m i i Hi r wn M T m tt n n n t n tti a it tr Will be here soon and we have got in ahead with a full supply of STOVE BOARDS STOVE OIL CLOTH PIPE ELBOWS tswa cdoking utensils used on and off the S2 stove in the most convenient sizes and m 3fyTi prices We make a study of your wants Will you favor us with a call TIE D Jj 11 Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds ol iood It gives instant relief and neve lails to cure It allows you to eat all the food you want The most sensitive stomachs can take it By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach relieving all distress after eating IDieting unnecessary Pleasant to take St cant help but do you good prepared only by E O DeWitt Co Chicago Tho 1 bottle contains 2 K times tho 50c size McConnell Berry Druggists SSItSSZSSXSZSESitSSI HI flcCook Nebraska GEO H0CKNELL President B M FREES V Pres F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director FRANK HARRIS Director DAMPERS BRUSHES M BLACKING HOOKS POKERS COAL PAILS OIL CLOTH BINDING You will also find a full supply of all the H m u l Jr Wnr tjftr vlter nOa Jhtc nMur rffcr utti Jt Bs Aufic jk riTg gifer TiTlf tfflcL Pn ifflat jfe I yc 3eqc mjjc jj i5fCjQCajjp3jjc tjr iqjjjrTaQ jj jn a rajpr p Jy jjutsij sgt sjjpranjt JjjiTq V FRANKLIN President Iff THK CITIZENS OF McCOOK Paid Up Capital 50000 V FRANKLIN DIRECTORSs WFMcFARLAND B WOLFE C H uHrifeAAjfiftfl jjBxjarjakjJSgJhjgfcr tfflf JEjmjl IJyi yjjl J Jj J a JJ mmoBmmmmBmmmmmmMBaimmmaBmaaammwBmmacmmMmmwmt t FIRST iVVAWVWAAVAVAVAWVVVVVVi jrVr A TTrTvT A T C Si J a t J X vy i xjTjlj X 15 TZ2 A MIT f VW - 000 McCook Transfer Line J H DWYER Proprietor BSlHSpecial attention paid to hauling furniture Leave orders at either lumber yard A C EBERT Cashier f D A MTI NEB A H 4 r Surplus sooo j A C EBERT jC WILLARD X W Jp sgjfL gc - tf jfi J F k iaffa w ram 2 f 21 i nrwij WJWWVWV J m AW t p -O r r Aj 8 3aVSS We have four children With the first three I suffered almost unbearable pains from 12 to J4 hours and had to be placed under the influence of chloroform I used three bottles of Mothers Friend before our last child came which is a strong fat and healthy boy doing my housework up to within two hours of birth and suf fered but a few hard pains 1 nis lini ment is the grand est remedy- ever made Mothers Friend AW a nil w i el 1 v 1 I will do for every woman what it did for the Minnesota mother who writes the above let ter Not to use it during pregnancy is a mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering Mothers Friend equips the patient with a strong body and clear intellect which in turn are imparted to the child It relaxes the muscles and allows them to expand It relieves morning sickness and nervousness It puts all the organs concerned in perfect condition for the final hour so that the actual labor is short and practically painless Dan- ger of rising or hard breasts- is altogether avoided and recovery is merely a matter of a few days Druggists sell Mothers Friend for SI a bottle The Bradfleld Regulator Co Atlanta Ga Send for our free illustrated book Modern Surgery Turpassed While suffering from a bad case of piles I consulted a physician wha advised me to try a box of DoWitts Witch Hazol Salve says G F Garter Atlanta Ga I procured a box and was entirely cured DoWitts Witch Hazol Salve is n sylendid cure for piles giving relies instantly and I heartily recommend it to all sufferers Surgery is unnecessary to cure piles Do Witts Witch Hazel Salvo will cure any case Cuts burns bruises nnd all other wounds are also quiclvly cured by it Bewear of counter feits McConnoll Berry BANKSVILLE C F Elliott has returned from his trip to Missouri J II Relph has been sowing small grain for his father this week Preparing for winter is tho occupation of farmers in this vicinity tho Mr Thomas tho new merchant and stock dealer of Traer Kansas was in this vicinity looking for hogs Monday John Rowland and sou Harvey with tho help of Lafo Roshong of Kanas hauled two loads of hogs to Traer Kansas Tuesday B W Benjamin and Joshua Rowland took two cans of cream to McCook Saturday R E Benjamin was also a city visitor that day Quito a force of men is camped at Traer Kan sas at work filling and repairing the railroad at that place which was so extensively damaged by the great flood The J Sterling Morton scheme for good roads wont wash if tho writers judgment is any good in regard to it The farmers or at least most of them have already donated four rods of road and he propo os to sell that donation and narrow the roads to two rods I call that cheeky but the big lawmakers can always make a good showing if it only hurts or costs the other fellow Spreads Like Wlldtlre When things are tho best they become the best selling Abraham Hare a leading drug gist of Belleville 0 writes Electric Bitters aro tho best selling bittters I have handled in 20 years You know why Most diseases begin in disorders of the stomach liver kidneys bowels blood and nerves Electric Bitters