The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 21, 1902, Image 2

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IVIcCook Tribune
P M KIMMELL Publisher
It L Deakin pioneer and legislator
is dead at St Paul On February 1
his wife died and while standing by
her body he was stricken with paraly
The eleventh Continental Congress
of the Daughters of the American Rev
olution is to be held in Washington
during the week commencing Febru
ary 17
Unwilling to face her husband in a
compromising situation Mrs Lydia
Tlmmons wife of J L Timmons of
Edwardsville Kan attempted suicide
at Omaha
Emperor William vJsited at the al
cohol exhibition which was opened in
Berlin and showed keen Interest in
the plans for introducing alcohol fuel
on warships
The Virginia constitutional conven
tion is to recommend that city liko
county treasurers should not be eli
gible to re election after two terms
of four years each
Secretary of the Navy Long in the
statement sent to the senate says the
total cost of the new navy has been
99803928 for construction and 9
343233 for repairs
A report by the Illinois state board
of health shows that smallpox in that
state is rapidly declining the number
of cases now extant being 1000 less
than on January 1
Tommy Ryan and Australian Tim
iMurphy have signed articles for a ten
round boxing contest at catch weights
before the Tuxedo club in Kansas City
Tuesday night February 25
It is related of Samuel Alvin Sper
ry who has just died in Reno county
Kansas that he was one of a family
of fourteen children all of whom liv
ed to be more than 75 years old
Ex Senator Chandler says President
Roosevelt has set a pace in his atten
tion to the transaction of public busi
ness that will kill any of his suc
cessors who may attempt to keep it
Temp Percifield an expressman of
Chariton Iowa received word from
Mexico Mo that his grandfather has
died at an advanced age and left him
a portion of his estate valued at 20
General Manager Dickinson of the
Union Pacific while on a trip over
the southern lines received a tele
gram announcing the death of his
brother James Dickinson in Cleve
land O
Representative Cooper of Texas In-
troduced a bill to provide for the se-
lection of a site for a United States
naval station and dry dock on or near
Sabine Pass or the Neches or Sabine
river Texas
Senator Dietrich introduced a bill
extending the time allowed for the
Omaha Northern railroad to con
struct a railroad and erect stations on
the Omaha and Winnebago reserva
tions until 1906
In the senate yesterday a bill ap
propriating 200000 for the erection
of a public building at Newcastle Pa
was passed at the request of Mr
Quay of Pennsylvania
crease of 4036
A special dispatch received in Lon
don from Rome says that at a meeting
of representatives of Italian lodges of
Free Masons it was decided that Ital
ian Free Masonry should cease to be
a secret society
Former Lieutenant Diraison of the
French army announces that he has
now given full satisfaction to all per
sons offended by his book Les Marl
times and will now devote himself
to the advertising of his work
Robbers tunneled into a bank at
Muskegon Mich and secured 125 in
The gross receipts of the Omaha
postofflce for the month of January
were 40259 against 35223 for the
Aame period of last year
The condition of General Funston
who was operated on recently at Kan
sas City is much improved
The Mexican government has voted
20000 in aid of the victims of the
earthquake at Chilpancingo and tho
City of Mexico will send aid also
Miss Nancy Roberts died at Port
land Ore aged 109 years She Came
from Missouri to Oregon in 1852
Attorney W A Lewis of Spokane
was sentenced to seven years in the
penitentiary for the theft of 7000
from one of his clients
Pottawattamie Indians near Guthrie
Okl are preparing to migrate to Ta
maulipas Mexico
Small Maynard Co publishers
of Boston have made an assignment
No statement of assets or liabilities
is given
General Joseph Wheeler told a boys
brigade in Philadelphia the other
night that his earnest hope is that
we shall never have another war
and he aded that there will never be
any necessity for one if all persanc
-will be good
