The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 28, 1902, Image 5

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n JK q S
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Time Card
McCook Neb
No 170 arriviH Mountain time
IW 15 departs
Jj Central Timoj 1110 pm
005 am
920 Ai M
No fl arrivcH from cast nt K p m
No 1
Mountain Time UIKa m
825 A M
rtlOp m
7Xa M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair earn
Mat8 free on through trainH TickutH sold
mill bnggago checked to any jxtititin tho United
atiiluHor Canada
For information timo tables maps and tick
lr c or writ0 A P Thomson Agent
McCook Nebraska or J Francis Gonorul
Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Promotion of Thomas Miller
Chicago Feb 22 Thomas Millor who
recently was appointed freight traffic
manager of the entire system of tho
Chicago Burlington Quiney railroad
has been general freight agent of the old
company for tho past twelve years His
new position extends his jurisdiction to
all lines in tho Burlington freight system
and tho general freight agents of tho va
rious lines will report to him hereafter
Tho promotion of Thomas Miller is tho
first appointment to bo made by Darius
Miller since he became first vice-president
of tho Burlington system It is
generally expected that within a short
timo tho position of passenger traffic
manager of the Burlington system will
be established The appointment prob
ably will go to P S Eustis who has
been general passenger agent of the
Chicago Burlington Quiney railroad
since 1888 and has been with the pas
senger department of the various lines
in the Burlington system since 18S0
While no official announcement has
been made it is predicted that W B
Hamlin now assistant general freight
agent will succeed Mr Miller as general
freight agent of tho Chicago Burlington
Quiney proper If Mr Eustis be
comes passenger traffic manager W A
Lalor in all probability will be advanced
from assistant to general passenger agent
of the Chicago Burlington Quiney
There is good authority for the state
ment that tho independent organization
of the lines in the Burlington system
will be maintained The Chicago Burl
ington Quiney Railway company re
cently organized operates under leases
the following lines Chicago Burling
ton Quiney 2G77 miles Burlington
Misssouri River 3983 miles Missouri
lines 103 1 miles Keokuk Western
355 miles Burlington Western 71
miles Burlington Northwestern 53
miles total 8222 miles George B
Harris is president and Darius Miller
first vice president of all the companies
but each has its own operating and
traffic officials
terested tit
Home for Families of II and It
Not actuated by remorse but by rdre
philanthropy Jim Jenkins hunter of
outlaws has concluded to devote all
his money to the maintenance of a
home for the orphans and widows of
men be has run to earth In particular
and of criminals of tho great South
west in general Jim Jenkins now of
Kansas is now C5 years old and has
spent forty yars as a scott and hunt
er of bandits and train robbers In this
way he has made about 50000 Among
the distinguished outlaws he has
chased were Jesse James and his broth
er Bob Ford Bill Dalton and Bill
Cook while he was the leader of the
band that caught Cherokee Bill in 1S95
In the Dalton raid in Coffeyville Kas
Jenkins was shot eight times He esti
mates his uag of bad men at about 150
The home which is being built on a
5000 acre farm owned by Jenkins
near Pryor Creek T T is to cost 20
000 Buffalo Express
RabrfldlCA ca Support Art
The government of Bavaria has
voted a considerable sum for the main
tenance of art institutions throughout
the kingdom during the coming year
The allowances for the purchase of
paintings and their preservation is
particularly liberal The various art
Institutes in Munich receive handsome
subsidies and the Germanic museum
in Nuremberg gets an Increased allow
ance Various other institutions have
been voted large amounts for repairs
and maintenance These art allow
ances in all reach 3108163 marks
f 739741 Emil Henzel in Chicago
Cupid Amhusliod
Mr Slowgait about to propose
ime 11 p m I am about to say
uinetuing Miss Chillington that I
should have said some time ago Look
nto my eyes and tell me if you can
not guess what it is Miss Chilling
ton suppressing a yawn You look
as sleepy as I feel so I guess you must
be going to say good night Chica
go News
Dust at Sen
Great quantities of dust collect on
the decks of vessels at sea no matter
if they are swept twice or thrice a day
Most of it too is found on sailing ves
sels The inference is that the sails
act as dust collectors1 arresting the
particles which drift in the air
Small Voice Would Do
Little Clarence Pa money talks
dont it-
Mr Callipers I guess so my son
Little Clarence Well then pa
gimme a penny sos I can hear it whis
per to me a little Puck
Vienna Police
A policeman in Vienna must be able
to swim to row a boat and to under
stand telegraphy
1 aitlts
If you are it will pay you to call and see
our stock of Cypress Tanks and get our
prices We have
In all sizes with either round or flat hoops
