The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, October 25, 1901, Image 1

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Stangland Dixon
Thursday morning at nine oclock at
the apartments of the brides parents
Mr and Mrs C A Dixon in the
Temple block Mr Knud M Stangland
and Miss Edna Dixon were united in
marriage Rev L M Grigsby of the
Methodist church performing the beau
tiful ring ceremony in the presence of
the members of the families save Roy
Dixon of the contracting parties and
Mrs L M Grigsby It was a quiet
but happy ovent joining until doth them
part two of McCooks most estimable
and popular young friends who have
grown from childhood to promising and
radiant young manhood and womanhood
in our city who now go forth with
bright and happy prospects in the holi
est of earths ties
The groom is the eldest son of Mr
and Mrs K K Stangland an ex
pert machinist and most exemplury
young man The bride is the accom
plished daughter of Traveling Engineer
and Mrs C A Dixon and one of Mc
Cooks most talented musicians Both
have wide and warm circles of friends
who join us in heartiest wishes for their
happiness and prosperity in their west
ern home
The brides wedding gown was an
ivory colored Lansdowne with trim
mings of ruffled and tucked chiffon ruf
fled skirt with sweeping train The
bride carried a large bouquet of brides
roses tied with white satin ribbons
The brides traveling dress was of black
broadcloth trimmed with silk and braid
The groom was dressed in black
The gifts were rich and numerous in
cut glass silver china linen etc being
handsomely remembered by the Congre
gational and Methodist friends the
Awl Os club and others
The apartments were attractively
decorated with palms carnations roses
and cosmos
A delicate breakfast was served in
courses immediately following congratu
lations the guests being all seated at
one large table whose chief
orative feature was a handsome mirror
buried in ferns cut glass bowls of car
nations smilax and ferns Misses
Ethel Pope Myra Conner and Bessie
Bosworth served the guests
They departed on No 13 shortly
after the ceremony for Richland Cali
fornia where they expect to make their
home They were escorted to the train
by a numerous and joyous company
which sent them on their western way
with heartiest congratulations and best
Bowling Notes
As the time for the distribution of
prizes draws near much interest is dis
played and some good scores are being
Louis Thorgrimson has tied the worlds
record by making 10 straight in a game
of nine pins
Merle is high in ten pins with 191
CFLehn has 81 in seven back
In the ladies game last night Miss
Menard won the prize
A club is being organized to use the
alleys on Thursday nights
A Good Bye Party
The ladies of the Au Fait and Shakes
peare clubs together with a few invited
friends surprised Mrs C H Meeker
last Saturday evening at her home most
happily The party was in the nature
of a good bye it being known that Mrs
Meeker would leave this week for Chi
cago and other Illinois points to be ab
sent all winter The party had organized
a well equipped commissary and trans
port line so that the gastronomic as
well as the social feature was strong
Shandon Bells
an ideal toilet soap sold everywhere at
15c We had an opportunity to buy a
lot ata bargain our customers get the
benefit We sell it at 10c per cake
three for 25c McConnell Berry
Dont Miss This Chance
We have 50 patterns of wall paper for
one and two rooms that we are selling at
wholesale prices D W Loar
The Cortland Howe Ventilator is the
nearest perfection of any heating stove
now in the American market and S M
Cochran Co are its locai proppets
Dont neglect seeing this wonderful
heater if you are contemplating buying
a heater this fall
Dress Skirts of our make are very dif
ferent from the factory made skirts be
ing well seamed well lined and finished
and superior in fit All wool ones from
8250 up The Thompson Dry Goods Co
We have a good stock of stove boards
also the best blue steel pipe ever offered
to the people of this city
S M Cochran Co
Keep out the cold replace that
broken window pane All sizes at
McConnell Berrys
Mrs John Bowen has returned to
Rock Valley Iowa
Frank Moore was up Monday from
Indianola on matters of business
W H DeMotte was a Republican
City visitor a few days last week
Steltzer Bros are home from an
absence of a few months in Kansas
John Welborn of Indianola was a
pilgrim to the county seat Saturday
Andrew J White of Lyons Neb is
visiting his son the pastor of the Baptist
Mrs Harry Dixon and children re
turned last night from visiting relatives
