The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 20, 1901, Image 3

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iI 3
It looks exactly the same gold
links interspersed -with diamonds and
the clasp is the same three stars A
tall ugly woman has got it on her
black hair strained off her face
The hair strained off her face Is
enough to make any woman look ug
ly remarked Lady Sarah Where is
There she is standing up now let
us get close to her Her dress is that
beautiful maize color with blonde
Lady Sarah Hope drew near and ob
tained a sight of the bracelet The
color flew into her face
Its mine Fanny she whispered
But the lady at that moment took a
gentlemans arm and moved away
Lady Sarah followed her with the
view of obtaining another look Fran
ces Chenevix went to Mr Netherleigh
and told him He was hard of belief
You cannot be sure at this distance
fit time Fanny And besides more
bracelets than one may have been
made of that pattern
I am so pertain that I feel as if I
could swear to the bracelet eagerly
replied Lady Frances
Hush hush Fanny
I recollect it perfectly it struck me
tho moment I saw it How singular
that I should have been talking to
Gerard Hope about it this night
Mr Netherleigh smiled
Imagination is very deceptive
Frances and your having spoken to
Mr Hope of it brought it to your
But it could not have been brought
to my eyes returned Frances Stuff
and nonsense about imagination Mr
Netherleigh I am positive it is the
bracelet Her comes Lady Sarah
I suppose Frances has been telling
you observed Lady Sarah Hope to
her brother-in-law I feel convinced
it Is my own bracelet
But as I have just remarked to
Frances other bracelets than yours
may have been made precisely simi
lar he urged
If it is mine the letters S H are
scratched on the back of the middle
star I did it one day with a pen
You never mentioned the fact be
fore Lady Sarah hastily responded
the merchant
No I was determined to give no
clue I was always afraid of the affair
being traced home to Gerard and it
would have been such a disgrace tcr
my husbands name
Did you speak to her Did you ask
where she got the bracelet inter
rupted Frances
How could I retorted Lady
Sarah I did not know her
I will cried Frances in a resolute
My dear Frances remonstrated
Mr Netherleigh
I vow I vwill persisted Frances
as she moved away
Lady Frances kept her word She
found the strange lady in the refresh
ments and locating herself by her
side entered upon a few trifling re
marks which were civilly received
Suddenly she dashed at once to her
What a beautiful bracelet
I think it is was the strangers
reply holding out her arm for its in
spection without any reservation
Where did you buy it pursued
Garrards are my jewelers
This very nearly did for Frances
for it was at Garrards that the Colo
nel originally purchased it and it
seemed to give a coloring to Mr Tleth
erleighs view of more bracelets hav
ing been made of the same pattern
But she was too anxious and determin
ed to stand upon ceremony for Ger
ards sake and he was dearer to her
than the world suspected
We one of my family lost a
bracelet exactly like this some time
back When I saw it on your arm I
thought it was the same I hoped it
The lady froze directly and laid
down her arm
Are you pardon me there are
painful interests involved are you
sure you purchased this at Garrards
I have said that Messrs Garrard
are my jewelers replied the stranger
in a repelling voice and the words
sounded evasive to Frances More I
cannot say neither am I aware by
what law of courtesy you thus ques
tion me or who you may be
The young lady drew herself up
proudly secure in her rank
I am Lady Frances Chenevix and
the other bowed and turned to the re
freshment table
Away went Lady Frances to find the
Cadogans and inquire after the
It was a Lady Livingstone The hus
band had made a mint of money at
something had been knighted and
now they were launching out into high
Frances nose went into the air 0
law a city knight and his wife that
was It was it How could Mrs Ca
dogan have taken up with them
The Honorable Mrs Cadogan did
not choose to say beyond the asser
tion that they were extremely worthy
good kind people She could have
said that her spendthrift of a husband
had contrived to borrow money from
Sir Jasper Livingstone and to prevent
being bothered for it and keep them
Jjyi8W KVjW
The Diamond Bracelet
Author of East Lynno Etc
in humor they introduced the Living
stones where they could
Frances Chenevix went home that
is to Colonel Hopes and told her
strange tale to Alice Seaton not only
about Gerard being in England but
about the bracelet
Alice it is tho bracelet I am more
certain than ever Garrards people
say they have sold articles of jewelry
to Lady Livingstone but not a dia
