t UMaofc Fntap Time pl McCook Neb SJB1 No t 12 No I 3 17 JIAIN LINE EAST DKPAKT CVfltral Time 11 10 p it v- 92DAit no aravaa from east at is p m XAXS LIXB WBt T DEPART Mountain Time 11 l a h 110pm -25 Y M v- IMPERIAL LIKE 0- rriTw JI oantain Time o 175 departs - 5I0p st 7AA M Wptiwr dining ami reclining chair cars i iw fn on through trains Tickets -old ami Baggage checked to any point in the United fctatts or Canada For information time tables maps and tick- t caU 5 wrttt A- Ihoin on Agent Mctook Nebraska or J Francis General Vnr Omaha Nebraska ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS Brakeman L L Casspll has been in Denver part of the week Business is light in the train service and vacations come easy Brakeman E E Hines is in Hastings o - -day lay off and is sick Brakeman C A Hedges is enjoying a 20 day lay off in Kansas City Brakeman E 0 Scott accompanied G P Roark to the sanitarium in Lin coln last night on 6 Brakeman A G Goth has taken a 30 day vacation and is visiting his parents in Belle vue Nebraska Conductor William Cropp and Brake man Harry Ellison of Oxford were head quarters visitors Wednesday Conductor John Morris has been off duty part of the week on account of the sickness of one of his children and Conductor L C Wolff has had his run meanwhile L B Simmons is now formally in stalled as helper assistant cashier and freight asenc at the Burlington depot Francis Dunn operator at the depot was compelled to go to his home at Hastings this week on account of sickness Beaver City Tribune It is reported that C H Quereau formerly with theBurlington as assistant superintendent of motive power and now with the D R G in the same capacity will return to the Burlington as superintendent of motive power this position being recently vacated by the resignation of D Hawksworth Alliance Grip Conductor A G King and Engineer R A Smith of the Western divison have been put on the Alliance Denver passen ger run in place of Conductor W Naughton and Engineer J P Lynch Conductor Naughton takes Conductor M jrClellans place on passenger west out of Alliance The Wyoming division will have two engine crews and one train rew on the Alliance Denver passenger run and the western division will have oue of each Alliance Grip One Burlington engineer says the elec tric headlights in service are the best tft devised to prevent accidents While the machinery is liable to derangement occasionally this may be counterbal anced by the fact that the lights are so eood while in service that collisions and ther accidents are not liable to occur The acetylene lamp is good much better than the old oil burning elow but it do s not compare in strength and brilli ancv to the electric Lincoln Journal CULBERTSOJi Prof H G Meyers attended the Teachers Association at Stratton yes terday J B Hunter the Cnlbertson nursery man returned from Colorado Friday after an absence of several months Miss Margaret Young returned to Fort Morgan after a few weeks visit with her parents and friends of this village John Wagner George Hein George Webber and a number of other German Russian families are preparing to move to Loveland Colo where they have contracted to work in the beet fields Just why such men as - r Wagner and Mr Hein should want tc to Colorado to engage in beet culture more than vour correspondent can understand They own the best kind f land for growing beets and have plent of water to irrigate with For a year past the principal joint in the town was run by Ma Vas tine under the name of the Culfcx tson Gun Club The anti saloon people l de several grand stand plays to shut ne dive up but owing to some mysterio influence nothing was ever accomplished r - wv Ti nn rrtl7 ntir Tn f SUOri time aij - Vogel a farmer living north east of town who run the CInb about ten days when he was notified to close up and not having any pull with the good people he was compelled to quit If you want to run a whiskey joint in Culbertson you must have a -stand in Saved Her Childs Life -In three weeks our chubby little boy was fhacfred by pneumonia almost to a skeleton writes Mrs W Watkins of Pleasant City O A terrible cough set in that in spite of the pood doctors treatment for several weeks srew worse every day We thaa used Dr Kinds j6W Discovery for cousurnptioc and our darling was soon sound and welL Ve are sure this and medicine saved his life- Millions Know ft is the only sure care for coughs colds and all lung diseases McConnell Berry dmggists ccarantee satisfaction SOcandSO Trial free CEDAR BLUFFS Herman Berndt and daughters took a trip to McCook Friday A number from here went down to the Stilgebouer sale at Danbury The frame of the new church is up and it begins to look like a building Al Benjamin ran his leg against a horses foot last week which made him pretty lame Frank Lofton