The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 15, 1901, Image 5

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Women and Jewels
Jewels candy flowers maa that is the order
of womans preferences Jewels form a magnot
of mighty power to the average woman Even
the greatest of all jewels health is often ruined
in the stronnous efforts to make or save tho
money to purchase them If a woman will risk
her health to got a coveted gem then let her
fortify herself against the insiduous consequen
ces of coughs colds and bronchial affections by
tho regular use of Dr Boschees German Syrup
It will promptly arrest consumption in its early
stages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial
tubes and drive tho dread disease from the sys
tem It is not a cure all but iE is a certain euro
for coughs colds and all bronchial troubles
You can get Dr G G Greens reliable remedies
at McConnell Berry
Got Greens Special Almanac
Car sius M Clan the Kontuckian of many ex
citing experiences is now over 90 years old and
is preparing his autobiography
Last winter an infant child of mino had
croup in a violent form says Elder John W
Rogers a Christian Evangelist of Filley Mo
I gavo her a few doses of Chamberlains Cough
Remedy and in a short time nil dangonvas past
and the child recovored This remedy not only
cures croup but when given as soon as the first
symptoms appear will prevent the attack It
contains no opium or other harmful substance
and may bo given as confidently to a baby as to j
a baby as to an adult For sale by McConnell
Berry druggists I
Means fuel that lasts
longest and gives the
greatest amount of heat
with the least waste
the kind
- Then we
Brain Food Nonsense
Our stock of coal con
tains the very best brands
obtainable We were care
ful to buy only the kinds
that have proven the best
heaters and most econom
ical burners So if you
buy your coal here you
will be dead sure of get-
ting the very best thats going and it wont cost any more than
others ask for inferior grades either
Orders filled promptly and satisfaction guaranteed every way
We Screen All of Our Goal
See us before coaling up
McCook Neb w c BULLARD CO
Anothor ridiculous food fad has been branded
by the most compotant authorities They have
dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food
is needed for brain another for muscles and
still anothor for bones A correct diet will not
only nourish a particular part of the body but
it will sustain every other part Yet however
good your food may be its nutriment is de
stroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia You must
prepare for their appearance or prevent their
coming by taking regular doses of Greens
August Flower tho favorite medicine of the
healthy millions A few doses aids digestion
stimulates the liver to healthy action purifies
the blood and makes you feel buoyant and
vigorous lou can getlr U G Green s reliable
remedies at McConnell Berryis
Get Qreens Special Almanac
Navy department financiers say the cost of
investigating Captain Tilleys jag at Samoa
I will not exceed 25000 Evidently jags come
nign in barnoa
Infant mortality is something frightful Near
ly one quarter die before they reach one year
one third before they are five and one half be
fore they are fifteen 1 The time use of Whites
Cream Vermifuge would save a majority of these
precious lives Price 25 cts A McMillen
Not a Dissenting Vote
A perfet laxative That is the unanimous ver
dict of the people who use Dr Caldwells Syrup
Pepsin 50c and 100 sizes Sold by A McMillen
We are going out of the grocery business
as we need the room for our other lines
which we will make more attractive
than ever before
at bedrock prices Come early and get
first choice Now is the time for you to
lay in your winter supply of canned
fruit and vegetables a
BYT TTBBWnnfTTTfTifiWrCTitM ill HiiMliBi
kiH na uJ IMS i ZP m 2 fcaKrfTTiiS 1
S tt m Mil TAJi
The Street
of store lies not in the rast
amount of advertising it
may do but in the accuracy
with which it fulfills its adver
tised promises And just so
the secret
Of True Economy
lies in dealing with a house in
whose word you can place ab
solute confidence the house
that has no string tied to its
offerings Test every store
with this rule We are wil
ling to stand or fall upon the
merits and the low prices
which indicate the general
character of our stock
You can trade witfi as tttrongh our Mail Order Department with