mond bracelet and moreover that
they never had one of that precise pat
tern but the bracelet Colonel Hope
What is to be done exclaimed
I know I shall go to those Liv
ingstones Gerard shall not stay un
der this cloud if I can help him out of
it Mr Netherleigh wont act and
we dare not tell the Colonel he is
so obstinate and wrong headed he
would be for arresting Gerard pend
ing the investigation
Now dont you preach Alice
When I will a thing I will I am like
my lady mother for that Lady Sarah
says she scratched her initials inside
the bracelet and I shall demand to
see it if these Livingstones refuse Ill
put detectives on the scent I will as
sure as my name is Frances Chene
And if the investigation should
bring the guilt home to to Gerard
whispered Alice in a hollow tone
And if it should bring it home to
you and if it should bring it home to
me spoke the exasperated Frances
For shame Alice it cannot bring it
home to Gerard for he was never
Alice Seaton sighed she saw there
was no help for it for Lady Frances
was resolute
I have a deeper stake in this than
you she said after a pause of con
sideration let me go to the Living
stones You must not refuse me I
have an urgent motive for wishing it
You you weak mite of a thing
you would faint before you got half
through the interview uttered Lady
Frances in a tone between jest and
Alice persisted She had indeed a
powerful reason for urging it and
Lady Frances allowed the point
though with much grumbling The
carriage was still at the door for Lady
Frances had desired that it should
wait and Alice hastily dressed herself
and went down to it without speaking
to Lady Sarah The footman was
closing the door upon her when out
flew Frances
Alice I have made up my mind to
go with you for I cannot guard my
patience until you are back again I
can sit in the carriage while you go
in Lady Livingstone will be two
feet higher from today that the world
should have been amazed with the
spectacle of Lady Frances Chenevix
waiting humbly at her door
Frances talked incessantly on the
road but Alice was silent she was
deliberating what she should say and
was nerving herself to the task Lady
Livingstone -was at home and Alice
sending in her card was conducted to
her presence leaving Lady Frances
in her carriage
Lady Frances had thus described
her a woman as thin as a whipping
post with a red nose and Alice found
Lady Livingstone answer to it very
well Sir Jasper who was also pres
ent was much older than his wife and
short and thick a good natured look
ing man with a bald head
Alice refined and sensitive scarcely
knew how she opened her subject but
she was met in a different manner
from what she had expected The
knight and his wife were really worthy
people as Mrs Cadogan had said only
she had a mania for getting into
high life and high lived company a
thing she would never accomplish
She listened to Alices tale with court
esy and at length with interest
You will readily conceive the
nightmare this has been to me pant
ed Alice for her emotion was great
The bracelet was under my charge
and it disappeared in this extraordi
nary way All the trouble it has been
productive of to me I am not at lib
erty to tell you but it has certainly
shortened my life
You look ill observed Lady Liv
ingstone with sympathy
I am worse than I look I am go
ing into the grave rapidly Others
less sensitive or with stronger bodily
health might have battled success
fully with the distress and annoyance
I could not I shall die in greater
peace if this unhappy affair can be
cleared Should it prove to be the
same bracelet we might be able to
trace out how it was lost
Lady Livingstone left the room and
returned with a diamond bracelet
She held it out to Miss Seaton and
the color rushed into Alices poor
wan face at the gleam of the dia
monds She believed she recognized
But stay she said drawing back
her hand as she was about to touch
it do not give it me just yet If it
be the one we lost the letters S H
are scratched irregularly on the back
of the middle clasp Perhaps you will
first look if they are there Lady Liv
Lady Livingstone turned the brace
let glanced at the spot indicated and
then silently handed it to Sir Jasper
The latter smiled
Sure enough heres something I
cant see it distinctly without my
glasses What is it Lady Living
The letters S H as Miss Seaton
describes I cannot deny it
Deny it No my lady what for
should wo deny it If we are in tho
possession of anothers bracelet lost
by fraud and if the discovery will set
this young ladys mind at ease I
dont think either you or I will be the
one to deny it Examine it for your
self maam added he giving it to
She turned it about she put it on
her arm her eyes lighted with the
eagerness of conviction It i3 certain