has made an addition of ten head of cattle to his herd purchased of Mr Nixon Smallpox is reported very prevalent south of here and also at Oberlin Six miles is the closest it has got at present Harry Kennedy has moved his gro ceries to more commodious quarters in the Kellogg store recently vacated by Mr Flemming Mr Flemming of Oberlin evidently didnt get as much trade with his branch store here as he anticipated He moved his goods back last week COLEMAN Roy Coleman brought out coal urday apparatus Sat- J W Corner brought out a load of chop Friday M H brought out a big chunk of Cole last week RTraphagan is caring for some Iambs these days He has not lost any Ed Osbaugh will live on the old farm another year as he has not sold and does not expect to A letter from Iowa dated the 7th says Cold this week snow li to 16 inches deep Whew Ugh On Tuesday J Kelley with the help of some neighbors delivered in McCook forty fat hogs They brought a little over 8450 He said I raised over 4C0 bushels of corn last year and fed it to my hogs and got pretty good pay for it It davs to raise corn and hogs Taking Moving- Pictures W N Selig of Chicago arrived in Lincoln yesterday to take moving pictures for the Burlington enginemen He uses a polyscope which is reputed out to Burnham and train i - ii m Iflen of Xevra Justice John M Harlan of the United State supreme court when a practic ing lawyer In Louisville once tried his hand at newspaper work taking the place of a personal friend then editor of the Louisville Commercial The jus tice got along all right writing editori als but had Ideas as to news that were at variance with those of the city edi tor One of the reporters had written a clever account of a man who had fallen from the fourth story of a building and f escaped without serious injury It made a tory of about a column In length With a proof of the article in his hand the temporary editor came to the city editor and said Mr Smith please have this story cut down I cant see anything in it that makes it worth that space But its the star story of the day Mr Harlan gasped the astonished news man I think its a remarkable story and well worth all the space giv en to it I dont said Justice Harlan If a man had jumped up four stories it would certainly have been remarkable but even a fool could fall down four stories or half a dozen for that mat ter New York Times The Drivers Point of View The hotel coach was filled with a crowd of happy jubilant visitors and the horses roiled splendidly up the hills As each eminence was reached and at every turn in the road the crowd would burst forth into cries of wonder and delight at the magnificent scenes which burst upon their view The mountain jehu alone preserved a dig nity and silence which rather awed the others At length after a particularly lovely view had been passed one of the guests at the drivers left hand re marked You dont seem to take much inter est in the scenery No doubt its an old story to you The driver shook his head No thats not it he answered I just dont care Then he leaned a little closer and whispered But I knows just how you folks must feel You all come from a long distance just to see things and youre bound to enjoy it anyhow so as to get your moneys worth and not feel as though you was cheatin yourselves Oh said this driver in a superior tone I dont mind it when I understand how tis Les lies Weekly to make pictures of wonderful clearness The Tnzboat Captain and perfection The apparatus was first i A tug lay hard by and the captain taken to the round house where some added his bit to my sociological Sne pictures were secured of emrfne No j a l sat in the pilot house and 29 on the turn table an engine climb efed c OQ the Jater here reii r lights and green lurhts with manv of ins the tree the round house men at - v i yellow and white dnoped zicrzac rash- uue auuu uuui auu tue ixeigui nuuse truckers A special car then took the ion down from the wharfs and ships Where do you sleep questioned I Why here he replied in this very No 2 was taken as it rolled in at a speed i pilot house on that nice fluffy buck of nearly sixty miles an hour Other youre a settin on an sometimes I views were taken there Pictures of the FIeeP ar Tbat a steerin this boat shops and the workmen a 11- ciua were taken and enginemen teli how by of Messrs Pirie Can t tv helped sir The hours we work would stave in a trained nurse i an semi n pnnnpl m hp bnr TVhv a ruse the likenesses mac rre SP d dme faen rve5nick and Bonnell were impressed on the films by that wheel twenty grim hours at a in an attitude calculated to make many stretch One it was forty two hours laugh when the pictures are thrown on And when you read in the paper about the screen A moving picture of an en- j towin a big propeller clean through a gine being