mk pifotyt By F M KIMMELL OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance It will be recalled how much pressure was brought to boar on Ex Governor Poynter to pardon Hartley and what a Popoeratic sigh of relief went up when his torm of office expired and Joseph was still in hock But it is all over now and tho governor is still basking in the sunny south when if one can judge by appearances it would bo plenty warm enough at home Seckktahv Root is of the opinion that satan has his hands full assigning evil tasks to tho idle Filipinos If laws aro passed that will open tho islands to American capital and business men the Filipino will be kept so busy that ho will not have time to plot disorder and rebellion Tho Filipino insurrecto is a sort of Malay populist who uses bullets and bolos instead of ballots and stumps to work off his bad feeling Minne apolis Journal Last week tho Heaver City Tribune showed its octopus tendencies and pro clivities by absorbing tho Heaver City Times tho Populist paper of Furnas county material subscription list good will office towel and all All of which is lawful regular and proper One paper such as Fletcher can build is all that Beaver City needs or can properly sup port Lot the good work of absorption and consolidation continue Nebraska the publisher has always held needs fewer papers and bettor ones and it begins to look as though we aro to ap proximate that desirable state of affairs in Southwestern Nebraska INDIANOLA Charles Kenyon is attending school in Indianola W P Elmer had business in the county seat Monday Chas Ilartman has lost four head of horses by the corn stalk disease Mr and M rs Harlow W Keyes ere McCook visitors Saturday last John Helm is wintering five hundred head of sheep on his Willow farm Several cases of scarlet fever in a mild form are reported in town just now Charles Suiter expects to plant quite a large field of sugar beets in the spring R H Thomas had a valuable horse die recently from some unknown cause E A Sexson has about completed a nice barn R H Thomas being the builder L J Holland is feeding a lot of fine steers and some hogs on his farm just west of town W A McCool will be our postmaster for four years more His reappointment was made on Tuesday W P Elmer has purchased the James Hetherington place and will move to town in the near future Ferd Veering lost four head of cattle from tho corn stalk disease and Jesse Welborn several head as well Indianola post GAR held its annual dinner on Saturday last About thirty comrades and their wives were present An excellent dinner was prepared and served by the W R C The occasion was greatly enjoyed by all Notice of Stockholders Meeting Notice is hereby given that on the 5th day of February 1902 the regular an nual meeting of the stockholders of the McCook Irrigation and Water Power company will be held at the office of said company in the city of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska at the hour of ten oclock a m 1-10-4 times J E Kelley Secretary January 6th 1902 The Secret of Long Life Consists in keeping all tho main organs of the body in healthy regular action and in quickly destrojiug deadly disease germs Electric Bitters regulate the stomach liver and kidneys purify the blood and give a splendid appetite They work wonders in curing kidney troubles female complaints nervous diseases constipa tion dyspepsia and malaria Vigorous health and strength always follow their use Only 50c guaranteed by McConnell Berry druggists A Wife Says We have four children With the first three I suffered almost unbearable pains from 12 to 14 hours and had to be placed under the influence of chloroform I used three bottles of Mothers Friend before our last child came which is a strong fat and healthy boy doing my housework up to within two hours of birth and suf fered but a few hard 0 pains This lini ment is the grand est remedy eve made Mothers Friend vn msJ ij mm y i I rv nrasnBf r LUW 1 Wi TKmm i will do for every woman what it did for the Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter Not to use it during pregnancy is a mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering Mothers Friend equips the patient with a strong body and clear intellect which in turn arc imparted to the child It relaxes the muscles and allows them