The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 20, 1901, Image 6

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    I -I
Press conveyed first information of
the findings of the couit to Admiral
He was seated in the public recep
tion room of a hotel chatting with
several friends and evidenced no signs
ot nervousness over the outcome
When the conclusions of Admiral
Dewey were read to him Admiral
Schley showed his pleasure and it was
evident from his manner that he re
garded the statement from Admiral
Dewqy as a vindication of his cause
He declined to make any statement
concerning the courts findings and
excusing himself from the little com
pany which had gathered about him
went to his apartments where Mrs
Schley had been anxiously awaiting to
hear the courts decision
Later the official copy was brought
to the hotel by a messenger from the
navy department
The report of the majority in the
Schley inquiry is as follows
Commodore Schley in command of
the flying squadron should have pro
ceeded with utmost dispatch off Cien
fuegos and should have maintained a
close blockade of that port
He should have endeavored on May
23 at Cienfuegos to obtain informa
tion regarding the Spanish squadron
by communicating with the insurgents
at the place designated in the mem
orandum delivered to him at 815 a
m of that date
He should have proceeded from Ci
enfuegos to Santiago de Cuba with all
dispatch and should have disposed hid
vessels with a view of intercepting
the enemy in any attempt to pass the
flying squadron
He should not have delayed the
squadron for the Eagle
Heshculd not have made the retro
grade turn westward with his squad
ron He should have promptly obeyed
the Navy departments order of May
He should have endeavored to cap
ture or destroy the Spanish vessels at
anchor near tne entrance of Santiago
harbor on May 29 and 30
He did net do his utmost with the
force under his command to capture
or destroy the Colon and other ves
sels of the enemy whicn he attacked
on May SI
Will Counsel Schley to FislitDecielon
to the Last Kesort
BALTIMORE Dec 14 Isidor Ray
nor shewed keen disappointment when
the findings of the court of inquiry
were communicated to him tonight
He announced that he would go to
Washington as soon as his engage
ments will permit probably Monday
or Tuesday and he will counsel Ad
miral Schley to fight the case to a
finish by every appeal that is possi
ble In an interview he said I
think the country will almost unan
imously accept Admiral Deweys judg
ment The testimony was so over
whelming on almost all of the spec
ifications in favor of Admiral Schley
that I must confess I am at a loss to
understand upon what fact or upon
what evidence of the witnesses the
other two members of the court reach
ed their conclusion
nny is Appointed Orator
WASHINGTON Dec 14 The joint
committee of the two houses of con
gress appointed to make the necessary
arrrangements for a memorial service
in honor of the late President Mc
Kinley held a meeting today and de
cided to invite Secretary of State
John Hay to be the orator whenever
the proposed services shall be held
The selection was made upon a mo
tion by Senator Fairbanks who brief
ly addressed the committee
- - - -
Hority of the Board of Irquiiy Pind
Pault With Admirals Oonduct
Matter however Affixes Signature to
Original Statement Schley Is Charged
With Insubordination anil Failure to
PL rform Duty
WASHINGTON Dec 14 The most
prolonged interesting and important
naral tribunal ever held in this coun
try came to a close yesterday having
in open and secret lasted one week
short of three months when Secretary
Long -was handed the findings of the
courtpf inquiry which inquired into
the conduct of Rear Admiral Schley
during the Santiago campaign
For seven weeks the court heard
testimony and for fully a month it
deliberated upon that mass of evi
dence finally reaching the conclusions
announced today The result was a
complete surprise and it is probable
that no prophecy has approached the
truth Instead of one report there
are two Both are signed by George
Dewey president and Samuel C Lem
Iy as judge advocate This is a form
said to be recognized in all the courts
of inquiry the signatures of the other
members not being necessary But it
is explained that Admiral Dewey
signed the second report a minority
report to express his qualification of
