I Mm rnm WAVF m lliii uuliJJ 11 il V Jj Sv 1 T B ll ri Will be here soon and we have got in ahead with a full supply of V m a 1 Y HBasjuP fcn 1 it mm VI lit STOVE BOARDS STOVE OIL CLOTH PIPE ELBOWS S3 stove in the most convenient sizes and 2S MM prices We make a study of your wants Will you favor us with a call THE BEG flcCook Nebraska 0SJ0 IE OF McCOOK NEB I Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 DIRECTORS FRANKLIN WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT W a WOLFE C H WILLARD GEO HOCKNELL President B M FREES V Pras F A PENNELL Cash A CAMPBELL Director FRANK HARRIS Director m s DAMPERS BRUSHES m BLACKING HOOKS POKERS COAL PAILS OIL CLOTH BINDING You will also find a full supply of all the SSSsi cooking utensils used on and off the H n H kikWkkS S A V - sOtjfflt jUSxjlhi flfc t0E Ji wSlt xOc jffla jdfk rfkriflhr iffur Jtc jSjkjBh aOg xOa jgg 3jjc 5ytsigFCj s mprjjcajgc jjjrjjjciijrag jtgftTipc icxfc ytjfytijfsiji ajyrajjBr jpraijjx FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier T ZENS BANK f Jt t 1 PIRST iVVfWrfWWVWPAAWWWWVWWWWrfl a NT A TTnT A T Lizirrrrirrj ytfWVAWftWVWVWVWWV BANK SS22 n I Authorized Capital 100000 Capital and Surplus 60000 H m The McCook Tribune ITS ONLY ioq A YEAR ROKRBOUCH BROS Proprietors Omaha Nebr KAIL TK11M Open Monday Sept 2 Scores of new students will enivr in Septet oer 11 rr - for the opening COUKMCs OF fTlIDY Business Enfflish Shorthand Typewriting Telegraphy JVn Ari ADVANTAGES First class equipments employs the best has a College l nd Collece Paper Prtntinp Office Lecture Course Si Litenirv Society SIMlirTIIAT Y MAir Greep Pvstem Full course for 15 Write fu particular- KMUAZ IXKOKUATION Over 1000 students last year Uoird triren for iliree tbours wmu nor ila places hundreds of students in positions encli ear and iruaraun es -I CATALOUUK -Free to any address Write JtOIIKUOUGH ttlUKS Oiualu Neb zssjaaaagKaggEgs A California Opportunity September 10th to 27th both dates in clusive any Burlington Route ticket agent will sell you a round trip ticket to San Francisco at loss than regular one way rates The occasion is the grand convention of the Episcopal church and the rate is open to the general public as well as to the delegates to the convention No more delightful outing can be im agined The trip is made at a time of year when traveling is a pleasure and climate of California at its best The return limit November 15 1901 is an unusually long one for tickets sold at so low a rate Stop overs are allowed at pleasure both going and returning at and west of the first Colorado Wyom ing or Montana point en route All in all the opportunity is one which no man or woman who contemplates a visit to California can afford to overlook Folder giving details mailed on re quest Burlington ticket agent agents are in a position to give any further in formation that may be desired 9 64ts J Francis Gen Passenger Agt Omaha Nebraska Stood Death Off E U Munday a lawyer of Henrietta Tex once fooled a grave digger He says My brother was very low with malarial fever and jaundice I persuaded him to try Electric Bitters and he was soon much better but con tinued their use until he was wholly cured I am sure Electric Bitters saved his life This remedy expells malaria kills disease germs and purifies the blood aids digestion regu lates the liver kidney and bowels cures con stipation dyspepsia nervous diseases kidney troubles female complaints gives perfect health Only 50c at McConnell Berrys drug store Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by tlie McCook postoflice Sept 24 1901 C W Armour Joseph Ben jaman Arba Cooley Albert Hornkohl J E Knapp Kate L McMullen MrsEJMcMullenB D Moore Miss Nellie Moorse E W Eees 2 Wm Sutton E H Vaughn When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster Gentlemen My wife was afflicted with Dyspepsia and Constipation for years After tiying other remedies I purchased a bottle of Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin for her and she is rapidly improving I cannot be without this valuable medicine Kesp yours Elk City Kans Dec i 1000 Elliot Keep Your Face Clean your complexion clear your breath sweet your head level Dr Caldwells Syrup Pepsin will do this It cures Constipation Sick Headiche and Indigestion and is a perfect laxative Sold by A McMilleu BANKSV1LLE Andrew Anderson commenced sowing grain this week Eugene Dunham was in the county seat on business Monday A M Benjamin and family were Hanksville visitors Sunday Mrs John Rowland drove over to the county capital to trade Monday C T Eller hauled lour loads of alfalfa over from Colonel Corwins Monday Wasnt last weeks Tribune a peach Twelve pages illustrated and up-to-date The wind blew great guns Tues day to even up the preceeding few quiet days Mrs W E Knobbs and Mabel Hart man drove out to Banksville from Mc Cook Monday on a visit Banksville patrons are keeping the hand cream separator moving It gets the cream ready for market Many physicians are now prescribing Kodol Dyspepsia Lure regularly having found that it is the best prescription they can write be cause it is the one preparation which contains the elements to digest not only some kinds of foods but all kinds and it therefore cures indigestion and dyspepsia no matter what is the cause McConnell Berry A diseased liver declares itself