The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 28, 1902, Image 4

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ffa Mtwk frikp
Ry F
Largest Circulation in Red yillow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Hocn der Jleinerieh
Speaking of mixing Fletcher Mer
win of tlie Beaver City Tribune is some
thing of a peneh himself
Miss Stonk Mrs Tsilka and the baby
have been released and the Macedonian
committo has 872500 to help fight the
Unspeakable Turk
Til kick is only one record that excels
J Pierpont Morgans special train record
of 902 miles in 80 minutes and that is
his speed as a financial comet
Mrs Lucy K Paktkidgi has been
recommended by Senator Dietrich for
appointment as postmistress atKenesaw
to succeed her unfortunate husband
Senators Tillman and McLaurin of
South Carolina should meet with shot
guns loaded with buckshot at six paces
The U S senate could well afford losing
both of them and Wellington in the
McCook is evidently the storm center
of fraternal insurance orders just now
Two new orders organized lodges last
week and the old ones are each and all
hustling mightily for new members
There is such a thing as overdoing so
good a thing as fraternal insurance
If Joe Burns knows anything certain
about the matter Lincoln wants another
newspaper Well the Journal is the
only daily paper approaching the t real
thing they have at present thats sure
and it represents both factions at the
capital as well as one newspaper can be
expected to do the impossible
Tin United States supreme court has
handed down its decision in the applica
tion of Minnesota against the Northern
securities company It is in favor of the
company The gist of the decision is
that the court has no jurisdiction It is
also asserted that thero is no way in
which the title of the state of Minnesota
can be amended to bring it within the
jurisdiction of the court
Governor Savage is curious to know
why the Lincoln Journal continues to
roast him after the governor does just
what all the Journal management peti
tioned him to do and asks the Journal
why The Journals column and a half
answer reminds us of the average re
sgonse to a tpast It is the unwritten
law that it is not necessary to speak to
the question
When one takes account of the fac
tional mendacity and insincerity in Ne
braska politics is mindful of the avidity
with which partisanship regardlessly as
sails and destroys character and notes
the quality of many who take front rank
in public affairs one is forced to the
conclusion that it must surprise the Al
mighty Himself that so much good comes
out of Nazareth With fools and chil
dren we seem to be the beneficiaries of a
special and beneficent providence
The Tribune has not been able to
commend Governor Savage very often
not as frequently as it would like to have
done so but his recent circumscription
of the liberty of the press affords us an
opportunity Principals and employers
generally are constantly being humili
ated by too garrulous deputies clerks
and employes who seem unmindful and
thoughtless who fail to appreciate the
fact that the business public or private
of their superiors is not theirs to di
vulge without authority but on the
other hand should be kept conscien
tiously inviolate Men in public places
have this to contend with in a most dis
agreeable measure and The Tribune
considers that Governor Savage is strictly
within his prerogative and that his order
is a proper self preservative The motto
of a recent city superintendent of Mc
Cook schools was M Y O B which
being interpreted is Mind Your Own
Business We suggest this motto to
he governor and all others who may
need it
More correspondence from Indiauola
Lebanon Danbury Bartley in fact
from all over Redwillow count Write
the publishers for particulars We want
the county news and are willing to do
the right thing to get it
The display window at J II Grannis5
store has been enlarged this week to
give Mr Clapp an opportunity to exhibit
his skill at window display
pennyroyal fills
Safe Always reliable Ladles ask Druggist for
Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Tkc bo other Reftxse daneeroua aabutt
rations and lmltstloas Buyof your Druggist
or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Testi
monials and Belief Tor Xdidles in Utter
by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold by
all Druggists
3100 SXsdUoB Square PHIUU PA
Mentis tall
lHyF jl
his illness being ascribed to an evil
charm exercised by this woman she
was by order of the Due burned at the
stake As the flames leaped upward
she called upon her daughter to avenge
her death The daughter stole the Dues
younger son No trace of him was seen
again but the Jjody of a child found
near the stake at which the sorceress
had been burned was supposed to be
his The father however maintained
that his son lived
These evenis preceed the raising of the
curtain upon the first act The opera
begins thirty years later after the old
Due is dead and his eldest son has suc
ceeded to his fathers titles and estates
The young Due is a suitor for the hand
of Countess Leonora but she is in love
with Manrico an officer in the army
rayed against the Dues forces who
disguised as a troubadour has sung be
neath her window The Due and Man
