The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 25, 1901, Image 5

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Uncle Toms Cabin
will be here
Big Scenic Production in Six
Acts and Tableau
We Present More- New Novel
Interesting and Original Features
than all the other Uncle Toms
Cabin Companies traveling
The Best Dramatic Artists
The Largest Company
The Finest Scenery
And the Best Troupe in America
Rov Mayfield is moving a part of his
household furniture to Bartley
Sheriff Crabtreo was over Wednesday
posting up election notices for the com
ing election
S R Ralsten and Dr Campbell of
Lebanon attended Masonic lodge Wed
nesday night
Marion Powell of Lincoln was out
Wednesday looking over his interests
west of town
William P Everist and family of Mc
Cook visited with George B Morgan and
family of this place Sunday
The Ladies Aid society gave an oyster
supper last Saturday evening from
which they took in about S15
R E Paugh of Indiana it is said will
assume the appointment of the Metho
dist church at this point Ho will move
hero sometime next month
Chauncey Messner went up to St
Francis Wednesday soliciting stock
shipments for Harrington Firebaugh
live stock commission company of Kan
sas City
Wheat threshing is about finished in
this section The wheat was of a very
poor quality although most of it paid
for threshing About eight bushels per
acre is the highest yield reported
Ithamer Pew of Hebron and Herbert
Pew brother of the Pew Brothers here
drove in Friday evening with a bunch
of horses which they will winter on the
Pew Brothers ranch at this place
Ithamer Pew returned home Wednesday
During the past week the alfalfa fields
in and around Danbury on the valley
have been a beautiful sight to look upon
Hundreds of acres have been cut and is
now standing in neat looking shocks all
over the fields ready for the stack
The clover at this cutting is of a very
fine quality and is going into the stack
with a bright green color and when re
opened during the winter and spring
will be found to be as bright a color as
when cut J E Dolph one of our ex
tensive farmers west of town has 45
acres of this cutting shocked and is
working with a crew of 12 men this
week putting his hay into the stack
Pew Brothers have a field of 70 acres in
which was counted 5500 shocks each
weighing on an everage of 75 pounds to
the shock This is an example of many
other fields of this late cutting and is
one that the farmers will profit by
To the Public
Allow mo to say a few words in praise of
Chamborlains Cough Remedy I had a very se
very cough and cold and feared that I would
got pneumonia but after taking the second dose
of this medicine 1 felt better three bottles of it
cured my cold and the pains in my chest disap
peared entirely lam most respectfully jours
for health Balpii S Meyers 61 Thirty seventh
St Wheeling W Va For sale by McCounell
Berry druggists
The live stock interests of Nebraska
are such as to warrant the state univer
sity in giving in the school of agriculture
thorough training in the care and man
agement of farm animals One feature
of this work which is being emphasized
more than ever before is stock judging
During the coming season November
11th to April 25th each student will re
ceive instruction which will enable him
to discriminate with precision between
good and inferior animals of all classes
Write for information
Corning Ohio Nov 5th 1900
Pepsin Syrup Company
Monticello 111
While visitingin Taylorville 111 I camo acros9
your Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin Have used
two and one half bottles and it has done me
more good than all the medicine taken for two
years Please let me know if you will send mo
three or four bottles and what it will cost to
send it to Corning Perry county Ohio and
oblige Mrs Sakah A McCrackec
Sold by A McMillen
The instructors of the school of agri
culture are men who have had practical
experience on the farm and technical
training in the science of feeding It is
their purpose to give the students of
agriculture who come to them such in
struction on the relative value of food
stuffs compounding of rations and
methods of feeding farm animals as will
enable them to perform their work with
greater intelligence -in the future The
University of Nebraska answers all re
quests for information
Sixty Years a Household Remedy
For Burns Cuts Sprains and
CAUTION Witch Hazel is not
PONDS EXTRACT Insist upon Genu
ine PONDS EXTRACT sold only in
eeacu Domes uuir wrappers
Fued Peterson is in Denver at work
Judge Darnell was down from Strat
ton Wednesday on business
George WBurt was up from Indi
anola Tuesday on a political mission
Hiram C Rider the god father of
West McCook and Riverview is in the
