ijti i niiwMiniiwiiimiMirMiiw irmiimjii r J - i rt By F M K1MMELL U OFFICIAL COUNTY PAPER Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Thirty Years There are those who write history and those who make it and the makers of the earliest history of this county have a realizing sense of their personal knowl edge of and taking part in the evolution which has changed the Great American Desert of the old school atlas into a land of homes On lowland and upland in canyon and on prairie are found dwell ings churches and school houses while towns and trade centers are convenient to all One is tempted to become gar rulously reminiscent but much has been given in these columns and it is needless to repeat what is so interesting to us old timers On Thanksgiving Day J F Black and William Byfield met at John Long neckors to celebrate the thirtieth anni versary of the first Thanksgiving dinner ever eaten in the county November 1871 -An account of that memorable dinner has been given When these three old men met every detail is recalled and the stories and jokes lose nothing in telling Instead of fourteen inches of snow with attend ing discomforts and disturbances of that first dinner this year gave weather that to easterners would be inconceivable and unbelievable but to us Nebraskans it is only one kind of our winters That dinner of 1871 it will be remembered was partaken of by the party which was sent out by the Republican Valley Land and Townsite Co while in camp near the mouth of Red Willow creek They located the town of Red Willow and a number of them took claims then re turned to Nebraska City waiting until spring bejore bringing their families During the winter extensive- advertising booming the new colony and town at tracted others some of whom reached this place before the return of the origi nal settlers and in several instances claims were jumped Of those who came early in 1872 very few are left One coming as a tender foot bride had peculiar experiences and hardships but has survived them all and lived here longer than any other woman and more continuously than any other person Changes of a domestic nature have kept up with changing times Thirty years ago newly wedded people lived in tents dugouts sod houses and shanties and the native population began coming to them under very trying circumstances Those crude homes gave place to better and more comfortable houses and re stricted diet was followed by an abund ance but all this has gone so far into the past that children born under those circumstances remember but little of it This year while the old parents met to observe Thanksgiving the young people themselves fathers and mothers and engaged in the worlds work gath ered with one of their number with their own little families marking a red letter day in their lives In that long ago possessions came slowly Among other acquisitions young farm animals were welcomed with par donable pride by their owners and on some occasions the attention paid to sprightly baby horses has lately been continued in tender care to the same dying of old age And so Time rolls on and though The years are many and the years are long in living them they seem short and few in looking back So much has taken place in three decades what will the next bring Health and Beauty A poor camplexion is usually the result of a torpid liver or irregular action of the bowels Unless natures refuse is carried off it will surely cause impure blood Pimples boils and other eruptions follow This is natures method of throwing off the poisons which the bowels fail to remove DeWitts Little Early risers are world famous for remedying this condition They stimulate the liver and promote regular and healthy action of the bowels but never cause griping cramps or distress Safe pills McConnell Berry Coming Public Sales Ann Zimmerman announces a public sale Thursday December 12th at her farm ten miles north of Indianola on Coon creek of farm implements stock of different kinds household goods etc Sums over S10 a credit of nine months at ten per cent eight per cent discount for cash sums under 10 cash Sale will commence at ten in the forenoon Free lunch at noon H H Berry auctioneer James Wood worths public sale will be held at his farm four miles east and north of McCook on TuesdayDecember 17th commencing at ten in the forenoon - He offers his stock farm implements household effects etc Sums under 10 -cash over 10 credit to October 1st 1902 - at ten per cent interest eight per cent discount for cash Free lunch at noon H H Berry auctioneer Personal Will the lady who fell in a swoon last Thurs day in front of tho postoflic call at our store She suffers from biliousness Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin will surely cure her Sold by A McMillen Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat mg Powder Ar M S Emberling is a new brakeman this week Way car 101 is in the carpenter shop for slight repairs Brakeman E J Moore returned to his run on 5 and 12 Monday Bins are being provided on the new platform west of the blacksmith shop Nick Fries machinist and wife de parted for Chicago on Wednesday night Conductor C E