1 Fiir W I I h f J am- a TWENTIETH YEAR Mrs Moritz Mohler Dead Tuesday morning Mrs Moritz Mohler vns found dead in bed by some of the neighbors Word was brought to town and the remains wore brought to the city Tuesday night by Undertaker Pade and about noon on Wednesday tho remains wore buried in St Patricks cemetery It is not known just when she died Tuesday morning some of tho neighbors met Mr Mohler and in quired as to his welfare Ho replied that he was having trouble that his wife was dead Not crediting tho simple minded old mans statement some of the neighbors repaired to tho house and found the old lady propped up in bed dead and in an offensive state of decomposition The old man was sleepy and there was no one else in tho house rso nothing is known save that she was found dead Mr Mohlers mental con dition has been weak for a long while Although informed of tho time of burial ho failed to arrive in the city from tho farm a few miles out of the city until an Vinur or lnnpror iifter tho funeral The deceased is said to have been above seventy years of ago Died in California A personal letter from Samuel Black Fan Collegeview Lincoln Nebraska an nounced tho death of his son Edgar T Blackfan inDelanaCalifornia February 15th 1902 at 3 a m from disease con tracted in jail in Denver It will be re membered by readers of The Tri hunk that Blackfan was arrested as one of the suspects in connection with a murder and assault in Denver and after being held in jail there for two weeks and ab solutely nothing being fourd against him in connection with the terrible crime he was released It is claimed by tho father that his son -was retained two weeks in a place that disgraces the prison system of this nation Edgar was enroute for the Adventist sanitarium at St Helena California The young man was weak minded and in ill health but no one who knew him for an instant believed he was guilty of the crime for which he was held in Denver for two weeks Why Easter is a Moveable Feast During all of March the sun is coming farther north About the twentieth it shines directly on the equator and tho day is just as long as the night The time of the old Jewish Passover and hence of our Easter depends on this date The latter always comes on the Sunday following the first full moon after the sun crosses the line This ac counts for it being so moveable a feast March Ladies Home Journal A Sure Winner The man who saves on his present salary Are you saving Have you saved anything the past year If you have not commence now by taking five or ten shares of stock in the McCook Building Association which will be secured by gilt edged loans on McCook real estate Kafir Corn Seed It is a well known fat that Kafir corn seed is scarce next to impossible to get but W T Coleman has been successful in getting a few bushels of choice seed Those contemplating planting any should buy the seed at once before the market is exhausted Poultry Association Meeting Tho members of the Republican Valley District Poultry association are hereby reminded that Saturday March 1st is the regular meeting night and as we have business of importance a good at tendance is requested Hattie Bykield Secretary A gentleman by the name of Goudy arrived in the city fore part of the week from Villisca Iowa coming along with and having in charge the goods and effects of J M Smith a gentleman who moved here some time since and has been working on the rip track but has located on a place north of the city Remnants You can buy some good and pretty wall paper remnants at McMillens drug store at cost and less We have a large line of new wall paper and more on the way Come and get prices A McMillen Dress Skirts to your measure from any Dress Goods in our stock All wool ones from 8250 up 50 always made up ready to select from To your measure at same price The Thompson DGCo After two years experience wiih as bestos fire proof water paint we believe it brings satisfactory results and is the cheapest paint on the market McConnell Berry Fir tanks made of 2 inch material the best on the market at W C Bullards For Sale Household goods W O Norval MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE J II Artz was a Denver visitor close of last week T F AsmtY of Bloomington was a visitor Monday J Monroe Stewart of Culbertson was a visitor Tuesday L II Blackledge of Red Cloud was a McCook visitor Sunday Rev J W Kimmel was up from Lin coln yesterday on business C A Caulson of Trenton has hero on business fore part of tho week James OConnell was down from Trenton this week on business C E Eldred attended district court