tones up the stomach regulates liver kidneys and bowels purifies tho blood strengthens the nerves hence cures muleitudes of maladies It builds up the entire system Puts now life and vigor into any weaksicklyrunddown man or woman Price 50 cents Sold by McConnell Berry druggists COLEMAN Bert Wales is sowing wheat J Traphagan has gone to Custer county Roy Coleman cut his last crop of alfalfa on Saturday W M Sharp brought his fanning mill home on Tuesday There were thirty fpur at Sunday school on last Sabbath at the Coleman school house Our school marm spent from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon with her mother in McCook County Clerk Green and Mr Dutcher candi date for sheriff on tho Independent ticket were looking over the country up here last Monday They think tliis is a very fino country A Physician Testifies I hAvo taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have never used anything in my life that did mo the good that did says County Physician Geo W Scroggs of Hall county Ga Being a physician I havo prescribed it and have found it to give tho best results If the food you eat remains undigested in your stomach it decajs there and poisons tho system You can prevent this by dieting but that means starvation Kydol Dys pepsia Cure digests what you eat You need suffer from neither dyspepsia nor starvation The worst cases quickly cured Never fails McConnoll Berrv A widows pension of SS00 per month and 200 per month for her minor child has been granted the widow of the late Jes Ingalls of Box Elder with back pay in the sum of about S300 Reliable and Gentle A pills a pill says the saw But there are pills and pills You want a pill that is certain thorough and gentle Mustnt gripe DeWitts Little Early Risers fill the bill Purely vege table Do not force but assist tho bowels to act Strengthen and invigorate Small and easy to take McConnell Berry Thousands of men and women suffer from piles especially women with female weakness have this suffering to contend with in addition to their other pains Tablers BucIv bva Pilo Ointment will quickly effect a cure Price 50 1 ents in bottles tubes 75 cents Y McMillen Winter Reading on the Farm Long overlings am hero again and naturally ono thinks of a good family agricultural weekly becauso its rcKiilnr visits aro wolcomed by tho whole family The Twentieth Century Farmor is out of tlio rut in wliieh most agricultural jwpers travel Tins is true particular of the splendid illus trations from photograph- taken by their own artists and special articles by tho best known and most practical men in every branch of agri culture Mich as NJ Harris secretary of tho Iowa Seed Corn Breeders Association H W Campbell the authority on soil culture James Atkinson of tho Iowa experiment station at Amo3 Iowa Frank G Carpontor famous for his letters of travel C R Thomas fecretary Amoricau Hereford Breeders association Dr A T Poters Nebraska experiment station E F Stephens president Nobraska Horticultural society Womans Department conducted bv Mrs Nollio Hawks Friend Nebraska J J Edgertonof the Iowa Experiment Station will answor all questions relating to livo stock matters This is a weekly agricultural family paper in which tho farmers wife is particularly inter ested on account of tho pages devoted to her particular intorests In fact there is no papor published oithor in tho oast or west that meets so well tho wants of tho wostorn farmers and stock roisprs and tlmir familie If jou do not git it send 10 cents for a ten weeks trial subscription to The Twentieth Cen turv Farmer 2031 Farnam t treot Omaha Neb and you will have an opportunity to become ac quainted with it A dollar will bring it for a wholo year Brain Food Nonsense Another ridiculous food fad has boon branded by the most competnnt authorities They have dispelled the silly notion that ono kind of food is needed for brain another for mus cles and still anoiher for bones A correct diet will not only nourish a particular part of the body but it will sustain overy other part Yet however good your food may bo its nutriment is de stroyed by indigestion or dyspepsin You mut prepare ior ineir appearance or prevent their coming by taking regular doses of Greens August Flower the favorite medicine of tho healthy millions A fev doccs aids digestion stimulates tho liver to healthy action purifies tho blood and makes you feel buoyant nnd vigorous You can gotDr GG Greens reliable romedies at McConnell Berrys Get Greens Special Almanac Up Late Last Night Then jou dont feel just the best today Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is very effectivo for sick headache billiousness or disordered stom ach Sold by A McMilleu LEGAL NOTICE Emma Morris Andrew Morris Benjamin Hull Mary Hull Jooph Hull Nora Hull Ma tilda Vannatta Kiutermon Vannatta Theodore Hull Catherine Hull Elizabeth Elliott Joteph Elliott Caroline Debuoi o Charles Dubuoiso Hannah Hull widow of William Hull deceas ed and tho Minor Heirs of William