to expand It relieves morning sickness and nervousness It puts all the organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour so that the actual labor is short and practically painless Dan ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether avoided and recovery is merely a matter of a few days Druggists sell Mothara Friend for 1 a bottle The Bradflcll Regulator Co Atlanta Ga u for our free Illustrated book Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nobniflka Jnnuary 9th 1002 Honnl if county commissioners mot pursuant to adjournment propont D A Wntormnn Mnurico Roddy and J II Bennett coinmissuon ors W It Stnrr countv nttornny and E J Wilcox county clork Minutes of previous mooting road and approved Tho following bonds woro examined and on motion approved Ornaldo L Thompson county troasmror Kiigcnn S Dutclicr county superintendent A C CYnhtreo sheriff A C Wilson countv Burvoyor Robert W Dovoo deputy county clork T A Ktnlsloy asessor L M Howard pnmu P J Brooks samo Frank A Tignrd samo Leonard Shipper same S W Clark same W K Forsoy same Frr d Lepper amo Henrv N Colling samo I A Modroll same W II Benjamin samo John Ilnmmcll samo Henrv Crnbtreo same J S Lellow justice of tho ihxicc II II Berry samo W P Kennedy samo M S Satchel samo J B Goroley samo Robert H George ame Frank Moorn Kitne O B Gray constable F T Keunedj samo A J Fouch samo F M Goodnick road overseer C O Hale samo John Droll same C II Angoll same n II Tone nine 13 J Baker same G W Arhorgast same W S Fitch samo C G Broman samo William N Crattv same John Hoinloin same Tamos Barber samo J S Modroll same 51 L Nichols same A L Miller same M B Leopold samo Tl W Banjamin samo Robert 13 George same Nolson Downs samo Annual Mttlemont of the following overseers examined and on motion approved and tho clerk instructed to draw certificates on road districts in payment thereof as follows A V R E Goorgo Joseph Junker J S Modroll W McK Nixon Alex Brown E T Davis Ed Edwards R A Green office expense 14 certificate 218 24 00 12 210 30 00 22 2fi i0 00 7 201 30 00 17 252 30 00 43 203 30 00 20 204 00 30 205 30 00 J O Ball S paid in full Tho following claims wcro audited and al lowed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on tho countv general fund levy of 1901 in pavment thereof as follows G W Short house rent for paupers 0 00 G W Short merchandise for paupers 17 IS William McCallum winio 20 45 J H Grannis same 3 09 A McMillan same 0 70 James McAdams same 27 7C Smith ifc Cochran amp 40 01 J A Wilcox Son came 32 01 Albert Guy amo 16 00 Albert Guv houo rent for pauper 5 00 W C Bnllard Co coal for paupers 14 00 EG Caino Cocaine 22 11 J E Moore maintaining panper 21 29 Electric Light Co light and heat for Dec 70 37 Lincoln Laud Co firt quarter water tax 12 50 E J Mitchell supplies 100 F M Kimmell suno 2KX State Journal Co samo 1710 McConnell it Berrv samo 2 71 F M Kimmell printing anrl supplies 29 31 A P Welles meHcal attendance paupers claim 15 alld at 4100 W R Starr 4th quarters salary 200 00 Lillian M Welborn 4th quarters salary and expense 244 60 j U Jioatman same Stephen Holies- service as cominis J E Cobbey one copy of code C G Coglteer work on T M Campbell use of building for loner tion claim S allowed at S Bishop fees State vs White v B Gray same C Crabtree frame C Boatman fees State vs Lawerance C Boatman fees Stato vs Dunn Joseph Spotts fees Wehrman vs Spotts H H Berry fees State vs Jeffries A C Crnbtreo same C B Gray same J S McBraer tame WO KusseU same 20 74 2 81 12 5 00 2 10 3 00 3 11 2 10 M 2 63 1 js 32 G4 5 11 5 10 M 1 10 1 10 And on county bridge fund levy of 1901 as follows II P Waito hardware 23 84 And on county road fund levy of 1901 as follows Stephen Bollos road work 18 10 Tho following claim was examined and on motion rejected W D Mackechnie medical attee prisoner 1 10 Semi annual report of Lillian M Welborn county superintendent examined and on motion approved which report is as follows Amount on liaud August 1th 1901 as shown by last report 80 61 Received for endorsement 5 00 Received for registration 3 00 Received for examination 19 CO Total 107 61 In the matter of tho personal tax of Mrs S Richardt on amounting to 99 cents for tho vear 1901 and paid under protest the board on motion ordered the county treasurer to refund to Mrs S Richardson the full amount