ly the same bracelet she affirmed
It is not beyond the range of pos
sibility that initials may have been
scratched on this bracelet without its
being the same observed Lady Liv
I think it must be the same
mujd Sir Jasper It looks suspici
Lady Frances Chenevix understood
you to say you bought this of Messrs
Garrard resumed Miss Seaton
Lady Livingstone felt rather foolish
What I said was that Messrs Garrard
were my jewelers The fact is I do
not know exactly where this was
bought but I did not consider myself
called upon to proclaim that fact to a
young lady who was a stranger to me
and in answer to questions I thought
verging on impertinence
Her anxiety scarcely less than my
own may have rendered her abrupt
replied Alice by way of apology for
Lady Frances Our hope is not so
much to regain the bracelet as to
penetrate the mystery of its disap
pearance Can you not let me know
where you did buy it
I can interposed Sir Jasper
theres no disgrace in having bought
it where I did I got it at a pawn
Alices heart beat violently A
pawnbrokers what dreaded discovery
was at hand
I was one day at the east end of
London walking past when I saw a
topaz and amethyst cross in a pawn
brokers window I thought it would
be a pretty ornament for my wife and
I went in and asked to look at it In
talking about jewelry with the master
he reached out this diamond brace
let and told me that would be a pres
ent worth making Now I know my
ladys head had been running on a dia
mond bracelet and I was tempted to
ask what was the lowest figure he
would put it at He said it was the
most valuable article of the sort he
had had for a long while the dia
monds of the first water worth 400
of anybodys money but that being
second hand he could part with it for
250 And I bought it Thats where
I got the bracelet maam
That was just the money Colonel
Hope gave for it new at Garrards
said Alice Two hundred and fifty
Sir Jasper stared at her and then
broke forth with a comical attempt
at rage for he was one of the best
tempered men in the world
The old wretch of a Jew Sold it
to me at a second hand price as he
called it for the identical sum it cost
new Why he ought to be prosecut
ed for usury
It was just what I told you Sir
Jasper groaned the lady you will
go to these low second hand dealers
who always cheat where they can in
stead of a regular jeweler and nine
times out of ten you are taken in
But your having bought it of this
pawnbroker does not bring me any
nearer the knowing how he procured
it observed Miss Seaton
I shall go to him this very day and
ascertain returned Sir Jasper
Tradespeople may not sell stolen
bracelets with impunity
Easier said than done The dealer
protested his ignorance and innocence
and declared he had bought it in the
regular course of business at one of
the pawnbrokers periodical sales
And the man spoke the truth and the
detectives were again applied to
To be continued
Trumpeting Kinging and Clatter Unlike
Any tiling in America
An hour ago the steamship Una had
landed me on the quay and now hav
ing handed in my passport duly vised
and countersigned to the czars vicar
in the hotel bureau I stood upon the
Newski Prospect trying to identify the
peculiar odor of St Petersburg foi
every city has its peculiar and distinct
ive smells says a writer in the Acad
emy At the end of the Prospect was
the tower whence the watchman
watches the day and night for fire
As I edged through the afternoon
crowd and dodged the headlong drivers
of droschkies I noticed certain black
balls run up on the signal tower In a
moment there came the tootle of e
trumpet and the blower mounted
came galloping around a corner Ther
the jangle of a bell the clatter oi
hoofs and a fire engine or at least
part of a fire engine For the man
who sat by the driver and waved the
bell over his head heralded other ve
hicles One carried a hose pips an
other a barrel which might have con
tained healing water or refreshing
vodka There were six in all and upon
each were big men with bright brass
helmets They galloped up the Newski
Prospect toward a huge column of
smoke Suddenly amid the trumpet
ing and the ringing and the clatter ev
ery helmet was lowered and as the
horses dashed along every man rever
ently crossed himself Even the bell
ringer with bell still aloft in his left
hand did homage with his right hand
to the eikon on the street corner
The book of Maybes is very broad
Removal of tho Tar 1 IT Duties Would in
No Cane Injure the Big Combinations
Willie It Would Be i Posltlvo Advan
tage to Some of Tliein
In this matter of removing the tariff
on trust goods In order to kill the
trust or curb its power which is the
dream of the free trader there are
several points to be considered First
would such a move do the work which