city this week looking for an honest
man and after his interests hero
MrsGANoren returned to the Im
manuol hospital Omaha last night for
further treatment her condition not be
ing so favorable the last few days
Mrs George Warren who has been
the quest of her son UJ of the Bullard
lumber yard for a few weeks returned
to Davenport Nebraska this morning
Mrs P F McKenna and Miss Gene
vieve Feeny went down to Hastings
Thursday morning to see Miss Anna
Feeny who is preparing to go south on
account of her sadly impaired health
Mr and Mrs J C Anderson have
been in the city their former home
part of the week on a business social
trip Mr Anderson was a locomotive
engineer before the famous strike of 1888
When you feel that lifo is hardly worth tho
candle take a dose of Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets They will cleanso your
stomach tone up your liver and regulate your
bowels making you feel like a new man For
sale by McConnell Berry druggists
For burnscuts bruises lacerations orinjuries
of any description Ballards Snow Liniment is
a sovereign remody It never fails to do good
and so promptly that its wonderful curative
properties frequently create surprise Price 25
and 50 cents A McMillen
If jou are suffering from drowsiness in tho
day time irritability of temper sleepless nights
general debility headache and general want of
tone of the system use Herbine You will get
relief and finally a cure Price 50 cts A Mc
Taylor Wells went down to Lincoln
Rev J M Stewart went up to Cham
pion Saturday
Mrs S E Solomon was a McCook
visitor Thursday
H Lehman went up to Palisade
Monday morning
Mrs F M Pfrimmer visited friends
in Max over Sunday
Doc AHMiller was called to Strat
ton Tuesday morning
Henry Kleven returned from his Den
ver visit Sunday night
M C Reynolds returned from his Cal
ifornia visit Sunday morning
Miss Verna Vastine visited friends in
Trenton Saturday and Sunday
S E Solomon went down to Hol
brook Monday night on business
Mrs H Lehman returned from an
extended visit in Kansas Tuesday
Culbertson Gun Club seemed to be
having a jolly time Saturday night
Miss Marietta Wimple entertained her
music class at her home Monday night
Quite a number from here attended
the dance at Trenton Saturday night
Miss Bessie Crews of Palisade spent
Sunday with her parents of this village
Geo G Eisenhart went down to
Beaver City Sunday evening to attend
H G Meyer and E E Locker of
this place wheeled up to Palisade Sat
Quite a number took advantage of the
pleasant day Sunday and visited the
R9V Gould preached his farewell
sermon Sunday night as he was sent to
Floyd Crews is home on a thirty days
vacation Floyd is one of the Burling
tons most promising young telegraph
Constipation means tho accumulation of waste
matter that should bo discharged daily and
unless this is dono the foul matter is absorbed
and poisons tho system Use Herbine to bring
about regularity of tho bowels Price 50 cts
A McMillen
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets
cure biliousness constipation and headache
They are easy to take and pleasant in effect
For salo by McConnell Berry druggists
Id leave my happy home and cross the deep
blue sea
Bather than be without Charley and my Rocky
Mountain Tea Ask j our droggist
Brings attractiveness to listless nnloveablo
girls making them happy marriageable women
Thats what Rocky Mountain Tea will do 35c
Ask your druggist
5Ir rjlankn Sinn in For Chanffinsr
the Aiiinm lice of the Koojhm
Bronslit Trimble to tlie Mnlc Con
tingent mid Sorrow to Herself
Do you change the position of the
furniture when you clean n room
inquired housewife No 1 of a friend In
the course of a heart to heart talk
Do I Why yes indeed I dont
feel as If the room is cleaned unless I
change the furniture a little bit Do
Well I usually change the orna
ments around and so forth but in the
spring and fall I like to change every
thing In a room completely alter the
whole appearance of it Then I fancy
the things are all new and they seem
to look prettier somehow But do you
know my husband doesnt like It at
Neither does mine Isnt that singu
lar iron are so peculiar
Yes indeed they are
So many housekeepers share the
views of these two that a story with
a moral will not be out of place
It was the other night only that Mr
Blank went unsuspiciously up stairs to
bed at an unusually early hour leaving
his wife reading in the sitting room
He had a headache and carried a gob
let of water in his right hand Fear
lessly advancing into the dark bed
room Mr Blank suddenly felt both legs
violently cut from under him lie
clutched wildly at the air and said
several things of an exclamatory na
ture but there was nothing to save
him He went down
Good gracious Henry ejaculated
