the senate Newlands undoubtedly has a per sonal interest in securing irrigation legislation for no state in the union will more greatly benefit from the in troduction of a national policy of water storage and distribution than will Nevada Then too it must be remembered that no member repre senting the arid and semi arid region had had such a long period of con tinued service as the Nevada member Nor has anyone studied the subject in all its bearings in every country of the old world which has attempted irrigation to the extent of the investi gation made by Mr Newlands Should the house finally adopt the senate bill or any similar measure success will be due largely to the efforts of the western men who formed a commit tee early in the session and who se lected Senator Warren of Wyoming for chairman and Mr Newlands for secretary This committee succeeded in bringing together the various op posing elements and it has neglected no opportunity to impress its views upon its colleagues So well has it carried on its work that there is to day a clear majority in the house fa vorable to the policy of irrigation In spite of President Roosevelts or der prohibiting employes of the de partments engaging in lobbying a great deal of work of this sort is go ing on The most industrious persons during the last month have been some of the chiefs of divisions of the scien tific bureau of the agricultural depart ment The mails have been literally flooded during the last week or two with letters from all sections of the country urging members to vote for larger appropriations than the com mittee on agriculture seems disposed to recommend All these letters evi dently emanate from one source and that is the bureau of plant industry in the department Odell Crlls on Roosevelt WASHINGTON March 10 Gover nor B B Odell jr of New York din ed with President Roosevelt at the White House tonight remaining after dinner till a late hour Tomorrow he will again dine with the president The governor will remain here until Tuesday morning according to the present plans His visit here he said is simply for recreation and his mis sion is not to discuss politics Postpone Their Departure MANILA March 10 Acting Gover nor Wright and Major Henry Allen chief of the native constabulary who intended to leave Manila on a tour of inspection have posponed their de parture until next Wednesday Successor to Pauncefote LONDON March 10 The Yorkshire Post today says it learns that Hon Alfred Littleton is likely to succeed Lord Pauncefote as British ambassa dor at Washington Violation of Civil Service KNOXVILLE Tenn March 10 Charges have been preferred against United States District Attorney Wright United States Marshal Austin Assistant Postmaster Skaggs and three or four minor officials for alleged violation of rule 2 of the civil service commission The charges it is said resulted from the race for congress in this district the accused being friends of Congressman Gibson who is opposed for renomination SIGNS OF TROUBLE IN CHINA Capture of Priest by Bandit Soldiery Arouses the Powers PEKIN March 10 Chinese officials are greatly disturbed over the condi tions around Jehol Cheng Te about 100 miles northeast of Pekin where bandit soldiers have captured a priest An official of the foreign office de clares that the Russians have already dispatched 500 troops to Jehol from the Manchurian border The trouble began over the settle ment of claims of native Christians and it resulted in rioting between the Christians and the non Christians Brigands took advantage of these con ditions to plunder the country and the Russian telegraphic connections were incidentally cut The foreign office says that the captured priest is a Belgian It vas reported March 7 from Pekin that the Chinese court had ordered the immediate release of this priest in order to forestall the entry of foreign troops in the district of Jehol which is rich in gold mines LONDON March 10 In a dispatch dated Shanghai the correspondent of the Standard says that the Chinese merchants coming from Port Arthur declare they have been ordered to re move their families from Port Arthur because preparations were being made there for a war with Japan SUITABLE FOR HOMESTEADS Strip of Land Adjoining Reservation Wanted for Entry RUSHVILLE Neb March 10 An effort is being put forth in this coun ty to have the government open for settlement a strip of land north of Rushville that lays up against the Pine Ridge Indian reservation The land was taken off from the market to prevent bootleggers from selling liquor to Indians on the reservatioin How ever the conditions that existed at the time the land was withdrawn have long since ceased to exist Indian Agent Brennan of Pine Ridge seems to think that this strip should not be opened The land is well watered and fine groves are found along the streams No Indians reside thereon and parties from this state have quite recently been thrown into jail at Pine Ridge for entering upon the lands and cut ting timber The Nebraska senators will be petitioned to use their efforts to open this territory as it contains some of the best farming lands in this part of the state and it would pro vide homes for several hundred fam ilies SENDS SECOND NOTE TO PORTE The Brigands Are Within Turkish Ter ritory CONSTANTINOPLE March 10 The American legation here today pre sented to the porte the