in Trenton Monday and Tuesday C II Meeker attended the irrigation meeting in Sterling Colo this week J M Kilpatrick of Beatrice was a Commercial guest Friday evening last J II Heidlebaugh is here fromBlue Mound Mo guest of Frank Stillman J M Sewell tho Hastings grain and elevator man was in the city Saturday last B C Bowman has been in the eastern part of the state on business part of the week Daisvik Burnetts friends gave him an enjoyable surprise last Saturday ev ening Mrs Rhoda L IIodgens of Chicago is a guest of Engineer and Mrs J II Moore Mrs Albert Barnett went down to Lincoln Wednesday for further ear treatment S E Solomon Culbertsons new postmaster-elect had business in the city last Saturday Mrs G A No ken will go down to Orleans tomorrow morning on a short visit to her parents Nat Ayers the well known Beaver City Mason and businessman was in the city Wednesday J II Grannis is in Chicago this week making additional purchases of spring and summer goods William Byfield was on the South Omaha market Monday with two cars of stockers and a few fat cattle Mr and Mrs R W Haggard of Lincoln spent Sunday with her parents Engineer and Mrs G A Noren Mrs W H Armstrong and sister ar rived home on Wednesday evening from a visit to the homefolks at Imperial Thomas B urges family and Will Kith cart departed early part of this week for their new home in Prentice Wis Mrs UJ Warren has given up the home to Engineer W D Burnett and family and is staying with her parents for the present F II Strout who is on the road for the Kearney Roller Mills arrived in the city Tuesday night and will visit the family until over Sunday Mrs William Randall of Omaha who has been the guest of her sister Mrs A P Thomson for the past week or two expects to leave for home Sunday night Frank Lowe who has been on the Courier force and later with the consoli dated Republican departed on Tuesday for Davenport Nebraska He will go on the road for an Omaha implement house Receiver Piper spent Sunday with the homefolks at Lincoln With the aid of a number of oldtime Harlan county friends in the capital eitj tho receiver and his wife celebrated their twenty fifth wedding anniversarv Mr and Mrs W S Perry entertained the S K B P H C M high five club last Friday evening very genially As signments were made by drawing little card hatchets C H Meeker was the principal prize winner F M Kimmell having the booby honors thrust upon him Refreshments ended a pleasant social evening PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS The high school boys are hard at work getting in condition for base ball They expect to put a winning team in the field The next meeeting of the Redwillow County Teachers association will be held in Indianola Saturday March Sth An interesting and instructive program has been prepared and a large attendance is hoped for from teachers and patrons of the public schools of the county New Ginghams Prints Dimities Lawns Batistes Swisses and other Wash Goods at The Thompson D G Co McConnell Berry are showing a new line of those popular steel beaded and leather chatelain bags some new things that will interest the ladies JfttCoflR Deaths Quick Work Conductor and Mrs L S Watson have the largest and tenderest sympathy in tho sudden death of their two-year-old baby girl Olive Nurene early Thurs day morning Tho little one had been ailing but was not considered in a sori ous condition at all About two oclock Tuesday morning the little one became delirious and a doctor was summoned even then a favorable outcome was hoped for but about five oclock the little one passed away Funeral services were conducted at the house this afternoon at 230 by Rev L M Grigsby after which tho remains were laid away in Longview cemetory The New Meat Market Sam A Moore is prepared to promptly fill all your wants in cold storage meats of all kinds He keeps the best the market affords and sells at the lowest possible figure for the quality Ho so licits your patronage In E B Odells store or call up phone 93 Satisfaction guaranteed Dont Borrow Money to build your house this spring until you have investigated the McCook Building Association plan Their method of payment is cheaper than any other See the Secretary for further information ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS Piece work is the word and it will have to go Frank Nash returned middle of the week from Oberlin Kansas The boilermakers received their piece work schedules this week Charlie Emerson has a small air brake testing machine installed in his car Tom Hayden helper in the machine shop has quit and gone to