If - - J s t -T Jf j4 11 IVJItCw PM By F M Jrf OFFICIAL KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance One Midden firm occupied two full pages of a local newspaper in its holiday advertising A few such business men in our town would make things hum Admiral Dkwey genial chivalrous Gentleman George of your Uncle Samte navy heres to you We love you all the more for your gallant stand for your comrade in victory honor and glory Admiral Schley May more of the navy officers emulate your broad frank manly spirit and the spirit of envy and malice bo damned everlastingly Emperob William of Germany who among all modern Christian potentates takes himself most seriously has re cently shown startling evidenceof unus ual common sense and judgment Firstly his firm stand against the brutal and murderous duello and secondly against the excessive beer drinking of his fellow countrymen especially among the workmen who are accredited with an average daily consumption of beer of thirteen pints per man The duello is a relic of savagery and out of tune with the progress and civilization of the times The emperor has discovered that the ex cessive beer drinking incapacitates the workingmen of Germany for meeting the competition of the more alert active and intelligent American workingmen and the industrial problem is now uppermost in Germany The man who attempts to strain thirteen pints of beer through his system daily is necessarily too loggy and slow and wastes too much time to compete with the wide awake nervous American The lesson to Germany is the cultivation of the arts of peace and sobriety Hill Has the High Hand New York Dec 16 Special A secret meeting of the prominent inter ests in the Chicago Burlington Quincy railroad the new proprietary company formed to lease the old Burl ington railway company was held at the office of the Northern Pacific com pany at 49 Wall street late this after noon Among those present were Or B Harris J J Hill- E H Harriman G E Perkins of J P Morgans firm W P Clough James Stillman and John S Kennedy The meeting lasted for nearly twohours and after its conclusion it was learned from one of those taking part in the meeting that the following were elected as officers of the railway or proprietary company W P Clough E H Harriman G B Harris J J Hill J S Kennedy W H Mclntyre C J Pain C E Perkins Mortimer Schiff James Stillman These directors elected as officers G B Harris president Darius Miller vice president and traffic manager treasurer J C Peasley The greatest significance attaches to the election of Mr Miller as traffic man ager It is regarded tonight as another evidence of the strength of Mr Hills position in the contest which has taken place for the control of the Burlington as against all other interests in this con test Mr Miller was the bone of conten tion Another important announ cement awaited with interest is the forthcoming and long delayed annual Union Pacific report It is understood that in view of the antagonistic position taken by the western state governors against the Northern Securities company that the Union Pacific report will not disclose its extentof Burlington holdings The minor Burlington officials elected are Secretary and assistant treasurer H E Jarvis assistant secretary and assistant treasurer T S Howland as sistant treasurer A G Stanwood assist ant secretary George H Earl A Most Liberal Offer All our farmer readers should take ad vantage of the unprecedented clubbing offer we this year make which includes with this paper The Iowa Homestead its special Farmers Institute Editions and the Poultry Farmer These three publications are the best of their class and should be in every farm home To them we add for local county and gen eral news our own paper and make the price of the four one year for only 125 Never before was so much superior read ing matter offered for so small an amount of money The three papers named which we club with our own are well knpwn throughout the west and com mend themselves to the readers favorable attention upon mere mention TheHome stead is the great agricultural and live stock paper of the west The Poultry Farmer is the most practical poultry paper for the farmer while the Spe cial Farmers Institute Editions are the most practical publications for the promotion of good farming published Take advantage of this great offer as it will hold good for a short time only Samples of these papers may be ex amined by calling at this office For clothing go to DeGroff Cos Kodo9 Dyspepsia Guro Digests what you eat yaOR yti sr52Q2ka t j -v s tf3f WftlWO I Mllll llllllliWflOTlOTBln II iiii in -Tm COUNTY PAPER Hot Rolls hot muffins hot cakes made with Royal Baking Powder may be freely eaten without fear of indk ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS Helper J E Gaunt left the service this week William Baird oil inspector was at headquarters Thursday Coal Inspector Rule was at Western division headquarters yesterday C P Heber witnessed King Dodo comic opera in Denver Saturday night J E Gaunt has gone over to Atwood Kansas to be absent a week or ten days Asst Supt Harris of Denver spent Thursday at headquarters on business Locomotives 316 and 164 are on their wheels and will be but of the shop in a few days Locomotive 232 was put through the limbering up process in the yard Wednesday Walter R Clark is now firing on the Frisco system out of Sapulpa Indian Territory Arthur Cullen of the shop force has been off duty part of the week with an injured finger Conductor and Mrs H A Beale went up to Denver last night to visit Miss Sarah Cool a few days Three machinists C G Jacobs Her man Meyers and Paul Witthoff quit work this week after pay day Guy Tomlinson was one of the party that enjoyed King Dodo the popular comic opera in Denver Saturday night Mr Talmage inventor of new blow off cock was in the city Thursday and at tended the meeting- of the association last night The O R C is arranging for its annual ball and banquet to be given on January 30th 1902 Thursday evening The dance will be held in the Menard hall with the K of P orchestra to pro vide the music It is expected that the Lady Maccabees will serve the supper in Odd Fellows hall at 50 cents a plate It will be the social event of the winter Railroading close of last week and first of this week was pretty difficult business on account of the snow and unusual cold the temperature was 20 degrees and more below zero at different points on the Western division Trains were delayed considerably and a number of minor accidents occurred at different points on the division but fortunately nothing of any moment but the Palisade wreck last Friday morning No one can reasonably hope for good health unless his bowels move once each day When this is not attended to disorders of the stomach arise biliousness headache dyspepsia and piles soon follow If you want to avoid these ail ments keep your bowels regular by taking Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets when required They are so easy to take and mild and gentle in effect For sale by McConnell Berry C L DeGroff Co have a host of Christmas Gifts worth while Useful ornamental valuable pleasing lasting In selecting your Christ mas gifts you can make it easier by visiting our store where you can see the latest in Novelties Fancy Goods Books Toys Medallions Lamps Jardinieres Vases Dolls etc Come whether you wish to buy or not Respy A McMILLEN For Children Toys aargeassort ment Doll buggies and gocartsdrums guns dishes dolls all sizes and kinds Childrens dishes games etc Tyyafa Another Tourist Excursion to California To accommodate the increasing travel to California the Burlington Route has added to its service another weekly ex cursion in tourist cars personally con ducted The Burlingtons through car service to California is as follows Standard Sleepers daily Omaha Lin coln Hastings and Oxford to San Fran cisco connecting at latter city with fast train forLos Angeles Tourist Sleepers personally conducted every Thursday Omaha Lincoln Fair mont Hastings and Holdrege to San Francisco every Wednesday and Thurs day Kansas City St Joseph Wymore Superior and Oxford to San Francisco and Los Angeles All these cars run via Denver and Salt Lake City passing the grand panorama of the Rockies by daylight If youre going to California you will be interested in our new 40 page folder California Tours 1901 2 It is free J Francis Gen Passenger Agt Omaha Neb Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoffice Dec 18 1901 Henry B Aim an R E Boy less Miss Minnie Cowell Jos Fawthrop FL Helms John Finnono Mrs J Smith Chas Volbrecht Will Wall Henry Burnett John Corley C E Doll Bnrch Heilzcock Mr Frank Olney Jonn Snider Chas E Shaw Sherman Welker J F Walker J E Yost When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Holiday RatesBurlington Route Greatly reduced rates for the holidays between Burlington stations within 200 miles Tickets on sale December 24 25 31 and January 1 Good to return till January 2 Ask nearest agent Burling ton Route for details and information or write to J Francis Gen Passr Agt Burlington Route Omaha Neb For Sale Lot six in Egan Park addition Five acres improved with frame house well windmill cistern fenced out buildings and nice orchard of cherry plum and apples Trees four inches in diameter Cost 1000 Will sell at great sacrifice Write J H Mooney at Arapahoe Neb The largest assortment of steel ranges at the lowest prices quality considered also