of the 99 cents The board having made a careful examination of the accounts of R A Green county clerk And the following to be a true and correct re port of all the fees received and disbursed by nim since July 1st 1901 January lt to Juno 30th both inclusive 947 10 Montbof July SO 25 Month of August 56 40 Month of September 99 85 Month of October 615 67 Month of November 117 35 Month of December and to January 8th 214 65 Total receipts 221127 Paid county clerk 1500 00 Paiddeputy 700 00 Paid county treasurer excess fee 11 27 Total disbursements 2211 27 The board on motion continued the examina tion of the accounts of O L Thompson during tho day On motion board adjourned to meet January 10th 1902 Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk McCook Nebraska January 10th 1902 Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment Present D A Waterman Maurice Reddy and J H Bennett commission ers W K btarr county attorney and K J Wilcox county clerk Minutes of previous meeting read and approved The following claims were audited and allowed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the county general fund levy of 1901 in payment thereof as follows O L Thompson miscellaneous fees for year 1900 13 GO 0 L Thompson office expenses 44 54 Maurice Reddy services as commissioner 32 20 D A Waterman same 42 00 J H Bennett same 6 00 J H Bennett assisting commissioners 6 00 Mrs D Mangus house rent for pauier 3 75 E J DeArmoud samo 5 00 And on county bridge fund levy of 1901 as follows Barnett Lumber Co lumber 96 22 Barnett Lumber Co same 69 20 E G Caine Co same 3180 1 M Beeson stone and bridge work 62 50 G T Plumb bridge work 6 00 George Muntz same 25 00 Georgo W Cramer same 5 50 ilenry iJurton same 11 M Fossen same 13 75 Z O Holcomb same 125 J H Hatfield same 5 00 And on county road fund levy of 1901 as follows Albert Staer road work 5 61 J C Ball same 100 G W Cooley same 7 01 T J Dimmitt same 8 25 Almoron Heed same 5 70 W K Forsev same 5 00 George Howell samo 5 00 M B Leopold same 2 50 WMcK Nixon same 42 90 Ed Edwards repairing rond tools 5 75 H A Bull road work 6 50 J N Smith same 7 50 Albert Smith same 7 50 Joseph Kircher same 190 John Clouse blacksmithing 4 25 William M Gose road work 2 50 William M Gose same 5 00 In the matter of the real estate tax paid under protest by J E Kelley on motion the county treasurer was ordered to refund to J E Kelley the amount of 492 on account of an erroneous assessment of said property The board having made a careful examination of the accounts of A C Crabtree sheriff of said county find that he has received in fees from June 12th 1901 to January 8th 1902 both in clusive 70654 The board having made a careful examination of the fee book of the county judge find that 6 S Bishop late county judge had received in fees from January 1 1901 to the date of his dcntli 10905 and that C E Eldred the present county judge has received in fees hinco Dec 10 1901 to Jauuary 2 1802 Iwtli inclusive 1865 On motion tho board continued tho examina tion of tho accounts of O L Thompson during the day On motion tho board adjourned sinodie Attest E J Wnxox County Clerk McCook Nebraska January 14 1902 Board of county commissioners met in regular sossion Present 13 A Waterman Maurice Reddy and JII Bennett count commiHiioners WR Starr county attorney and E J Wilcox county clerk Minutes of previous meeting road und approved Tho following appointments were on motion nintlu to fill vacancies William Akers constable Indianola William Hierokoru justice of tho peace Bea ver precinct V II Staples overseer road district No 7 D L Beamau ovcrmer road district No 2 Ed Ilethcote justice of tho peace Beavor precinct Tho following ollicial bonds were examined and on motion approved William Akert constable Indianola precinct William Hiersokorn justice of tho iience Bea ver precinct W II Staplet overseer road district No 12 1 L Beaman overseer road district No 2 Tho board having made a careful examination of the fee book of O LThompson find that he has recehod as fees from Jan 1st 1101 to Jan 8th 1902 inclusive Foes and commissions 2612 81 Paid count treasurer 2000 00 Paid deputy clerk MX 00 Paid assistant clerk 100 00 Excess turned into county treasury 52 81 2612 84 2652 84 Contract of DrR BCampbell as county phy sician for tho six eastorn