r V w A LVi Women and Jewels Jowols candy flowers man that is the order of womans preferences Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman Even the greatest of all jewels health is often ruined in the strenuous offorts to make or save the money to purchase them If u woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem then let her fortify herself against the insiduous consequen ces of coughs colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr Boschoes German Syrup It will promptly arrost consumption in its early stages and heal tho affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive tho dread disease from tho sys tem It is not n cure all but it is a certain cure for coughs colds and all bronchial troubles You can got Dr G G Greens reliable remedies at McConnoll Berry Get Greens Special Almanac The desire of appearing clover ofton prevents one becoming so Rochefoucauld Last winter an infant child of mine had croup in a violent form says Elder John W Rogers a Christian Evangelist of Filley Mo I gave her a few doses of Chamberlains Cough Remedy and in a short time all danger was past and the child recovered This remedy not only cures croup but when given as soon as thofirst symptoms appear will prevent the attack It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may bo given as confidently to a baby as to a baby as to an adult For sale by McCouncll Berry druggists GOOD FUEL Means fuel that lasts longest and gives the greatest amount of heat with the least waste Thats the kind you want isnt it Then we can satisfy you Our stock of coal con tains the very best brands obtainable We were f very careful to buy only the kinds that have proven the best heaters and most economioal burners So if you buy your coal here you will be dead sure of getting the very best thats going and it wont cost any more than others ask for inferior grades either Orders filled promptly and satisfaction guaranteed every way We Screen All Of Our Coal See us before coaling up Mccook Neb w C BULLARD CO Brain Food Nonsense Anothor ridiculous food fad has been branded by the most competent authorities They have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food is needed for brain another for muscles and still another for bones A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body but it will sustain overy other part Yet however good your food may be its nutriment is de stroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia You must prepare for their appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Greens August Flower tho favorite medicine of the healthy millions A few doses aids digestion stimulates the liver to healthy Action purifies the blood and makes you feel buoyant and vigorous You can get Dr G G Greens reliable remedies at McConnell Berrys Get Greens Special Almanac To bo vain of ones rank or place is to show that one is below it Stanislaus Infant mortality is something frightful Near ly one quarter die before they reach one year one third before they are five and one half bo fore they are fifteen Tho time use of Whites Cream Vermifuge would save a majority of these precious lives Price 25 cts A McMillon Progress is tho activity of today and the as surance of tomorrow Emerson Not a Dissenting Vote A perfet laxative That is the unanimous ver dict of the people who use Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin 50c and 100 sizes Sold by AMcMillen OUT GROCERIES - OUT We are going out of the grocery business as we need the room for our other lines which we will make more attractive than ever before ALL GROCERIES WILL GO at bedrock prices Come early and get first choice Now is the time for you to lay in your winter supply of canned fruit and vegetables ARTZ THOMPSON vWSEJw3Im 5P nmit The Old Story You know the old story about the camel how three phers heard of this animal and determined to investigate The Englishman hunted through the folios of the JBritish Museum to find out what had been said con cerning the beast the German v entered his studv locked him self up lit his pipe and began to evolve a concep tion of the animal from his inner consciousness the Frenchman went down to Sahara to see Youve heard of The Nebraska youve read oar advertisements but many of you do not know us as you should Why not come and see If you riimoT vjtjt us in person send for our Catalog Youll find a little clothing schoolmaster ready to give you all the information about us and our way of Cr irslic3 r n i p 0 E i y r - UIK ii2ScS3SiSBSSss yatf RELIEVE THE EYES PONDS EXTRACT Reduced one half with pure soft water applied frequently with dropper or eye cup will remove congestion and instantly reHeve pain and inflam mation CAUTION Avoid dangerous irri tating Witch Hazel preparations rep resented to be the same as PONDS EXTRACT which easily sour and generally contain wood alcohol a deadly poison The Hand of Harriman Tho Nevv York Sun prints the- follow ing in relation to Burlington Union Pa cific affairs Tho Union Pacific interests are not as deeply concerned in the management of the Great Northern and the Northern Pacific railroads as they are in the man agement of the Burlington system Having obtained a joint voice in the con trol of the Burlington they are willing to leave the management of the Great Northern Northern Pacific lines to Mr Hill feeling secure in the fact that Mr Hill has only seven at best of the fifteen directors of the new Northern Securities company Regarding the Harriman in terests as naturally opposed to the Hill interests in the event of a controversy the board of directors of the new 400 000000 company is so composed that Mr Morgan holds the balance of power The announcement is made on official authority that there will be no changes in the official staffs of the different rail roads affected by the Northern Pacific Burlington agreement President Hill will remain at the head of the Great Northern President Charles S Mellen will remain at the head of the Northern Pacific and President Harris will re main at the head of the Burlington system It is not unlikely that Vice President Darius Miller of the Great Northern will be made general traffic director of all the roads dominated by Hill As a result of the change in the con trol of the Chicago Burlington Quincy system it is said that the three sets of companies that now compose that system will be consolidated Extensive econ omies it is believed can be brought about in the operation of the system by having all these companies directly under one management There are now under practically separate management a Burl ington and Quincy a Burlington and Missouri River and tho Missouri lines comprising altogether about 8000 miles of railroad Some of the old officers of the Burl ington system say that a consolidation of the three main divisions at the same time may be found to be impracticable Local reasons exist it is asserted for leaving the the Missouri lines as they are at present with an independent set of officers but the