II Itt Rv F M KIMMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Thky hnvo acquired the oil fever in Red Cloud and are trying to organize a company to drill foroil or coal Well they want to keep a goin Loins B Paktimdok postmaster of Konesaw Adams county committed sui cide Tuesday noon It is claimed that he is short in his accounts about 1500 Not a few NelrasKa newspapers apropos of all this persistent rot are becoming too insistently virtuous They aro coming to bo objects of proper suspicion Aftek Colonel Merwin of the Beaver City Tribune got through with Samuel Randolph recently there wasnt any thing loft of S R but the coat tail of his prince albert and it was sadly in need of repairs The question of Sunday selling of liquor may cause some trouble yet Even tho shrewdest violators of the Sunday law occasionally trip themselves up and it is pretty generally agreed in McCook who is guilty of tho offense The Nebraska law demands that only law abiding citizens of good character shall bo granted license to sell liquor Persons who persistently break the Sun day law aro neither law abiding nor of good character and the people of Mc Cook should demand tho protection of this law Congressman Wheeler of Kentucky referred to Prince Henry as the little Dutchman Tho prince is six feet and half an inch tall weighs 182 pounds and always keeps in the pink of physical condition What do they call a good sized man in Kentucky anyway Chi cago Record Herald The seniors of the Nebraska univer sity have decided to cheerfully accept Booker T Washington as commence ment orator It would have been in ex treme bad taste to do otherwise He is in every way worthy of the honor and Nebraska university several years ago took an advance stand on this question by insisting on playing a colored student on its foot ball team Bee Wisdom and prudence dictate that ob vious and notable abuses springing from combinations should bo corrected now while the combinations are in good odor rather than be left to pile up for a dire day of reckoning which if it comes will amount to an industrial revolution The combinations should submit to discipline at the hands of their friends rather than wait for punishment from their enemies Brooklyn Eagle Bucklens Arnica Salve Tho best and most famous compound in the world to conquer aches and kill pain Cures cuts heals burns and bruises subdues inflam mation masters piles Millions of boxes sold yearly Works wonders in boils ulcers felons skin eruptions It cures or no pay 23 cents at McConnell Berrys drug store iSSfes iHR kH All well all happy lots of fun That is the regular report from the monkey cage of Barnums Circus ever since the keepers began dosing the monkeys with Scotts Emul sion Consumption was carry ing off two thirds of them every year and the circus had to buy new ones One day a keeper accident ally broke a bottle of ScottV Emulsion near the monkev cage and the monkeys eagerly lapped it up from the floor This suggested the idea that ii might do them good Since then the monkeys have received regular doses and the keepers report very few deaths from consumption Of course its cheaper to buy Scotts Emul sion than new monkeys and that suits the circus men Consumption in monkeys and in man is the same disease If you have it or are threaten ed with it can you take the hint This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scotts Emulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle Send for free sample SCOTT BOWNE 409 Pearl St New York 50c and Si all druggists Bakinq Powder Most healthful w aveoer in the world Goes farther I ROYAL DAKINO POWDER CO NEW YORK uyvarzan An April Matinee In the city by the lake there are but three seasons Summer fades into a glorious golden autumn and autumn merges into winter but from winter we are plunged into mid summer The trees burst into leaf and flowers into blossom and the birds return from the south at their appointed times but tho wind sweeps down from the north until far into June Then suddenly the winds aro stilled and a wave of humid heat inundates the city It was such a day as one might expect in Chicago in April The grey veil that had been gloomily dripping for days had broken and was driven before a furious northwest gale The ragged patches of blue were expanding tho misty clouds were being torn into smaller and smaller shreds the intervals of sun shine were growing longer The weather was in harmony with Wagnerian music At two oclock when we made our way through the thronged streets to tho great building on the lake front where Lohengrin was to be sung that after noon the sky was almost clear From every direction people were com ing Up the avenue rolled the carriages Depositing their burdens at the doors they took up positions in double rows near the curb or sped away to return later Along the pavements hurried broadening rivers while down the steps of the elevated railway station tumbled a veritable cataract of human beings The several streams converged at the entrance into a surging sea that like a flood breaking the dykes intended to hold it in check trickled through by the ticket takers into the foyer beyond Once inside tho crowd directed by at tendants distributed itself about the house threaded its way through devious corridors and swarmed up the marble stair case The auditorium was shrouded in semi darkness Day had given place to night The lofty ceiling studded with softly burnirg lights was like a star aprinkled sky on a moonless night The audience was