II 1 t sXSXisaXS ii if MBXl 1 FRANKLIN nmi mm t 111 wtwiiH mtjjm WOMANS PLEASURE You can always please a woman with Chinaware You can make homelife brighter because nice Chi naware will improve the appearance of the home and increase the pleasure of the occupants Well be glad to have you see our new line of white china semiporcelaindec orated semiporceain in a variety of patterns all of which are to be had in 100 piece sets if desired now open for your inspection at the BEE HIVE IcGOO K x23 S V Wr5P0Vr W Str slFsWir Jl MUrV 11ia W iWv V ny1 5 V FRANKLIN President THE CITIZENS If w B WOLFE FIRSTS A C EBERT Cashier OF McCOOK NEB a Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 p 5l B DIRECTORS WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT C H WILLARD - - W W NATIONAL Dyspepsia Core Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds ol food It gives instant relief and neve fails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take It cant help iiuf do you good Prepared only by E 0 DeWittCo Chicago Tho 1 bottle contains 2 times the 50c size McConnell Berry Druggists xwvm BANK - KX n i A i - In mi wrt W r r n 7 Cll I I I 3lUUULUjLJLiZU KJCuUXUOjlm tDJ W mJJKJm Capital and Surplus 60000 ocy GEO HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pros F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director C J PLATT Director J H DWYER Proprietor BANK I McCook Transfer Line W SlTSpecial attention paid to hauling furniture Leave orders at either lumber yard Wmi WWW cr m 1 VW i L CEDAR BLUFFS Al Benjnniius were at Banksvillo Monday Tho Gorvor boys have been selling a number of cattle recently Harry Benjamin and family were visit ing at Banksvillo Saturday This section was protty well repre sented at Thompsons sale Tuesday Rev E S Dutcher failed to appear Sunday and there was a disappointed congregation at Pleasant Prairie If the Pleasant Prairie school keeps increasing in size as fast as it has in the last two weeks there will soon be forty scholars A number of the neighbors sprung a surprise on Frank Lofton the othpr night There was the usual music and Saved Her Childs Life In three weeks our chubby little hoy was chanced by pneumonia almost to a skeleton writos Mrs W Watkins of Pleasant City O A terrible cough set in that in spite of tho Rood doctors trcntmont for sovoral veik grew worso every day Wo than u ed Dr Kings Now Discovery for consumption and our darling was boon sound and well Wo are sure this grand medicine aved his life Millions kuow it is tho only Miro cure for coughs coldb and all lnug diseases McConnell Btsrrj druggists guarantee satisfaction r0c and 10 Trial free Tho skv looks bluer tho sun shines brighter a feeling of youth and strength eeps over tho soul after taking Rocky Moutitaiu Tea Mc Connell Horry BANKSVILLE Frank Everist was looking at stock about here last week School progresses at district No 77 in face of tho stormy weather August Wesch was doctoring his pump to cause it to keep up the water supply L A Payne of the McKiuley Lanning Loan it Trust Co was doing work in this vicinity last week Mrs Mabel Benjamin came home Monday to Banksville as she had been visiting last week at her parents W II Hartmans instead of V II Benja mins as stated last week Mary Peteis was visiting the school in Dist 51 Tuesday J II Relph npide a trip to the Beaver after hay Monday Quite a number from this place at tended the Thompson sale Tuesday Mr Wesch s children are in school again after an enforced absence of several weeKs A M and II II Benjamin and fami lies tooK dinner with the home folns one day last weeK H I Peterson will carry the mail after July 1st This is placing the biz where it properly belongs at home Short and to the Point Gentlemen Dr Caldwells Sjrup Pepsin is the finest preparation for tho ttoinuch and bowels that I have ever used Wishing you con tinued success I am Yours very truly W C Kimbai New Troy Mich Sold by A McMillen The great beauty about Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is in its certainty to cure constipation indigestion sick headache and stomache trou bles Sold by A McMillen WHEATOSE pure Breakfast Nat If you want a good food for your child ren try Wheatose It is easily and quickly prepared and very healthful Follow cooking directions to get the full benefit All reliable grocers have it California Breakfast Food Saved Him From Torture There is no more agonizing trouble than piles The constant itching and burning make life in tolerable Xo position is comfortable The tor ture is unceasing DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve cures piles at once For skin diseases cuts burns bruises all kinds of wounds it is une qualled J S Gerall St Paul Ark sajs From 1S65 1 suffered with the protruding bleed ing piles and could find nothing to help me until I used DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve A few boxes completely cured me Beware of coun terfeit McConnell Berry She was sitting up with a sick man No professional nurse was she Simply sitting up with her love sick lover Giving him Rocky Mountain Tea McConnell Borrj Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinino Tablets cure a cold