The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 14, 1902, Image 2

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Speaks In Cordial Terms of United
States and His Reception Grateful
for American Hospitality What
Captain Von Muller Said
NEW YORK March 8 Prince Hen
ry of Prussia yesterday completed his
tour and is once more in New York
where he will remain until Monday
when he goes to Philadelphia He was
absent from the city for nine days
during which time his special train
was within the territory of thirteen
states and logged a total distance of
4358 miles
He was greatly pleased with his trip
and last night through his aide Cap
tain von Muller issued a statement
expressing his satisfaction at the op
portunity which came to him and his
gratification at the cordiality with
which he was received throughout the
country Captain von Muller said
His royal highness is very much
pleased by his trip into the interior of
the United States He is fully aware
of the fact that he has had only a
very superficial glimpse of a very
small portion of the United States
and that he might perhaps have used
his time to greater advantage had he
remained in one of the larger cities of
the east But he is convinced never
theless that considering the charac
ter of his mission the trip was the
right thing for him In malting it he
has obtained a fair idea of the country
and its resources which the capital of
the United States and the great com
mercial centers of the east alone could
not have given him but more than
this impression he valuees the hearty
welcome which he met in all places
he went through a welcome that
showed him how the people of the
United States everywhere understood
and appreciated the intention of the
German emperor in sending him here
The prince made a speech in St
Louis in which he said he regretted
not to have been able to express his
thanks to those who greeted him at
the railway station or otherwise to
show him their respects He wishes
to have the intent of that speech con
veyed to all those who in the course of
the trip gave him such a cordial re
ception and especially he wishes to
express his thanks to those who early
in the morning when he was not pre
pared and still in bed welcomed him
with music and cheers
The receptions by the great cities
of the south and the middle west were
more than he ever had expected and
so were the receptions in the east
But his royal highness is equally
thankful for what the smaller places
did in showing him their good will
though the train in such places stop
ped only a few minutes and frequently
not at all
Altogether the prince is most grat
ified by his trip and shall never for
get how the American people every
where met him with hospitality and
Elevation of Diplomatic Posts a Good
VIENNA March 8 The Tremden
blatt referring to the decision of the
government to raise the mission of
Austria Hungary at Washington to an
embassy says
As the United States legation at
Vienna will also be converted into an
embassy the relations of Austria
Hungary and the United States will
be represented in a manner in con
sonance with the present importance
and which will be enhanced in the
future Political hostilities between
the two countries humanely speaking
is no more probable in the future than
it was in the past In view of the
impending rearrangement of the political-commercial
relations of Europe
and the United States it is doubly im
portant to be in close contact with
all nations which are pre eminent in
the economic domain
Nothing Heard from Boer Envoys
WASHINGTON March 8 The mis
sion of the Boer delegates to the Uni
ted States government is ended so
far as officials know They presented
no credentials and made no effort to
embarrass the administration by for
mal applications for relief Their fu
ture movements are not known to the
Doesnt See End of War
LONDON March 8 Cabling from
Pretoria Edgar Wallace says that he
sees no reason why the war should not
be prolonged for another year and per
haps for two years more
Omaha Road in Oklahoma
GUTHRIE O T March 8 The
Omaha Kansas City Gulf railroad
lias been chartered in Indian Territory
to build ajine from Wichita Kan to
the Osage and Creek nations
Hundred and Forty Per Cent
lor the special agent in charge of the
beet sugar investigations in the de
partment of agriculture is in Wash
ington making his annual report He
gave to the Associated Press the fol
lowing figures on the industry in the
past year
Tho total production of beet sugar
in the United States in the season of
1901 2 has aggregated 185000000 tons
an increase of 140 per cent from the
77000 tons produced during the sea
son 1900 01
There were thirty one factories in
operation in 1900 according to the
census figures and eleven more were
started in 1901 There are nino fac
tories in course of construction for
operation in 1902 as follows Sebe