arriving rapidly and the uniformed ushers with arms full of librettos and programs were busied tak ing care of the people The rustle of silken skirts the sharp quick clatter of seats lowered the subdued undercurrent of conversation seemed but to intensify the silence An atmosphere of almost sacred solemnity prevailed and oppressed us with its sentiment Suddenly the great arches overhead the balustrades on balcony and galleries blazed with prisoned fire Artificial light is not nearly so beautiful during those hours when the sun shines as it is after the days glories have departed Men are blessed with short memories The reigning monarch is the idol how ever splendid his predecessors career may have been It wasj a matinee crowd consisting largely of women -few men have time Jor an afternoon performance A matinee audience has a business like appearance It is not given over wholly to pleasure It comes not essentially to be amused but as a relief from cares and worries it comes to be diverted It comes from its work whatever that may be after a hurried closing of desks a hurried eat ing of luncheons Its men have attired themselves in their better-than-working clothes but not their best Its women are darkly clad There are no gleaming shoulders no fluttering of laces no glit tering of jewels on white throats Stray notes from the violins reached us and soon the members of the orches tra crawled from beneath the stage and took their places Finally the conduc tor himself appeared and was greeted with applausp to which he responded with profound bows A signal was flashed The foot lights shone whitely Every light in the auditorium was extin guished There was a cessation of all noises a momentary hush of expectation The conductor rapped sharply with his baton and in a moment tho stately strains of the overture were sounding through the vast reaches of the house conveying to the listeners hints and suggestions of what was to follow in the Opera The violins wailed a sad sweet song The brasses sounded a note of treachery The drums crashed out a challenge Then discordant conflict the clash of swords homage to virtue triumphant and a glad swelling chorus of thanks giving The old Duke of Brabant having died his son Godfrey has succeeded to his titlo and estates Godfrey and Elsa his sister go for a walk in the forest from which Elsa returns alone Frederick ac cuses Elsa of having killed her brother and claims the dukedom through his wife Ortrude Elsa when questioned as to her brothers disappearance does not not reply but tells of a vision she has had of a knightin silver mail Frederick reiterates his charge and the king de crees thatElsas guilt or innocence shall bo determined according to ancient usage by ordeal of battle between Frederick and anyone Elsa may choose Elsa promises whomsoever shall successfully champion her cause her hand in marri age In response t o tho summons sounded by tho kings herald a knight in silver mail comes in a boat drawn by a swan He agrees to defend Elsa if she will not question who he is or from whence ho came to which she accedes In the combat that ensues he worsts Frederickwho with Ortrudeis disgraced Frederick and Ortrude endeavor by every means to ruin Elsa and the un known knight Ortrude instills into Elsas mind the poison of suspicion Elsa urged to it by the treacherous Ortrude insists upon knowing the name and rank of her knight The stranger knight grieved at Elsas want of faith gives her into the chargo of her bridesmaids and goes before tho king whom he tells of the broken prom ise Elsa i s summoned before the throne and comes supported by her women The knight then tells them that he is Lohengrin the son of Percival guardian of the Holy Grail and that the revelation of his name within a year ne cessitates his return to his fathers realms The boat drawn by tho swan than reappears Lohengrin disenchants the swan who proves to be Godfrey whom Ortrude by sorcery had caused to take the form of a swan Lohengrin then stepped into the boat which is drawn away by a dove The curtain rising upon the first act discloses a bit of meadow upon the banks of the Scheldt The second act takes place in the square before the palace and the cathedral The third is in the palace and in tho fourth act the scene is the the same as the first The story is laid in the mythical past in tho age of poetry and romance when all men were brave and all women beau tiful and when valiant deeds were done The king magnificently robed is en throned beneath a crimson canopy His court surrounds him The ladies are richly clothed The knights are clad in armor It is a gorgeous spectacle such as one imagines might have been seen in medieval times among the ous hordes of ancient Germany We idealize those days We think of those meetings of kings as scenes of unparalell ed splendor May they not have been a little more imposing than the meetings in more recent times of Indian chief tains May there not in fact have been little more ceremony than there is about a modern war dance After each act the curtain falls to rise time after time in response to the voiced demands of five thousand fren zied people The principals bow their acknowledgements but the crowd will not be satisfied until they come before the curtain and walk across the stage When the applause has died away the hum of conversation fills the place there is movement everywhere glancings round searchings for familiar faces interchange of greetings And what a sight is that packed house that ocean of