I it -- m fri H tvfeM Ladies and Misses Golf GLOVES A Nice Article TO Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds ot food It gives instant relief and never fails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary Pleasant to take If cant help but do you good Prepared only by E O De Witt Co Chicago Thojl bottle contains 2X times tho 50c size XcCorinell Berry Druggists v gjg Not a question of jjgg i WHO GOT THE MITTEN I But who is going to get them Speaking about mittens we wish to state that as in years past we shall bethe head quarters for the best line 6f Double and Single Knit MITTENS In Saxony and Silk Foi Infants Children Boys Girls- Men and Women we have Gloves or Mittens to fit them all from Canton flannel to the finest of silk lined kid with prices to suit the times We guarantee every pair and the best for the money Please call and inspect the line at fi DOB IT rflcCook Nebraska H m mmtmmmamum 4 GdiiiiLj43xJijiSxjisi3ia vti nt rfibr rflh W tSSa riBg jgg jfSt adar ijhzjfjrjk rfSmdfe xHk g V FRANKLIN President r A C EBERT Cashier CITIZENS B A N K OF MeCOOK NEB B 0 - - Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 -DIRECTORS FRANKLIN WFMcFARLAND x A C W B WOLFE 0 H WILLARD EBERT jir J gq3yg U jffnqprifp Jjmp ajyr agr I Tga synqnqgir AfrltW j CV ff 5 J N ATIONA L 5 urxiuxi 7 QS22 n i VW WVWVWWWVWWVWMAMftAViAASMWV A isT3 A MXTi 1 Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 25 GEO HOOKNELL President B M FREES V Pres F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director FRANK HARRIS Director ail tei McCook Transfer Line mr J H DWYEE Proprietor B51H3pcial attention paid to hauling furniture Leave orders at either luinrjer yard ssfraiHIZS Women are Like FflmAfcr6 Healthy aiidstrong B lUWcl they blossom and blocm Sickly they wither and die Every woman ought to look well andfeelwell Hs her right and duty but she might as well try to put out a fire with oil as to be healthy and at tractive with disease corroding the organsthatmakeherawoman Upon theJr health depends her health If there is inflammation or weakening drains or suffering at the monthly period attend to it at once Dont delay Youre one step nearer the prave everv dav vou Dut it off Women can stand a great deal but tnev cannot live torever wun disease flraggng at the mqst delicate and vital organs in their body You may have bien deceived in so called cures We dont see how -you could help it there is so much worthless stuff on this m iret 15ut you wont bo lilator We belie vc it is the tiia on eavlh for womanly ills There is as much JiiJcrence between it an COURT HOUSE NEWS id is s ither so cied remedies as there ays ween njrhc inn wrong israaneia Iemale Reculator soothes the pain stops the drains promotes regularity strenrf nuns purines and cleanses It dues al this Quickly and trsily and nTari v Itis for worr iCTi alone to de cide vhi thor thv will be health or sic- Iri WV r Intor lies at hand 6i p r buttle at il us store u 1 cur f oo Iceltt t Tilt v - J tb itf tu inirru l q Wkh ADDITIONAL RAILROAD NEWS T A Erb was down from Akron yesterday EWEitt late of Havelock is a new apprentice Engine 157 will be out in a few days after an overhauling E M Crone returned from Denver ver last Friday night J VNeuman of Wymore is a tiew ma chinist He has Stanejlands lathe RobertNeuse is a new machinist from Denver He went to work on Thursday morning Arthur and Roxie Cullen went in to Omaha last night to visit Maggie they will return on Sunday night Fireman Sherman Leonard has retired from the service W H DeMotte has been raised to a firemans box Barney Bus of the eastern part of the state went to work in the blacksmith shop this week as a blacksmith Way car 25 is about ready to go out on the road No is just in the carpenter-shop for light repairs and to have her sills reinforced A little child of George Smith one of the blacksmiths in the shop had its face painfully in jured this week by accident ally getting info some concentrated lye Frank Eeid a former Burlington en gineer arrived jn the citj Tuesday He has been running an engine on the Union Pacific out of Cheyenne for some time but resigned on account of some trouble and is now on the lookout for a job t DISTRICT COURT Winnie D Stoddard vs Sigmon Sea man execution COUNTY COURT Harry