second note referring to the capture of Miss Ellen M Stone In this note it is pointed out that as Miss Stone was captured the ransom paid and the prisoner de livered in Turkey the brigands must be within the Turkish frontier and should therefore be captured The note denies that the authorities were ever requested to lessen their vigilance on the frontier and assets that only the movements of the troops in the interior were interfered with The first note presented to the porte by the United States legation at Con stantinople in the matter of Miss Stones capture by brigands demanded the punishment of the guilty parties COSTS TO SEE THE PARADE Big Prices Offered for Seats for Day of Coronation LONDON March 10 This city is already flooded with illustrated liter ature pointing out the advantageous view from which the coronation pa rade may be witnessed Windows opening on balconies at such points as Ludgate Hill have been let for 42 ez h Single seats in the strand have been sold for 3 to 5 Single win dows with exceptional approaches on the Surrey side have fetched 73 Equally elaborate plans for viewing the naval parade are already in full swing The demand for high class steamers is said to exceed the supply These tours will include a four day cruise about the channel From 10 to IS guineas are now asked for single berths Leaves for Cuba WASHINGTON March 10 Miss Alice Roosevelt daughter of the presi dent with several friends and accom panied by a maid left for a visit to General and Mrs Leonard Wood at Havana Cuba Defeat of Bill Predicted WASHINGTON March 10 The house this week after disposing of the bill to classify rural free delivery serv ice and place the carriers under the contract system will devote its atten tion to appropriation bills The post office appropriation bill which will be taken up first probably will require three days- It will be followed by the river and harbor bill It is regarded as a foregone conclusion that the ru ral free delivery bill will be defeated INCREASE OF STATE MILITIA Nebraska National Guard Soon to Have Two Thousand on Rolls LINCOLN Neb March 10 The nu merical strongth of the Nebraska Na tional guard will soon be increased to approximately 2000 officers and en listed men The last roster shows an aggregate number of 1541 but this does not include the independent com panies recently formed in West Point and Stanton nor the South Omaha company of cavalry which was mus tered into service Saturday There are three additional compan ies in course of preparation One is a battery of light artillery in this city another is a medical corps and the third is an engineer corps Dr Birk ner of Lincoln has been authorized by the adjutant general to organize the medical corps and as soon as complet ed will be mustered in and made an in dependent company The engineer and signal corps are being organized in Fremont Each independent com pany will comprise approximately sixty-five officers and men Adjutant General Colby hopes soon to form the proposed Third regiment To do this it may be necessary to have each regiment consist of only nine companies ASSAULTED BY A STRANGER Farmer Near Pender Robbed of Some Cash PENDER Neb March 10 Carl Tagtow a German farmer was slug ged and robbed of eighty five dollars while on his way home from this place Tagtow had been in a saloon and was it is said pretty well under the in fluence of liquor and for that reason was not able to well describe his as sailants The man who did the slug ging got into the wagon when Tagtow started home and rode with him a couple of miles into the country when he demanded the latters money and he not handing it over at once was struck several hard blows on the head and face and the money was secured Tagtow instead of going home how ever turned back to town after recov ering consciousness and had his wounds dressed He put officers on the trail of his assailant and next day William Leach was arrested charged with the crime Whether or not he is the right man is not yet known Convict Labor Contract LINCOLN Neb March 10 The State Board of Public Lands and Build ings closed a three year contract with the Lee Broom and Duster company for convict labor at the penitentiary The company agrees to use the labor of 125 to 250 convicts daily at the rate of 45 cents a day for each man This is 5 cents lower per man than the old contract which expires this month but under its terms the company was not required to employ more than 90 convicts daily The board also voted to discontin ue the practice of charging visitors at the penitentiary an admission fee of 10 cents In the past few months such a fee has been charged all visitors for the benefit of the library fund In this way about 600 has been raised and the board thought this amount large enough for the library Profit in Sugar Beets TECUMSEH Neb March 10 Not withstanding the fact that last season was a poor one for the production of sugar beets Herschel Heilig a local farmer nettefl 20 per acre on his crop and shipped his beets to the Ames factory The beet acreage will be in creased in Johnson county this year as many farmers are growing them for experimental purposes Eighteen Months in the Penitentiary WAHOO Neb March 10 Emmett Roberts who was shot by Marshal while resisting arrest being charged with forgery was sentenced to eighteen months in the penitentiary by Judge Sornberger Roberts