The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 21, 1902, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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I kindly solicit your patronage be
cause I feel sure that I can please
you both in work and prices
1 have one of the most Up-to-Date dental of
fices in the west My methods in operating are not
to be feared care being taken not to transmit any
disease or unclean condition My napkins instru
ments spittons etc are disinfected
Rough careless unnecessarily painful methods
have no place in my office Examination and advice
free By the aid of specimen work I will be pleas
ed to illustrate how teeth can be saved or restored
MOTTO Kind Treatment to Patient and Conscientious Work
tmiiimiM urn
Silver Pilling Sioo j Cleaning Teeth Sioo
Gold Fillings 200 up j Crowns Bridge teeth 5 to 1000
Cement or Soft Fillings 50 Artificial teeth from 5 to 7500
Painless Extraction 50 cents
Where Plates are ordered Extracting is Free
My Offer
a In all small towns there is a certain
class of intelligent people who know
that there is no economy in having any
large amount of dental work done by a
traveling dentist no matter how skillful he
may be In order that the above people may
avail themselves of my services I will pay all or part of
acording to the amount of work done This will
give the people of small towns an opportunity to se
cure the services of a reliable dentist with very little
extra expense For those who drive a long distance
and are compelled to stay over night in McCook
I will Pay All or Part of Hotel and Livery Expenses
according to the amount of work done
If you wish an approximate estimate of the prob
able cost of your work send for examination blanks
and instructions regarding the examination of your
own teeth Always write and make an appoint
All people are asked to report any misconduct on
the part of any visiting dentist representing The
Southwestern Dental Co All private communica
tions should be addressed with stamp enclosed to
Dr J B FiOKES McOook Neb
The Sense of Smell
May be regarded as one oi the ar
tistic senses and is capable of train
ing and education People of j
ment in all ages have striven to avoid
o Tending it and not infrequently
efforts are made to contribute to the
pleasure of the individual through this
sense The delicate perfume of the
flowers appeals as much to ones ar
tistic sense through the nose as the
coloring of the gracefully moulded
petals do through the eye Persons
of refinement and culture of beauty
grace and good taste should spread
around them everywhere pleasurable
impressions How often do we see
these negated and social intercourse
become burdensome because of a fetid
The fortune of a woman is quite
often made or marred by the teeth
Where onegirl of today has a sweet
iiiiiim ivnr rVrfr -
pure breath ten have a breath made
heavy and fetid by a decayed tooth a
defective filling or an unhealthy con
dition of the gums even tho the
woman is quite beautiful a feeling of
revulsion steals over those near her
if an offensive odor is detected
Ladies First
No dentist of honor will swear be
fore a lady let her swear first
Dental Hints
There are many cases on record of
the transmission of malignant diseases
from unclean dental instruments
towels napkins etc In the office of
Dr Fickes the napkin used on you is
thrown away A new one is used for
every patient His instruments are
thoroughly sterilized
A good set of teeth not only adds
years to ones life but life to ones
a f -
Decay of tho teethcomo like a thief in
the night Today we bottstof our good
tethand tomorrow they may ache To
savo pain and expense and toproparly
preserve the teeth they should be ex
amined every six months or at least
once a year This costs nothing and
saves much Go to your family den
tist regularly
What are They For
Every organ of the human body hn
its special use and function
The teoth are in no sense exceptions
Few comparatively realize their
important and invaluable service
Life is sustained by food Food
must first be digested Digestion be
gins in tho mouth
Unless the life food while in the
mouth bo thoroughly moistened aud
permeated by the salivary juices the
stomach is burdened with more thati
it3 proper share of work and becom
ing debilitated and weak sooner or
later breaks down wrecking the health
and well being of the entire system
That the food mass may be satur
ated by the oral fluids we have given
us these thirty two teeth sixteen in
each jaw between which the flesh fish
grain fruits and vegetables which wo
must necessarily eat shullpass as be
tween upper and nether millstones
that thev may be minutely divided
giving the saliva ingress and access
to the entiro mass
Thus divided and moistened as it
enters tho stomach the gastric juices
which there flow around are readily
mingled and the processes goes
promptly on
While if tood in large or coarse
pieces uncrushed and undivided bo
introduced to the stomach it may re
main there for days oven weeks un
dissolved undergoing fermentation
and putrefaction creating gases and
acids irritating disturbing and de
ranging all the nutritive functions
This shows in some degree the ne
cessity of good mastication
The first thing after solid food is
taken in the mouth is the effort to
masticate to chew this is the initial
act m the digestive process These
facts prove what the teeth are for and
give emphasib to their great import
Indigestion largely induced by
imperfect mastication is the prevail
ing malady of civilized life probably
he occasion of more disorders than
can be traced to any other cause