C Coons of Thornburg Hayes county and Pearl Oswalt of Marengo Hayes county married by County Judge Bishop on Saturday October 26th Frank H Bongers and Katharine Meyers both of McCook married by Kv John Daly Wednesday morning October 30th Modern Surgery Turpassed While suffering from a bad case of piles I consulted a physician wha advised me to try a box of DoWitts Witch Hazel Salve says G F Carter Atlanta Ga I procured a box and was entirely cured DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve is a sylendid cure for piles giving relies instantly and I heartily recommendit to all sufferers Surgery is unnecessary to cure piles DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve will cure any case Cuts burns bruises nnd all other wounds are also quickly cured by it Bewoar of counter feits McConnell Berry DANBURY C R Newberry left Tuesday for Dover Oklahoma where he will work this winter Walla Billings arrived home Monday from Gresham this state where he has been working sinco July County Treasurer O L Thompson was in our town over Friday and Saturday shaking hands with the voters of this place Thos Henderson picked up a car load of horses in this vicinity this week and took them to Oberlin to ship east with a lot of others E J Yilcox nominee for county clerk of McCook was over Saturday looking up the situation He was well pleased with the out look Murray Graham attempted to ride a horse over a wire that was lying on the ground Mon day morning and tho horses foot caught in it and threw him and the horse to tho ground Murray received a bad nose from the effects of the fall Tho heavy rain fall of last Sunday night raised the draws north of town to such a height that they became impassable for some of our citizens that happened to be caught on that side Hail was reported to have fallen very heavy in places Thousands of men and women suffer from piles especially women with femalo weakness have this suffering to contend with in addition to their other pains Tablers Buckeye Pile Ointment will quickly effect a cure Price 50 ents in bottles tubes 75 cents A McMillen Up Late Last Night Then you dont feel just the best today Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is very effective for sick headache billiousness or disordered stom ach Sold by A McMillen 1K5i2 K NORTH COLEMAN Perry Geprgo and Edward Shepherd are off for the Dismal They started on Tuesday There was a merry gathoring of young people at the home of B F Wilson last Saturday night On Sunday afternoon a most beautiful rain bow presented itsolf to our viow It spanned the heavens being visible tho whole of its semi circle There seems to be a scarcity of men to do tho farm work this fall and women farmers are more conspicuous than ever hay raking hay stacking corn husking etc falling to their lot On one occa sion a fair lady hitched up and started for McCook at 3 oclock in the morning to get a doctor for her sick husband Brain Food Nonsense Another ridiculous food fad hns been branded by the most compotnnt authorities Thoy have dispelled the silly notion that one kind of food is needed for brain another for muscles and still another for bones A correct diot will not only nourish a particular part of the body but it will sustain every other part Yot however good your food may be its nutriment is de stroyed by indigestion or dyspepsia You must prepare for their appearance or prevent thoir coming by taking regular doses of Greens August Flower tho favorite medicine of tho healthy millions A few dosos aids digestion stimulates the liver to healthy action purifies the blood and makes you feol buoyant and vigorous You can get Dr G G Greens reliable remedies at McConnell Berrys Get Greens Special Almanac BANKSV1LLE Andrew Anderson is putting up a fine cowshed for his stock shelter Mrs W E Knobbs of McCook is vis iting at Banksville this week VV i and Bert Benjamin were in McCook Monday on business Claude Fowler drove to McCook Monday with the steers he recently sold Mr Allen was in Grant precinct last week posting notices of the coming election E S Dutcher the Eepublican nomi nee for county superintendent was in this neighborhood last week looking after his political fences A PhysicianTestifies I have taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have