perfect satisfaction If you havnt a Catalog send for one
Cools Comforts and Heals tho Skin Enabling
the Mcst Tender Face to Enjoy a Close
Shavo Without Unpleasant Results
Avoid dangerous irritating Witch
Hazel p epamttons represented to be
the sumo as PONDS EXTRACT
which easily sour and generally contain
wood alcohol a deadly poison
District Court Proceedings
Tho following cases were disposed of
at the late term of district court which
closed this week
D W C Beck vs Solomon Promor ot
al confirmation
Henry H Beaty vs William Colling
et al confirmation
George L Mesker vs The Masonic
Temple Association lien
Henry S SmeacTvs Francis T Chess
man confirmation
Josephine Sutton vs Eva B Goodner
et al equity
In the matter of the estate of Joseph
Williams deceased license to selL
William Byfield vs John F Helm
Ella M Little vs James E Lawthers
et al confirmation
Mabel G Hall vs James Hall Sr et
al divorce
Nebraska Loan Trust Co vs Sterl
ing P Hart et al confirmation
James Farrell vs Cecil E Matthews
Georee W Ball and Thomas F Ball
vs William C Humphrey et al replevin
Henry H Rhiemer vs D H Cartel
berry appeal
Nebraska Loan Trust Co vs Char
les Ebert et al confirmation continued
Frank Hagerman vs Howard M
Gardner et al confirmation continued j
on a motion objecting to confirmation
James E Seeley vs Cynthia E Harney
et al confirmation continued
Morton Montgomery vs John W
Thomas et al equity continued
James McAdams vs City of McCook
damage continued
Vocances Franklin vs City of McCook
damage continued
John E Kelley vs Abbie Smith David
D Smith et al equity continued
B Lombard Jr vs Joseph E Ohlson
et al
Eliza G Nettleton vs J E Cochran
A M Webber vs J F Black Ob
jections to confirmation
William H Akin vs Henry Marshall
Arthur Walsh vs Squire Cox et al
Cornelia T Bryan and Lewis F Eaton
vs John Neitzel et al
James K P Pine vs David Magnus
Motion to strike parts of the petition
overruled as to first paragraph of motion
and sustained as to other parts of motion
to which plaintiff excepts Defendants
allowed thirty days to plead
H A Gilliland vs James A Porter
Morton V Nichols as receiver vs W
S Fitch administrator et al
Patrick Coyle vs Geo A Bagley et al
Winnie D Stoddard vs Sigmond Sea
man et al execution confirmed
Nebraska Loan Trust Co vs Alice
Doll confirmation present sheriff to
make deed
In the matter of the estate of Ira J
Miller deceased petition for license to
sell confirmed
Elizabeth A Esher vs William F
Esher dismissed
Anna M Billings vs John Billings et
al divorce granted plaintiff at cost of
defendant alimony and attorneys fees
allowed plaintiff S56o00
Delia L Cook vs Almon L Cook
divorce granted plaintiff with custody of
Mary Walters vs William Walters
divorce granted
TheJLoan Guarantee Co of Conn
vs David Craeger stricken from docket
The Nebraska Mortgage Co a corpor
ation vs Edwin McCandliss et al
stricken from docket
Ferdinand Veering vs A J Pelhod et
al erroneously on docket
Mary Lang vs State Bank a corpora
tion at Indianola dismissed without
The Stele Wedeles Co a corporation
vs David Diamond plaintiff allowed 10
days to file security for costs defendant
allowed 30 days thereafter to answer
Nebraska Loan Trust Co vs George
E Johnston et al dismissed
Vocances Franklin vs John B Smith
jury returned verdict for plaintiff for 9
Patrick Coyle vs George A Bagley et
al confirmed
Samuel Ball vs Shelley Rogers Co et
al plaintiff allowed 30 days to file
amended petition and defendants 30 days
thereafter to plead
McCook Loan and Trust Co vs Robert
W Fowler et al equity decree due
plaintiff on note and mortgage 23850
and 10 per cent due George Hocknell
for taxes 3587 and 10 per cent andL
837G2 and 10 per cent on note and
Maggie Batchellor vs Lizzie Batch
ellor equity settled by stipulation
John M Crook asexecutor vs R E
Moore etal equity decree of foreclosure
Lewis Hurlburt vs J E Cochran ofc
al decree
Samuel King vs Nebraska Kansas
Farm Loan Co decree
Samuel King vs John F Black et al
Thd McCook Loan Trust Co a cor
poration vs Fred J Trask et al dis
missed as to John Doe default of all
other defendants except George Hock
nell due plaintiff on note and mortgage
106015 and 10 per cent due defendant
George Hocknell 8207 decree
C H Meeker vs Conrad Uhrich mo
tion to strike answer from files for want
of vordict sustained
H T Church vs Morello A Spauld
ing decree C O Hale substituted for
John DoeJ due plaintiff M A Spaulding