the steel cook stove in different pat terns at S M Cochran Cos It will pay you to look over their goods before buying If you would have an appetite liko a bear and a relish for your meals take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets They correct dis orders of the stomach and regulate the liver and bowels Price 25 cents Samples free at McConnell Berrys drug store Many articles useful handsome and suitable for holiday gifts at C L De Groff Cos - BOOKS Latest And Best Novels Childrens Books Gift Books Linen Books Bibles CHRISTMAS TALK rienWomen LAMPS Elegant in de sign and coloring Me dallions Candle Sticks Mirrors Jardinieres Vases Albums Perfumer Cups and Saucers Ebony Goods Fancy and Toilet Articles Combination Game Boards etc CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Episcopal There will be services in St Albania Episcopal church Sunday Ha m and 730 p m Sunday school at 10 a m Come R M Hardman Rector Congregational Sunday school at 10 Preaching 11 Christian Endeavor at 7 Preaching at 8 Rev Frank W Dean of Red Cloud will occupy tho pulpit both morning and evening Pulpit Supply Com Baptist S u n da y s c h o o 1 at 945 Preaching at 11 and 8 B Y P U at 7 15 Prayer meeting at 8 on Wednes day evening Christmas exercises on Tuesday evening at 730 Geo L White Paston Methodist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching 11 Junior League 3 p m Epworth League 630 Preaching 730 Morning subject The Name of Jesus Evening subject Behold He Cometh Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 730 L M Grigsby Pastor Rev R M Hardman left Tuesday for Holdrege and Minden where he will conduct services Cadet Harry Hardman second lieuten ant of company S Kearney military academy Kearney Nebraska is at home on a two weeks vacation visiting his parents Rev and Mrs R M Hardman Miss PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS School closes to night for a two weeks vacation Several of the teachers will attend the state teachers association which will be held at Lincoln the first three days in January Mrs Anna C Schobel will spend Christmas day with the home folks at Minden The other teachers will either remain quietly at home or make brief visits away during the holiday season The Christmas entertainment given Tuesday night by the two primary grades in the East school was a success in every particular The audience was large and appreciative of the many pleasing numbers on the programme The receipts were 819 The teachers will spend the holiday vacation as follows E W Washburn at Beatrice Miss C A Gorby at Nelson Miss Nellie West at Red Cloud Miss Mary Powers at Trenton Miss Cassie Andrews at Cambridge Mrs Ida E White at Omaha Miss Ella Leonard at Wymore Miss Anna Anderson at Lin coln In the High school the last recitation period was devoted to a Christmas mus ical programme in the assembly room The numbers all of unusual excellence were as follows Song School Piano Solo Mrs Mabel Stranahan Vocal Solo Miss Olive M Howe PinnoDuet - Mesdames W B Mills Mabel Stranahan Vocal Solo Mr S B McLean Piano Solo Miss Olive M Howe March Mise Blanche McCarl Suitable Christmas exercises were held in all of the school rooms this afternoon just before dismissal for the holidays Particular heed was paid the occasion in the primary departments Letters to Santa Claus brought that good natured personage several days in advance of his annual visit to the South McCook school and to the Preparatory school in the West building In the latter school was a tree on which were hung the tokens the little people there have been preparing for their parents Christmas offering for the past few weeks This was a part of the regular school work On the East side the pupils of ths first and second grades exchanged souvenirs of the Christmas season some busy work their deft fingers have lately been preparing Miss Anna Feeny Dead Anna Feeny of Hastings who recently went south for her health died on Monday The remains were brought to Hastings Wednesday for interement which took place in that city today Deceased was well known here The relatives and friends have much sincere sympathy from McCook friends Within 800 Mile of Fole Dr G E Borchgrevink has made a great advance into the colder and more perilous Antarctic regions carry ing the line of exploration to within S00 miles of the south pole Tomsk a University Town A technological institute has been apened at Tomsk This is the second ftistitution for higher education in Si era Tomsk Is now a university town Indianas Gold and Silver Excitement of the wildest character prevails in Warwick county- Indiana over the discovery of gold and silver near Lynnville The land -where the ore has been found is of the poorest but owners