Denver to work Storekeeper Barber has been at dif ferent points on the division recently invoicing John Haase a blacksmiths helper has quit and gone to his home near Grand Island Locomotives 90 and 253 are down on their wheels and will be out of the shop in a few days One of the fires has been banked in the blacksmith shop and Frank Hannan is helping as striker The drivers for locomotive 45 are back from the shop at Havelock where they have been fitted with new axles Both train and engine crews have been considerably reduced recently and quite a number of men set back but this is an annual occurence and may be charged largely to slack business as well as to retrenchment and is not a matter for alarm The Burlington has received and placed in service three new sixty foot mail cars They are being used on the main line between Pacific Junction and Denver displacing old fifty -two-foot cars They were made at the Aurora shops It be came necessary to add these cars to the equipment because of the growth of the mail business on the main line and the recent change in tho running of equip ment through to Denver Journal Statistics recently compiled for the state board of transportation show the following facts Mileage of the Burling ton Missouri River railroad 398266 total mileage of the Burlington route 822254 The Burlington enters the fol lowingstates Nebraska Missouri Iowa Minnesota South Dokota Kansas Illi nois Wisconsin Colorado Wyoming and Montana It has 325 stations in Nebraska 39 stations in Kansas 27 sta tions in Montana 62 stations in South Dakota 66 stations in Colorado 46 sta tions in Wyoming The total number of stations on the Q lines is 741 making the total number on the route of 1306 The Burlington owns 1100 engines 1117 passenger cars 45261 freight cars and employs 35000 people Remnants You can buy some good and pretty wall paper remnants at McMillens drug store at cost and less We have a large line of new wall paper and more on the way Come and get prices A McMillen New Dress Goods Granites Vigor eux Barathea Cloth Broadcloth Vene tians Albatross Nuns Veilings Pop lins Beiges Pierolas Brilliantines Pebble Cheviots Henriettas Serges Florentines Jamestowns Etc Etc from 8150 down The Thompson D G Co It is worth dollars to any one to feel confident that he will get just what he orders at the meat market Well thats just the satisfaction you are guaranteed at D C Marshs market Bargains in Wall Paper at Cones RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS The extra list in the train service now contains thirteen Wouldnt that bump you is a late railroad expression Seventeen firemen were let out of tho service Wednesday Switchman R L Hill is in Edgar for a few days on business The Burlington seems to have gone into tho temperance business for keeps A cover has been built over the new transfer platform west of tho freight- house Fred Larson and Arthur Nash went to work on piece work on tho rip track this week We understand that Mr and Mrs John F Heber of Denver will remove to California Brakeman L A Hurlburt returned Sunday from his trip to Salt Lake City Utah Conductor and Mrs William Shinsel went down to Grafton Wednesday on 12 for a few days Manager C F Heber of the Western Union was a passenger on 13 for Denver Thursday morning William Baird the chief piece work inspector of rip track was here on Wed nesday and Thursday George BEnoch formerly a machinist in the McCook shops was down from Denver early part of the week The Trans Alaskan seems to have fro zen up at least we dont hear so much about it as we did a few weeks since Herbert Frey and John Archibald took a short trip to Denver going up last Friday night and returning on Mon day Piece Work Inspector W F Acker man was up from Lincoln early days of tho week on business of that depart ment Crductor S P Dwyer has been transferred to Denver and has a freight trail under Asst Supt Harris out of Denver After eighteen months of continuous work the great Burlington cut on the Guernsey branch near Torrington is near ing completion Switchman C R Liggett has been transferred to Holdrege vice F N Eng strom who has come to McCook and is on the extra list Extra Operator John Dimmick has retired from the companys service and gone to his home at Riverton Nebr Operator W G Weld of Republican City has also resigned The report from Chicago that the Burlington will adopt a more stringent rule relating to employes drinking liquor is not credited here because the rule now in force is about as stringent as can be enforced Journal Switchman and Mrs Grant Smith felt the hand of death