Advocates Ask Construction Opera
tion and Control by Nation Value
of Communication with Hawaiian
Islands inestimable
WASHINGTON Feb 17 The re
port to be filed today in the house
committee on interstate and foreign
commerce recommending the passage
of the bill providing for government
ownership of a Pacific cable says that
the United States by the annexation
of Hawaii and the acquisition of the
Philippines and other islands through
the ratification of the Paris treaty
assumed the responsibility of main
taining peace in the Pacific ocean
This obligation the report which was
prepared by Representative Corliss the
author of the bill says was deliber
ately undertaken by this country and
approved by the united voice of the
people It adds
The future peace and prosperity of
these islands will largely depend upon
the facilities extended by our govern
ment for the advancement and en
lightenment of the people there If
we are to continue In control of these
islands the people must be made to
understand the character and purpose
of our government and to feel the ben
efits of the enlightenment of civiliza
tion This can be accomplished through
the mediation of cable communica
tions The advancement of our own
people and the benefit of rapid com
munication through the telephone tel
graph and railway lines illustrate the
advantage and the progress that may
be achieved through cable messages
Regarding government ownership of
cables Mr Corliss says England for
fifty years has been constantly acquir
ing by purchase and construction ca
ble communication with her vast pos
sessions until she has expended up
wards of 100000000 for this purpose
and operates her own cables connect
ing her colonies England is now
constructing a Pacific cable from
Vancouver to Australia at a cost of
nearly 9000000 and in order to give
her tradesmen and manufacturers the
benefit of this communication at the
least possible expense has fixed a rate
of 2 shillings or 50 cents per word for
cable messages from Vancoucer to
New Zealand
France Germany and other na
tions are not sleeping upon their
rights as the people of the United
States have been comments Mr Cor
liss but are establishing government
telegraphic communication with their
respective possessions
I therefore contend that the Pa
cific cable should be owned controlled
and operated by the government of
the United States It should be made
by an American manufacturer laid by
an American ship under an American
flag and operated at actual cost for
the dissemination of knowledge the
proper direction of our army and navy
and the advancement of our trade and
commerce in the Pacific The trans
mission of communication should be
held by the state
To Reduce Representation
WASHINGTON Feb 17 The elev
enth continental congress of the
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion will begin here today and con
tinue throughout the week
A number of important matters are
to come up for consideration One of
the important questions is how the
large representation in congress may
be advantageously reduced Fifteen
amendments to the constitution and
three to the by laws are to be dis
cussed and an editor and business
manager for the magazine are to be
elected Since the last congress 3640
women have been admitted making
the total membership of the society
nearly 40000
Will Arrive with the Prince
LONDON Feb 17 Messrs Wes
sels and Wolmarans expect to land at
New York simultaneously with Prince
Henry The Boer delegates will vis
it New York Philadelphia Boston
Chicago New Orleans and San Fran
Kruger Expects Good Luck
BERLIN Feb 17 In a dispatch
from Amsterdam the correspondent
of the Daily Mail says Mr Kruger
expects favorable results from the
tour in the United States from
Messrs Wessels and Wolmarans
Earthquake Kills Hundreds
FIFLIS Russian Trans Caucasia
Feb 17 Two hundred bodies of vic
time of the earthquake which destroy
ed the town of Shamaka had been re
covered up to last evening It ap
pears certain that 200 bodies are
buried in the fissures and debris caus
ed by the shocks The quakes con
tinue at intervals and the work of ex
cavating in search of the victims pro
ceeds with difficulty Among the dead