or dissent from the views expressed
by the court comprising beside him
self Admirals Benham and Ramsay
in the first report
A representative of the Associated
i WS
Abductors of Missionary Complain of
Miss Stones Teachings
latest information regarding Miss
Ellen M Stone her American mis
sionary ana Mme Tsilka her com
panion indicates that their condition
has been so far ameliorated that they
are able to obtain rude comforts It
Is even said that the brigands have
a doctor ready at hand in case his ser
vices should be needed
It appears that the brigands are
now complaining that Miss Stone Is
attempting to convert them to Chris
tianity While not recognizing the le
gality of the- abduction of Miss Stone
and Mme Tsilka the brigands contend
that their action was in the interest
of a sacred cause and therefore just
The brigands apparently are pre
pared to hold out all winter They
refuse to abato their demands one dol
lar and have not vouchsafed a reply
to Mr Dickinsons ultimatum to the
effect that they must accept his last
offer or nothing It is believed in
well informed circles that were the
gold actually proffered at some spot
on the border by an accredited emis
sary the brigands would reduce the
amount of the ransom It is under
stood here that recommendations have
been forwarded to Washington pro
posing that an ultimatum be sent to
Gompers Declares American People Will
Condemn Decision
SCRANTON Pa Dec 13 -When
the correspondent of the Associated
Press showed the San Juan cable to
Mr Samuel Gompers president of the
American Federation of Labor tonight
he expressed great surprise at the
news In answer to a question as to
what the federation will do Tie an
swered If Mr Iglesias conviction
is upon the charge that he has been
guilty of conspiracy to increase the
wages of Porto Rican workmen we
shall leave no effort unturned to se
cure his release and the necesssary
changes in the laws of the island to
conform to American standards
It is an honorable ambition to se
cure better returns in the shape of
wages for labor The Porto Rican
law is evidently a relic of Spanish
brutal code and regime and the
American people will not tolerate so
gross a violation of guaranteed
The executive council was in ses
sion when the Associated Press cable
dispatch reached Mr Gompers He
said there is ho doubt that the con
vention will take up the matter before
it adjourns
Finding of Board of Inquiry is Expected
S oi
The Schley court of inquiry is near
ing the end of its labors and while
it is impossible to secure from the
members of the navy department a
statement when the report will be
submitted it is believed it cannot be
delayed more than twenty four hours
It was said at the department this
afternoon that the close of business
hours the report was not finished
It is the intention of Secretary Long
to liave typewritten copies of it pre
pared immediately for the press
Although clothed with reviewing
authority Secretary Long has said
that he will not exercise it in this
case The report will be given to
the public without the slightest
The court was again in session to
day although Admiral Dewey did not
attend the meeting Captain Lemly
judge advocate of the court paid a
visit to the court rooms this morning
and carried some papers which while
connected with the case were not the
report of the court
Tobias Castor Drops Dead
OMAHA Neb Dec 13 Tobias Cas
tor long prominent in Nebraska poli
tics died on Burlington train No 4
at 755 this morning while enroute
from Lincoln to Omaha Heart fail
ure is the supposed cause and it is
thought that he over exerted himself
in hurrying from his residence to the
Lincoln station The body was taken
off at Havelock and Judge Tibbetts of
Lincoln who was in the same car
with him accompanied it to Lincoln
Daughter of Congressman Weds
OSKALOOSA la Dec 13 Miss
Bern ice Lacey youngest daughter of
Congressman John F Lacey of the
Sixth Iowa district was married m
this city iast evening to Carroll E
Mrs Roosevelt Will Receive
Roosevelt will hold a reception for
women on Saturday the 14th inst
from 3 to 5 oclock She will be as
sisted by the women of the cabinet
and will have with her during the re
ception a number vof ycung women
including those of the cabinet circle
This will be the first of the public
receptions that have been held by the
mistress of the White House since the