by morose ness mental depression lack of energy rest lessness melancholy and constipation Her bine will restore the liver to a healthy condi tion Price 50c A McMillen Machine Oils S M Cochran Co have it in best qualities and at very reasonable prices They can fill your order promptly for any oil you may want B W Pursell Kmtersville Pa says he suf fered 25 years with piles and could obtain no relief until DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve ef fected a permanent cure Counterfeits are worthless McConnell Berry 125 buys a gallon of good outside or inside paint Good black roof very cheap McConnell Berky Last week I went about Full of trouble and of doubt Now Im smiling and dance with delight I had some Rofcky Mountain Tea last night Ask your druggist McCook Transfer Line l YQWaliXe fiKo8Z3 A yjiijKfiu saEBmaaBmxm I J H DWYER Proprietor ESgHSpecial attention paid to hauling furniture Leave orders at either lumber yard Prepare for Darius Miller Chicago Sept 25 Special Tele gram James J Hill president of the Great Northern road was in Chicago today and held an inportant conference with several railroad men of prominence Mr Hill is on his way to New York and it was stated that the purpose of his visit here was to arrange for the coming of Darius Miller as traffic manager of the Great Northern and the Burlington It developed that Mr Miller will not come to Chicago until after the annual meeting of the Northern Pacific which will be in October There is a hitch in the original plan as outlined by Mr Hill It was his de sire to have Mr Miller in charge of the traffic of the three rpads and to oust President Mellen of the Northern Pa cific In his plan also the Northern Pacific was to play second fiddle to the Great Northern in the matter of getting exchange traffic from the Burlington Mr Mellen however proved strong enough to frustrate a portion of this plan and when he objected to Mr Millers being placed over his head in the matter of traffic his objection was favorably considered by the Harriman people As a compromise it was decided to permit Mr Miller to come as traffic di rector of the Great Northern and the Burlington with advisory privileges over the Northern Pacifics traffic Curo for Dysentery and Diarrhoea Some years ago I was one of a party that intended making a long bicyle trip says FL Taylor of New AlbanyBradford county Pa I was taken suddenly with diarrhoea and was about to give up the trip when Edi tor Ward of the Lacevville Messenger sug gested that 1 take a dose of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I purchased a bottle and took two doses one befoie starting and one on the route I made the trip successfully and never felt any ill effect Again last summer I was almost com pletely run down with an attack of dysentery I bought a bottle of this same remedy and this time one dose cured me Sold by Mc Connell Berry Druggists Sid Darling 1012 Howard St Port Huron Mich writes I have tried many pils and laxatives but DeWitte Little Earlv Risers are far the best pills I have ever used They npvpr ffrinp Mrffcrnnll Rr Tut ri Rushing- Construction Work The San Pedro Los Angeles Salt Lake railroad Senator Clarks new line has let the contract lor grading the thirty uules between Los Augeles and Pomona Work will begin immediately and the contractors expect to have the grade ready for the track inside of 100 days at the outside It is the boast of the railway people that no projected line of Soo miies or more was ever started with as good a construction The contract calls for roadbed and material which will make it stronger and better equipped than any other railroad in the west and it is claimed that only one road in the United States will be its equal when completed The specifications call for an eighteen foot roadbed at the grade line with seventeen inches of ballast at the base of the rails Other details of the specifi cations call for seventy-five-pound rails joint splices one and one-half-pound joint bolts 278 pound tie plates and 7200 pounds of spikes 3168 ties and 2446 cubicyards of ballast to the mile Omaha Bee A Communication Mr Editor Allow me to speak a few words in favor of Chamberlains Cough Remedy I suffered for three years with the bronchitis and could not sleep at nights I tried several doctors and various patent med icines but could get nothing to give me any relief until my wife got a bottle of this valu able medicine which has completely relieved me W S Brockman Bagnell Mo This remedy is tor sale by McConnell Berrv druggists A never failing cure for cuts burns scalds ulcers wounds and sores is DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve A most soothing and healing remedy for all skin affections Accept only the genuine McConnell Berry 9 JSisMgr s -- ipGiv3 I Every woman in the country I ought to know about iF fffieiti Is ft 1 Those who do know about it wonder how they ever got along without it It has robbed child birth of its terrors for manv a young wife It has preserved her girlish figure and saved her much suffering It is an external lini ment and canies with it therefore g absolutely- no danger of H the system as drues taken intern- S v ally are apt to do It is to be S rubbed into the abdomen to soften jfl and strengthen the muscles which H are to bear the strain This means P much