in one day No cure no paj Price 25 cents emOiSESTEfiS E mum A f iisSSil Safe Always reliable Iadie ask Druggist for CHICHESTER 3XOIIMH in Red and Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no otber Refuse dangerous substi tutions mid Imitations Buv of your Druggist or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Testi monials and Relief for Indies in letter by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold by all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 8100 Madison Square PHII PA Mention this paper CULBERTSON S E Solomorivicwed Tronton sights Friday W A Stewart was a McCook visitor Saturday Henry Lehman had business in Mc Cook Saturday Jas OConnell of Palisade was a city visitor latter part of tho week G G Eisonhart court reporter had busness in McCook i arly in tho weeK Mrs P J Fitzcerald of Stratton is visiting her parents and fripwls of this place Cha Parsons and wife of York are visiting his parents at tho Grand Central hoM Miss Bessie Enyenrt of Lincoln made a brief visit with friends here the first of the week James Ferrior Supt of tho Culbort games followed by well they say its I son Ditch returned Tuesday from a the best thing to put a man in a good humor and everybody had a good time visit to ditch headquarters at Hartford Conn Geo Cook a Russian farmer living east of town is getting ready to move to Colorado Mr Cook says ho will bo back in the fall The Sonth Westorn Nebraska Teach ers Institute and Summer School will bo held this yar at Culbertson com mencing May 27th and lasting six weeks John Lenhart who moved to Wash ington from here a year or two ago has written friends here that he will be back on his farm northeast of town in April Ten candidates rode tho Workman goat Monday night lie the goat was the real thing and the manner in which he deported himself was a sight to behold indeed Rev Smith assisted by the Revs Ash by father and son the former of Bloomington the latter of Stratton is holding successful revival meetings at the M E church That whiskey is still being sold in Culbertson is evidenced almost daily Certain parties are being suspected of bootlegging the stuff and are under sur veillance Influence wont save any more in Culbertf on - so look out William Baldwin Billy as he is familiarlv known to ovrv one has pur chased u new No 1 DeLaval hand cream seperator and is very highly pleased with it The machine cost 8100 but it is claimed that the jiroduct of 10 cows will bring enough more money in one year to pay for the machine Last Saturday afternoon tho large of Jacob Cook a Russian farmer living about five miles northwest of Culbertson was destroyed by fire together with all its contents We failed to learn how the fire originated Mr Cook had SCOO insurance in the Farmers Mutual Insurance Co of Lincoln Neb We understand Mr Cooks neighbors turned out Tuesday and built him a temporary dwelling place About i or 5 weeks ago we announced that A A Hayes and his son Fred prominent farmers on the West Divide had gone to the state of Washington to locate This week wo wish to an nounce that Mr Hayes and his son have returned again to Hitchcock county satisfied that this is not the worst place on earth Thus they go and thus they return and all admit that if they would get right down and work as they have to in sections where they make a success of farming they would succeed equally well here INDIAN0LA Marion Powell was a McCook guest Monday Mr and Mrs J W Dolan were McCook visitors last Friday H W Keyes was in McCook Wed nesday morning on legal business Samuel Randolph went un to McCook Tuesday to scoop the county printing John McClung was a pilgrim to and a sojourner in the county capital Wed nesday Rev R M Hardman will conduct a mission in this place on Tuesday Wed nesday and Thursday of next week Mrs Hardman will accompany him on this visit BARTLEY J Fletcher had business in the county seat Tuesday CommissionerMauriceKeddy attended the county board meeting in McCook Tuesday gjfit xBa jJScje3ta xcjcjuQc d2t All Calls For The I Wttll s I lous Answered by the BLUE FRONT Will make all trains and an e swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 W H Ackerman McCook Nebraska A ynnrL This signature is oa every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuimne Tablets the remedy that cares a cold In one day FIRST AIP TO THE IJVtlXEP PONDS EXTRACT For Burns Sprains Wounds Brui ses or Any Sort of Pain Used Internally and Externally CAUTION Avoid tho weak Vitch Hazel preparations represented to bo the same as PONDS EX TRACT which easily sour and often contain wood alcohol an irritant ex ternally ana tanen internally a poison 35SBEZ282 Have Been Married 65 Years Tho Kalamazoo fMich Telegraph of Fobruary 8th contains the pictures of and aged couple who have seen Gj years of happy wedded life Tho brief sketch given is as follows They are tho par ents of Mrs John Whittaker a former resident of Redwillow county and well known to many Tkiucnk readers In the list published in the Telegraph of couples who have been married fifty years or over appear the names of Mr and Mrs William Nelson Cornwell of Lawrence Michigan Mr and Mrs Cornwell are