waing Carrollton Mount Clemens and
Crosswell Shelby Ind Greeley and
Fort Collins Colo and Phoenix Ariz
ranging in capacity of daily output
from 500 tons to 1000 the latter figure
being the capacity at tho Phoenix
Other companies have been organiz
ed with a total capitalization of 49
000000 and would require annually a
working capitalization in addition to
Health of Troops Good Considering
All Things
WASHINGTON March 7 Surgeon
General Sternberg received the health
report of the military division of the
Philippines for the month ended Jan
uary 15 last The percentage of sick
was G16 per cent and the total sick
2534 cases There were fifty nine
deaths during the month a decrease
of eighteen compared with the previ
ous month Colonel Pope who made
the report just before his death says
the small percentage of the sick and
the few deaths are especially gratify
ing in view of the active military
operations of the most arduous char
acter in Samar and Batangas The
situation in regard to bubonic plague
is much more favorable than at the
time of the last report Only three
cases of the disease occurred during
the month one being Harry Dunn a
quartermasters employe who died De
cember 27
Impression Prevails Among Delegates
that the Bill Will Fail
ARDMORE I T March 7 The
single statehood delegation from the
Indian Territory returned from Wash
ington today with little hope for sin
gle statehood during this session of
congress The following address to
the people of the territory from Dele
gate Bradford was issued today
I have not abandoned single state
hood but to the contrary I insist that
no statehood bill for Oklahoma can
be passed that does not in some way
provide for making Indian Territory
a part of it either as a state or terri
tory In my opinion no statehood leg
islation will pass this congress I am
of the opinion that a bill for tempo
rary territorial government for the
Indian Territory will pass It must
be a measure offering no resistance
to single statehood in the future
Japan Buys Colorado Rails
PUEBLO Colo March 7 G Oya a
member of the board of directors of
railways in Japan nearly all of
which are owned by the government
is in Pueblo after visiting the prin
cipal eastern steel works and has
made arrangements for Japan to get
its supplies of railroad steel from
steel works here He will recom
mend the arrangement and it is ex
pected that it will be closed It will
mean an immense saving in cost of
transportation to the Japanese gov
Editor New Strongly Urged
WASHINGTON March 7 Consid
erable pressure is being brought to
bear on Henry S New of Indianapolis
to accept the first assistant postmas
ter generalship but there is said to be
very much doubt of his acceptance
Senator Beveridge of Indiana conferred
with Postmaster General Payne on
the matter yesterday Mi New bases
his reluctance to accept on business
and other reasons but has not yet
given a final answer
Peet Bads in Michigan
ALLEGAN Mich March 6 H T
Marsh of Allegan county has sold to
Count Carl Kleinstuck 3G0 acres of
land in Martin township which the
count intends putting into peet beds
Illinois Selects the Site
ST LOUIS March 7 President H
M Dunlap and the members of the
Illinois worlds fair commission ar
rived in St Louis yesterday After
consultation with Director of Works
Isaac S Taylor they visited the fair
sitefor the purpose of picking out a
locafon for the Illinois state building
It is to be on a direct line with those
of Missouri and Texas and will occu
py the second position of importance
among state buildings
Says Our Government Cannot and
Will Not Interfere with War Uncle
Sam Will Stand by a Strict Neutral
ity Policy
WASHINGTON March 6 Messrs
Wolmarans and Wessels the Boer rep
resentatives who came to the United
States from Europe for the purpose of
conferring with the secretary of state
have achieved their purpose
They were received by Mr Hay at
11 oclock yesterday morning It was
distinctly understood that the Boers
were to be received as private citizens
and not in an official capacity Secre
tary Hay talked with them freely and
with this understanding The princi
pal object of the delegates was to in
duce the United States government to
do something to terminate the present
bloody struggle in South Africa They
were not very specific as to what they
wanted and apparently would be satis
fied with almost anything from inter
vention direct to a simple tender of
the good offices on the part of the
United States Secretary of State Hay
heard them attentively and promised
to consider their representations and
to do whatever he could Im ameliorate
tho conditions in South Africa But
he pointed out that the president was
the prime authority in such matters
and he recommended that they see
President Roosevelt and ascertain his
views This they agreed to do and
will be received at the white house in
the same unofficial way
Later in the day Messrs Wolmarans