rico meet in Leonoras garden one night
and fight a duel in which Manrico worsts
his adversary
Manrico who has always lived in the
mountains among the gypsies believes
himself to be the son of a gipsy woman
a member of the tribe This woman
tells him how her mother was burned at
the stake by the order of the Dues
father and how she burdened with her
own child stole the young count and as
she thought hurled him into the fire
that had consumed her mother Too
late she discovered that it Avas her own
child that she had destroyed Manrico
asks her if ho is not her son She as
sures him that he is and urges him to
avenge the wrong that was done her
Manrico learning that Leonora in re
liance upon a rumor that he had been
slain on the field of battle is about to
enter a convent hastens to prevent the
step and arrives in time to save her from
the Due who is about to carry her off
by force Manrico conducts Leonora to
a neighboring fortress which he has
been detailed to defend
In the meantime the gypsy who is
supposed to be Manricos mother has
been captured She is recognized and
upon the charge of having killed the
young count the Due orders her to be
burned When he hears that she 13 the
mother of his hated rival he decrees
that the execution shall take place in
the sons sight Manrico learning of
the horrible fate that is about to over
take his mother goes to her rescue He
is himself made prisoner and sentenced
to death The mother and son while
awaiting the end are confined in the
same cell
Leonora appeals to the Due to spare
her lover but the Due is obdurate and
will not listen to her pleadings She at
length promises to become his wife if he
will set Manrico free To this the Due
readily assents and Leonora is permitted
to see Manrico for the last time Just
before entering the cell she takes a slow
poison which she has concealed in her
Manrico welcomes her rapturously
but when he is informed of her compact
with tho Due he indignantly accuses
her of being unfaithful to him and
scorns his liberty purchased at such a
price booner than she had expected
the poison begins to take effect Man
rico then knows the extent of her sacri
fice As she expires in his arms the
Due enters the dungeon Realizing
what has occurred he orders Manrico to
be taken away and immediately be
headed and he drags the gypsey woman
to the window to witness the execution
When the deed is done she tells the Due
that he has killed his brother and dies
exulting in her revenge
The scene shifts rapidly In the halls
give you most
biscuit using
Baking Powder as di
A pure true leavener
Verdis Popular II Trovatore
Of Verdis operas none is more popu
lar than II Trovatore The music is
exquisitely beautiful the story is intense
ly and thrillingly interesting It may
be called a romantic tragedy for not
only is thero love making but there is
sorrow as well Notwithstanding our
boasted practicability wo are a race of
sentimentalists W e love the ideal
We are fond of the impossible hero We
sympathize with the fair maiden in dis
tress We rejoice at the downfall of the
villain We do not begrudge the tears
that we shed for a romance to be com
plete must stir every emotion
II Trovatore is a tale of revenge The
Due di Luna had two sons One day
the nurse found an old gipsy leaning
over the cradle of the younger The
servant aroused the household and the
woman was quickly and violently ex
polled from the castle The child who
had been healthy before sickened and
of the Dues palace in Leonoras gar
den in the gypsies stronghold among
the ruins of an ancient abbey in the
peaceful enclosure of the convent in the
camp of tho royalist soldiers before the
ivy covered walls of the prison and in
tho gloomy dungeon the story is un
folded Among the notable songs of the
opera are the one in which LeoDora tells
of her love for the Troubadour the anvil
chorus in tho third act which modern
ingenuity in tho use of electricity has
made splendidly effective the soldiers
chorus in the fourth act and perhaps
most beautiful of all tho duet between
Leonora and Manrico in the first scene
of the sixth act
A strange old story at first thought
unlike anything that comes within the
experience of tho living Yet not so
different either for human nature is tho
same as it lias always been Tho drama
is enacted every day but on a different
stage each time and with different
actors Men are moved by the same
passions today that animated them in
the days of chivalry and knighthood
The receding years burn incense through
which we dimly view tho events of the
past as through a veil that hides what
is hideous and ugly but reveals the
good the pure the true
Question Answered
Yes August Flower still has tho largest sale
of any medicine in the civilized world Your
mothers and grandmothers never thought of
using anything else for indigestion or bilious
ness Doctors were scarce and they seldom
hoard of appendicitis nervous prostration or
heart failure etc They used August Flower
to clean out the system and stop fermentation
of undigested food regulate the action of the
liver stimulate tho nervous and organtic action
of the system and that is all they took when
feeling dull and bad with headaches and other
aches You only need a few doses of Greens