last Thursday in the death of their eight-months-old baby girl Farrell The remains were thken to Kenesaw Saturday morning on 2 by the parents for burial Dan M Taylor of Pueblo Colorado and Minnie P Gerver of our city were united in marriage by County Judge Eldred Wednesday Taylor was for merly a brakeman on the Western division Raleigh Jesse has been transferred from Atwood to Indianola John Don nelly who has been at Indianola for a long time goes to Bloomington as night operator J F Howard who has been the night man at Bloomington has been given the position of day operator at Arapahoe Mr and Mrs M E Wells went to Garden GroveIowa yesterday afternoon having received a telegram notifying them of the death that morningof MrS P McNeill Mrs Wells father Deceased was seventy five years of age this month Mrs Wells has the sympathy of friends here Aliance Times Friday last Brakeman W W Webster returned Monday night from spending three or four weeks visiting in Colorado Texas and other points west and southwest Conductor Clell Pope of Denver was his traveling mate The boys had a great time visiting many important points and seeing quite a number of old Western division boys E H Bailey who has been ill with typhoid fever has recovered and gone to work as night operator at Stratton J H Wilson who has been night operator at Stratton has been transferred to Holdrege vice Fran cis Sells who lias been promoted to agent at Burns Junction on the Lyons branch MeCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 28 1902 Goes From Minden to McCook Rev Father Loughran by tho order of Bishop Bonacum has been ordered to and will leave Minden and go to Mc Cook He will go but his going will bo under protest and he will appeal to a higher ecclesiastical authority than Bishop Bonacum against a permanent transfer In his going tho church or churches over which ho presides will not only lose tho best man they ever had here but this whole community will lose one of its very best citizens Re gardless of nationality religion or any thing else there is not a citizen in this community and it means 10000 people or more nearly every one of whom knows Father Loughran personally there is not one who does not regret tho chango that has to be made For nearly 14 years he has labored among these people and has built up his church untii it has become one of tho uust missions in ine uiocese i to is a highly educated cultivated and popular citizen whose work citizenship and religion have been for the upbuilding and betterment of society and good citi zenship in general Tho Gazette doesnt know anything about the government of those who con trol the affairs of tho Catholic church but it does know that Bishop Bonacum is making a grave mistake when he changes Father Loughran from Minden to McCook or any other place in the face of the earnest protest of every citi zen of Kearney county He has been here so long that ho has become a part of us 1 lo has helped bury our dead ho has been a patriot during times when patriotism wss needed he has been one of tho very best citizens the community ever had re gardless of religious beliefs We all love him and we love him because he is an earnest and sincere Christian man and it doesnt make any difference to us which church he belongs to or presides over we have known him so long and have seen him tried so thoroughly that we know his worth to this community not only in his connection with church affairs but as a citizen The Gazette doesnt belong to the Catholic church or any other church and doesnt propose to get tangled up in church affairs but it wants to say that Bishop Bonacum if he has any sense left at all is making an awful mistake A good man in a good place had better bo left there Father Loughran is a good man in a good place Farewell services will be held at the church next Wednesday morning at 1030 oclock at which time he will bid his congregation good bye Minden Gazette COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY court Marriage license issued since last week Jake Harsch of Bartley and Elma Brehmer of McCook Milton N Miller of Kanona Kansas and Jessie J Wood of Silver City Iowa Married by the county judge on 19th Edward W Enfield of Bird City Kansas and Retta Schamel of McCook Married by the county judgo on 22nd Harry Pool of Colorado Springs Colo and Lulu Murphy of Lebanon Nebras ka Married by county judge on 24th Lewis C Bonner of Imperial Nebras ka and Mrs Margaret Reynolds of i 25c to 50c ll I I gf NUMBER 42 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Windy A fowl Cono has that book you want Suspended