Hull deceased non resident defendants will take notice that on tho loth dav of October 1901 Levi Hender shot plaintiff heroin liled his petition against said defendants in the district court of Red Willow countj the object and praj or of which are to foreclo e a certain tax sale certificate and lien for taxe dulv assessed and levied upon tho ea t half of the north east quarter of section eight in township 1 north of range twontj seen west purchased at private sale paying to aid treasurer of Red Willowcountyfor the same the sum of S2Ttll aud subsequent taxes in tho sum ot 5u u tnat tnere now clue upon said tax certificate and hen tho sum of 0125 and inter est from tho date of purchase of said certificate and plaintiff pras for a decree that the said defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may bo sold to satisfy theamount found duo You aro required to answor said petition on or before the 25th day of November 1901 Dated October 16th 1901 Levi Hendershot Plaintiff By W R Starr his attorney LEGAL NOTICE Tho Nebraska Kansas Farm Loan Company and Matio G Wood Defendants will take notice That on the 28th day of September 1901 plaintiff herein filed his petition aeainst said defendants in tho district court of Red Willow county tho object and prayer of which aro to foreclose a certain tax sale certificate and lien for taxes duly as essed and levied upon tho north west quarter of section thirty three in township two north of range thirti west pur chased at private tax sale paying to said treas urer of Red Willow county for the same the sum of 1687 and subrequent taxes in tho sum of 1195 that there is now due upon said tax sale cernncate and lien tne sum of o8S2 and inter est from tho dato of purchase of said certificate and plaintiff praj s for a decree that tho said defendants bo required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due You are required to answer said petition on or before the 11th day of November 1901 Dated September 28th 1901 SAMUEL C KING Plaintiff Br W R Stahr His Attorney SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from tho district court of Red Willow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein Frank Hageman James L Lambard and Sanford B Ladd as trustees are plaintiff and Howard M Gardner Elva A Gardner his wife et al are defendants to mo directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the high est bidder for cash at the east doorof the court house in McCook Red Willow county Nebras ka on the 23th day of Octobor 1901 at the hour of one oclock p m the following described real estate to wit The south west quarter of the north east quarter north west quarter of tho south east quarter and the south half of the south east quarter of section thirty two in town ship four north rango twenty six west of the 6th P M Dated this 27th day of September 1901 A C CnABTitEE Sheriff Pulsifier Alexander attorneys LEGAL NOTICE To Josephine Emil non resident defendant You are hereby notified that on the 25th day of September 1901 John Murphy plaintiff herein filed his petition in the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska against said defend ant the object and prajer of which are to pro cure a judgment against the defendant upon a foreign judgment rendered against said defend ant in tne court of Uommon Fleas for Phila delphia county State of Pennsylvania on the 5th day of September1901for the sum of S6127 and subject certain real estate owned by defendant by attachment proceedings to the payment of the same for which sum with interest from tho 5th day of Septem ber 1901 plaintiff prajs for a judgment that the defendant bo required to pay the same or that the premises attached under said proceeding may be sold to satisfy tho amount found due You are required to answer said petition on or before the 4th day of November 1901 Dated this 25th day of Septemcer 1901 John- Mcrfhy Plaintiff By W R Starr his attorney gfe rfir r S 1 S i Wttl I All Calls For The ciSo Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and swer all calls to any part of the city PHONE 36 -1 JtJllS an- W H Ackermar w McCook Nebraska J1 mSS9SWvSiWrt MODEL SPECIALTIES Womens Fine Shoes Misses Fine Shoes For AH Kinds The Popular DOUBLE DECKER For men and women Women and Jewels Jewels candy flowers man that is the order of womans preferences Jewels form a magnet of mighty power to the average woman Even tho greatet of all jf wels health is often ruined in tho strenuous offorts to make or savo tho mnnnt frt nnpnlifiun frlmt Tf 1 mmili itll her health to got a coveted gem then let her I fortify herself against the insiduous consequen ces of coughs colds and bronchial affections by the regular use of Dr Bocheos German Syrup S It will promptly nrrest consumption in its early stages aud heal the affected lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the sys tem It is not a cure all but it is a certain euro for coughs colds and all bronchial troubles You can get Dr G