August Flower in liquid form to make you
satisfied thero is nothing serious the matter
with you Get Greens Prize Almanac
Word from Holton Longneeker an
nounces his recent graduation from the
Highland Park College of Pharmacy
Des Moines Iowa and his having se
cured at once a position in one of the
leading drug stores of that city All of
which news is a satisfaction to his many
Redwillow county friends
FOR SALEHouse 8 rooms with
bath room and modern improve
ments Best location Enquire of
S Cordeal
It is a sad thing to see fine
ruit trees spoiled by the blight
011 can always tell them from
he rest They never do wel
f terwards but stay small and
It is worse to see a blight
trike children Good heal
3 the natural risrht of children
ut some of them dont ge
heir rights While the res
row big and strong one stayc
mall and weak
Scotts Emulsion can stop
hat - blight There is no
easort why such a child should
tay small Scotts Emulsion
3 a medicine with lots of
in it the kind of
that makes things
Scotts Emulsion makes
hildren grow makes them cat
nakes them sleep makes them
lay Give the weak child a
hance Scotts Emulsion will
make it catch up
with the rest
This picture represents
the Trade Mark of Scotts
Emulsion and is on the
wrapper of every bottle
Send for free sample
409 Pearl St New York
50c and 1 all druggists
Death Stops Prosecution
Denver Fob 21- Special Telegram
Because of the death of his former wife
Naomi S Evans Evan L Evans will
not have to appear in Magistrate Hynes
court tomorrow to answer to a charge
of bigamy brought by her last week
Mrs Evans died at her home 2420 Six
teenth street Wednesday Her end was
hastened it is believed by tho nervous
and mental strain of her domestic
troubles Sho was Gl years old just
four years the senior of her husband
Early last week Mrs Evans swore out
a warrant in Judge Hynes court charg
ing Evans with bigamy When he was
arrested at the lumber yards of McPhee
McGinnity whore lie is employed he
told the oflicer ho had secured a divorce
from his former wife in Hayes Center
Neb several years ago and produced
the document in court a few dajs later
Mrs Evans testified that she had never
been served with a notice of tho suit and
that if her husband had a divorce he
secured it by fraudulent means Tho
case was continued until today Mr
Evans married his second wife at Hayes
Center December 1 1900 He married
Naomi Evans in 18GG
Stops the Cough and
Works off the Cold
Laxative nromo Quinino Tablets cure a cold in
one day No euro no pay Price 25 cents
Parson Uzzells Reception
Parson Uzzell had 125 couples at his
reunion of people he had married last
night at the peoples tabernacle They
had a good time and patronized tho
refreshment tables liberally to aid the
tabernacle Tho couples the parson had
married wore small red ribbon bows
Tho parson remarried Mr and Mrs
Richard Huerdine a couple who had
not been well married the first time
They were married at Orleans Neb in
1899 and got a divorce in Denver a
couple of years ago Last night they
decided to be remarried and the parson
thinks it will stick this time Denver
McConnell Berry druggists will refund you
your money if you a ro not satisfied after using
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets
They cure disorders of the stomach biliousness
constipation and headache Price 23 cents
Will Banish Drinking- Men
Chicago Feb 21 Officials of the
Burlington railroad have started a cam
paign against intoxicants with a view to
eradicating their use by the employes of
every department not only on duty but
also while off duty Heretofore the
stringent rule against the use of liquor
while on duty has only been enforced
rigidly against those who had anything
to do with the operation of trains
Hereafter the rule will be enforced
against the employes of all departments
including even the track bridge and
building departments
Dont irritate your lungs with a stubborn
cough when a pleasant and effective remedy
may be found in Ballards Horehound Syrup
Price 23 cents and 50 cents A McMillen
Receives Hogs on Mondays
D C Marsh wishes to announce that
in the future he will receive hogs on
Monday of each week This arrange
ment will be in the interest of the farm
ers as by confining himself to receiving
hogs on one day he will not bo put to
the expense of feeding them until he has
secured enough to make a shipment
He will be able to pay better prices
under this new arrangement
The great beauty about Dr Caldwell Syrup
Pepsin is in its certainty to cure constipation
indigestion sick headache and stomache trou
bles Sold by A McMillen
The C F Woker Sale
Will be held at his place 3 miles
southwest of McCook near the Fitch
sehool house on Thursday March 6th
commencing promptly at one occlock
The offerings consist of horses cattle
implements feed household goods etc
Terms as usual TT IT Berry Auc
Ta biers Buckeye Pile Ointment is no panacea
but is recommended for piles only These it
will cure Price 50 cents in bottles Tube- 71
cents A McMillen
McCook Marker Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn S 7o
Wheat Go
Oats 60
Rye 60
Hogs 3
Eggs 17
Butter 13
Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin thats what keeps
your head clear your bowels regular Sold by
A McMillen