Cleveland administration
yy jkjasssi
Senator Bacon in Speech Proceeds to
Point Them Out
Disapproval of Canal Treaty not Giving
This Country Full Control Faults of
the Old Treaty Still In Evidence Mis
oellnneous Matters
Two speeches on the Hay Pauncefoto
treaty were made in the executive ses
sion of the senate yesterday one by
Senator Bacon in opposition to the
treaty and the other by Senator Cul
lom the prospective chairman of the
committee on foreign relations in
support of it
Mr Bacon replied to the speech
made by Senator Lodge He summed
up his objections in the statement that
he could not freely accept any treaty
which does not place the isthmian
canal entirely under American aus
pices and American control This
h said the pending treaty does not
dc nor does it do anything like it
It did not by long odds accomplish
wiat had been accomplished by the
senate amendments made to the Hay
Pauncefote treaty at the last session
of congress The Davis amendment
he said had abrogated all the objec
tional provisions of that treaty as ne
gotiated and it did not matter what
provisions there were in the agree
ment for long as the United States
was authorized as it was by the prin
cipal Davis amendment to secure the
safety and maintenance of the canal
by its own force That amendment
had given this country a free hand
to do what was necessary for the pro
tection and defense of the canal
whereas the present treaty carried all
the restrictions which were originally
contained in the old treaty leaving
out the modifications of the Davis
He also pointed out that the treaty
reproduces the restrictions of the old
Suez canal treaty which had been in
corporated in the original convention
He charged that these restrictions
had been copied almost verbatim
from the old treaty the only material
change being in the omission of the
words In time of war as in time of
peace from the rule of the Suez
canal agreement This omission did
not in his opinion change the char
acter of the agreement
The only reply he said which
the advocates of the treaty make to
criticism is that the canal would be
tinder the full control of the United
States in time of war but this is no
more true now than under the old
treaty and it is a strange thing that
all the provisions refer to the control
of the canal in war notwithstanding
it is contended here that in that con
tingency the removal of this phase
places the canal under our absolute
He said the war restrictions of the
treaty were entirely inconsistent with
the claims of Senator Lodge that this
country should say who should use
the canal and who should not in case
of hostilities He contended that the
only power given to Great Britain
was found in the last sentence of reg
ulation two providing that the
United States shall be at liberty to
maintain such military police along
the canal as may be necessary to pro
tect it against lawlessness and dis
order This he said was not suffi
cient to make the canal an American
institution and if the Davis amend
ment had been necessary to render the
original treaty acceptaoie it was
equally necessary in this instance He
considered the pending treaty every
whit as objectionable as the treaty of
last session
Western Members Hold Caucus and Se
lect measures for Support
caucus of western members of con
gress interested in irrigation legisla
tion it was agreed to incorporate in
their recommendation fcr a bill pro
viding for irrigation of arid lands the
following essential features
The money derived from the sale of
all public lands shall apply to the
revenue provided for irrigation all
irrigation projects shall be under the
direction of the interior department
settlers upon such lands shall pay
5 an acre in addition to the home
stead fees each settler shall be lim
ited to the purchase of 80 acres
charges for irrigating their lands shall
not exceed 10 per acre
Will lie Gen Roosevelt
WASHINGTON Dec 12 The army
board which has been for several
months preparing a list of officials
which shall be recommended for
brevet rank in recognition of gal
lant services in Cuba Porto Rico the
Philippines and China has completed
its work and the report will be sub
mitted to the secretary of war in a
day or two This list is to take the
place of that laid hefore the senate
last session and withdrawn
North Platte Relatives Tear Harm Tins
