m i t I rtto Fails In Umbrella Handle Fashion has paid much attention to umbrella handles for the soason and many cxqulslto Importations are to be Boon in metropolitan shops Gun metal in great variety of designs is on view whllo ivory beautifully carved and heavily plated dull Egyptian gold ex amples are also exhibited Dogs cats and even parrots heads executed in ivory have become very popular this season Iln nn ISncIlftli Voto Too While George L Rives the man whom Seth Low has selected for cor poration counsel is an American citi zen he is one of the few men in the country who have a right to vote at English parliamentary elections Ik onlalncd this right as an M A of the English university at Cambrldgt where he look his degree after grad uating from Columbian college No Owls in Ills A correspondent who objects to owls writes to a Georgia weekly Please do not put any more pictures of owls in the paper I do not like owls star ing at me I am down on the owl A squirrel or horseshoe would bo much a more pleasing thing to look at from my point of view But the owl is a bird of ill omen So no more owls please A Strong Statement Star Wis Feb 10th Mr Samuel S Hook one of the most highly re spected residents of this neighborhood has given a very hearty recommenda tion to Dodds Kidney Pills a remedy recently Introduced here He says I have been a sufferer from Kidney Disease for some timo and found noth ing to help me till I began to use Dodds Kidney Pills They gave me almost Immediate relief and I am now well I have recommended them to many friends and in every case with splendid results They are the very best pills for all kinds of ailments but especially for Kidney Complaints This is a very strong statement and coming from a gentleman of Mr Hooks standing and reputation it has had a tremendous influence in Vernon county A bachelor says the only certain thing about women is their uncer tainty AEX UP-TO-DATE HOUSEKEEPERS Obo Red Cross Ball Blue It makes clothes clean and sweet as when now All grocers Perhaps the longevity of the an cients was due to the fact that they had no cookbooks I am sure Plsos Cure for Consumption saved my life three years ago Mrs Tnos KonniNS Moplo Street Norwich N Y Feb 17 1900 Kissing is said to be responsible for a good deal of heart trouble Florida Excursions via Virginia and Carolina Winter Resorts and Charleston Exposition Hot Springs Old Point Comfort Southorn Pines For information address W E Conklyn N W 1 Agt Chesapeake and Ohio Ry 234 Clark St Chicago Poker keeps more men awake nights than insomnia In Winter Ubo Allens Foot Ease a powder Your feet feel uncomfortable nervous and often cold and damp If you have Chilblains sweating sore feet or tight shoes try Allens Foot Ease Sold by all druggists and shoe stores 25c Sample sent FREE Address Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y A woman likes to be considered competent to give a man advice Try me just once and I am sure to come again Defiance Starch Cranberries are grown in bogs that cost from 300 to 500 an acre Hundreds of dealers say the extra quantity and superior quality of Defi ance Starch is fast taking place of all other brands Others say they cannot sell any other starch Nothing is so regular as the happen ing of the unexpected THE KANSAS PEOPLE ARE IN LOVE WITH WESTERN CANADA Thoy Say the Land Tliero Is the Finest on Earth A great number of delegates have been influenced through the agency of Mr J S Crawford the Canadian gov ernment representative at Kansas City to visit western Canada and whether from Missouri or Kansas the story is always the same they are pleased with the new country being opened up Isaac H Levagood writeg from Didsbury Alberta as follows I met three delegates from Kansas yesterday at Didsbury and took them home with me and took them out in ihe afternoon and showed them some of the finest land that lays Dn top of Gods green earth They are more than pleased with this country They stayed with me last night this morn ing I took them to Didsbury and they went on north When they come back they are coming to my place and I am going to help them to run some lines and they are going to locate in sight of my house There have been over 1200 acres of land changed hands here in our neighborhood this spring When I located here last fall I was the furthest back of any of the set tlers to day I am in the center of the settlement We have thirty six chil dren that are of school age in our dis trict and we will have our school dis trict organized next month when we will proceed to build our schoolhouse The longer we stay hero the better we like the country that is the way with everybody here they all seem to be satisfied and doing well I have talked with a great many men here and they told me that they had less than 50 when they got here and to day they have got 160 acres of good land and five or six hundred dollars worth of stock Crops are looking fine here I think this will be a good winter wheat country One of my neighbors has a small piece and it looks fine WO RK IN SENAT THE PHILIPPINE TARIFF BILL UP FOR DISCUSSION A DELUGE OF PENSION BILLS The Measure Passed in the Upper House Restrictions Placed Upon Pensions Other Matters at Wash ington WASHINGTON Feb 8 The Phil Ipppine tariff bill was taken up in the senate yesterday The session was notably quiet Mr Turner of Wash ington delivered a carefully prepared speech on the general Philippine ques tion and had not