they assert it will Manifestly the
great combination of capital cares less
for protection than does the small
concern because it is better able to
handle itself It can take every pos
sible advantage of the trade and meet
its opponent where the small concern
cannot Its product is immense its
capital unlimited and it can sell at a
loss In any given territory for a time
until it has driven its competitor from
the field But the assertion of the free
trader that the removal of the tariff
will kill the trust presents a somewhat
queer condition of affairs in the face
of the fact that some of our greatest
trusts are thriving upon articles upon
which no duty is levied Take for in
stance the Standard Oil Trust one of
the most complete organized aggrega
tions of capital in the world And then
there is the Anthracite Coal Trust
which lays its heavy hand upon every
householder who uses that article for
fuel But at once we hear the state
ment that he products of these two
great trusts are of a peculiar nature
and that similar articles from other
lands cannot be shipped to an advan
tage and so can the more easily be
shut out by these great combinations
There is doubtless an element of truth
in this But turn to another and
equally as great and successful a trust
which receives as much or greater at
tention than the two above named
the Sugar Trust Here we find an in
stitution working for the same thing
the free traders are the removal of the
sugar duties The free trader says re
move the duty and the power of the
great trust is curbed The Sugar Trust
wants the duty removed so that the
millions which now go into the feder
al treasury may be turned to its own
coffers and the competition which
stands in its way swept out of exist
ence Free trade for the sugar trust
would give it vastly more powers be
cause of the sugar interests it controls
outside of the United States which
would simply cause a transfer of the
duty upon its material from the fed
eral treasury to the pocket of the trust
It would mean millions saved in raw
sugars with which to fight the beet
sugar interests at home Cheaper
sugar might come to the public for a
period while it was undermining its
competitor but that would be all
Then take the Steel Trust It is very
questionable whether the sweeping
away of the duties on steel products as
Congressman Babcock would like to
do would curb the power of that great
corporation to any extent But it
might seriously interfere with the
prosperity of the many smaller con
cerns scattered through the country
According to figures given by those
who favor Babcocks measure the steel
combine is now receiving some 4 per
ton on steel rails over and above the
margin given by the addition of the
tariff and what they claim is a fair
profit added besides Foreign competi
tion is not taking advantage of this
wide margin Is there any proof that
it would with the tariff removed The
fact is that steps are being taken to
organize foreign steel producers They
like the big products just as well as
the Americans and their greed is just
as extensive The foreigner will -take
advantage of the enormous demand
just as quickly as the domestic pro
ducer He is just as susceptible to the
advantages of combining mutual in
terests as is the American
Is it not somewhat incongruous this
plea for tariff removal to curb the
power of the trusts when at the same
time one of the most powerful of
trusts is working for free trade in the
product It handles not for its own un
doing nor for the benefit of the public
but simply for its own financial gain
Mankato Minn Free Press
Anxious for Another Chance to Botch
the Job
Those editors of Democratic news
papers who are dying for an issue upon
which their party may go into the next
presidential campaign with some hope
of success are still nibbling at the tar
iff question and are demanding in a
faint sort of way that there shall be
some sort of tariff reform They dont
take hold of the bait as if they loved
and are hungry for it but they play
around and occasionally take a nibble
at it as if to satisfy themselves that it
Is still there The idea seemingly is if
they can find nothing better they will
finally swallow it and declare that it is
- This is not strange It shows that
they are not so foolish as to have
learned nothing from experience They
have not forgotten how unsatisfactory
It turned out to be in the end But
better that than nothing and having
tried other things that turned out even
worse they will take the tariff issue
If nothing else presents itself between
now and 1904 and are doing some
thing to familiarize the smaller fish
with what may be a last resort
But there is nothing in the past his
tory of the party and its manipulation
of the tariff to encourage the people of