romo to Jomlo Allm
CHICAGO Dec 11 Relatives of
Miss Jessie Allen a handsome girl of
23 fear she Is either being held a
prisoner in this city or that she has
been murdered A week ago aho ar
rived here from Jersey City N J on
her way to North Platte Neb where
she was to spend the holidays with
relatives At the Northwestern sta
tion she discovered the loss of all her
money quite a large sum She tele
graphed this fact to Eugene Paddock
of Lemly Neb who forwarded trans
portation and money which is now
here but no trace of the girl cau bri
had It is feared she was lured from
the station by the hope of recovering
her money and has been foully dealt
with She was attractive and stylish
ly dressed The police are unable to
get a clue to her whereabouts
Said to Davo Died of Fever but May
TTavo Keen Killed
COLON Dec 11 Via Galveston
Senor Mendosa a brilliant lawyer
and a prominent liberal who drew up
the capitulation papers after the bat
tle of Panama last year is reported
to have died of typhoid fever recently
at Chorrera Another version of his
death is that he was shot by General
Victoriane Lorenzo the liberal com
mander at Chorrera as the result or
an altercation regarding the advisa
bility of the surrender of the liberal
forces at that place to the govern
Previous to the arrival of General
Castro at Agua Dulce the liberals
dispatched two large boats to Tuma
col laden with salt for the liberal
President Approves Amendments to
Ttnles Elslit and Ten
WASHINGTON Dec 11 The pres
ident yesterday approved a number of
amendments to civil service rules 8
to 10 recommended by the civil ser
vice commission some weeks ago and
subsequently passed on as to their
legal aspect by the attorney general
Probably the most important of them
provides for discontinuing the pay of
persons found to have been irregu
larly appointed This is provided for
in the laws for the Philippines and
in the state law of New York but the
federal laws are held by the civil ser
vice advocates to have been defective
in this respect
Bronze Tablet at Buffalo
BUFFALO N Y Dec 11 A bronze
tablet now marks the spot where the
body of the late President McKinley
lay in sate in this city in the lower
corridor of the city hall The inscrip
tion on it is as follows
Forty five stars from the border of
the tablet and the letters are cut into
the bronze to the depth of three
eighths of an inch
To Secnre Release of 3I1rs Stone
sentative Ryan of New York yester
day introduced a bill authorizing the
state department to expend such
amount as is necessary to secure the
release of Miss Stone the missionary
held by Turkish brigands About
1500 bills and resolutions were intro
duced yesterday Most of them are re
prints of measures proposed at for
mer sessions Among the new bills
are those of Mr Shattuc of Ohio for
the exclusion and deportation of
alien anarchists and ofMr Wilcox
the delegate from Hawaii for the re
tirement of the Hawaiian coinage
Cattle Rustler Captured
HURON S D Dec 11 Sheriff
Braden of Sanborn county has taken
Jim Sontag arrested here for cattfe
stealing to Wooncocket where he will
remain in jail till the sitting of the
next term of Sanborn county court
His partner Moody arrested some
months since is now serving a four
and a half years term for cattle rus
Improvements for Mnskojre
WASHINGTON Dec 11 The sec
retary of the interior has approved
bond issues by the city of Muskogee
Creek Nation I T for 150000 for
construction of water works for 25
000 for sewers
Prize Comes in Handy
CHRISTIANIA Dec 11 It was an
nounced in the Storthing today that
the Nobel prize for the encourage
ment of peace and arbitration fcr
1901 amounting to 150000 kroner had
been equally divided between Dr
Henri Dumant the Swiss physician
who was recommended by the Swedish
Rigsdag to the committee entrusted
with the bestowing of the prize and
Frederick Passy the former member
cf the French Chamber of Deputies
w yatT
W f
Manufacturing Capital in lebraska Shows
Handsome Increase
Census Bureau Issues a lteport that Kc
cals RemirUahlo Progress in the State
Court Dckets Being Cleared Mis
cellaneous Nebraska Matter
WASHINGTON Dec 11 The cen
sus bureau has Issued a preliminary
report on the manufacturing indus
tries of Nebraska showing a total
capital Invested of 71 978877 an in
crease of 92 per cent since the census
of 1890 and value of products 143