concluded when the bill was laid aside for the day Ho discussed particularly the legal and constitutional questions involved in tho government and control of the Philippine archipelago by the United States After the adoption of only minor notes the pension bill was passed early in the session The senate disagreed to the amend ments of the house on the urgent de ficiency bill agreed to the conference asked and appointed Senators Hale Allison and Toller as conferees on the part of the seate At tho conclusion of routine business Mr Patterson of Colorado made a per sonal explanation of what he had said concerning government affairs toward the treason and sedition laws enacted by the Philippine commission Governor Taft he said had made a statement before the Philippines com mission in which he said that Mr Pat terson inadvertently no doubt had conveyed a wrong impression to the senate and to the country as to his attitude toward those laws Mr Pattersons statement Governor Taft said had put him in the attitude of criticising his colleagues on the committee The particular statute was enacted while he was ill but anything he may have said he did not intend to convey the impression that he wa3 opposed to laws enacted The respon sibility for their enactment was as much his as of his colleagues Mr Patterson said he had stated in his own way the impression govern ment officials original statements had made upon him That impression he said was wrong Taft does not agree with the law he added but approves of it as pecul iarly necessai y Mr Patterson dis claimed any intention or desire to mis represent Governor Taft Mr Gallinger of New Hampshire chairman of the pension committee called up the pension appropriation bill and offered an amendment which was adopted prohibiting the collection of any fee to aid in the passage by con gress cf any pension bill He said that the number of special pension bills Introduced in congress at this session probably was larger than ever before nearly 5000 having been intro duced in the house alone Mr Pritchard of North Carolina of fered an amendment providing that a man who had served in the confeder ate army but subsequently had served in the union army should have a pen sionable status A point of order against the amendment by Mr Gal linger was sustained Mr Pritchard evincing his disap pointment at the loss of his amend ment gave notice that he would see tnat not many bills would go through hereafter until something is done in the direction of granting the relief de sired The pension appropriation bill was then passed A bill appropriating 150000 for a public building in Winston Salem was passed Protest Schleys Appeal WASHINGTON Feb S E S Theall representing Stayton Camp bell counsel for Rear Admiral Samp son called at the White House and filed with the president a brief in the Schley case The document is short and while it has not been made public it can be stated that it is devoted en tirely to one subject a protest against the claim set up in Admiral Schleys appeal that he was in supreme com mand during the battle oil Santiago Captain Batson Retired WASHINGTON Feb S Matthew A Eatcon Fifteenth cavalry who ren dered such efficient service in the Ssly days of the campaign in the Phil ippines in command of the Macabebe j scouts has been retired in conse quence of wounds received in action against the insurgents Schley Goes to Washington KNOXVILLE Tenn Feb 8 Ad miral and Mrs Schley left Knoxville for Washington in the private car of W H Peddle superintendent of trans portation of the Southern railway and the entire trip will be made over the Southern The train is scheduled to stop at Morristown Tenn Asheville Hickory Statesville Salisbury and Greenboro N C Danville Lynch burg and Charlottesville Va arriving at Washington at G42 a m tomorrow WEDDING IN CABINET CIRCLE Leading Social Event of the Wash ington Season WASHINGTON Fob 7 Helen Hay oldest daughter of Secretary of State John Hay and Payne Whitney of New York son of ex Secretary of the Navy Whitney were married yesterday at noon at the Church of the Covenant The wedding was the most notable so cial event of the season in Washing ton being celebrated in the presence of the highest officials in the land in cluding the president and his cabinet aad of what is recognized as the beBt of Now York and New England so ciety The Hay family has been in mourning since the death of Adelbert Hay but for this one day the mourn ing was put aside and the wedding was celebrated with all the pomp and circumstance that would have charac terized it otherwise VERDICT OF DEATH IMPOTENT Sultan of Turkey Sentences Brother-in-Law to Death CONSTANTINOPLE Feb 7 The sultans brother-in-law Damad Mah mud Pasha has been sentenced to death Mahmud has long been prom inent in the young Turk movement and was recently expelled from Greece at the behest of the sultan Mahmud went to Rome and the sultan requested his expulsion from Italy It was re fused but Mahmud proceeded to Par is where he remains in safety All the sultans blandishments failed to induce him to return to Constantino ple so the criminal court was instruc ted to issue a warrant for Mahmuds arrest and to try the fugitive by de tault with the result that he was con demned to death TO DEBATE IRRIGATION BILL Senate to Consider the Measure After Philippine Tariff WASHINGTON Feb 7 Mr Hans brough of North Dakota addressed the senate on his bill appropriating the receipts