this country that the Democratic party
is capable of doing anything useful in
connection with the tariff It has
never attempted to do anything that it
did not make a botch of and tho num
ber of persons now living who havo
felt the weight of these blunders to
make It safe to rl3k that as an issue
upon which to ask for tho restoration
of the party to power
The Republican party has never occu
pied an equivocal position on thla ques
tion Its platform declarations have
been in harmony with its perform
ances The prosperity of the country
under the operation of Republican pol
icies has been a complete vindication
of their correctness The wonderful
industrial development of tho country
has come about under the operation of
these policies Intelligent people know
this and hence whatever demand there
may be for tariff reform It is consid
ered safest to leave the details to a
party whose policy has been vindicated
by time and by results Knoxville
Tenn Tribune
An old man that had traveled a long
way with a huge bundle of sticks found
himself so weary that he cast it down
and called upon Death to deliver him
from his miserable existence Death
came straightway at his call and asked
him What he wanted
Real Republican Reciprocity
But when reciprocity treaties come
within President McKinleys definition
of opening up of new markets for the
products of our country by granting
concession to the products of other
lands that we need and cannot produce
ourselves and which do not involve
any loss of labor to our own people but
tend to increase their employment
the Republican party is a unit in sup
port of them It may be taken for
granted that whatever treaties are
made will be on those lines President
Roosevelt will work in harmony with
the senate and house There is no
Impending war on this subject or
any other The Republican party is
as strong now in favor of continuing
the policy that has been so brilliantly
successful in the past as it has been
at any other time The wonderful
success of that policy was never more
evident then in the trade returns of
the present time Philadelphia Press
Right Sort of Tax
A tariff that gives every man em
ployment and gives him more money to
spend than he ever had before the
beautiful condition in which the aver
age American workman finds himself
today may theoretically be but is not
practically a tax Or If it is a tax and
more of it would give the people a
greater degree of prosperity then kind
ly tax us a little heavier In other
words a tariff for the United States
is about such a tax as is the advertis
ing expenses of the up-to-date business
man It is an outlay that results in
great profits It may be overdone we
cannot deny that but when the profit
is immense where is the foolish busi
ness man who having built up an
enormous business by and dependent
upon advertising will abandon the
publicity department or lop off its
branches in an effort to find an infini
tesimally small waste Pendleton
Ind Record
Vital Principle of Reciprocity
The industries of the United States
have been developed in the face of the
strongest opposition from competitors
who would have liked us to remain
tributary to their industries In no
other way could this kave been done so
quickly and effectively as by a tariff
which protected them from outside
competition until strong enough to
staud alone And this should always
be borne in mind in making treaties of
reciprocity or they will prove more or
less disastrous to important industries
It will therefore require sound states
manship to put the principle of reci
procity into actual practice and yet in
flict no damaging blow to home indus
tries on which many thousands of peo
ple may depend for employment and
livelihood Michigan Farmer
Easy to Tear Down
Nearly every dollar of the immerse
capital invested in our industries is
placed in jeopardy besides the welfare
of millions of working people should a
harmful policy of dealing witn trusts
and the tariff be adopted It is easiei
to tear down the superstructure oJ
public prosperity than it is to build ii
up again and no measure should be
advocated which wreaks harm or mis
fortune to any class concerned in these
two great interests Elkhart Ind
Would Be an Act of Folly
Any reciprocity plan which proposes
to permit foreigners to come in here tc
hurt an American industry while oui
people assail foreign industries is nol
only in defiance of the instinct of self
preservation but is opposed by all the
best experience we have had Textile
Greater Community of Interest Thns
In Any Other Country
America is tho land of homes ani
taking into account tho number of In
hubltants no larger proportion of ibt
Inhabitants live In boarding house
and hotels than do those of England