and we will sell them as low as you can buy
a tank made from inferior material
A Cypress Tank is sure to give satisfac
tion because Cypress lumber is superior in
every way to White Pine or Fir for tanks
Bo you Intend fo
l3ittrd a Hottse or I3arn
Or Are You Going
-to Repair the Old One
In either case let us figure on the material
you will need We have a large stock of
all kinds of high grade building material on
which we can make you very
as we will have to move our entire stock
to our new location and we wish to close
out as much of it as possible before moving
time We will also have some bargains to
offer in a short time on second hand lum
ber Call and see us about it
No matter what it is if in our line we can
save you money when quality is considered
tartiett Ibuififter
Spring is hero and moving has begun
A C Furmnn moved back into his
own property Tuesday
Robert Goro moved into tho Wallie
Billings houso last week
Born to Mr and Mrs Otto Tubs a boy
on Monday morning all doing well
Chauncy Messner returned home last
week from a visit with relatives in Ohio
Mrs Renie Dewey of McCook is visit
ing her parents Mr and Mrs J B Dolph
Grandma Fair who has been quite
poorly nearly all winter is now much
Mrs S G Bastian has been quite sick
tho Inst two weeks but is now much
J E Dolph left for Kansas City on
Mondays train to continue treatment
for his leg
A Strain is having some needed re
pairs done on his town residence prepar
tory to moving into it
Mrs Wallie Billings had her household
goods moved to McCook where Mr B
is at work renting their farm hero to
Mr Gore
Danbury is headquarters on alfalfa hay
shipping J E Dolph has shipped 12
cars Pew Brothers 9 cars Clay Lister
5 cars W II Harrison 3 cars and more
to follow
Pearl Hayes visited the home folks
Saturday and Sunday returning to her
school at Banksville on Sunday She
was very much pleased to have her watch
returned to her all right after it having
lain out in the snow for two weeks
Charles Wheeler loaded his household
goods and chattels into a car and left
this Wednesday morning for his new
home near Superior Mrs Wheeler tho
baby and Mary Andrus took Tuesdays
train for Superior Mary will make her
homo with Mr and Mrs Wheeler for the
present They will be missed
The Last Heard of It
My littlo boy took tho croup one night and
soon Brew so bail you could hear him breathe
all over tho house says F D Reynolds Mans
field O We feared lie would die but a few
doses of Ono Minute Cough Cure quickly relioved
him and he went to sleep Thats the last we
heard of the croup Now isnt a cough cure like
that valuable One Minute Cough Cure is ab
solutely safe and acts immediately For coughs
colds croup grip bronchitis and all other
throat and lung troubles it is a certain cure
Very pleasant to tako The little ones like it
McCouncll and Kerry
The weather reminds us of spring
Miss Alice Leopold of Danbury spent
Sunday with Gladys Lister
The Sunday school at Shiloh has a
good attendance but we hope for better
G Weyeneth one of the substantial
farmers of this vicinity had business in
McCook on Monday
The young people report a good time
at the singing Thursday evening and
will meet with Mrs Lister on the 27th
M Steele and family of Oronoqne
Kansas have moved into the house re
cently vacated by John Hann Ho will
work for Powell Nilsson The family
will be warmly welcomed into the Sunday-school
and singing
A number of carloads of fat cows have
been shipped out of this neighborhood
during the last few weeks They brought
three cents a pound and better and were
in a measure the product of volunteer
small grain the result of the great flood
of last summer which proved a big item
of profit after all
A Legacy of the Grip
Is often a run down system Weakness nerv
ousness lack of appetite energy and ambition
with disordered liver and kidneys often follow
an attack of this wretched disease The great
est need than is Electric Bitters tho splendid
tonic blood purified and regulator of stomach
liver and kidneys Thousands have proved that
they wonderfully strengthen the nerves build
up the system and restore to health and good
spirits after an attack of Grip If suffering try
them Only 50 Perfect satisfaction guaranteed
by McConnell ifc Berry
Rev Mason preached to a very small
audience Sunday
William Relph was down after a load
of alfalfa Monday
A number of Mr and Mrs Relph s
sons and daughters with their families
took dinner with them Sunday
Mr and Mrs Joe Dodge visited at
Herndon Kansas Saturday and Sunday
Herman Berndt and George Tuttle
bought a number of cattle at Slys sale
Harry Benjamin departed with his
family and worldly effects for Cozad
Dawson county to try another locality
for raising crops He already has his
small grain in having sown it while
there last fall
Saved Him From Torture
There is no more agonizing trouble than piles
The constant itching and burning make life in
tolerable No position i comfortable The tor
ture is unceasing DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve
cures piles at once For skin diseases cuts
burns bruises all kinds of wounds it is une