98G127 an Increase of 55 per cent
Other figures are
Establishments 5413 wage earners
24471 total wages 11570208 miscel
laneous expenses G933748 and cost
of material used 10219C397
Statistics for the three cities separ
ately reported follow
Lincoln capital 2608 992 increase
11 per cent value of products 4105
951 increase 11 per cent establish
ments 252 wage earners 1736 cost of
material used 2173345
Omaha capital 34282063 increase
87 per cent value of products 42
391876 increase 2 per cent establish
ments S37 wage earners 7422 wages
3755810 cost of materials used 22
South Omaha capital 16471328
value of products 70080911 no sub
sequent figures for 1890 establish
ments 139 wage earners 6606 wages
3368591 cost of material used 61
Supreme Court Is Catching Up With Its
LINCOLN Dec 11 According to
Clerk Herdmann of the supreme
court rapid strides are being made
in reducing the size of the docket
When the commission began work the
court was about six years behind in
business If the present progress is
continued it is estimated that the
docket will be cleared before the next
session of the legislature which con
venes in January 1903 It is noted
that the number of appeals to the
supreme court are decreasing partic
ularly in that class of cases which are
appealed merely to occasion delay
When It took from four to six and
seven years to reach a case mortgage
foreclosures and other suits in which
the adverse party might profit by tie
ing up litigation for an indefinite time
were appealed vlth great frequency
while other cases really meritorious
in which the average party could not
afford to wait the tardy action of the
supreme court he would compromise
instead of appealing Now conditions
are reversed Cases are seldom ap
pealed for the mere purpose of delay
and meritorious ones are usually taken
up with the result that a better class
of litigation is being entertained now
than before the commissions appoint
Iowa Traveling Men flloot
DES MOINES Dec 11 The twenty-first
annual meeting of the Iowa
State Traveling Mens association was
held here with an attendance of about
500 from Iowa and adjoining states
The old directors were re elected and
W H Wheeler and F E Haley were
re elected president and secretary An
incident of the convention was the ap
pearance of A B Cummins who has
long been the counsel of the associa
Game Warden Alert
THEDFORD Neb Dec 11 Deputy
Game Warden Frank Nash and Sheriff
Crow arrested A L Leland and Harry
Leland on the Dismal river in this
county and brought them before
Esquire Wright The boys pleaded
guilty to hunting without a license
and each one was fined Thomas
county is a hard place for the poacher
ns r Factory Slint Doivn
FREMONT Neb Dec 11 The
sugar factory at Leavitt closed its sea
sons work after a very successful
run The factory has been in con
tinuous operation since October 1
and the delays experienced the first
two seasns have been entirely ab
Fails to Stib His Ilpart
SUTTON Neb Dec 11 Wes Al
berts stabbed Ed Scott with a dirk
the knife being aimed at his heart
Scott parried the blow- and received
the knife in his arm It severed the
muscles down to the bone
Die Twenty Minutes Aoart
FREMONT Neb Dec 11 Isaac H
Brown and wife Mrs Sarah Brown
died at their home within half an
hour They were nearly eighty years
of age Mr Brown had been in poor
health for years and was attacked with
heart trobule A physician was sum
moned but when he arrived he was
dead Twenty minutes after he was
again called to the Brown residence
and found that Mrs Brown had just
breathed her last
- urtNTHS
Cared by St Jaeob Oil
From the Cardiff Times
Among the thousands of voluntary
endorsements of the great value of ana
Jacobs Oil for sprains stiffness
sorenesa is that of Mrs hms
Alexandra Road GelH Ysbrod near
Pontypridd South Wales who says
It is with great pleasure at
my wiling testimony to the invaluable
at j
excellence of your celebrated
cobs Oil as experienced In my ow
case I sprained both my ankles a
walking down some steps so severely
that I was unable to stand for several
months The pain I suffered was most
severe and nothing that I useu ne
me until I applied St Jacobs Oil when
they Immediately became better dally
and in a short time 1 was able to go
about and soon after I was quite
to advise
cured I am now determined
vise all persons suffering from pains