Mrs Blank hurrying to the scene of
disaster What is the matter
Where are you Why dont you light
the gas Suiting the action to the
word she beheld her husband sprawl
ing across the bed the glass he had
carried had discharged Its contents
across the pillowshams and shivered on
the floor
Mr Blank did the talking for the
next ten minutes He said that of all
the blankety blank folly of which the
mind could conceive this of changing
furniture around was the worst He
said it was a pretty thing for a man to
walk into his own room and have to
fall over things in the dark He said
he wouldnt stand it the furniture
must be replaced where it formerly
I shant do anything of the kind
replied Mrs Blank It looks very
much nicer where it is Why dont
you feel where you are going when you
get into a dark room
Spose youd like me to crawl in on
all fours snarled Mr Blank I
couldnt feel where the bed was unless
I happened to touch the footboard -I
thought I could walk clear over to the
bureau I tell you its a confounded
crank you have on this subject Some
day youll precipitate a serious acci
If any one precipitates itll be you
I should think retorted Mrs Blank
icily And the furniture remained
where it was
It was the next evening that Master
Blank undertook to carry a pile of
schoolhooks from the dining room to
the sitting room He had a bottle of
ink in his hand and he thought he
knew exactly where the center table
was In the course of his peregrina
tions in search of it however he came
into violent collision with the glass
door of the bookcase which he broke
There were also inky traces discernible
on the carpet when Mrs Blank came
in This time there was some halm for
her feelings She could spank Master
Blank and did it with the best will in
the world
Her own downfall was not long in
coming however although for a few
days only minor inconveniences were
met with such as the abrasion of an
kles against chair rockers and slight
bruises received by means of sudden
contact with unforeseen obstacles Last
evening Mrs Blank undertook to trans
fer the cage of her pet parrot from the
window where it spends the day to the
snug corner where it passes the night
She did not trouble to light the gas and
by some unaccountable mental lapse
she had forgotten the precise point at
which a tabouret on which stood a jar
diniere was stationed She charged
into the tabouret with considerable
force was overbalanced by the weight
of the cage in her arms and took a
header with a resounding crash The
parrot shrieked and unable to distin
guish friend from foe inflicted a severe
bite on her mistress finger Mr Blank
came in hurriedly picked up his wife
and assisted in making an inventory of
sundry contusions Then they lifted
the parrot cage badly bent and the
jardiniere with a piece chipped out of
It and the tabouret somewhat scratch
ed and then Mr Blank observed quiet
I have just one thing to ask you
Mrs Blank Was I right
No you were not retorted Mrs
Blank savagely Serious accident
Whats serious about this I should like
to know For goodness sake Henry
dont stand there trying to look like a
martyr If you must have the furni
ture moved back Ill move it And
she did Philadelphia Record
Why do you speak so slightingly
of that eminent scientist
I didnt mean to speak slightingly
of him answered the young man with
the striped shirt front but it does
seem peculiar to me that a man who
knows just when the next- comet will
arrive and just how far It is to the
moon should be so utterly ignorant
when it comes to a question of when
its time for dinner or what train to
take to get to the nearest town Bos
ton Traveler
The Crnullltc Spider That Poxci nS
Yucntnnii Weather Sharp
In Yucatan a land of many curiosi
ties there Is a living barometer In the
form of a small spider called am on
account of the effect produced by 1 15
poison As far as its owu conduct goes
the insect Is Inoffensive and can he
handled with Impunity but If qavbody
has the misfortune to get ono mysteri
ously mixed with his food he Ik certain
to die after a few hours and muauw Idle
for some unexnlained reason will fre
quently ejaculate Am am am hence
the name of the spider Throughout
the peninsula this Is allirmed to be a
fact and If an am falls into fodder of
horses or mules the animal that swal
lows it surely dies
This spider is shaped like a crab
minus the claws and is of a bright yel
low color with brown spots the big
gest could je accommodated upon a
silver dime Its favorite abode is
among the laves of tho banana shrub
commonly but erroneously called tree
There it spins with extreme rapidity
its web which is prodigiously large
considering tho size of its architect
and proceeds to devour the flies that
are unlucky enough to get entangled