are many women
Said to Have Crushed Insurgents in
Batangas Province
MANILA Feb 17 General J
Francis Bell has practically cleared
up the Insurrection In Batangas prov
ince the troops under his command
having made a clean sweep of the
district It is not believed that all
the insurgent arms have been cap
tured or surrendered but that a num
ber of them have been taken by the
insurgents to other provinces or safe
ly hidden The increase of robber
bands in the provinces of Tayabas
and Cavlte show the effects of the
drastic measures adopted in Batan
gas and Laguna provinces
General Bell says the people of
these latter provinces never realized
the terrors of war until they person
ally experienced its hardships owing
to the closing of the ports and the
concentration of the natives in the
towns General Bell believes that
the insurgent leader Malavar is be
coming exceedingly unpopular with
the Filipinos and that when the na
tives cease to fear his venegance
many will be found willing to betray
him What has been said of Batan
gas applies almost equally to La
British Mounted Infantry Meet With
PRETORIA Feb 17 One hun
dred and fifty mounted infantrymen
while patroling the Klip river south
Johnnesburg February 12 surround
ed a farm house where the suspected
Boers were in hiding A single Boer
broke away from the house and the
British sta to pursue him The
Boer climl kopje the British
following Iiu ediately a heavy fire
was opened on them from three sides
The British found themselves in a
trap and in a position where they
were unable to make any defense
Eight of the British officers made a
gallant effort and defended the ridge
with carbines and revolvers until
they were overpowered The British
had two officers and ten men killed
and several officers and forty men
wounded before the force was able
to fall back under cover of a block
Young Roosevelt and His Comrades
Show Much Improvement
BOSTON Feb 17 The three sick
boys in the Groton school infirmary
had a quiet day and from a medical
point of view a satisfactory one al
though in the morning there was
some uneasiness ubout Howard Pot
ter Dr L C Shattuck of Boston
was recalled by Dr Warren for con
sultation in his case and later it was
stated that young Potter had not had
a setback but simply a spell of rest
lessness Theodore Roosevelt jr
and William Gammell jr continued
to show much improvement
Mrs Roosevelt spent the greater
portion of the day at the infirmary
Notorious Man is Killed
HAVRE Mont Feb 17 Henry
Thompson better known as Bad
Man Henry was shot and instantly
killed today in a saloon at Saco by
Ed Spuefell The fight was the re
sult of a quarrel over a woman
Thompson was a notorious character
in eastern Montana Four years ago
he and Ed Starr a stock inspector
fought a duel near Saco in which
Starr was killed and Thompson badly
wounded He is also said to have
killed a man near Miles City He
came here from Indian Territory
One of the Hindoo Twins Dies
PARIS Feb 17 The Hindoo twin
named Dordica which was separated
from Radica by an operation Febru
ary 9 died suddenly this morning at
7 oclock in convulsions due to the
advanced stage of the tuberculosis
from which she suffered The twins
appeared to improve during last week
and passed their time playing happlly
with toys The death of Dordica has
been concealed from Radica who is
making excellent progress
Confirms Payment of Ransom
WASHINGTON Feb 17 The state
department has received cable advices
confirming the report that the ransom
money for Miss Stone has been paid
j tot the brigand capters It is not
known when her release will occur but
it is understood that the brigands
have made a condition that they shall
have a period of a week or ten days
in which to make sure their safety in
retreat before the prisoner is finally
delivered up
Fatally Injures His Host
Robert Fuller a prominent farmer of
Frankling township this county was
fatally and Albert Stuart seriously
wounded by Robert Moreland a young
man accused of having insulted Mrs
William Sickles a daughter of Fuller
just as a dance was breaking up at
the Fuller home Several of the male
guests followed Moreland to his sleigh