This is the testimony of men who have
carefully and scientifically analyzed
and studied the nutritive processes of
ttie bodv
They all give witness to the supreme
importance of the dental organs and
to their priceless valu
But this is not ail without their as
sistance in vocalization distinctness
of utterance in either speech or song
is impossible And what other fea
ture combined can confer so much of
beauty upon the human far a a fine
set of teeth
Moore had this thought well in mind
when he wrote
Whit pity blooming lr
That lips s rcitclv for a lover
hould not beneath their rnby casttot cover
One tooth of pearl
But like a rose beside tb church yard stone
Be doomed toblnsh ormunr a tnoldrin
Practically and really these dental
gems are of much greater value than
pearls rubies or diamonds Their
worth is priceless
But it is astounding how thoughtless
and careless the large majority are
about them Can they reasonably be
expected to continue to perform their
detail of service without proper cave
Do they not need care Think of the
work they mu t do in a single year
No other part of the body of man
mis the amount of work and wear and
tear to render as the teeth Yet how
little attention and care is given then
In the mouth of most young men
and women up to eighteen and twenty
with rare exceptions they are not
properly cleaned or regularly inspect
ed as they should be by a competent
dentist that decay in its inoipiency b
averted and prevented The early
years during which the teeth are de
veloped arranged and solidified is
their mot critical period and wih the
larger number of persons the period
in which they are utterly neglected
With their decay comes not alone
the loss of their function of mastica
tion and consequent derangement of
digestion but toothache which Burn3
The hell o a clisf asesr
abscesses facial deformities neural
gies dyspepsias headaches eye and
ear troubles and numerous other mor
bid conditions
Learn then to appreciate their true
Learn how to properly care for them
by seeking the counsel and advice of
an experienced skillful aud consci
entious dentist and a far greater
measure of health happiness and a
probaoie length of life will be the sure
reward Ex
In Defense
Among all classes tire to be found
people possessing undeveloped and
uncultured minds who look upon any
solicitation of patronage with mistrust
Their own natures being selfish they
can give no one else credit for an un
selfish thought or act In placing this
paper in your hands I wish to stale
that my only desire is for our mutual
For the past two years have
watched the people in Southwestern
Nebraska give up their money and re
ceive worse than nothing in return
They have been given too regular too
white unnatural appearing sets of ar
tificial teeth They have had glaring
gold crowns put on anterior teoth
thus drawing attention to the mouth
which to say the least is uot in good
taste They have also had crowns
put on teeth which could easily have
been filled
They have had fillings inserted which
lasted but a short time for tho reason
that the work was not done in a scien
tific mnnnor and the patient was not
properly instructed by the dentist re
garding the care of the teeth fillings
They have had silver fillings insert
ed where gold should be because some
dentist did not have the ability to pro
perly put in gold
Thej hae had teeth etratd which
fur a lew dollars could easily have
been saved had the dentist not known
that he could make more by inserting
some artificial applianee
The public has been deceived and
kept in ignorance of the nature of
dental work and care of the teth
The true dentist takes pleasure in do
ing work for those who undei stand
and appreciate the fact that it is diffi
Even among the more intelligent the
ignorance or indifference call it what
you will is surprising Your children
at school are not taught care of the
tcth for the reason that the teach
ers are inditlotent and those higher in
authority have given it no thought
Much sufieriug and many deform
ities occur on account of the want of
information on tho part of tho public
concerning the teeth Ln many cases
the teeth receive no attention until
trouble has come and extracting is the
only remed
Jf the readers of these brief notes
obtain information that will be the
means of preventing much unnecessary
suffering and lead to the proper care
of tho teeth the object of the writer
will have been reached
As a dentist I will say that I am
permanently located among you pre
pared to do- up-to-date reliable dental
work at reasonable prices I wish to
solicit your patronage and your earn
est co operation in helping me to prac
tice dentistry as it should he practiced
Respectfully yours
Dr J bTfickes D D S
Graduate from Iowa State University
Graduate from Practitioners Course
in same school
Pres of Southwestern Dental Co
McConnell Block Telephone
McCook L9calNol60
Nebr Long dist
Health OoHmiawlments
1 Thou fchalfc have no other food
than at mealtime 2 Thou shalt not
make unto thee any pies for the dys
pepsia will be visited Upon the child
ren to the third and fourth generations
of them that eat pie and long life and
vigor upon those that live prudently
and keep the laws of health 3 Re
member thy bread to bake it well for
ho will not be kept sound who eateth
his bread as dough Thou shalt not
indulge sorrow nor borrow anxiety in
vain 5 Six days malt thou wash
and keep thyself clean and the seventh
take a great bath for in six days man
sweats and gathers filth and bacteria
enough for disease whereupon thp
Lord has blessed the bathtub and hal