Pope spent Monday in Oxford returning with his wife on No 5 Way cars are draped in mourning in respect for the late Brakeman A II Washburn Ned L Grimes of the shop force has quit the Service and gone to Blue Hill this week Eoadmaster Wilburns motor car is up from Red Cloud for some repairs and improvements Brakeman W S Tomlinson is flagging for a few weeks and C E Eyan is for Conductor Branson Harry Huet took the rip track fire Monday and Frank Hannan is back in the main blacksmith shop Conductor Mose Carmony and Avife went into Omaha Wednesday night on 6 to secure profession al assistance for a son Locomotive 279 is about ready to go out on the road and 196 has Just been pushed into tho shop No 232 will soon be out also Frank Dobson night foreman of the boilermakers gang has been off duty for a week or ten days with an attack of rheumatism Dick Tinker has been conducting a sash factory this week and soon the window openings of the round house will be closed for the winter That dignified and unbending bearing of Brakeman E M Douglas is charge able to a jolt received at Oxford when the freight train he was on broke in two Engineer L T Meserve wife and son are guests of Mr and Mrs F M Kim mell today They are enroufe to Sheri dan Wyoming from visiting relatives in Lincoln and Fremont Terms of Court Judge G W Norris of the Fourteenth district has prepared his calendar for holding terms of court in the eight coun ties composing the judicial district as follows Chase March 24 December 15 Dundy March 17 December 8 Frontier April 7 September 29 Furnas January 27 October 20 Gosper March 10 December 1 Hay es March 31 September 22 Hitchcock February 24November 24 Eed Willow February 10 November 10 Gratifying Revival The revival meeting which has been in progress for some time at Spring Creek closed on last Sunday evening The meetings were conducted by Eev M S Satchell of Box Elder who was assisted by Eev L M Grigsby of our city The accessions to the church number 25 Fourteen candidates were baptised on last Friday For Sale or Exchange 160 acres well improved near McCook Eedwillow county Neb known as the Spalding farm the southwest quarter of section 31 township 4 north range 29 west of the 6th P M Mortgage 700 Make me an offer Joseph Lynch owner 509 Douglas street Sioux City Iowa 2ts For Sale Lot six in Egan Park addition Five acres improved with frame house well windmill cistern fenced out buildings and nice orchard of cherry plum and apples Trees four inches in diameter Cost 1000 Will sell at great sacrifice Write J H Mooney at Arapahoe Neb The largest assortment of steel ranges at the lowest prices quality considered also the steel cook stove in different pat terns at S M Cochran Cos It will pay you to look over their goods before buying Infant mortality is something frightful Near ly one quarter die before they reach one year one third before they are five and one half be fore they are fifteen Tho time use of Whites Cream Vermifuge would save a majority of these precious lives Price 25 cts A McMillen r W i s weet j pure who RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS esome M The Finest Cake Is made with Royal vvays light The following letters were advertised by the McCook postoflice Dec 5 1901 C M Colo Mrs Will Dunlap J J Hulbart Mr George Lemon Mr James McDowoll C A Rydberg Mr JWilliam Ranee Oscar Sampson Esther A Witer When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Susan The pimples sores and blackheads are danger signals Take Rocky Mountain youll give a farewell reception to your troubles 35c Ask your druggist v 4 CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Mass at 8 a m High mass at 1030 a m Sunday school at 230 p m Sermon and benediction at 730 p m Eev J Daly Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 Preaching at 11 Junior League at 3 Epworth League at 630 Preaching at 730 Prayer meeting Wednesday even ing at 730 L M Grigsby Pastor Congregational Sunday school a t 10 Christian Endeavor at 7 Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8 No preaching services morning or evening It is expected that there will be a pulpit supply Sunday morning and evening aweek Pulpit Supply Committee Baptist Sunday school at 945 a m Preaching at 11 and 8 Young peoples meeting at 715 topic The Eight Use of Ability Matt 5 13 16 Mrs White leader Prayer meeting Wednesday ev ening at 8 G L White Pastor The annual roll call of the church oc curred Wednesday evening Though the weather was threatening a goodly number was present to enjoy the boun tious supper served in the church par lors A business session followed at which the treasurer was able to state that the church owes no one a cent and that a considerable balance is left in the treasury The church is grateful to all who have made this encouraging report possible by their liberal subscriptions About 25 members have been added to to the church during the year The fol lowing officers were elected for the coming year Deacons C C Calvert T J Pate John Porter Trustees Mrs V Franklin Alex Johnston Mrs Otto Ballew Clerk L B Philipps Treasurer Miss Vernice Franklin Supt Bible School Eev GLWhite Another Tourist