humanity stretching from the foot lights to the dim distant heights just beneath the roof where the fringe of men silhouetted against the back ground of light lose semblance of human form and become objects on a far horizon The opera is an exhausting intellectual diversion The mind must comprehend the orchestration the vocal scores the story told by the singers the scenery and the costumes The presentation appeals to us not only through the sense of hearing but through the sense of sight as well The music must charm the women must captivate the men must arouse admiration the story must interest After the curtain has fallen upon the the last act when the soloists have for the last time humored their worshipers one goes forth wearied in body and in mind into the dirty crowded streets into the prosaic world of work Question Answered Yes August Flower still has the largest sale of any medicine in the civilized world Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for indigestion or bilious ness Doctors were scarce and they seldom heard of appendicitis nervous prostration or heart failure etc They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food regulate the action of the liver stimulate the nervous and organtic action of the system and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches You only need a few doses of Greens August Flower in liquid form to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with yon Get Greens Prize Almanac For Rent on Favorable Terms Northeast quarter of section 14 town ship 3 range 29 Eed Willow county This land is four and one half miles from McCook Nebraska is all broke up J B Blanchard South Omaha Nebras ka or C F Babcock McCook Nebras ka FOR SALE House 8 rooms with bath room and modern improve ments Best location Enquire of S Cordeal McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morning Corn S 75 Wheat - 70 Oats 60 Rye 00 Hogs Eggs 22 Butter 13 Dr Caldwells Syrup Popsin thats what keeps your head clear jour boweli regular Sold by A McMillen Receives Hogs on Mondays D C Marsh wishes to announce that in the future he will receive hogs on Monday of each week This arrange ment will bo in tho interest of tho farm ers as by confining himself to receiving hogs on one day he will not bo put to the expense of feeding them until ho has secured enough to mako a shipment Ho will be able to pay better prices under this new arrangement Tablers Buckeye Pile Ointment isiio panacea but is recommended for piles only These it will cure Price 50 cents in bottles Tubes 75 cents A McMillen Burlington Reaching- Into Montana Walla Walla Wash Feb 15 The Union today says that according to the plans outlined by a civil engineer pro fessing to be in tho service of tho Burl ington railroad system that that rail road is contemplating building from Billings Mont across the Blue moun tains striking Walla Walla valley at Milton Ore and bridging the Columbia river at Wallula The road will go to Portland along the north bank of that stream Favorite Nearly Everywhere Constipation means dullness depression head ache general disordered health DeWitts Litle Early Risers stimulate tho liver open the bowels and relieve this condition Safo speedy and thorough Thej never gripe McConnell Berry Railroad Spotter With Camera Las Vegas N M Feb 17 The railroad fraternity in this city is greatly agitated over the finding in the city of a spotter He was found in a saloon with a kodak taking photographs of employes found therein Under a recent order sent out by the Santa Fo company any employe found going in or out of a saloon is subject to discharge forthwith Upon identification a large crowd of men formed and would have done vio lence had the citj officers not intervened The affair is the topic of conversation among railroad men tonight and consid erable interest awaits his disposition McConnell Berry druggists will refund you your money if you uro not satisfied after using Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets They cure disorders of tho stomach biliousness constipation and headache Price 23 cents Will Defend Dead Wifes Reputation Chicago Feb 15 Filled with deter mination to defend the reputation of his dead wife Walter L Nichol is coming from Nashville Tennessee to Chicago next week Tho shock of the tragic death of Mrs Charlotte Nichol shattered the nervous system of her husband He is now lying ill at Nashville but today he telegraphed Assistant States At torney Newcomer that he would come to Chicago next week The case was thereupon continued before Judge Dunne for next week Dr Orvillo S Burnett who is to be tried for the alleged murder of Mrs Nichol is ready for the ordeal He says he has told the truth of the un fortunate affair from the beginning It is a love tale Dr Burnett still declares he intended to die with the woman who sacrificed her life for love of him and that he failed was not his fault He de nies absolutely the allegation of murder A Burlington Enginemens Event The Burlington Enginemens ball will be the event of the season Each and every year they give a ball and each is entirely different in all ways except the dancing They dont believe in repeti tions something new and novel is their watchword and all who attend the fifth annual ball given by them at the audi torium February 21st will be well en tertained The concert will commence promptly at 830 p m and one and one half hours will be devoted to showing our citizens the moving pictures of Lin coln streets and railroad trains taken by