It Is also to a much greater extent
than any other country of tho world
the land of equality and communltj
of Interests between men and womon
If cno takes tho typical American
husband and wife ono will certalnlj
find that their common interests are
many that tho wife Is a companion to
her husband and that knowing sho it
his intellectual equal tho American
man discusses freely and confidentially
with hi3 wife his professional and
business relations to a far greater ex
tent than does the typical English
man Club life among married men la
not nearly so common in America as
in England Throughout the length
and breadth of the UnltedStatcs thou
sands upon thousands of husbands and
wives spend their evenings reading to
gether tho books and magazines or tho
wife doing a bit of fancy work or
mending while the husband reads aloud
from tho newspapers Many American
husbands and wives have taken up
what is known as tho Chautauqua
course many a western farmer and
his wife thus spend their winter eve
nings Then let us take tho young
unmarried men and women of my
country Surely they do not lead very
separate lives and their interests in
common aro many Who takes the
American girl to the museums of art
to the theater to tho concert Who
sends her presents of bonbons books
and flowers all for the pleasure of her
society and companionship It Is the
American young man Ho can do It
too without feeling that his attentions
will be misunderstood for America Is
the land of good comradeship bGtween
men and women There friendship
deep and lasting without any thought
of love making or marriage may ex
ist between the unmarried of the two
sexes and It seems to be the only
country in the world where it can ex
ist Certainly such a state of things
between the young men and the young
women of a country points not to a
separation bilt to a community of in
terests Elizabeth L Banks In Lon
don Mail
The Path of the Troachorous Is
god It Says
Americans have wasted no time In
getting their revised edition of the
Bible upon the market Immediately
following the expiry of the fourteen
years in which they were pledged not
to publish We have not yet had an
edition in England but many are on
the way Some extracts of the new
version have come over by cable and
not all will find unequivocal approval
here The way of the transgressor
is hard has passed into a proverb of
everyday use we shall scarcely recog
nize the Americanized variation The
path of the treachereous is rugged
Many of the alterations undoubtedly
make for greater clearness and lucid
ity but after all do we want a Bible
phrased in the idiom of today There
is no clamoring for a twentieth cen
tury version of The Faerie Queen
but Spencer is still an undiminished
joy to reading men and woen The
old worldness of the Bible is one of
its greatest charms Its English Is
held up as a pattern to writers But
America must have a twentieth cen
tury Bible in twentieth century dic
tion It is to be hoped that the ex
ample of the professors will not be
emulated by less scholarly men It
will be interesting to note how the
new edition sells The old Bible still
sells ten to one better than that pub
lished last in England London Black
and White
Ungraceful aian
Did you ever watch a man taking a
drink of water in a public place in a
railroad station or on a train where
he is aware that many eyes regard
him Watch this some time a drum
mer said Youll find it interesting
The man you see holds the glass in
his right hand while he drinks and it
is his inability meanwhile to make his
unoccupied left hand look graceful that
makes the spectacle worth while One
fellow as he stoops over the cup in an
elegant attitude an attitude like that
of bowing solves the enigma of what
to do Avith his left hand by putting it
in the pocket of his waistcoat and a
fourth swings the hand like a pendu
lum to and fro at his side But all
men do what they will with their left
hand look awkward and self conscious
when drinking in public and it is
amusing to watch them Philadelphia
The Crushed Rosette
A new way of trimming a hat of me
dium size is to apply in the middle a
crushed rosette of very wide satin
ribbon The ribbon is almost as wide
as if it had been meant for a sash The
ribbon is worked into a giant rosette
and slightly flattened to give it a
crushed aspect You may wonder why
a crushed rosette should be preferred
to an uncrushed one But the secret
is that in the effort to reduce the
aspect of autumn millinery to broad
low flatness it stands to reason that
hat decorations must be crushed en
Ttecded Raiment
Mr Finnigan Phwats thot yez do
be paintin Miss Annabelle Finnigan
Cupid pa The god of love ye know
jlr Finnigan Fer th love of heaven
put a R raglan an him He looks like
a golf caddy Judge