when a fight taok place with the above
Communication of Senator Dietrich
Regarding Experiment Stations
LINCOLN Neb Feb 17 The offi
cials of the department of labor and
industrial statistics are gratified at
the work of the real estate dealers in
their convention at Fremont but ex
press regret that wider publicity was
not given a communication from Sen
ator Dietrich who recommended the
organization of an experiment station
in connection with the state univer
sity for the purpose of investigating
and promoting irrigation It was the
intention of the department to have
this proposition submitted not only to
the convention but also to the people
of the state as well the hope being to
have public interest aroused in such
a way as might influence favorable
The senator explained in his com
munication that the federal govern
ment would materially assist any ef
fort of the kind that might be made
by the state said R A Hodge chief
clerk of the department His sug
gestion was that the convention should
take such steps as would influence
public sentiment in favor of such a
project Senator Dietrichs idea con
templated the establishment of exper
iment stations in different parts of the
semi arid region all to be under the
direction and supervision of the main
station at the university
Degrees Are Conferred and Alumni
Organ is Presented
LINCOLN Neb Feb 17 The thirty-third
annual charter day was cele
brated at the University of Nebraska
The presentation of the alumni organ
took place in the chapel During the
afternoon the various departments
were opened to visitors and in the ar
mory there was an exhibition drill by
the Pershing Rifles A concert by the
cadet band and an athletic contest in
doors closed the afternoon program
At the conclusion of the commence
ment ceremonies degrees were confer
red upon twenty seven students who
had completed the required work for
graduation They represented nearly
all departments the largest number
being from the college of literature
science and arts The commence
ment address was by General John C
Black of Chicago who spoke on the
life of Abraham Lincoln
Barely Escapes Cremation
FAIRBURY Neb Feb 17 A bad
fire occurred here about 11 oclock at
night in the residence of William P
McPhail a merchant of the city Dur
ing the brief absence of Mr McPhail
from the house a soft coal stove ex
ploded scattering fire all over the
room Mrs McPhail who has been
a helpless invalid for many years
was the only occupant of the house
at the time and she was unconscious
at the time she was rescued and car
ried to the home of a neighbor Her
condition at last reports was very crit
ical and it is feared she will not re
cover Her Injuries however are
more the result of the nervous shock
than directly of the fire
Young Adams Causes Trouble
MINDEN Neb Feb 17 Because
the board of education refused to en
dorse the action of Principal Thom
sen in expelling absolutely David Ad
ams a pupil of the High school for a
violation of the rules the teachers
all handed in their resignations and
there were no classes Wednesday
Under pressure of public opinion the
board held a special meeting and ex
pelled the young man
Against Levelling of Fences
ALLIANCE Neb Feb 17 The Ne
braska Stock Growers association
will hold a meeting to adopt resolu
tions against the proposed leveling of
fences on public lands It is declared
that this would ruin the range coun
try Time will be asked in which to
settle the range question by the pro
posed leasing laws now in congress
Gets First Sample of Gold
SUPERIOR Neb Feb 17 Captain
C E Adams has received the first
gold from the Plateau mine at Apex
Colo in which he is interested The
ore assayed a little less than -28 cents
to the pound
Held on Murder Charge
seph Bomher the half breed Indian
who shot and killed William Bellisle
December 28 was given a preliminary
hearing and held to answer to the
charge of murder
Bad Man Receives Beatingg
MULLEN Neb Feb 17 Barney
Myers came to town and proceeded to
enliven things at the Red Palace sa
loon He ordered the men in the
place to set up the drinks and when
they declined he drew a revolver
The bartender ordered him to turn
over the gun and upon his refusal as