less pain It also prevents I morning sickness and all of the other discomforts of pregnancy A druggist of Macon Ga savs I have sold a large quantitvof Mothers Friend and have never known an instance where it has tailed to produce the good results claimed for it A prominent ladv of Tnm a berton Ark writes With my 0 uvst six children 1 was in labor irom 24 to 30 hours After using mumer s rriena mv seventh was J - M nnrn in a hrr y UVUtS Get Mothers Friend at the drnrr btore 3100 per bottle THE BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO ri ATI 1 VTA rl wiBr9 Wf M g Writs for car free tltmrtrl book BEFORE BABY g ii TB rmi ill IHIIW I jPPPy 3 Wfto Wants Soaf We can fill your orders PROMPTLY for either Hard or Soft Coal ALL COAL SCREENED SOFT COAL Maitland Lump Maitland Nut Cannon City Lump Sheridan Lump Bringing- Gould to Terms A J Cassett president of the Penn sylvania Railroad company has de manded of George Gould the surrender of the Wabash railway system and the Wheeling Luke Erie at a price which will net a profit to the Goulds under threat of cutting off the whole Qf the HARD COAL Pennsylvania Nut Pennsylvania Stove Colorado Nut Colorado Grate If you are going to build a house or intend to repair your old one re member we keep a complete stock of Building Material BEST GRADES and LOWEST PRICES JSarnettfcumea J B BALLARD O DENTIST All dental work done at our office is guar anteed to be first class We do all kinds of Crown Bridge and Plate Work DRJBFICKES Western Union telegraph lines from the j A RcHclblC AAMtaV entire Pennsjlvania rtulroad system as 1 n IjIclQUate DeiltlSt well as from the Vamierbilt lines which have agreed to the deal 1 Thitt ia u til rfH t lliut mi ntic a war AlLUUUlV greater than any that has ever taken place in this country The penalty means that the Western Union will suffer the greatest blow in its history and will lose many of its profitable lines which will be turned over to its great rival the Postal Telegraph company This ultimatum means more than any other railway deal in the history of this country It is believed that the Goulds will accede to the demand and that the Pennsylvania will not only add nearly 3000 concomitant miles to its trackage but will also get rid of a rival for the Carnegie steel business which is the largest factor in that whole matter re sulting from a contract made by Mr Carnegie with the Wheeling Lake Erie before the United States Steel cor poration was formed and to carry out which the Goulds were trying to build a line into Pittsburg Philadelphia In quirer A Night of Terror Awfu anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Bumham of Mechias Me when the doctors said she would die from pneumonia before morning writes Mrs S H Lincoln who attended her that fearful night but she begged for Dr Kings New Discovery which had more than once saved her life and cured her of consumption After taking she slept all night Further use en tirely cured her This marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all throat chest and lung diseases Only 50c and Sloo Trial bottles free at McConnell Berry s drug store As an external liniment of most wonderful penetrative and curative power Ballards Snow Liniment is not equalled by any other in the world Price 25 and 50c A McMillen White Cream Vermifuge is pefrectly harm less and will remove every worm It is also atonic and by its strengthening properties will restore to pale cheeks the rosy hue of health Price 25 cts A McMillen WANTED SEVERAL PERSONS of charac ter and good reputation in each state one in this county required to represent and advertifie old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing Salary 1300 weekly with expenses additional all payable in cash each Wednesday direct from head office Horse and carriage furnished when necessary Refer ences Enclose self addressed stamped envel ope Manager 31G Caxton Building Chicago McCOOK STJEGICAL HOSPITAL d wvGage McCook - - - Nebraska Office First National bank building next to City hall HorKS 330 to 12 1 to 6 7 to 9 Night calls answered from residence over bank C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 P o Building II P SUTTON NcCOOK JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATT0ENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEE McCook Nebraska HTAgent of Lincoln Land Co Office--First door north of Commercial hotel SET YOUR CAN OUT I KfW vw THE - OIL - MAN IS - COMING - WttlJ PHONE 36 Oyer Mc Connell Berrys n F D Bukgess NEB McCOOK TANK LINE S D McCLAIN Prop Plumber and Steam Fitter McCOOK NEBR Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun Eclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker- Phillips Building cv rviBvr All Calls For The m HS Answered by the BLUE FRONT LIVERY BARN Will make all trains and an swer all calls to any part of the city W H Ackerman P McCook Nebraska fc VVV VPWt JiM J DilEWantTTT To Save Money Send in your name and address and get our Catalogue of all kinds of Merchan dise at prices defying competition Fully Illustrated Catalogue sen t on receipt of 10 cents for postage KAHN GREEN BERGER 25T to 261 Dearborn Street Chicago m CATALOGUE MAILED DURING JULY L rJULED genuine original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA cineeSnIyabL1lladIson Medl In biiis H2 veru Adc JSFaSygWI fl rt r