precincts of tho first commissioners district was examined and on motion approved and ordered placed on liln Contract of DrAPWolles as county physi cian for tho eight western precincts was exam ined and on motion approved and ordered placed on filo Petitions of tho various county officers asking for deputy and clerk hire for tho jear 1902 read and considered and on motion granted fixing tho number and compensation as follows O L Thompson county treasurer one doput at 700 00 A C Crabtree sheriff one deputy at 700 00 E J Wilcox count clerk ono deputy at 7X X And assistance if an be needed 300 00 On motion tho clerk was allowed 250 per an num to bo paid iiuirterly for performing the duties of clerk to the board of county commis sioners and attending to tho business of the county Uu motion tho clerk was instructed to adver tise for bids for printing delinquent tax list commissioners proceedings and legil notices all bids to be filed with the county clerk on or beforo February 18th 1902 Clerk was instructed to procure stationer lead pencils and field book for survejor Pursuant to law in such cases made and pro vided tho salaries of tho following officers for tho ensuing jear ware fixed as follows County Superintendent 875 00 County Attorney 8H 00 In the matter of tho necessary exjmnses during tho j car 1902 On motion the estimate for the Fame for tho jear 1902 was fixed as follows County General fund 12000 X County Bridge fund 6000 00 County Road fund 3000 00 Soldiers Relief 500 00 Willow Grove Precinct 2000 00 Bartley Village Bond 500 00 McCook City Bond 2000 00 North Valle Precinct 1 OCX 00 School District Bonds 8000 00 Tho clerk having advertised that the board would receive sealed bids for furnishing the various count officers with books blanks and stationery tho board proceeded to open and examine tho bids on file and after due consider ation find tho bid of the State Journal Co to be the lowest and best On motion the contract for furnishingsamo was let to the State Journal Co of Lincoln Nebraska Thofollowingdepo itory bonds wcreoxamined and on motion approved The Stato Bank of Lebanon The Bank of Daubury Tho bond of tho State Journal Co for the faithful performance of their contract for fur nishing supplies to Red Willow county for the ear 1902 was read and approved Pursuant to law in such ca es made and pro vided the board on motion selected the follow ing named persons from which to draw a jury for the Februar term of the district court Alliance J LMcCalTertv Samuel Premer Beaver WT Ilenton William Ilindmau W A Minniear O B Woods Bondville Charles Skalla J H Warfield Box Elder John Modroll Stephen Bolles Coleman John N Smith William Sharp Danbur Ed Stilgebouer William Nixon Driftwood James Boatman East Valle W H GartSide James Williams Charles Kirst Fritsch I A Sheridan Dick Hatcher Gerver Alexander Ellis Grant H I Peterson Indianola Bernard Hillers Henry Conrad Daniel Lehu Hour Barton Butler Jones Lebanon Charles Burgess Charles Water man Bruce Cumimngs Missiouri Ridge John Ervin John W Brown Jr North Valley Charles Camack William Wight Perr John Real Marion Pluinmer Red Willow TalorQuigley John Broomfield Trono Joe Moore Valley Grange Alex Johnston Willow Grove Dan Luca C F Bubcock Frank S Vahue Harrj Barbizett George Beck William Lewis Dan Col on W T ftleman C A Leach James McAdams C I Hall W A Brown Jacob Steinmetz George Burgees Sr H Thompson W W McMillen S Cordeal K B Archib ild T B Campbell A P Thomson There appearing to be an emergenc w herein a board of health is necessary in Red Willow county and rules and regulations laid down for the government of the same Therefore be it resolved that the following regulations and quarantine rules be and the samo are hereby adopted for the county of Red Willow to wit 1 Whenever within the limits of this county and without tho corporate limits of any city or village a person is suspected of having small poxscarlet foverdirjhtheria or other contagious disease he shall be immediately isolated within his own household as carefully as possible and as soon as a contagious disease is recognized it will be the duty of the attending physician and of the householder to give written notice of the same to tho clerk of the county giving the name of tho disease and of the family where it exists with the number exposed