from the sale of public land in certain states and territories to the construction of irrigation works for the reclamatkr of arid lands He claimed that the proposition was not a sectional one and said it would provide homes for many now home less At the conclusion of Mr Hans broughs speech the irrigation bill was ordered to be unfinished business when the Philippine tariff bill was dispos ed of Three Die from Burns WATERLOO la Feb 7 One of the most appalling accidents that ever occurred in Waterloo was the burning of Samuel Kushners home Mrs Kushner and two children are dead and two other children are lying in the hospital at the point of death from burns they received The fire was caused by the overturning of a kero sene lamp upon a table about which Mrs Kushner and her six children were gathered before retiring The clothing of Mrs Kushner and two of the children caught fire at once and when the first assistance arrived the woman and two elder children were so badly burned that they only lived a few hours U urges New Forest Reserve WASHINGTON Feb 7 Senator Pritchard from the committee on for est reservations today presented a written report on the bill appropriat ing 5000000 for a forest reserve in the South Appalachian region as au thorized by the committee several days ago The report urges the es tablishment of the reserve for the pro tection of the timber and the conser vation of the waters of the land em braced within its proposed area plac ing the damage done by floods arising in that area in the year 1901 at 15 000000 It is claimed that the land needed can be purchased for from 2 to 3 per acre Oleo is on the Increase WASHINGTON Feb 7 The census bureau has issued an advance bulletin on the manufacture of oleomargarine in the United States It shows that the number of establishments increas ed from twelve to twenty four between 1890 and 1900 with a total capital in vested of 3023G4C an increase of 37G per cent Wants the Old Shinplasters WASHINGTON Feb 7 -Representative Griffith of Indiana today intro duced a bill to provide for coupon currency in order that small sums in multiples of 5 cents may be conveni ently sent by mail Rhea Loses Seat in House WASHINGTON Feb 7 House election committee No 1 decided the contested election case of McKenzie Moss against Representative Rhea dem of Kentucky for the seat of the Third Kentucky district in favor of the contestant recommending the unseating of Mr Rhea The vote was on party lines the democrats voting against unseating their colleague The contest is one involving alleged elec tion irregularities CUBA ANNEX BILL IT PROVIDES UNION FIRST AS TERRITORY THEN AS STATE INTRODUCED BY MR NEWLANDS Author of Resolution Under Which Hawaii Was Annexed The Meas ure Advocates Absolute Political Freedom WASHINGTON Feb 6 Represent ative Nowlands of Nevada of the ways and means committee who was the author of the resolution annexing Hawaii introduced a joint resolution inviting the republic of Cuba to be come a part of the United States first as a territory and then as a state of the union to bo called the state of Cuba also authorizing a 25 per cent reduction of duty on the present crop of Cuban sugar in consideration of Cubas granting preferential rates to the United States The resolutions confine the 25 per cent reduction of duties to the period prior to January 1 1901 The provisions as to annexation are as follows In the meantime the republic of Cuba is Invited to become a part of the United States of America and her people to become citizens of the United States with the assurance that Cuba will be entitled at first to a territorial form of government under the con stitution and laws of the United States with a delegate In congress to represent her people and that ulti mate statehood will be granted when in the judgment of congress it is ad visable to admit Cuba including such other West Indies belonging to the United States as may be deemed ad visable as a single state in tho union to be called the state of Cuba Mr Nowlands in explanation of his resolution said All these who have appeared to voice Cubas needs and requirements have indicated that an invitation to Cuba of annexation would be accept ed Annexation by force would not be justified It must be accomplished if at all by the free act of the Cuban people by which the popular will can be tested but the Cuban constitution has been adopted The Cuban con gsres will meet in February a Cuban government will be organized and the United States will then leave the gov ernment and control of the island to its people Cuba will then be in a position to express her will and it is only necessary to tide over the pres ent emergency by a temporary ure such as I have introduced reduc ing the duty on Cuban sugar one fourth for one year and inviting Cuba to become a part of the United States under a territorial form of govern ment under the constitution her peo ple to be citizens not subjects with the ultimate result of statehood In coming into our political union Cuba will secure immediately the highest degree of freedom and with it a large market for varied products Those products will not threaten our sugar industry so seriously as they would under reciprocal trade relations for the reason that the restricted labor laws of this country will apply and will raise the cost of production to such an extent as to prevent over stimulation of her industries while her supplies will be bought In the