lifted bv mechanical devices dock or Jammin her into her next door iShbor fer keeps dont you say us tu in the shops was secured Then the folks are Jounnie Raws Just sav we re anparatus was brousht Dack to tne cirv - worked and worked till we sleep at the and a view or O street rom mthtoj wheeI For God s tratIlj Fifteenth street was taken from the i Atlantic front end of a street car furnished to the encinemen bv the traction companv A Held by Etiqcette V When Dom Pedro then of -- c l emperor view or the siehts along tne bouth Four- r EraziL was entertained at the White teenn street line wa piacea on tne mm Hou5e he beeQ oM bv a corifu5eiJ this including General Superintendent i senator that it would be expected that Calverts home the state capital the fle the emperor should be the last of Lindell hotel and the auditorium After the guests r depart this the machine was taken to North The presidents wife however inform Eleventh street where the fire depart- j her otei dests that they would be expected to follow not precede the ment made one of the prettiest - -- -ii tj i I royal party ia leaving the house - lodav the tion aasnes imaginable - I The result was that no one dared to ensmemen will Mr belie accompanv - - - i so for tear ot a ii of etiquette about tne city getting other views An Bct at 3 o ci0ck in zhe nominC a tired attemnt will be made to get Burlinston No 5 on the films today The view will be taken as the train rounds the curve to enter the yards An attempt made to get this train yesterday It was reported late and when the apparatus was focused on it it was found the train was merely a stub the regular No 5 having come in on time Wednesdays Lincoln Journal DABURY C E Newberry arrived none Saturday from Dover Oklahoma -where he has ben working for the past few months ilr Newberry says he was buncoed out of if ty dollars on his way up to Kansas City by a man that understood his business Ee said that he sold his team before starting for this amount and had placed the money down in his pants pocket When he seated himself in a car a stranger came along and sat down beside him They soon cot into a conversation and he found that this stranser was well acquainted with many of the people up here consequently they had quite a visit with each other all the way up to Kansas City where they separated as the bunco man was billed for another point then Newberry said did not think anything of his money until he went to cet on the train for home at that place when he felt for it and found that he had none He also found that his pocket had been cut to an extent of about three inches which of course revealed the fact to him that his friend was not a rood man and that he was the man that had done the business Ke did not take a very good description of him and was enable to give the police any clew towards finding him so all he could do was to board his train and come on home which he did as he had a through ticket T L Jones of Hendley who was buying around the Bluffs last week shipped out two loads of cattle from that place O B Woods was over to the county seat Monday and Tuesday as juryman A Brant of Omaha is here this week buying np all the old cows he can 2nd S E Messner is improving and hopes to be out again in a few days About three inches of snow fell Saturday woman pretended illness and the dead lock was broken Great is etiquette but common sense is sometimes allowable A Cnrlona Barometer A curious barometer is said to be used by the remnant of the Araucanian race which inhabits the southernmost province of Chile It consists of the castoff shell of a crab The dead shell is white in fair dry weather but the approach of a moist atmosphere is indi cated by the appearance of small reu spots As the moisture in the air in creases the shell becomes entirely red and remains so throughout the rainy season- A TVie Prophet On the whole said the aged weath er prophet I have found that the saf est course Is to predict bad weather Why asked the neophyte Because people are much more ready to forgive you if the prediction does not come true Her Size Young Man I want an engagement ring Jeweler Yes sir about what size I dont know exactly but she can twist me round her nnger if that is any iruide Partly- Accounted For Bizzer Where does that man Flim mer get all his money Buzzer WelL I loaned him five dol lars two yr rs ago Ohio State Jour naL It is claimed that dentistry prolongs life As has been said of matrimony it certainly makes It seem longer Louis ville Courier JournaL No man can build character by trying to raze that of others Nashville Ban ner L PEDWILLOW Putting up ice has bn the order of i tne day but it is about through with G SJohnson will preach at the church on next Sunday night All are invited to attend The stork passed over hero February