never used anything in my life that did me the good thatdid says County Physician Geo W Scroggs of Hall county Ga Being a physician I have prescribed it and have found it to give the best results If the food you eat remains undigested in your stomach it decays there and poisons the system You can prevent this by dieting but that means starvation Kydol Dys pepsia Curo digests what you eat You need suffer from neither dyspepsia nor starvation Tho worst cases quickly cured Never fails McConnell Bongers Meyers Wednesday morning at St Patricks church Frank H Bongers and Katharine Meyers were solemnly united in marriage by Rev John Daly in the presence of a company of relatives and friends The same evening at the Bongers farm over on Ash creek the happy event was celebrated with festivities in which many neighbors and friends participated most of the night Reliable and Gentle A pills a pill says the saw But there are pills and pills You want a pill that is certain thorough and gentle Mustnt gripe DeWitts Little Early Risers fill tho bill Purely vege table Do not force but assist the bowels to act Strengthen and invigorate Small and easy to take McConnell Berry Constipation means the accumulation of waste matter that should be discharged daily and unless this is done the foul matter is absorbed and poisons the system Use Herbino to bring about regularity of the bowels Price 50 cts A McMillen Brings attractiveness to listless unloveable girls making them happy marriageable women Thats what Rocky Mountain Tea will do 35c Ask your druggist LEGAL NOTICE Emma Morris Andrew Morris Benjamin Hull Mary Hull Joseph Hull Nora Hull Ma tilda Vannatta Kintermon Vannatta Theodore Hull Catherine Hull Elizabeth Elliott Tosenh Elliott Caroline Debuoise Charles Dubuoise Hannah Hull widow of William Hull deceased uuu mu iuiuor xiears 01 vviiiiam nun aeceaseu non resident defendants will take notice that on the 15th day of October 1901 Levi Hender shot plaintiff herein filed his petition against said defendants in the district court of Red Willow county the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain tax sale certificate and lien for taxes duly assessed and levied upon the east half of the north east quarter of section eight in townsliip 1 north of range twenty seven west purchased at private sale paying to said treasurer of Red Willow countyfor the same the sum of 2577 and subsequent taxes in the sum of 1403 that there is now due upon said tax certificate and lien the sum of 8125 and inter est from the date of purchase of said certificate and plaintiff jirays for a decree that the said defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy tho amount found due You aro required to answer said petition on or before the 25th day of November 1901 Dated October ICth 1901 Levi Hendekshot Plaintiff By W B Starr his attorney All Calls For The 1 witii KJ1IS I Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 i W H Ackerman r McCook Nebraska f r iVT T im MODEL SPECIALTIES Womens Misses Fine Fine Shoes Shoes i - and an endeavor was made to gather in those who were interested in tho temper ance work but not connected with it in active work Our efforts were not fruit less as an enjoyable number were pre- sent This meeting was the first of its kind and though our efforts were initia tive the following program was re sponded to agreeably well Scripture Proverbs 23 President Prayer Mrs Howe Smith Song Blest be tho Tie Union Temperance Selection Mrs Howe Smith Paper -What of Our Boys MrsT B Campbell Reading State Liquor Laws Mrs M Thorgrimson How Can We Iucreaso Our Membership Mrs L M Grigsby Declaration of our Principles and Aims Mrs II M Finity Symposium by Several Members Goneral Discussion What can the W C T U do for Us What can White Ribbon Influence do in the Home Mrs II A Rouch Which is the Most Important Lino of Work and Why Mrs M A Northrup Which is the Most Needed in our Community Mrs W H Campbell Duet Will You Go Mesdames Elleraud Finity The program was interspersed by three fine instrumental selections on the piano by Miss West one of McCooks progres sive teachers A social hour with light refreshments followed completing a happy and profitable afternoon Our next meeting will be a business meeting held at Mrs G W Furrows