saulted him with a heavy steel poker
and beat him into unconsciousness
Myers was then taken to a doctors of
fice to have his head sewed up
Officers Elected and Class Superin
tendents Chosen
LINCOLN Neb Feb 15 Officers
were elected and class superintend
ents chosen by the State Board of Ag
riculture to supervise the work of the
coming state fair ihe premium list
was also revised It was practically
decided to hold evening entertain
ments at the fair grounds next fall
The following officers were elected
General superintendent William Fas
ter Saltillo superintendent of gates
E M Searle jr Ogalalla superin
tendent of agricultural hall J R
Cantlin Blair superintendent of art
hall W A Poynter Lincoln super
intendent of transportation O M
Druse Lincoln superintendent of for
age Charles Mann Chadron superin
tendent of booths George C Furnas
Lincoln superintendent of amphithe
ater A L Stlllson York chief of po
lice George W Overmeier Kearney
The following class superintendents
were named E L Vance Pawnee
City horses and mules Elijah Filley
Beatrice cattle R M Wolcott Ar
cher sheep L W Leonard Pawnee
City swine C M Llewwellyn Bea
ver City poultry L Morse Benkle
man farm products Mrs G H Dev
ereux Omaha womens textile depart
ment Mrs F M Hall Lincoln fine
arts S C Bassett Gibbon dairy
Charles Fordyce University Place ed
ucation E Newcomb Friend bees
and honey W H Barger Hebron me
chanical arts H L Cook St Paul
machinery W H Barger Hebron in
struments county collective exhibits
W E Ewing Franklin discretionary
W H Barger speed George F Dick
man Seward
Farmer Resists Robbers Until Beaten
Into Unconsciousness
Thomas R Varah a prominent far
mer residing five miles southeast of
Doniphan was assaulted and robbed
of 65 in his own home between 9
and 10 oclock at night He was alone
in the house with his children the
other members of the family includ
ing his son-in-law having gone to a
dance a quarter of a mile distant
Varah was awakened by a handker
chief over his mouth He threatened
to call his son-in-law but was inform
ed by the robbers that his son-in-law
was at the dance showing that the
robbers had been posted
They ordered him to get out of bed
and go down stairs Varah had been
at Hastings the day before and in a
business transaction had secured 250
in cash On the way down stairs he
took the larger of the rolls of bills
and tucked it under his drawers leav
ing only 65 in his trousers pocket
All but this amount was therefore
Farmer Killed by a Bull
NORT BEND Neb Feb 15 A
farmer named Fred Ladehoff was kill
ed by a bull in his feed yard near this
place His small son saw the animal
rolling him along the ground on his
horns and ran to tell his mother When
the two arrived at the yard they suc
ceeded in driving the animal away but
Mr Ladehoff was dead It had been
scarcely half an hour since he left his
house The mans left side was crush
ed and all the ribs broken on that
side His head and face were bruised
and his arms broken
In Interest of Old Veterans
HUMBOLDT Neb Feb 15 Cap
tain J P Grinstead of this city who
served two years in the Philippines
with the Twenty second regiment of
United States volunteers and who was
mustered out last spring and returned
home has gone to Washington to
work with a number of his brother of
ficers to secure desired changes in the
army bill which they believe discrim
inated against a few by reason of the
age limit preventing their getting
proper credit and advancement
Raising Angora Goats
CALLAWAY Neb Feb 15 Morri
son Bros ranchmen have just enter
ed into a new industry for this por
tion of the country having received
seventy head of fine Angora goats
which they have placed on their ranch
near their place As the increase of
these animals will more than double
in a years time it is thought they
are a paying investment It is said
they are more healthful than either
cattle or sheep
Root Returns to Work
WASHINGTON Feb 14 Although
still suffering with a severe cold Sec
retary Root today resumed his duties
at the war department
Arrests for Theft of Swine
Chris Burhof of Roten Valley in the
southwest part of Custer county was
arrested and lodged in jail by Deputy
Sheriff Richardson on the charge of