high protected markets of this coun try instead of the cheap markets of the world I much prefer political union for that involves the best kind of commercial union that can be es tablished between the two countries Such annexation is entirely in line with the traditional policy of country v the Schley Appeals in Vain WASHINGTON Feb G The Post tomorrow will say It was stated last night that the presidents response to the appeal of Admiral Schley would be made public next Saturday It is understood that the response will be adverse to Schley A visitor to the White House yesterday with whom the president talked quoted the presi dent as saying that he thought the verdict of the majority of the court ought to be sustained Smallpox at Missouri Valley MISSOURI VALLEY la Feb C Eight families of this city are now under quarantine en account of small pox This is the iirt time in years that the city has been visited by the disease and every precaution is being taken to stamp it out Libcrtador Appears Again WILLEMSTAD Island of Curacoa Feb 6 According to trustworthy in formation received here today the Venezuelan revolutionist steamer Lib ertador was at Sabanilla January 31 and was to have left there February 1 in order to renew its operations against the forces of the Venezuelan government This seems to contra dict the report received at Colon that Libei tador was sunk at Porto Colom bit while undergoing repairs TAFT GIVEG CREDIT TO ARMY General Luna Was Acsassinatcd by Direct Order of Aguinaldo WASHINGTON Feb 5 Governor Taft today continued his narrative be fore the senate committee on the Philippines concerning conditions in tho Phllippino archipelago Referring to his testimony of yes terday he said he feared that he had given a wrong impression concerning the part the army had played in bringing the insurrection to an end but If so this was due to the fact that he could not present a correct impres sion of the whole situation from one point of view Then in order to give tne army lt3 just duos he took up and analyzed its work in the islands He recalled that as soon as General Otis had received reinforcements suf ficient for his purposes the Philippine army had broken up and scattered into guerrilla bands On this point Agui naldo and Luna had differed Luna ad vocating the continuance of the war on the old lines So sharp was this difference he said that Aguinaldo had directed and secured the assassination of Luna thus leaving the way open for tne enrrying out of his own plans He would not he said report the inci dent if it had not been positively re ported to him by General Funston Aguinaldo said that if he did not kill Luna Luna would kill him Indeed the custom was to order a mans death in his absence and have him killed upon his return The presence of theso guerrilla bands rendered it nec essary to place garrisons everywhere there being at one time as many as 500 of them This made the work be fore the army very arduous and the activity the skill and bravery of the American troops were such as to soon render the enemy tired of the war fare NATIVES ELECTED TO OFFICE Filipinos Succeed in Most Cases Over American Opponents MANILA Feb 5 The returns so far received indicate the election in most cases of natives as governors of provinces Captain Harry Band holz of the Second infantry defeated Major Cornelius Gardener of the Thir teenth infantry the present governor of Tayabas province The military men claim that accepting elective of fice will necessitate resignation from the army At Balanga capital of Bataan there are only eighty four voters but eighty nine were cast and another election has been ordered A meeting held at the invitation of Acting Governor Wright of business ri n interested in tobacco and sugar in discuss the legislation desired by industries urged a reduction of T per cent in the duties Buenca iro said it would mean the instant ification of Batangas which is v ally devoted to sugar growing Fight to Death Over a Pie UTLER Pa Feb 5 -Word has received from Slippery Rock Pa he death last night of Ernest Mor c from injuries received in a brawl at tho restaurant of Jonathan Sneath cn A dispute arose over the payment of a bill for pies and in the fight that followed Sneathen struck Morrow over the head crushing his skull Sneath en claims the killing was in self-defense and surrendered to the authori ties Ten Firemen Killed ST LOUIS Feb 5 At least ten men were killed and as many more in jured at a fire which broke out in the five story stone and brick building occupied by the American Tent and Awning company The building sud denly collapsed and although the dozen men who were caught in the crash had not been reached by their hard working companions two hours later it is almost absolutely certain that they succumbed Former Ministers in Prison PUERTO CABELLA Venezuela Feb 5 The Venezuelan gunboat Zum bador arrived here brining as prison ers two of President Castros former ministers three generals and several leading merchants of Caracas New Governor cf Panama PANAMA Colon Feb 5 General Salazar who distinguished himself aa the assistant of General Alban during the campaign of 1900 has been ap pointed governor of Panama Some Hope for Cuba WASHINGTON D C Feb 5 Rep resentatives Babcock and Long repub lican members of the ways and means committee called on President Roose velt today and discussed with him Cu ban reciprocity Salisbury Waits on Peace LONDON Feb 5 It is now said