the second Friday in November All members and those interested are urged to be present as the plan of work for the ensuing year will be arranged Mrs Minnie Finity President Women and Jewels Jewels candy flowers man that is tho order of womans preferences Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman Even the greatest of all jewels health is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save the money to purchase them If a woman will risk her health to got a coveted gem then let her fortify herself against the insiduous consequen ces of coughs colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr Boschees German Syrup It will promptly arrest consumption in its early stages and heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the sys tem It is not a cure all but it is a certain curo for coughs colds and all bronchial troubles You can get Dr G G Greens reliable remedies at McConnell Berry Get Greens Special Almanac PUBLIC SCHOOL ITEMS A balance has been added to the lab oratory apparati this week The county superintendent visited the school Tuesday Mrs Hedlund of the Seventh grade is expected to resume teaching on Mon day She has been quite ill this week Last winter an infant child of mine had croup in a violent form says Elder John W Bogers a Christian Evangelist of Filley Mo I gave her a few doses of Chamberlains Congh Remedy and in a short time all danger was past and the child recovered This remedy not only cures croup but when given as soon as the first symptoms appear will prevent the attack It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may bo given as confidently to a baby as to a baby as to an adult For sale by McConnell Berry druggists Infant mortality is something frightful Near ly one quarter die before they reach one year one third before they are five and one half be fore they are fifteen Tho time use of Whites Cream Vermifuge would save a majority of these precious lives Price 25 cts A McMillen H L PREVOST DENTIST Grauate of Kansas City Dental College Over James McAdams Telephone 43 a m fl W C T U Notes The ladies of the W C T U held a socialmeeting at Mrs VV H Campbells Hens Fine Shoes kf rem Childrens School Shoes Ladies Hisses Mens and Boys SHORS For All Kinds of Wear The Popular DOUBLE DECKER For men and women We can fit your feet with shoes that fit your work at prices that fit your purse THE MODEL SHOE STORE Vahue Petty Props McCook Neb VbVMlVi VVANTED SEVERAL PERSONS of charac ter and good reputation in each state one in this county renuired to rnnrosnt and ndvartise H P SUTTON MCCOOK -- -- ouiicstabusiieu wealthy business lioufo of solid financial standing -- ii - - l 1 rnrci Ln t ii- l expenses additional au payunii in casa oacn Octoberoth Invitations were sent out I vTni rn rn ioni it irc enrnngo furnished when necessary Refer ences Enclose self addroseed stamped envel ope Manager 316 Caxton Builiiiig Chicago TLiMSfcJmm MtS1 An irv L wtjzm offflft e mmflin BREAKFAST FIRST QUAUTY JPURE WHEAT mmm THE ONLY ROLLED WHEAT WITH ALL THE CLUTCH IN AND ALLTHC INDIOESTIDLC WOODY riCRC OUT Recommended for Children ccd Invalid where delicacy and ruuribiucut arc required At all Reliable Grocers IN 2 LO PACKAGES NEVER SOLO IN 3ULK N JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA McCOOK STJEGICAL HOSPITAL D WVGAGE McCook - - - Nebraska Office First National bank building next to City hall Hooes 850 to 12 ltoG 7 to P Night calls answered from residence over bank DRJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist OVER MCCONNELL BERRYS McCOOK NEBRASKA C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p o Building JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEE McCook Nebraska tar Agent of Lincoln Land Co Office first door north of Commercial hotel E J MITCHELL AUCTIONEER McCook Neb Goes Anywhere Sales of Stock a Specialty ontBe Fooledi Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Wade only by Madison Aladitnn w i V A fc p y wen uur trade mark cut on each package Price 35 cent5 Never sl4 in DUlK Accent nn rKl iMconronATcoieax tute Ask your drurtrl F D BUBGESS Plumber and Steam Filler McCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for HallidayWaupun Eclipse Windmis Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yni eat 7 1 4 A l S rj