Mr Selig of Chicago when is Lincoln last week Elegant music will make merry the entertainment Then comes the grand march led by those in colonial costume This has many new and novel features The decorations of the build ing are colonial and entirely new Tick ets have been selling so fast that they now know the capacity of the auditorium will be taxed Special trains from Havelock and Omaha will help to make it the merriest crowd ever assembled under the spacious roof of the audi torium Lincoln Journal Does It Pay to Buy Cheap A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is 11 right but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and dangerous results of throat and lung troubles What shall you do Go to a warmer and more regular climate Yes if possible if not possible for you then in either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles Boschees German Syrup It not only heals and stimu lates the tissues to destroy the germ disease but allays inflammation causes easy expectora tion gives a good nights rest and cures the patient Try one bottle Recommended many years by all druggists in the world Get Greens Prize Almanac Good land good settlement and near to church and school About 25 acres broke up and under cultivation For further information address the owner F E RODERICK R F D No i Smock Pa h kU f BACK And now well tell you all about it About what Why about What Honest Jolm Did Down East lie acted wisely And not otherwisely If you doubt this fact call and see Those ricli new colors in SILKS Those silk striped GRENADINES Those sensible BATISTE LAWNS Those beautiful SILK GINGHAMS Those handsome new TRIMMING BRAIDS Those stylish new weaves in DRESS GOODS Those pretty figured MERSERIZED SATEENS Those new designs in CARPETS AND CURTAINS We have also a swell line of gents colored and white shirts and an up-to-date assortment of neck ties on the road All 125 shirts now in stock 98c Special sale in ladies belts this week When ordering groceries dont forget our place and phone number 16 Our new and fresh stock is rolling in every morning Our stock of shoes is also complete JOHN H GRANNIS Produce as good as cash or cash for produce Always the highest price McCook Nebraska CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Episcopal- At St Albans Episcopal church next Sunday second Sunday in Lent Holy communion and sermon at eleven oclock subject of sermon Faith as a practical Power in Life At 7 30 Even song and sermon subject of sermon The Pagans Prophesied Even song on Friday evening at 70 You are all cordially invited to be pres ent at all of these services and take part R M IIaudmax Rector Baptist Sunday school 94 sharp Preaching 11 a in and 8 p in Young Peoples meeting 7ir Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8 Baptismal ser vices Sunday morning A Washington Birthday social will be given for the benefit of the assistant pastor George L Snyder Saturday evening February 22nd at the home of Mrs Paulina Philippi four miles southeast of town Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Preaching 11 Junior League 3 Ep worth League G30 Preaching 730 Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 730 L M Grigsijy Pastor There will be preaching services at Pickens school house Sunday afternoon Rev R M Hardman of St Albans Episcopal church will conduct a mission in Indianola Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday of next week Mrs Hardman will accompany him Dont irritate jonr Iuurs with 1 stubborn cough when a pleasant and effective remedy may bo found in Ballards Horehound Syrup Price 25 cents and 50 cents A McMillen FOR SALE A farm of 160 acres situated 10 miles north of Benkelman Dundy county Nebraska in Section 10 Township 2 Range 3S will be of fered for a short time at a bargain v Some oifees v are Glazed j W Vltn a cll aP ccitinif j kV If jlazinir hclns coltee I Jlrt why arent the high- priced Mochas and Javas t i i giazeci aisur 55Kij 0 a sH a is not glazed It is per fectly pure and has a delicious flavor The scaled package insures uni form quality anu iresnness Are you restless at night and harra ed by si bad cough U p Ballards Ilorehound Syrup it will ecure you sound sleep and effect a prompt and radical cure Price 25 cenU and SO cents A McMillen Faults of digestion causo disorders of tho liver and the whoe system becomes derange Herbino perfect the process of digestion ami assimilation and thus make pure blood Pric 50 cents A McMillen Every woman loves to think of the time- wnen a soft hnle body all her own will nestle in her bosom fully satisfying the yearning which lies in the heart of every good woman But yet there is a black cloud hovering about the pretty picture in her mind which fills her with terror The dr3ad of childbirth takes away much of the joy of motherhood And yet it need not be so For sometime there has been upon the market wsll knovn and recommended by pnysicians a liniment called which makes childbirth as simple and easy as nature intended it It is a sreng ierrg penetrating liniment wnich the skn readily absorbs It gives the muschs elasticity and vigor prevents sore creasts morning sick ness and tne Ices cf the girlish figure An intelligent mother in Butler Pa say Were I to neej Mothers Frieni again I would obtain 9 bottles if I had to pay 3 per bottle for it Get iMothers Friend at the d usr store 51 per bottle THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO Atlanta Ga Write for our free illustrated book Before iiaby is Uorn tf A I