and all other particu lars that may be of any value 2 Tho premises where the above contagious disease Jexists shall be duly quarantined by this board through its proper officers or an ap pointee a By placing upon the house or some conspicuous point upon the premises a placard having the name of disease in letters not less than threo 3 inches in height b By a verbal or written notice to tho house hold to remain on the premises and in no way mingle with other persons nor allow others except the physicians to approach nearer than thirty suj ieet or any house or person thus quar antined This rule to apply also to cases of exposure 3 Such quarantine to continue until in the opinion of the medical advisor of the board the last case of disease likely to occur therein has completely recovered and is ready for disin fection Provided however that in cases of extreme necessity one free from disease may be released earlier after a thorough disinfection of person and clothing and with a certificate from the above medical advisor 4 The necessaries of life as often as occasion demands may be carried within thirty 30 feet of the quarantined house by a neighbor or other duly appointed messenger but not nearer nor shall any effects whatever be brought away from the household until thoroughly disinfected 5 In cases of death from contagious disease there shall be no public funeral and the body of the deceased shall be closely wrapped in sheets well saturated witli disinfectants and closed in a tight casket tins to be wrapped in disinfected cloth and in such cases the corpse shall not be carnea to or near any body of people wf ale on its way to the cemetery 6 When in any school district or community several families say five to eight are infected w ith contagious diseases or v ery many exposures hav e occurred the hoard should prohibit all gather ings of people in that community including ses sions of school until in their opinion the emer gency is passea 7 AH physicians should use due precaution in their visits to quarantined households to avoid the dangers of contagion to the well S When in the opinion of the medical advisor of the board quarantine can safely be raised it shall be done with fumigation with a 40 per cent solu tion of formaldehyde using1 at least five ounces to each 1000 cubic feet of air space Solution to be applied by an approv ed e aporator or by the sheet method The rooms to be sealed for at least six hours All persons to receive a disinfecting bath and their clothing to be fumigated and the house thoroughly cleaned this to be done in accordance with the Suggestions of the State Hoard of Health to Phvsicians 9 When in the opinion of the board a hospital is needed to which individual cases of contagious diseases maybe removed or when such method will accommodate those without homes at much less public expense or for anv other reason it is deemed best a building suited to their needs shall be provided 10 Whoever in any way willfully or negligently disobeys the rules of quarantine and disinfection shall by such disobedience render himself subject to prosecution and a fine of 2500 for each and every offence and shall meanwhile if infected and subject to quarantine be held at the quarantine ESI In a Glass o Water Put a handful oigirsut cojjec in a glass of wicr wash off the rnaliii look it it smell it a it fit to drink Cie the same test It leaves the water bright and clear because its jus pure cofL e ThofoiUxl packrcoinauroa uniform Quality and freahiiKiM house or hospital until the time lor disinfection Beit further resolwd by the hoard of county commissioners that the county commissioners Dr K 11 Campbell of Lebanon Neberaski and Dr J M Brown of Hartley Nebraska be and the same are herel appointed as a board of health for the county of Keu Willow whose duties it will he tj enforce the above rules anil regulations laid down Motion by Reddy seconded by Bennett that the resolution be passed Ajes Waterman Heddy Bennett Carried On motion board adjourned to meet Jan 15 Attest HJ Wniox County Clerk McCook Neb Jan 15th iooj Hoard of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment Present D A Watennan Maurice Heddy and J II Bennett county commissioners W It Starr county attorney and K J Wilcox county clerk Minutes of last meeting were read and