in Denver
F S Wilcox saw the stock show in
Kansas city Monday arriving home on
13 Tuesday
Mrs T H Bales has been called to
Alliance by the serious illness of a mar
ried daughter
Mr and Mrs RussELLfather of W
O arrived from California this morn
ing on a visit
Mesdames C E Pope and A L
Knowland were Lincoln visitors early
part of this week
Miss Amanda Wilcox arrived from
Chicago today Friday and will visit
her brothers here
Mrs Mark J Smith of Lincoln is a
guest of Mrs W E Corwin on the ranch
southwest of the city
W N Rogers left last Saturday to
make an exhibit in the Kansas City
stock show this week
R Q Stewart deputy internal col
lector Hastings was in town on busi
ness bent Wednesday
Mrs C E Eldred returned home
Sunday night from a short visit to Mrs
D L Bishop in Franklin
Rev W Jl Turner wasabsent part of
the week in Norfolk attending the state
meeting of Congregational churches
Mrs W D Mackechnie was at the
the court house Saturday on business
of the county superintendents office
Mrs Arthur Lyman returned home
on 1 Monday from spending a few days
in Oxford guest of Mrs I N Meyers
Mrs S P Hart arrived home on 1
last Saturday from a delightful visit
among Ohio relatives friends and scenes
John Kummer was down from Grand
Island last week and he succeeded in
renting his farm a few miles northeast
of town
Miss Ballance who has been the guest
of her sister Mrs H H Tartsch for a
few weeks returned to her Plattsmouth
home early in the week
Mrs Fred L Palmer returned Mon
day noon from a weeks visit to rela
tives in Holdrege Fred was a Hold
rege visitor also over Sunday
L R Carroll agent for the Cary
Safe Co of Buffalo N Y is making
this his present headquarters while his
wife nee Miss Nora Stroud is visiting
the homefolks
Miss Della Shepherd was down from
Denver over Sunday to visit the home
felks coming down on Saturday night
and returning to her position on Sun
day nights train
Miss Elizabeth Thomson went in to
Omaha last night to visit the schools
of the states metropolis with special
respect to some new books about to be
introduced into the system
Mrs C H Meeker departed Thurs
day for Chicago Farmington and other
Illinois points to be gone all winter vis
iting relatives and friends and in the
pursuit of her artistic tastes and skill
J W Dolan of Indianola and J E
Seeley o f Poughkeepsie New York
drove up from the former town Monday
afternoon on business Mr Seeley is
largely interested in this section of Ne
braska and is out on one of his occasion
al trips of inspection
Mrs U J Warren entertained the
ladies of the Entre Nous club and a few
invited friends Tuesday afternoon in
honor of Mrs George Warren of Daven
portj Nebraska who is here on a visit to
her son and family It was an after
noon of much social pleasure Dainty
refreshments were tastefully served
Mrs A S Campbell and Gertrude
departed o n 3 Saturday night for
Pueblo Colorado to be guests of her
brother Charles Ingalls who is employ
ed in the Denver Rio Grande freight
house there for a week or ten days
She expects to be at home on the Kil
patrick ranch near Imperial Chase
county first of coming month Her
short visit here was a pleasure to many
The Wages of Sin
Some new perfumes delightful odors
Let us show them to you
McConnell Berry
l 1 iift I fl dif iJ
The following sonsational and tragic
account of an affair in which a former
well known McCookite appears in a lead
ing role is taken from the associated
press dispatches of the 20th instant
Sunday last
Chicago 111 Oct 20 While griev
ing over the dual life she was leading
with Dr Orville Burnett a prominent
Chicago dentist Mrs Charles Nichol
wife of W L Nichol jr commercial
agent of the Nashville Chattanooga
St Louis railroad committed suicide
today in the Marlborough hotel Bur
nett also tried to end his own life at the
same time but was unsuccessful
The two were found in their rooms
both stretched across the bed the
woman dead and Burnett with his neck
pierced with a hat pin a bottle of mor
phine clutched in his hand and the gas
turned on from every one of the six jets
in the suite Dr Burnett is still alive
and has been arrested
In one of the rooms was found a note
written by the woman which told of her
reason for the act She said
To Whom It May Concern I did
it because I loved him better than any
thing on earth and he loved me and we
could not be separated Good bye
The note supplemented with a state
ment made by Dr Burnett tells of the
tragedy enacted by the two lovers
According to the dentists story he
met Mrs Nichol while yet a young girl
in Nashville Tenn and fell in love with