Excursion to California To accommodate the increasing travel to California the Burlington Eoute has added to its service another weekly ex cursion in tourist cars personally con ducted The Burlingtons through car service to California is as follows Standard Sleepers daily Omaha Lin coln Hastings and Oxford to San Fran cisco connecting at latter city with fast train for Los Angeles Tourist Sleepers personally conducted very Thursday Omaha Lincoln Fair mont Hastings and Holdrege to San Francisco every Wednesday and Thurs day Kansas City St Joseph Wymore Superior and Oxford to San Francisco and Los Angeles All these cars run via Denver and Salt Lake City passing the grand panorama of the Eockies by daylight If youre going to California you will be interested in our new 40 page folder California Tours 1901 2 It is free J Francis Gen Passenger Agt Omaha Neb To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W Groves signature is on each box 2ic Notice to Subscribers As fast as time and opportunity will permit the publisher will send out notices to the subscribers of The Tribune noti fying them of their standing on the sub scription book of the paper up to the first of January 1902 It will be ex pected that all who can will pay up to that date We will be mindful of the local conditions and will make no effort to distress subscribers at home It is however the purpose to collect all subscriptions out of the state up to that date and every proper effort will be taken to accomplish that end The Publisher Foils a Deadly Attack My wife was so ill that good physicians were unable to help her writes M M Austin of Winchester Indiana but was completely cured by Dr Kings New Life Pills They work won ders in stomach and liver troubles Cure con stipation sick headache 2 cents at McConnell Rerrys drug store Advertised Letters IflENT UMBEELLAS THEY FIGURED IN CHURCHES IN THE EARLY CHRISTIAN DAYS When First Adopted by flic Public Tlujy Seem to Have Dcen Utilized Solely an Snn Protectors Onee nn Attribute of Dignity In the early Christian churches a large umbrella usually hung over the priest and it Is said that oin this custom It became one of the attributes of cardinals appointed from basilican churches For years the doges of Venice carried umbrellas cf state and in 128S Pope Alexander III declared that these should he surmounted by golden statuettes of the annunciation Michael Morosini was the first Vene tian layman to carry an umbrella which consisted of a small flat square of green stuff over which was a cop per spiral Soon after the umbrella was adopted by fashionable Venetian dames According to Coryats Crudi ties 1G11 the Italian umbrella was a small canopy and was made cf leath er extended bj a series of wooden hoops lie says umbrellas were used by horsemen who resting the handles on the thigh as they rode bore them so that they should minister shadow unto them for shelter against the scorching sun In the Harleian manuscripts now in the British museum there Is in manu script No 003 a crude illustration showing the figure of a yoeman hold- ing an umbrella over his lord which leads me to infer that umbrellas were known in England even in the early Anglo Saxon period Beck as quoted in the Drapers Dic tionary asserts that at the time that Stephen usurped the crown of England twelfth century umbrellas were in common use among the English The first mention of the umbrella in Eng lish literature Is in Florios World of Wonders 1598 where it is described as a kind of round fan or shadowing that they use to ride with in summer in Italy a little shade In 1G5G an umbrella wasexhibited in the Museum Tradescantianum or Collection of Rarities Preserved at South Lambeth Near London by John Tradescant which was known as one of the wonders of the ark In the church of Cartmell in Lanca shire England there was preserved until a few years ago an umbrella said to be over 300 years old which was used chiefly to protect the host References to the umbrella are to be found also in Blounts Glossographia 1G74 and Phillips New Worlde of Words 1G7S In the first the refer ence reads Uinbrello a fashion of round and broad fans wherewith the Indians and from them our great ones preserve themselves from the heat of the sun and hence any little shadow fan or other thing wherewith the wom en guard their faces from the sun The second runs Uinbrello a screen against the suns heat used chiefly by the Spaniards among whom it is known by the name quitasole The imaginative Dean Swift in the Tale of a Tub 1G9G depicts Jack an ever resourceful type making use of a parchment copy of his fathers will as a nightcap when he went to bed and as an umbrella in rainy weather Did the worthy Ilanway take his cue from this or from Kersey according to whom the umbrella was a broad fan or screen commonly used by women to shelter them from rain The last ref erence made in 1709 is the first men tion of it as a protector from the rain Later Bailey who in his dictionary 1737 called it a parasol defined it as a sort of small canopy to keep off the rain Small Iijrbt umbrellas came into fashion among the ladies of the French court in 1G75 and these