and Wessels accompanied by Dr
Frederick Mueller of the Orange Free
State called at the white house They
were received by President Roosevelt
in the library and remained with him
about fifteen minutes They called as
private citizens and not in their of
ficial capacity as Boer representatives
Mr Roosevelt listened attentively to
what they had to say and then inform
ed them this government cannot and
will not interfere in the struggle
A matter of complaint by the dele
gates was the shipment of horses
mules and provisions from the United
States for the British forces in South
Africa Secretary Hay went over this
subject very carefully with them cit
ing authorities and precedents which
he pointed out conclusively establish
ed the lack of authoity on the part of
tho general government to prevent the
American farmer from shipping his
stock and the stock raiser from ship
ping his produce to any part of the
world he desired He also pointed out
that the governments attitude in ths
matter toward the South African war
had been strictly neutral and that the
government had done nothing to pre
vent shipments of commodities to the
Boer forces
Republican State Central Committee
to Set the Time
LINCOLN Neb March 6 Chair
man I I C Lindsay will issue a call
today for a meeting of the republican
state central committee in this city
on Marach 20 to determine upon a
time and place for holding the state
nominating convention Mr Lindsay
made this announcement after confer
ring with Secretary Mallalieu by long
distance tlephone They agreed that
March -0 would be a satisfactory
It is understood that officers of the
committee favor an early convention
to be held during the latter part of
June or early part of July
Bryan Meets Fellow Scribes
NEW YORK March C William J
Bryan was the guest of the New York
Press club this evening at the clubs
regular monthly smoker He said he
did not go into newspaper work en
tirely of his own free will but was
led into it after he had become con
vinced that his oratory was not suffi
ciently clear to convince a majority
of people that his ideas were good
Miss Alice Going to Cuba
NEW YORK March 6 Miss Allice
Roosevelt accompanied by Harriet
Elain Beale will it is reported leave
Washington Sunday night for Florida
and will sail Tuesday from Port Tam
pa for Havana They go to visit Gov
ernor General and Mrs Wood and will
remain in Cuba two or three weeks
Confirms Sugar Plant Deal
retary Horce G Whitney of the Utah
Sugar Refining company received a
telegram today from Manager T R
Cutler in New York stating that a
deal for a sale of a half interest in
the company had been closed The
names of the purchasers were not giv
en but it is believed that the Ameri
can Sugar Refining company is back
of the deal The amount involved is
said to be about 1300000
to Dissolve Corporate Existence
of Northern Securties Co
TRENTON N J March 5 Senator
Gebhardt democrat of Hunterdon In
troduced a bill In the senate to repeal
and dissolve the charter and corpor
ate existence of the Northern Securi
tiesc ompany The bill has a long pre
amble in which It is stated among
other things that the company was
organized to enable the Northern Pa
cific Railroad company and the Great
Northern Railroad company to violate
the laws of the several states and in
terfere with their revenues and also
to destroy the competition in passen
ger and freight rates that existed be
tween there railroads The preamble
goes on to say that the organization
has aroused great public indignation
and that the governor of Minnesota
has already instituted suit to prevent
the consummation of the illegal and
injurious purposes sought to be ac
complished by the formation of the
Securities company The bill was re
ferred to the committee on corpora
Gen Hughes Thinks it Due to Over
confidence in Natives
WASHINGTON March 5 In his
testimony before the senate committee
on the Philippines today General
Hughes related the particulars of the
massacre at Balangiga Samar last
September He took upon himself the
responsibility for the sending of
troops to that post and for the selec
tion of the officer who was placed
in command I had known him for
years he said He was a fine offi
cer and I had every confidence In
General Hughes said however that
he was convinced the disaster was due
to overconfidence and he had since
heard that the officer in command hac
reposed too great trust in the na
tives while serving in Luzon but ho
was not aware of this trait of the
mans character before giving him the
post at Balangiga
Speaking of the native soldiers Gen
eral Hughes said they generally did
well but should not be trusted except
under command of American superi
Reports Are Meager but Government
is Thoroughly Aroused
WASHINGTON March 5 Advices
from the seat of war in South America
are meager Nothing has been heard
of the reported insurgent naval op
erations on the coast of Venezuela