The Tribune free list Cone sells tho Heath and Milligan You need tho 20th Century Cyclopedia Sugar beot seed at W T Colemans Tho20thCenturyCycloptdia is just out Sugar beet tools full stock at W T Colemans The R E Dutton case has been post poned until May Are you buying your seed Planting time is approaching See the Wall Paper at Cones Drug Store before you buy All kinds of garden seeds millet and Kafir com at W T Colemans Now buggies arriving at W T Cole mans Jle sells them right too Choice alfalfa seed for sale F S Wucox Alfalfa seed for sale at 8350 150 and 85 per bushel S G Goilkkn Kafir corn millet seed Also choico seed barley and oats F C JvELLor Simpsons Silk Finished Cotton Foul ards in largo Variety at Tho Thompson D G Co Sugar beet hoes -full stock of sugar beet tools- -in stock and for salo by W T Coleman Go to Bullards to get tho best Fir tanks at prices to suit all set up ready for use on short notice March isut mild about it at all but is coming in like a lion May its exit be mild and lachrymose Complete linoof new Washable Taffeta Silk Ribbons in all widths and colors The Thompson I G Co McCook is now credited with twenty three organized orders and societies insurance social and otherwise Now is tho time to gut that uow tank all ready for use beforo your spring work begins Bullard has them Handsome things in Ladies Misses Drop stich Hosiery at Thompson Dry Goods Co penal Nebraska Married by county furl nn fio ofiH I JLlentv of tue small Trimming Dan M Taylor of Pueblo Colorado and Minnie P Gerver of McCook Ne braska Married by the county judgo on the 26th Cases filed since last week S Cordeal vs John and Gottlieb Fiechtner suit on note March 1st at 2 oclock Something New A poultry fence that is very close at the bottom to hold small chickens and keep out rats and wovan looser at the top just what everybody has been ask ing for Call at W T Colemans and see it For Sale My residence on Manchester street second house north of the frame school house N J Johnson Cottage for Rent A six room cottage on North Madison street Inquire of Frank Traver W O Norval has sold all three of his dwelling houses Dr A P Welles pur chasing his home Mrs Julia Doll and Mrs Ella Sly each one of the other cottages The Barnett people have an interest ing announcement elsewhere in this issue concerning tanks a special kind of tanks the famous cypress Read it F C Corsets are the ciimax of corset perfection Money back after 4 weeks actual wear if dissatisfied All styles from 81 to 35c Short medium and long waists Dress Forms Straight Fronts and Girdles Sizes 18 to 34 Sold only by The Thompson D G Co and Tho The McCook Circle No 33 Ladies of G A R meet tho first Saturday of every month in Odd Fellows hall All kinds of garden and grass seeds for sale All seeds fresh and in bulk C J Ryan Manager Wanted A girl work Inquire of 1 23 2ts Mrs for general H M Tyler Call and let us show you ourFir tanks and give you prices before buying W C Bullard Our new Embroideries include a line of Colored Edgings also beautiful things in Appliques The Thompson DGCo If you intend sowing any millet seed see W T Coleman at once He secured a limited supply and it wont last long No sooner had we said Sun Bonnets than they began to sell 50 styles from The Thompson D G Co Pearl Buttons Plenty narrow Velvet Ribbon in Black and CoIor at The Thompson D G Co Dont forget that we give your money back if satisfactory results are not ob tainable by using Dr Hess egg produc ers chicken remedies and stock foods McConnell Berry In a word you will always find every thing seasonable usually kept in a first class meat market at D C Marshs Prompt courteous and accurate service all the time Deputy State Supt McBrien was up from Lincoln this week and the matter of place for holding the District Insti tute and Summer School was definiitely settled at Culhertson commencing May 27th and continuing five weeks Twelve Fur Collarettesin a single day is not bad selling for February We still call it selling though 8425 gets the 87 ones 8325 gets the 8550 ones 8271 gets the 85 ones Fur Scarfs for 75c A few Muffs left The Thompson DGCo Our line of wall paper is ryou know always the largest but this year we have had to add new shelf room to accommo date our immense stock Come to us for novelties Come to us for the latest McConnell Berry A letter from Mrs Andrew Carson Acorn Arkansas announces that that section of Arkansas did not suffer from the terrible sleet storm that prevailed over the south abouta month since al though the eastern part of the state did suffer severely p i ihrarynuiWingJiv0r v