were carried by attendants Richelet tells us that they were made of oilcloth or leather and had ribs of whalebone A century later they found favor with the men who carried red umbrellas with edges fringed with gold lace The precise date when Jonas Ilan way who died in 17SG introduced the umbrella into England is not recorded in any of the encyclopedias I have at hand but they all state that he was popularly known as its introducer With the Dutch as with the Indian grandees the umbrella was first an at tribute of dignity and well it might be for the prices paid for them at The Hague in IGoO ranged from 75 to 120 each The Dutch colonists who settled at the Cape of Good nope were not shrvvto insist on preserving the dignity of the umbrella for Ryk van Tulbagh governor of Cape Colony in 1752 en acted that No one less in rank than a junior merchant or those among the citizens of equal rank and the wives and daughters only of those who are or have been members of any council shall venture to use umbrellas and those who are less in rank than mer chants shall not enter the castle in fine weather with an open umbrella Frank II Vizetelly in New York Times A Xoiifirolfers Opinion of Golf Imagine a great fat creature who ought to wear a turban and a long black robe to hide his grossness whack ing a little white ball for miles and miles with a perfect surgery of instru ments whacking it either with a baby ish solemnity or a childish rage as luck may have decided and inciden tally training an innocent eyed little boy to swear and be a tip hunting loafer Thats golf H T W Wells in Pearsons Magazine To the Best of Her Knowledge A lady was looking for her husband and inquired anxiously of a housemaid Do you happen to know anything of your masters whereabouts Im not sure mum replied the careful domestic but I think theyre in the wash Pathfinder A- o IJoii See - il K 0ooooo0Oeo0 m m 4 Any reason why a shopper should doubt the evidence of his or her senses There isnt any such reason and thats why we ask you to come and see for yourselves how well this store is prepared to give you special service and unequaled merchandise at a great saving It is but a Of c o it o hi j To buy where you can secure the best and most good for the least money Hence we urge you to try us on any thing in the line of rij G o o d s For we are here to sell goods and please and satisfy our customers in every particular especially in highness of quality and lowness of price X 4sw McC00K NEB Produce just as good as cash X xooooc If you would have nil appetite like a bear and a relish for your meals take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets They correct dis orders of tho stomach and regulate the liver and bowels Price il cents Sample free at McConnell ifc Berrys drug store Puts gray matter in your head Brings a rosy glow to faded cheeks Restores vim vigor men tal and physical happiness Thats what Rocky Mountain Tea will do Xic Ask your druggist A J Snell wanted to attend a party but was afraid to do so on account of pains in his stomach which he feared would grow worse He says I was telling my troubles to a lady friend who said Chamberlains Colic Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy will put you in con dition for the party I bought a bottle and take pleasure in stating that two doses cured me and enabled me to have a good time at the partj Mr Snell is a resident of Summer Hill N Y This remedy is for sale by McConnell Berry druggists A Good Cough Medicine f From the Gazette Toowoomba Australia J I fiil Chamberlains Cough Remedy an excel lent medicine I liavo been suffering from a severe cough for the last two months and it has effected a cure I have great pleasure in recommending it W C Wockner This is the opinion of one of our oldest and most re spected residents and has been voluntarily given in good faith that others may try the remedy and be benefitted as was Mr Wockner This remedy is sold by McConnoll Berry druggists Xo one can reasonably hope for good health unless his bowels move once each day When this is not attended to disorders of the stomnrh arise biliousness headache dyspepsia and piles soon follow If you want to avoid these ail ments keep yonr bowels regular by taking Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets when required They are so easv to take and mild and gentle in effect For sale by McConnell fc Berry Sv fefeVfe fefer sen aL 3iio a ousnei McCook Nebraska 5 Call and see what CASH WILL DO We have just received a car of fancy Greeley potatoes and although prices have advanced will for a few days Since adopting the cash system we have made reductions on all of our goods where it is possi ble Below we give a few of our many bargains Best kerosine oil - 20c 7 bars White Russian Silver Leaf or Diamond C soap 25c 8 bars Sea Foam soap 25c Ralston Pancake Flour - i0c 3 cans Gilman corn fine goods 25c i2jc can fruit I0C ioc can fruit - oc Best Caiifornia canned fruit - ioc TTiiicv uwaiis nevv crup per ID cc Yeast Foam 4c We want to close out dishes and tinware and will sell all goods so cheap that it will not nav vou to buv in Denver or HatirrC y J A WILCOX SON t t wi P r V J