approved The following claims were audited and allowed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw war rants on the count general fund levy of 1901 in payment thereof S M Cochran V Co hardware 11 15 W II Harrison hall for election 500 I A Waterman services as commissioner 6 00 Maurice Heddv same ic 20 J If Bennett same 1000 A C Crabtree board of prisoners and fees jj 50 The following resolution was introduced by Keddy KFSOIUTIOV It appearing to the county commissioners of Red Willow countv that the southeast ouarter of block eight in the village now city of Indianola Neb is of less alne than the amount of taxes due upon the same and that said premises ha e been offered for sale for said taxes bv the county treasurer and not sold for the want ofbidders 1 he count- commissioners therefore fi as the minimum price for said real estate the sum of 12 and we the county commissioners do hereby certify to the county treasurer of Ked Willow count that the said sum of 12 is the minimum price for which said real estate may be sold and the treasurer is hereby authorized to sell said premises for said sum Moved b Reddy and seconded by Bennett that the aboe resolution oe adopted Ayes Waterman Keddy and Bennett Carried On motion the board adjourned to meet Feb iStli 1902 Attest L J Wilcox Countv Clerk Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoflice Jan 1G 1902 Miss Bertha Austin Stella Coleman D J Dave Cash Mrs Emma Draki Mr Harry Hadcu Mrs J J Miller Mr R S Palmer Mr J D Quick Anno E Stone A J Smith Ethel Wil on MrGeo W Zimmerman When calling for these letters say they were advertised F M KuiiAiELL Postmaster COURT HOUSE NEWS please Coughs and colds come uninvited but you can quickly get rid of them with a few doses of Ballards Horehound Syrup Price 23 and 00 conts A McMillen COUNTY COURT License to marry was granted George Amen and Lizzie Frick Thursday Both were born in Russia are each twenty vears of age An interpreter was necessary in grunting the necessary authority and in securing parental con sent W C T U Meeting On January 17th the Womans Chris tian Temperance Union will hold its regular business meeting at the home of Mrs H A Eouch On the 21th an Evangelistic meeting at Mrs ITowe Smiths and on the 31st their social or parlor meeting at Mrs M Thorgrimsons and this will also include in its program the topic of the Mothers Meeting All mothers and those interested in the care of children are cordially invited to attend all of these meeting Mrs M Y Traver Secretary wetting ThSn is all right if you are too fat and all wrong if too thin already Fat enough for your habit is healthy a little more or less is no great harm Too fat consult a doctor too thin persistently hi no matter what cause take Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil There are many causes of get ting too thin they all come jnder these two heads over work and under digestion Stop over work if you can but whether you can or not lake Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil to balance yourselt with your work You cant live on it true but by it you an Theres a limit however c ull pay for it Scott s Emulsion of Cod Liver V1 L r lb luc readiest cure ror ccant eat unless it comes of your doing no work you cant long be well and strong without some sort of activity The genuine has this picture on it take no other If you have not Lried it send for ree sample its a irreeable taste will surprise you SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409 Pearl Street New York t 50c and 100 all druggists j XJOOOOOOO TTTT HANI mi ji JiiS v fn ifff r Hi K ft if m JfA ft You not only save many dollars by buying your DRY GOODS CLOTHING GROCERIES etc of Honest John but in addition you have the ffit ME MI L of knowing that you are getting good reliable first class goods in every departmenthe dont buy any shoddy goods Good Goods at Low est Prices is his motto -and its a winner flcCOOK NEBRASKA Produce as good as Cash or Cash for Produce i tUVfc V JrQl nventorii iSqfe 0 This means that we want to close out our stock of Heavy Winter Gkods before we take our annual inventory Right in the middle of the winter sea son too Now is when you need the goods We will give you values and prices that will agreeably surprise you THE i wasfi s araaiu tor Q C L DeGROFF GO Wff SSVTSb 1