But reports from Colombia show that
the government is thoroughly awak
ened to the formidable character of
the revolutionary outbreak near the
capital and that a large body of troops
has been hastily ordered from the
north to assist in the defense of tho
capital This withdrawal may have
a considerable influence on the cam
paign on the isthmus of Panama
The report came from United States
Minister Hart at Bogota and in sub
stance stated that 5000 ot the best sol
diers in Colombia had reinforced the
government troops near Bogota Fight
ing had continued for some days but
reliable details had not been received
Blizzard Kills Cattle
ALBANY Neb March 5 Stock
men in this section of Sheridan coun
ty report the loss among cattle during
the recent blizzard at from 5 to 10 per
cent The wind blew a terrible gale
drifting the snow from two to ten feet
in places
Peter M Girard the village black
smith here was found dead in his
Darn where he had been at work with
a hammer in his hand Heart disease
is ascribed as the cause of death He
nad been a resident here for ten
Purchase of Bonds
WASHINGTON March 5 The sec
retary of the treasury today purchas
ed 1000000 short 4 per cent bonds
which makes the total purchased
pince July 1 1901 5135G420 of all
designations at a cost of 64908622
Botha Not Seeking Peace
LONDON March 5 The Brussels
correspondent says that Mr Kruger
has received a report from General
Botha affirming the Boer government
to be fully determined to continue
Rebellion in China Grows
HONG KONG March 5 The rebel
lion in Kwang Si province is spread
ing rapidly Signs of unrest are al
ready apparent at Kwe Lin and Nan
King the newly opened river treaty
Schwab is Re elected President
NEW YORK March 5 The direc
tors of the United States Steel cor
poration met today and re elected
President Schwab and all the other
officers whose terms expired Other
wise only routine business was trans
Postoffice Looted of 1500
HAMILTON O March 5 Robbers
today looted the postoffice at Oxford
of 1500 in stamps and 100 in cash
From nia Majestys Dockyard
Portsmouth Knglnntl
IVber Upwards of 10000 Men Aro
Constantly Kmployori
Some time ago tho Portsmouth
Times and Naval Gazette published a
most thrilling and remarkable experi
ence of the wife of Mr Frederick
Payne himself connected with tho
Portsmouth dockjard for many years
The report produced a great sensation
not only in Portsmouth but through
out the country being considered of
sufficient Importance for reproduction
and editorial comment by the leading
metropolitan and provincial press of
England as showing the marvelous
power which St Jacobs Oil possesses
as a cure for Rheumatism Its applica
tion having effected a perfect cure In
the case of Mrs Payne after having
been a helpless cripple and given up
by several physicians
We have now further evidence of its
Intrinsic value as a Pain Conqueror
Our readers will do well to follow the
Intelligent and highly interesting de
tails as given In Mrs Rabbets own
To the Proprietors St Jacobs Oil
Gentlemen My husband who is- a
shipwright in His Majestys dockyard
met with an accident to his ankle and
leg spraining both so badly that his
leg turned black from his knee to his
toes The doctor said It would be
months before he could put his foot to
the ground and it was doubtful
whether he would over get proper use
of his leg again
A few days after the accident I had
a book left at the door telling about St
Jacobs Oil so I procured a bottle from
our chemist Mr Arthur Creswell 379
Commercial Road I began to use
St Jacobs Oil and you may guess my
surprise when in about another week
from that date my husband could not
only stand but could even walk about
and in three weeks from the time I
first used the Oil my husband was
back at work and everybody talking
about his wonderful recovery This i3
not all Seeing what St Jacobs Oil
could do gave me faith in your Vogel
ers Curative Compound also favora
bly mentioned In the book left at my
house I determined to try the com
pound on my little girl who was suf
fering from a dreadful skin disease
the treatment of which has cost me
large sums of money in going from
one doctor to another with her all to
no purpose
She has taken two bottles of Vo
gelers Curative Compound and one
would now hardly take her for the
same child Her skin has such a nlco
healthy color after the sallow look she
has always had
I shall never cease to be thankful
for the immense benefit we have de
rived from these two great remedies
of yours I think it a duty to recom
mend these medicines now I have
proved their value
Signed Elizabeth S Rabbets
Grafton Street Mile End
Landport Portsmouth England
A liberal free sample of Vopelers Com
pound will be sent by addressing St
Jacobs Oil Ltd Baltimore
The above honest straightforward
statement of Mrs Rabbets evidence iB
strongpr and far more convincing than
pages of paid advertisements which