her Butnett moved to Chicago and
married several years afterward
Our love was still strong for each
other said Burnett and she moved
to Chicago to be near me We were to
gether nearly every day There seemed
however to be a constant remorse on
her part on account of the dual life she
was leading Saturday we went down
town together and after having several
drinks she proposed suicide to me and
we went to the Marlborough hotel and
she produced a bottle of morphine she
had hidden in her dress
She again asked me to die with her
and I consented Then she swallowed
nearly all the contents of the bottle and
handed it to me I drank what was left
but believing that I had not taken
enough to prove fatal I tried to end my
life by sticking the hat pin through my
neck I saw this was also going to be a
failure so I turned all the gas on and
laid down to die
Burnett stated that his wife knew
nothing of his attachment for Mrs
A policeman who was sent to the
Nichol home at 6518 Minerva avenue
tonight to notify Mr Nichol of the
tragedy found no one there but the two
little children of the dead woman one a
boy of eight and the other a little girl of
four years They told the policeman
that their father was out looking for
their mother who had been missing all
last night and today
Nashville Tenn Oct 20 Nothing
is known here of Dr Burnett connected
with the suicide of Mrs W L Nichol
jr at Chicago
Mrs Nichol was a daughter of Dr F
A Shoup connected with the university
of the south at Sewanee Tenn and be
fore her marriage was popular socially
both there and in Nashville where she
spent part of her time
W L Nichol jr is the son of the late
Dr W L Nichol of Nashville one of
the souths prominent physicians He
is at present commercial agent at Chica
go for the Nashville Chattanooga St
Louis railway but had recently been
promoted and was to return to Nashville
at an early date to assume the duties of
of commercial agent at the companys
headquarters here
Chicago Oct 20 Dr Orville S Bur
nett was born at Hastings Neb about
twenty eight years ago He was married
seven years ago to Grace Anderson also
of Hastings who had been his playmate
and schoolmate from childhood
Immediately afterward the family
moved to Denver Orville the son also
going His father was a wealthy stock
man and the young man lived in ease
for years Finally his wife urged him
to take up some profession and he de
cided to become a dentist About three
years ago he came to Chicago to study
The grand jury has held Burnett to
answer for the murder
Burnett was a resident of McCook for
a few years going to Denver from here
and from there to Chicago where he
became tackle for the Chicago univer
sity football team and studied dentistry
on the side in the university
are now both dead and his only
sister Mrs Will L Yetter lives in
R R Quinn has resigned from the
Andy Dillon late fireman out of Mc
Cook is now in Denver
John Stevens was down from Denver
Saturday last on business
Agent Bardon at Republican City has
been promoted to the agency at Oberlin
N B Bush extra agent is in charge
here during the absence of Agent
Firemen Graves and Ketcham have
retired from the service with the com
panys consent
Master Mechanic Archibald and Trav
eling Engineer Dixon were Denver vis
itors Saturday
Oscar Sampson of the blacksmith shop
briefly visited his mother in Oxford
latter part of last week
T B Campbell went in to Omaha
last night to attend a meeting of the
state Endeavor society
Mr and Mrs Felix Kennedy are down
from Sheridan Wyoming guests of her
mother Mrs Mary Mullen
Engineer Cook with engine 116 and
Engineer Harris with 121 were in the
shops last week for light repairs
Engineer William Koll was up from
Republican City Wednesday having
light repairs done on his locomotive
Ben McFarland has resigned from the
service and is switching for the D R
G at Burnham Colorado near Denver
J A Chambers father of round house
foreman J W Chambers is visiting in
town this week Mr Chambers is an
engineer on the Western division Alli
ance Times
E M Crone for a while rip track
book keeper is now in Denver His de
parture is mildly mourned by several
creditors in the city He came here
during the summer from Red Cloud
Engineer C M Bailey has commenced
work on his new residence on his lots
north of Supt Campbells residence
Tlw plans and specifications call for one
of the best dwellings yet built in the
Fireman George A Fouts of Holyoke
Colorado and Miss Ida M Lindvall of
Holdrege were married on Wednesday
evening of last week After a short
visit in Denver they will settle down in