r 6th and Iefta little girl with Louis and Neilie Longnccker K Mr and Mrs John Miles from Elwocd made a visit of a few days at the home r of Mr andMrs Elias Canaga Redwillow precinct has the honor of 6 having a second generation of native population almost to school age Why do some of the count v officials write it Redwillow county Neither the county nor the precinct is spelled so only the switch is Redwillow The old Indian name of Red Willow is tuo good to chance The Losi Heard of It My little boy took the croap oae night and loonsrew so bad joe could hear him breathe all over the house says F D Reynold Man rield O We feared he would die bat a frw dose of One Minute Cough Cure quickly relieved him and he went to Thats the la t we heard of the croup Now isnt a cough cur like that valuable One Minute Cough Cure ls ab solutely safe and acts immediately For couchs cods croup grip bronchitis and all other throat and lung troubles i a certain cure Very pleasant tn take The little ones like it McConnell an 1 Rrry PROSPECT PARK J Roy Barnes will sojn depart Tor Canada 0 It is agreed that the gr azd hog aw his shadow a The literary paper at the last mcetine r created a mild sensation T C Kelley was buying straw in neighborhood first of the week f Mrs Ella Sly is contemplating the erection of a dwelling house in McCcok in the spring a CharlesfBoatman and J H Wade d j livered cattle to F S Wilcox at his i ranch on the river Saturdaj last S The Sly sale on the Barr ranch Thurs day February 50th I will draw many bidders It will be a large of txk farming implements rough feed etc Commences at ten oclock Free lunch at noon Freiuputly accidents cccur n ti e h which cause burn- cuts sprain- and onuses For u e m ca e Ballard tc Lnimenc has for many year- b n faont fjnuly remedy Price 5 centc and j cents A Mcilillec Oklahoma Jfot a Paradise John F Behm an old resident of Omaha has just returned frcm a trip to the recently -opened Indian lands in Ok lahoma and brings back anything but a elowing account ofhis experience He is of the opinion that Nebraska i good enought yet Speaking of his quest for a new home in a new country Mr Behm says The first thing jou do whn you g to Lawten where the great drawing took place last August is to go to tt land office Here you ask the receiver if any vacant government land is left He refers you to a clerk and the latter tells you he hasno time to give you that you go to some one outside to get located You areglad o get out of the ofio and are followed by half a dozen cappers who are ready to locate you on some fraction and who only ask 540 for the service If you do not care to deal with them on this basis the next step is to buy a relinquishment from some one who has filed and is ready to quit You find these are only for sale at the real estate offices and are held all the way from SiCO o SiOCCO Ii you buy one you must do as the original settler com- This is an additional expense The Indians had first choice of the land every man woman and child get ting a quarter section They chose all the bottom lands with the water and left the bench lands for the white set tlers But very little of this land is gocd and none of it has water Down there a prairie farm with no certainty of ilessenjr getting water a any depth will cost as much as an improved farm in Nebraska Lawton is the biggest town for its are in the world It is but four months old has five banks fourteen hardware stores thirteen eiorhing stores twenty- o je lumber yarcsjand ninety two saicons Everything else in p rot ornon Just now theyare gradingstreets and putting down crosswalks Water is sold on the streets at the rate of three pails for a nickel If ton is devoted to daw real estate and I t L j f Selling Goods at a Sacrifice c Call and k liJLA a A ITinci fi rr S o JT i Farm and Home TELE be Convinced We Still Have Some Bargains Left We still have some bargains in Cloaks Clothing Underwear Blankets etc which we will sell at a sacri fice because we must make room for spring and summer goods Call and be con vinced that to buy now would be of great advantage to you Special offerings in our boys clothing de partment Come and see Our grocery is as fresh and plete as usual wasfi mar a 4 A BeGROFF GO 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE ijmrra Trade Marks Designs Copyrights c ri ce seminr a metrh and descriDtion na 7 asfpra n tun n free whetaer an p ctl7viT2Iecial HanclSrci on Parents a Oiest aercy r jeenr ng patents Pitena taien thr c2a 3Icnn Co- receive rpsml notice wT hout caarse in tne Scientific American iandsomfly Gnstrated I inest cir iji i f irerin c ruu Terms 11 a lizzzKjrJutl Soid by a1 newsdealers York Brancn OSce -2 7 u Washington D C Something That Will Do Ycu Coca We know cf zlm way n Thicn w ca be of mor to rir -ad than to tell them