home is in Newton la and he is wanted there on a similar charge Becomes Violently Insane FULLERTOX Neb March 10 E O Elliott a local Methodist minister who has been a resident of this coun ty for the past five or six years be came violently insane a few days ago Recruiting Station is Closed NEBRASKA CITY Neb March 10 The United States recruiting station that has been open here for the past two months will be closed today Found Dead in Hie Bed WILBER Neb March 10 Joseph Drasky was found dead in bed by his wife The cause was pneumonia Heavy Sales of York Lands YORK Neb March 10 Every day for the past three weeks the real es tate transfers of farms in this count have been from 40000 upwards and Friday the total was 10S000 It is estimated that over 300 Iowa and Illi nois farmers have made purchases in York county and have moved here There has been a large number of purchasers from different parts of the state Recent sales of farm lands are at 45 to 75 per acre OSCEOLA THE FIRST STATION Only Contributing Communities May Have Traveling Library Benefits LINCOLN Neb March 8 The Ne braska Public Library commission has decided that only those communities which contribute to the book fund may be designated as permanent trav eling library stations Under this rul ing Osceola becomes the first station the Womans club of that city having donated funds sufficient for one collec tion of books Outling the plan Miss Edna Bullock secretary of the com mission said The number of applicants for trav eling libraries on the waiting list at the ofilce of the commission Is so great that the legislative appropriation Is entirely inadequate to the demand and the commission has adopted the policy of making such communities as contribute money or books for one traveling library permanent stations for a period of years equal to the life of a traveling library The traveling libraries contain forty volumes and the average cost of the books is 1 per volume The Womans club of Osceola re cently secured the loan of a traveling library which was placed in a drug store The books have been very pop ular and within two weeks after the arrival the women were able to raise enough money to buy a traveling li brary They have notified the secre tary of the commission to select and order the books and send the bill to them The people of Osceola will thus have a succession of traveling li braries for a period of five years SMALLPOX IN NEBRASKA A Report Showing the Number cf Cases by Counties LINCOLN Neb March 8 At the meeting of the State Board of Health a report showing the number of cases of smallpox in the state during the month was made out In the counties reporting 7G4 cases are found The report by counties follows Adams 20 Antelope 1 Boone 3 Boyd 1 Buffalo 14 Burt 3 Butler 20 Cass 8 Cedar 48 Clay 13 Colfax 3 Da kota 12 Dawes 12 Dixon G Dodge J Douglas 189 Fillmore 1 Furnas 1G Gage 43 Hall 4 Hamilton 20 Holt 17 Jefferson 1 Johnson 14 Kearney 7 Keya Paha G Knox 9 Lancaster 77 Lincoln 1 Madison 12 Vance 1 Nemaha 19 Nuckolls 8 Otoe 2 Pawnee 1 Pierce 7 Platte 2 Richardson 10 Sarpy 21 Saunders 23 Seward 6 Stanton 34 Thayer 2 Thurston 5 Washington 2 Wayne 10 Webster 14 No re ports were received from the remain ing counties Contracting for Sugar Beets GRAND ISLAND Neb March 8 The American Beet Sugar company at this place has contracted to date 2450 acres The total number of acres con tracted last year was 2650 The pres ent contracting season however does not close for six weeks yet during which time the management is confi dent that it can exceed the acreage of last year by from 500 to 1000 acres Leasing School Lands LINCOLN Neb March 8 Land Comissioner Follmer expects soon to finish the annual leasing of public school lands Two weeks ago there were approximately 22000 acres of this land available but since this about one third has been rented Mr Follmer hopes to lease all but about 1500 acres The next leasing will be in the fall season Arrested for Theft of Hogs FREMONT Neb March 8 John Hemming and Otto Hitchcock were ar rested on the charge of stealing a load of hogs from C Spath a farmer living west of the city Hemming pleaded guilty and was bound over to the district court for trial Hitch cock demanded a hearing and his case was continued Boy Killed Under a Wagon FAIRBURY Neb March 8 Har low H aged 9 years son of Charles Franz who resides on A and Ninth streets while on his way to school climbed on the side break of a load ed farm wagon and fell from it He was killed by the wagon wheel run ning across his neck Mrs Lundy Certain to Die SARGENT Neb March 8 Mrs I J Lundy who was shot by her hus band at Taylor is still alive but there is no hope of saving her life as one cf the bullets passed through her spinal cord Lundy shot himself three times once in the forehead and twice through the heart Republican Committee March 20 LINCOLN Neb March 8 Chair man H C Lindsay of the republican state central committee issued a call for a meeting of the committee in this city March 20 to determine on a time and place for holding the nominating convention It is understood that there is a general sentiment in favor of an early convention some time dur ing the latter part of June or the early part of July It may be extended to the last of the month 1213 BUS ONIONS PER ACRE Seizors New Method of onlrn culture makes f It possible to grow 1300 and moro