qualled J S Gerall St Paul Ark says
From 1S65 1 suffered with the protruding bleed
ing piles and could find nothing to help me until
I used DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve A few
boxes completely cured me Beware of coun
terfeits McConnell Berry
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure
E W Groves signature is on each bos 25c
Burlingtons Low Eastbound Rates
February 22 tho Burlington served
notice on tho Western Passenger asso
ciation of its intention to run excursions
eastbound from Colorado to points in
the territory of the association on dates
that will nlford school teachers tho op
portunity to tako advantage of the rates
for their vacation trips immediately
after adjournment of the schools Tick
ets will be sold at one faro plus S2 round
trip minimum fare 815 June 5 7 11 11
and 21 to September 12 inclusive
Theso dates will give Colorado people
the advantage of low ratts for visiting
throughout the entire tourist season
They are made effective at dates much
earlier than heretofore to avoid tho
necessity of waiting for sale dates after
the closing of schools as was tho case
last year The independent action of
the lines this year making the third
successive year in which Colorado has
enjoyed eastbound excursion rates
would seem to make tho rates assured
for tho future Tho Burlington recog
nizes the rights of Coloradans to enjoy
tho same advantages in visiting tho East
that Eastern travellers have for coming
to theRocky mountains Denver Times
Got Rid of His Rheumatism
During tho winter of 1898 1 was so lame in
mv joints in fact all over my body that 1 could
hnrdly hobble around when I bought a bottle of
Chamberlains Pain Halm From tho first ap
plication I began to get well and was cured and
have worked steadily all tho year It Whkklkr
North wood X Y For sale by McConnell fc
Berry druggists
New Depot for Chicago
Chicago Feb 23 A new union sta
tion which with adequate terminal facil
ities will cost the great sum of 10000
000 to 15000000 is proposed for Chicago
by the Pennsylvania management The
plans contemplate a magnificent orna
mental building and terminals which
will rival if not exceed any in the
United States
To carry out the project the company
will buy several blocks of property west
of the present depot with a view of using
it for terminal purposes It is proposed
to erect mammoth lake interchangeable
terminals to extend the entire length of
the property Such a terminal it is es
timated would result in making the
roads using tho terminals the greatest
medium of exchange between rail and
fresh water in the world and would con
centrate tho lake traffic at that point
It is further contemplated to erect a
great mail transfer station which it is
estimated would give the lines running
into the station an advantage on through
mails of at least five hours
I have used Chamberlains Cough Remedy
for a number of years and have no hesitancy in
saying that it is tho best remedy for coughs
cold and croup I have ever used in my family
I have not word to express my confidenro in
this remedy Mis J A Mooke North Star
Mich For sale by McConnell Kerry druggists
Mr Morgans Record Run
Philadkiphja P Two alternatives
faced J Pierpont Morgan Thursday
morning One was to break an appoint
ment with a fellow financier in Mr
Morgans office at Wall and Broad
streets New York The other was to
break a record for fast railway travel
Mr Morgan chose the latter He kept
his appointment To do this he rode
over 902 miles of rails in eighty minutes
and twenty seconds This time includes
two full stops one of three minutes
duration and three slow ups
For the distance railroad records show
no time to equal that made by Mr
Morgans special train over the Reading
railway and the New Jersey Central
Several miles were run at the thirty five
second rate At Jersey City a ferry boat
had been held for Mr Morgan and his
companions President George F Baer
of the Reading railway P A B Wdiener
and William L Elkins Mr Baer had
taken precautions against having the
run defeated through the lack of a ferry
boat Chicago Chronicle
Bucklens Arnica Salve
The best and mot famous compound in the
world to conquer aches and kill pain Cures
cuts heals burns and bruises subdues inflam
mation masters piles Millions of boxes sold
yearly Works wonders in boils ulcers felons
skin eruptions It euros or no pay 2 cents at
McConnell Berrys drug store
Breakfast F1
If you want a good
food for your child
ren try Wheatose
It is easily and
quickly prepared
and very healthful
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit
All reliable grocers
have it
California Breakfast Food
She was sittinc up with a sick man
No professional nurse was she
Simply sitting up with her love sick lover
Giving him Rocky Mountain Tea
McConnell fc Berry
The sky look bluer the sun shines brighter a
feeling of youth and strengthXcreeps over the
soul after taking Rocky Mountain Tea Mc
Connell Berry
Thif signature is on every box of the genuina
Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet
the remedy that cures a cold fa one Jjr