to use this wonderful remedy which
did so much for me
Mrs Thomas does not enlighten U3
as to what treatment she pursued dur
ing the months she was unable to
stand and during which time she was
suffering so much but we venture to
suggest that had she called in any
well known medical man he would
have at once prescribed St Jacob3 Oil
for it has conquered pain upwards of
fifty years and doctors know there Is
nothing so good The proprietors of
St Jacobs oil have been awarded
twelve gold medals by different inter
national exhibitions as the premier
pain killing remedy of the world The
committees who made the awards were
in each instance composed largely of
the most eminent medical men ob
tainable Mrs Thomas evidently did
not know the high opinion in which
St Jacobs Oil Is held by almost every
progressive medical man
Only Companions Are Cats
Mrs Sarah E Phlpps an authoress
of Buffalo N Y lives in a tiny cot
tage of three rooms her only compan
ions being two cats She works dur
ing the day and writes at night Chas
Frohman has secured the rights of
dramatization of her latest novel An
Old House by the Sea
Xu Winter Uso Allens Foot Ease
a powder Your feet feel uncomfortable
nervous and often cold and damp If
you have Chilblains sweating sore feet
or tight shoes try Allens Foot Ease
Sold by all druggists and shoe stores
25c Sample sent FREE Address
Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y
You only have 10 tell one person
that a thing is free
The Lincoln Nebraska Importing
Ilorse Co a advertisement appears
in this paper Their stallions are
selected with the greatest of care
bj a member of their company
who spends much of his time traveling
over England and France They now
have a grand lot of Percheron and
Shire stallions The best that Europe
dan afford No concern in the United
States can sell for less money than
they can In making sales they prefer
cash but will sell at the same rate on
ample time to enable the purchaser to
piy for the stallion from his earnings
if judiciously handled They wish to
employ good salesmen
Kipling Heads a Klfle Club
Mr Rudyard Kipling has been re
elected president of the Rottingdean
Rifle club The club owes its incep
tion to Mr Kipling and has not yet
been defeated It has beaten some
powerful opponents both volunteers
and civilians notably the First Lon
don Fusileers and the Lewes Rifle
brightest fastest and easiest to use
Sold by druggists 10c per package
Shark and Soldier Latter Inside
A somewhat remarkable addition
has apparently to be made to the cas
ualty lists from South Africa The
other day a man who is engaged on
the Englisn steamsulp Canada writ
ing home to his relatives referred to
the capture of a big shark at East
London When ripped open the mon
ster which measured eighteen feet
long was found to have quite recently
swallowed a soldier bodily The
mans body and uniform were intact
save for a small portion one shoulder
which had been cut off
The best way to advertise is just to
advertise Get at it with a view to hav
ing the people know what you most
desire to sell and incidentally letting
them know that the specified items do
not represent your full stock Say in
teresting things about interesting goods
and have the goods to talk
Men talk of the secret of successful
advertising but it is all very plain The
essentials are to offer what people
want at fair prices and to offer it in
a way that will make readers know
they want it The art in an
advertisement is to speak as the inter
ested and well informed merchant
would speak to a prospective customer
The mere appearance of a business
mans name and address in every issue
of a leading newspaper will do work to
increase his trade Every business man
however is able to give facts about his
establishment which will encourage
people to deal with him To state such
facts clearly in a newspaper is the prin
cipal secret of successful advertising
The Idea that
It takes a number of
impressions to make the average ad
vertisement effective is not new Forty
years ago an English advertiser said
to the publisher of the Cornhill Maea
zine We dont consider
that an ad
vertisement seen for the first time bv
a reader is worth much The second
time It counts for something ThetMwI
time the readers attention I Z
1e fourth time he reads it through
thinks about it the fifth and
chaser of him It takes makes time to a pur