John T Rivett wife and daughter
Annie have just returned to Lincoln
from spending six months in old Eng
land Miss Ethel remained in school in
England Rivett was formerly at the
head of a department in the Burlington
There have been a half dozen or more
instances lately indicative of the fact
that the company is not encouraging
men in the engine service especially to
go into organizations The remem
brance of 1888 still lingers with them
Beginning October 17th coach cleaners
commence working ten hours per day
instead of eleven Another chain
or regular train crew was put on yester
day making twenty three crews working
out of here and there are the extras be
sides Alliance Times
The Railway Mens meeting here last
Thursday was attended by foremen and
others from all over the division J B
Burton was up from Oxford the round
house foreman from Holdrege H Q
Adams of Oxford Round House Fore
man Hollister of Red Cloud and others
Agent and Mrs A P Thomson de
parted Wednesday on a visit to their
son John who is a general foreman at
Missoula Montana They go via Bill
ings and will continue their journey on
the coast going south to San Francisco
from Seattle by steamer and returning
home after a short visit in California
where he has real estate interests
Pebble Cheviots Venetians Broad
cloths Meridian Cloth Granites and
all the staple and novel Dress Goods of
the season from 150 to 10c yd at The
Thompson Dry Goods Co
Furs with lustre Furs with softness
Furs with thickness and warmth in
Sable Bear Krimmer Chinchilla
Persian Lamb Monkey Astrakhan and
Electric Seal in Collarettes Scarfs and
Muffs from 1 to 750 at The Thomp
son Dry Goods Co
See the Estate Oak heaters at S M
Cochran Cos They have seamless
bottoms no putty to fall out and let in
the air to keep the fire constantly burn
ing rapidly which is expensive waste of
fuel They can also be changed from
soft to hard coal Its the best stove for
the money ever invented
Catholic Mass at 8 oclock a m
High mass at 1030 a m Sunday school
at 230 p m Sermon and benediction at
730 p m Rev T Daly Pastor
Methodist Sunday school 10 a m
Preaching 11 Junior League 3 Ep
worth League 7 Preaching 8 Prayer
meeting Wednesday evening 8
L M Grigsby Pastor
Congregational Sunday school a t
10 a m Preaching at 11 P S C E
at 6 45 Preaching at 8 Prayer-meeting
on Wednesday evening at 8 Morn
ing subject The Vision on the Mount
Evening subject Sparks from the As
sociation W J Turner Pastor
Episcopal At St Albans Episcopal
church Sunday Sunday school at 11
a m C W Barnes supt Morning
prayer at 11 a m Even song and ser
mon by rector at 730 p m Sunshine
club Friday afternoon at 430 Evening-prayer
Friday 730 Rectors sub
ject for evening service Law vs
Gospel Come
R M Hardman Rector
Baptist Sunday school 915 a m
Preaching 11 a m and 8 p m B Y
P U prayer meeling7 15 p m Prayer-
meeting Wednesday evening 8 oclock
The young people will hold a Blue Jay
social at the home of Mrs V Franklin
Friday evening Oct 25 All who enjoy
a good time are invited Come and get
An old time song service will be held
in connection with the evening service
None but the hymns of our childhood
will be sung There will bo an after
meeting immediately following the ser
mon Geo L White Pastor
Rev and Mrs R M Hardman of St
Albans Episcopal church entertained
fifteen members of the Sunshine club
Friday afternoon most happily
The temperance lecture by Rev A L
Morse Sunday evening in the Metho
dist church is receiving few bouquets
from the many who heard it Nufsed
The Methodist people have shown
their appreciation of the return of Rev
Grigsby to this pastorate by increasing
his salary S100 a year Lie now receives
900 and the use of the parsonage rent
An instructive lecture was delivered
in the Methodist church Tuesday even
ing by Rev C A Beck who is in
charge of the Methodist publishing
house in Seoul the capital city of Korea
His subject was Korea its people and
their habits
Presiding Elder Hardaway was up
from Holdrege Tuesday night and Wed
nesday morning arranging for the South
McCook work which will hereafter be
carried on by Rev Grigsby in addition to
filling regular appointments at Prospect
Park and Dodge school house
All members of the Star of Jupiter
wishing to be transferred into the Bank
ers Union of the World are requested
to take their examinations AT ONCE
and to be out to the meeting next
Thursday night Oct 31st at which
time a lodge of the Bankers Union will
be organized and the Star of Jupiter
lodge transferred into the same
D Cullen Pres
Bed Comforts of our make contain six
Izzer Cotton Batts M yards of cloth