We would be pleased to show you the good
values we are offering in this line Our prices
right Buy now
I -1 w
Gowns 49c to 350 each
Corset Covers ioc to 145
Petticoats 50c to 350 each
Drawers 25c and up
Wait for our line of Wash Fabrics now arriving
Will show
to flcCook
you the best line ever brought
m 5Bifi9
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable Communica
tions strictly confidential nindbookon Patents
sent free Oldest acency for securing patents
Patents taken throuch 31 nun Co receive
special notice without charge lathe
cientific nwimi
A handsomely Illustrated weekly Largest cir
culation of any scientific journal Terms 3 a
year four mouths L Sold by all newsdealers
MUNH Co3B1Broadw New York
Branch Office 625 F St Washington D C
Something That Will Do You Good
We know of no way in which we can bo of
more service to our readers than to tell tlnin of
something that will be of real good to them
For this reason we want to acquaint them with
what we consider one of the very be t remedies
on the market for coughs colds and that alarm
ing complaint croup We refer to Chamber
lains Cough Remedy We have used it with
such good reMilt inTour family so long that it
has become a household necessity By its
prompt use we havent any doubt but it has
time and again prevented croup The testimony
i given upon our own experience and we sug
gest that our readers especially thfse who have
small children aw- keep it in their homes as
a safeguard against croup Camden S C
Messenger For sale by McConnell k Berry
Tribune Clubbing List
For convenience of reader of The Teihcxe
we have made arrangement- with the following
newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup
ply them in combination with TiieTkibcxe at
i tin following very low price-
Detroit Free Pre 1 0U
Leslies Weekly 4 00
Prairie Farmer 1 W
I Chicago Inter Ocean 1 X
Cincinnati Enquire 1 00
New York Tribune 1 ffl
I Demore ts Magazine 1 00
Toledo Blade 1 00
Nebra ka Farmi r 1 00
Iowa Home tad 1 CO
Lincoln Journal 1 CO
Campbell Soil Culture 1 00
New York World I 00
Cosmopolitan Magazine 1 GO
St Louis Republic 100
Kansas City Star 2j
Farm and Home 1 00
Word and Work- 1 00
Twentieth Century Farmer new 1 00
1 j
1 r
1 7
1 2T
1 7
1 M
I Ci
1 2T
1 71
1 m
1 6r
1 iO
We are prepared to fill orders for any other
papers published at reduced rates
The Tribune McCook Neb
Reader You will confer a lasting favor and
receive a reward if you will report the name of
dealers trying to sell you a substitute for the
Madison Medicine Cos Rocky Mountain Tea
McConnell Berry
i sible
Children who are troubled with worms are
pale in the face fretful by spells restless in
sleep have blue rings around their eyes bad
dreams variable appetite and pick the nose
Whites Cream Vermifuge will kill and expel
these parasites Price 25 cents A McMillen
bQ rfvSbQ Zl
A Doctors Error
1 was uncicr me cu clor s
tro and con
lined to my room a muiith I had such
a trrrilIe pain in my iiht lunjj 1 could
hardly breathe Tho doctor stid I would
mf be ablo to go out 0r doors until warm
uoathcr I think this would hav been
the case if J had not stopped taking hi
medicine which did very little good and
commenced taking your Dr Kays Lung
Halm After taking this remedy the
pain stopped and I was able to go out
My cough soon left me Wo think
there is nothing that equals your Dr
Kays Lung Balm My husband who is
subject to bronchitis thinks tho Dr
Kays Lung Balm is the best remedy he
has ever used We recommend it to all
our friends Doha L Stkvek
Westwood X 7
Dr Kays Lung Balm is sold by drug
gists 10 25 and f0 cents or sent prepaid
on receipt of price by
Die B J Kays Mkdkai Co
Saratoga Springs N Y
Send for free sample and book
Been Huntlnj Twenty Years
Winfield Iowa Nov 21 IMtt
Gentlemen I write to a that I have f
troubled with dypepuia and indigestion for tli
pait twenty ears and have tried many medi
cines and pent much monej to nopnrpo o until
I tried Dr Caldwell- Svrup Pepsin I -
taken two bottles and am entirely relieved of
all trouble I cannot say too much iu
favor of this remedy I cheerfully recommend
it to all sufferer from indigestion or d spepsia
Yours truly Wm Ruebsam
Sold by A McMillen
Burlington Low Rates Northwest
To Billings Montana Slo00
To Cody Wyoming S1G7
To Helena and Butte S2000
To Spokane Washington 82250
To Portland Tacoma Seattle and
Eossland B C 82500
Above rates will be in eliect every day
in March and April from Missouri river
terminals and from nearly all stations
on the B M K R
A wonderful opportunity to visit the
The Big Horn Basin of Wyoming is a
l 13 country of great resources and now un-
l M developed It has just been made
by a new line of the Burlington
Route and presents many attractions to
the home seeker
Folder on Big Horn Basin free on
For tickets rates or additional infor
mation apply to nearest agent Burling
ton Route or write to 1 20
J Francis G P A Omaha Neb
When yon want a physic that U mild and
gentle easy to take and pleasant in effect us
Chamberlains Stomach and LiTer Tablete
Price 25 cents Samples free Every box guar
anteed For sale by McConnell Berry