prominent residents of Lawrence and in fact are well known throughout Southwestern Michigan They celebrated the sixty fifth anniver sary of their marriage last Saturday February 1 on which occasion there was a notable gathering of members of the family and relatives to do honor to tho event Mr Cornwell is 80 years old and his wife is 81 years of age They have lived in Lawrence J2 years As may bo judged from their pictures which are published herewith both are remark ably well preserved Royal Highlanders Organize The Kojal Highlander erected and dedicated acaitle in tovwilat night with twenty four towers of strength The charter member were f ecured by Deputies J 1 Carrotherf and wife The charter will be open until March lird and the deputies will remain to double the mem bership at the same fee The following is the roster of ollicera elected and installed Clarence 13 Gray Iast I Pro J Raymond McCarl Illustrious Pro Frank S Vahue chief counsellor Mrs Laura 15 Pope worthy evangel Charles O Ilominist secretary Matthew Law ritson treaurer J G Oonlej warder John Hiist sentry Mr- J met C Tyler herald James C Mitchell guide Mrs Anna II Conley first worthy censor Mrs Clara Snyder second worthy censor Robert W Devoe C of S Robert M Kuipple C of A George V Norris George Beck and Mrs Louiso J Littenhouse managers Dr Will V Gage and Dr Charles Ij FnluiPdtock phjsicians Millions Put to Work The wonlorful activity of the new century shown by an enormous demand for the worlds beat workers Dr Iuiiks New Life Pill For constipation sick headache biliousness or any tropble of stomach liver or kidneys the are un rivalled Only 2c at McConnell Sc Borrya NOTICE TO CREDITORS In county court within and for Red Willow county Nebraska Januarj 2Titli 1902 in tho matter of the last will and testament of John H Slv deceased To the creditors of the estate of John II Sly You are hereby notified that I will sit at tho county court room in McCook in said county on the firat day of August 1102 at the hour of 10 oclock a 111 to examine all claims icaiust said estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the presenta tion of claims against aaid estate is six months from tho 25th day of January A D 1902 and the time limited for payment of debt- la one 1 ear from said 2Tith day of January 1902 Witness my hand and teal of said county court thN gith da of Janury 1SXJ Isevl C E Eldbkij County Judge NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior Land Ollico at McCook Nebraska January 18 1002 Notice is hereby given that the following named settler ha t filed notice of hi- intention to make final proof in support of IiN claim anil that said proof will be made before the Register or Re ceiver of United Statoi Land Ollice at McCook Nebraska on Saturday March 1st 1902 viz Andrew Ander on on II E No 109i2 for the northeast U of section 11 township 1 north range S0 west of the 6th P M He names the following to prove hU continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz John II Wade Jacob Crocker and Charles E Boatman of McCook Nebraska and Abram Peters or Uaiikiville F M Rathbl w Regi ter ICodol Dyspepsia Sus Digests what you eat tor a tkSSiJDfi II P SUTTON McCOOK EARL MURRAYj Bates Old Stand NcCook Neb A Shavo Hair Cut Sham poo any thing in my lino in ait artistic manner Uivo mo n call and trial V JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL Dr WVGAGE McCook - - - Nebraska Offick First National bank building next to City hall IIouiw 8 to VI lt07to9 Night calls answered from residuiice over bank DRJBFICKBr A Reliable Graduate Dentist S OVER MCCONNELL 8c BERRYS McCOOK NEBRASKA H L PREVUST DElNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Dental College Over Jas McAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW fiTcCoa k Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p O Building JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Neiiraska ESAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office--First dlor norili of onuiicrcial hotel E J MITCHELL AUCTIONEER McCook Neb Goes Anywhere Sales of Thoi oush Dred Stock a Specialty j rsr3saNSB h J BUKGESS McCOOK NEBR Iron ead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun fcchpse Windmills Basement of the Phillips Building IBSJSsaSVWasi9SBSrJPsnsl3s Tvhere all the people come Plooioer and I Steam Fitter Dont Be s ooledi IllgSI Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It keeps ycu well Our trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cents Never aoltj in bulk Accent no subatl incorporated tsea tute Ask your druggist 3SZ It is a wonder R I from and yet re lvivt n j time to wonder so - ougfcly well employed I our friends keep us X ij have a keen desire to i - - serve all alike and For - rr i a manner that vre shall make you not on i fiit customers but our friends as well Loy Li means much There is no advertisement 1 i t man that is so far reaching in scope a i f commendation that one friend gives to audi ou cannot visit our store in person Writs for one of our Catalogs VVre sending out two of them one for mm women you can have either one you want or Address vour letter to 4 ft A X PJr sn r j t in r at a r i L - A ft