lowed it 6 Remember thy sitting
room and bed chamber and keep them
ventilated 7 Thou shalt not eat
hot biscuit s Thou shalt not eat
thy meat fried 0 Thou shalt not
swallow thy food unchewed or highly
spiced or just before hard work or
just -after it 10 Thou shalt not
keep late hours in thy neighbor
house uor with his cards nor his
glass nor with anything that is thy
neighbors Fx
This is a calcareous or lime de
posit on the teeth from the blood and
saliva This together v ithothT mat
ter in aud about them causes a very
unhealthy and offensive condition
This can be readily noticed by the foul
breath of certain people Tartar can
be readily removed by the dentist and
your mouth put jn a bearable condi
jt isxv
Childrens Diseases
Croupous pneumonia primary diph
theria and primary tuberculosis have
been repeatedly observed to originate
from dsoayed teoth Eighty per cent
of the children suffering from the
above diseases have badly neglected
teeth and an unhealthy condition of
the gums More children die from the
above diseases than any other Whose
fault is it
Sixty per cent of the diseases of our
women come from constipation Nine
ty percent of the cases of constipation
are caused by the stomach not being
able to take care of the insufficiently
masticated food All from bad teeth
How many are suffering from period
ical attacks of toothache earache
stomachache heartburn dyspepsia
and chronic catarrh of tho stomach
biliousness weak ees neuralgia
deafness weakness of body and mind
and a host of distressing symptoms
unfitting one for study business or
As a Dentist
In the Schools
A child is quite often sent from tho
school room to wash its face or hands
The teacher Is severely censiued If she
allows dirty or unolean scholars in her
classes Why is it that the child is
never told to brush its teeth or is
never instructed regarding oral hy
gene A dental lecturer should be
chosen by the school board to go be
fore that teachers meetings and give
them a talk on how to instruofc the
child regarding oral hygiene Little
children are always impressed by the
physiology taught in school and would
give heed to what a dental lecturer
might say An examiner ought to
visit the schools and examine each
childs mouth for many people able
to pay for dental services would see
that their childrens teeth were cared
for if the matter could be brought to
their attention inthia way Advice to
parents should come from the school
board as it would bo resented or
wrongly judged if given by a dentist
Artificial Appliances
Before having absent teeth restorod
by artificial means the pationt Bhould
acquaint themselves thoroughly with
the appliances usod I have a full
line of samples and will gladly show
them to any one wishing to gain n
knowledge of thorn before investing
Bridge Work
When one or more teeth have been
removed leaving a tooth at each end
TV v5j
of the space a bridge can be substi
tuted This appliance can be made
stationary or removable Gold and
porcelain teeth are the materials used
The work is done now so that little or
no gold is visable An applianco of
this kind is practically the same as the
natural toeth The cost of a bridge is
of course more than a plate for tha
oame spaoe for the reason that the ma
terials gold platinum etc are ex
pensive and more skill is required to
produce it
Ono or morei eeth may be substituted
by the use of a plate in the arch of the
mouth or on the gums of the lower
jaw The artificial appearance so
ft yf fl 1 wWWv
disliked can be overcome by the skill
ful dentist Plates are made of rub
ber gold platinum celluloid and al
uminum Rubber is mostly used An
almost universal complaint regarding
plates is that they have a too white
and regular appearance If you con
template wearing artificial teeth you
should go to a dentist who keeps a
large supply of teeth on hand select
your teeth have them placed on wax
and inserted in the mouth By doing
this you will be able to see how the
plate will look when finished Ask
for a mirror and examine them well
Any changes you may desire regard
ing color or holloas in the cheeks to
be filled out wnnkls obliterated etc
etc can be readily made in the wax
and the plate sgain inserted subjot to
your inspection Many people bavo
gold fillings in artificial teeth This
makes a natural appearance Unfor i
tunatoly there are many people today
who have spent much lime and money
with inferior dentin and have noth
ing to show for it but an ill fitting i II
appearing et of teeth too white and
even edged to be natural
The Southwestern Den
tal Company extends a
special invitation to those
wearing plates who have
failed to secure a perfect
Temporary Plates
Are inserted a few days after extrac
tion These are worn from six months
to two years or until such a time when
the gums have receded and the plate Is
loose The permanent plate is then
made It lasts from ten to twenty
Filling- Teeth
The cavity is thoroughly freed from
decay and disinfected If the nerve is
exposed it is devitalized and removed
This is now a painless operation
When the cavity is thoroughly prepar
ed itcanbefilledwith anyone of various
materials Trust your dentist for what
is best Gold silver tin tin and
gold copper cement rubber and por
celain singly or in combination are
the materials mostly used
Some pregnant women aresubjectto
continual tooth ache Thi3 is caused
by an increased nervous susceptibilitv
of the uterus transmitted by the sym
pathetic system Toll your dentist
your true condition If extraction be
necessary he can then avoid bad re
sults that may follow if the be
I anfc of the remote cause
v i