stealing thirteen hogs of James Byler
about Christmas Elisha Furgerson
who is charged with being an associ
ate in the theft was arrested at Kio
wa Wash and is to be brought here
The hogs were sold at Cozad the
morning after they were stolen
j ii irn
Brass reals sold in tLe JfJ
ours Catalogue free
1 i II Urnorr son llarljlf hrJ Jin
- 4
wirii 1
Some people live off their wits and
some live off tho lack of wit in other t
500 FROM fOO
WmKcllcy Lawrence Co O made on 8105
worth of tomiito need bought from the John A
Salzcr Seed Co LuCrosse Wis last summer
ov 850a That pays
Novrearlycucumboraisoneof tho best paying
vegetables s also earliest radishes pcasr
tomatoes beets etc
For 16c onU this Notice
tho John A Salzer Seed Co LaCrosac Wis
send you 160 kinds of vegetable nnd Uowcr
seeds und mummoth catalog telling all about
money making vegetables Murkctgardenors
list So WKU
If a married man would know him
self he should get his wife to intro
duce him
Diseases Rheumatism etc
Disorders of the Kidneys and Madder causa
Brights Disease Rheumatism Gravel Pain in
the Back Bladder Disorders dlfllcult or too fre
quent pawing water Dropsy etc For these dl
neasesa Positive Specific Cure Is found in a new
botanical discovery the wonderful Kava Kava
Shrub Ctdlnu by botanists the piper mcthmticum
from the Ganges IUver East India It hus th
Jet Tkomas He 120 ESt It W WastfootatOC
extraordinary record of 1200 hospital curcBln 80
days It nets directly on the Kidneys nnd cures
by draining out of the Blood the poisonous Uric
Acid Ljthatesete which cause tho disease
Rev John II Watson testifies In the Jtcw York
World that It has saved him from theodgcof the
Krave when dying of Kidney dirense and terrible
euderlng when rUsslng water Mr James Thomas
Esq of tho Board of Review Bureau of Pensions
Washington D C writes Wns cured ofa usually
fatal Kidney Trouble after many physicians had
failed and he had given up all hope of recovery
Hon R C Wood a prominent attorey of Lowell
Ind was cured of Chronic Rheumatism Kidney
and Bladder Disease of ten years stujiling by
AlkavisMany ladies including Mrs E IL Dins
more South Deerfield Mass and Mrs James
Young Kent Ohio also testify to its wonderful
curative power in Kidney and allied dteordcra
peculiar fo womanhood
That you may Judge tho value of this Great
Discovery for yourself we will send you Ono
Large Case by mail Free only asking that when
cured yourself you will recommend it to others
It is aSure Specific and can not fail Address Tho
Church Kidney Curo Company 10G Fourth Ave
1 The Lincoln Eye and Ear Infirmary 1
treats all curable
diseases and in
juries of the
Conta rious and incurable cases not admit
ted Patients boarded nursed and treated
Letters of inquiry promptly answered
Write for announcement
Oculists andAunsts In attendance LincolnNeb
If you
want hip
uiueft ft
xU yj tC
E i3r Introduce our Toultry Mixture Straight
saiarv iro mean cms J ucluBC stamp
EUREKA MFG CO lept AV Kt M touls ill
WE PAY 20 a Week and EXPENSES
to men with rigs to Introduce our Poultry Compound
Send stamp ACMEilFG COKastbt Louis
FfiJfFfil ARYfferbutbIgcommonto
KO l HlVb wMbHIl I agents to Introduce Success
Poultry Mixture Write todar Xevermlnd stamp
ysy know THE VALUE 0F
AM 33
if A wUk
WMtt H
XAY nv
W xn
v l URP
ypsrenn vnu ri v
M K il ii m m n a ium ib m h m m w a
25 cents
per tun i
Creato3t Cheapest Food
on Earth for 8heop Swine
Cattle otc
Wi be torft SI W ta jou to remd wtat
Billion DcHsr Grass
will pon oie jera rich Wton
efhajaed loo or pasture xracr so
alw Broarai Ptot Speltz 100 bo
ecru ijtf cti omb jtr acrej etc etc
For this Hotlco and 1 Co
Ellll tonatltltd T
Gte UMlaliy worth 10to jai j
VcilCc weci1 JGOklniionowcTH
aal Vegetable bed and caia07 S
IflHM A 7FD FFm fn LACRossEi
jiLt vu wis - f
r n i n B l l n t H IV n i
I TKe Wabash
with Its own rails frm Omiha
Kansas City St Louia and Chi
cago to Buffalo N Y for all
points east south anl southeast
RfllUCPd rftt3 In ill fhz Tr nf
ttrbOKb of the houth Ask your
nearest ticKet apent to route von
via THE WABASH For descrip
tive mattpr ratp3 firr oil
tnatioT call on or write KarrV E
ji cores uen 1 Agent Passenger
benartmpnt Ml- Vm nm c