of something that will b1 of ral rood to them For this rea on an to acnnan thm with ply with all the requirements of the law z 0 consider on- of the very be t remedies and make vour final proof in due form on the market for coughs cold- and that alarm- lriounc Cluccing List - DemoresS s jiarazzne three hours the town would be wipec Toledo Blade out Nebra ka Farmer I suSered more frcm the cold down Isa Homestead Lincoln Journal T - - j V t t t there tnan I ever cad mNebraska Las f son Cuituxe Saturday the temperature dropped in York World two hours from forty above to zero Cosmopolitan Jfaeasine fine nf rnp crnriw tni illntrarin tile t uis iiepcnlic climate is that a farmer from South inn complaint croup We refei to Chamber- Iains Couch EpirnHiy We have Used it with such coed results inour family so lone that it ha- become a hoc hold necessity By its J prompt Use wjavmt any doubt but it has P2ICK SCO - 1C0 1C0 1G0 1C0 ICO 10 ICO ICO ICO ICO ICO ICO 10 25 10 1 10 Dakota boucnt a yose Oi osen ana w0rd and Works started for his ranch On the way one Twentieth Century Farmer new ICO winr nvima Viv Tn rofir oTit HtPTt -renewals T3IBCSB SI SO 301 I 25 135 1 3 125 1 t 125 IS 125 1 75 1 3 165 1 H 1 73 1 15 120 1 70 13 iiO We are prepared to 11 order tor other t - - Ur I any While tne tanner was skmmng mm he hnihvL a- rKjcced otheros froze to deatn ths Teiso e icCo3k Neb Almost every other buildirg in Law- I For convi aipnce of reader- of Tee Teiboe j we have mad arrancment with the following j and periodicals whereby we can sop- j ply them in combination with Ths Teibitsb at tne followinc very low pn with PC3LICATIOS Detroit Free Prets Leslies Weekly Prairie Farmer Chicago Inter Ocean Cincinnati Enquire New York Tribune am -e stock COITU A Dcctors f t V 1 - - undr the doctors c ire and con -- j my room a month I had such a rr a pain in my right lung I cl - r - Wreathe The doctor said I troi i n able to go out of dcors until war I think this would have beet -asp if I had not stopped taking his medicine which did very little good and o mmenced taking your Dr Kays Lnng Balm After taking this remedy the pain topped and I was abii to go oat My cough soon left me We thins is nothing that equals your Dr Kays Lunrr Balm ily husband who is subject to bronchitis thinks the Dr Kays Lung Balm is the best remedy fae 1 has ever used We recommend it to all our friends Doha L Stever Westwocd N J Dr Kays Lxmg Bala is Id by drag gists 10 25 and Z0 cents or sent prepaid on receip of price bj Db B J Xats Meoicl Co Saratoca Springs N Y Send for free sample and book 3een Huntin Twenty Years Winfeld Iowa Not It ECGL Gentlemen I wn to -ay that I have tees troubled with dyspepsia and mtiurastioa - far ow -- is ciTen upon our own experience and we x- y t cet that our reader especially these who hae f Me D3a Qsa small children away- kP it in their home as f5 ft5 aC taoEey to r I i tried Dr Caldwells byruD Peosin I ha - - uu u -- For sale by McConnell lz Berry taken two bottles and m entirely relieved of all stomache trouble I cannot -ay too i faTor of this rmdy I ch riilLjf rsoKuseoii 1 it to all from iJigst oc drpssa Your truly Sold by A icAilnetu 2cBBt Burlington Lo Rzizs To Biliincs Montana SI5C0 To Cody Wyoming SI6T3 To Helena and Butte 20j0 To Spokane Washington S525Q io tortlanc Tacoina Seattle an Rossland B C 25X0 Above rates will be in effect every day in March and April from Missouri river terminals and from nearly 2il stafefcios on the B M B R A wonderful opporttrniTy to visit 6he Northwest The Big Horn 3asin of Wyoming is a country of great resources and now un developed It has jus been map acces sible bj a new line of the BuxmigtDD Route and presents many artracaoos to the home seeker Folder on Big Horn Basin free on request For tickets Header You will confer a lastinc faxor and rates or additional rwTT a rp trrr if vrw U rpr t rrtA rar rif I i t - iTttra Knr nn anld Thi Z - T J appij o neares age tcuuMniTii ii- u - - ueaiers srymi io s ujoo a sncsiiiue lor ill seems to be the chief industry down j ifadison Medicine Co- Hocky Mountain Ta - - 1 - T T I l - Ar r rfna rn phrrsu i Jioonneii x cer UliCIC JiSIt iU V W ww ans is dont sell a Nebraska farm think ing vou can better your condition in Oklahoma The soil down there is good but the rain is uncertain and the cli mate is no better than Nebraskas Omaha Bee i Children who are troubled witn worms are cale in the face fretful br ro rkwa m I ton Route or write to -50 J G P A Omsia Neb When yoc want a physic thai mild And sleep hare blue rinzs around theL eyes had tIe eaaT - aie and pJeasant in erect c dreams rariable Chamberlains Stomach and Ur TxbUzs Appetite and pick the noe Whites Cream YermLuge wiH Idll and expel I Sample fi Zyery box gnar shese parasites Prior 25 cents A McMfflen aMeL Tor sale by McCcnneD i