in the meshes of this astonishing little
glutton that is not satisfied with less
than a dozen a daythat is to say it
consumes a good deal more than its
own bulk Its progeny is numerous
and appears at first like more black
specks smaller than the smallest pins
The sky may he blue and cloudless
when suddenly the am commences tak
ing in its sails or rather gathering in
Its net with neatness and dispatch
cramming the whole of the material
into its diminutive body entirely out of
sight A few minutes completes the
job and the spider takes up its posi
tion on the under surface of one of tho
great leaves to be lulled by the gentle
swaying and sheltered while the storm
rages It is for this that the am has
prepared and never is it mistaken
When the web is taken in rain will
certainly fall within an hour
The moment the am is touched It
feigns death and lets itself drop show
ing no sign of life until again placed
upon a leaf or on the ground Many a
one lias lain in the palm of the writers
hand inert all Its legs drawn close to
its body while it was examined at
leisure even being picked up in tho
fingers without its manifesting any
Try lemon juice for whitening the
neck Apply it with a linen cloth
After the head has been shampooed
whenever possible give the head a sun
A writer states that oily hands may
be made comfortable and touchable by
wetting them once or twice a day while
clean with cologne alcohol or toilet
A good circulation is essential to the
growth of the hair as well as to its col
or and fineness A frequent vigorous
brushing with a stiff brush is the best
method of obtaining this
A writer upon the complexion says
the best way to treat freckles a sure
cure in all but very obstinate cases is
to touch them night and morning with
a camels hair brush after dipping it in
lemon juice
For a greasy skin nothing is better
than the combination of an ounce of
dried rose leaves half a pint of white
wine vinegar and half a pint of rose
water Let the vinegar stand on the
rose leaves for a week then add the
rosewater Use a tablespoonful in a
cup of distilled water
A Geological Fallacy
Probably the most wild and unjusti
fiable of all the crude beliefs respect
ing geological resources is that which
holds to the conviction that by going
deep enough the drill is sure to find
something of value no matter at what
point the work of boring is commenced
There are numerous wise persons in
every community estimable influen
tial and in the highest degree public
spirited who are convinced that the
question for example of finding coal
in their special locality is simply a
matter of the depth to which the ex
plorations are carried Rock oil and
natural gas are recognized as desirable
products in every progressive commu
nity and every such community con
tains persons in other respects intelli
gent who are ready to stake their own
fortune and that of their nearest
friends on the belief that oil and gas
are everywhere underneath the surface
and that tbpir sources can be tapped
with the drill provided only there is
sufficientcapital to keep up the process
of drilling long enough Mines and
Professional Shoppers
Professional shoppers are employed
by a certain largj firm of London
drapers to test the abilities of shop as
sistants This firm owns over thirty
large shops and employs nearly 1000
assistants To find out whether every
customer is politely served a number
of lady customers are employed to call
at the various shops They are told to
give as much trouble as possible and
sometimes to leave without making a
purchase after looking at nearly every
thing in the shop Should the unfortu
nate assistants temper not be equal
to the strain or should a single word
be said that might offend a report will
infallibly reach headquarters and lead
to the dismissal of the sorely tried
handler of silks and ribbons
An Example
After all it isnt the big troubles
that bother a fellow so much its the
little things that annoy us most
Thats right Why they say a hor
nets sting is only one-thirty-second of
in inch long Philadelphia Press
rtSSSWsl Sf
Your attention to our
Large Line of
When You see them You
will acknowledge that the
assortment is complete
Call and See
We also have a
Good Line of
As well as Separate Skirts
and Walking Skirts
Every garment guaranteed
as li
Kara aiti
1 W
f b
The Cortland
Howe Ventilator
- ar T
ittM -
msJBmi IIS
7UV2iiSeSSSSiSk szrJ
mPmsM rzi
Is The
Peer 13
Of Them All
1 It embodies the perfect principles of Ventilation
and Circulation as illustrated in above cut in the
Only Form which has proved a Success Heats fresh jj
air from the outside of the house and carries out the p
foul air from inside the house They are on exhibition
hv and all information will bp fiven bv lSSf
j 0-
S M Cochran Co