are paying up back taxe3 in the hope of realizing handsomely Hotels and restaurants are crowded with strangers and manymore are ar riving daily Massachusetts Blnfjln Tax Proposal At the coming session of the Massa chusetts legislature a bill will be offer ed giving to each city and town the privilege of raising money for munici pal purposes by such methods as the town or city may deem best This is the single tax pioposal -which was de feated in the last bay state legislature tm M2E rm CULBERTSON H G Meyer was a Trenton visitor Saturday S E Soloman is in Arapahoe again this week Ed Highland was a Hayes Center visi tor Tuesday Frank Brown was a Hayes Center visitor Friday G G Eisenhart is in Imperial attend ing court this week Mr and Mrs G W Warnock were in McCook Thursday last Mr and Mrs G G Eisenhart were McCook visitors Saturday Roy Kleven of McCook visited his mother of this place Thursday Skating is the chief sport now as tho the ice has been splendid this week Misses Babe Davenport and Isa Shoe maker visited McCook friends Saturday Alex Love came in from from Kansas City Wednesday to spend Christmas at home Mrs Joseph Lackey of Hayes Center is the guest of Miss Ethyl Fellows this week Mrs M M Bree and children visited Minden friends the latter part of last week J T Wells went down to Lincoln Monday night to begin his new work All wish him success Eev T A Smith of Bloomington has taken charge of the Methodist church during the coming conference year Lawrence Fellows of Alliance couldnt stay away so he came home Thursday morning to spend Christmas with his folks Examination in the High school Wed nesday Thursday and Friday having vacation on Thursday and Friday after noons Isa Ferrier of Franklin spent Thurs day with his parents of this place Miss Viola went as far as McCook with on bis return A reception was given in honor of T A Smith Friday night at the home of Henry Lehman quite a number attend ing Refreshments of dough nuts and coffee were served and all report a good time Information Complete Chicago Tribune You remember that worthless little cousin of miire you knew ten years ago Well hes Capt Harkness novr United States service Salvation army or baseball club Wj m S iSVSfflfeV -S M mm fisccr mm Vte i RXH TS W SEASONABLE GREETING Now at the close of another prosperous year and as the New Year is about to open with bright promises of continued prosperity I desire to thank my patrons one and all for their continued confidence and pat ronage and to assure them that I shall have no higher ambition for the future than to merit their continued patronage and to enlarge the circle of those made happy contented and sat isfied by buying their dry goods groceries etc of HONEST JOHN The Right Place McCook Neb PRODUCE AS GOOD AS CASH Brain Food Nonsense Another ridiculous food fad Las been branded by the most competanfc authorities They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food is needed for brain another for musclos and still another for bones A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body but it will snstain every other part Yet however good your food may be its nutriment is de stroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Greens August Flower tho favorite medicino of the healthy millions A few doses aids digestion stimulates the liver to healthy action purifies the blood and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous You can getDr G Q Greens reliable remedies at McConnell Berrys Get Greens Special Almanac For broken limbs chilblains burns scalds bruised shin3 sore throat and sores of every kind apply Ballards Snow Liniment It will give immediate relief and heal any wound Price 25 and 50 cents A McMillen Personal Will the lady who fell in a swoon last Thurs day in front of the postpffic call at our storel She suffers from biliousness Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin will surely cure her Sold by A McMillen i T hZ r Vi JrC d J rt Every woman in ought to know about the country Mend Those who do know about it wonder how they ever gotalonjr without it It has robbtd chile birth of its terrors for many a young wife It has preserved her girlish figure and saved her much suffering It is an external lini ment and carries with it therefore absolutely no danger of npSSn the system as drugs taken intern ally are apt to do It is to be rubbed into the abdomen to ifteS E3fi Jhe nius les which i LU strain This mucujess pain it also luurmngr sickness and utuer discomforts of means prevents all of the tkrt AdrujHristof fo - wsu VJd S1VC 1 J - F ouiu a lanre jfMwa an instance There Se J A prominent lady of Lim Jt six children- 1 labSr was in from 24 to 30 hours Aftlr - TOBWDnaOREGlSSSfcO -- antaga or mr IHEoas 9 L fl