though in themselves attractive yet
lack that convincing proof which Mrs
Rabbets description of her own expe
rience supplies St Jacobs Oil has a
larger sale throughout the world than
that of all other remedies for outward
application combined and this can
only be accounted for from the fact
of its superiority over all others
For the Purchase of Palestine
At the request of influential Hebrews
of New York a bill has been intro
duced in the state legislature for the
incorporation of the Federation of
American Zionists The purpose of
the organization is the purchase of
Palestine from the Turkish govern
ment so that it may be open to such
Jews as may desire to go there from
any part of the world and make it
their home It is stated that many
rich men are interested in the meas
ure and that money can be raised to
any needed amount provided the porte
is willing to accept the proposition for
a sale
A Different Opinion
The strained relations between Sen
ator Vest of Missouri and Senator
Morgan of Alabama are well under
stood by those who know the ropes
in Washington The story is told of a
new senator who had been offended by
a colleague and who approached Sen
ator Vest and said Isnt Jones the
worst ass that ever broke into public
life The frail and venerable states
man from Missouri is reported to have
replied I cant say You know I
am pretty thoroughly committed on
that proposition to Morgan Leslies
First Playbill sold for 5506
The earliest known playbill publish
ed in New York has been sold from
the library of the late Thomas J Me
Kee It was purchased by Evert Jan
sen Wendell for 506 The performance
of which the bill is an announcement
was Richard III The date of the
presentation was November 12 1753
The Russian mercantile marine has
745 steamers and 2293 sailing vessels
Cocoanut is much used in Germany
instead of cod liver oil for consump
A man who can remember his first
love affair must have a remarkable
When it is a question of advice no
body will play the game of follow the
If you think you are a martyr dont
nscribe it on your door plate
If ignorance were bliss what a lot
of people would be happy
There is nothing to chili love like
cold feet
Talk In so cheap that it is tho only
thing in ue wrld that you dont havo
to buy
Defiance Starch is guaranteed big
gest and best or money refunded IB
ounces 10 cents Try it now
OKLAHOMA 500 homestead
Price 25 Omnia All Drustjl
Mans Mission on Earth
Medical Book JFroo
Know Thyself Manual a book for men only Hcnt
Freo postpaid Healed to every uinle render mau
Honing tola paper 6c for postage Tho Sclemo of
Life or Self preservation the Gold Medal IrUo
Treatlio tho best Medical Hook of thin or any age
370 pp with engraving and prescriptions IClegant
Library Kdltlon full gilt ONLY 81 paper rovers
Inferior abridged edition 23c GET THK TIKST Ad
dress tho Peabody Medical Institute 4 Ilulnnt h t
pp Itcvore Homo Huston Mass tho oldest and best
In this country Write toOay for these books keys
to health and happlncst Consultation In person or
by letter 9 to C Sunday 10 to I
Tho Poabody Medical Institute has many Imita
tors but no eijuals Boston Herald
wpivvrjj vrnW
MWss iitaaal9HK9feM
the man ivlio wears
Suits and
Warranted waterproof
Mada to stand hard work aril
rough weather Lotli for trad
mark If jruur ilfjnlcr iW iu t
liuvelhciuitcml rorcntotiHtuf to
Hole Mtru
KnL Cambridge Man
Every farmer his own landlord no fncum
branccs his bank account increasing year by
uaiiciim vuiuumurrav
ink stock Increasing
splendid climate ex
cellent schools and
churches low luxation
high prices for cnttlu
ami grain low railway
rates and every possi
ble comfort This Is tho
condition of the fanner in Western Camula
Province of Mnnitoba and districts of Assinl
boia Saskatchewan and Alberta Thousand
of Americans arc now settled there Uedueed
rates on all railways for homescckers and set
tlers New districts are being opened up this
year The new forty page Atlas of Western Ca
nada sent free to all applicants P Pcdley
Superintendent of Immigration Ottawa Canada
or W V Bennett Canadian Government Agent
801 New York Life Bldg Omaha Neb
S s
iC7j ik
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Ease Durability Simplicity
Accidents are rare pleasure is increased by
their superior elasticity and you can mend
them Kith your hands no tools required
Our automobile tires are just as safe satis
factory and reliable
Q J TIRE COMPANY Indianapolis Ind
Nyf iVk Douglas StoresvA
Notice increase of tales in tal lc ietow z
18008ggl82 Pairs
1901 111566720 Paire
Bustresx ilnra Than tiDuhloH In o v-
L ouM make and Bellsinore mens
300 and SS SOshoe than aayother two man
ufacturers in tho world
V 1 LSla 300 and 350 shoes placed
side by side with So00 and 000 shoeVof
other makes are found to be just as ood
Fat Coler EjM and Alw Blaffc llool rji
cannot ha poiiii r i iino
W 1 Itomrl t ItroPkf
trfree If