that the retirement of Lord Salisbury from office will be coincident with the close of the South African war The St James Gazette today claims to have the highest authority for saying The premier has fixed the restoration of peace in Africa as the appropriate moment to resign office If the war la ended Lord Salisbury will retire at the conclusion of the present parliament ary session BEFORE HE TOOK VOGELERS He Could Not Touch 1IU Wlfoa non and They AVoro Fit for H KIdb So writes our estoomed friend Mr Frank Chambers of 9 Bennett street Chiswick For over two years I Buf fered agonies from Indigestion and bo camo reduced to a more shadow of my stalwart self I would return homo from my business feeling so faint that I could hardly drag one log after tho othor My dear wife did ail she pos sibly could to tempt mo with dainty dishes and as I entered tho houso I sniffed and thought Oh how good I know I can eat that But alas no sooner had I eaten a few mouthfuls when I felt sick severe pains 3hot through my chest and shoulder blades my eyes swam and everything seemed black I became alternately hot and cold and got up from such a dainty dinner heartily sick of living and feel ing I was a sore trial to everybody I may mention that I was also very much troubled with scaly skin and often bolls But one evening I noticed my wife seemed more cheerful than usual I questioned her and found she had beon reading a pamphlet sho had received of men afflicted Just as I was and who had been cured by Vogelers Com pound Said she What gives mo more faith in it Is that it is made from tho formula of an eminent physician now in active practice in tne West End of London so I am sure it is no quack thing All right dear lets have a bottle said I After taking the con tents of tho first bottle I felt very much better and determined to givo this remedy a fair trial and I enn pos itively assure you that a few bottles made a new man of me I can sleop well eat anything and thoroughly en jjy life I have told several of my friends whom I knew vero suffering the same as myself and they all wish me to say that they are like new men I sincerely bless the great physician who gave you the formula of Vogelers Curative Compound and also your selves for making its virtues known to a suffering public The proprietors The St Jacobs Oil Ltd Baltimore will send a sample free to any one writing to them and mentioning this paper Illinois oluj school teachers average Hort This WcoftVrOno Hundred Dollars reward foranv case of Catarrh that e not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure R J CHENEY CO Props Toledo O We the underijjnil havis lcnown R S Cheney for tho last 15 wars and believe hint perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their ilrni WestTruax Wholesalo DruRsists Toledo O Waldlntr Kinn m Marvin Wholesalo DrucKists Toledo Ohio Halls latarrh Cure is taken Internally act fnt directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho systvm Testimonials sent free Prico roc per bottle Sold by all druitfjists Hails Family Pills aro the best The calendar maker has a good deal to do with numbering our days We promise that should you use PUT NAM FADELESS DYES and he dissat isfied from any cause whatever to re fund 10c for every package Mouoc Druo Co Uniouville Mo Only a fool goose would tackle the golden egg business A New Hotel During the coming winter tho Har vey system will open the finest railway hotel in the Southwest the new Hotel Alvarado at Albuquerque N M Like the Castaneda at Las Vegas tho Alva rado will be a fine structure in Cali fornia mission style with every mod ern convenience This hotel will af ford a luxurious stopping place on the transcontinental journey A unique feature will be the 350000 Indian curio exhibit comprising speci mens of pottery baskets blankets sil verware etc made by the Indians or New Mexico Arizona and California Many of these curios are very old and can not be duplicated The man who gives way to temper only adds wrinkles to his face Points for Wocaoo Defiance Starch Once used always used It is the best cold water starch ever made Each and every package contains sixteen ounces A single sixteen ounce package costs only ten cents other starches cost ten cents for twelve ounce packages Every package contains a written guarantee to refund money if satisfac tion is not given It gives clothes that stiff glossy finish that is a guarantee of comfort to the wearer No other starch has this advantage It contains ingredients that enables its manufacturers to omit all chemi cals the presence of which in other starches have proved injurious to linen There is nothing in it that can even in the slightest degree injure the most delicately woven fabric It will not blister nor break the goods It will not stick to the iron It requires no premiums to promote its sale It speaks for itself It will not disappoint you It is being placed on sale by all gro cers If your grocer hasnt hrard of it insist that he order some for you from his wholesaler Made by Mag netic Starch Co Omaha Neb Women are jealous of echoes be cause they get the last word Try One Package If Defiance Starch does not please you return it to your dealer If it does you get one third more for the same money It will give you satis faction and will not stick to the iron Many a philosopher would be side tracked if asked to define philosophy The average mans intentions are several laps ahead of his actions i 4