67461 and 10 per cent
William H Carnahan vs Charles L
Harman motion of defendant to requiro
plaintiff to give security for costs over
ruled and defendant allowed 30 days to
Albert Guy vs James A Porter plain
tiff allowed 30 to file petition and defend
ant 30 days thereafter to plead
Equitable Land Co a corporation vs
Charles Weick et al default of all de
fendants except McKinley Lanning Co
due plaintiff 52167 and 10 per cent
due McKinley Lanning Co 1827 and
10 per cent
Mrs Ella I Benjamin vs John R
Brown et al decree due plaintiff from
John R Brown 90381 and 10 per cent
Sophia E Burgess vs Clifford E Dun
ham et al default of all defendants
Pauline Phillippi vs Dillah H Troxel
et al decree due plaintiff on tax sale
5945 and 10 per cent and 594
i Pauline Phillippi vs The Guarantee
Loan -Trust Co demurrer to petition
John E Kelley vs The Guarantee
Loan Trust Co et al demurrer to
Lavilla J Burtless
Grimes et al decree
vs Haddessa A
W H Singering
substituted for John Doe due plaintiff
185 28 and 10 per cent
J E Kelley vs George P Smith et
al decree due plaintiff on tax certificate
2272 and 10 per cent and 127 attor
ney fee
Charles W Mallory vs Nebraska
Kansas Farm Loan Co judgment as
prayed for in petition
Mary E Winters vs Vern Miner
decree due plaintiff 52934 and 8 per ct
John F Helm vs Leonidas J Holland
appeal dismissed per stipulation
Beatrice Creamery Co a corporation
-vs Joseph McBifayer appeal jury ver
dict for defendant
State of Nebraska vs Sadie F Gentry
misdemeanor county attorney allowed
to endorse Helen E Harrison Ray Eno
Burr Henton William Hindman and
Ella Harrison on information
State of Nebraska vs W F Everist
misdemeanor county attorney allowed to
endorse names of W O Russell O B
Billings and Ed Rogers on information
In re application of A L Haley for
license to sell liquor in Indianola appeal
dismissed for want of prosecution
M E Knipple vs Edward J Cain
appeal motion to dismiss appeal
Albert Guy vs James A Porter appeal
plaintiff allowed 30 days to file petition
and defendant 30 days thereafter to plead
George Pronger vs A Snyder et al
attachment attachment sustained due
plaintiff 17825 and 10 per cent sheriff
ordered to sell attached property
A C Bice vs Samuel M Cochran
appeal justice ordered to send up com
plete transcript motion of plaintiff to
dismiss appeal overruled
State of Nebraska vs Charles H
Oman misdemeanondismissed by county
State of Nebraska vs Phillip Blatt
misdemeanor jury defendant found not
Jennie A Miller vs James G Ward
et al attachment plaintiff allowed 30
days to file amended petition and defend
ant 30 days thereafter to plead
The State of Nebraska vs George
Huston misdemeanpr defendant plead
guilty to crime of assault fined 100
and costs
McCook Irrigation and Water Power
Co vs Herman M Meyers et an equity
settled per stipulation out of court
J W Hupp vs John A Kummer et
al attachment attachment sustained
George R Johnson vs William Cratty
et al appeal settled out of court
If you have sore throat soreness across the
back or side or your lungs feel sore or tender
or you are threatened -with diphtheria or pneu
monia apply Ballards Snow Liniment and use
Ballards Horehound Syrup -A McMillen
Sftf U
Safe Always reliable Indies askBrngsist for
Gold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon
Take 110 other Refuse dangerous Bubsti
f ntionsaxxd imitation Buyof yourDraggist
or send 4c in stamps for Particulars Testi
monials and Keller Tor Indies in letter
by return nail 10000 Testimonials Sold by
all Druggists
8100 aiadlson Square PMttA 5A
Mention this paper
SbWlSAbt fik0P
No Better Values
Can be found in
1 JSarq
than we are showing
This cut shows our No 353
Half Fitted Automobile forty
two inches long has inlaid
stitched velvet yoke front and
back One of the handsomest
productions of the season price
2250 We have them as low
as 800 for Autos
Our 27inch length ranges
from 375 to 1500
Our assortment of Misses Coats is good
We have Ladies Capes in all grades
We have a few 1900 styesgood values
which we are selling at half price
The Cortland
Howe Ventilator
Is The Peer
Of Them All
It embodies the perfect principles of Ventilation
and Circulation as illustrated in above cut in the
Only Form which has proved a Success Heats fresh
air from the outside of the house and carries out the
foul air from inside the house They are on exhibition
by and all information will be given by
S Coekran Jc Co