are well tacked and hemmed and sell
for 1 65 up to 2 50 No other comfort
will content you after you have used an
Izzer Comfort The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
The largest assortment of steel ranges
at the lowest prices quality considered
also the steel cook stove in different pat
terns at S RI Cochran Cos It will
pay you to look over their goods before
It will get colder and Youll have to
hurry to get coal It wont be any
lower Let us know what you want and
well do the rest
Barnett Lumber Co
We are almost giving away remnants
in wall paper enough for one room
We must make room for our new stock
McConnell Berry
See Porters photographs whether you
intend to sit or not Now is the best
time to sit for Christmas photographs
Harry M Porter north of postoffice
For every purchase of a dollars worth
of goods you get a key to the money box
at The Cash Bargain Store
If you want to paint you will be as
tonished and profited by getting prices
at S M Cochran Cos
Soft white hands and velvety skin
the result of using McConnells fragrant
For clothing go to DeGroff Cog
Hows your fluo
Trade at Loars drug store
Dr J D Haro telephone 168
Keap your eyes peeled fbr smallpox
E J Cain has closed his restaurant
Just call up telephono2 and tell them
all about it
Box elder bugs are disagreeably num
erous and omnipresent
Stock tanks of all sizes at S M Coch
ran Cos for sale cheap
If you dont see what you want ask
at D C Marshs moat market
For Sale Two houses in West Mc
Cook Inquire of Thomas Burgo
Nobody meets our prices on coal hods
and shovels S M Cochran Co
Completest lino of legal blanks in Red
Willow county at The Tribune office
Two furnished rooms with board
Mrs C B Rowoll 1002 Madison street
A key to the money box with every
dollar purchase atC LDeGrofffc Cos
To rent Nice large front bed room
with or without board 308 Melvin st
Tho football season
May tho Lord have
November 28 29 and 30
Uncle Tom will be
Saturday night at tho
opens this day
mercy ou their
For rent Front room over tho meat
market Inquire of D C Marsh for
terms and particulars
Tho Southwest Nebraska
association will convene
For Sale A Majestic range nearly
new Will soil cheap Call at Waites
hardware store
This week William Dubarko sold his
half section farm no 17-2-28 and se 8-2-28
to John Troester for 1500
For Sale A vacant lot in West Mc
Cook Inquire of or write to Thomas
Burge McCook Nebraska
You will save the price 25 cents of a
Twentieth Century Coin Purse the first
month in lost money saved
D C Marsh invites your patronage-
guaranteeing the best meats obtainable
of all kinds At the old stand
The McCook Circle No a3 Ladies
G A R meet the first Saturday
every month in Odd Fellows hall
The Great Majestic continues to be
easily and far away the peer of them all
and is for sale at the same old place
with us next
opera house
Reserved seats at McConnell Berrys
The Twentieth Century purse is one
of the neatest and most unioue nurse
novelties in the market Price 25 cents
If you dont see what you are after
inquire at Marshs meat market They
have it and will take pleasure in show
ing you
The Tribune understands that W H
Johnston and E T Thorpe expect to
engage in the drug business in the
northwest somewhere
See Porters photographs whether you
intend to sit or not Now is tho best
time to sit for Christmas photographs
Harry M Porter north of postoffice
Salesmen Wanted To look after our
interests in Red Willow and adjacent
counties Salary or commission
The Harvey Oil Co Cleveland O
Thursdays of each week the children
of all widows who are unable to pay for
the same can secure a hair cut at my
barber shop free William Zint Pro
Judicious buyers find Marshs meat
market to their liking for there is com
bined the best in quality with the most
reasonable in price They have every
seasonable article in line too
Ladies Jackets at 375 150 5 0
750 to 12 Childrens Raglans and
Reefers from 150 to 500 Misses
Jackets 3 to 750 Blacks Blues
Browns Tans and Castors Costs noth
ing to see them The Thompson Dry
Goods Co
The sales of Izzer Cotton Batts have
more than doubled and their fame con
tinues to spread The most weight the
easiest unrolled and opened tho most
fluffy and least liable to pull apart
Price 10 cents The Thompson Dry
Goods Co exclusive agents
Mrs Cora Kelley wishes to announce
to the ladies of McCook that she has
just returned from a two weeks stay in
the dressmaking parlors of Daniel
Fishers Denver Colorado and is pre
pared to make gowns in tho most ap
proved style Fancy waists a specialty
Jardinieres new shapes new colors
McConnell Berry
P j