bus vojuvre that puy bottt r The Sulzcn onnunlly dis tribute nearly one eighth Of ft million lbs or onion wl selling Hmo at 00c and up per lb For 10c nod this Notice John A Salzer Seed rv T iiHrosMe Wis ii ivlmnminiith nntrtlnir together SlthlM kinds or flower and vegetable seedn Market gardeners list So postngt v n v A Slam at Oklahoma Representative Fitzgerald of Brook lyn tells of a poker gamo he saw In Oklamoha Ill be blamed if I play in any game like this shouted one of the players jumping to his feet and throwing down his cards Whats the matter asked the other four players Somebodys stolen a jack of hearts off my knee An examina tion of the players cards added Mr Fitzgerald showed that he had jacks up and the odd jack would have given him a full house Safety Mirrors at Road Crossings The Woodbridge England district council has resorted to novel means to prevent accidents at dangerous street corners These roads in the district meet at awkward angles and collis ions between vehicles have been rath er common Widening by demolition of house property being impossible the surveyor recommended the erec tion of mirrors By this means driv ers can see through brick walls so to speak and the experiment has proved successful Many Sohool Children Aro Slrkly Mother JraysHwcetPowdersfor Chil dren used by Mother Gray a nurse in Childrens Home New York cure Fever ishness Headache Stomach Troubles Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms Atalldrugrists25cSample mailed free Address Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y All Qualified In the course of a speech in the sen ate last week Mr Hoar of Massachu setts took a fling at the Green Moun tain state by saying No man in Ver mont is allowed to vote until he has made 5000 trading horses with Mas sachusetts people A ripple of laugh ter caused by this remark was chang ed to a roar when Senator Proctor of Vermont said in his deep bass Yes and we all vote Wants Women as Jurors A French deputy has announced his intention to bring in a bill during the present session of parliament making it not only admissible but legally obli gatory for women to sit as jurors II y proposes that all juries shall be re quired to consist of six good men and six women similarly qualified Rosebery a Feudal Lord Lord Rosebery according to T P OConner lives the life of a great feudal lord on his estates He has a host of retainers splendid equipages and everywhere his coronet is in evi dence He travels Irom one of his great houses to another with postilions as if railways had not been invented The liberal leader is a great noble and the people like him all the better for being apart from them in tho pomp and circumstances of his pri vate life Grandfather of Congress Dr W H Milburn the blind chap lain of the senate thinks he may fair ly lay claim to the title of grand father of the house He entered tho service of that body ten years before John Sherman of Ohio and Justin S Morrill of Vermont who were termed fathers of the house Mr Milburn was first elected chaplain of congress in 1845 being then a resident of Illi nois and hailing from the congression al district represented by Lincoln Scripture For and Against A New Englander about 70 ypars old having learned that Dr Henry Van Dyke made occasional expeditions to Canada and elsewhere in search or big game recently sent to him a pen drawing made by himself of a stag and underneath placed this motto in large letters Thou Shalt Not Kill Dr Van Dyke in acknowledging re ceipt of the drawing thanked his friend for his kindness and suggested that under certain conditions a more appropriate text would he Acts x13 Rise Peter kill and eat 3STEW CURE FOR KIDNEYS BLABD EB Brights Disease Rheumatism Gravel Pain in the Rack Dropsy etc you vill upou request he mailed A LARGE TRIAL CASE FREE Disorders of the Kidneys and Bladder cauo Bright s Disease Rheumatism Gravel Pain in tho Back Bladder Disorders- difficult or too frequent passing of water Dropsy etc For these disease a I psitive Specific Cure is found in a new botanical discovery the wonderful Kava Kava Shrub called by botanists the pirxrmdhyiticum from the Ganges Elver Last India It has the extraordinary record atxs Viola Hearing Poiertborg tad of 1 200 hospital cures in 30 days It acts directly Sv and cures by drainmpoutof the Blood the poisonous Uric Acid Lithates etc which cause the disease tit James Thomas Esq of the Board of Eeview Bureau of Pensions Washington D C waTeured after many physicians failed and he hiilrfven un all hope ot recovery Nathaniel Anderson F of Greenwood S C writes Was a sufierer of Khjl o nev and Bladder troubles which caused two hem orrhages of the Kidneys had to urinate every feJ minutes physicians told him his case wmHw able hutwascompletelycuredby AlkaVis Alri DLaneAuburnSle writes WJacuSofRhSli matism which as so severe as to caue him to crutches Hundreds of similar tetimonfal S be produced H desired Many ladieT includhl Mis Viola Dearinjj Petersburg InOrf 7 R DinsmoreSouth Deerfield Jfa also testf fvsfo and other disorders peculiar to women Iswle3 Tliat yon may jueof the value of thi Great Discovery for yourself ive will send you oi Lara e Case bv mail Free only asking that when cSSi yourseh you will recommend it to othere IS bure f pecific and can not fail AddrW Th Church Kidney Cure Company Vo StSh rourth Avenue New York City l i