G Greens reliable remedies at McConnell Berry Get Gieens Special Almanac NORTH COLEMAN B F Wilson has his new house nearly done Postmaster Peterson is going to havo a house It will bo made of grout now IB Stryker is hauling corn foddor to McCook He is also lajing a new lloor iu his kitchen Georgo Traphagan has returned from Kansas reports that wheat is good but coru very poor Mr and Mrs Elsio Ward aro very thankful to their friends and neighbors for kindness shown them during his sickness The Shepherd bojs entertain their lasses so much at the parental home that Mr Clay Shep herd purchases his lasses by the barrel Frank or Casper Hackencamp lost five horses last week Ho thinks they died from getting poison that he put out for grasshoppers Rev Satchell has returned to the Box Elder charge and will preuch at the Spring Creek school house overy Sunday if possible at oclock The ieople are much pleased to have him back again Last winter an infant child of mine had croup in a violent form says Elder John W Rogers a Christian Evangelist of Filley Mo I gave her a few doses of Chamberlains Cough Remedy and in a short time all danger was past and the child recovered This remedy not only cures croup but When given as soon as the first symptoms appear will prevent the attack It contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to a baby as to an adult For salo by McConnell fc Berry druggists PROSPECT PARK Everjbody is sowing small grain Some of the neighbors are at work in the sugar beet fields James Boatman is the home place Mr and Mrs CE an eastern relative going to move back onto Boatman are entertaining Mr and Mrs Thomas Ball were visitors of the Wade families last week District Clerk and Mrs G C Boatman were visitors in this vicinity Sunday What can be tho matter with tho Prospect Park people to cause so small attendance upon Sunday school May Thompson and Minta Sly recently spent a few days visiting friends on Red Willow creek both report a pleasant time Grandma and Grandpa Wade are entertaining a sister from Iowa Mrs Mary L Woods of May nard who arrived here last week Wednesday Infant mortality is sometliing frightful Near ly one quarter die before they reach ono jear one third before they are five and one half be fore they are fifteen The time use of Whites Cream Vermif ugo would save a majority of these precious lives Price 2T ct A McMillen TYRONE The steam thresher is at D C Fletchers Mrs C G Broman has returned home from Omaha Mrs Mary Pearson is visiting friends in Saun ders county Frank Moore has rented his placo for three years to M J Miles J E Bojd who is teaching the Tyrone school moved into the Miles house last week Rev Owens who was our preacher here 20 years ago preached here last Sunday E S Dutcher candidate for county superin tendent was in this precinct Monday Rev Hopson who has preached here tho past year has beon sent to Gering Nebraska 91 jmjuSS MWk A pr v r - - r tmlm r flens Childrens 1 Fine School I if 1 Shoes Shoes fS j Ladies Hisses Mens and Boys SHORS We can fit your feet with shoes that fit your work at prices that fit your purse THE MODEL SHOE STORE Vahue Petty Props McCook Neb Wb1S1i WANTED SEVERAL PERSONS of charac ter and good reputation in each state ono iu this county required to represent and advertise old established wealthy business houo of solid financial standing Salary 1800 weekly with expenses additional all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head otlice Horse and carriage furnished whon necessary Refer- i encos inclose stamed envel ope Manager sit uuxton liuiiding Chicago mi il3wiYNi WW tSLw ll FRST JgdF QUAirrr Fr PURE At BREAKFASTED H P SUTTON HcCOOK ato THE ONLY ROLLED WHEAT WITH ALU THE GLUTEN IN ANS ALL THE INOIGCSTIBLC WOODY FIBRE OUT Recommended fur Children and Invalid where flclicicy and nuuriWimcut are required all Reliable Grocers IN 2 LB PACKAGES NEVER SOLO IN QULK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA McCOOK SURGICAL HOSPITAL DW VGAGE McCook - - - Nebraska Office First National bank building nest to City hall HoURS 830tol2 1 to 6 7 to 9 Night calls answered from residence over bank DRJBFICKES A Reliable Graduate Dentist OVER MCCONNELL BERRYS McCOOK NEBRASKA C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p n Buildnjr JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTIE McCook Nebraska -Agent of Lincoln Land Co Office iMrstdoor north of Commercial hotel E J MITCHELL AUCTIONEER McCook Neb Coos Anywhere Sales of Stock a Specialty Dowt Be Fooledi IHCORPORATCD IBSa Take the genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Aladison Medi cine Co Madison Wis It TCCv yw wen uur trade mark cut on each package ie35 cents- Never sold In bulk Accept no aubstl tute Ask your druggist F D Burgess Plumber and Steam Fitter McCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun Eclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building Kodol Dyspepsia Gura Digests what you eat t A 9 of Wear 5 if I 0 M m i fi