Burlington and Quincy and the Burlington and Missouri River are likely to be consolidated in the near future James J Hill is in favor of such a consolidation because he be lieves that better results in manage ment can be obtained at less cost A Physician Testifies I have taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have never used anything in my life that did me the good that did says County Physician Geo W Scroggs of Hall county Ga Being a physician I have prescribed it and have found it to give the best results If the food you eat remains undigested in your stomach it decays there and poisons the system You can prevent this by dieting but that means starvation Kydol Dys pepsia Cure digests what you eat You need suffer from neither dyspepsia nor starvation The worst cases quickly cured Never fails McConnell Bern Western Fast Trains Surprise Railroaders The west is pretty well supplied with fast trains said General Passenger Agent Francis of the Burlington who spent yesterday afternoon in Denver It is extraordinary the number of fast trains that are handled between the river and the Rockies over single track roads We feel that we are giving a couple of hours off on the time of the 4 oclock train out of Chicago But it would mean new difficulties in hanging up other trains to make way for it The time would be pretty fast for a single Irack road but the Burlington has demonstrated what is possible in the operation of such a service We are always building That is characteristic of the Burlington you know I do not know what plans the owners may have now But it would not be astonishing if the Burlington did some more building in Wyoming and elsewhere We have large holdings of coal lands in Wyoming that will result in extensions whenever it is thought wise to open up the fields It is always a pleasure to come to Denver The Burlington has a habit of having representatives everywhere who are capable of taking care of local busi ness in the best possible manner In Denver we never anticipate anything to ruffle us We dont any place else in particular but we always know every thing will be found all right at Denver Business is good all over the system and we are well satisfied with the business for Denver as well as that originating here Denver Times CULBERTSON Henry Lehman spent Sunday at home A D King was a Trenton visitor Monday P MPfrimmercame down from Max Saturday S E Solomon was a Trenton visitor Thursday J M Stewart was a Trenton visitor Thursday James Forrier came down from Palis ado Saturday Raymond Lackey was in town between trains Saturday Mrs John Trout returned from her eastern visit Monday Mrs Henry McDormio of Denver is here visiting her mother Harry Lehman and Lehman Elder wero McCook visitors Saturday Mrs Wm Vastine and daughter Verna wero in McCook Saturday Mrs J A Kirk and daughter Miss Janie returned from Red Cloud Friday A good many of our citizens attended court at Trenton tho first of tho week Mrs A J Clifton of Stockville was a business visitor Wednesday and Thurs day Presiding Elder Hardaway heid quar terly conference here Saturday and Sunday Miss Frances Kelley of Trenton visited Culbertson friends Saturday and Sunday Up Late Last Night Then you dont feel just the best today Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is very effectivo for sick headache billiousnoss or disordered stom ach Sold by A McMillen Tmm s all right if you are too fat nd all wrong if too thin already Fat enough for your habit is icalthy a little more or less is o great harm Too fat consult doctor too thin persistently in no matter what cause take potts Emulsion of Cod Liver i it There are many causes of get ing too thin they all come nder these two heads over vork and under digestion Stop over work if you can ut whether you can or not ake Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil to balance yourself with your work You cant live on it true but by it you an Theres a limit however yc ull pay for it Scott s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil is the readiest cure for ccant eat unless it comes of your doing no work you cant long be well and strong without some sort of activity The genuine has this picture on it take no other If you have not rried it send for ree sample its a- jreeable taste win 3urprise you SCOTT BOWNE Chemises 409 Pearl Street New York KiNVfam Fa sBol WKSV V I 50c and 100 all druggists TYRONE R H Wirt was the auctioneer at Foughs sale The Republican candidates for precinct officers in Tyrone all ran ahead of their ticket Mrs Baker and Mrs Kyte both of Bartley visited their daughters here Sunday Rev W E Hardaway of Holdrege held quarterly meeting here Sunday assisted bv the new pastor Rev E F Miller P N Fough made a sale last Thurs day and on the day following started for the eastern part of the state where he goes for the benefit of his wifes health If you have sore throat soreness across the back or side or your lungs feel sore or tender or you are threatened with diphtheria or pneu monia apply Ballards Snow Liniment and nse Ballards Horehound Syrup A McMillen The first invitation a girl receives from a boy starts the longing to have a private writing desk of her own For burnscuts bruises lacerations or in juries of any description Ballards Snow Liniment is a sovereign remedy It never fails to do good and so promptly that its wonderful curative properties frequently create surprise Prico 25 and 50 cents A McMillen CHICHESTERS ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Safe Always reliable Ladles ask Druggist for CHICHESTERS LWGLISn In Red and Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Take no other Refuse danfjerouH substi tutions and imitations Buy of your Druggist or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Testi monials and Relief for Indies in Utter by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold by all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 3100 3Xndion Square PHILA PA Mention this paper r Uv No Better Tallies Can be found in s I Ul w C L DeGROFF GO iWblV WW uiiiiMi XE Z7 J LADIES UP-TO-DATE COATS than we are showing This cut shows our No 353 Half Fitted Automobile jforty two inches long has inlaid stitched velvet yoke front and back One of the handsomest productions of the season price 2250 We have them as low as 800 for Autos Our 27 inch length ranges from 375 to 1500 Our assortment of Misses Coats is good We have Ladies Capes in all grades j We have a few 1900 stylesgood values wmen we are selling at nait price THE was ft Jdarqain The Cortland Howe Ventilator jx JggNis lOlfcsMBIS taa fcfcCSsBesaTr gja sis- ps C1 FS - agfEfFESHpAlflrRCl OUTSIDL Is The Peer Of Them All It embodies the perfect principles of Ventilation and Circulation as illustrated in above cut in the Only Form which has proved a Success Heats fresh air from the outside of the house and carries out the foul air from inside the house They are on exhibition by and all information will be given by S M Cochran Co McCOOK NEBRASKA f M t t A