A telegram from Loveland Colorado
states that G II Patterson who was in
McCook about two weeks since has
secured in Nebraska 150 families of
Germans Russians to go there and cul
tivate sugar beets this season com
mencing May 1st He secured a number
at this place
Does It Pay to Buy Cheap
A cheap remedy for coughs and colds 11
right but you want something that will relieve
and cure the more severe and dangerous results
of throat and lung troubles What shall you
do Go to a warmer and more regular climate
Yes if possible if not possible for you then in
either case take the only remedy that has been
introdncedin all civilized countries with success
in severe throat and lung troubles Boscheos
German Syrup It not only heals and stimu
lates the tissues to destroy the germ disease
but allays inflammation causes easy expectora
tion gives a good nights rest and cures the
patient Try one bottle Recommended many
years by all druggists in the world Get Greens
I Prise Almanac
5 JaBWMfc dMalr X
But hell be buck soon and then
hell tell you
And what he has coming
Christian Services at the Christian
church each Lords day as follows Bible
school at 10 Communion and song ser
vice 11 March 2nd Elder Waite of
Minden will nreaeh at 11 His theme
will be No Cross No Crown Also at
8 subject How Does the Lord Reach
the Sinner You are cordially invited
to all these services Committee
Episcopal Services at St Albans
Episcopal church Sunday as follows
Sunday school at 10 a m Morning
prayer and sermon 11 a m At 730 p
m Rt Rev Anson R Graves D D
LL D Bishop of Laramie will be
present and will preach You are cor
dially invited to be present Singing of
surpliced choir
Rev and Mrs R M Hardman left
Tuesday on No 12 for Indianola where
he will conduct a three days mission
On March 3rd Rev Hardman in
company with Bishop Graves will visit
the following named missions Max
Stratton Trenton and Indianola
The ladies of the Methodist aid society
were very liberally patronized last Sat
urday at their dinner supper and
bazaar as usual netting a neat sum for
their hard labor
The ladies of the M E church desire
to express theirgratitudeto the members
of their sister churches and friends for
the liberal patronage and many kind
words given them on the occasion of
their seventeenth annual bazaar and
Washington dinner
FOR sale
A farm of 160 acres situated 10
miles north of Benkelman Dundy
county Nebraska in Section 10
Township 2 Range 38 will be of-
fered for a short time at a bargain
Good land good settlement
and near to church and school
About 25 acres broke up and
under cultivation For further
information address the owner
R F D No r Smock Pa
fZ7 Hi
trJm M
i fsrrzr y
TZsam tjk ms I
Call now and see
Those rich new colors in SILKS
Those silk striped GRENADINES
Those sensible BATISTE LAWNS
Those beautiful SILK GINGHAMS
Those handsome new TRIMMING 13 RAIDS
Those stylish new weaves in DRESS GOODS
Those pretty figured MERSERIZED SATEENS
Those new designs in CARPETS AND CURTAINS
We have also a swell line of gents colored and white
shirts and an up-to-date assortment of neck ties on
the road All 125 shirts now in stock 98c
Special sale in ladies belts this week
When ordering groceries dont forget our place and
phone number 16 Our new and fresh stock is
rolling in every morning
Our stock of shoes is also complete
Produce as good as cash
or cash for produce
Always the highest price
The Grow
rj vjgW who f Jthor sands f
41 u waters his milk
ff who believes in
I the Ixst and is particular to i
ft please his patrons K
g Thats the grocer u ho S
0 mends and sells g
Coffee that coifce unglazed
3 unadulterated ft
lEu g
What X
Ha a
Bought 6
T mmrw Ill iilBMMliMllillIHHl n
Aro you restless at night and liarras cd by a
bad cough Use Ballards Horehound Syrup it
will secure you tound sleep and effect a prompt
and radical cure Price 2 cents and 50 cents
A McMillen
Faults of digestion cause disorders of tho
liver and the wlioo system becomes deranged
Herbine perfects the procss of digestion and
assimilation and thus make pure blood Price
50 cents A McMillen
If a Woman
1 Srs
ft Br T
iw razurfv
1 s 3 i L
or fri vro has the
si ghtit
r -v
the caiie
suspcon of
any of the ail
t nts which af
r 1 j c t women
They will slnrply
be wasting time
mtil they take it
I he Regulator is
a purifvin
t mc which jet-
at the roots of the
dsease and cures
It does not druy
1 erauicates 1
It t rsfaihngof the womb
f u r ea inflammation
ar d perouical suffering
- arty or painful
n and bv doing
ai this dr ves away the
hundred and one aches and
pa ns which drain health
and beauty happiness and
good temper from many a
womans life It is the one
remedy above all others
which every woman should
know about and use
8100 per bottle
at any drnjr store
Send for our free
illustrated book
wants to put cut a fire she doesnt
heap on ol ard wood ihe throu
jrj on waterknoVrgthatwaterquenches J
O fire When a woman wants to get O
9 vel trom aseases nTiirtnr y
she should not aad fuel to the fire
already burning her life away She
should not take worthless drugs and
potions composed of harmful narcot
ics and opiates They do not check
the disease they do r ot cure it they
simply add fuel to tne fre
Bracfieds Female
Reguator should be
taken by every woman
TheBradfietd g
Regulator Co jj